26 September 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000261-000264 / 2002
Diary number: 4771 / 2001


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NOS.261-264     OF     2002   

MSR Leathers …Appellant


S. Palaniappan & Anr. …Respondents

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T   

T.S.     THAKUR,     J.   

1. In Sadanandan Bhadran v. Madhavan Sunil  

Kumar (1998) 6 SCC 514, this Court was dealing with a  

case under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act,  

1881 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) in which the  

complainant had, after dishonour of a cheque issued in his


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favour, taken steps to serve upon the accused-drawer of  

the cheque a notice under clause (b) of proviso to Section  

138 of the Act. No complaint was, however, filed by the  

complainant despite failure of the accused to arrange the  

payment of the amount covered by the cheque. Instead,  

the complainant-payee of the cheque had presented the  

cheque for collection once again, which was dishonoured a  

second time for want of sufficient funds. Another notice was  

served on the drawer of the cheque to arrange payment  

within fifteen days of receipt of said notice. Only after  

failure of drawer to do so did the payee file a complaint  

against the former under Section 138 of the Act.

2. After entering appearance, the drawer filed an  

application seeking discharge on the ground that the payee  

could not create more than one cause of action in respect  

of a single cheque and the complaint in question having  

been filed on the basis of the second presentation and  

resultant second cause of action was not maintainable. The  

Magistrate accepted that contention relying upon a Division  

Bench decision of Kerala High Court in Kumaresan v.


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Ameerappa (1991) 1 Ker L.T. 893 and dismissed the  

complaint. The order passed by the Magistrate was then  

questioned before the High Court of Kerala who relying  

upon Kumaresan’s case (supra) upheld the order passed  

by the Magistrate.  The matter was eventually brought up  

to this Court by special leave. This Court formulated the  

following question for determination:

“Whether payee or holder of cheque can initiate  proceeding of prosecution under Section 138 of  Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 for the second time if  he has not initiated any action on earlier cause of  action?”   

3. Answering the question in the negative this Court held  

that a combined reading of Sections 138 and 142 of the Act  

left no room for doubt that cause of action under Section  

142(b) can arise only once. The conclusion observed by the  

court is supported not only by Sections 138 and 142 but  

also by the fact that the dishonour of cheque gives rise to  

the commission of offence only on the failure to pay money  

when a notice is served upon the drawer in accordance with  

clause (b) of the proviso to Section 138.  The Court further  

held that if the concept of successive causes of action were


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to be accepted the same would make the limitation under  

Section 142(b) otiose. The Court observed:

“7. Besides the language of Sections 138 and 142  which clearly postulates only one cause of action, there  are other formidable impediments which negate the  concept of successive causes of action. One of them is  that for dishonour of one cheque, there can be only one  offence and such offence is committed by the drawer  immediately on his failure to make the payment within  fifteen days of the receipt of the notice served in  accordance with clause (b) of the proviso to Section  138. That necessarily means that for similar failure  after service of fresh notice on subsequent dishonour,  the drawer cannot be liable for any offence nor can the  first offence be treated as non est so as to give the  payee a right to file a complaint treating the second  offence as the first one. At that stage, it will not be a  question of waiver of the right of the payee to  prosecute the drawer but of absolution of the drawer of  an offence, which stands already committed by him and  which cannot be committed by him again.

8. The other impediment to the acceptance of the  concept of successive causes of action is that it will  make the period of limitation under clause (c) of  Section 142 otiose, for, a payee who failed to file his  complaint within one month and thereby forfeited his  right to prosecute the drawer, can circumvent the  above limitative clause by filing a complaint on the  basis of a fresh presentation of the cheque and its  dishonour. Since in the interpretation of statutes, the  court always presumes that the legislature inserted  every part thereof for a purpose and the legislative  intention is that every part should have effect, the  above conclusion cannot be drawn for that will make  the provision for limiting the period of making the  complaint nugatory.”


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4. The Court then tried to reconcile the apparently  

conflicting provisions of the Act - one enabling the payee to  

present the cheque and the other giving him opportunity to  

file a complaint within one month and observed:

“…..Having given our anxious consideration to this  question, we are of the opinion that the above two  provisions can be harmonised, with the interpretation  that on each presentation of the cheque and its  dishonour, a fresh right — and not cause of action —  accrues in his favour. He may, therefore, without  taking pre-emptory action in exercise of his such right  under clause (b) of Section 138, go on presenting the  cheque so as to enable him to exercise such right at  any point of time during the validity of the cheque. But  once he gives a notice under clause (b) of Section 138,  he forfeits such right for in case of failure of the drawer  to pay the money within the stipulated time, he would  be liable for offence and the cause of action for filing  the complaint will arise. Needless to say, the period of  one month for filing the complaint will be reckoned  from the day immediately following the day on which  the period of fifteen days from the date of the receipt  of the notice by the drawer expires.”

5. The Court accordingly dismissed the appeal while  

affirming the decision of the Kerala High Court in  

Kumaresan’s case (supra), no matter the same had been  

in the meantime overruled by a decision of the Full Bench  

of that Court in S.K.D. Lakshmanan Fireworks  

Industries v. K.V. Sivarama Krishnan (1995) Cri L J  

1384 (Ker).  


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6. When the present appeal first came up for hearing  

before a bench comprising Markandey Katju and B.  

Sudershan Reddy, JJ., reliance on behalf of respondents  

was placed upon the decision of this Court in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) to argue that the complaint in the  

instant case had also been filed on the basis of the second  

dishonour of a cheque after the payee of the cheque had  

issued a notice to the drawer under clause (b) of the  

proviso to Section 138 of the Act based on an earlier  

dishonour. On the ratio of Sadanandan Bhadran’s case  

(supra) such a complaint was not maintainable, argued the  

respondents. The Court, however, expressed its reservation  

about the correctness of the view taken in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) especially in para 9 thereof and  

accordingly referred the matter to a larger Bench.  That is  

precisely how the present appeal has come up for hearing  

before us.   It is, therefore, evident that this Court has  

repeatedly followed the view taken in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra).  But a careful reading of these  

decisions reveals that in these subsequent decisions there


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had been no addition to the ratio underlying the conclusion  

in Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra).

7. Before adverting to the submissions that were urged  

at the Bar we may briefly summarise the facts in the  

backdrop of which the issue arises for our determination.  

Four cheques for a total sum of rupees ten lakhs were  

issued by the respondent-company on 14th August, 1996 in  

favour of the appellant which were presented to the bank  

for collection on 21st November, 1996. The cheques were  

dishonoured in terms of memo dated 22nd November, 1996  

for insufficiency of funds.  A notice under clause (b) of  

proviso to Section 138 was then issued by the appellant to  

the respondent on 8th January, 1997 demanding payment of  

the amount covered by the cheques.  Despite receipt of the  

notice by the respondent the payment was not arranged.  

The appellant’s case is that the respondent assured the  

appellant that the funds necessary for the encashment of  

the cheques shall be made available by the respondent, for  

which purpose the cheques could be presented again to the


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bank concerned.  The cheques were accordingly presented  

for the second time to the bank on 21st January, 1997 and  

were dishonoured for a second time in terms of a memo  

dated 22nd January, 1997 once again on the ground of  

insufficiency of funds.  A statutory notice issued by the  

appellant under clause (b) of proviso to Section 138 of the  

Act on 28th January, 1997 called upon the respondent-

drawer of the cheques to arrange payment of the amount  

within 15 days.  Despite receipt of the said notice on 3rd  

February, 1997, no payment was arranged which led to the  

filing of Complaint Case No.1556-1557/1997 by the  

appellant before the II Metropolitan Magistrate, Madras for  

the offence punishable under Section 138 read with Section  

142 of the Act.  The Magistrate took cognizance and issued  

summons to the respondents in response whereto the  

respondents entered appearance and sought discharge  

primarily on the ground that the complaint had not been  

filed within 30 days of the expiry of the notice based on the  

first dishonour of the cheque.  It was also alleged that the  

statutory notice which formed the basis of the complaint  

had not been served upon the accused persons. The


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Magistrate upon consideration dismissed the applications  

for discharge which order was then assailed by the  

respondents before the High Court of Madras in Criminal  

Appeal Nos. 618, 624, 664, 665/2000.  

8. The High Court has, by the order impugned in this  

appeal, allowed the revision and quashed the orders passed  

by the Magistrate relying upon the decision of this Court in  

Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) according to which a  

complaint based on a second or successive dishonour of the  

cheque was not maintainable if no complaint based on an  

earlier dishonour, followed by the statutory notice issued on  

the basis thereof, had been filed.

9. Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881,  

constituting Chapter XVII of the Act which was introduced  

by Act 66 of 1988, inter alia, provides:

“138. Dishonour of cheque for insufficiency, etc., of  funds in the account. Where any cheque drawn by a  person on an account maintained by him with a banker  for payment of any amount of money to another person  from out of that account for the discharge, in whole or  in part, of any debt or other liability, is returned by the  bank unpaid, either because of the amount of money


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standing to the credit of that account is insufficient to  honour the cheque or that it exceeds the amount  arranged to be paid from that account by an agreement  made with that bank, such person shall be deemed to  have committed an offence and shall, without  prejudice. to any other provision of this Act, be  punished with imprisonment for a term which may  extend to two year, or with fine which may extend to  twice the amount of the cheque, or with both”

10. Proviso to Section 138, however, is all important and  

stipulates three distinct conditions precedent, which must  

be satisfied before the dishonour of a cheque can constitute  

an offence and become punishable.  The first     condition   is  

that the cheque ought to have been presented to the bank  

within a period of six months from the date on which it is  

drawn or within the period of its validity, whichever is  

earlier. The second     condition   is that the payee or the holder  

in due course of the cheque, as the case may be, ought to  

make a demand for the payment of the said amount of  

money by giving a notice in writing, to the drawer of the  

cheque, within thirty days of the receipt of information by  

him from the bank regarding the return of the cheque as  

unpaid. The third     condition   is that the drawer of such a  

cheque should have failed to make payment of the said  

amount of money to the payee or as the case may be, to


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the holder in due course of the cheque within fifteen days of  

the receipt of the said notice. It is only upon the satisfaction  

of all the three conditions mentioned above and  

enumerated under the proviso to Section 138 as clauses  

(a), (b) and (c) thereof that an offence under Section 138  

can be said to have been committed by the person issuing  

the cheque.

11. Section 142 of the Negotiable Instruments Act governs  

taking of cognizance of the offence and starts with a non-

obstante clause. It provides that no court shall take  

cognizance of any offence punishable under Section 138  

except upon a complaint, in writing, made by the payee or,  

as the case may be, by the holder in due course and such  

complaint is made within one month of the date on which  

the cause of action arises under clause (c) of the proviso to  

Section 138.  In terms of sub-section (c) to Section 142, no  

court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a  

Judicial Magistrate of the first class is competent to try any  

offence punishable under Section 138.


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12. A careful reading of the above provisions makes it  

manifest that a complaint under Section 138  can be filed  

only after cause of action to do so has accrued in terms of  

clause (c) of proviso to Section 138 which, as noticed  

earlier, happens no sooner than when the drawer of the  

cheque fails to make the payment of the cheque amount to  

the payee or the holder of the cheque within 15 days of the  

receipt of the notice required to be sent in terms of clause  

(b) of proviso to Section 138 of the Act.

13. What is important is that neither Section 138 nor  

Section 142 or any other provision contained in the Act  

forbids the holder or payee of the cheque from presenting  

the cheque for encashment on any number of occasions  

within a period of six months of its issue or within the  

period of its validity, whichever is earlier. That such  

presentation will be perfectly legal and justified was not  

disputed before us even at the Bar by learned counsel  

appearing for the parties and rightly so in light of the  

judicial pronouncements on that question which are all


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unanimous.  Even Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra)  

the correctness whereof we are examining, recognized that  

the holder or the payee of the cheque has the right to  

present the same any number of times for encashment  

during the period of six months or during the period of its  

validity, whichever is earlier.  

14. Presentation of the cheque and dishonour thereof  

within the period of its validity or a period of six months is  

just one of the three requirements that constitutes ‘cause  

of action’ within the meaning of Sections 138 and 142(b) of  

the Act, an expression that is more commonly used in civil  

law than in penal statutes.  For a dishonour to culminate  

into the commission of an offence of which a court may  

take cognizance, there are two other requirements,  

namely, (a) service of a notice upon the drawer of the  

cheque to make payment of the amount covered by the  

cheque and (b) failure of the drawer to make any such  

payment within the stipulated period of 15 days of the  

receipt of such a notice.  It is only when the said two


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conditions are superadded to the dishonour of the cheque  

that the holder/payee of the cheque acquires the right to  

institute proceedings for prosecution under Section 138 of  

the Act, which right remains legally enforceable for a period  

of 30 days counted from the date on which the cause of  

action accrued to him.  There is, however, nothing in the  

proviso to Section 138 or Section 142 for that matter, to  

oblige the holder/payee of a dishonoured cheque to  

necessarily file a complaint even when he has acquired an  

indefeasible right to do so.  The fact that an offence is  

complete need not necessarily lead to launch of prosecution  

especially when the offence is not a cognizable one.  It  

follows that the complainant may, even when he has the  

immediate right to institute criminal proceedings against  

the drawer of the cheque, either at the request of the  

holder/payee of the cheque or on his own volition, refrain  

from instituting the proceedings based on the cause of  

action that has accrued to him. Such a decision to defer  

prosecution may be impelled by several considerations but  

more importantly it may be induced by an assurance which  

the drawer extends to the holder of the cheque that given


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some time the payment covered by the cheques would be  

arranged, in the process rendering a time consuming and  

generally expensive legal recourse unnecessary.  It may  

also be induced by a belief that a fresh presentation of the  

cheque may result in encashment for a variety of reasons  

including the vicissitudes of trade and business dealings  

where financial accommodation given by the parties to each  

other is not an unknown phenomenon.  Suffice it to say  

that there is nothing in the provisions of the Act that  

forbids the holder/payee of the cheque to demand by  

service of a fresh notice under clause (b) of proviso to  

Section 138 of the Act, the amount covered by the cheque,  

should there be a second or a successive dishonour of the  

cheque on its presentation.   

15. Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) holds that  

while a second or successive presentation of the cheque is  

legally permissible so long as such presentation is within  

the period of six months or the validity of the cheque  

whichever is earlier, the second or subsequent dishonour of


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the cheque would not entitle the holder/payee to issue a  

statutory notice to the drawer nor would it entitle him to  

institute legal proceedings against the drawer in the event  

he fails to arrange the payment.  The decision gives three  

distinct reasons why that should be so. The first and the  

foremost of these reasons is the use of the expression  

“cause of action”  in Section 142(b) of the Act which  

according to the Court has been used in a restrictive sense  

and must therefore be understood to mean that cause of  

action under Section 142(b) can arise but once.  The  

second reason cited for the view taken in the Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) is that dishonour of a cheque will  

lead to commission of only one offence and that the offence  

is complete no sooner the drawer fails to make the  

payment of the cheque amount within a period of 15 days  

of the receipt of the notice served upon him. The Court has  

not pressed into service the doctrine of “waiver of the right  

to prosecute”  but held that the failure of the holder to  

institute proceedings would tantamount to “absolution”  of  

the drawer of the offence committed by him.  The third and  

the only other reason is that successive causes of action


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will militate against the provisions of Section 142(b) and  

make the said provision otiose. The Court in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) held that the failure of the  

drawer/payee to file a complaint within one month resulted  

in forfeiture of the complainant’s right to prosecute the  

drawer/payee which forfeiture cannot be circumvented by  

him by presenting the cheque afresh and inviting a  

dishonour to be followed by a fresh notice and a delayed  

complaint on the basis thereof.   

16. With utmost respect to the Judges who decided  

Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) we regret our  

inability to fall in line with the above line of reasoning to  

hold that while a cheque is presented afresh the right to  

prosecute the drawer, if the cheque is dishonoured, is  

forfeited only because the previous dishonour had not  

resulted in immediate prosecution of the offender even  

when a notice under clause (b) of proviso to Section 138  

had been served upon the drawer. We are conscious of the  

fact that Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) has been


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followed in several subsequent decisions of this Court such  

as in Sil Import, USA v. Exim Aides Silk Exporters,  

Bangalore, (1999) 4 SCC 567, Uniplas India Ltd. and  

Ors. v. State (Govt. of NCT Delhi) and Anr., (2001) 6  

SCC 8,  Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. v. Galaxy  

Traders & Agencies Ltd. and Anr., (2001) 6 SCC 463,  

Prem Chand Vijay Kumar v. Yashpal Singh and Anr.,  

(2005) 4 SCC 417, S.L. Constructions and Anr. v.  

Alapati Srinivasa Rao and Anr., (2009) 1 SCC 500,  

Tameshwar Vaishnav v. Ramvishal Gupta, (2010) 2  

SCC 329.  

17. All these decisions have without disturbing or making  

any addition to the rationale behind the decision in  

Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) followed the  

conclusion drawn in the same.  We, therefore, propose to  

deal with the three dimensions that have been highlighted  

in that case while holding that successive causes of action  

are not within the comprehension of Sections 138 and 142  

of the Act.          


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18. The expression ‘cause of action’  is more commonly  

and easily understood in the realm of civil laws.  The  

expression is not defined anywhere in the Code of Civil  

Procedure to which it generally bears relevance but has  

been universally understood to mean the bundle of facts  

which the plaintiff must prove in order to entitle him to  

succeed in the suit. (See State of Madras v. C.P.  

Agencies AIR 1960 SC 1309; Rajasthan High Court  

Advocates Association v. U.O.I. & Ors. AIR 2001 SC  

416 and Mohamed Khaleel Khan v. Mahaboob Ali Mia  

AIR 1949 PC 78).

19. Section 142 of the Negotiable Instruments Act is  

perhaps the only penal provision in a statute which uses  

the expression ‘cause of action’  in relation to the  

commission of an offence or the institution of a complaint  

for the prosecution of the offender. A careful reading of  

Sections 138 and 142, as noticed above, makes it  

abundantly clear that the cause of action to institute a  

complaint comprises the three different factual  

prerequisites for the institution of a complaint to which we


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have already referred in the earlier part of this order.  

None of these prerequisites is in itself sufficient to  

constitute a complete cause of action for an offence under  

Section 138.  For instance if a cheque is not presented  

within a period of six months from the date on which it is  

drawn or within the period of its validity, whichever is  

earlier, no cause of action would accrue to the holder of the  

cheque even when the remaining two requirements, namely  

service of a notice and failure of the drawer to make the  

payment of the cheque amount are established on facts. So  

also presentation of the cheque within the stipulated period  

without service of a notice in terms of Section 138 proviso  

(b) would give no cause of action to the holder to prosecute  

the drawer just as the failure of the drawer to make the  

payment demanded on the basis of a notice that does not  

satisfy the requirements of clause (b) of proviso to Section  

138 would not constitute a complete cause of action.

20. The expression ‘cause of action’  appearing in Section  

142 (b) of the Act cannot therefore be understood to be  

limited to any given requirement out of the three


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requirements that are mandatory for launching a  

prosecution on the basis of a dishonoured cheque.  Having  

said that, every time a cheque is presented in the manner  

and within the time stipulated under the proviso to Section  

138 followed by a notice within the meaning of clause (b) of  

proviso to Section 138 and the drawer fails to make the  

payment of the amount within the stipulated period of  

fifteen days after the date of receipt of such notice, a cause  

of action accrues to the holder of the cheque to institute  

proceedings for prosecution of the drawer.

21. There is, in our view, nothing either in Section 138 or  

Section 142 to curtail the said right of the payee, leave  

alone a forfeiture of the said right for no better reason than  

the failure of the holder of the cheque to institute  

prosecution against the drawer when the cause of action to  

do so had first arisen.  Simply because the prosecution for  

an offence under Section 138 must on the language of  

Section 142 be instituted within one month from the date of  

the failure of the drawer to make the payment does not in  

our view militate against the accrual of multiple causes of


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action to the holder of the cheque upon failure of the  

drawer to make the payment of the cheque amount.  In the  

absence of any juristic principle on which such failure to  

prosecute on the basis of the first default in payment  

should result in forfeiture, we find it difficult to hold that  

the payee would lose his right to institute such proceedings  

on a subsequent default that satisfies all the three  

requirements of Section 138.

 22. That brings us to the question whether an offence  

punishable under Section 138 can be committed only once  

as held by this Court in Sadanandan Bhadran’s case  

(supra).  The holder of a cheque as seen earlier can present  

it before a bank any number of times within the period of  

six months or during the period of its validity, whichever is  

earlier.  This right of the holder to present the cheque for  

encashment carries with it a corresponding obligation on  

the part of the drawer to ensure that the cheque drawn by  

him is honoured by the bank who stands in the capacity of  

an agent of the drawer vis-à-vis the holder of the cheque.  

If the holder of the cheque has a right, as indeed is in the


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unanimous opinion expressed in the decisions on the  

subject, there is no reason why the corresponding  

obligation of the drawer should also not continue every  

time the cheque is presented for encashment if it satisfies  

the requirements stipulated in that clause (a) to the proviso  

to Section 138. There is nothing in that proviso to even  

remotely suggest that clause (a) would have no application  

to a cheque presented for the second time if the same has  

already been dishonoured once.  Indeed if the legislative  

intent was to restrict prosecution only to cases arising out  

of the first dishonour of a cheque nothing prevented it from  

stipulating so in clause (a) itself.  In the absence of any  

such provision a dishonour whether based on a second or  

any successive presentation of a cheque for encashment  

would be a dishonour within the meaning of Section 138  

and clause (a) to proviso thereof.  We have, therefore,  no  

manner of doubt that so long as the cheque remains unpaid  

it is the continuing obligation of the drawer to make good  

the same by either arranging the funds in the account on  

which the cheque is drawn or liquidating the liability  

otherwise.  It is true that a dishonour of the cheque can be


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made a basis for prosecution of the offender but once, but  

that is far from saying that the holder of the cheque does  

not have the discretion to choose out of several such  

defaults, one default, on which to launch such a  

prosecution. The omission or the failure of the holder to  

institute prosecution does not, therefore, give any  

immunity to the drawer so long as the cheque is  

dishonoured within its validity period and the conditions  

precedent for prosecution in terms of the proviso to Section  

138 are satisfied.

23. Coming then to the question whether there is anything  

in Section 142(b) to suggest that prosecution based on  

subsequent or successive dishonour is impermissible, we  

need only mention that the limitation which Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) reads into that provision does not  

appear to us to arise. We say so because while a complaint  

based on a default and notice to pay must be filed within a  

period of one month from the date the cause of action  

accrues, which implies the date on which the period of 15  

days granted to the drawer to arrange the payment


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expires, there is nothing in Section 142 to suggest that  

expiry of any such limitation would absolve him of his  

criminal liability should the cheque continue to get  

dishonoured by the bank on subsequent presentations. So  

long as the cheque is valid and so long as it is dishonoured  

upon presentation to the bank, the holder’s right to  

prosecute the drawer for the default committed by him  

remains valid and exercisable. The argument that the  

holder takes advantage by not filing a prosecution against  

the drawer has not impressed us. By reason of a fresh  

presentation of a cheque followed by a fresh notice in terms  

of Section 138, proviso (b), the drawer gets an extended  

period to make the payment and thereby benefits in terms  

of further opportunity to pay to avoid prosecution. Such  

fresh opportunity cannot help the defaulter on any juristic  

principle, to get a complete absolution from prosecution.  

24. Absolution is, at any rate, a theological concept which  

implies an act of forgiving the sinner of his sins upon  

confession. The expression has no doubt been used in some  

judicial pronouncements, but the same stop short of


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recognizing absolution as a juristic concept.  It has always  

been used or understood in common parlance to convey  

“setting free from guilt”  or “release from a penalty”. The  

use of the expression “absolution”  in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) at any rate came at a time when  

proviso to Section 142(b) had not found a place on the  

statute book. That proviso was added by the Negotiable  

Instruments (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions)  

Act, 2002 which read as under:

“Provided that the cognizance of a complaint may be  taken by the Court after the prescribed period, if the  complainant satisfies the Court that he had sufficient  cause for not making a complaint within such period.”

25. The Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to  

the Amendment Bill, 2002 suggests that the introduction of  

this proviso was recommended by the Standing Committee  

on Finance and other representatives so as to provide  

discretion to the Court to waive the period of one month,  

which has been prescribed for taking cognizance of a case  

under the Act. This was so recognised judicially also by this


Page 27


Court in Subodh S. Salaskar v. Jayprakash M. Shah &  

Anr. (2008) 13 SCC 689 where this Court observed:   

“11. The [Negotiable Instruments] Act was amended in  the year 2002 whereby additional powers have been  conferred upon the court to take cognizance even after  expiry of the period of limitation by conferring on it a  discretion to waive the period of one month.

xx xx xx xx

24...The provisions of the Act being special in nature,  in terms thereof the jurisdiction of the court to take  cognizance of an offence under Section 138 of the Act  was limited to the period of thirty days in terms of the  proviso appended thereto. The Parliament only with a  view to obviate the aforementioned difficulties on the  part of the complainant inserted proviso to Clause (b)  of Section 142 of the Act in 2002. It confers a  jurisdiction upon the court to condone the delay...”

26. The proviso referred to above now permits the payee  

to institute prosecution proceedings against a defaulting  

drawer even after the expiry of the period of one month. If  

a failure of the payee to file a complaint within a period of  

one month from the date of expiry of the period of 15 days  

allowed for this purpose was to result in ‘absolution’, the  

proviso would not have been added to negate that  

consequence.  The statute as it exists today, therefore,  

does not provide for ‘absolution’ simply because the period  

of 30 days has expired or the payee has for some other


Page 28


reasons deferred the filing of the complaint against the  


27. It is trite that the object underlying Section 138 of the  

Act is to promote and inculcate faith in the efficacy of  

banking system and its operations, giving credibility to  

Negotiable Instruments in business transactions and to  

create an atmosphere of faith and reliance by discouraging  

people from dishonouring their commitments which are  

implicit when they pay their dues through cheques.  The  

provision was intended to punish those unscrupulous  

persons who issued cheques for discharging their liabilities  

without really intending to honour the promise that goes  

with the drawing up of such a negotiable instrument.   It  

was intended to enhance the acceptability of cheques in  

settlement of liabilities by making the drawer liable for  

penalties in case the cheque was dishonoured and to  

safeguard and prevent harassment of honest drawers.  

(See Mosaraf Hossain Khan v. Bhagheeratha Engg.  

Ltd. (2006) 3 SCC 658,  C.C. Alavi Haji v. Palapetty  

Muhammed & Anr. (2007) 6 SCC 555 and Damodar S.


Page 29


Prabhu v. Sayed Babulal H. (2010) 5 SCC 663).  

Having said that, we must add that one of the salutary  

principles of interpretation of statutes is to adopt an  

interpretation which promotes and advances the object  

sought to be achieved by the legislation, in preference to an  

interpretation which defeats such object. This Court has in  

a long line of decisions recognized purposive interpretation  

as a sound principle for the Courts to adopt while  

interpreting statutory provisions.  We may only refer to the  

decisions of this Court in New India Sugar Mills Ltd. v.  

Commissioner of Sales Tax, Bihar (AIR 1963 SC  

1207), where this Court observed:

“It is a recognised rule of interpretation of statutes that  expressions used therein should ordinarily be  understood in a sense in which they best harmonise with  the object of the statute, and which effectuate the object  of the Legislature. If an expression is susceptible of a  narrow or technical meaning, as well as a popular  meaning, the Court would be justified in assuming that  the Legislature used the expression in the sense which  would carry out its object and reject that which renders  the exercise of its power invalid.”

28. Reference may also be made to the decision of this  

Court in Deputy Custodian, Evacuee Property v.


Page 30


Official Receiver (AIR 1965 SC 951), where this Court  


“The rules of grammar may suggest that when the  section says that the property is evacuee property, it  prima facie indicates that the property should bear that  character at the time when the opinion is formed. But  Mr. Ganapathy Iyer for the appellants has strenuously  contended that the construction of s. 7(1) should not  be based solely or primarily on the mechanical  application of the rules of grammar. He urges that the  construction for which Mr. Pathak contents and which,  in substance, has been accepted by the High Court,  would lead to very anomalous results; and his  arguments is that it is open to the Court to take into  account the obvious aim and object of the statutory  provision when attempting the task of construing its  words. If it appears that the obvious aim and object of  the statutory provisions would be frustrated by  accepting the literal construction suggested by the  respondent, then it may be open to the Court to  enquire whether an alternative construction which  would serve the purpose of achieving the aim and  object of the Act, is reasonably possible.”

29. The decision of this Court in Nathi Devi v. Radha  

Devi (2005) 2 SCC 271, reiterates the rule of purposive  

construction in the following words:  

“Even if there exists some ambiguity in the language or  the same is capable of two interpretations, it is trite the  interpretation which serves the object and purport of  the Act must be given effect to. In such a case the  doctrine of purposive construction should be adopted.”


Page 31


30. To the same effect is the decision of this Court in S.P.  

Jain v. Krishan Mohan Gupta (1987) 1 SCC 191, where  

this Court observed:  

“We are of the opinion that law should take a pragmatic  view of the matter and respond to the purpose for  which it was made and also take cognizance of the  current capabilities of technology and life-style of the  community. It is well settled that the purpose of law  provides a good guide to the interpretation of the  meaning of the Act. We agree with the views of Justice  Krishna Iyer in Busching Schmitz Private Ltd’s case  (supra) that legislative futility is to be ruled out so long  as interpretative possibility permits.”

31. Applying the above rule of interpretation and the  

provisions of Section 138, we have no hesitation in holding  

that a prosecution based on a second or successive default  

in payment of the cheque amount should not be  

impermissible simply because no prosecution based on the  

first default which was followed by a statutory notice and a  

failure to pay had not been launched.  If the entire purpose  

underlying Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act is  

to compel the drawers to honour their commitments made  

in the course of their business or other affairs, there is no  

reason why  a person who has issued a cheque which is


Page 32


dishonoured and who fails to make payment despite  

statutory notice served upon him should be immune to  

prosecution simply because the holder of the cheque has  

not rushed to the court with a complaint based on such  

default or simply because the drawer has made the holder  

defer prosecution promising to make arrangements for  

funds or for any other similar reason. There is in our  

opinion no real or qualitative difference between a case  

where default is committed and prosecution immediately  

launched and another where the prosecution is deferred till  

the cheque presented again gets dishonoured for the  

second or successive time.   

32. The controversy, in our opinion, can be seen from  

another angle also. If the decision in Sadanandan  

Bhadran’s case (supra) is correct, there is no option for  

the holder to defer institution of judicial proceedings even  

when he may like to do so for so simple and innocuous a  

reason as  to extend certain accommodation to the drawer  

to arrange  the payment of the amount. Apart from the fact  

that an interpretation which curtails the right of the parties


Page 33


to negotiate a possible settlement without prejudice to the  

right of holder to institute proceedings within the outer  

period of limitation stipulated by law should be avoided we  

see no reason why parties should, by a process of  

interpretation, be forced to launch complaints where they  

can or may like to defer such action for good and valid  

reasons.  After all, neither the courts nor the parties stand  

to gain by institution of proceedings which may become  

unnecessary if cheque amount is paid by the drawer.  The  

magistracy in this country is over-burdened by an  

avalanche of cases under Section 138 of Negotiable  

Instruments Act.   If the first default itself must in terms of  

the decision in Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra)  

result in filing of prosecution, avoidable litigation would  

become an inevitable bane of the legislation that was  

intended only to bring solemnity to cheques without forcing  

parties to resort to proceedings in the courts of law. While  

there is no empirical data to suggest that the problems of  

overburdened magistracy and judicial system at the district  

level is entirely because of the compulsions arising out of  

the decisions in Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra), it is


Page 34


difficult to say that the law declared in that decision has not  

added to court congestion.   

33. In the result, we overrule the decision in  

Sadanandan Bhadran’s case (supra) and hold that  

prosecution based upon second or successive dishonour of  

the cheque is also permissible so long as the same satisfies  

the requirements stipulated in the proviso to Section 138 of  

the Negotiable Instruments Act. The reference is answered  

accordingly.  The appeals shall now be listed before the  

regular Bench for hearing and disposal in light of the  

observations made above.      


………….………………….…..……….J. (R.M. LODHA)

………….……………………..…….…J. (T.S. THAKUR)

………….………………….…..……….J. (ANIL R. DAVE)

New Delhi September 26, 2012