08 May 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-005989-005989 / 2008
Diary number: 5340 / 2007


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Civil Appeal No.5989 of 2008



National Aluminium Co. Ltd. & Ors.             ….Appellant(s)


          Ananta Kishore Rout & Ors.                       ….Respondent(s)


Civil Appeal No.5992 of 2008 Civil Appeal No.5993 of 2008



1. The  Appellant  herein,  National  Aluminium  Company  

Limited  (NALCO)  has  established  two  schools  for  the  

benefit of the wards of its-employees.  These schools are  

known as Saraswati  Vidaya Mandir  (SVM) and located at  

NALCO  Nagar  in  Angul  district  and  at  Damandjodi  in  

Koraput district, Orissa.  Management of these schools is  

presently  in  the  hand  of  Saraswati  Vidya  Mandir  (SVS)  

which is affiliated to Vidya Bharati Akhila Bharatiya Sikhya  




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2. Two Writ Petitions were filed by the employees of each of  

school in the Orissa High Court, Cuttack for a declaration  

that they are the employees of NALCO and be treated as  

such, with consequential prayer that these employees be  

also  accorded  suitable  pay  scales  as  admissible  to  the  

employees of NALCO.  Having regard to the commonality  

of  fact,  situation  under  which  these  writ  petitions  were  

filed, as well as singularity of the issue involved, both these  

writ petitions were heard together by the High Court, the  

outcome of which is the judgment dated 21st December,  

2006.   The  High  Court  has  accepted  the  case  of  these  

employees of SVM holding them to be the employees of  

the  NALCO.   As  a  sequittor,  direction  is  issued  to  the  

NALCO to make available the benefits, which are enjoyed  

by other employees of the NALCO.  Present appeals, filed  

by NALCO, question the validity of the aforesaid judgment  

of the High Court.

3. We may first  take  note  of  those facts  which  are  not  in  

dispute.  These are as follows:



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NALCO is a Public Sector Enterprise under  

the Government of India.  It is Company incorporated under  

the Indian Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office at  

Bhubaneswar, Orissa.  NALCO is engaged in manufacture and  

production  of  Alumina  and  Aluminium.   It  has  its  

manufacturing  units:  one  at  NALCO  Nagar,  Angul  and  at  

Damanjodi in Koraput district.

4. In the year 1984, NALCO established two  

schools  in  the  townships  set  up  by  it  for  its  employees  

working in its manufacturing units at NALCO Nagar, Angul and  

at  Damanjodi,  with  a  view  to  provide  educational  facility  

mainly to the children of its employees from primary to +2  

level  though  the  children  from neighbouring  area  are  also  

given admissions.  It also provided necessary infrastructure,  

such  as  land,  building,  furniture,  library,  laboratory  

equipments and other assets.   The said schools admittedly  

are  unaided  private  schools.   On  15th May,  1985,  NALCO  

entered into two separate but identical agreements for the  

aforesaid  schools  with  the  Central  Chinmoy  Mission  Trust,  

Bombay (in short,  CCMT) whereunder the NALCO entrusted  



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the management of the schools on contract basis to CCMT  

and the schools were called Chinmay Vidyalayas.  According  

to the these agreements, NALCO agreed to pay an amount of  

Rs.10,000/-  per  annum  to  CCMT  as  donation  towards  the  

supervision charges for each school.

5. These Agreements acknowledged the fact  

that the two schools have been established by the NALCO and  

to start and run those schools, it had approached CCMT.  The  

Agreements further stipulated terms and conditions on which  

CCMT was to run and manage these schools.  It is a common  

case of the parties that the schools have been recognized by  

the  State  Government  (Education  Department)  and  also  

affiliated to the Orissa Board of Secondary Education. As per  

the requirements of the Statute governing school education,  

every school is required to constitute a Managing Committee.  

Accordingly, these Agreements also provided that the powers  

to establish, maintain and manage the schools shall vest in  

the Managing Committee consisting of seven members.  Out  

of these seven members,  four were the nominees of CCMT  

and three persons were nominated by the NALCO.  Chairman,  



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Vice-Chairman and Secretary-cum-correspondent were to be  

the nominees of CCMT.  Though the admission in the schools  

is  open  to  all  children  irrespective  of  caste,  creed  and  

community, preference is to be given to the children of the  

employees  of  the  NALCO.   Apart  from  constructing  the  

building and providing requisite furniture and fittings, NALCO  

was also to provide quarters at its own cost for teachers and  

staff members of the schools.  NALCO also agreed to provide  

residential accommodation to every employee in due course.  

Significantly, the employees of the schools were to be treated  

at  par  with  NALCO  employees  so  far  as  the  medical,  

consumer  co-operative,  club  and  similar  facilities  are  

concerned.  NALCO also agreed to meet the revenue deficit  

as per Clause 15 of the said Agreement which reads as under:

“15. That NALCO shall meet the revenue defit of  Chinmaya  Vidyalaya,  Damanjodi  on  the  actual  basis.  Since NALCO shall be meeting the capital  expenditure and the revenue deficit, NALCO shall  have the right  to  fix  the tuition fees and other  charges from time to time for children of NALCO  employees and others.”

6. These agreements were terminable at the  

instance of the parties by giving six months prior notice in  



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writing to the other party.  In the event of termination the  

agreements, the services of the staff employed by the school  

were liable to be terminated in accordance with the terms of  

their appointment in these schools.   

7. These  agreements  came  to  an  end  by  

efflux of time in the year 1990.  It appears that CCMT was not  

interested in continuing with the aforesaid arrangement.  This  

led  NALCO  to  find  another  organization  for  running  and  

managing the schools.  It is how SVS came into the picture  

which  agreed  to  manage  both  the  schools.   Accordingly  

Agreement dated 18th May, 1990 was entered into by NALCO  

with SVS.  As per the Agreement,  name of the school  was  

changed from Chinmaya Vidyalaya Damanjodi  to  Saraswati  

Vidya Mandiar (SVM).  As per this agreement NALCO agreed  

to  pay  Rs.2,000/-  per  month  to  the  SVS  towards  its  

supervision charges which was enhanced from time to time  

and this figure was Rs.50,000/- per annum at the time of the  

filing of the writ petitions in the High Court.  Even as per this  

Agreement,  the  Executive  Authority  of  these  two  schools  

vests  in  the  Managing  Committee  to  be  constituted  



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separately for each of the schools.  This Managing Committee  

is constituted with the following members:

“a) The  respective  unit  heads  of  Damanjodi/Angul or its nominee shall be the ex- officio president; b) A nominee of the Finance department of  the respective units of NALCO; c) A nominee of the Personnel Admn. Department  of the respective units of NALCO; d) A representative of the parents/guardians who  hsall be an employee of NALCO to be co-opted by  the  Managing  Committee  respectively  for  each  school at the units; e) 4 members to be nominated by the Samiti; f) The headmaster of the school; g) A representative of the teachers; h) A part-time representative of  the  Samiti  who  shall  act  as  the  ex-officio  member-secretary  of  the Managing Committees.”

The aforesaid clause in the Agreement is  

with  a  proviso  that  the  relevant  provisions  of  the  Orissa  

Education Act and Rules shall be kept in view while making  

aforesaid nominations.

8. Accordingly,  two  Managing  Committees  

were constituted; one for each school  and both have been  



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registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.  As per  

the  provision  contained  in  clause  4  of  the  aforesaid  

Agreement, other clauses relating to placing at the exclusive  

disposal  of  the  SVS,  the  two  school  premises  along  with  

requisite  furniture/fittings,  library,  laboratory  games  

equipments,  audio-visual,  etc.  remain  as  it  is.   Likewise  

provision for providing deficit funds, after accounting for the  

fee and other amounts received from the students, by NALCO  

is  also  maintained.   Other  functions  which  are  specifically  

assigned to the Managing Committee, as per this Agreement,  

are as follow:

“(a)  Audit of the schools accounts by the Auditors  appointed by the Managing Committee. (b)  Managing Committee to raise funds by way of  donation  and  voluntary  contribution  including  power  to  borrow  funds  or  raise  loans  for  the  purpose of the schools after getting prior approval  of the Samiti, without any liability to NALCO.”

9. It  is  also  significant  to  note  that  apart  

from  providing  usual  termination  clause,  as  per  this  

Agreement, the Samiti  agreed to retain the services of the  



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existing teachers and staff in both the schools as provided in  

clause 25 thereof, which is to the following effect:

“25.  It has been agreed by the Samiti to retain  the services of the existing teachers and staffs in  both  the  schools  on  their  existing  terms  and  conditions  of  service  and  the  Managing  Committee  in  due  course  may  review  the  position.”

10.  Since the teaching and non-teaching staff  

working in the aforesaid schools had no service conditions,  

there was discontentment among the employees.  Therefore,  

it was thought proper to frame rules regulating conditions of  

service for such employees.  A joint meeting was convened  

for this purpose wherein certain modalities were worked out  

to  frame  rules  regarding  recruitment  and  conditions  of  

services of the employees of the schools and a committee for  

this purpose was constituted comprising of the authorities of  

both  the  schools  at  Angul  and  Damanjodi,  the  Manager  

(Personnel) of NALCO and the Secretary of SVS.  A set of draft  

rules  was  framed  under  the  name  and  style  ‘Saraswati  

Vidyamandir  Employees’  Recruitment  and  Conditions  of  



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Service  Rules,  1995’  (Rules’  hereinafter).   The  Rules  so  

framed were approved by the Corporate office of NALCO.   

11. These Rules provide for the scales of pay  

of  different  categories  of  employees,  the  modalities  for  

recruitment  of  Principal,  teachers  and  other  non-teaching  

staff and determination of seniority of the employees besides  

fixing the age of superannuation etc.

12.    It  cannot  be disputed that  as per  these  

Rules, it is the Managing Committee’s of the schools, which  

are registered as societies under the Societies Registration  

Act,  undertake  the  recruitment  of  the  teaching  and  other  

staff, issue appointment letters and take all other decisions in  

respect of the services of teaching and other staff including  

promotion, pay fixation, seniority, grant of leave, disciplinary  

action,  retirement,  termination  etc.   This  has  been  so  

demonstrated by NALCO by producing copies of the orders  

issued by the MCs relating to each of the aforesaid aspects.  

Not only this, it has been so provided under the Rules as well.  

Rule  4  prescribes  the  method  of  recruitment;  Rule  2(a)  

defines the appointing as MC; Rule 4(11) deals with the cadre  



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of posts; Rule 20 touches the aspect of termination of service;  

and Rule 24 deals with the discipline and disciplinary action.

13. From  these  facts,  narrated  above,  one  

can easily find out as to what are the respective cases of both  

the parties.   The  employees  of  both  schools  filed  the  writ  

petitions to lay the claim that they are the employees of the  

NALCO on the ground that real control and supervision of the  

schools, including the staff is that of NALCO which has the  

final  say  in  all  vital  matters.   It  was  their  argument  that  

though  the  appointments  are  made  by  the  Managing  

Committees of the schools, it  is on the recommendation of  

the Selection Committee of which the authorities of NALCO  

are the members.  Further, since inception of the school, an  

officer in the rank of General  Manager of NALCO has been  

functioning as the President of the Managing Committee, and  

an  officer  in  the  rank  of  Chief  Manager/DGM  (Personal  

Admn.), and the DGM (Finance) are the other two members.  

That  apart,  the  building  furniture/fittings  and all  necessary  

paraphernalia for running of the schools is provided by and is  

the responsibility of NALCO.  Even the finances are provided  



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by NALCO the financial budget is approved by the Board of  

Director of the NALCO. NALCO even fixes the tuition fee.  No  

transaction of the schools can be made without the approval  

of DGM (Finance), NALCO which includes the expenditure with  

regard  to  the  salary  component,  provident  fund,  medical  

reimbursement,  leave  travel  concession,  festival  advance,  

increments,  etc.   Teaching  and  non-teaching  staff  of  the  

schools are allotted with residential quarters by the NALCO.  It  

was  thus  argued  that  NALCO  plays  a  decisive  role  in  the  

matter  of  appointment of  the employees as well  as  in  the  

management of the schools.

14.  On the other hand, the case of the NALCO  

was that Managing Committees are the societies registered  

under  Societies  Registration  Act  having  independent  legal  

status;  it  is  these  MCs  which  are  not  only  the  appointing  

authorities  but  disciplinary  authorities  with  all  controlling  

power over these employees and therefore NALCO cannot be  

treated as the employer of the staff of the schools.

15. The  High  Court  after  considering  the  

respective submissions and perusing the material on record  



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came to the conclusion that real control and supervision over  

these  employees  and  even  over  the  schools,  was  that  of  

NALCO.   Some of  the relevant  discussion in  the impugned  

judgment is extracted below:

“A bare look at the basic document, i.e. agreement  dated  15th May,  1985  entered  into  between  the  NALCO  and  CCMT,  Clause  20  of  it,  as  indicated  above,  would  show  that  on  termination  of  the  agreement,  only  the  name  of  the  Chinmaya  Vidyalaya  cannot  be  used  by  NALCO  and  subsequently,  the  place  of  CCMT  has  been  taken  over by SVS.  From the voluminous documents as  referred to above, there can be no second opinion in  regard to the fact that the schools were established  by the NALCO, funded by NALCO authorities and it  has deep and pervasive control over the schools.  It  is the NALCO, which pays the salary, Provident fund,  and makes the medical reimbursement, the SVS as  stated in its affidavit, only looked to the discipline,  curriculum and management of the schools.  In this  regard, we may refer to a decision rendered by this  Court in OJC No.4581985 (Duryodhan Swain & Ors.  vs.  Fertiliser  Corporation  of  India  and  others)  on  22.11.1990,  wherein  a  similar  question  arose.  Twenty-one  petitioners  serving  in  the  Fertilizer  Higher Secondary school in different capacities had  filed  the  said  writ  petition.   The  said  school  was  imparting teaching in + 2 course and on account of  the welfare need of its employees, the school was  given  grant  and  was  converted  into  a  Higher  Secondary  School.   Even  though  a  managing  committee  was  constituted  for  the  said  school,  representatives  of  trade  unions  and  of  guardians  and parents as well as the officials of the corporation  were  also  included.   The  financial  control  of  the  school  rested  in  a  larger  measure  with  the  



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corporation  and  it  was  fully  financed  by  the  corporation.   In  those  prevailing  facts  and  circumstances, this court held that the corporation  had deep and pervasive control over the working of  the school and ultimately, directed the corporation  to accept the petitioners to be its employees.   Now in the instant case, at the cost of repetition,  we may say that the agreement dated 18.05.1990  entered  into  between  the  NALCO  and  the  SVS  (Annexure 1) and the agreement dated 15.05.1985  entered  into  between  the  NALCO  and  CCMT  (Annexure  19)  as  indicated  above,  would  amply  prove  the  control  of  NALCO  over  the  schools  in  finance,  payment,  discipline  and  administration.  This fact  is  further corroborated and strengthened  by the submission of the learned counsel for the SVS  that  it  only  carries  on  the  activities  of  providing  better  educational  aid  and  that  it  is  not  an  educational agency. It is a peculiar case, where there is no denial that all  the employees are getting much higher scale of pay  than that of the employees of the aided and unaided  schools under the state and their  pay structure is  totally  different  and  even  much  better  than  the  employees  of  all  the  Government  educational  institutions functioning of the state.  It has become  possible  only  due  to  the  reason  that  the  entire  finance  is  being  paid  by  NALCO  and  if  NALCO  withdraws itself from the schools, neither SVS and  SVM would  be  able  to  meet  the  expenses  of  the  schools. The  agreement  dated  15.05.1985  as  well  as  the  conduct of the parties and the transactions that are  carried on from 1985 till today, would indicate that  NALCO  has  deep  and  pervasive  control  over  the  management of the schools and it is NALCO, which  is  the  educational  agency  in  establishing  the  schools.  The argument advanced by Mr. R.K. Rath,  learned  counsel  for  NALCO,  and  Mr.  B.N.  Rath,  



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learned counsel appearing for SVS in both the Writ  Petitions do not detract from the position that the  schools  are  being  managed  and  financed  by  the  NALCO and from the documents.  It is crystal clear  that the ownership and overall management of the  schools are retained by the NALCO while CCMT and  SVM or SVS as the case may be, have taken up the  responsibility  of  running  the  schools  at  different  point  of  time  because  they  have  expertise  and  experience in the field of teaching.”

16. Before us arguments of both the parties  

remain  the  same.   Mr.  P.P.  Rao,  learned  Senior  Counsel  

appearing  for  the  Appellant  in  one  appeal  and  Mr.  Ashok  

Gupta,  Senior  Advocate  appearing  in  the  other  appeal  of  

NALCO challenged the aforesaid line of thinking of the High  

Court.  It was argued by Mr. Rao that the High Court took into  

consideration  those  facts  which  were  irrelevant  and  not  

germane  to  decide  the  controversy  viz.  over  the  whether  

NALCO  had  any  deep  and  comprehensive  control  and  

supervision over the teaching and other staff of the school.  

His  submission  was  that  establishment  of  the  school  with  

necessary infrastructure was not at all relevant factor.  The  

schools  were  set  up  by  NALCO  acknowledging  its  

responsibility as a model employer which can be termed as a  

step towards “Corporate Social Responsibility”.  As a welfare  15


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measure,  NALCO wanted to  provide this  facility  in  the two  

NALCO campuses.  However, by providing land, building and  

infrastructure and setting up of the school, all of it has been  

handed over to the outside agency to run these schools.  For  

running these schools, it is that outside agency which had to  

employ the staff and settle their service conditions.  In so far  

as provision of providing financial assistance is concerned, it  

was only to the extent of meeting shortfall, again, keeping in  

mind good corporate  governance.  He  argued  that  the real  

test in such a case was to examine as to which authority was  

the  appointing  authority  of  the  employees,  and  was  fixing  

terms  and  conditions  of  the  employment,  including  fixing  

their  service conditions like pay fixation, seniority,  grant of  

leave, promotion etc.  When all these powers were with the  

Managing Committee or  the  SVS which  was so  specifically  

provided in the service rules as well, duly approved by the  

Director  of  Education,  by  no  stretch  of  imagination  these  

employees could be called as the employees of NALCO.  

17. Another submission of  Mr.  Rao was that  

even  the  High  Court  has  accepted,  in  the  impugned  



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judgment, that the employees of these schools are enjoying  

much  higher  scales  of  pay  than  that  of  the  employees  of  

aided and unaided schools under the State of Orissa and their  

pay structure is much better than the employees of even the  

Government educational institutions functioning in the State.  

He, thus, argued that when it is established as an admitted  

fact  that  the  salaries  and  services  conditions  of  the  

employees  of  these  schools  are  far  superior  than  their  

counter parts in working in aided, unaided and government  

schools,  there  was  no  reason  for  these  employees  to  file  

these petitions.  Elaborating this proposition, the submission  

of Mr. Rao was that even if it is assumed that they are the  

employees of NALCO, no direction could have been given to  

give  them  the  pay  scales  which  are  enjoyed  by  the  

employees of NALCO, in the absence of any parity inasmuch  

as principle of equal pay for equal work has no application in  

a case like this as the duties, functions, job requirements and  

even the eligibility conditions for appointment of such staff  

were materially different from the employees of the NALCO.  

Therefore,  the  High  Court  could  not  give  any  direction  to  

NALCO  to  make  available  the  benefits  which  are  being  



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enjoyed by other employees of NALCO to the employees of  

these schools.  To buttress this argument he referred to the  

following judgments:   

(i) A.K.  Bindal  &  Anr.  v.  Union  of  India  &  Ors.;  (2003) 5 SCC 163;  (ii) State   of   West   Bengal   &  Anr.  v. West   Bengal   Registration  Copywriters Association   and   Anr.;   (2009) 14  SCC  132,   (iii)  Nihal Singh & Ors. v.  State of Punjab & Ors;  (2013) 10 Scale 162

18. Mr. Ashok Gupta, in addition, argued that  

the impugned direction to treat the employees of the school  

as  that  of  NALCO,  amended  to  giving  them the  status  of  

public employment which was impermissible inasmuch as the  

procedure  for  recruitment  by  NALCO for  its  own staff  was  

entirely different.  Further,  whether the agreement entered  

into with SVS is a camouflage an aspect which could not have  

been gone into in writ proceedings under Article 226 of the  

Constitution.  He also argued that impugned direction of the  

High Court would discourage the corporate sector, private or  

public,  to take up welfare measures for its  employees and  

would  be  counter  productive  to  the  principle  of  corporate  18


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good governance, which is now mandatorily provided under  

new Companies Act, enacted by the Parliament in the year  


19. Mr.  Venugopal,  the  learned  Senior  

Counsel appearing for the employees of the schools defended  

the judgment of the High Court and the directions contained  

therein.  He referred to all those documents and provisions as  

per  which  NALCO had  been  exercising  effective  control  in  

functioning of  these schools.   These features  have already  

been mentioned above.  Thrust of his submission was that  

even  when  there  was  cloak  of  Managing  Committee,  

apparently running the show, it was only a subterfuge, when  

examined in the light of the aforesaid documents reflecting  

that the real control was that of NALCO which was pulling the  

strings.   Apart  from  highlighting  that  the  schools  were  

established by NALCO which remain the property of NALCO, it  

is even providing entire infrastructure as well as full financial  

support  on  continuous  basis.   Further  the  schools  were  

established  for  the  benefit  of  the  children  of  NALCO’s  

employees. He also referred to various documents, which are  



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taken  note  of  by  the  High  Court  as  well,  to  buttress  his  

submission that the actual decision making authority from the  

stage of recruitment process to that of termination of these  

employees, is NALCO. From these documents,  he drew the  

attention of the Court to the following aspects:

“(i)  Though the appointments are made by the  

Managing  Committees  of  the  School,  selection  

process  of  appointment  is  controlled  by  NALCO  

which has financial say in the matter.

(ii)   Appointments  are  made  on  the  

recommendation  of  the  Selection  Committee  of  

which authorities of NALCO are the members.

(iii)  President of  the Managing Committee is  

the General  Manager of NALCO.  Likewise Chief  

Manager/DGM  (Personnel  Administration)  is  

member of the Managing Committee who takes  

care  of  personnel  managing  of  the  Managing  

Committee.   Financial  affairs of the Schools are  

controlled  by  DGM  (Finance)  of  NALCO  as  a  

member  of  the  Managing  Committees.   In  this  



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way  administrative  and  financial  control  is  

exercised by NALCO.

(iv)  Entire expenses incurred for running of the  

school  are  borne by  NALCO and no transaction  

can  be  made  without  the  approval  of  DGM  

(Finance),  NALCO  including  the  expenses  with  

regard  to  the  salary,  Provident  Fund,  medical  

reimbursement, Leave Travel Concession, festival  

advance, increments etc.

(v) Teaching  and  non-teaching  staff  of  the  

schools  also  enjoyed  the  facilities  of  Consumer  

Cooperative Society by NALCO as well as NALCO  

Hospital, like any other employees of NALCO.

(vi) Budgetary  provisions  for  the  school  are  

made  by  the  NALCO  authorities  every  year.  

NALCO appoints auditors to audit the accounts of  

the  schools.   NALCO  has  provided  residential  

quarters to the teaching and non-teaching staff of  

the school in the NALCO Township at par of the  

employees of the NALCO.   



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(vii) Documents  show  that  day  to  day  

grievances  of  the  staff  of  different  schools  and  

other  issues  are  addressed  by  NALCO  


  20. Mr. Venugopal submitted that in a matter  

like this, where one has to examine as to who may be the  

employer of the employees of the school, there were three  

possibilities  namely  NALCO,  Siksha  Samiti  or  Managing  

Committee.   He  argued  that  so  far  as  the  Managing  

Committee is concerned, it is not having any legal entity of its  

own.  Moreover  as  soon as  the agreement  between NALCO  

and SVS comes to an end, these Managing Committees would  

disappear.  Therefore, such a body cannot be the employer.  

Likewise, in so far as the SVS is concerned, it was only an  

agency for running the school and would go away after the  

expiry or termination of the agreement.  Therefore, it would  

follow  that  NALCO  is  the  real  employer  which  fact  stands  

established from the manner  in  which NALCO is  exercising  

deep and pervasive control.   



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21. We  have  considered  the  aforesaid  

submissions  with  reference  to  the  record  of  this  case.  No  

doubt,  the  school  is  established  by  NALCO.  NALCO is  also  

providing necessary infrastructure. It has also given adequate  

financial  support  inasmuch  as  deficit,  after  meeting  the  

expenses from the tuition fee and other incomes received by  

the schools, is met by NALCO. NALCO has also placed staff  

quarters at the disposal of the schools which are allotted to  

the employees of the schools. Employees of the school are  

also  accorded  some  other  benefits  like  recreation  club  

facilities  etc.  However,  the  poser  is  as  to  whether  these  

features  are sufficient  to  make the staff  of  the schools  as  

employees of NALCO.  

22. In  order  to  determine  the  existence  of  

employer - employee relationship, the correct approach would  

be to consider as to whether there is complete control and  

supervision  of  the  NALCO.  It  was  so  held  by  this  Court  in  

Chemical Works Limited (supra) way back in the year 1957.  

The  court  emphasised  that  the  relationship  of  master  and  

servant  is  a  question  of  fact  and  that  depends  upon  the  



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existence of power in the employer, not only to direct what  

work the servant is to do but also the manner in which the  

work is to be done. This was so explained by formulating the  

following principle:-

“The  principle  which  emerges  from  these  authorities  is  that  the  prima  facie  test  for  the  determination of the relationship between master  and servant is the existence of  the right in the  master to supervise and control the work done by  the  servant  not  only  in  the  matter  of  directing  what  work  the  servant  is  to  do  but  also  the  manner  in  which  he  shall  do  his  work,  or  to  borrow the words of Lord Uthwatt at Page 23 in  Mersey Docks  and Harbour  Board v.  Coggins  &  Griffith (Liverpool) Ltd., and Another, “The proper  test is whether or not the hirer had authority to  control  the  manner  of  execution  of  the  act  in  question.”

23. It  has  been  established  from  the  

documents on record that both the schools have their own  

independent  Managing  Committees.  These  Managing  

Committees are registered under the Societies Registration  

Act.  It  is  these Managing Committees who not only recruit  

teaching  and  other  staff  and  appoint  them,  but  all  other  

decisions in respect of their service conditions are also taken  

by the Managing Committees. These range from pay fixation,  



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seniority,  grant  of  leave,  promotion,  disciplinary  action,  

retirement, termination etc. In fact, even Service Rules, 1995  

have been framed which contain the provisions; delineating  

all  necessary  service  conditions.  Various  documents  are  

produced to show that appointment letters are issued by the  

Managing  Committees,  disciplinary  action  is  taken  by  the  

Managing Committees, pay fixation and promotion orders are  

passed  by  the  Managing  Committees  and  even  orders  of  

superannuation and termination of the staff are issued by the  

Managing Committees.  It,  thus,  becomes clear  that  day to  

day  control  over  the  staff  is  that  of  the  Managing  

Committees.  These  Managing  Committees  are  having  

statutory status as they are registered under the Societies  

Registration Act. Therefore, Mr. Venugopal is not right in his  

submission that Managing Committees do not have their own  

independent legal entities.  

24. Merely because the schools are set up by  

NALCO  or  they  have  agreed  to  take  care  of  the  financial  

deficits for the running of the schools, according to us, are not  

the conclusive factors. Such aspects have been considered by  



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this  Court  in  various  cases.  In  the  case  of  RBI  (Supra),  

question was as to whether workers of the canteens which  

were  established  and  even  financed  by  the  RBI,  were  the  

workers  of  RBI.  Various  canteens  were  set  up  by  the  RBI  

which were being run through a Cooperative Society.  They  

were established in the Bank's premises for the benefit of its  

employees. The Bank was reimbursing the charges incurred  

in getting various statutory licenses. Even prior permission of  

the  RBI  was  required  to  increase  the  strength  of  the  

employees. Holding that these canteen workers were not the  

employees of RBI, the court observed:

“10. The Bank does not supervise or control the  working  of  the  canteens  or  the  supply  of  eatables to employees. The employees are not  under an obligation to purchase eatables from  the canteen. There is no relationship of master  and servant between the Bank and the various  persons  employed  in  the  canteens  aforesaid.  The Bank does not carry any trade or business in  the canteens. The staff canteens are established  only  as  a  welfare  measure.  Similar  demands  made by the staff canteen employees and the  request  made  to  the  Central  Government  to  refer the dispute for adjudication was rejected  by the Central  Government and the challenge  against the same before the Calcutta High Court  was unsuccessful. According to the Bank, it has  no  statutory  or  other  obligation  to  run  the  canteens  and  it  has  no  direct  control  or  



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supervision over the employees engaged in the  canteens. It has not right to take any disciplinary  action or to direct any canteen employee to do a  particular work. The disciplinary control over the  persons employed in the canteens does not vest  in the Bank nor has the Bank any say or control  regarding the allocation or work or the way in  which  the  work  is  carried  out  by  the  said  employees. Sanctioning of leave, distribution of  work,  maintenance of  the Attendance Register  are  all  done  either  by  the  Implementation  Committee  (Canteen  Committtee)  or  by  the  Cooperative Society or by the contractor.”

25. The  court  noticed  that  the  

Implementation Committee (Canteen Committee) which was  

running the canteen consisted of certain members, three out  

of which were nominated by the Bank. This was held to be a  

non-determinative factor. Following discussion on this aspect  

is  also  material  and,  therefore  we  extract  the  same  


“Moreover,  there  is  no  right  in  the  Bank  to  supervise  and  control  the  work  done  by  the  persons employed in the Committee nor has the  Bank any right to direct the manner in which the  work shall be done by various persons. The Bank  has absolutely no right to take any disciplinary  action or to direct any canteen employee to do a  particular work. Even according to the Tribunal,  the Bank exercises only a 'remote control'.”



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26. In the present case, as pointed out above,  

the  day  to  day  supervision  and  control  vests  with  the  

Managing  Committee,  from  the  appointment  till  

cessation/termination.  The exercise which is  undertaken by  

the  High  Court  is  in  the  nature  of  piercing  the  veil  and  

commenting that real control vests with NALCO. Though we  

would come to this aspect a little later,   it  is necessary to  

point  out  at  this  stage  that  whether  the  arrangement/  

contract is sham or camouflage is a disputed question of fact.  

In the present case writ petitions were filed and it is not a  

case  where  industrial  disputes  were  raised  by  these  


27. In  the  case  of  Workmen  of  Nilgiri   

Cooperative Marketing Societies Ltd. (Supra) the entire law  

was re-visited. The Court emphasised that no hard and fast  

rule can be laid down nor it is possible to do so. Likewise no  

single test  –  be it  control  test,  be it  organisational  or  any  

other test – has been held to be the determinative factor for  

determining the jural relationship of employer and employee.  

The Court enumerated the relevant factors, which are to be  



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examined in such cases, in Paras 37 and 38 which reads as  


“37. The control test and the organisation test,  therefore, are not the only factors which can be  said  to  be  decisive.  With  a  view  to  elicit  the  answer, the court is required to consider several  factors which would have a bearing on the result:  (a) who is the appointing authority; (b) who is the  paymaster;  (c)  who  can  dismiss  (d)  how  long  alternative service lasts; (e) the extent of control  and  supervision;  (f)  the  nature  of  the  job  e.g.  whether  it  is  professional  or  skilled  work;  (g)  nature of establishment; (h) the right to reject. 38. With a view to find out reasonable  

solution in a problematic case of this nature,  what  is  needed  is  an  integrated  approach  meaning  thereby  integration  of  the  relevant  tests wherefor it may be necessary to examine  as  to  whether  the  workman  concerned  was  fully  integrated  into  the  employer's  concern  meaning thereby independent of  the concern  although attached therewith to some extent.”

In the facts of that case, where the court found  that the portress and gridders who were claiming  themselves  to  be  the  employees  of  Nilgiri  Cooperative  Marketing  Society,  were  not  its  employees  as  the  said  society  was  neither  maintaining  any  attendance  register  or  wage  register  or  fixing  working  hours  or  had  issued  appointment letters to them.”

28. More  significant  case,  having  close  

proximity with the present one is the judgment in SC Chandra  



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& Ors. v. State of Jharkhand and Ors. 2007 (8) SCC 279. In  

that case Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), the Government of  

India enterprise, had established a school. Employees of that  

school  claimed that their  real employer was HCL. Admitted  

facts were that school was established by the HCL with the  

object of benefiting children of the workers of the HCL. Even  

the  financial  assistance  was  provided  to  the  schools.  The  

Court however, came to the conclusion that only by giving  

financial assistance the HCL did not become the employer of  

teachers and staff working in the school. They were held to be  

the  employees  of  the  Managing  Committee  of  the  school.  

That apart of the discussion which has direct bearing on the  

present case runs as follows:-

“8. We  have  heard  learned  counsel  for  the  parties  and  perused  the  records.  The  basic  question before us is whether a writ of mandamus  could be issued against the management of HCL.  The learned Single Judge relying on the Division  Bench in an identical matter pertaining to Bharat  Cooking Coal Limited dismissed the writ petition  of the appellants. This issue was examined in an  analogous writ petition and in the aforesaid case,  this  issue  was  extensively  considered  as  to  whether  the  management  of  the  school  is  the  direct  responsibility  of  HCL  or  not.  After  considering  the  matter  in  detail,  the  learned  Single  Judge  relying  on  the  aforesaid  judgment  



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found that there is no relationship of master and  servant with that of the teachers and other staff  of the school with HCL as the management of the  school  was  done  by  the  Managing  Committee  though liberal financial grant was being made by  the  Corporation.  By  that  there  was  no  direct  connection of the management of HCL with that  of  the  management  of  the  school.  Though  through  various  communication  an  impression  was sought to be given that the school is being  run by  HCL but  in  substance HCL only  used to  provide financial assistance to the school but the  management of the school was entirely different  than  the  management  of  HCL.  Giving  financial  assistance does not necessarily mean that all the  teachers and staff who are working in the school  have become the employees of  HCL. Therefore,  we are of  the view that the view taken by the  learned Single Judge appears to be correct that  there was no relationship of the management of  HCL with that of the management of the school  though most of the employees of HCL were in the  Managing Committee of  the school.  But by that  no inference can be drawn that the school  had  bee n established by HCL. The children of workers  of  HCL  were  being  benefited  by  the  education  imparted  by  this  school.  Therefore  the  management of HCL was giving financial aid but  by that it cannot be construed that the school was  run by the management of HCL. Therefore, under  these circumstances, we are of opinion that the  view taken by the learned Single Judge appears to  be correct.”

29. From  the  reading  of  Para  20  in  that  

judgment it can be discerned that the Managing Committee  

which  was  managing  the  school  was  treated  as  an  



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independent body. This case is relevant on the second aspect  

as well viz. the claim of school employees predicate upon the  

financial burden that is assured by NALCO. To that aspect we  

shall advert to little later in some detail.  

30.    No doubt,  there may be some element of  control  of  

NALCO because of the reason that its officials are nominated  

to the Managing Committees of the schools. Such provisions  

are made to ensure that schools runs smoothly and properly  

by the society.  It also becomes necessary to ensure that the  

money is appropriately spent. However, this kind of 'remote  

control'  would  not  make  NALCO as  the  employer  of  these  

workers. This only shows that since NALCO is shouldering and  

meeting the financial deficits, it wants to ensure that money  

is spent for rightful purposes.  

31. It  was  argued  that  the  Managing  

Committee  cannot  be  the  employer  as  it  would  lose  its  

identity on the termination of agreement between NALCO and  

SVS.  However,  even  that  by  itself  cannot  be  the  

determinative  factor.  When  the  agreement  was  earlier  

entered  into  between  NALCO  and  CCMT,  and  staff  was  



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appointed in the school by CCMT, NALCO ensured that such  

staff is taken over by SVS. For this purpose a specific clause is  

provided in agreement between NALCO and SVS which reads  

as under:

“That  if  any  of  the  parties  hereto  at  any  time  wishes to terminate this arrangement, it may do  so on giving of  least  six months prior  notice in  writing to the other party,  of such an intention,  provided that such termination shall be effective  only  at  the  close  of  the  academic  session.  Provided  further  that  in  the  event  of  such  termination, the services of the staff employed by  the school shall, subject to any agreement to the  contrary  between  the  two  parties  hereto,  be  terminated in accordance with the terms of their  appointment  in  the  Chinmaya  Vidyalaya,  Damanjodi.”

32. Only because SVS agreed to take over the employees,  

would not mean that NALCO becomes the employer. On the  

contrary, this clause suggests that but for the intervention of  

NALCO,  the school  staff  that was engaged by CCMT would  

have been dealt with by CCMT. It is a matter of record that  

CCMT runs other schools as well. In that eventuality it would  

have  taken  these  employees  with  themselves  or  retrench  

these employees in accordance with law. Same is the position  

of  SVS who have other schools also.  However,  this  kind of  



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situation is not going to arise in the present case. We place  

on record the assurance given by the learned Senior Counsels  

appearing for NALCO that the teaching and other staff of the  

two  schools  would  not  lose  their  jobs  even  if  present  

agreement  of  NALCO  with  SVS  comes  to  an  end  and  the  

management is taken over by some other agency for running  

the schools. We direct that NALCO shall stand committed by  

this assurance and would adhere to the same for all times to  

come. The position which emerges, in view of the aforesaid  

assurance, is that the service tenure of these employees is  


33.   In so far as their service conditions are concerned, as  

already conceded by even the respondents themselves, their  

salaries and other perks which they are getting are better  

than their counter parts in Government schools or aided/ un-

aided recognised schools in the State of Orissa. In a situation  

like this even if, for the sake of argument, it is presumed that  

NALCO is the employer of these employees, they would not  

be  entitled  to  the  pay  scales  which  are  given  to  other  

employees  of  NALCO  as  there  cannot  be  any  comparison  



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between the two. The principle of ‘equal pay for equal work’  

is not attracted at all. Those employees directly employed by  

NALCO are discharging altogether different kinds of  duties.  

Main activity of NALCO is the manufacture and production of  

alumina  and  aluminium for  which  it  has  its  manufacturing  

units.  The  process  and  method  of  recruitment  of  those  

employees, their eligibility conditions for appointment, nature  

of job done by those employees etc. is entirely different from  

the employees of these schools. This aspect is squarely dealt  

with in the case of SC Chandra & Ors. (supra) where the plea  

for  parity  in  employment  was  rejected  thereby  refusing  to  

give  parity  in  salary  claim  by  school  teachers  with  class  

working  under  Government  of  Jharkhand  and  BCCL.  The  

discussion  which  ensued,  while  rejecting  such  a  claim,  is  

recapitulated hereunder in the majority opinion authored by  

A.K. Mathur, J.:

“20. After  going  through  the  order  of  the  Division Bench we are of  opinion that  the view  taken by the Division Bench of the High Court is  correct. Firstly, the school is not being managed  by BCCL as from the facts it is more than clear  that BCCL was only extending financial assistance  from time to time. By that it cannot be saddled  with  the  liability  to  pay  these  teachers  of  the  



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school  as being paid to the clerks working with  BCCL  or  in  the  Government  of  Jharkhand.  It  is  essentially  a  school  managed  by  a  body  independent  of  the  management  of  BCCL.  Therefore,  BCCL  cannot  be  saddled  with  the  responsibilities  of  granting  the  teachers  the  salaries equated to that of the clerks working in  BCCL. 21. Learned  counsel  for  the  appellants  

have relied on Article 39(d) of the Constitution.  Article  39(d)  does  not  mean  that  all  the  teachers  working  in  the  school  should  be  equated  with  the  clerks  in  BCCL  or  the  Government of Jharkhand for application of the  principle  of  equal  pay  for  equal  work.  There  should be total  identity between both groups  i.e. the teachers of the school on the one hand  and  the  clerks  in  BCCL,  and  as  such  the  teachers cannot be educated with the clerks of  the State Government or of BCCL. The question  of  application  of  Article  39(d)  of  the  Constitution has recently been interpreted by  this  Court  in  State  of  Haryana  v.  Charanjit  Singh  wherein  Their  Lordships  have  put  the  entire  controversy  to  rest  and  held  that  the  principle,  'equal  pay  for  equal  work'  must  satisfy  the  test  that  the  incumbents  are  performing  equal  and  identical  work  as  discharged  by  employees  against  whom  the  equal  pay  is  claimed.  Their  Lordships  have  reviewed all the cases bearing on the subject  and after a detailed discussion have finally put  the controversy to rest that the persons who  claimed the parity should satisfy the court that  the  conditions  are  identical  and  equal  and  same  duties  are  being  discharged  by  them.  Though a number of cases were cited for our  consideration  but  no  useful  purpose  will  be  served  as  in  Charanjit  Singh  all  these  cases  have  been  reviewed  by  this  Court.  More  so,  



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when we have already held that the appellants  are  not  the  employees  of  BCCL,  there  is  no  question  seeking  any  parity  of  the  pay  with  that of the clerks of BCCL.”

Markandey  Katju,  J  in  his  concurring  and  supplementing  

judgment dwelt on this very aspect in the following manner:-

“24. The principle of equal pay for equal work  was propounded by this Court in certain decisions  in the 1980s e.g. Dhirendra Chamoli  v. State of  U.P.,  Surinder Singh v.  Engineer-in-Chief,  CPWD,  Randhir  Singh  v.  Union  of  India,  etc.  This  was  done  by  applying  Articles  14  and  39(d)  of  the  Constitution. Thus, in Dhirendra Chamoli case this  Court  granted  to  the  casual,  daily  rated  employees  the  same  pay  scale  as  regular  employees. 25. It  appears  that  subsequently  it  was  realised  that  the  application  of  the  principle  of  equal pay for equal work was creating havoc. All  over India different groups were claiming parity in  pay  with  other  groups  e.g.  Government  employees of one State were claiming parity with  Government employees of another State. 26. Fixation  of  pay  scale  is  a  delicate  

mechanism  which  requires  various  considerations  including  financial  capacity,  responsibility,  educational  qualification,  mode  of  appointment,  etc.  and  it  has  a  cascading  effect. Hence, in subsequent decisions of this  Court the principle of equal pay for equal work  has  been  considerably  watered  down,  and  it  has hardly ever been applied by this court in  recent years.

27. Thus,  in State of  Haryanan v.  Tilak  



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Raj it was held that the principle can only apply  if  there  is  complete  and  wholesale  identity  between the two groups. Even if the employees  in the two groups are doing identical work they  cannot  be  granted  equal  pay  if  there  is  no  complete  and  wholesale  identity  e.g.  a  daily  rated employee may be doing the same work  as  a  regular  employee,  yet  he  cannot  be  granted  the  same  pay  scale.  Similarly,  two  groups of employees may be doing the same  work,  yet  they  may  be  given  different  pay  scales  if  the  educational  qualifications  are  different. Also, pay scale can be different if the  nature  of  jobs,  responsibilities,  experience,  method of recruitment, etc. are different.

28. In  State  of  Haryana  v.  Charanjit  Singh  discussing  a  large  number  of  earlier  decisions it was held by a three Judge Bench of  this  Court  that the principle of  equal  pay for  equal  work  cannot  apply  unless  there  is  complete and wholesale identity between the  two  groups.  Moreover,  even  for  finding  out  whether  there  is  complete  and  wholesale  identity,  the  proper  forum is  an  expert  body  and  not  the  writ  court,  as  this  requires  extensive  evidence.  A  mechanical  interpretation of the principle of equal pay for  equal work creates great practical difficulties.  Hence in recent decisions the Supreme Court  has considerably watered down the principle of  equal pay for equal work and this principle has  hardly been ever applied in recent decisions.”

34. We say at the cost of repetition that there  

is  no  parity  in  the  nature  of  work,  mode  of  appointment,  

experience,  educational  qualifications  between  the  NALCO  



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employees and the employees of  the  two schools.  In  fact,  

such a comparison can be made with their counter parts in  

the Government schools and/or aided or unaided schools. On  

that parameter, there cannot be any grievance of the staff  

which is getting better emoluments and enjoying far superior  

service conditions.  

35. We  thus,  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  

impugned  judgment  of  the  High  Court  is  un-sustainable.  

Allowing these appeals,  the judgment of  the  High Court  is  

hereby set  aside.  There  shall,  however,  be  no order  as  to  


…..................................J. [Surinder Singh Nijjar]

…..................................J. [A.K. Sikri]

New Delhi May 8, 2014