31 August 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001091-001091 / 2006
Diary number: 25383 / 2006


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NO.     1091     OF     2006   

Mohd. Hussain @ Julfikar Ali …. Appellant


The State (Govt. of NCT) Delhi                ….Respondent


R.M.     Lodha,     J.      

We are called upon to decide in this appeal the issue on  

reference by a two-Judge Bench, whether the matter requires to be  

remanded for a de novo trial in accordance with law or not?

2. The above question arises in this way. On 30.12.1997 at  

about 6.20 p.m. one Blueline Bus No. DL-1P-3088 carrying passengers  

on its route to Nangloi from Ajmeri Gate stopped at Rampura Bus Stand  

at Rohtak Road for passengers to disembark.  The moment the bus  

stopped, an explosion took place inside the bus.   The incident resulted in  



Page 2

death of four persons and injury to twenty-four persons.  The FIR of the  

incident was registered and investigation into the crime commenced.  On  

completion of investigation, the police filed a charge-sheet against four  

accused persons –  one of them being the present appellant,  a national  

of Pakistan – for the commission of offences under Sections 302/307/120-

B of Indian Penal Code (for short, ‘IPC’) and Sections 3 and 4 of the  

Explosive Substances Act, 1908 (for short, ‘ES Act’ ). The appellant and  

the other three accused were committed to the Court of Session  by the  

concerned Magistrate. The three accused other than the appellant were  

discharged by the Additional Sessions Judge, Delhi. The appellant was  

charged under Sections 302/307 IPC and Section 3 and, in the  

alternative, under Section 4(b) of the ES  Act.  

3. The appellant  pleaded not guilty to the charges framed  

against him and claimed to be tried.

4. Sixty-five witnesses were examined by the prosecution. On  

conclusion of the prosecution evidence, the statement of the appellant  

under Section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short,  

‘Code’) was recorded. The Additional Sessions Judge  vide his  judgment  

dated 26.10.2004 held that the prosecution had been successful in  

proving beyond reasonable doubt that the appellant had planted a bomb  

in Bus No. DL-1P-3088 on 30.12.1997 with intention to cause death and  



Page 3

the bomb exploded in which four persons died and twenty-four persons  

sustained injuries. The Additional Sessions Judge found the appellant  

guilty and convicted him under Sections 302/307 IPC read with Section 3  

of the ES Act.  On the point of sentence, the matter was kept for  

3.11.2004. On that date, after hearing the additional public prosecutor and  

the defence counsel,  the Additional Sessions Judge awarded death  

sentence to the appellant under Section 302 IPC and also awarded to him  

imprisonment for life for the offences under Section 307 IPC and  Section  

3 of the ES Act. Fine and default sentence were also ordered and it was  

directed that sentence of death shall not be executed unless the same  

was confirmed by the High Court.

5. Aggrieved by his conviction and sentence, the appellant  

preferred an appeal before the Delhi High Court. The reference was also  

made to the Delhi High Court for confirmation of death sentence. The  

death reference and the criminal appeal were heard together by the Delhi  

High Court. Vide judgment dated 4.8.2006, the Division Bench of Delhi  

High Court confirmed the death sentence imposed on the appellant under  

Section 302 IPC. The other sentences imposed on the appellant were  

also maintained.

6. It is from the judgment of the Delhi High Court dated  

4.8.2006 that the appellant preferred the present appeal before this Court.



Page 4

7. The criminal appeal came up for hearing before the Bench of  

H.L. Dattu and C.K. Prasad, JJ.  In his judgment, H.L. Dattu, J. thought it  

fit to deal with the issue whether the appellant was denied due process of  

law and whether  the conduct of trial was contrary to the procedure  

prescribed under the provisions of the Code and, in particular, that he was  

not given a fair and impartial trial and was denied the right of the counsel  

before discussing the merits of the appeal. The proceedings of the trial  

court were then noticed and discussed elaborately.  H.L. Dattu, J.  

observed as follows:

“In the present case, not only was the accused denied the  assistance of a counsel during the trial but such designation of  counsel, as was attempted at a late stage, was either so indefinite  or so close upon the trial as to amount to a denial of effective and  substantial aid in that regard. The court ought to have seen to it  that in the proceedings before the court, the accused was dealt  with justly and fairly by keeping in view the cardinal principles that  the accused of a crime is entitled to a counsel which may be  necessary for his defence, as well as to facts as to law. The same  yardstick may not be applicable in respect of economic offences  or where offences are not punishable with substantive sentence of  imprisonment but punishable with fine only. The fact that the right  involved is of such a character that it cannot be denied without  violating those fundamental principles of liberty and justice which  lie at the base of all our judicial proceedings, the necessity of  counsel was so vital and imperative that the failure of the trial  court to make an effective appointment of a counsel was a denial  of due process of law. It is equally true that the absence of fair and  proper trial would be violation of fundamental principles of judicial  procedure on account of breach of mandatory provisions of  Section 304 CrPC.



Page 5

After carefully going through the entire records of the trial  court, I am convinced that the appellant-accused was not provided  the assistance of a counsel in a substantial and meaningful sense.  To hold and decide otherwise, would be simply to ignore  actualities and also would be to ignore the fundamental  postulates, already adverted to.”

8.  H.L. Dattu, J. recorded his conclusions thus:

“In view of the above discussion, I cannot sustain the judgments  impugned and they must be reversed and the matter is to be  remanded to the trial court with a specific direction that the trial  court would assist the accused by employing a State counsel  before the commencement of the trial till its conclusion, if the  accused is unable to employ a counsel of his own choice. Since I  am remanding the matter for fresh disposal, I clarify that I have not  expressed any opinion regarding the merits of the case.

In view of the above, I allow the appeal and set aside the  conviction and sentence imposed by the Additional Sessions  Judge in Sessions Case No. 122 of 1998 dated 3-11-2004 and the  judgment and order passed by the High Court in State v. Mohd.  Hussain  dated 4-8-2006 and remand the case to the trial court for  fresh disposal in accordance with law and in the light of the  observations made by me as above. Since the incident is of the  year 1997, I direct the trial court to conclude the trial as  expeditiously as possible at any rate within an outer limit of three  months from the date of communication of this order and report  the same to this Court.”

9. C.K. Prasad, J. concurred with the view of H.L. Dattu, J. that  

the conviction and sentence of the appellant deserved to be set aside as  

he was not given the assistance of a lawyer to defend himself during trial.  



Page 6

C.K. Prasad, J.,  however, was not persuaded to remand the matter to the  

trial court for fresh trial of the appellant for the following reasons:  

“I have given my most anxious consideration to this aspect of the  matter and have no courage to direct for his de novo trial at such a  distance of time. For an occurrence of 1997, the appellant was  arrested in 1998 and since then he is in judicial custody. The  charge against him was framed on 18-2-1999 and it took more  than five years for the prosecution to produce its witnesses. True it  is that in the incident four persons have lost their lives and several  innocent persons have sustained severe injuries. Further, the  crime was allegedly committed by a Pakistani but these factors do  not cloud my reason. After all, we are proud to be a democratic  country and governed by rule of law.

The appellant must be seeing the hangman’s noose in his  dreams and dying every moment while awake from the day he  was awarded the sentence of death, more than seven years ago.  The right of speedy trial is a fundamental right and though a rigid  time-limit is not countenanced but in the facts of the present case I  am of the opinion that after such a distance of time it shall be  travesty of justice to direct for the appellant’s de novo trial. By  passage of time, it is expected that many of the witnesses may not  be found due to change of address and various other reasons and  few of them may not be in this world. Hence, any time-limit to  conclude the trial would not be pragmatic.

Accordingly, I am of the opinion that the conviction and  sentence of the appellant is vitiated, not on merit but on the  ground that his trial was not fair and just.

The appellant admittedly is a Pakistani, he has admitted  this during the trial and in the statement under Section 313 of the  Code of Criminal Procedure. I have found his conviction and  sentence illegal and the natural consequence of that would be his  release from the prison but in the facts and circumstances of the  case, I direct that he be deported to his country in accordance with  law, and till then he shall remain in jail custody.”



Page 7

10. We have heard Mr. Md. Mobin Akhtar, learned counsel for  

the appellant and Mr. P.P. Malhotra, learned Additional Solicitor General  

for the respondent.

11. Article 21 of the Constitution provides that no person shall be  

deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure  

established by law. Speedy justice and fair trial to a person accused of a  

crime are integral part of Article 21; these are imperatives of the  

dispensation of justice.   In every criminal trial, the procedure prescribed  

in the Code has to be followed, the laws of evidence have to be adhered  

to and an effective opportunity to the accused to defend himself must be  

given. If an accused remains unrepresented by a lawyer, the trial court  

has a duty to ensure that he is provided with proper legal aid.  

12. Article 22(1) of the Constitution provides that no person who  

is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed of the  

grounds for such arrest nor shall he be denied the right to consult, and to  

be defended by, a legal practitioner of his choice.

13. Article 39A of the Constitution, inter-alia, articulates the policy  

that the State shall provide free legal aid by a suitable legislation or  

schemes to  ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied  

to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities. 7


Page 8

14. Section 303 of the Code confers a right upon any person  

accused of an offence before a criminal court to be defended by a pleader  

of his choice.

15. Section 304 of the Code mandates legal aid to accused at  

State’s expense in a trial before the Court of Session where the accused  

is not represented by a pleader and where it appears to the court that the  

accused has not sufficient means to engage a pleader.  

16. The two-Judge Bench that heard the criminal appeal, was  

unanimous that the appellant was denied the assistance of a counsel in  

substantial and meaningful manner in the course of trial although  

necessity of counsel was vital and imperative and that resulted in denial  

of  due process of law. In their separate judgments, the learned Judges  

agreed that the appellant has been put to prejudice rendering the  

impugned judgments unsustainable in law. They, however, differed on  

the course to be adopted after it was held that the conviction and  

sentence awarded to the appellant by the trial court and confirmed by the  

High Court were vitiated. As noted above, H.L. Dattu, J. ordered the  

matter to be remanded to the trial court for fresh disposal in accordance  

with law after providing to the appellant the assistance of the counsel  

before the commencement of the trial till its conclusion if the accused was  

unable to engage a counsel of his own choice. On the other hand, C.K.  



Page 9

Prasad, J. for the reasons indicated by him held that the incident occurred  

in 1997;   the appellant was awarded the sentence of death more than  

seven years ago and  at such distance of time it shall be travesty of  

justice to direct for the appellant’s de novo trial.

17. Section 386 of the Code sets out the powers of the appellate  

court.  To the extent it is relevant, it reads as under :  

“S. 386. Powers of the Appellate Court.—After perusing  such record and hearing the appellant or his pleader, if he  appears, and the Public Prosecutor, if he appears, and in case of  an appeal under section 377 or section 378, the accused if he  appears, the Appellate Court may, if it considers that there is no  sufficient ground for interfering, dismiss the appeal, or may—

(a) xxx xxx xxx

(b) in an appeal from a conviction—

(i) reverse the finding and sentence and acquit  or discharge the accused, or order him to be  re-tried by a Court of competent jurisdiction  subordinate to such Appellate Court or  committed for trial, or

xxx xxx xxx”  

18. Section 311 of the Code empowers a criminal court to  

summon any person as a witness though not summoned as a witness or  

recall and re-examine any person already examined at any stage of any  



Page 10

enquiry, trial or other proceeding and the court shall summon and  

examine or recall and re-examine any such person if his evidence  

appears to be essential to the just decision of the case.  

19. If the appellate court in an appeal from a conviction under  

Section 386 orders the accused to be re-tried, on the matter being  

remanded to the trial court and on re-trial of the accused, such trial court  

retains the power under Section 311 of the Code unless ordered  

otherwise by the appellate court.

20. In Machander v. State of Hyderabad1, it has been stated by  

this Court that while it is incumbent on the court to see that no guilty  

person escapes but the court also has to see that justice is not delayed  

and the accused persons are not indefinitely harassed. The court further  

stated that the scale must be held even between the prosecution and the  


21. In Gopi Chand v. Delhi Administration2, a Constitution Bench  

of this Court was concerned with the criminal appeals wherein plea of the  

validity of the trial and of the orders of conviction and sentence was raised  

by the appellant. That was a case where the appellant was charged for  

three offences which were required to be tried as a warrant case by  

following the procedure prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Code, 1860  

1  (1955) 2 SCR 524 2  AIR 1959 SC 609



Page 11

but he was tried under the procedure prescribed for the trial of a  

summons case. The procedure for summons case and warrants case was  

materially different. The Constitution Bench held that having regard to the  

nature of the charges framed and the character and volume of evidence  

led, the appellant was prejudiced; the trial of the three cases against the  

appellant was vitiated and the orders of conviction and sentence were  

rendered invalid. The Court, accordingly, set aside the orders of  

conviction and sentence.  While dealing with the question as to what final  

order should be passed in the appeals, the Constitution Bench held as  


“29.  ….….The offences with which the appellant stands  charged are of a very serious nature; and though it is true that he  has had to undergo the ordeal of a trial and has suffered rigorous  imprisonment for some time that would not justify his prayer that  we should not order his retrial. In our opinion, having regard to  the gravity of the offences charged against the appellant, the  ends of justice require that we should direct that he should be  tried for the said offences de novo according to law. We also  direct that the proceedings to be  taken against the appellant  hereafter should be commenced without delay and should be  disposed as expeditiously as possible.”   


22. A two-Judge Bench of this Court in Tyron Nazareth v. State  

of Goa3, after holding that the conviction of the appellant was vitiated as  

he was not provided with legal aid in the course of trial, ordered retrial.  

The brief order reads as follows: 3  1994 Supp (3) SCC 321



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“2. We have heard the learned counsel for the State. We have  also perused the decisions of this Court in Khatri (II) v. State of  Bihar [(1981) 1 SCC 627] and Sukh Das v. Union Territory of  Arunachal Pradesh [(1986) 2 SCC 401]. We find that the appellant  was not assisted by any lawyer and perhaps he was not aware of  the fact that the minimum sentence provided under the statute  was 10 years' rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1 lakh. We  are, therefore, of the opinion that in the circumstances the matter  should go back to the tribunal. The appellant if not represented by  a lawyer may make a request to the court to provide him with a  lawyer under Section 304 of the Criminal Procedure Code or  under any other legal aid scheme and the court may proceed with  the trial afresh after recording a plea on the charges. The appeal  is allowed accordingly. The order of conviction and sentence  passed by the Special Court and confirmed by the High Court are  set aside and a de novo trial is ordered hereby.”

23. This Court in S. Guin & Ors. v. Grindlays Bank Ltd.4 was  

concerned with the case where the trial court acquitted the appellants of  

the offence punishable under Section 341 of the IPC read with Section  

36-AD of Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The charge against the  

appellants was that they had obstructed the officers of the bank, without  

reasonable cause, from entering the premises of a branch of the bank  

and also obstructed the transaction of normal banking business. Against  

their acquittal, an appeal was preferred before the High Court which  

allowed it after a period of six years and remanded the case for retrial. It  

was from the order of remand for re-trial that the matter reached this  

Court. This Court while setting aside the order of remand in paragraph 3  

of the Report held as under :

4  (1986) 1 SCC 654



Page 13

“3. After going through the judgment of the magistrate and of the  High Court we feel that whatever might have been the error  committed by the Magistrate, in the circumstances of the case, it  was not just and proper for the High Court to have remanded the  case for fresh trial, when the order of acquittal had been passed  nearly six years before the judgment of the High Court. The  pendency of the criminal appeal for six years before the High  Court is itself a regrettable feature of this case. In addition to it, the  order directing retrial has resulted in serious prejudice to the  appellants. We are of the view that having regard to the nature of  the acts alleged to have been committed by the appellants and  other attendant circumstances, this was a case in which the High  Court should have directed the dropping of the proceedings in  exercise of its inherent powers under Section 482, Criminal  Procedure Code even if for some reason it came to the conclusion  that the acquittal was wrong. A fresh trial nearly seven years after  the alleged incident is bound to result in harassment and abuse of  judicial process …….”

24. The Constitution Bench of this Court in Abdul Rehman  

Antulay and others v. R.S. Nayak and another5  considered  right of an  

accused to speedy trial  in light of Article 21 of the Constitution and  

various provisions of the Code. The Constitution Bench also extensively  

referred to the earlier decisions of this Court  in  Hussainara Khatoon and  

others (I) v. Home Secretary, State of Bihar6, Hussainara Khatoon and  

others (III) v. Home Secretary, State of Bihar,Patna7,   Hussainara  

Khatoon and others (IV) v. Home Secretary, State of Bihar,Patna8 and  

Raghubir Singh & others v. State of Bihar9 and noted that the provisions  

of the Code are consistent with  the constitutional guarantee of speedy  

5  (1992) 1 SCC 225 6  (1980) 1 SCC 81 7  (1980) 1 SCC 93 8  (1980) 1 SCC 98 9  (1986) 4 SCC 481



Page 14

trial emanating from Article 21.   In paragraph 86 of the Report, the Court  

framed guidelines.  Sub-paragraphs (9) and (10) thereof read  as under :

“86(9). Ordinarily speaking, where the court comes to the  conclusion that right to speedy trial of an accused has been  infringed the charges or the conviction, as the case may be, shall  be quashed. But this is not the only course open. The nature of  the offence and other circumstances in a given case may be such  that quashing of proceedings may not be in the interest of justice.  In such a case, it is open to the court to make such other  appropriate order — including an order to conclude the trial within  a fixed time where the trial is not concluded or reducing the  sentence where the trial has concluded — as may be deemed just  and equitable in the circumstances of the case.

(10).  It is neither advisable nor practicable to fix any time-limit for  trial of offences. Any such rule is bound to be qualified one. Such  rule cannot also be evolved merely to shift the burden of proving  justification on to the shoulders of the prosecution. In every case  of complaint of denial of right to speedy trial, it is primarily for the  prosecution to justify and explain the delay. At the same time, it is  the duty of the court to weigh all the circumstances of a given  case before pronouncing upon the complaint. The Supreme Court  of USA too has repeatedly refused to fix any such outer time-limit  in spite of the Sixth Amendment. Nor do we think that not fixing  any such outer limit ineffectuates the guarantee of right to speedy  trial.”

25. In Kartar Singh v. State of Punjab10,  it was stated by  this  

Court that no doubt liberty of a citizen must be zealously safeguarded by  

the courts but nonetheless the courts while dispensing justice should  

10  (1994) 3 SCC 569



Page 15

keep in mind not only the liberty of the accused but also the interest of the  

victim and their near and dear and above all the collective interest of the  

community and the safety of the nation so that the public may not lose  

faith in the system of judicial administration and indulge in private  

retribution.   In that case, the Court was dealing with a case under the  

TADA Act.  

26. In State of Punjab v. Ajaib Singh11, a two-Judge Bench of this  

Court was concerned with the question whether the order of acquittal  

passed by the High Court of Punjab and Haryana was liable to  

interference under Article 136 of the Constitution. That was a case where  

the respondent  was tried along with other two accused persons for the  

offences under Section 302 IPC and Section 27 of the Arms Act. While  

one of the accused was acquitted and the other was convicted for a  

smaller offence and given probation, insofar as respondent was  

concerned, he was convicted under Section 302 IPC and sentenced to  

undergo life imprisonment. He was also convicted under Section 27 of the  

Arms Act and given   two years’ rigorous imprisonment.    The High Court  

held that the act of the respondent was covered within clauses first and  

secondly in Section 100 of the IPC and, therefore, he was entitled to  

acquittal. While maintaining the order of acquittal the Court did notice  the  

11  (1995) 2 SCC 486



Page 16

time lag of more than 18 years from the date of incident and nearly 15  

years from the date of acquittal and hearing.  

27. In Hussainara Khatoon and others (VII) v. Home Secretary,  

Bihar & Others.12, a three-Judge Bench of this Court while dealing with  

the rights of under-trial prisoners observed that sympathy for the under-

trials who were in jail for long terms on account of pendency of cases had  

to be balanced having regard to the impact of crime on society and the  

fact situation.  

28. Phoolan Devi v. State of M.P. and others13,  was concerned  

with the  release of the petitioner on the ground that her right to speedy  

trial had been violated and her continued custody was without any lawful  

authority. The Court observed that by  lapse of several years since the  

commencement of prosecution, it cannot be said that for that reason  

alone the continuance of prosecution would violate the petitioner’s right to  

speedy trial.

29. In Raj Deo Sharma (I) v. State of Bihar14, the matter reached  

this Court at the instance of an accused charged with offences under  

Sections 5(2) and 5(1)(e) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947. He  

was aggrieved by the order of the High Court whereby his prayer for  

quashing the prosecution against him on the ground of violation of right to  12  (1995) 5 SCC 326 13  (1996) 11 SCC 19 14  (1998) 7 SCC 507



Page 17

speedy trial was rejected.   In that case, a three-Judge Bench of this  

Court issued certain directions supplemental to the propositions laid down  

in Abdul Rehman Antulay5. Raj Deo Sharma (I)14 came up for  

consideration once again in Raj Deo Sharma (II) v. State of Bihar15. In his  

dissenting judgment, M.B. Shah, J. held that prescribing time-limit would  

be against the decisions rendered in Abdul Rehman Antulay5 and Kartar  


30. In State of M.P. v. Bhooraji and others16, this Court was  

concerned with the question whether retrial was inevitable although the  

trial proceedings in the case had already undergone over a period of nine  

years. That was a case where the  incident happened on 26.8.1991 in  

which one person was murdered and three others were wounded. Eleven  

persons were charge-sheeted by the police in respect of the said incident  

for various offences including Section 302 read with Section 149 IPC and  

Section 3(2) of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention  

of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (‘SC/ST Act’). The Additional Sessions Judge,  

Dhar (M.P.) (Specified Court) on conclusion of trial that took about five  

years convicted all the eleven accused persons under Sections 148, 323,  

302/149 IPC and sentenced them to various punishments including  

imprisonment for life. The convicted persons filed appeal before the High  

Court of Madhya Pradesh. During the pendency of the appeal before the  15  (1999) 7 SCC 604 16  (2001) 7 SCC 679



Page 18

High Court, this Court in a decision given in Gangula Ashok v. State of  

A.P. [(2000) 2 SCC 504] held that committal proceedings were necessary  

for a Specified Court under the SC/ST Act to take cognizance of the  

offences to be tried. In light of the decision of this Court in Gangula  

Ashok, the convicts made an application before the High Court in the  

pending appeal seeking quashment of the trial proceedings on the ground  

that the trial was without jurisdiction inasmuch as the Specified Court of  

Session did not acquire jurisdiction to take cognizance of and try the  

case, in the absence of it being committed by a Magistrate. The Division  

Bench of the High Court upheld the contention raised by the convicted  

persons  and ordered the quashment of the trial proceedings and the trial  

court was directed to return the charge-sheet and the connected papers  

to the prosecution for resubmission to the Magistrate for further  

proceedings in accordance with law. It was against the judgment of the  

High Court that the State of Madhya Pradesh came up in appeal by  

special leave.   

31. While dealing with the question whether the High Court  

should have quashed the trial proceedings only on account of declaration  

of the legal position made by the Supreme Court concerning the  

procedural aspect about the cases involving offences under the SC/ST  

Act, this Court stated, “a de novo trial should be the last resort and that  

too only when such a course becomes so desperately indispensable. It  18


Page 19

should be limited to the extreme exigency to avert ‘a failure of justice’.  

Any omission or even the illegality in the procedure which does not affect  

the core of the case is not a ground for ordering a de novo trial”. The  

Court went on to say further as follows :

“8……….This is because the appellate court has plenary powers  for revaluating and reappraising the evidence and even to take  additional evidence by the appellate court itself or to direct such  additional evidence to be collected by the trial court. But to replay  the whole laborious exercise after erasing the bulky records  relating to the earlier proceedings, by bringing down all the  persons to the court once again for repeating the whole  depositions would be a sheer waste of time, energy and costs  unless there is miscarriage of justice otherwise. Hence the said  course can be resorted to when it becomes unpreventable for the  purpose of averting “a failure of justice”. The superior court which  orders a de novo trial cannot afford to overlook the realities and  the serious impact on the pending cases in trial courts which are  crammed with dockets, and how much that order would inflict  hardship on many innocent persons who once took all the trouble  to reach the court and deposed their versions in the very same  case. To them and the public the re-enactment of the whole labour  might give the impression that law is more pedantic than  pragmatic. Law is not an instrument to be used for inflicting  sufferings on the people but for the process of justice  dispensation”.

32.         In Bhooraji16, the Court referred to Chapter XXXV of the Code  

and, particularly, Sections 461, 462 and 465(1).  After noticing the  

above provisions, the Court observed in paragraphs 15, 16 and 17 of  

the Report as follows :  



Page 20

“15. A reading of the section makes it clear that the error,  omission or irregularity in the proceedings held before or during  the trial or in any enquiry were reckoned by the legislature as  possible occurrences in criminal courts. Yet the legislature  disfavoured axing down the proceedings or to direct repetition of  the whole proceedings afresh. Hence, the legislature imposed a  prohibition that unless such error, omission or irregularity has  occasioned “a failure of justice” the superior court shall not quash  the proceedings merely on the ground of such error, omission or  irregularity.

16. What is meant by “a failure of justice” occasioned on account  of such error, omission or irregularity? This Court has observed in  Shamnsaheb M. Multtani v. State of Karnataka [(2001) 2 SCC  577] thus: (SCC p. 585, para 23)

“23. We often hear about ‘failure of justice’ and quite often  the submission in a criminal court is accentuated with the  said expression. Perhaps it is too pliable or facile an  expression which could be fitted in any situation of a case.  The expression ‘failure of justice’  would appear,  sometimes, as an etymological chameleon (the simile is  borrowed from Lord Diplock in Town Investments Ltd. v.  Deptt. of the Environment [(1977) 1 All ER 813]. The  criminal court, particularly the superior court should make a  close examination to ascertain whether there was really a  failure of justice or whether it is only a camouflage.”

17. It is an uphill task for the accused in this case to show that  failure of justice had in fact occasioned merely because the  specified Sessions Court took cognizance of the offences without  the case being committed to it. The normal and correct procedure,  of course, is that the case should have been committed to the  Special Court because that court being essentially a Court of  Session can take cognizance of any offence only then. But if a  specified Sessions Court, on the basis of the legal position then  felt to be correct on account of a decision adopted by the High  Court, had chosen to take cognizance without a committal order,  what is the disadvantage of the accused in following the said  course?”



Page 21

33. Finally this Court concluded that High Court should have  

dealt with the appeal on merits on the basis of the evidence already on  

record and to facilitate the said course, the judgment of the High Court  

impugned in the appeal was set aside and matter was sent back to the  

High Court for disposal of the appeal afresh on merits in accordance with  


34. P. Ramachandra Rao v. State of Karnataka17  was concerned  

with the  appeals wherein the accused persons indicted of corruption  

charges were acquitted by the special courts for failure of commencement  

of trial in spite of lapse of two years from the date of framing of the  

charges and the High Court allowed the State appeals without noticing  

the respective accused persons.  When the appeals came up for hearing  

before the Bench of three-Judges, the matters were referred to a  

Constitution Bench to consider whether time-limit of the nature mentioned  

in, “Common Cause”, A Registered Society (I) v. Union of India and  

others18, “Common Cause”, A Registered Society (II) v. Union of India19,  

Raj Deo Sharma (I)14,  and Raj Deo Sharma (II)15  can under the law be  

laid down? Before the Bench of five-Judges, the earlier decision of this  

17  (2002) 4 SCC 578 18  (1996) 6SCC 775 19  (1996) 4 SCC 33



Page 22

Court in Abdul Rehman Antulay5  was  brought to the notice along with the  

above referred four cases. The five-Judge Bench, accordingly, referred  

the matter to a Bench of seven-Judges. The Bench of seven-Judges  

considered the questions:   Is it at all necessary to have limitation bars  

terminating trials and proceedings? Is there no effective mechanism  

available for achieving the same end? In paragraph 23 (Pg. 600) of the  

Report, the Bench made the following observations:

“23. Bars of limitation, judicially engrafted, are, no doubt, meant to  provide a solution to the aforementioned problems. But a solution  of this nature gives rise to greater problems like scuttling a trial  without adjudication, stultifying access to justice and giving easy  exit from the portals of justice. Such general remedial measures  cannot be said to be apt solutions. For two reasons we hold such  bars of limitation uncalled for and impermissible: first, because it  tantamounts to impermissible legislation — an activity beyond the  power which the Constitution confers on the judiciary, and  secondly, because such bars of limitation fly in the face of law laid  down by the Constitution Bench in A.R. Antulay case and,  therefore, run counter to the doctrine of precedents and their  binding efficacy.”

35. In paragraph 29 (Pg. 603) of the Report, the seven-Judge  

Bench held that the period of limitation  for conclusion of trial of a criminal  

case or criminal proceeding in “Common Cause” (I)18, “Common Cause”  

(II)19 , Raj Deo Sharma (I)14 , Raj Deo Sharma (II)15  could not have been  

prescribed. The Bench concluded, inter alia, as follows :



Page 23

“29. ……….  

(1) The dictum in A.R. Antulay case is correct and still holds  the field.

(2) The propositions emerging from Article 21 of the  Constitution and expounding the right to speedy trial laid down  as guidelines in A.R. Antulay case adequately take care of  right to speedy trial. We uphold and reaffirm the said  propositions.

(3) The guidelines laid down in A.R. Antulay case are not  exhaustive but only illustrative. They are not intended to  operate as hard-and-fast rules or to be applied like a  straitjacket formula. Their applicability would depend on the  fact situation of each case. It is difficult to foresee all situations  and no generalization can be made.

(4) It is neither advisable, nor feasible, nor judicially  permissible to draw or prescribe an outer limit for conclusion of  all criminal proceedings. The time-limits or bars of limitation  prescribed in the several directions made in Common Cause  (I), Raj Deo Sharma (I) and Raj Deo Sharma (II) could not  have been so prescribed or drawn and are not good law. The  criminal courts are not obliged to terminate trial or criminal  proceedings merely on account of lapse of time, as prescribed  by the directions made in Common Cause case (I), Raj Deo  Sharma case (I) and (II). At the most the periods of time  prescribed in those decisions can be taken by the courts  seized of the trial or proceedings to act as reminders when  they may be persuaded to apply their judicial mind to the facts  and circumstances of the case before them and determine by  taking into consideration the several relevant factors as  pointed out in A.R. Antulay case and decide whether the trial  or proceedings have become so inordinately delayed as to be  called oppressive and unwarranted. Such time-limits cannot  and will not by themselves be treated by any court as a bar to  further continuance of the trial or proceedings and as  mandatorily obliging the court to terminate the same and  acquit or discharge the accused.



Page 24

(5) The criminal courts should exercise their available powers,  such as those under Sections 309, 311 and 258 of the Code of  Criminal Procedure to effectuate the right to speedy trial. A  watchful and diligent trial Judge can prove to be a better  protector of such right than any guidelines. In appropriate  cases, jurisdiction of the High Court under Section 482 CrPC  and Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution can be invoked  seeking appropriate relief or suitable directions.

xxx xxx xxx”

36. A two-Judge Bench of this Court in Zahira Habibulla H.  

Sheikh and another v. State of Gujarat and others20, known as the “Best  

Bakery Case”, extensively considered the jurisprudence of fair trial,  

powers of the criminal court under the Code and the Evidence Act  

including retrial of a criminal case. The Best Bakery Case was a case of  

mass killing.  The trial court directed acquittal of the accused persons.  

The State of Gujarat preferred appeal against acquittal and a criminal  

revision was also filed against acquittal by one of the affected persons.  

The Gujarat High Court dismissed the criminal appeal and criminal  

revision upholding acquittal of the accused by the trial court. The prayers  

for adducing additional evidence under Section 391 of the Code and/or for  

directing retrial were rejected. It is from this order of the Gujarat High  

Court that the matter reached this Court. In paragraph 33 of the Report  

(Pg. 183), the Bench observed as follows :

20  (2004) 4 SCC 158



Page 25

“33.  The principle of fair trial now informs and energises many  areas of the law. It is reflected in numerous rules and practices. It is  a constant, ongoing development process continually adapted to  new and changing circumstances, and exigencies of the situation –  peculiar at times and related to the nature of crime, persons  involved –  directly or operating behind, social impact and societal  needs and even so many powerful balancing factors which may  come in the way of administration of criminal justice system.”

37. Then in paragraph 35 of the Report (Pg. 184), the Court  

observed that in a criminal case the fair trial entails triangulation of  

interests of the accused, the victim and the society. The Court further  

observed that “interests of the society are not to be treated completely  

with disdain and as persona non grata”.

38. In Best Bakery Case20 , the Court also made the following  


“38. A criminal trial is a judicial examination of the issues in the  case and its purpose is to arrive at a judgment on an issue as to a  fact or relevant facts which may lead to the discovery of the fact  issue and obtain proof of such facts at which the prosecution and  the accused have arrived by their pleadings; the controlling  question being the guilt or innocence of the accused. Since the  object is to mete out justice and to convict the guilty and protect  the innocent, the trial should be a search for the truth and not a  bout over technicalities, and must be conducted under such rules  as will protect the innocent, and punish the guilty. The proof of  charge which has to be beyond reasonable doubt must depend  upon judicial evaluation of the totality of the evidence, oral and  circumstantial, and not by an isolated scrutiny.



Page 26

39. Failure to accord fair hearing either to the accused or the  prosecution violates even minimum standards of due process of  law. It is inherent in the concept of due process of law, that  condemnation should be rendered only after the trial in which the  hearing is a real one, not sham or a mere farce and pretence.  Since the fair hearing requires an opportunity to preserve the  process, it may be vitiated and violated by an overhasty, stage- managed, tailored and partisan trial.

40. The fair trial for a criminal offence consists not only in  technical observance of the frame and forms of law, but also in  recognition and just application of its principles in substance, to  find out the truth and prevent miscarriage of justice.”

39. The Bench emphasized that whether a re-trial under Section  

386 of the Code or taking up of additional evidence under Section 391 of  

the Code in a given case is the proper procedure will depend on the facts  

and circumstances of each case for which no straitjacket formula of  

universal and invariable application can be formulated.  

40. In Satyajit Banerjee and others v. State of West Bengal and  

others21, a two-Judge Bench of this Court was concerned with an appeal  

by special leave wherein the accused-appellants were charged for the  

offences punishable under Section 498-A and 306 of the Indian Penal  

Code. The trial court acquitted the accused persons. In revision preferred  

by  the complainant,  the High Court set aside the order of acquittal and  

directed a de novo trial of the accused. While dealing with the revisional  

21  (2005) 1 SCC 115



Page 27

jurisdiction of the High Court in a matter against the order of acquittal, the  

Court  observed that such jurisdiction  was  exercisable by the High Court  

only in exceptional cases where the High Court finds  defect of procedure  

or manifest error of law resulting in flagrant miscarriage of justice. In the  

facts of the case, this Court held that the High Court ought not to have  

directed the trial court to hold the de novo trial. With reference to Best  

Bakery Case20  the Court observed in paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Report  

(Pgs. 121 and 122) as follows :  

“25. Since strong reliance has been placed on Best Bakery case  (Gujarat riots case) it is necessary to record a note of caution.  That was an extraordinary case in which this Court was convinced  that the entire prosecution machinery was trying to   shield the  accused  

i.e. the rioters. It was also found that the entire trial was a farce.  The witnesses were terrified and intimidated to keep them away  from the court. It is in the aforesaid extraordinary circumstances  that the court not only directed a de novo trial of the whole case  but made further directions for appointment of the new prosecutor  with due consultation of the victims. Retrial was directed to be  held out of the State of Gujarat.

26. The law laid down in Best Bakery case in the aforesaid  extraordinary circumstances, cannot be applied to all cases  against the established principles of criminal jurisprudence.  Direction for retrial should not be made in all or every case where  acquittal of accused is for want of adequate or reliable evidence.  In Best Bakery case the first trial was found to be a farce and is  described as “mock trial”. Therefore, the direction for retrial was in  fact, for a real trial. Such extraordinary situation alone can justify  the directions as made by this Court in Best Bakery case.”



Page 28

41. ‘Speedy trial’  and ‘fair trial’  to a person accused of a crime  

are integral part of Article 21.  There is, however, qualitative difference  

between the right to speedy trial and the accused’s right of fair trial. Unlike  

the accused’s right of fair trial, deprivation of the right to speedy trial does  

not per se prejudice the accused in defending himself.  The right to  

speedy trial is in its very nature relative. It depends upon diverse  

circumstances. Each case of delay in  conclusion of a criminal trial has to  

be seen in the facts and circumstances of such case. Mere lapse of  

several years since the commencement of prosecution by itself may not  

justify the discontinuance of prosecution or dismissal of indictment.  The  

factors concerning the accused’s right to speedy trial have to be weighed  

vis-a-vis the impact of the crime on society and the confidence of the  

people in judicial system.  Speedy trial secures rights to an accused but it  

does not preclude the rights of public justice.  The nature and gravity of  

crime, persons involved, social impact and societal  needs must be  

weighed along with the right of the accused to speedy trial and if the  

balance tilts in favour of the former the long delay in conclusion of criminal  

trial should not operate against the continuation of prosecution and if the  

right of accused in the facts and circumstances of the case and  

exigencies of situation tilts the balance in his favour,  the prosecution may  

be brought to an end.  These principles must apply as well when the  



Page 29

appeal court is confronted with the question whether or not retrial of an  

accused should be ordered.

42. The appellate court hearing a criminal appeal from a  

judgment of conviction has power to order the retrial of the accused under  

Section 386 of the Code.   That is clear from the bare language of  

Section 386(b).  Though  such power exists, it should not be exercised in  

a routine manner. A de novo trial or retrial of the accused should be  

ordered by the appellate court in exceptional and rare cases and only  

when  in the opinion of the appellate court  such course becomes  

indispensable to avert failure of justice.  Surely this power cannot be used  

to allow the prosecution to improve upon its case or  fill up the lacuna.   A  

retrial is not the second trial; it is continuation of the same trial and same  

prosecution.  The guiding factor for retrial must always be demand of  

justice. Obviously, the exercise of power of retrial under Section 386(b)  of  

the Code,  will depend on the facts and circumstances of each case for  

which no straitjacket formula  can be formulated but the appeal court must  

closely keep in view that while protecting the right of an accused to fair  

trial and due process, the people who seek protection of law do not lose  

hope in legal system and the interests of the society are not altogether  




Page 30

43. Insofar as present case is concerned, it has been  

concurrently held by the two Judges who heard the criminal appeal that  

the appellant was denied due process of law and the trial held against him  

was contrary to the procedure prescribed under the provisions of the  

Code since he was  denied right of representation by  counsel in the trial.  

The Judges differed  on the course to be followed after holding that the  

trial against the appellant was flawed.  We have to consider now,  

whether the matter requires to be remanded for a de novo trial in the facts  

and the circumstances of the present case. The incident is of 1997. It  

occurred in a public transport bus when that bus was carrying passengers  

and stopped at a bus stand. The moment the bus stopped an explosion  

took place inside the bus that ultimately resulted in death of four persons  

and injury to twenty-four persons. The nature of the incident and  the  

circumstances in which it occurred speak volume about the very grave  

nature of offence.  As a matter of fact, the appellant has been charged for  

the offences under Section 302/307 IPC and Section 3 and, in the  

alternative, Section 4(b) of ES Act.  It is true that the appellant has been  

in jail since 09.03.1998 and it is more than 14 years since he was  

arrested and he has passed through mental agony of death sentence and  

the retrial at this distance of time shall prolong the culmination of the  

criminal case  but the question is whether these factors are sufficient for  

appellant’s acquittal and  dismissal of  indictment. We think not.  It cannot  



Page 31

be ignored that the offences with which the appellant has been charged  

are of very serious nature and if the prosecution succeeds and the  

appellant is convicted under Section 302 IPC on retrial,  the sentence  

could be death or life imprisonment.  Section 302 IPC authorises the court  

to punish the offender of murder with death or life imprisonment.  Gravity  

of the offences and the criminality with which the appellant is charged are  

important factors that need to be kept in mind, though it is a fact that in  

the first instance the accused has been denied due process. While having  

due consideration to the appellant’s right,  the nature of the offence and  

its gravity, the impact of crime on the society, more particularly the crime  

that has shaken the public and resulted in death of four persons in a  

public transport bus can not be ignored and overlooked.   It is desirable  

that punishment should follow offence  as closely as possible. In an  

extremely serious criminal case of the exceptional nature  like the present  

one, it would occasion in failure of justice if the prosecution is not taken to  

the logical conclusion. Justice is supreme. The retrial of the appellant, in  

our opinion, in the facts and circumstances, is indispensable.  It is  

imperative that justice is secured after providing the appellant with the  

legal practitioner if he does not engage a lawyer of his choice.

44. In order to ensure that retrial of the appellant is not prolonged  

and is concluded at the earliest, Mr. P. P. Malhotra, Additional Solicitor  

General submitted that some of the sixty-five witnesses who were earlier  31


Page 32

examined by the prosecution but who are not necessary could  be  

dropped by the public prosecutor.        

45. Mr. Md. Mobin Akhtar submitted before us that he would  

appear for the accused (appellant) in the trial.  In case he does not  

appear for the appellant or the appellant does not engage the lawyer on  

his own, we direct that the trial court shall provide an appropriate  

Advocate to the accused (appellant) immediately.

46. In what we have discussed above we  answer the reference  

by holding that the matter requires to be remanded for a de novo trial.  

The Additional Sessions Judge shall proceed with the trial of the appellant  

in Sessions Case No. 122 of 1998 from the stage of prosecution evidence  

and  shall further  ensure that the trial is concluded as expeditiously as  

may be possible and in no case later than three months from the date of  

communication of this order.

.....................…………………….. J.             (R.M. Lodha)

                       .........................……………………J.   (Anil R. Dave)   

 ......…………………………………J.   (Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya)


AUGUST 31, 2012.