31 October 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000906-000906 / 2012
Diary number: 19652 / 2007


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Nand Kumar                    Appellant(s)


State of Chhattisgarh           Respondent(s)


Criminal Appeal No.913 of 2012 Criminal Appeal No.912 of 2012 Criminal Appeal No. 911 of 2012 Criminal Appeal No. 908 of 2012

Criminal Appeal Nos. 900-902 of 2012 Criminal Appeal Nos.909-910 of 2012

Criminal Appeal No.914 of 2012



Abhay Manohar Sapre, J.

1. These appeals have been directed against the final  

common judgment dated 11.05.2007 passed by the High


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Court of Chhatisgarh at Bilaspur in Criminal Appeal Nos.  

785, 866, 762, 868, 761, 853, 875, 970, 851, 873 and  

842  of  2001,  whereby  the  High  Court  upheld  the  

conviction and sentence of the appellants herein under  

Section 302 read with Sections 149 and 148 of the Indian  

Penal Code, 1860 (in short “IPC”) which was awarded to  

them  by  the  Sessions  Court  whereas  the  High  Court  

allowed  the  Criminal  Appeals  of  other  accused  and  

acquitted  them  of  the  charges  by  setting  aside  the  

judgment  of  the  Sessions  Court  dated  12.07.2001  in  

Sessions Trial No. 342 of 1995 to that extent.   

2. The concluding part of  the impugned judgment of  

the High Court reads as under:

“In the result, the appeals filed by accused Raj Kumar  Singh,  Dhananjay,  Rohit,  Nirmal,  Surjan,  Santosh  Singh,  Gopal  Das,  Chhatram,  Balchand  and Devilal  succeeds.   Conviction  and  sentences  imposed  upon  them under Sections 302 read with Sections 149 and  148 of the IPC are set aside.  They are acquitted of the  said charges.   

a. Balchand, Devilal, Chhatram & Surjan are on bail.  Their  bail  bonds  are  discharged  and  they  need  not  surrender to their bail bonds.



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 b. Santosh Singh, Rohit, Gopal Das, Raj Kumar Singh,  Nirmal  and Dhananjay  are  in  detention  since  18-1- 1995.  They are directed to be released forthwith, if not  required in any other case.

The appeal filed by accused Rameshwar Singh stands  abated.  

The  appeals  filed  by  accused  Kumar  Singh,  Nande  Singh,  Nand  Kumar,  Baran,  Jaipal,  Resham  Lal,  Guharam,  Amritlal  and  Basant  Das  are  dismissed.  Conviction and sentences imposed upon them under  Sections 302 read with Sections 149 and 148 of the  IPC are maintained.  Baran, Jaipal and Resham Lal  are on bail.  Their bail bonds are discharged and they  are  directed  to  surrender  before  the  trial  court  forthwith to serve out the remaining sentence.”

3. The question that arises for consideration in these  

appeals  is  whether  the  High  Court  was  justified  in  

upholding  the  conviction  and  sentence  of  the  present  


4. In order to appreciate  the issue involved in these  

appeals, it is necessary to state the prosecution case in  

brief infra.

5. In a village -  Bhaismudi  in District  Janjgir,  there  

were  two  groups  of  villagers.  One  group  consisted  of  



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deceased - Jawahar Singh, Bhupendra Singh and others  

whereas  the  other  group  consisted  of  the  appellants  

herein and other accused.  There were disputes between  

the two groups on account of Panchayat elections in the  

village and also several other reasons.  

6. In the intervening night of 16th & 17th January 1995,  

the accused persons convened a meeting and hatched up  

a conspiracy to eliminate Jawahar Singh and others. The  

accused  persons  accordingly  formed  an  unlawful  

assembly with a common object to murder Viki  Singh,  

Jawahar  Singh,  Bhupendra  Singh,  Shailendra  Singh  -  

both  sons  of  Jawahar  Singh,  and  Kalicharan  and  in  

furtherance of this common object, all accused persons  

with deadly weapons (lathi, sword, ballam, Tabbals, iron  

roads)  first  went to the residence of  Viki  Singh near a  

place called Nawa Talab, and killed Viki Singh by severely  

beating  him with the  weapons which they had carried  

with them. The accused persons then proceeded towards  



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the agriculture field of Jawahar Singh where they killed  

Jawahar Singh and his two sons - Bhupendra Singh and  

Shailendra  Singh  by  severely  beating  them  with  the  

weapons,  which  they  were  carrying  with  them.  

Thereafter, the accused party proceeded to a place called  

- Holha Chowk of Bhaismudi and killed  Kalicharan with  

the aid of same weapons.  

7. Madhubala  Bai  (PW-1)  reported  this  incident  by  

lodging Dehati Nalishi (Ex-P-1) on the spot on 17.01.1995  

around 3.00 P.M.

8. At this stage it is proper to reproduce the substance  

of the contents of Ex-P-1 herein below: -

“…….that she is  resident of village Bhaismudi,  at about 11.30 a.m. she was at her shop, at that time,  Karia Sabaria came crying to her shop and said that  Viki  Singh has been  murdered  near  Nawa Talab by  Shiv  Sena  persons  namely,  Kumar  Singh,  Nande  Singh,  Guharam,  Rohit,  Jaipal,  Resham,  Rajkumar  Singh, Prahlad Singh, Rameshwar Singh, Dhananjay,  Nand Kumar, Santosh & others.  When she reached  the spot, she saw that all these persons were carrying  lathi, rod, battle axe etc.  They were crying and saying  ‘let us now go to the field of Jawahar Singh and finish  them  there’,  they  started  going  towards  the  agricultural field of her father.  She and her mother  



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also  followed  them  and  requested  that  once  they  should save their life, but they did not accede to their  request.   While  going  to  the  agricultural  field,  she  informed Vinay Singh that Babuji has been murdered  near Nawa Talab, Nirmal Kashyap, Amrit, Basant and  Baran were also along with them.  After reaching the  agricultural  field,  these  persons  attacked  her  father  Jawahar  Singh  and  brothers  Bhupender  Singh  and  Shailender Singh with lathi and Tabbal as a result of  which  her  father  Jawahar  Singh  and  brother  Bhupender Singh succumbed to the injuries sustained  by  them  instantaneously,  and  brother  Shailender  Singh succumbed to the injuries after 15-20 minutes.  All these persons have committed the murder of her  father and brothers.”  

9. On receipt of the aforesaid report, Brajender Singh  

(PW-16) - the Head Constable of Police Station Janjgir,  

registered the FIR (Ex-P-64) for commission of the offence  

under  Sections 302, 147, 148 and 149 IPC.  Brajender  

Singh (PW-16) gave intimation in respect of the death of  

Shailendra  Singh  -  (Ex-P-65)  whereas  intimation  in  

respect of  the death of Bhupendra Singh and Jawahar  

Singh were given by M.L. Shandilya (PW-22), Inspector of  

police - Exs-P-70 and P-71.

10. After giving necessary notices (Exs. P-2, 51, and 63),  

the Investigating Officer prepared inquest of Bhupendra  



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Singh (Ex-P-3), Shailendra Singh (Ex-P-52) and Jawahar  

Singh (Ex-P-64).  Dr P.K. Narula (PW-12) conducted post-

mortem on the body of Bhupendra Singh (Ex-P-56).  In  

his opinion, the cause of death of Bhupendra Singh was  

due to shock as a result  of  hemorrhage on account of  

extensive homicidal head injury. Dr. U.C. Sharma (PW-

13)  conducted  post-mortem  on  the  body  of  Jawahar  

Singh, who vide his report (Ex.P-59) opined that cause of  

death  of  Jawahar  Singh  was  due  to  shock  and  

hemorrhage as a result of extensive head injury and that  

the death is homicidal in nature.  Dr. A.K. Paliwal (PW-  

14)  conducted  post-mortem on the  body of  Shailendra  

Singh and vide his report (Ex-P-61) opined that cause of  

death  was  due  to  shock  resulting  from  hemorrhage  

caused  by  extensive  head  injury  and  that  death  is  

homicidal in nature.

11. After completing the investigation and collecting all  

the  evidence,  the  charge-sheet  was  filed  against  29  



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accused persons for commission of offences punishable  

under Sections 147, 148, 149 and 302 of the IPC in the  

Court of Judicial Magistrate First Class, Janjigir, who in  

turn committed the case to the Session Judge, Bilaspur,  

who  in  turn  transferred  it  to  the  Additional  Sessions  

Judge.  During  the  trial,  one  of  the  accused  -  Prahlad  

Singh, died.

12. Prosecution examined as many as 22 witnesses at  

the  trial  to  prove  the  case.   Statements  of  accused  

persons  were  then  recorded  under  Section  313  of  the  

Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as  

Cr.P.C.),  in which all  the accused persons denied their  

involvement in the commission of the offences and also  

denied the material collected against them in the form of  

evidence. They stated that they were falsely implicated in  

the  crime and are thus innocent.  One of  the  accused,  

Ganesh,  stated  that  the  deceased  and  their  party  

members were indulged in selling illicit liquor and since  



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members  of  their  party  -Shiv  Sena  were  not  allowing  

them to do such acts which included accused, who were  

also the members of Shiv Sena, they were falsely involved  

in  this  case  due to  this  grudge against  them. He also  

stated that since in Panchayat elections, some candidates  

of  the deceased party had lost the election and hence,  

they  were  hostile  to  the  accused  persons.  Another  

accused - Gopal Das stated that on the date of incident,  

he  was  at  Raigarh  for  medical  test.   The  accused  in  

defence  examined  Lalit  Kumar  (DW-1)  and  Dinesh  

Chandra Pathak (DW-2).

13. The  trial  Court,  by  judgment  dated  12.07.2001,  

acquitted  eight  accused  and  convicted  the  remaining  

accused.   All  the convicted appellants were directed to  

undergo life imprisonment under Section 302 read with  

Sections 148 and 149 with a fine of Rs. 2000/- each.   

14. The convicted accused persons filed appeals in the  

High  Court.  By  impugned  judgment,  the  High  Court  



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upheld  the  conviction  of  nine  accused  persons  by  

dismissing  their  appeals  and  acquitted  the  remaining  

accused persons by allowing their appeals.  One appeal  

was held abated due to death of accused.  

15. The  details  regarding  conviction/acquittal  of  

accused persons by the High Court are mentioned herein  





CONVICTION Gopal Das (A 3) Acquitted

Kumar Singh (A 4) Conviction Upheld Rajkumar Singh (A 5) Acquitted

Baran (A 6) Conviction Upheld Amrit (A 7) Conviction Upheld

Guharam (A 8) Conviction Upheld Jaipal (A 9) Conviction Upheld

Santosh Singh (A 10) Acquitted Nande Singh (A 11) Conviction Upheld

Resham (A 13) Conviction Upheld Rameshwar Singh (A 14) Appeal Abated

Dhananjay (A 15) Acquitted Rohit Kumar Karsh (A 16) Acquitted

Nirmal (A 17) Acquitted Basant (A19) Conviction Upheld Surjan (A 20) Acquitted

Chhatram (A 24) Acquitted Balchand (A 25) Acquitted



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Devilal (A 27) Acquitted Nand Kumar (A 28) Conviction Upheld

16. Against  this  judgment  of  the  High  Court,  the  

convicted accused persons have preferred these appeals  

before  this  Court  questioning  the  correctness  of  the  

impugned  judgment  in  so  far  as  their  conviction  and  

sentence is concerned.

17. Learned Counsel for the appellants, while assailing  

the conviction and sentence of the appellants, contended  

that  the  High  Court  was  not  right  in  upholding  the  

conviction of  the appellants.   It  was further contended  

that there was no role played by any of the appellants in  

the commission of the offence in question and nor was  

there any overt act played by any of them so as to render  

them  liable  to  suffer  conviction  and  sentence  under  

Sections 302/147/148/149 of the IPC. Learned Counsel  

urged that non-examination of Kariya Sabaria, who was  

important eyewitness even according to the prosecution,  



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has  rendered  the  appellants’  conviction  bad  in  law.  

Learned counsel maintained that where group of persons  

commits  any  crime,  it  becomes  necessary  for  the  

prosecution  to  prove  the  role  of  every  person  of  such  

group in commission of the offence including what every  

person  actually  did  such  as  whether  he  actually  

assaulted  the  deceased,  which  weapon  he  used,  how  

much force he used, whether he was aggressor, whether  

his  role  was  prominent  and  if  so  to  what  extent  etc.  

Learned Counsel submitted that since evidence adduced  

by the  prosecution is  lacking  on these material  issues  

and hence the appellants must be given the benefit  of  

doubt and they be acquitted of the charges alike those  

acquitted  by  the  trial  court  and  the  High  Court  and  

lastly, it was  urged that since the conviction is based  

solely  on the  testimony of  interested witnesses  (PW-  1  

and 3), who were related to the deceased persons and,  

therefore, their testimony was not reliable for convicting  



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the  appellants  for  want  of  any  other  independent  eye-  


18. Learned Counsel for the respondent-State, in reply,  

while supporting the impugned judgment contended that  

no case is made out to call  for any interference in the  

impugned judgment. Firstly, he submitted that the High  

Court was right in upholding the appellants’ conviction  

and  sentence;  secondly,  both  the  courts  below  rightly  

appreciated  the  evidence  adduced  by  the  prosecution,  

which was sufficient in the ordinary course to sustain the  

finding  of  conviction  under  Section  302  read  with  

Sections  147/148/149  of  IPC;  thirdly,  the  appellants’  

conviction  was  based  on  the  testimony  of  two  eye-

witnesses, namely,  Madhubala Bai (PW-1) and Saraswati  

Bai,  (PW-3),  whose  presence  at  the  time of  occurrence  

was not disputed; fourthly, keeping in view the law laid  

down  by  this  Court  in  several  decisions  explaining  

therein the parameters  to be applied for convicting any  



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member of unlawful assembly, the prosecution was able  

to adduce sufficient evidence to sustain the appellants’  

conviction; and lastly, looking to the gruesome murders  

committed  by  the  appellants  killing  as  many  as  five  

persons with a pre-determined motive,  this Court should  

uphold the conviction and sentence of all the appellants,  

who  are  sailing  in  the  same  boat  and  dismiss  these  


19. Coming first to the question as to whether the death  

of  three  persons,  which is  the  subject  matter  of  these  

appeals,  namely -  Jawahar  Singh,  Shailendra  Singh &  

Bhupendra Singh is homicidal.  We are of the considered  

opinion  that  it  is  homicidal  in  nature.  It  is  amply  

established from the  medical  evidence of  three  doctors  

namely, Dr. P.K. Narula (PW-12), Dr. U.C. Sharma (PW-

13)  and  Dr.  A.K.  Paliwal  (PW-14)  and  their  respective  

post-mortem reports (Exs-P-56, 59 and 61) as also ocular  

evidence of two eye-witnesses, Smt. Madhubala Devi (PW-



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1)  &  Saraswati  Bai  (PW-3).  We,  therefore,  uphold  the  

finding of two courts below on this issue.

20. This takes us to the main question as to whether  

the courts below were justified in holding the appellants  

guilty  for  committing  murder  of  three  persons  named  


21. Before we peruse the ocular  evidence adduced by  

the prosecution, it is necessary to take note of the law on  

the question as to under what circumstances, a member  

of an unlawful assembly can be held to have committed  

an offence in pursuance of the common object of such  

assembly of which he is a member.

22. While  distinguishing  on facts  and then explaining  

the view taken by this  Court in  Baladin and Ors.  Vs.  

State  of  Uttar  Pradesh,  AIR  1956  SC  181,  the  four  

Judge-Bench speaking through Justice Gajendragadkar  

in Masalti etc. etc. Vs. State of U.P., AIR 1965 SC 202,  



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laid down the following principle of law on the aforesaid  


“17. ……….in  the  case  of  Baladin v.  State  of  Uttar  Pradesh, AIR 1956 SC 181, …….., it was observed by  Sinha,  J.,  who  spoke  for  the  Court  that  it  is  well- settled that  mere presence  in an assembly  does not  make  a  person,  who  is  present,  a  member  of  an  unlawful assembly unless it is shown that he had done  something  or  omitted  to  do  something  which  would  make  him  a  member  of  an  unlawful  assembly,  or  unless  the  case  falls  under  Section  142  IPC.  The  argument  is  that  evidence  adduced  used  by  the  prosecution in the present case does not assign any  specific part to most of the accused persons in relation  to any overt act, and so, the High Court was in error in  holding  that  the  appellants  were  members  of  an  unlawful assembly.......................................................  It appears that in the case of Baladin the members of  the family of the appellants and other residents of the  village had assembled together; some of them shared  the  common object  of  the  unlawful  assembly,  while  others  were  merely  passive  witnesses.  Dealing  with  such  an  assembly,  this  Court  observed  that  the  presence  of  a  person  in  an  assembly  of  that  kind  would not necessarily show that he was a member of  an unlawful assembly. What has to be proved against  a person who is alleged to be a member of an unlawful  assembly  is  that  he  was  one  of  the  persons  constituting  the  assembly  and  he  entertained  long  with the other members of the assembly the common  object  as  defined  by  Section  141  IPC  Section  142  provides  that  however,  being  aware  of  facts  which  render  any  assembly  an  unlawful  assembly  intentionally joins that assembly, or continue in it, is  said to be a member of an unlawful assembly. In other  words, an assembly of five or more persons actuated  by, and entertaining one or more of the common object  specified  by  the  five  clauses  of  Section  141,  is  an  



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unlawful assembly. The crucial question to determine  in such a case is whether the assembly consisted of  five  or  more  persons  and whether  the  said  persons  entertained  one  or  more  of  the  common  objects  as  specified  by  Section  141.  While  determining  this  question, it becomes relevant to consider whether the  assembly consisted of some persons who were merely  passive witnesses and had joined the assembly as a  matter of idle curiosity without intending to entertain  the  common  object  of  the  assembly.  It  is  in  that  context that the observations made by this Court in  the case of Baladin  assume significance; otherwise, in  law, it would not be correct to say that before a person  is held to be a member of  an unlawful  assembly,  it  must  be shown that  he  had committed some illegal  overt act or had been guilty of some illegal omission in  pursuance of the common object of the assembly. In  fact, Section 149 makes it clear that if an offence is  committed by any member of an unlawful assembly in  prosecution of the common object of that assembly, or  such  as  the  members  of  that  assembly  knew to  be  likely to be committed in prosecution of  that object,  every person who, at the time of the committing of that  offence, is a member of the same assembly, is guilty of  that  offence;  and  that  emphatically  brings  out  the  principle  that  the punishment  prescribed by Section  149  is  in  a  sense  vicarious  and  does  not  always  proceed on the basis that the offence has been actually  committed by every member of the unlawful assembly.  Therefore, we are satisfied that the observations made  in the case of Baladin2 must be read in the context of  the special facts of that case and cannot be treated as  laying down an unqualified proposition or law…..”

23. Recently,  this Court in  Om Prakash Vs. State of  

Haryana,  (2014)  5  SCC  753, placed  reliance  on  the  



Page 18

aforesaid  principle  laid  down  in  Masalti  (supra) in  

following words:

“15. The  aforesaid  enunciation  of  law  was  considered by a four-Judge Bench in  Masalti v.  State  of  U.P.,AIR  1965  SC  202 which  distinguished  the  observations made in Baladin AIR 1956 SC 181 on the  foundation that the said decision should be read in the  context of the special facts of the case and may not be  treated as laying down an unqualified proposition of  law.  The  four-Judge  Bench,  after  enunciating  the  principle, stated as follows: (AIR p. 211, para 17)

“17. … it would not be correct to say that before  a person is held to be a member of an unlawful  assembly,  it  must  be  shown  that  he  had  committed  some  illegal  overt  act  or  had  been  guilty of some illegal  omission in pursuance of  the  common  object  of  the  assembly.  In  fact,  Section 149 makes it clear that if an offence is  committed  by  any  member  of  an  unlawful  assembly in prosecution of the common object of  that assembly, or such as the members of that  assembly knew to be likely to be committed in  prosecution of that object, every person who, at  the  time  of  committing  of  that  offence,  is  a  member of the same assembly, is guilty of that  offence;  and  that  emphatically  brings  out  the  principle  that  the  punishment  prescribed  by  Section 149 is in a sense vicarious and does not  always proceed on the basis that the offence has  been actually committed by every member of the  unlawful assembly”.

24. Keeping the aforesaid principle of law in mind, when  

we  peruse  the  prosecution  evidence,  we  have  no  



Page 19

hesitation in upholding the findings of the courts below.  

We do this for the following reasons.

25. In  the  first  place,  names  of  these  accused  are  

mentioned  in  Dehati  Nalish  (Ex-P-1).  Secondly,  their  

names  are  also  mentioned  in  the  statements  of  P.W-1  

and P.W-3, which were recorded under Section 161 of the  

Cr.P.C.  Likewise these two witnesses (PWs 1 and 3) also  

categorically stated in their evidence in Court about the  

overt act played by the accused persons in committing  

the  murders  of  Jawahar  Singh  and  his  two  sons,  

Bhupendra and Shailendra.  In other  words,  a  conjoint  

reading of  these two statements clearly establishes the  

overt  acts  played by  the  accused persons while  killing  

these three persons one after another on the same day.  

Thirdly and most importantly, the ocular evidence of two  

eye witnesses (PWs 1 and 3) conclusively prove not only  

the involvement of the accused persons but their actual  

active role played in killing these three persons. We have  



Page 20

undertaken the exercise of appreciating the evidence and  

especially of two eye witnesses (PWs 1 and 3) and we find  

that their sworn testimonies deserve to be accepted.

26. It is not in dispute, as it has come in evidence, that  

Madhubala  (PW-1)  is  the  daughter  of  the  deceased-  

Jawahar  Singh,  and sister  of  the  deceased Bhupendra  

and Shailendra, whereas Saraswati Bai (PW-3) is the wife  

of the deceased Jawahar and mother of Madhubala  (PW-

1) and  the deceased Bhupendra and Shailendra.  

27. In the case on hand, the mother and daughter saw  

from their naked eyes that their father/husband and two  

sons/brothers  were  being  killed  in  their  presence  with  

the  use  of  Lathis,  battle  axe,  sword  and  rods  by  the  

accused persons mercilessly and both the helpless ladies  

standing  in  front  of  the  mob  (accused  persons)  with  

folded hands praying "please do not kill them and leave  

them".  The accused persons did not listen to their prayer  

and  with  a  pre-determined  motive  killed  the  deceased  



Page 21

persons by beating them due to which two of them died  

on  the  spot  and  one  succumbed  in  the  hospital  after  

some time.

28. It will be a travesty of justice, if we do not believe  

the sworn testimonies of these two eye-witnesses, which  

in  our  considered  opinion,  remained  consistent  

throughout on material issues. Indeed, there is no valid  

reason for this Court to disbelieve them.

29. The  submission  of  learned  Counsel  for  the  

appellants that since PWs 1 and 3 were in close relation  

with  the  deceased  persons  being  wife/mother  or  

daughter/sister and that they should not be believed for  

want of evidence of any independent witness, deserves to  

be rejected in the light of the law laid down by this Court  

in  Dalbir Kaur and Ors. Vs. State of Punjab,  (1976) 4  

SCC  158,  and  Harbans  Kaur  and  Anr. Vs. State  of  

Haryana,  (2005)  9  SCC  195,  which  lays  down  the  

following proposition:



Page 22

“There is no proposition in law that relatives are to be  treated  as  untruthful  witnesses.  On  the  contrary,  reason has to be shown when a plea of  partiality is  raised to show that the witnesses had reason to shield  actual culprit and falsely implicate the accused.”

In NamdeoVs.State of Maharashtra, (2007) 14 SCC 150,  

this Court further held:

“38. ………. it is clear that a close relative cannot be  characterised  as  an  “interested”  witness.  He  is  a  “natural”  witness.  His  evidence,  however,  must  be  scrutinised carefully. If on such scrutiny, his evidence  is found to be intrinsically reliable, inherently probable  and wholly  trustworthy,  conviction can be based on  the  “sole”  testimony  of  such  witness.  Close  relationship of witness with the deceased or victim is  no  ground  to  reject  his  evidence.  On  the  contrary,  close relative of the deceased would normally be most  reluctant to spare the real culprit and falsely implicate  an innocent one.”

30. We  follow  this  well  settled  principle  of  law  for  

rejecting  the  submissions  of  learned  counsel  for  the  


31. Yet another submission of  learned counsel that due  

to discrepancies in the evidence of PWs 1 and 3 and in  

their statements recorded under Section 161, should not  



Page 23

be relied on and deserves to be rejected in the light of  the  

law  laid  down  by  this  Court  in  Munshi  Prasad  and  

Ors. vs. State of Bihar,  (2002) 1 SCC 351, which reads  

as under:  

“Incidentally,  be it  noted that  while appreciating the  evidence of  a witness,  minor discrepancies on trivial  matters without affecting the core of the prosecution  case, ought not to prompt the court to reject evidence  in its entirety. If the general tenor of the evidence given  by the witness and the trial court upon appreciation of  evidence forms opinion about the credibility thereof, in  the normal circumstances  the appellate  court  would  not  be  justified  to  review  it  once  again  without  justifiable  reasons.  It  is  the totality  of  the situation,  which has to be taken note of, and we do not see any  justification to pass a contra-note, as well, on perusal  of the evidence on record.”

32. As  mentioned  above,  we  have  not  been  able  to  

notice any major discrepancies in their statements and  

whatever  discrepancies,  which  were  relied  on  by  the  

learned  counsel,  were  so  minor  and  insignificant  that  

they do not, in any way, dilute their version.  

33. In  our  considered  view,  when  several  people  

participate  in  commission  of  an  offence  with  deadly  



Page 24

weapons  and  attack  one  or  more  persons  with  an  

intention to kill them then the witnesses who are closely  

related to the victim(s) are not expected to describe the  

incident in graphic detail  and with such precision that  

which member and in what manner he participated in  

the commission of offence. Their evidence is required to  

be appreciated in its totality.

34. In  the  case  on  hand,  PWs-1  and  3  elaborately  

narrated the entire incident by taking the names of every  

accused whom they knew to be the residents of the same  

area. We, therefore, find no merit in the submission of  

the learned counsel and accordingly reject it.

35. We are also not impressed by the arguments of the  

learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  appellants  when  he  

contended  that  one  eye-witness,  Kariya  was  not  

examined  and  hence  it  has  weakened  the  case  of  the  




Page 25

36. The  law  does  not  say  that  the  prosecution  must  

examine all the eye-witnesses cited by the prosecution.  

When the evidence of  two eye-witnesses,  PWs 1 and 3  

was found worthy of acceptance to prove the case then it  

was not  necessary  for  the  prosecution to  examine any  

more eye-witnesses.  It is for the prosecution to decide as  

to  how  many  and  who  should  be  examined  as  their  

witnesses for proving their case.  Therefore, we find no  

merit in this submission.

37. In the light of the foregoing discussion, we find no  

merit  in  the  appeals,  which  fail  and  are  accordingly  

dismissed.  As  a  result,  the  conviction  and  sentence  

awarded  to  the  appellants  by  the  courts  below  are  



                              ……………………………………………………J. [FAKKIR MOHAMED IBRAHIM KALIFULLA]



Page 26

                   .….…...............................J. [ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE]

New Delhi; October 31, 2014.