29 February 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000077-000077 / 2007
Diary number: 16425 / 2006






Mano Dutt & Anr. … Appellants


State of U.P. … Respondent


Swatanter Kumar, J.

1. The present appeal is directed against the judgment and order  

dated  21st March,  2006  of  the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at  

Allahabad,  Lucknow  Bench,  which  had  partially  accepted  the  

appeal  by  acquitting  the  accused  persons  of  the  offence  under  

Section 323 read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860  

(hereafter, ‘IPC’), but affirmed the imposition of life imprisonment  

for  the  offence  under  Section  302  read  with  Section  34,  IPC as


awarded  by  the  learned  trial  court  vide  its  judgment  dated  6th  

January, 1982. The trial  court had found the four accused Ram  

Dutt (now dead), Thakur Prasad, Mano Dutt and Ram Narain guilty  

of an offence under Section 302, read with Section 34, IPC and also  

offence  under  Section  323,  read  with  Section  34,  IPC  and  had  

awarded them life imprisonment for the first offence and a fine of  

Rs.1,000/- for the second, in default of which, to undergo rigorous  

imprisonment for three months.

2. This  is  a  case  where  the  incident,  on  22nd October,  1977,  

which resulted in the death of Siya Ram, is admitted between the  

parties.  The primary question that falls for determination is, as to  

which of  the  parties  was the  aggressor,  besides  determining the  

merits of the contentions raised on behalf of the appellant.  Before  

noticing the prosecution version, we may notice that in the present  

case,  six  accused  were  charged  and  tried  for  an  offence  under  

Sections 302 and 323, both read with Section 34 IPC.  Learned trial  

court,  vide  its  judgment  dated  6th January,  1982  had  acquitted  

accused Sher Bahadur and Jagdish, while it convicted Ram Dutt,  

Thakur  Prasad,  Mano  Dutt  and Ram Narain  for  both  the  afore-



stated offences.  During the pendency of the appeal before the High  

Court, Ram Dutt died and the Court convicted the other accused  

vide its judgment under appeal.   

3. Thakur  Prasad  had  filed  a  separate  appeal  challenging  the  

said judgment of the High Court, being SLP (Crl.) No.3929 of 2006  

titled Thakur Prasad v. State of U.P. which came to be dismissed by  

order of this Court dated 18th August, 2006.  In other words, the  

conviction of the accused Thakur Prasad under Section 302 read  

with Section 34 IPC attained finality.  However, vide the same order,  

this Court granted leave to appeal in the case of Mano Dutt and  

Ram Narain.  This is how the present appeal has come up for final  

hearing before us.

4. The case of the prosecution is that Mano Dutt, Ram Narain  

and Jagdish are real brothers while Ram Dutt and Thakur Prasad  

are their  cousins.   On 22nd October,  1977 during day time, Siya  

Ram  was  doing  earth  filling  in  front  of  his  sariya (a  place  of  

tethering  cattle).   The  four  accused,  namely,  Ram Dutt,  Thakur  

Prasad, Ram Narain and Mano Dutt out of the six named accused  

had come there and asked Siya Ram not to do earth filling.  Siya  



Ram told them that it was his land and he would not stop the work  

of land filling.  Thereupon, Siya Ram called certain villagers.  The  

matter was discussed with the villagers, all of whom said that the  

land was that of Siya Ram and he could carry on with land filling on  

his own land.  After deciding this, the villagers went away and Siya  

Ram resumed the filling of the earth.  Accused Ram Dutt, Thakur  

Prasad, Mano Dutt, Ram Narain, Jagdish and Sher Bahadur, armed  

with lathis, came there and chased Siya Ram.  They said that they  

would  finish  Siya  Ram.   Siya  Ram was  able  to  run for  a  short  

distance away, whereafter all the accused surrounded him in front  

of the house of one Fateh Mohmad.  Accused Ram Dutt, Thakur  

Prasad, Mano Dutt and Ram Narain started beating Siya Ram with  

their lathis.  The father of Siya Ram, Nankoo and brother Salik Ram  

rushed towards Siya Ram to rescue him.  Accused Sher Bahadur  

and Jagdish intercepted them in front of one Chiddan’s door and  

beat them with their  lathis.  Siya Ram fell down after getting the  

lathi blows.  Siya Ram raised alarm, but still these accused persons  

continued to beat him and in the meanwhile, Smt. Sangam Devi,  

Bhurey and Pradhan came there.  The Pradhan snatched the lathis  

of the four accused, who then fled away from the scene.  Siya Ram  



sustained serious injuries.  Nankoo and Salik Ram also sustained  

injuries.  Pradhan and the other villagers took the injured to the  

Police Station.   

5. The  incident  was  narrated  in  the  form  of  a  report  of  

occurrence, by the deceased Siya Ram, who was in an injured state  

at that time. The same was transcribed by Panna Lal Pandey, PW3  

and  submitted  to  the  Police  Station,  where  a  First  Information  

Report (hereafter, ‘FIR’) Exhibit Ka7 was prepared.

6. On this statement, the officer present at the police station had  

registered a case under Section 308, IPC and the investigation was  

taken  over  by  C.R.  Malviya.  During  investigation,  C.R.  Malviya  

recorded the statements of a number of witnesses as well as sent  

Siya Ram to the hospital.  Siya Ram succumbed to his injuries on  

24th October,  1977 at  about  8.00  a.m.  in  the  District  Hospital,  

Faizabad.    Upon his death, the offence was converted to one under  

Section  302,  IPC.  The  Investigating  Officer  visited  the  spot,  

recovered blood-stained earth, Ex. Ka-8 and prepared the site plan,  

Ext. Ka-9 and examined various witnesses.  After completion of the  

investigation,  the  charge  sheet  was  filed  before  the  court  of  



competent jurisdiction.   The trial Court vide its order dated 30th  

July, 1980 charged the accused with offences under Sections 147,  

304/149 and 323/149.    However, subsequently, the charge was  

amended and all  the  accused  were  charged with  offences  under  

Sections 302/149-147 and 323/149, IPC.   The accused pleaded  

not guilty and faced trial before the Court of Sessions.   As already  

noticed,  out  of  the  six  accused,  four  were  convicted by the  trial  

court.  One accused, namely Ram Dutt, died during pendency of the  

appeal  before  the  High  Court  and  all  the  other  accused  were  

acquitted of the offences under Section 323/34 IPC, but convicted  

for  offences under  Section 302/34 IPC.   For  the  reasons afore-

recorded in the present appeal, we are only concerned with the two  

accused, namely Mano Dutt, and Ram Narain.

7. The prosecution had examined Smt. Sangam Devi, PW-1 (wife  

of  the  deceased),  Salik Ram, PW-2 (injured witness).   Panna Lal  

Pandey, PW-3 (scribe of Siya Ram’s statement) and two doctors, Dr.  

S.N.  Rai  (P.W.-4)  and  Dr.  Surya  Bhan  Singh  (P.W.  5),  besides  

examining the formal witnesses.



8. Dr. Surya Bhan Singh, PW-5 had examined Salik Ram when  

he was brought to the hospital on the evening of 22nd October, 1977  

at about 4.30 p.m.    He had noticed lacerated bone-deep wound, 3  

cm x 0.5 cm, on the frontal region of the scalp, from which blood  

was oozing. The doctor described the injuries on the body of the  

deceased as follows:-

“(1) Lacerated wound mark 3 cm x 0.5 cm on  the  left  side  of  head  on  the  parietal  region.

(2) Bruise 9 cm x 1.5 cm in the left scapula  region.

(3) Bruise  12  cm  x  1.5  cm  in  the  right  scapula region of scalp.

(4) Bruise 9 cm x 2 cm in the right scapular  region of scalp.

(5) Bruise  19  cm  x  2  cm  in  the  right  scapular region of scalp.”

9. This very doctor had examined Salik Ram, son of Nankoo and  

had noticed as many as five injuries on his body.   He had also  

examined Nankoo and noticed four  injuries  on his  person.   The  



injuries on the bodies of Nankoo and Salik Ram both were found to  

be  simple  injuries  and were  caused  with  blunt  object  like  lathi,  

while Siya Ram was transferred to the specialist for obtaining expert  

opinions on his injuries and for his treatment.

10. After the death of Siya Ram on 24th October, 1977, the post-

mortem on the body of the deceased was performed by Dr. S.N. Rai,  

PW-4, who noticed four ante-mortem injuries as follows:-

“(1) Lacerated wound 2.5 cm x ¾ cm x bone  deep, on Rt. side head, 6.5 cm above the  eyebrow of right eye.

(2) Lacerated wound 2.5 cm x 1 cm x bone  deep injures 1-2 cm on the left side of the  head.

(3) Contusion 6 cm x 4 cm in the right side  of the face involving whole orbital area.

(4) Diffused, swelling on the Rt. Side of head  parietal region.”

11. Upon internal examination of the body of the deceased, he also  

found the following internal injuries:-

“1. Comminuted fracture in the area of 11.5  cm x 10 cm on the right Parietal Region  of the skull.



2. Comminuted fracture in the area of  6.5  cm  x  6.5  cm  in  the  frontal  Bone  was  found.

3. Comminuted  fracture  in  the  area  of  10  cm x  4  cm on the  left  side  of  temporo  parietal Region was found.

4. Large quantity of blood was accumulated  on  the  right  side  of  head  between skin  and bone.”

12. The doctor stated that, in his opinion, the cause of death was  

a  shock  due  to  ante-mortem  injuries  and  loss  of  blood.    He  

specifically  stated  that  all  the  injuries  are  possible  by  blows  of  

lathis.   In  his  cross-examination,  he  clearly  stated  that  these  

injuries are ordinarily sufficient to cause death.

13. It needs to be noticed that one of the appellants, namely Ram  

Dutt, had also allegedly lodged a report against the deceased Siya  

Ram, injured Nankoo,  and two other  sons of  Nankoo,  i.e.,  Salik  

Ram and Ram Dhiraj.   After registering the FIR, the Investigating  

Officer in his report had also stated that the accused Ram Dutt had  

sustained some injuries on his person.



14. The  conviction  of  the  accused  and the  impugned judgment  

have  been  challenged  inter  alia,  but  primarily,  on  the  following  


i) The prosecution did not examine the material witnesses like  

the investigating officer as well as other witnesses who, as  

per the case of the prosecution, were actually present at the  

time of occurrence of the incident.

ii) According to the prosecution, PW-1 and PW-2 both are eye-

witnesses  but  they  are  the  widow  and  brother  of  the  

deceased, and therefore, are interested witnesses and their  

statement cannot be relied upon by the Court.

iii) The  accused  persons  themselves  had  lodged  a  counter  

report against the deceased, PW-2 and other relations of the  

deceased,  alleging  attack/aggression.    This  was  not  a  

counter blast but a true and correct happening of events as  

reported  by  the  accused,  against  the  complainants,  in  

which the accused Ram Dutt  had suffered injuries.   For  

these reasons, the accused should be entitled to the benefit  

of doubt and consequently, to an order of acquittal.



iv) Even  if  the  entire  prosecution  story  is  assumed  to  be  

correct, even then it does not constitute an offence under  

Section  302,  IPC.  In  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  the  

case, at the worst, the accused could be held guilty of an  

offence punishable under Section 304, Part-I, IPC.

v) The deceased had only three injuries, therefore, on the one  

hand, the story that six accused had assaulted him with  

lathis even  when  he  was  lying  on  the  ground  is  not  

physically possible and on the other hand, the prosecution  

has  failed  to  explain  the  injuries  suffered  by  Ram Dutt,  

accused.  Thus, it creates a specific doubt in the story of the  


vi) Lastly,  it  is  contended  that  the  dismissal  of  the  other  

Special Leave Petition filed by Thakur Prasad does not have  

any bearing on the fate of the present appeal, inasmuch as  

the Court is vested with wide powers in terms of Section 38,  

IPC,  to  deal  with  the  case  of  the  present  appellants  on  

distinct  and  different  footing.  Even  if  Thakur  Prasad’s  

conviction  for  an  offence  under  Section  302  read  with  



Section 34 IPC has attained finality, the appellants may still  

be acquitted.

15. We  have  already  noticed  that  the  incident  in  question  is  

admitted.  According to the accused, the fight was started by the  

deceased and his  relations and they had exercised their  right  of  

private self-defence,  to  protect  themselves.   To  the  contrary,  

according to the witnesses of the prosecution as well as according  

to the version given by the deceased, the accused were aggressive  

and  had  attacked  the  deceased  and  his  family  members  after  

deliberately  planning  to  assault  and kill  them.   It  is  not  a case  

where the circumstances, even remotely, can be construed to have  

satisfied the ingredients of self-defence.  We may examine few of the  

circumstances in this case.  From the record, it appears that Ram  

Dutt had lodged a complaint of the incident that took place on 22nd  

October, 1977 at about 12.00 p.m.  According to this report the  

accused  in  that  complaint  (i.e.,  the  deceased  and  his  family  

members) had been putting earth on Ram Dutt’s  sariya, which he  

had forbade.  There was verbal altercation between the parties and  

then  the  accused  in  that  complaint  (i.e.,  the  deceased  herein)  



started assaulting him with  lathis and it  was only by raising an  

alarm that the people of the village came to the place of occurrence  

and his life was saved.  According to this complaint, he had suffered  

injuries on his head.   

16. Firstly,  this  complaint  had  not  been  proved  by  Ram  Dutt  

during  the  trial.   Accordingly,  the  concurrent  view taken by the  

courts  below,  that  this  document  cannot  be  relied in  evidence,  

cannot be faulted with.  Furthermore, Ram Dutt did not examine a  

single witness in his defence to prove that he was attacked by the  

deceased and his family members or that they were putting earth at  

the door of Ram Dutt’s sariya.  No doubt, Ram Dutt was subjected  

to medical examination by the Medical Officer vide Ex.Kha 1.   It  

was noticed that he had suffered lacerated wounds on the central  

and other regions of skull, and had complained of pain in left leg.  

This  would show that  Ram Dutt  had suffered some injuries  but  

where  and  how  these  injuries  were  suffered,  was  for  him  to  

establish, particularly when he had taken a specific stand that the  

deceased and his family members were at fault and were aggressive.  

He claims that they had caused serious injuries to his person and  



this  incident  happened  in  the  presence  of  the  villagers.  It  is  a  

settled canon of evidence jurisprudence that one who alleges a fact  

must prove the same.  It is also his case that the prosecution has  

not  explained  the  injuries  on  his  person  and,  therefore,  the  

argument impressed upon the Court is that the attack with  lathis  

was in exercise of self-defence and the failure of the prosecution to  

explain injuries on the person of Ram Dutt is a circumstance which  

creates a serious doubt in the story of the prosecution.  We are not  

impressed with this contention primarily for the above reasons and  

also because of the fact that if the police was not investigating into  

the complaint, Ram Dutt was not helpless or remediless in law.  He  

could have filed an application before the concerned Magistrate in  

accordance with the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973  

(Cr.P.C.) for directing the police to investigate and even to summon  

the accused in that complaint.  But none of the accused, including  

Ram Dutt, took any of the steps available to them in law.  When a  

person claims exercise of private self-defence, the onus lies on him  

to show that there were circumstances and occasions for exercising  

such a right.  In other words, these basic facts must be established  

by the accused.  Just because one circumstance exists amongst the  



various factors, which appears to favour the person claiming right  

of self-defence, does not mean that he gets the right to cause the  

death of the other person.  Even the right of self-defence has to be  

exercised directly in proportion to the extent of aggression.   

17. As per the medical report,  the injuries on the body of Ram  

Dutt were found to be ‘simple in nature’.  On the other hand, we  

have  a  complete  version  of  the  prosecution,  duly  supported  by  

witnesses,  out  of  which  PW1 and  PW2 are  eye-witnesses  to  the  

occurrence.  The bone of contention between the parties was the  

statement of the deceased, that he was filling the earth over some  

land, which he claimed to be his land; according to the accused, the  

earth-filling  was  carried  out  in  front  of  the  door  of  Ram  Dutt.  

According to both the parties, the villagers came to the spot.  Out of  

the two versions, the one put forward by the prosecution and the  

other in the defence of the accused, the version of the prosecution,  

as has been disclosed by the eye-witnesses, is trustworthy, reliable  

and entirely plausible in the facts and circumstances of the case.  

The mere fact that the Investigating Officer has not been produced,  

or that there is no specific explanation on record as to how Ram  



Dutt suffered these injuries, would not vitiate the trial or the case of  

the prosecution in its entirety.  These claims of the accused would  

have been relevant considerations, provided the accused had been  

able to establish the other facts alleged by them.  It is not always  

mandatory for the prosecution to examine the Investigating Officer,  

provided it can establish its case beyond reasonable doubt even in  

his absence.  The present case certainly falls in the latter class.  

Where the accused lead no defence, they cannot take benefit of the  

fact  that  the  prosecution  did  not  examine  any  independent  

witnesses.  The accused would be deemed to have been aware of the  

consequences  in  law  when  they  gave  a  statement  admitting  the  

occurrence but attributing aggression and default to the deceased  

and his family members.  

18. Accused Thakur Prasad is also stated to own a sariya and was  

also allegedly using his  lathi in self-defence, as according to their  

story, four persons with the deceased and his family members had  

attacked them.  Strangely, Thakur Prasad suffered no injury.  These  

are  the  circumstances  which,  examined  cumulatively,  would  

provide support to the case of prosecution.



19. Another contention raised on behalf of the accused/appellants  

is  that  only  family  members  of  the  deceased  were  examined  as  

witnesses  and  they  being  interested  witnesses  cannot  be  relied  

upon.   Furthermore,  the  prosecution  did  not  examine  any  

independent witnesses and, therefore, the prosecution has failed to  

establish its case beyond reasonable doubt.  This argument is again  

without  much  substance.   Firstly,  there  is  no  bar  in  law  in  

examining  family  members,  or  any  other  person,  as  witnesses.  

More  often than not,  in  such cases involving  family  members of  

both sides, it is a member of the family or a friend who comes to  

rescue the injured.  Those alone are the people who take the risk of  

sustaining injuries by jumping into such a quarrel  and trying to  

defuse the crisis.  Besides, when the statement of witnesses, who  

are relatives, or are parties known to the affected party, is credible,  

reliable,  trustworthy,  admissible  in  accordance  with the law and  

corroborated  by  other  witnesses  or  documentary  evidence  of  the  

prosecution,  there would  hardly be any reason for the Court to  

reject  such evidence merely on the ground that the witness was  

family  member  or  interested  witness  or  person  known  to  the  

affected party.  There can be cases where it would be but inevitable  



to examine such witnesses, because, as the events occurred, they  

were  the  natural  or  the  only  eye  witness  available  to  give  the  

complete version of the incident.  In this regard, we may refer to the  

judgments  of  this  Court,  in  the  case  of  Namdeo  v.  State  of   

Maharashtra,  [(2007)  14  SCC  150].   This  Court  drew  a  clear  

distinction between a chance witness and a natural witness.  Both  

these witnesses have  to be relied upon subject  to their  evidence  

being trustworthy and admissible in accordance with the law.  This  

Court, in the said judgment, held as under:   

“28. From  the  aforesaid  discussion,  it  is  clear that Indian legal system does not insist  on  plurality  of  witnesses.  Neither  the  legislature  (Section  134  of  the  Evidence  Act,  1872)  nor  the  judiciary  mandates  that  there  must  be  particular  number  of  witnesses  to  record  an  order  of  conviction  against  the  accused.  Our  legal  system  has  always  laid  emphasis  on  value,  weight and  quality of  evidence  rather  than on  quantity,  multiplicity  or  plurality of witnesses. It is, therefore, open  to a competent court to fully  and completely  rely  on  a  solitary  witness  and  record  conviction.  Conversely,  it  may  acquit  the  accused  in  spite  of  testimony  of  several  witnesses if it is not satisfied about the quality  of  evidence.  The  bald  contention  that  no  conviction can be recorded in case of a solitary  eyewitness,  therefore,  has no force and must  be negatived.



29. It  was  then  contended  that  the  only  eyewitness, PW 6 Sopan was none other than  the  son  of  the  deceased.  He  was,  therefore,  “highly interested” witness and his deposition  should,  therefore,  be discarded as it  has not  been  corroborated  in  material  particulars  by  other witnesses. We are unable to uphold the  contention. In our judgment, a witness who is  a relative of the deceased or victim of a crime  cannot  be  characterised  as  “interested”.  The  term “interested”  postulates  that  the  witness  has some direct or indirect “interest” in having  the accused somehow or the other  convicted  due  to  animus  or  for  some  other  oblique  motive.”

20. It will be useful to make a reference of another judgment of  

this  Court,  in  the  case  of  Satbir  Singh  &  Ors.  v.  State  of  Uttar   

Pradesh, [(2009) 13 SCC 790], where this Court held as under:

“26. It is now a well-settled principle of law  that  only  because  the  witnesses  are  not  independent  ones  may  not  by  itself  be  a  ground to discard the prosecution case. If the  prosecution  case  has  been supported  by  the  witnesses  and  no  cogent  reason  has  been  shown  to  discredit  their  statements,  a  judgment of conviction can certainly be based  thereupon.  Furthermore,  as  noticed  hereinbefore, at least Dhum Singh (PW 7) is an  independent  witness.  He  had  no  animus  against the accused.  False implication of  the  accused at his hand had not been suggested,  far less established.”



21. Again  in  a  very  recent  judgment  in  the  case  of  Balraje  @  

Trimbak  v.  State  of  Maharashtra [(2010)  6 SCC 673],  this  Court  

stated that when the eye-witnesses are stated to be interested and  

inimically disposed towards the accused, it has to be noted that it  

would not be proper to conclude that they would shield the real  

culprit and rope in innocent persons. The truth or otherwise of the  

evidence  has  to  be  weighed  pragmatically.  The  Court  would  be  

required  to  analyse  the  evidence  of  related  witnesses  and  those  

witnesses who are inimically disposed towards the accused. But if  

after  careful  analysis  and scrutiny  of  their  evidence,  the  version  

given by the  witnesses appears  to be clear,  cogent  and credible,  

there is no reason to discard the same.

22. As per PW5, Dr. Surya Bhan Singh, he had examined Salik  

Ram Yadav as  well  as  Nankoo  on 22nd October,  1977 itself  and  

noticed as many as five injuries  on Salik Ram and four injuries  

upon the person of Nankoo.  He stated that the deceased was the  

son of Nankoo, while Salik Ram was his brother.  These injuries  

were  suffered  by  them  from  a  blunt  object.   Salik  Ram  was  



examined as PW2 and his statement is cogent, coherent, reliable  

and fully supports the case of the prosecution.  However, the other  

injured witness, Nankoo, was not examined.   

23. In our view, non-examination of Nankoo, to which the accused  

raised  the  objection,  would  not  materially  affect  the  case  of  the  

prosecution.   Normally,  an  injured  witness  would  enjoy  greater  

credibility because he is the sufferer himself and thus, there will be  

no occasion for such a person to state an incorrect version of the  

occurrence, or to involve anybody falsely and in the bargain, protect  

the  real  culprit.   We  need  not  discuss  more  elaborately  the  

weightage that should be attached by the Court to the testimony of  

an injured witness.  In fact, this aspect of criminal jurisprudence is  

no more res integra, as has been consistently stated by this Court  

in uniform language.  We may merely refer to the case of  Abdul  

Sayeed v. State of Madhya Pradesh [(2010) 10 SCC 259], where this  

Court held as under:

“28. The  question  of  the  weight  to  be  attached to the evidence of a witness that was  himself injured in the course of the occurrence  has been extensively discussed by this Court.  Where a witness to the occurrence has himself  been injured in the incident, the testimony of  



such a witness is  generally  considered to be  very  reliable,  as  he  is  a  witness  that  comes  with a built-in guarantee of his presence at the  scene of the crime and is unlikely to spare his  actual assailant(s) in order to falsely implicate  someone. “Convincing evidence is required to  discredit an injured witness.” [Vide  Ramlagan  Singh v. State of Bihar, Malkhan Singh v. State   of  U.P.,  Machhi  Singh v.  State  of  Punjab,  Appabhai v.  State of Gujarat,  Bonkya v.  State   of Maharashtra, Bhag Singh, Mohar v. State of   U.P. (SCC p. 606b-c), Dinesh Kumar v. State of  Rajasthan,  Vishnu v.  State  of  Rajasthan,  Annareddy Sambasiva Reddy v.  State  of  A.P.  and Balraje v. State of Maharashtra.]

29. While  deciding this  issue,  a  similar  view  was  taken  in  Jarnail  Singh v.  State  of  Punjab, where this Court reiterated the special  evidentiary status accorded to the testimony of  an injured accused and relying on its earlier  judgments  held  as  under:  (SCC  pp.  726-27,  paras 28-29)

“28.  Darshan  Singh  (PW  4)  was  an  injured witness.  He had been examined  by the doctor. His testimony could not be  brushed aside lightly.  He had given full  details of the incident as he was present  at the time when the assailants reached  the  tubewell.  In  Shivalingappa  Kallayanappa v.  State  of Karnataka this  Court has held that the deposition of the  injured  witness  should  be  relied  upon  unless  there  are  strong  grounds  for  rejection of his evidence on the basis of  major  contradictions  and  discrepancies,  for  the reason that his presence on the  scene  stands  established  in  case  it  is  



proved that he suffered the injury during  the said incident.

29.  In  State  of  U.P. v.  Kishan  Chand a  similar view has been reiterated observing  that the testimony of a stamped witness  has its  own relevance  and efficacy.  The  fact that the witness sustained injuries at  the time and place of occurrence,  lends  support  to  his  testimony  that  he  was  present  during  the  occurrence.  In  case  the  injured  witness  is  subjected  to  lengthy  cross-examination  and  nothing  can be elicited to discard his testimony, it  should  be  relied  upon  (vide  Krishan v.  State  of  Haryana).  Thus,  we  are  of  the  considered  opinion  that  evidence  of  Darshan Singh (PW 4)  has rightly  been  relied upon by the courts below.”

30. The law on the point can be summarised  to the effect that the testimony of the injured  witness  is  accorded  a  special  status  in  law.  This is as a consequence of the fact that the  injury to the witness is an inbuilt guarantee of  his  presence  at  the  scene  of  the  crime  and  because  the  witness  will  not  want  to  let  his  actual  assailant  go  unpunished  merely  to  falsely  implicate  a  third  party  for  the  commission  of  the  offence.  Thus,  the  deposition  of  the  injured  witness  should  be  relied  upon unless  there  are  strong  grounds  for  rejection  of  his  evidence  on  the  basis  of  major  contradictions  and  discrepancies  therein.”

24. To the similar effect is the judgment of this Court in the case  

of Balraje @ Trimbak (supra).   



25. Another argument with regard to appreciation of evidence is  

that the material witness having not been examined and the entire  

prosecution  story  being  based  upon the  statements  of  PW1 and  

PW2,  who  are  the  interested  witnesses,  the  entire  prosecution  

evidence suffers from a patent infirmity in law.   

26. Again, we are not impressed by this contention, primarily for  

the reasons afore-recorded.  Furthermore, it may also be noticed  

that non-examination of any independent witness, in the facts of  

the present case, is not fatal to the case of the prosecution.  The  

Court can convict an accused on the statement of a sole witness,  

even if he was a relative of the deceased and thus, an interested  

party.   The  condition  precedent  to  such  an  order  is  that  the  

statement  of  such  witness  should  satisfy  the  legal  parameters  

stated  by  this  Court  in  a  catena  of  judgments.   Once  those  

parameters  are  satisfied  and  the  statement  of  the  witness  is  

trustworthy, cogent and corroborated by other evidence produced  

by the prosecution, oral or documentary, then the Court would not  

fall in error of law in relying upon the statements of such witness.  

It  is  only  when the  Courts  find that  the  single  eye-witness  is  a  



wholly unreliable witness that his testimony is discarded in toto and  

no amount of corroboration can cure its defect.  Reference in this  

regard can be made to the judgment of this Court, in the case of  

Anil Phukan v State of Assam [(1993) 3 SCC 282].

27. Now we may examine as to the place and manner in which the  

incident occurred.  It is a very important aspect of this case that the  

FIR itself was lodged by the deceased along with PW3 Panna Lal  

Pandey who transcribed the same at the police station itself.  The  

deceased was seriously injured, but was fully aware of what he was  

doing and he had no reason to falsely implicate any person.  His  

father and brother had also been injured in the occurrence.  It is  

specifically recorded in the statement of these witnesses that when  

the appellant Mano Dutt and other accused came for the second  

time, to the place where the deceased was filling the earth at the  

sariya,  they gave a  lalkar  ‘Maro sale ko’  and then assaulted him  

with lathis. When he tried to run away, he fell to the ground near  

the  house  of  one  Fateh  Mohd.   The  blood-stained  earth  was  

collected from the front of Fateh Mohd. doors by the Investigating  

Officer vide Ext. Ka-8.  Thereafter, the villagers had come and taken  



the lathis away from the accused persons.  The deceased was taken  

to the police station and then to the hospital, where he died on 24th  

October, 1977.  It is evident that all the accused persons had come  

prepared, mentally and physically, to assault the deceased and in  

furtherance to their common intention, had even given a  lalkar to  

kill the deceased.  This incident was witnessed by natural witnesses  

Nankoo and PW2 Salik Ram, as well as PW1 Smt. Sangam Devi.  

Nankoo  and  Yadav  even  intervened  and  tried  to  protect  their  

son/brother,  but  in  the  process,  they  also  received  number  of  

injuries, as is clear from the medical evidence produced on record.  

During  the  course  of  argument,  the  learned  counsel  for  the  

appellant tried to take advantage of the fact that the deceased ought  

to have suffered a number of injuries, if six people had, at the same  

time, attacked him with  lathis, but he had actually received only  

three injuries.  Thus, the story of the prosecution was improbable.   

28. We have no hesitation in rejecting this argument, primarily for  

the reason that, as per the medical report and statement of PW5 Dr.  

Surya Bhan Singh, the deceased had suffered a number of injuries  

and not only three.  The collection of the bloodstained earth itself is  



a relevant piece of evidence and provides the link in the commission  

and the place of  crime.   In the  case of  Kartar  Singh v.  State  of  

Punjab [AIR 1961 SC 1787] this Court took the following view:

“13. It follows therefore that the finding of  the  courts  below  that  the  appellant's  party  formed  an  unlawful  assembly  and  that  the  appellant is constructively liable of the offences  under ss. 302 and 307 IPC, in view of Section  149, is correct.

14. The  second  contention  that  in  a  free  fight each is liable for an individual act cannot  be  accepted  in  view  of  the  decision  of  this  Court in  Gore Lal v.  State  of  U.P. This Court  said in that case:

“In any event,  on the finding of  the  court of first  instance and of the High  Court  that  both  the  parties  had  prepared themselves for a free fight and  had armed themselves for that purpose,  the question as to who attacks and who  defends is wholly immaterial,”

and  confirmed  the  conviction  under  Section  307  read  with  Section  149  IPC  It  may,  however, be noted that it does not appear to  have  been  urged  in  that  case  that  each  appellant could be convicted for the individual  act committed by him. When it is held that the  appellant's party was prepared for a fight and  to have had no right of private defence, it must  follow that their  intention to fight and cause  injuries to the other party amounted to their  



having a common object to commit an offence  and,  therefore,  constituted  them  into  an  unlawful assembly. The injuries they caused to  the other  party  are caused in furtherance of  their  common object.  There  is  then  no  good  reason  why  they  be  not  held  liable,  constructively, for the acts of the other persons  of  the  unlawful  assembly,  in  circumstances  which makes s. 149 IPC, applicable to them.

15. Even if the finding that there were more  than five  persons in the appellant's  party be  wrong, we are of opinion that the facts found  that  the  appellant  and  his  companions  who  were  convicted  had  gone  from  the  village  armed and determined to fight, amply justified  the  conclusion  that  they  had  the  common  intention  to  attack  the  other  party  and  to  cause such injuries which may result in death.  Darshan  had  two  incised  wounds  and  one  punctured wound. Nand Lal  had two incised  wounds  and  one  punctured  wound  and  two  abrasions.  The  mere  fact  that  Kartar  Singh  was not connected with the dispute about the  plot  of  land is  not  sufficient  to hold that  he  could  not  have  formed  a  common  intention  with  the  others,  when  he  went  with  them  armed. The conviction under ss. 302 and 307  read with s.  149,  can be  converted into  one  under ss. 302 and 307 read with s. 34 IPC

16. We,  therefore,  see  no  force  in  this  appeal and accordingly dismiss it.”

29. The question, raised before this Court for its consideration, is  

with respect to the effect of non-explanation of injuries sustained by  



the  accused  persons.   In  this  regard,  this  Court  has  taken  a  

consistent view that the normal rule is that whenever the accused  

sustains injury in the same occurrence in which the complainant  

suffered the injury, the prosecution should explain the injury upon  

the accused.   But, it is not a rule without exception that if  the  

prosecution fails to give explanation, the prosecution case must fail.  

Before  the  non-explanation  of  the  injuries  on  the  person  of  the  

accused, by the prosecution witnesses, may be held to affect the  

prosecution case, the Court has to be satisfied of the existence of  

two conditions:  

(i) that the injuries on the person of the accused were also of a  

serious nature; and  

(ii) that such injuries must have been caused at the time of the  

occurrence in question.  

30. Where  the  evidence  is  clear,  cogent  and  creditworthy;  and  

where the court can distinguish the truth from falsehood, the mere  

fact that the injuries on the person of the accused are not explained  

by the prosecution cannot, by itself, be a sole basis to reject the  

testimony of the prosecution witnesses and consequently, the whole  

case of the prosecution.  Reference in this regard can be made to  



Rajender Singh & Ors. v. State of Bihar, [(2000) 4 SCC 298],  Ram  

Sunder  Yadav  & Ors.  v.  State  of  Bihar,  [(1998)  7  SCC 365,  and  

Vijayee Singh v. Stateo of U.P. [(1990) 3 SCC 190].

31. PW4  had  clearly  noticed  that  injury  on  the  person  of  the  

deceased, Salik Ram Yadav and Nankoo were all caused by a blunt  

weapon.   He  had  specifically  observed  that  the  injuries  were  

sufficient, in the ordinary course of time, to cause death and had,  

in fact, resulted in the death of the deceased.

32. The High Court and the trial court have recorded reasons for  

returning the concurrent finding of guilt.  The learned counsel for  

the appellant strenuously argued that one of the accused, namely  

Ram Dutt, who is now dead, had in his statement under Section  

313  Cr.P.C.,  stated  that  the  land  in  between  the  house  of  the  

parties was his and that despite his protest, Salik Ram, Siya Ram,  

Ram Dhiraj and Nankoo were putting earth on that land when he  

again objected, all of them ran after him, rounded him up at the  

door  of  Fateh  Mohd.  and  started  beating  him.   Thakur  Prasad,  

cousin of Ram Dutt, came and in response, wielded the lathi in his  

defence.  To similar effect is the statement of Thakur Prasad.  In  



view of this stand, the other accused cannot be said to have been  

involved in the commission of the crime.  This argument is a self-

serving  submission.   All  the  accused  are  related  to  each  other.  

Once the plea of self-defence is disbelieved, then a statement of a  

co-accused under Section 313 CrPC cannot be of any advantage to  

the co-accused, as the prosecution has been able to establish its  

case  beyond any reasonable  doubt.   In  the  present  case,  in  the  

chain of events, nowhere does the plea of self-defence as sought to  

be raised by the appellant-accused or other accused, fit  in.  The  

defence  has  miserably  failed  to  prove  any  fact  or  any  need  for  

resorting to commission of  the offence in self-defence.   To begin  

with,  the  police  had  charged  this  accused  for  an  offence  under  

Section 302 read with Section 149 and 323 of the IPC.  However,  

two  of  the  accused  were  acquitted  by  the  trial  court  and  the  

remaining  were  convicted  of  an  offence  under  the  said  Sections  

302/34 and 323/34, IPC.  The High Court acquitted all the accused  

of offence under Section 302/34 IPC and unfortunately, Ram Dutt  

died  during  the  pendency  of  that  appeal.   Because  the  alleged  

number  of  accused  had  become  less  than  five,  nature  of  the  

offences were changed from offence under Section 149 to Section  



34, IPC.  In face of the acquittal of the two accused, which was not  

assailed by the State, it must be taken that they were not present.  

Then  remain  three  accused,  Thakur  Dass  and  the  present  

appellants.   Thus, in the circumstances of the case, the possibility  

of presence of all other persons in the appellants’ party cannot be  

excluded.     It  is  also  not  quite  possible  that  the  accused have  

deposed incorrectly  before  the  Court  in regard to  the number  of  

persons and their participation.   Even where there are less than  

five persons who are accused, but the facts and the evidence of the  

case is convincing as in the present case, where the accused had  

returned to the place of occurrence with complete preparedness and  

after giving lalkar had attacked the deceased there, they have to be  

held liable for commission of the crime (Refer :  Kartar Singh   vs.   

State of Punjab, AIR 1961 SC 1787).  The learned counsel for the  

respondent-State  also  relied  upon  the  judgment  in  the  Yunis  @  

Kariya v.  State of M.P. [(2003) 1 SCC 425] to contend that an overt  

act  on  the  part  of  one  of  the  accused  is  immaterial  when  his  

presence, as part of the unlawful assembly, is established.  This  

case was for an offence under Section 302/149 IPC and, therefore,  

would not squarely apply to the present case as it has been held by  



the  Court  that  the  accused  was  not  constituting  an  unlawful  

assembly of five or more persons.  However, it cannot be ignored  

that the extent of participation, even in a case of common intention  

covered under Section 34 IPC would not depend on the extent of  

overt  act.   If  all  the  accused  have  committed  the  offence  with  

common intention and  inflicted injuries upon the deceased in a  

pre-planned  manner,  the  provisions  of  Section  34  would  be  

applicable to all.

33. The learned counsel had also relied upon the judgment of this  

Court in  Marimuthu & Ors. v.  State of Tamil Nadu  [(2008) 3 SCC  

205] to contend that this was a fight at the spur of the moment and  

the conviction of the appellants could be converted into that under  

Section 304, Part I of the IPC.  This judgment is distinguishable on  

facts  and has no application to  the  present  case.   It  was not  a  

dispute  which arose at  the  spur  of  the  moment  as  the  evidence  

clearly  shows  that  the  accused  had  gone  again  to  the  site  in  

question with a common intention and with the preparedness to  

assault  and even kill  the  deceased.   Even the site  plan,  Ex.Ka9  

clearly  shows  that  all  these  places,  i.e.  the  land  on  which  the  



deceased  was  putting  the  earth,  the  house  of  Fateh  Mohd.,  the  

house of  the  accused and that  of  the  deceased were all  nearby.  

This is even fully corroborated by the oral evidence.  Thus, on the  

basis of the documentary and ocular evidence, we are fully satisfied  

that  the  prosecution  has  been  able  to  prove  its  case  beyond  

reasonable doubt and has brought home the guilt of the accused  

under Section 302 read with Section 34, IPC.

34. Having  come  to  the  above  finding,  we  do  not  consider  it  

necessary to dwell on the question as to what is the effect in law of  

dismissal of Thakur Prasad’s Special Leave Petition by this Court,  

vide Order dated 18th August, 2006.  

35. What  shall  be  the  correct  interpretation  of  Section  34 with  

reference to Section 38 IPC, in view of the facts of the present case,  

or even otherwise, is left undecided.

36. For the reasons afore-recorded, this appeal is dismissed.

……………………………J. (A.K. Patnaik)



……………………………J. (Swatanter Kumar)

New Delhi, February 29, 2012