28 September 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: SLP(Crl) No.-006468-006468 / 2012
Diary number: 27540 / 2012


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NO.     1572                OF     2012   (Arising out of S.L.P. (Criminal) No. 6468 of 2012)

Manubhai Ratilal Patel Tr. Ushaben     ... Appellant


State of Gujarat & Ors.        ... Respondents

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T       

Dipak     Misra,     J.   

Leave granted.

2. The appellant was an accused in FIR No. I-CR No. 56/12  

registered at Pethapur Police Station on 20th of June, 2012 for  

offences punishable under Sections 467, 468, 471, 409 and  

114 of the Indian Penal Code (for short ‘the IPC’).  Challenging


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the registration of the FIR and the investigation, the accused-

appellant (hereinafter referred to as “the accused”) preferred  

Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 10303 of 2012 on  

11.7.2012 under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal  

Procedure (for brevity “the Code”) in the High Court of Gujarat  

at Ahmedabad for quashing of the FIR.  A prayer was also  

made for stay of further proceedings in respect of the  

investigation of I-CR No. 56/12.   

3. The unfurling of factual scenario further shows that the  

matter was taken up on 17.7.2012 and the High Court issued  

notice and fixed the returnable date on 7.8.2012 and allowed  

the interim relief in terms of prayer No. (C) which pertained to  

stay of further proceedings in respect of the investigation.

4. The exposition of facts reveals that the accused was  

arrested on 16.7.2012 and produced before the learned  

Judicial Magistrate First Class, Gandhinagar at 4.00 p.m. on  

17.7.2012.  The police prayed for remand of the accused to  

police custody which was granted by the learned Magistrate  

upto 2.00 p.m. on 19.7.2012.  On 18.7.2012, it was brought to


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the notice of the concerned investigation agency about the stay  

order passed by the High Court on 17.7.2012 and prayer was  

made not to proceed further with the investigation in  

obedience to the order passed by the High Court.  It is  

pertinent to note that an application for regular bail under  

Section 439 of the Code was filed on 19.7.2012 before the  

learned Magistrate.  Apart from other grounds, it was  

highlighted that when a petition was pending before the High  

Court for quashment of the First Information Report and a  

stay order had been passed pertaining to further investigation,  

the detention was illegal and hence, the accused was entitled  

to be admitted to bail.   

5. The learned Magistrate dwelled upon the allegations  

made against the accused and declined to release him on bail  

regard being had to the nature of offences.  Dealing with the  

order passed by the High Court, he observed that the order  

passed by the Hon’ble High Court pertained to stay of further  

investigation although no investigation was required to be  

carried out during judicial custody and, as the accused was


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involved in commission of grievous offences, it would not be  

just to enlarge him on bail.

6. Being aggrieved by the aforesaid order, the accused  

preferred Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 539 of 2012  

in the Court of learned Sessions Judge, Gandhinagar and also  

prayed for grant of interim bail.  The learned Sessions Judge  

rejected the prayer for grant of interim bail and fixed the main  

application for hearing on 24.7.2012.

7. Dissatisfied with the aforesaid orders, the accused  

preferred a habeas corpus petition before the High Court of  

Gujarat forming the subject matter of Special Criminal  

Application No. 2207 of 2012.  It was contended before the  

High Court that since the investigation was stayed by the High  

Court in exercise of power under Section 482 of the Code, the  

learned Magistrate could not have exercised power under  

Section 167(2) of the Code remanding the accused either to  

police or judicial custody.  It was submitted that the power of  

the Magistrate remanding the accused to custody during the  

course of investigation stood eclipsed by the order of stay


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passed by the High Court and, therefore, the detention was  

absolutely illegal and non est in law.  It was also urged that as  

the detention of the accused was unlawful, a writ of habeas  

corpus would lie and he deserved to be set at liberty forthwith  

as long as the stay order was operative.

8. The aforesaid stand put forth by the learned counsel was  

combated by the State contending, inter alia, that it could not  

be said that there had been no investigation as arrest had  

already taken place and hence, stay of further investigation  

would not nullify the order of remand, be it a remand to police  

custody or judicial custody.  Highlighting the said stance, it  

was propounded that the order of remand could not be treated  

as impermissible warranting interference by the High Court in  

exercise of jurisdiction of writ of habeas corpus.   

9. The High Court adverted to the chronology of events and  

held thus: -

“From the chronology of events as emerging  from the petition as well as affidavit-in-reply, it  is not in dispute that the arrest of the  petitioner was effected on 16/07/2012.


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Whereas the quashing petition came to be filed  on 17/07/2012 and the stay order was  granted on 17/07/2012 at about 04.30 p.m.  and the remand of the accused – petitioner to  police custody was granted on 17/07/2012 till  02.00 p.m. of 19/07/2012.  It is also required  to be noted that order passed by learned JMFC  has not been challenged anywhere and has  attained finality.  Thereafter, the order passed  by this Court in CRMA No. 10303 of 2012 has  been served on the Police authority on  17/07/2012 at 09.30 p.m.  On the next day  i.e. on 18/07/2012, the Investigating Officer  seems to have informed learned JMFC about  the stay granted by the High Court and has  attended High Court in connection with  anticipatory bail application preferred by the  petitioner.  It is also not the case of the  petitioner that after the service of order of stay,  any other investigation has been carried by the  Investigating Officer.  On 19/07/2012 itself  the applicant preferred an application for bail  under Section 437 of the Code, which came to  be rejected and the accused was remanded to  judicial custody and as such the petitioner –  accused is in judicial custody as on now.  It is  pertinent to note that the learned JMFC has  rightly observed in his order upon bail  application that the High Court has stayed  further investigation only.”

10. After so stating, the High Court dealt with the issue  

whether the custody of the accused could be said to be illegal.  

It was opined by the High Court that it was not possible to


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accept the stand that once the investigation was stayed, there  

could not have been exercise of jurisdiction under Section  

167(2) of the Code, for stay of investigation would not  

eradicate the FIR or the investigation that had been already  

carried out pursuant to lodging of FIR.  It was further opined  

that it was only an ad-interim order and if the stay order  

would eventually be vacated or the quashing petition would  

not be entertained, the investigation would be continued.  The  

High Court further observed that solely because the  

investigation was stayed, it would not be apposite to say that  

there was no investigation and the order passed by the learned  

Magistrate was flawed.   

11. Addressing to the issue of remand, the High Court opined  

that the order of remand of the accused to custody could not  

be said to be a part of the investigation and hence, the said  

order was not in conflict with the order passed under Section  

482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in Criminal  

Miscellaneous Application No. 10303 of 2012.  Reference was  

made to Section 2(h) of the Code which defines ‘investigation’


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and it was ruled that the order passed by the learned  

Magistrate could not be termed as a part of the investigation.  

Eventually, the High Court opined that it could not be held  

that when the order was passed by the learned JMFC, there  

was no investigation and, therefore, there was no force in the  

argument that the learned JMFC could not have remanded the  

accused in such a situation in exercise of powers under  

Section 167 of the Code, and secondly, the act of the learned  

JMFC remanding the accused to custody is a judicial act  

which cannot be termed as part of the investigation and  

cannot be considered to have been covered under the stay  

granted by the High Court in CRMA No. 10303 of 2012.  It was  

further held that illegal or unauthorised detention or  

confinement is a sine qua non for entertaining a petition for  

writ of habeas corpus and the custody of the petitioner being  

in pursuance of a judicial act, it could not be termed as illegal.  

12. At this juncture, it is seemly to note that the appellant  

had knocked at the doors of the High Court in a habeas  

corpus petition.  The writ of habeas corpus has always been


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given due signification as an effective method to ensure release  

of the detained person from prison.  In P. Ramanatha Aiyar’s  

Law Lexicon (1997 edition), while defining “habeas corpus”,  

apart from other aspects, the following has been stated: -

“The ancient prerogative writ of habeas corpus  takes its name from the two mandatory words  habeas. corpus, which it contained at the time  when it, in common with all forms of legal  process, was framed in Latin.  The general  purpose of these writs, as their name  indicates, was to obtain the production of an  individual.”

13. In Secretary of State for Home Affairs v. O’Brien1, it  

has been observed that it is perhaps the most important writ  

known to the constitutional law of England affording as it does  

a swift and imperative remedy in all cases of illegal restraint or  

confinement.  It is of immemorial antiquity, an instance of its  

use occurring in the thirty third year of Edward I.  It has  

through the ages been jealously maintained by the courts of  

law as a check upon the illegal usurpation of power by the  

executive at the cost of liege.

1 (1923) AC 603 (609)


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14. In Ranjit Singh v. The State of Pepsu (now Punjab)2,  

after referring to Greene v. Secretary of States for Home  

Affairs3, this Court observed that the whole object of  

proceedings for a writ of habeas corpus is to make them  

expeditious, to keep them as free from technicality as possible  

and to keep them as simple as possible.  The Bench quoted  

Lord Wright who, in Greene’s case, had stated thus:

“The incalculable value of Habeas Corpus is  that it enables the immediate determination of  the right to the appellant’s freedom.”

Emphasis was laid on the satisfaction of the court  

relating to justifiability and legality of the custody.  

15. In Kanu Sanyal v. District Magistrate, Darjeeling  

and others4, it was laid down that the writ of habeas corpus  

deals with the machinery of justice, not the substantive law.  

The object of the writ is to secure release of a person who is  

illegally restrained of his liberty.

2 AIR 1959 SC 843 3 1942 AC 284 4 AIR 1973 SC 2684


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16. Speaking about the importance of the writ of habeas  

corpus, a two-Judge Bench, in Ummu Sabeena v. State of  

Kerala and others5, has observed as follows: -

“…the writ of habeas corpus is the oldest writ  evolved by the common law of England to  protect the individual liberty against its  invasion in the hands of the executive or may  be also at the instance of private persons.  This principle of habeas corpus has been  incorporated in our constitutional law and we  are of the opinion that in a democratic republic  like India where Judges function under a  written Constitution and which has a chapter  on fundamental rights, to protect individual  liberty the Judges owe a duty to safeguard the  liberty not only of the citizens but also of all  persons within the territory of India.  The most  effective way of doing the same is by way of  exercise of power by the Court by issuing a  writ of habeas corpus.”

In the said case, a reference was made to Halsbury’s Laws of  

England, 4th Edn. Vol. 11, para 1454 to highlight that a writ of  

habeas corpus is a writ of highest constitutional importance  

being a remedy available to the lowliest citizen against the  

most powerful authority.

5 (2011) 10 SCC 781


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17. Having stated about the significance of the writ of habeas  

corpus as a weapon for protection of individual liberty through  

judicial process, it is condign to refer to certain authorities to  

appreciate how this Court has dwelled upon and expressed its  

views pertaining to the legality of the order of detention,  

especially that ensuing from the order of the court when an  

accused is produced in custody before a Magistrate after  

arrest.  It is also worthy to note that the opinion of this Court  

relating to the relevant stage of delineation for the purpose of  

adjudicating the legality of the order of detention is of  

immense importance for the present case.

18. In Col. Dr. B. Ramachandra Rao v. The State of  

Orissa and others6, it was opined that a writ of habeas  

corpus is not granted where a person is committed to jail  

custody by a competent court by an order which prima facie  

does not appear to be without jurisdiction or wholly illegal.

6 AIR 1971 SC 2197


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19. In Re. Madhu Limaye and others7, the Court referred to  

the decision in Ram Narayan Singh v. State of Delhi8 and  

opined that the court must have regard to the legality or  

otherwise of the detention at the time of return.

20. In Kanu Sanyal v. Dist. Magistrate, Darjeeling and  

others9, contentions were raised to the effect that the initial  

detention of the petitioner in District Jail, Darjeeling was  

illegal because he was detained without being informed of the  

grounds for his arrest as required under clause (i) of Article 22  

of the Constitution and that the Sub-Divisional Magistrate,  

Darjeeling had no jurisdiction to try and, therefore, he could  

not authorise the detention of the petitioner under Section 167  

of the Code.  The two-Judge Bench adverted to the aforesaid  

aspects and referred to the earlier decisions in Naranjan  

Singh v. State of Punjab10, Ram Narain Singh (supra), B.R.  

Rao (Supra) and Talib Hussain v. State of Jammu and  

Kashmir11 and noted that three views had been taken by this  

7 AIR 1969 SC 1014 8 AIR 1953 SC 277 9 AIR 1974 SC 510 10 AIR 1952 SC 106 11 AIR 1971 SC 62


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Court at various times pertaining to the relevant date to  

determine the justifiability of the detention and opined as  


“This Court speaking through Wanchoo, J.  (as he then was) said in A.K. Gopalan v.  Government of India; [(1966) 2 SCR 427 =  (AIR 1966 SC 816)].  “It is well settled that  in dealing with the petition for habeas  corpus the Court is to see whether the  detention on the date on which the  application is made to the Court is legal, if  nothing more has intervened between the  date of the application and the date of the  hearing”.  In two early decisions of this  Court, however, namely, Naranjan Singh v.  State of Punjab, [(1952 SCR 395) = AIR  1952 SC 106)] and Ram Narain Singh v.  State of Delhi, [(1953 SCR 652) = (AIR 1953  SC 277)] a slightly different view was  expressed and that view was reiterated by  this Court in B.R. Rao v. State of Orissa  (AIR 1971 SC 2197) where it was said; “In  habeas corpus the Court is to have regard  to the legality or otherwise of the detention  at the time of the return and not with  reference to the institution of the  proceedings.”  And yet in another decision of  this Court in Talib Husain v. State of  Jammu & Kashmir (AIR 1971 SC 62) Mr.  Justice Dua, sitting as a Single Judge,  presumably in the vacation, observed that  “in habeas corpus proceedings the Court  has to consider the legality of the detention  on the date of the hearing.”  Of     these     three    views     taken     by     the     Court     at     different     times,   


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the     second     appears     to     be     more     in    consonance     with     the     law     and     practice     in    England     and     may     be     taken     as     having    received     the     largest     measure     of     approval     in    India,     though     the     third     view     also     cannot     be    discarded     as     incorrect,     because     an     inquiry    whether     the     detention     is     legal     or     not     at     the    date     of     hearing     of     the     application     for     habeas    corpus     would     be     quite     relevant,     for     the    simple     reason     that     if     on     that     date     the    detention     is     legal,     the     Court     cannot     order    release     of     the     person     detained     by     issuing     a    writ     of     habeas     corpus  .  But, for the purpose  of the present case, it is immaterial which of  these three views is accepted as correct, for  it is clear that, whichever be the correct  view, the earliest date with reference to  which the legality of detention may be  examined is the date of filing of the  application for habeas corpus and the Court  is not, to quote the words of Mr. Justice  Dua in AIR 1971 SC 2197 “concerned with a  date prior to the initiation of the  proceedings for a writ of habeas corpus”.”   

(emphasis supplied)

After so stating, the Bench opined that for adjudication  

in the said case, it was immaterial which of the three views  

was accepted as correct but eventually referred to paragraph 7  

in the case of B.R. Rao (supra) wherein the Court had  

expressed the view in the following manner: -


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“….in habeas corpus proceedings the court is  to have regard to the legality or otherwise of  the detention at the time of the return and not  with reference to the institution of the  proceedings.”

Eventually, the Bench ruled thus: -

“The production of the petitioner before the  Special Judge, Vizakhapatnam, could not,  therefore, be said to be illegal and his  subsequent detention in the Central Jail,  Vizakhapatnam, pursuant to the orders made  by the Special Judge, Vizakhapatnam, pending  trial must be held to be valid.  This Court  pointed out in AIR 1971 SC 2197 that a writ of  habeas corpus cannot be granted “where a  person is committed to Jail custody by a  competent court by an order which prima facie  does not appear to be without jurisdiction or  wholly illegal”.”

21. The principle laid down in Kanu Sanyal (supra), thus, is  

that any infirmity in the detention of the petitioner at the  

initial stage cannot invalidate the subsequent detention and  

the same has to be judged on its own merits.

22. At this juncture, we may profitably refer to the  

Constitution Bench decision in  Sanjay Dutt v. State


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through C.B.I., Bombay (II)12 wherein it has been opined  

thus: -

“It is settled by Constitution Bench decisions  that a petition seeking the writ of habeas  corpus on the ground of absence of a valid  order of remand or detention of the accused,  has to be dismissed, if on the date of return of  the rule, the custody or detention is on the  basis of a valid order.”

23.  Keeping in view the aforesaid concepts with regard to the  

writ of habeas corpus, especially pertaining to an order passed  

by the learned Magistrate at the time of production of the  

accused, it is necessary to advert to the schematic postulates  

under the Code relating to remand.  There are two provisions  

in the Code which provide for remand, i.e., Sections 167 and  

309.  The Magistrate has the authority under Section 167(2) of  

the Code to direct for detention of the accused in such  

custody, i.e., police or judicial, if he thinks that further  

detention is necessary.   

24. The act of directing remand of an accused is  

fundamentally a judicial function.  The Magistrate does not act  

12 (1994) 5 SCC 410


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in executive capacity while ordering the detention of an  

accused.  While exercising this judicial act, it is obligatory on  

the part of the Magistrate to satisfy himself whether the  

materials placed before him justify such a remand or, to put it  

differently, whether there exist reasonable grounds to commit  

the accused to custody and extend his remand.  The purpose  

of remand as postulated under Section 167 is that  

investigation cannot be completed within 24 hours.  It enables  

the Magistrate to see that the remand is really necessary.  This  

requires the investigating agency to send the case diary along  

with the remand report so that the Magistrate can appreciate  

the factual scenario and apply his mind whether there is a  

warrant for police remand or justification for judicial remand  

or there is no need for any remand at all.  It is obligatory on  

the part of the Magistrate to apply his mind and not to pass an  

order of remand automatically or in a mechanical manner.  It  

is apt to note that in Madhu Limaye (supra), it has been  

stated that once it is shown that the arrests made by the  

police officers were illegal, it was necessary for the State to


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establish that at the stage of remand, the Magistrate directed  

detention in jail custody after applying his mind to all relevant  


25. In Central Bureau of Investigation, Special  

Investigation Cell-I, New Delhi v. Anupam J. Kulkarni13, it  

has been stated that where an accused is placed in police  

custody for the maximum period of fifteen days allowed under  

law either pursuant to a single order of remand or more than  

one order, when the remand is restricted on each occasion to a  

lesser number of days, the further detention of the accused, if  

warranted, has to be necessarily to judicial custody and not  

otherwise.  Thus, the exercise of jurisdiction clearly shows that  

the Magistrate performs a judicial act.

26. Presently, we shall advert to the concept of investigation.  

The term “investigation” has been defined in Section 2(h) of the  

Code.  It reads as follows: -

“Investigation”  includes all the proceedings  under this Code for the collection of evidence  conducted by a police officer or by any person  

13 AIR 1992 SC 1768


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(other than a Magistrate) who is authorised by  a Magistrate in this behalf;”

27. A three-Judge Bench in H.N. Rishbud and another v.  

State of Delhi14, while dealing with “investigation”, has stated  

that under the Code, investigation consists generally of the  

following steps: (1) Proceeding to the spot, (2) Ascertainment of  

the facts and circumstances of the case, (3) Discovery and  

arrest of the suspected offender, (4) Collection of evidence  

relating to the commission of the offence which may consist of  

(a) the examination of various persons (including the accused)  

and the reduction of their statements into writing, if the officer  

thinks fit, (b) the search of places or seizure of things  

considered necessary for the investigation and to be produced  

at the trial, and (5) Formation of the opinion as to whether on  

the material collected, there is a case to place the accused  

before a Magistrate for trial and, if so, taking the necessary  

steps for the same by the filing of a charge-sheet under  

Section 173.

14 AIR 1955 SC 196


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28. In Adri Dharan Das v. State of West Bengal15, it has  

been opined that arrest is a part of the process of investigation  

intended to secure several purposes.  The accused may have  

to be questioned in detail regarding the various facets of  

motive, preparation, commission and aftermath of the crime  

and the connection of other persons, if any, in the crime.

29. In Niranjan Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh16, it has  

been laid down that investigation is not an inquiry or trial  

before the court and that is why the legislature did not  

contemplate any irregularity in investigation as of sufficient  

importance to vitiate or otherwise form any infirmity in the  

inquiry or trial.

30. In S.N. Sharma v. Bipen Kumar Tiwari17, it has been  

observed that the power of police to investigate is independent  

of any control by the Magistrate.

31. In State of Bihar v. J.A.C. Saldanha and others18, it  

has been observed that there is a clear cut and well  15 AIR 2005 SC 1057 16 AIR 1957 SC 142 17 (1970) 1 SCC 653 18 (1980) 1 SCC 554


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demarcated sphere of activity in the field of crime detection  

and crime punishment and further investigation of an offence  

is the field exclusively reserved for the executive in the police  


32. Coming to the case at hand, it is evincible that the arrest  

had taken place a day prior to the passing of order of stay.  It  

is also manifest that the order of remand was passed by the  

learned Magistrate after considering the allegations in the FIR  

but not in a routine or mechanical manner.  It has to be borne  

in mind that the effect of the order of the High Court regarding  

stay of investigation could only have bearing on the action of  

the investigating agency.  The order of remand which is a  

judicial act, as we perceive, does not suffer from any infirmity.  

The only ground that was highlighted before the High Court as  

well as before this Court is that once there is stay of  

investigation, the order of remand is sensitively susceptible  

and, therefore, as a logical corollary, the detention is  

unsustainable.  It is worthy to note that the investigation had  

already commenced and as a resultant consequence, the


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accused was arrested.  Thus, we are disposed to think that the  

order of remand cannot be regarded as untenable in law.  It is  

well accepted principle that a writ of habeas corpus is not to  

be entertained when a person is committed to judicial custody  

or police custody by the competent court by an order which  

prima facie does not appear to be without jurisdiction or  

passed in an absolutely mechanical manner or wholly illegal.  

As has been stated in the cases of B.R. Rao (supra) and Kanu  

Sanyal (supra), the court is required to scrutinize the legality  

or otherwise of the order of detention which has been passed.  

Unless the court is satisfied that a person has been committed  

to jail custody by virtue of an order that suffers from the vice  

of lack of jurisdiction or absolute illegality, a writ of habeas  

corpus cannot be granted.  It is apposite to note that the  

investigation, as has been dealt with in various authorities of  

this Court, is neither an inquiry nor trial.  It is within the  

exclusive domain of the police to investigate and is  

independent of any control by the Magistrate.  The sphere of  

activity is clear cut and well demarcated.  Thus viewed, we do


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not perceive any error in the order passed by the High Court  

refusing to grant a writ of habeas corpus as the detention by  

virtue of the judicial order passed by the Magistrate  

remanding the accused to custody is valid in law.

33. Though we have not interfered with the order passed by  

the High Court, yet we would request the High Court to  

dispose of the Criminal Miscellaneous Application No. 10303  

of 2012 within a period of six weeks.  Liberty is granted to the  

appellant to move the appropriate court for grant of bail, if so  


34. Consequently, with the aforesaid observations mentioned  

hereinabove, the appeal, being sans merit, stands dismissed.   

……………………………….J. [K. S. Radhakrishnan]

……………………………….J. [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi; September 28, 2012.