19 February 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-002458-002458 / 2014
Diary number: 7664 / 2012


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CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2458 OF 2014 [Arising out of SLP (C) No.23069 of 2012)  

Maya Devi ..  Appellant


Lalta Prasad .. Respondent



1. Leave granted.

2. The  appellant  herein  filed  an  Objection  Petition  

under Order 21 Rule 58 CPC, when the decree obtained  

by  the  respondent  in  Civil  Suit  No.407  of  2007  was  

sought to be executed.  Suit was filed for the recovery  

of an amount of Rs.3,40,000/- with interest, which was


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sought to be realized, on the property covered by an  

agreement  for  sale  dated  3.11.2003  between  the  

judgment  debtor  and  decree  holder.   The  appellant  

claimed that she became the absolute owner of the suit  

property  by  virtue  of  a  registered  General  Power  of  

Attorney  dated  12.5.2006  and  that  she  has  been  in  

actual physical possession of the suit property.    The  

Petition was contested by the decree holder/respondent  

stating that the applicant/objector had no legal  right,  

title or interest and that the execution of the General  

Power of Attorney and its registration would not confer  

any ownership right in favour of the appellant/objector.  

Reliance was also placed on the judgment of this Court  

in  Suraj  Lamp  and  Industries  Private  Limited  

Through  Director  v.  State  of  Haryana  &  Anr.   

(2009) 7 SCC 363.  The Executing Court vide its order  

dated 23.7.2010 dismissed the Objection Petition filed  

by the appellant. Aggrieved by the same, the appellant  

preferred Execution First Appeal No.23 of 2010 before  

the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi.  The High Court


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also placed reliance on the judgment of this Court in  

Suraj Lamp and Industries Private Limited (supra)  

and dismissed the appeal holding that the documents  

relied  upon  by  the  appellant  would  not  confer  

ownership  or  possession  over  the  property  in  her  

favour.   The  High  Court  also  vide  its  order  dated  

24.1.2011  upheld  the  order  of  the  Executing  Court.  

Aggrieved by the same, this appeal has been preferred  

by the appellant.

3. Shri Rajesh Kumar, learned counsel appearing for  

the appellant submitted that the ratio laid down by this  

Court in Suraj Lamp and Industries Private Limited  

(supra) was wrongly applied by the Executing Court as  

well as the High Court.  Learned counsel submitted that  

in the final judgment which is reported in Suraj Lamp  

and  Industries  Private  Limited  (2)  Through  

Director v. State of Haryana & Anr.  (2012) 1 SCC  

656,  this  Court  has  clarified  the  position  that  the  

judgment  would  not  affect  the  validity  of  sale


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agreements  and  powers  of  attorney  executed  in  

genuine  transactions  and  that  the  judgment  would  

operate  only  prospectively.    Learned  counsel  also  

submitted  that  the  alleged  agreement  executed  

between the respondent and one Prem Chand Verma  

on  3.11.2003  was  a  collusive  one,  subsequently  

created, to get over the registered Power of Attorney  

executed on 3.6.1982 between the appellant and wife  

of  Prem  Chand  Verma,  viz.  Nirmal  Verma.   Learned  

counsel also pointed out that Civil Suit No.407 of 2007  

was preferred by the respondent herein against Prem  

Chand Verma based on the deed of agreement dated  

3.11.2003 created for the said purpose.  Referring to  

the above-mentioned judgment, learned counsel further  

pointed out that Prem Chand Verma did not contest the  

Suit and he was declared ex-parte and a decree was  

passed in  favour  of  the respondent.  Learned counsel  

pointed out that the decree was obtained by collusion  

and practicing fraud on the Court  and the  Executing  

Court has committed an error in rejecting the Objection


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filed by the appellant herein, so also by the High Court  

by not appreciating the facts in the correct perspective.  

4. Shri  K.  Krishna  Kumar,  learned  counsel  for  the  

respondent,  submitted  that  both  the  Executing  Court  

and  High  Court  have  correctly  applied  the  principles  

laid  down  in  Suraj  Lamp  and  Industries  Private  

Limited (supra).  Learned counsel pointed out that any  

process  which  interferes  with  regular  transfers  under  

deeds of conveyance properly stamped, registered and  

recorded  in  the  registers  of  the  Registration  

Department, is to be discouraged and deprecated and  

the Executing Court has rightly declined to give its seal  

of approval to General Power of Attorney, Agreement  

for Sale, etc. dated 12.5.2006.   

5. I am of the view that the Executing Court as well  

as  High  Court  have  committed  a  grave  error  in  not  

properly  appreciating  the  objections  filed  by  the  

Appellant.  We  are  in  this  case  concerned  with  the  

question  whether  we  must  give  credibility  to  the


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registered  General  Power  of  Attorney  executed  on  

12.5.2006 between Nirmal Verma and the appellant or  

on  the  alleged  Agreement  for  Sale  executed  on  

3.11.2003  between  the  respondent  and  Prem  Chand  

Verma, husband of Nirmal Verma.  Further, we have to  

examine the manner in which Civil Suit No.407 of 2007  

was  decreed without  contest  by  Prem Chand Verma,  

husband of Nirmal Verma.    

6. The registered Power of Attorney was executed by  

none other than the wife of Prem Chand Verma and the  

appellant  herein  on  12.5.2006  in  respect  of  the  

property  in  question  for  a  sale  consideration  of  

Rs.70,000/-,  which  was  received  by  Nirmal  Verma  in  

cash  in  advance  and  she  acknowledged  the  same  

before  the  Sub-Registrar,  Delhi.    On  the  same day,  

Nirmal Verma, wife of Prem Chand Verma. handed over  

physical  vacant  possession  of  the  land  and  building  

situated thereon and from 12th May, 2006 onwards, the


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appellant  is  in  possession  of  the  above-mentioned  


7. We are, in this case, therefore, concerned with the  

legal validity of a General Power of Attorney executed  

by  none  other  than  the  wife  of  Prem  Chand  Verma  

against  whom  a  decree  has  been  obtained  by  the  

respondent without any proper contest and the court  

proceeded against him ex-parte.   These facts speak for  

itself.   Evidently, the collusive decree was obtained by  

the  respondent  to  get  over  the  registered  Power  of  

Attorney executed in favour of the appellant and, it is in  

this perspective, we have to understand and apply the  

ratio  laid  down  by  this  Court  in  Suraj  Lamp  and  

Industries Private Limited (2) (supra).  

   8. Paragraph  27  of  the  judgment  of  this  Court  in  

Suraj  Lamp  and  Industries  Private  Limited  (2)   

(supra) reads as follows :

 “27.  We make it clear that our observations  are  not  intended  to  in  any  way  affect  the


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validity  of  sale  agreements  and  powers  of  attorney  executed  in  genuine  transactions.  For example, a person may give a power of  attorney  to  his  spouse,  son,  daughter,  brother,  sister  or  a  relative  to  manage  his  affairs or to execute a deed of conveyance. A  person  may  enter  into  a  development  agreement with a land developer or builder  for  developing  the  land  either  by  forming  plots or by constructing apartment buildings  and in that behalf execute an agreement of  sale  and  grant  a  power  of  attorney  empowering  the  developer  to  execute  agreements of sale or conveyances in regard  to individual plots of land or undivided shares  in the land relating to apartments in favour of  prospective purchasers. In several States, the  execution of  such development  agreements  and powers of attorney are already regulated  by law and subjected to specific stamp duty.  Our  observations  regarding  “SA/GPA/will  transactions”  are  not  intended  to  apply  to  such bona fide/genuine transactions.”

9. In the above judgment, it has been stated that the  

observations made by the Court are not intended to in  

any  way  affect  the  validity  of  sale  agreements  and  

powers of attorney executed in genuine transactions.   I  

am of the view that the Power of Attorney executed on  

12.5.2006 in favour of the Appellant by the wife of Prem  

Chand Verma is a genuine transaction executed years


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before the judgment of this Court.   Facts will clearly  

indicate that the Agreement for Sale dated 3.11.2003  

was created by none other than the husband of Nirmal  

Verma,  who  had  executed  the  General  Power  of  

Attorney  and  possession  was  handed  over  to  the  

Appellant. That being the fact situation, in my view, the  

Objection filed by the Appellant under Order 21 Rule 58  

in execution has to be allowed.   I, therefore, hold that  

the Executing Court can execute the decree in Civil Suit  

No.407  of  2007,  but  without  proceeding  against  the  

property  referred  to  in  registered  Power  of  Attorney  

dated 12.5.2006.

10. The  appeal  is  allowed,  as  above,  and  the  

impugned orders are set aside.  There shall, however,  

be no order as to costs.  


……………………………..J.      (K. S. Radhakrishnan)

New Delhi, February 19, 2014.


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CIVIL APPEAL No. 2458 OF 2014

[Arising out of SLP©No.23069 of 2012]

MAYA DEVI                                .…..APPELLANT





1 I  have  perused  the  judgment  of  my  learned  and  

esteemed  Brother  Radhakrishnan,  and  I  entirely  and  

respectfully  agree  with  his  conclusion  that  the  appeal  

deserves  to  be  allowed.    My  learned  Brother  has  

succinctly analysed the sterling judgment in Suraj Lamp  

and Industries Private Limited vs State of Haryana (2009)  

7 SCC 363,  which has been rendered by a Three-Judge  

Bench of this Court.  I completely concur with the view  

that since General Power of Attorney (GPA) in favour of


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the  Appellant  was  executed  and  registered  on  

12.05.2006, it could not be impacted or affected by the  

Suraj Lamp dicta.   Furthermore, a reading of the order  

of  the  Executing  Court  as  well  as  of  the  High  Court  

makes it palpably clear that both the Courts had applied  

the disqualification and illegality imposed upon GPAs  by  

Suraj Lamp, without keeping in mind that the operation  

of  that  judgment  was  pointedly  and  poignantly  

prospective.    This question has been dealt with by my  

esteemed Brother most comprehensively.   

2 What strikes us as a perverse, certainly misplaced  

or inconsistent approach, is that if  the Appellant does  

not possess any title to the property predicated on the  

GPA executed in her favour by Smt. Nirmal Verma (the  

wife of the Judgment Debtor Shri Prem Chand Verma),  

this legal infirmity would inexorably invalidate the title  

of  Smt.  Nirmal  Verma  herself,  thereby  denuding  any  

titular claim of her husband, the Judgment Debtor, and  

rendering  the  property  impervious  to  the  subject


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execution proceedings.   Additionally, there is not even a  

semblance of a right in favour of the Judgment Debtor  

whose wife was not even impleaded in the suit or in the  

execution.    The  impugned  judgment  notes  this  

contention but fails to address it.   The evidence of the  

Decree  Holder  has  not  been  filed  and  therefore  the  

judicial records were summoned from the High Court.    

3 The  Statement  of  the  Respondent/Decree  Holder  

reads thus:-

“Ex. No. 224/2009

DHW-1: Sh.Lalta Prasad, S/o Sh. Naubat Ram,  aged  58  years,  R/o  1908,  Gali  Mata  Wali,  Chandni Chowk, Delhi-6.


I,  hereby,  tender  my  affidavit  in  my  evidence.    The  same  be  read  as  part  and  parcel of my statement.    My affidavit is Ex.  DHW-1/A(running in 2 pages) which bears my  signatures at point A and B on page 1 & 2.

XXXXXX by  Sh. Pradeep Chaudhary Adv. for  objector.

I have passed 11th standard.  The affidavit  Ex. DHW-1/A was prepared in the office of my


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counsel.    My  counsel  has  explained  me  contents of the same to me before I signed the  same.   Whatever I stated to my counsel  was  incorporated in Ex. DHW-1/A.   The Agreement  with  Prem  Chand  Verma  was  entered  on  11.11.2003.   I had seen original documents of  the property at that time in possession of Prem  Chand Verma.  He also gave me some copies  of the same.

Remaining  cross-examination  of  the  witness is deferred till 12.00 P.M.


                                              BRIJESH KUMAR GARG         ADJ CENTRAL-18

                                                          DELHI/  29.01.10

DHW-1: Sh.Lalta Prasad, recalled for his further  cross-examination at 12.50 P.M.


XXXXXX by  Sh. Pradeep Chaudhary Adv. for  objector.

I  have  no  knowledge  that  Smt.  Maya  Devi  had  purchased  the  suit  property  from  Smt. Nirmal Verma.   The documents filed by  the  objectors  are  forged  and  fabricated  documents.   I  have no knowledge that Smt.


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Nirmal  Verma  purchased  the  suit  property  from one Sh. Rajender Kumar.

Sh. Prem Chand Verma was my friend for  the last about 30 years.   It is correct that Sh.  Prem  Chand  Verma  had  already  expired  on  7.10.2008.    It  is  wrong to  suggest  that  Sh.  Rajender Kumar was the owner of the property  and he sold the property to Nirmal Verma from  whom  Smt.  Maya  Devi  purchased  the  suit  property.   It is wrong to suggest that Sh. Prem  Chand Verma was never the owner of the suit  property.   It is wrong to suggest that I have  filed a false affidavit and I am deposing falsely  in the court today.




DELHI/ 29.01.10”

It discloses that the Decree Holder has failed altogether  

to  disprove  the  title  of  the  Appellant,  and  he  has  

maintained  that  the  Defendant/Judgment  Debtor  was  

the  owner,  which  is  admittedly  not  the  actual  legal  

position.   If the Decree Holder has been defrauded by  

the Defendant/Judgment Debtor, largely because of the  

former’s careless disregard to conduct a title-search, he


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must  face  the  legal  consequences;  they  cannot  be  

transferred/imposed upon a third party to its detriment.  

In the wake of the Decree Holder/Plaintiff denying the  

title  of  Smt.  Nirmal  Verma,  the Courts below erred in  

proceeding against her property.

4 Both the Courts below have preferred the view that  

the Appellant, who has been in possession from the date  

of the execution of the registered GPA in her favour, has  

been introduced into the scene in order to defeat the  

interests  of  the  Respondent,  which  is  a  perverse  

approach for reasons that shall be presently explained.  

The  documents  purportedly  in  favour  of  the  

Respondent/Decree  Holder  are  unregistered  and  the  

alleged  payment  made  by  him  to  Shri  Prem  Chand  

Verma is in cash.   Therefore, there is no justification for  

favouring the view that the alleged transaction between  

Shri  Prem  Chand  Verma  and  the  Respondent/Decree  

Holder was genuinely prior in time to the execution of  

the  registered  Power  of  Attorney  in  favour  of  the


Page 16


Appellant Smt. Maya Devi by Smt. Nirmal Verma, and  

the former simultaneously and contemporaneously was  

put into possession of the property by the latter.

5 There  can  be  no  gainsaying  that  when  the  

probative  value  of  documents  is  to  be  assessed,  

specially those dealing with the creation of any interest  

in property or its transfer, of a value exceeding Rs.100/-,  

obviously documents which have been duly registered  

regardless of whether or not that was legally mandatory,  

would score over others.     A perusal of the judgment  

shows that whether the sum of Rs.1,70,000/- allegedly  

paid by the Plaintiff in Suit No.407 of 2007, namely, Shri  

Lalta Prasad to Shri Prem Chand Verma was in cash or  

through  a  traceable  Bank  transaction  or  through  a  

registered  acknowledgment  has  not  been  cogitated  

upon.    Proof  of  payment  by  the  Plaintiff  to  the  

Defendant/husband  of  the  previous  owner  of  the  

property  has  not  been  adjudicated  upon.    It  is  not  

controverted  that  the  Appellant  Smt.  Maya  Devi  has


Page 17


been in possession of the property in question from May,  

2006.    A reading of the judgment by which the Suit was  

decreed for a sum of Rs.3,40,000/- does not shed any  

light on the circumstances which made the Plaintiff wait  

to initiate legal action till after the property was sold and  

its possession delivered to the Appellant.   I, therefore,  

disbelieve  the  genuineness  of  the  so-called  “Deed  of  

Agreement  for  Earnest  Money”  allegedly  executed  

almost three years earlier on 03.11.2003.   And, I would  

rather  discount  the  veracity  of  the  document  dated  

3.11.2003, then looking upon the Power of Attorney and  

other  documents  executed  in  favour  of  the  Appellant  

Smt.  Maya  Devi  by  Smt.  Nirmal  Verma  as  mala  fide.  

What is important is that it is not disputed that the title  

and possession of the property which has been brought  

within  the  sweep  of  the  execution  proceedings,  was  

never held in any capacity by the Defendant/Shri Prem  

Chand Verma, but by his wife, Smt. Nirmal Verma.   To  

give even a semblance of a case to the Plaintiff  Lalta  

Prasad,  the  Deed  of  Agreement  for  Earnest  Money


Page 18


should  have  been  between  the  Plaintiff/Decree  

Holder/Respondent and Smt. Nirmal Verma.

6 The Trial Court had framed the following issues in  

Suit  No.407/2007,  from  which  subject  of  proceedings  


“(1) Whether  the  plaintiff  is  entitled for the suit amount?  If so to  what sum? OPP

(2) Whether the plaintiff is entitled for  the interest?   If so at what rate and  for which period?  OPP

(3) Relief.”

The  Trial  Court  having  accepted   the  payment  of  

Rs.1,70,000/- without insisting on any proof, did not go  

into  the question  whether  a  covenant  stipulating  that  

double the amount of earnest money would be payable  

in the event the contract was not performed, is legal in  

terms of the Indian Contract Act.   The imposition and  

the recovery of penalty on breach of a contract is legally  

impermissible  under  the  Indian  Contract  Act.    As


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regards liquidated damages,  the Court  would  have to  

scrutinize  the  pleadings  as  well  as  evidence  in  proof  

thereof, in order to determine that they are not in the  

nature of a penalty, but rather as a fair pre-estimate of  

what the damages are likely to arise in case of breach of  

the contract.   No evidence whatsoever has been led by  

the Plaintiff to prove that the claim for twice the amount  

of earnest money was a fair measure or pre-estimate of  


7 The pronouncements of the Constitution Bench in Sir  

Chunilal  V.  Mehta & Sons Ltd.  vs  Century  Spinning and  

Manufacturing Co. Ltd. AIR 1962 SC 1314, and later in Fateh  

Chand vs Balkishan Dass AIR 1963 SC 1405,  hold the field,  

making it unnecessary to refer to any other precedent for an  

enunciation of the law, except to appreciate the manner in  

which  the  opinion  of  the  Constitution  Benches  have been  

applied  to  the  factual  matrix  in  later  cases.    With  the  

number and volume of precedents increasing exponentially  

each  year,  reference  to  all  decisions  make  arguments


Page 20


excruciatingly lengthy and  judgments avoidably prolix.   The  

first  important  judgment  of  this  Court  on  the  question  of  

Sections  73  and  74  of  the  Contract  Act  is  that  of  the  

Constitution  Bench  in  Chunilal  V.  Mehta.    The  two  

significant issues which arose were firstly, as to what would  

constitute a substantial question of law requiring the grant  

by the High Court of a Certificate to appeal to this Court, and  

secondly, the quantum of damages that can be awarded in  

that case owing to the breach of the subject contract.   It is  

the  second  question  which  is  relevant  for  the  present  

purposes.   The admitted position was that the contract had  

been wrongfully breached by the Defendant.   A clause in the  

compact  between  the  parties  stipulated  that  in  these  

circumstances, the Plaintiff would be entitled to receive from  

the Defendant “as compensation or liquidated damages for  

the loss of such appointment a sum equal to the aggregate  

amount  of  the  monthly  salary  of  not  less  than  Rs.6000/-  

which the Firm would have been entitled to receive from the  

Company, for and during the whole of the then unexpired  

portion of the said period of 21 years if the said Agency of


Page 21


the  Firm  had  not  been  determined.”    The  Plaintiff  had  

initially  claimed  a  sum  of  Rs.50  Lakhs  which  was  

subsequently reduced by way of amendment of the plaint to  

Rs.28,26,804/-.   The Constitution Bench opined that “when  

parties  name  a  sum  of  money  to  be  paid  as  liquidated  

damages they must be deemed to exclude the right to claim  

an unascertained sum of money as damages.  ….   Again the  

right to claim liquidated damages is enforceable under S. 74  

of the Contract Act and where such a right is found to exist  

no question of ascertaining damages really arises.  Where  

the  parties  have  deliberately  specified  the  amount  of  

liquidated damages there can be no presumption that they,  

at  the  same  time,  intended  to  allow  the  party  who  has  

suffered by the breach to give a go-by to the sum specified  

and  claim  instead  a  sum  of  money  which  was  not  

ascertained  or  ascertainable  at  the  date  of  the  breach”.  

This precedent prescribes that if a liquidated sum has been  

mentioned in a contract to be payable on its breach, then if  

damages  have actually  been suffered,  the  said  liquidated


Page 22


amount would be the maximum and upper limit of damages  

awardable by the Trial Court.     

8 The judgment of the Constitution Bench one year later,  

in  Fateh  Chand concerns  award  of  damages  of  the  

‘liquidated’  sum  even  though  actual  damages  may  have  

been less.   In that respect it is the converse of the factual  

matrix that existed before the earlier Constitution Bench in  

Chunilal  V. Mehta.     J.C.  Shah,  J  (who authored  Fateh  

Chand) along with Chief Justice B.P. Sinha were members of  

both  Constitution  Benches.    Whilst  the  aspect  of  the  

liquidated damages being in the nature of a penalty or  in  

terrorem did not arise in  Chunilal V.  Mehta, It did so in  

Fateh Chand  where the complaint was  that the Plaintiff,  

namely,  Fateh  Chand  had  agreed  to  sell  an  immovable  

property  for  Rs.1,12,500/-  of  which  Rs.1000/-  had  been  

received/paid as earnest money.   The Agreement envisaged  

payment of  a further  sum of  Rs.24,000/-  and it  stipulated  

that  if  the vendee failed to  get  the Sale  Deed registered  

thereafter,  then  the  sum  received  i.e.  Rs.25,000/-  would


Page 23


stand  forfeited.     Fateh  Chand  alleging  a  breach  of  the  

Agreement,  sought to forfeit the sum of Rs.25,000/- which  

was found to  be impermissible  in  law.     It  was in  those  

circumstances that the Constitution Bench opined as follows:

“10. Section 74 of the Indian Contract Act deals  with the measure of damages in two classes of  cases (i) where the contract names a sum to be  paid in case of breach and (ii) where the contract  contains any other stipulation by way of penalty.  We are in the present case not concerned to de- cide whether a contract containing a covenant of  forfeiture  of  deposit  for  due  performance  of  a  contract falls within the first class.  The measure  of damages in the case of breach of a stipulation  by way of penalty is by S. 74 reasonable compen- sation not exceeding the penalty stipulated for. In  assessing damages the Court has, subject to the  limit  of  the  penalty  stipulated,  jurisdiction  to  award  such  compensation  as  it  deems  reason- able having regard to all the circumstances of tile  case.   Jurisdiction of the Court to award compen- sation in case of breach of contract is unqualified  except as to the maximum stipulated; but com- pensation  has  to  be  reasonable,  and  that  im- poses upon the Court duty to award compensa- tion according to settled principles.  The section  undoubtedly says that the aggrieved party is en- titled  to  receive  compensation  from  the  party  who has broken the contract whether or not ac- tual  damage  or  loss  is  proved  to  have  been


Page 24


caused  by  the  breach.  Thereby  it  merely  dis- penses with proof of "actual loss or damage"; it  does not justify the award of compensation when  in consequence of the breach no legal injury at  all has resulted because compensation for breach  of contract can be awarded to make good loss or  damage which naturally arose in the usual course  of things, or which the parties knew when they  made the contract, to be likely to result from the  breach. 11. Before  turning  to  the  question  about  the  compensation  which  may  be  awarded  to  the  plaintiff, it is necessary to consider whether S. 74  applies to stipulations for  forfeiture of amounts  deposited or  paid  under  the  contract.    It  was  urged that  the section deals  in  terms with  the  right to receive from the party who has broken  the  contract  reasonable  compensation  and  not  the  right  to  forfeit  what  has  already  been  received  by  the  party  aggrieved.   There  is  however no warrant for the assumption made by  some  of  the  High  Courts  in  India,  that  S.  74  applies only to cases where the aggrieved party  is seeking to receive some amount on breach of  contract and not to cases where upon breach of  contract an amount received under the contract  is sought to be forfeited.   In our judgment the  expression  "the  contract  contains  any  other  stipulation by way of  penalty" comprehensively  applies  to  every  covenant  involving  a  penalty  whether it is for payment on breach of contract of  money or  delivery  of  property  in  future,  or  for  forfeiture  of  right  to  money  or  other  property  already  delivered.  Duty  not  to  enforce  the


Page 25


penalty  clause  but  only  to  award  reasonable  compensation is statutorily imposed upon Courts  by S. 74.   In all cases, therefore, where there is a  stipulation in the nature of penalty for forfeiture  of an amount deposited pursuant to the terms of  contract which expressly provides for forfeiture,  the Court has jurisdiction to award such sum only  as it considers reasonable, but not exceeding the  amount  specified  in  the  contract  as  liable  to  forfeiture.”


After  reading  the  entire  evidence  that  had  been  

recorded, the Constitution Bench found that the value of  

the  property  had  not  depreciated  and,  therefore,  no  

damages could be awarded.

9  This is also the manner in which this facet of the  

law has been enunciated in England, as is evident from  

the following passage from Halsbury’s Laws of England  

(4th edn Reissue, 1998) Vol 12(1), para 1065 which reads  

as follows:-

“1065.  Liquidated  damages  distinguished  from penalties.-  The parties to a contract may  agree  at  the  time  of  contracting  that,  in  the  event of a breach, the party in default shall pay  a stipulated sum of money to the other.   If this


Page 26


sum is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss which  is  likely  to  flow  from  the  breach,  then  it  represents  the  agreed  damages,  called  ‘liquidated  damages’,  and  it  is  recoverable  without the necessity  of proving the actual loss  suffered.   If, however, the stipulated  sum is not  a genuine pre-estimate of the loss but is in the  nature  of  a  penalty  intended  to  secure  performance  of  the  contract,  then  it  is  not  recoverable, and the plaintiff must prove what  damages  he  can.   The  operation  of  the  rule  against  penalties  does  not  depend  on  the  discretion of the court, or on improper conduct,  or  on  circumstances  of  disadvantage  or  ascendancy,  or  on  the  general  character  or  relationship of the parties.   The rule is one of  public policy and appears to be sui generis.   Its  absolute nature inclines the courts to invoke the  jurisdiction sparingly.    The burden of proving  that a payment obligation is penal rests on the  party who is sued on the obligation”.

10 The  position  that  obtains  in  the  United  States,  

obviously  because  of  its  Common  Law  origins  and  

adherence,  is  essentially  identical  as  is  evident  from  

these extracted paragraphs of  Corpus Juris  Secundum,  

Volume 25A (2012):


Page 27


192- Liquidated  damages  are  a  specific  sum stipulated  to  

and agreed upon by the parties in advance or when they  

enter into a contract to be paid to compensate for injuries in  

the event of a breach or nonperformance of the contract.  

196-In examining whether a liquidated-damages provision is  

enforceable,  courts  consider  whether  the  damages  

stemming  from  a  breach  are  difficult  or  impossible  to  

estimate  or  calculate  when the  contract  was  entered and  

whether the amount stipulated bears a reasonable relation  

to  the  damages  reasonably  anticipated.    198-Liquidated  

damages  must  bear  a  reasonable  relationship  to  actual  

damages, and a liquidated-damages clause is invalid when  

the stipulated amount is out of all proportion to the actual  

damages.   200-  A  penalty  is  in  effect  a  security  for  

performance, while a provision for liquidated damages is for  

a  sum to  be  paid  in  lieu  of  performance.    A  term in  a  

contract calling for the imposition of a penalty for the breach  

of the contract is contrary to public policy and invalid.   This  

position  also  finds  elucidation  in  the  following  paragraph  

from American Restatement (Second) of Contracts 1981:-


Page 28



(1) Damages  for  breach  by  either  party  may be liquidated in the agreement but only  at an amount that is reasonable in the light of  the anticipated or  actual  loss  caused by the  breach and the difficulties of proof or loss.   A  term  fixing  unreasonably  large  liquidated  damages  is  unenforceable  on  grounds  of  public policy as a penalty.”


11 Returning to the facts of the present case, the so called  

Deed  of  Agreement  for  Earnest  Money  inasmuch  as  it  

postulates the payment of twice the sum received ought not  

to have been decreed as firstly, the contract itself could not  

have  been  specifically  enforced  since  the  Defendant  was  

devoid of  title;  and secondly,  the Plaintiff  had not  proved  

that he had suffered any damages and facially the stipulated  

sum was in the nature of a penalty.    

12  In  Phulchand  Exports  Limited  Vs  O.O.O.  Patriot  

2011(10)SCC  300,  the  Appellant  (Seller)  entered  into  a  

contract  with  the  Respondent  (Buyer)  relating  to  the  

sale/purchase of 1000 MT of Indian polished rice for a total  

consideration of INR 12,450,000/-.    The Seller  loaded the


Page 29


rice 16 days late and the Vessel freighted by the Sellers left  

port (Kandla) 38 days later than the contractually stipulated  

time of departure.   The specified destination,  the port  of  

Novorossiysk, Russia, was to be the first port of discharge,  

and even in this regard there is a finding that the Vessel on  

which  the  shipment  had  been  consigned  was  not  sailing  

directly to the said port, leave aside Novorossiysk being its  

first port of call.    The ship suffered an engine failure which  

resulted in its requiring salvage operations near Turkey, and  

the entire cargo on board, including the subject consignment  

of  rice  was  sold  pursuant  to  Admiralty  proceedings  to  

compensate the  cost  of  the  rescue of  the Vessel.     The  

Insurance Company maintained that the lien of the cargo to  

compensate the costs of the rescue of the Vessel was not  

covered in the policy.    Arbitration proceedings under the  

aegis of the International Court of Commercial Arbitration at  

the  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Industry  of  the  Russian  

Federation  culminated  in  the  passing  of  an  Award  which  

directed  the  sharing  of  the  price  of  the  rice  consignment  

equally between the parties. In the Award it has been opined


Page 30


that the Buyer had failed to forward the shipping documents  

and  the  Insurance  Certificate  to  the  Seller  and  thus  was  

equally blameworthy.   The defence of the Seller was that  

the goods had passed to the Buyer, who had already paid  

the  entire  sale  price  on  negotiation  of  documents  by  the  

Seller with the concerned Bank.  This Court held that despite  

the fact that it was a CIF contract, the consignment having  

been  belatedly  boarded  on  the  Vessel,  which  Vessel  

thereafter  sailed  later  than  the  time agreed  upon  by  the  

parties,  and  which  Vessel  did  not  have  the  contracted  

destination Novorossiysk as the first port of call, could not  

have been in conformity with the contract, and hence the  

goods could not be viewed as having passed to the Buyer  

thereby shifting to it the liability of the lost shipment.   The  

other question that was raised was whether the stipulation in  

the  contract  envisaging  the  reimbursement  of  the  

consideration  received  by  the  Seller  in  the  event  of  non-

performance of the contract was in the nature of a penalty.  

It was in this context that Sections 73 and 74 of the Contract  

Act came to be considered.     This Court held that the clause


Page 31


requiring the refund of  the price of  the Rice consignment  

could  not  be  viewed  as  a  penalty  which  is  not  legally  

recoverable in India and therefore the Award was impervious  

to jural interference as it was not against the public policy of  

India even in terms of the interpretation given in ONGC Ltd.  

vs Saw Pipes Ltd.  (2003) 5 SCC 705.    

13 After recording that the opinion of the two Constitution  

Benches still hold the field, I have nevertheless mentioned  

Phulchand Exports only for adverting/clarifying that views  

of  this  Court  have  remained  constant  till  now.    I  must  

immediately clarify that it would require a Bench larger than  

a Five-Judge Bench to alter the legal position from what has  

been enunciated in Chunilal V.  Mehta and Fateh Chand.  

The decisions of smaller Benches are relevant only for the  

purpose of analysing the verdict in a particular case on the  

predication of the elucidation of the law laid down by the  

Constitution  Benches.    This  would  include  an  oft-quoted  

decision in Maula Bux vs Union of India, 1969(2)SCC 554, as  

well  as UOI vs Raman Iron Foundry, 1974(2)SCC 231, and


Page 32


BSNL vs Reliance Communication Ltd.,   2011(1)  SCC 394,  


14 Now  I  come  to  the  next  aspect  of  the  case.    The  

Execution  proceedings  were  initiated  by  the  

Respondent/Decree holder on 27.10.2007 under Order  XXI  

Rule 11 of the Code of Civil Procedure (‘CPC’ hereinafter).   It  

transpired that Attachment Orders came to be passed.   The  

application  dated  3.7.2008,  being  Objections  under  Order  

XXI Rule 58 read with Section 151 CPC was preferred by the  

Appellant  Smt.  Maya  Devi  pleading,  inter  alia,  that  the  

Decree Holder  had wrongly scheduled her  property in  the  

Execution Application;  that  she was the absolute and real  

owner thereof having purchased it on 12.05.2006 from Smt.  

Nirmal  Verma,  wife  of  Prem  Chand  Verma  (Judgment  

Debtor); that she has no other connection or concern with  

the  Judgment  Debtor  or  with  his  wife  in  any  manner  

whatsoever.   The Appellant, therefore, respectfully prayed  

that her aforesaid property may kindly be released from the  

Schedule.     Plaintiff/Decree  Holder  Shri  Lalta  Prasad,


Page 33


Respondent  before  us,  countered  by  pleading  that  the  

Objections  had  been  filed  at  the  behest  of  the  Judgment  

Debtor  to  avoid  the  satisfaction  of  the  decree;  that  the  

Appellant/Objector was not the absolute and real owner of  

the suit property; that the duly registered General Power of  

Attorney executed by Smt.  Nirmal  Verma was forged and  

fabricated; that Smt. Nirmal Verma was none else than the  

wife of the Judgment Debtor.   The Appellant has supported  

her  stance by  filing  her  own affidavit.    In  the  Execution  

proceedings,  the  Plaintiff/Decree  Holder/Respondent  in  

cross-examination of the Appellant has only suggested that  

the documents were fabricated in collusion with Smt. Nirmal  

Verma.   How  this  was  possible,  since  they  are  duly  

registered documents, is difficult to comprehend.   The other  

question  put  in  cross-examination  was  that  Smt.  Nirmal  

Verma was never the owner of the property; and that Smt.  

Maya  Devi’s  Objections  were  filed  at  the  behest  of  Smt.  

Nirmal Verma.   All these suggestions had been denied.   If  

Smt. Nirmal Verma had no title, the consequence would be  

that the property would revert to her predecessor-in- title,


Page 34


thereby  placing  the  property  beyond  the  pale  of  the  

Execution proceedings.

15 The  following  issues  were  framed  in  the  Execution  


(i) Whether the objector/applicant Smt. Maya  Devi is the absolute owner of the disputed  property  No.X-20,  Gali  No.5,  Brahampuri,  Delhi?   If  so  its  effect?  OP     Applicant.

(ii)  Whether  the  judgment  and  decree  dated 6.10.2007  

          are executable against the objector Smt.  Maya Devi?

         OP  DH.”

Smt. Nirmal Verma had also participated in the Execution  

proceedings and had filed her affidavit dated 22.10.2008 by  

way of evidence, asseverating therein that she had sold the  

property  to  Smt.  Maya  Devi  by  executing  a  registered  

General  Power  of  Attorney,  Agreement  to  Sell,  Affidavit,  

Receipt,  Possession  Letter,  Will  Deed,  which  were  duly  

notorised on 12.05.2006.  She further stated that she had


Page 35


purchased the property from Shri Rajinder Parshad by means  

of similar documentation all of which were handed over by  

her  to  Smt.  Maya Devi  at  the  time of  selling  of  the  said  

property.   Very significantly, she stated that her husband  

Prem  Chand  Verma/Judgment  Debtor  had  expired  on  


16 In this backdrop, it needs to be kept in prospective that  

Order  XXI  Rule  97  to  Rule  101  of  CPC  envisage  the  

determination of all questions in Execution proceedings and  

not by way of an independent suit.   The Executing Court,  

therefore,  was  duty  bound  to  consider  and  decide  the  

Objections  filed  by  the  Appellant  with  complete  care  and  

circumspection.   I regret to record that this has not been  

done.   The Objections came to be dismissed on 23.7.2010  

with brevity bordering on dereliction of duty, in the following  


“…. It has been submitted by the counsel for  the  objector  that  the  applicant  is  the  absolute  owner of the suit property by virtue of General  Power  of   Attorney  which  was  registered  on  12.5.2006  and  she  is  in  actual  physical


Page 36


possession of the suit  property but the counsel  for the DH has stated that the objector has no  legal  right,  title  or  interest  as the execution of  the  General  Power  of   Attorney  and  its  registration does not confer any ownership right  in favour of the applicant/objector.   The counsel  for DH has also relied upon the judgment of the  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court  in  case  titled  as  Suraj  Lamp and Industries Private Limited Vs State of  Haryana  and  Another  reported  as  (2009)  7  Supreme Court Cases 363.”

17 A perusal  of  the  above will  show that  the  Executing  

Court ignored and overlooked the important submission of  

the Appellant stating that she was the absolute owner of the  

suit property and that she had no truck whatsoever either  

with the Judgment Debtor Shri Prem Chand Verma or his wife  

Smt. Nirmal Verma beyond purchasing the subject property  

from the latter.   What has also escaped the attention of the  

Court is that Suraj Lamp has prospective operation, thereby  

rendering  it  inapplicable  to  the  subject  2006  transaction.  

Secondly, if the General Power of Attorney in favour of the  

Appellant Smt. Maya Devi was bereft of legal efficacy, the  

ownership of Smt. Nirmal Verma would also be invalid, and


Page 37


sequentially   the  property  would  have  no  connection  

whatsoever  with  the  Judgment  Debtor  since  he  had  

purportedly derived title only through a Will.   Unfortunately,  

this is also the approach which has been preferred by the  

High Court in terms of the impugned order.   The High Court  

has  also  wrongly  applied  Suraj  Lamp and  has  also  

neglected to reflect upon the Appellant’s plea that she is (i)  

the actual owner of the suit property having purchased it for  

valuable  consideration,  and  (ii)  being  a  third  party  not  

connected  in  any  mala  fide  manner  with  the  Judgment  

Debtor,  and (iii)  not having received prior    notice of any  

action  of  late  Shri  Prem Chand  Verma,  was  imperious  to  

Execution  proceedings.    A  miscarriage  of  justice,  of  

monumental  proportions,  has  taken  place  on  an  un-

substantiated  presumption  that  one  of  the  assets  of  the  

Judgment Debtor had been illegally transferred to defeat the  

decree.    The Appellant before us had no other recourse  

than to file Objections under Order XXI Rule 58 CPC.     


Page 38


18     Finally another aspect which has come to the fore, is  

the approach of the Trial Court in the adjudication of the suit.  

The plaint contains an averment that the suit property had  

already been sold.   The Defendant Shri Prem Chand Verma,  

(his  wife  Smt.  Nirmal  Verma  was  not  impleaded)  had  

appeared in the Trial Court and filed his Written Statement in  

which,  whilst  admitting  the  documentation  executed  

between the parties, he had denied  that he had been served  

with any legal notice and set up the defence that he was  

entitled to forfeit the amount received by him because the  

Plaintiff/Decree  Holder  had failed  to  pay  the  balance  sale  

consideration  as  envisaged in  the Deed of  Agreement  for  

Earnest  Money.   After  filing  his  Written  Statement  he  

stopped  appearing,  and  the  suit  proceeded  ex-parte.  

Significantly, the Deed of Agreement for Earnest Money as  

well as the Written Statement predicate Defendant’s title on  

a Will, and in this context there is no evidence on record that  

it had taken effect because of the death of the Testator.    In  

the  event,  as  is  to  be  expected,  no  appeal  against  the  

judgment and decree came to be filed, and, therefore, the


Page 39


decision   was  not  tested  before  or  scrutinized  by  the  

Appellate  Court.   The absence of  the Defendant does not  

absolve  the  Trial  Court  from  fully  satisfying  itself  of  the  

factual and legal veracity of the Plaintiff’s claim; nay, this  

feature  of  the  litigation  casts  a  greater  responsibility  and  

onerous  obligation  on  the  Trial  Court  as  well  as  the  

Executing Court to be fully satisfied that the claim has been  

proved  and  substantiated  to  the  hilt  by  the  Plaintiff.  

Reference  to  Shantilal  Gulabchand  Mutha  vs  Tata  

Engineering and Locomotive Company Limited, (2013) 4 SCC  

396,  will  be  sufficient.    The  failure  to  file  a  Written  

Statement, thereby bringing Order VIII  Rule 10 of the CPC  

into operation, or the factum of Defendant having been set  

ex parte,  does not  invite  a punishment  in  the form of  an  

automatic decree.  Both under Order VIII Rule 10 CPC and on  

the  invocation  of  Order  IX  of  the  CPC,  the  Court  is  

nevertheless duty-bound to diligently ensure that the plaint  

stands proved and the prayers therein are worthy of being  

granted. .


Page 40


19 I am fully mindful of the fact that the Appellant has not  

taken any steps for setting aside the ex parte decree against  

late Shri Prem Chand Verma.   This is only to be expected  

since  the  Appellant/Objector  has  no  reason  to  evince  or  

harbour  any  interest  in  the  inter  se  dispute  between  the  

Decree Holder  and the Judgment  Debtor.    Indeed,  if  the  

Appellant had made any endeavour to assail or nullify the  

decree, it would be fair to conclude that she had been put up  

by  the  Judgment  Debtor  in  an  endeavour  to  defeat  the  

decree.    In these circumstances, my in-depth analysis of  

the law pertaining to decreeing what is essentially a penalty  

clause  may,  on  a  perfunctory  or  superficial  reading,  be  

viewed as non essential to the context.   This, however, is  

not so.   On a conjoint reading of Order XXI Rule 58 CPC and  

the fasciculus of Order XXI comprising Rules 97 to 104, it  

becomes clear that all questions raised by the Objector have  

to be comprehensively considered on their merits.   In the  

case  in  hand,  the  decree  from  which  the  Execution  

proceedings emanate is not one for delivery of possession,  

but is a simple money decree.    Order XXI proscribes the


Page 41


filing  of  a  separate  suit  and  prescribes  that  all  relevant  

questions shall be determined by the Court.  Objection under  

Order XXI should be meaningfully heard so as to avoid the  

possibility of any miscarriage of justice.   It is significant in  

this regard that Rule 103 ordains that where any application  

has been adjudicated upon under rule 98 or rule 100, the  

order  made  thereon  shall  have  the  same  force  and  be  

subject to the same conditions as to an appeal or otherwise,  

as if it were a decree.   I shall only advert to the decisions of  

this  Court  in  Brahmdeo  Chaudhary  vs  Rishikesh  Prasad  

Jaiswal,  (1997) 3 SCC 694,  Shreenath vs Rajesh,  (1998) 4  

SCC 543, and Tanzeem-e-sufia vs Bibi Haliman, (2002) 7 SCC  

50, where proceedings were under the aforesaid fasciculus  

of  Order  XXI  comprising  Rules  97  to  104,  in  which  the  

Objectors had set up a title distinct or different from that of  

the  Judgment  Debtor  and   the  Court  had  protected  their  

interest.    The Appellant before us is a third party and has  

been brought into the lis by a side wind in that her property  

is sought to be attached with the intention of satisfying a


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decree  in  which  she  was  not  directly  or  intrinsically  


The Appellant/Objector who has approached the Court under  

Order  XXI  Rule  58  is  more  advantageously  or  favourably  

placed inasmuch as she is a third party so far as the decree  

is concerned, and her property is not the subject-matter of  

the decree.       It is thus clear to me that the Courts below  

have  in  a  hurried,  if  not  prejudiced  manner,  rejected  the  

Objections merely because of some sympathy towards the  

Decree  Holder.    The  Objections  deserved  to  be  allowed  

without  disturbing  the  decree,  leaving  all  other  remedies  

open  to  the  Decree  Holder/Respondent,  including  

proceedings against the Estate of the Judgment Debtor.

20 I respectfully agree with my learned Brother that the  

Appeal  deserves  to  be  allowed  and  the  impugned  orders  

require to be set aside.     

                     ............................................J.              [VIKRAMAJIT SEN]

New Delhi


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February 19,  2014.