27 February 2014
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001210-001213 / 2012
Diary number: 10613 / 2012


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CRIMINAL APPEAL  NOs. 1210-1213 OF 2012




With CRIMINAL APPEAL  NOs. 2089-2091 OF 2012 CRIMINAL APPEAL  NOs. 1238-1239 OF 2012 CRIMINAL APPEAL  NOs. 1240-1241 OF 2012



1. The appellants, Santosh Manohar Chavan, Amit Ashok  

Shinde,  Yogesh  Madhukar  Chavan  and  Mahesh  Dhanaji  

Shinde  who  were  tried  as  accused  Nos.  1,  2,  3  and  6  

(hereinafter referred to as A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-6) in Sessions  

Case  Nos.  3/2005,  4/2005  and  5/2005  have  assailed  the  



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impugned common judgment and order of the High Court of  

Bombay  dated  17.10.2011  whereby  their  conviction  in  

Sessions  Case  Nos.  3/2005  and  5/2005,  inter  alia,  under  

Section 302/120B of the IPC and for offences under the Arms  

Act have been upheld by the High Court.  The death penalty  

imposed on the appellants by the learned Trial  Judge has  

been confirmed by the High Court by the order under appeal  

apart from the punishment imposed under different Sections  

of  the  Penal  Code  as  well  as  the  Arms  Act.   Insofar  as  

Sessions  Case  No.  4/2005  is  concerned,  the  learned  Trial  

Judge had acquitted accused 1, 2 and 3 of the offence under  

Section 302/120B IPC.  In the appeal by the State, the High  

Court has reversed the acquittal and convicted the aforesaid  

three accused of the aforesaid offence and has sentenced  

them  to  undergo  RI  for  life.   The  accused  No.  6,  i.e.,  

appellant  Mahesh  Dhanaji  Shinde  is  not  an  accused  in  

Sessions Case No. 4/2005.  It is the common order of the  

High Court rendered in the aforesaid cases convicting and  

sentencing  the  accused-appellants,  as  aforementioned,  

which has been challenged in the present appeals. It  may  



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also be mentioned at  the outset  that  in  all  the cases the  

accused-appellants  have  been  exonerated  of  the  charge  

under Section 364A of the IPC by the order under appeal.  

2. The  case  of  the  prosecution  in  short  is  that  on  

20.12.2003  the  Superintendent  of  Police,  Sindhudurg  

received anonymous letters  and phone calls  to  the  effect  

that some unidentified dead bodies were lying dumped on  

the  hillocks  of  village  Nandos,  Taluk  Malvan,  District  

Sindhudurg.  A search operation was organised on the very  

day i.e.  20.12.2003 in the course of  which 7 dead bodies  

were recovered. Two more dead bodies were recovered on  

the  next  day  i.e.  21.12.2003  and  one  dead  body  was  

recovered  on  29.12.2003.   Alongwith  the  dead  bodies,  

articles  like  clothes,  trouser  hooks,  broken brief  case  etc.  

alongwith  two  blood  stained  diaries  were  also  recovered.  

Though  all  the  dead  bodies  were  sent  for  post-mortem  

examination the high level of decomposition rendered any  

post-autopsy  opinion  impossible.   The  dead  bodies  were  

therefore  sent  to  Medical  College,  Miraj  and  a  team  of  

doctors  was  constituted  who  performed  forensic  chemical  



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tests on the dead bodies.  Some of the organs from the dead  

bodies were sent to the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and  

Diagnostics, Hyderabad (CDFD) for DNA test and the skulls  

sent to the Forensic Laboratory, Kalina, Bombay for super-

imposition tests.    

3. In the two diaries recovered by the police from the spot  

some names and addresses were found.   It  is  from these  

persons that  the names and particulars  of  the persons to  

whom the diaries belonged could be ascertained.   Having  

traced the initial  identity  of  some of  the deceased in  the  

above  manner,  enquiries  from  such  friends  and  relatives  

revealed the names and identities of other persons who were  

in  the  company  of  the  deceased  persons.   Information  

lodged  in  different  police  stations  with  regard  to  missing  

persons  around  the  relevant  time  were  collected  and  co-

related.  The opinion of handwriting experts were obtained  

which showed that the diaries belonged to one Dada Saheb  

Chavan and Kerubhai Mali.  Blood samples of the relatives  

were sent to the CDFD, Hyderabad for DNA test.  Some of  

the dead bodies  were also identified by the relatives  and  



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friends of the deceased on the basis of articles recovered  

from  the  spot  which  were  seized  in  the  course  of  the  

investigation.  The  investigation  which  proceeded  on  the  

aforesaid lines, prima facie indicated the involvement of the  

accused-appellants.  Accordingly, accused Santosh Manohar  

Chavan  (A-1)  was  arrested  on  22.12.2003  and  from  the  

information obtained during the course of his interrogation,  

accused Nos. 2 to 7 were arrested.  The disclosures made by  

the accused led to recovery of gold articles, bank passbooks  

etc.  from the house of A-7 as well as incriminating weapons  

like iron rods, cut bars of guns, one muzzle loader gun etc.  

Test Identification Parade was held where A-1, A-2 and A-3  

were identified by witnesses.   The assets acquired by the  

aforesaid persons around that time including motor bikes, a  

Tata Sumo jeep etc. were seized alongwith bank statements  

of  the  accused,  their  wives  and  relatives.  The  bank  

statements  revealed  that  cash  deposits  well  beyond  the  

income of the accused were made around the time of the  

incidents.  The accounts also showed purchase of Tata Sumo  

by A-1 at a cost of Rs. 2.6 lakhs on 24.08.2003 and purchase  



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of  motorcycles  by  A-2  and  A-3  on  20.11.2003  and  

25.11.2003 respectively.   

4. According  to  the  prosecution,  investigation  further  

disclosed that  A-1 Santosh Manohar  Chavan who plied an  

auto rickshaw in Mumbai claimed super natural  powers to  

bring about “money showers” i.e. to multiply cash money.  

According to the prosecution while A-2 was a LIC agent, A-3  

was employed in a private institution and A-6 was running a  

ration shop.  All the aforesaid accused used to spread and  

circulate  amongst  innocent  and  unsuspecting  persons  the  

magical powers claimed by A1 to multiply money by creating  

“money showers”.  They would ask the victims to come to  

Malvan  with  currency  notes  of  higher  denominations  

alongwith  empty  gunny  sacks  (ostensibly  to  collect  the  

proceeds of the money shower).  In Malvan they were put up  

in  lodges  and  hotels.   From those  lodges  and  hotels  the  

victims  would  be  ferried  to  the  Nandos  plateau  by  auto  

rickshaw.  The vehicle will  halt near the village Panchayat  

Office from where the victims were asked to travel by foot to  

the  plateau.   The  prosecution  alleged  that  the  accused  



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ensured that the victims did not bring their own vehicles to  

Malvan and that they did not leave any personal effects in  

the hotel or lodge.  All this was done to avoid any trace of  

the victims.  The registers of lodges and hotels where the  

deceased persons and some of the accused had, according  

to  the  prosecution,  stayed  on  different  dates  during  the  

relevant  period  were  also  seized  in  the  course  of  


5. According to the prosecution, the investigations carried  

out  had  also  revealed  that  one  Shankar  Sarage  and  one  

Hemant Thakre were done to death by the accused persons  

on 24.9.2003.   Dead bodies number 1 and 10 (DB-1 and DB-

10) were claimed to be of the aforesaid two persons who,  

according to the prosecution, were killed on 24.9.2003.  The  

accused  were  charged  of  the  offence  of  kidnapping  and  

murder of the aforesaid two persons and were put to trial in  

the proceeding registered as Sessions Case No. 4/2005.  On  

the  basis  of  the  report  of  the  forensic  team of  the  Miraj  

Medical College the prosecution alleged that the aforesaid  

two  persons  were  killed  by  gun  shots,  swords,  rods  and  



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revolver and that they have been robbed of a sum of Rs.  

1,55,000/-.  While the Trial Court acquitted the accused A-1,  

A-2 and A-3 on the ground that the dead bodies DB-1 and  

DB-10 could not be identified to be that of deceased Shankar  

Sarage and Hemant Thakre, the High Court reversed the said  

finding  insofar  as  deceased  Shankar  Sarage  is  concerned  

and  held  accused  1,  2  and  3  to  be  guilty  of  murder  of  

Shankar Sarage.  They have been accordingly sentenced to  

undergo RI for life.   

6. The  prosecution  had  further  alleged  that  the  second  

incident  involved  four  persons  i.e.  Vijaysinha  Dude,  

Dadasaheb Chavan, Sanjay Garware  and Vinayak Pisal and  

that the same had occurred on 30.10.2003.  It is the further  

case of the prosecution that Dead Bodies i.e.  DB-2,  DB-3,  

DB-4  and  DB-5  were  that  of  the  four  deceased  persons  

mentioned  above  who  were  killed  and  robbed  of  Rs.  

3,10,000/-.  Such identification was claimed on the basis of  

super-imposition tests carried out at the Forensic Laboratory,  

Kalina, Bombay. Sessions Case No. 5/2005 was registered in  

respect of the said incident wherein the accused A-1, A-2, A-



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3 and A-6 were tried and convicted under Section 302/120B  

IPC  and  other  provisions  of  the  Code  as  well  as  under  

different  provisions  of  the  Arms  Act.   They  have  been  

awarded the death sentence by the learned Trial Court which  

has been confirmed by the High Court by the order under  

challenge in the present appeals.

7. The  prosecution  has  further  alleged  that  the  third  

incident occurred on 14.11.2003 and involved four persons  

of a family who were identified to be Kerubhai Mali,  Anita  

Mali, Sanjay Mali and Rajesh Mali.  On the basis of the report  

of DNA analysis,  the prosecution alleged that dead bodies  

DB-8,  DB-7,  DB-6 and DB-9,  respectively,  belonged to the  

aforesaid persons in seriatim and that they had been killed  

and robbed of Rs. 3,10,000/-.  Sessions Case No. 3/2005 was  

registered against accused A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-6 in respect  

of  the incident  in  question.   All  the four  accused persons  

have been convicted  by  the  learned Trial  Court  inter  alia  

under Section 302/120B IPC and other provisions of the Code  

as well as different provisions of the Arms Act and have been  



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sentenced, inter alia, to death.  The conviction and sentence  

has been maintained by the High Court.

8. Though separate chargesheets in respect of the three  

incidents of alleged murder on the three different dates were  

filed in Court and separate sessions cases were registered  

wherein  separate  charges  had  been  framed  against  the  

accused persons, evidence in all  the cases was led in the  

trial of Sessions Case No. 3/2005.   

9. 128  witnesses  including  38  panch  witnesses;  22  

persons  acquainted  with  the  accused and the  victims;   9  

relatives  of  the  victims;  13  medical  officers;  5  witnesses  

connected with the mobile phone calls made by the accused;  

29  police  witnesses;  two  executive  magistrates;  5  bank  

officers  and  5  DNA  experts,  super-imposition  experts,  

handwriting experts and ballistic experts were examined by  

the  prosecution.   The  accused  persons  denied  their  

involvement in any of the offences alleged against them but  

did not adduce any evidence.   



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10. A broad overview of the core evidence brought by the  

prosecution to bring home the charges against the accused  

may now be made.   

On  the  basis  of  the  report  of  the  Forensic  Expert  

Committee (Exhibit 419) proved by PW-76, Dr. Anil Jinturkar,  

the prosecution has tried to prove that the death of all the  

10 deceased (DB-1 to DB-10) was homicidal in nature.  The  

findings of the forensic tests, as deposed to by PW-76, may  

be set out below:-

• DB 1  was of a human male aged between 25 to 45 years.  Time of death was 6 months prior to examination. Probable  cause of death was opined as single hole firearm injury to the  thorosic region, although the exit wound was not found. Other  injuries  to  the  mandible  and  verterbrae  were  caused  by  a  hard, blunt object. Although the appearance of these injuries  were similar to those caused by iron bars, PW-76 could not  affirm that iron bars alone caused the injuries due to the non- availability of brain matter. Analysis of brain and brain matter  would  reflect  the  impact  of  blows  from an iron  bar,  in  the  absence of which, PW-76 could not rule out the possibility of  the injuries due to fall.  

• DB 2 was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years and  the person died 6 months before the examination. He stated  that all injuries expect the gnawing marks were ante mortem  & the probable cause of death was the head injuries resulting  into the fracture of the skull & these injuries could have been  caused by a sharp cutting object.

• DB 3 was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years and  the person died 6 months before the examination. He stated  that all injuries were found ante mortem & the probable cause  of  death  was  fire  arm  injury  to  chest  &  fracture  of  skull  leading  to  head  injury.  Two  injuries  of  circular  holes  on  



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posterior parts were caused by fire arm & rest of the injuries  by hard & blunt object.  

• DB 4 was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years and  the person died 6 months before the examination. He stated  that all injuries expect the gnawing marks were found ante  mortem & the probable cause of death was the head injury  due to fracture of the skull bone with blunt thorosic trauma  associated with multiple ante mortem fracture. It was stated  that all ante mortem injuries could be caused by hard & blunt  object.

• DB 5 was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years and  the person died 6 months before the examination. He stated  that  all  injuries  could  have  been  caused  by  hard  &  blunt  object & the cause of death was head injury due to fracture of  skull bone with blunt thorosic trauma associated with multiple  ante mortem fracture.

• DB 6 was of human male aged between 12 to 18 years and  the person died 6 months before the examination.  An ante  mortem injury of linear fracture over the left aspect of frontal  bone was found & two post mortem injuries of broken styloid  processes  (points  of  attachment  for muscles)  &  gnawing  marks at left & right hands were found. The cause of death  was stated to be head injury as a result of linear fracture of  bone of left side.

• DB 7 was of human female aged between 25 to 45 years &  could  have  died  6  months  before  the  examination.  All  the  injuries  found  were  ante  mortem & the  probable  cause  of  death  was  fire  arm  injuries  to  abdomen  and  pelvis  with  evidence of multiple fracture of skull leading to head injury.  

• DB 8  was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years &  could have died 6 months before the examination. All injuries  of  fracture  of  right  frontal  bone  were  found  ante  mortem  caused probably by a hard & blunt object & some gnawing  injuries were found post-mortem. The probable cause of death  was stated to be head injury resulting into fracture of vault &  anterior cranial fossa at the base of the skull.

• DB 9  was of human male aged between 18 to 20 years &  could have died 6 months before the examination. All injuries  were  found  ante  mortem &  were  caused  by  hard  &  blunt  object.  The  cause  of  injury  was  stated  to  be  head  injury  resulting into depressed communicated fracture of skull bone.



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• DB 10  was of human male aged between 25 to 45 years &  could have died 6 months before the examination. He opined  that like DB 1 and 3, DB 10 had also suffered fire arm injuries,  but he could not opine as to what type of fire arm was used in  as much as it was a shot gun or rifle, but at the same time it  was noticed that no exit wound was found on the skeleton.

11. The prosecution has laid evidence to show that blood  

samples of the relatives of some of the deceased persons  

were collected as per  prescribed guidelines and alongwith  

some parts of the organs of the deceased were sent to the  

CDFD at Hyderabad for DNA analysis.  The report of Dr. S.  

Pandurang  Prasad,  Senior  Technical  Examiner  in  the  

laboratory (PW-107) to the effect that dead bodies 1, 2, 6, 7,  

8 and 9 were found to be that of deceased Shankar Sarage,  

Vijaysinha Dudhe,  Sanjay Mali, Anita Mali, Kerubha Mali and  

Rajesh Mali was brought on record by the prosecution.  In so  

far as DB-2 to 5 are concerned, the identity thereof could not  

be established by DNA analysis as the specimens sent were  

found  not  to  be  fit  for  a  conclusive  determination  of  the  

question.  However, the skulls of the DB-2 to 5 were sent for  

superimposition  tests  which  were  carried  out  by  PW-108,  

Ratna Prabha Gujarati.  The aforesaid witness had testified  

that  the  probability  of  her  finding being correct  is  almost  



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99% and the reliability of the superimposition test technique  

is  91%.   PW-108  had  testified,  on  the  basis  of  

superimposition  tests,  that  DB-2  to  5  were  of  deceased,  

Vijaysinha Dudhe, Dadasaheb Chavan, Sanjay Gavare, and  

Bala Pisal respectively.

12. The prosecution has sought to establish the identity of  

the dead bodies, additionally, on the basis of oral evidence.  

In  this  regard,  PW-66,  Mohan  Doke,  brother  of  deceased  

Anita Mali, (DB-7) had identified the mobile phones, pieces of  

saree, hair clips, brief case, wrist watch, gold rings, earrings  

along with mangal sutra belonging to members of the Mali  

family which were either recovered from the spot/place of  

occurrence  or  from  other  persons  who  had  come  into  

possession of the same through the accused.  In respect of  

DB-2 to 5,  the identification of the personal effects of the  

deceased were made by close relations.  Specifically, PW-97,  

Pradip Pisal,  brother of deceased Vinayak Pisal (DB-5) had  

identified the clothes worn by the deceased whereas PW-98,  

Vinayak  Dinkar  Chavan,  brother  of  deceased  Dadasaheb  

Chavan (DB-3) had identified the clothes and chappals worn  



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by  the  deceased  as  well  as  the  diary  belonging  to  him.  

Similarly, PW-80, Smt. Jyoti Gavare, wife of deceased Sanjay  

Gavare  (DB-4)  identified  the  clothes  recovered  from  the  

dead body as well as the rubber ring of the deceased worn  

by him around the waist. Similarly, DB-2 was identified by  

PW-63-Fatehsingh Dudhe to be the dead body of  Vijaysinha  

Dudhe  on the basis of the gaps in the central teeth of the  

dead  body  and  the  personal  effects  of  the  deceased  like  

clothes,  shoes,  wrist  watch  etc.   Similarly,  the  DB-1  was  

identified to be the dead body of Shankar Sarage by PW-119  

Parvati  Shankar,  the  widow  of  the  deceased.  Such  

identification was made on the basis of the clothes that the  

deceased was wearing at the time he had left his home.

13. On  the  basis  of  the  above  evidence  brought  by  the  

prosecution there can be no manner of doubt, whatsoever,  

that the death of all the deceased persons except Hemant  

Thakre (DB-10 - whose dead body could not be identified)  

was homicidal  and that  DB-1  to  9  were  of  the deceased,  

(excluding Hemant Thakre) as claimed by the prosecution.



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14. The evidence of  the relevant  witnesses examined by  

the prosecution in all the three cases to establish a possible  

link  and show a live nexus between the crime(s) committed  

and the persons responsible therefor may now be taken note  


(a) PW- 1, Ashok Nemalekar used to ply his auto-rickshaw  

in  Malvan.   He  has  deposed  that  on  14.11.2003  he  

ferried five passengers from Mayur Lodge to the Village  

Panchayat Office at about 11.00-11.30 am. On the basis  

of the photographs shown to him by the investigating  

team he had identified four members of the Mali family  

i.e. Sanjay Mali (DB-6), Anita Mali (DB-7), Kerubhai Mali  

(DB-8), Rajesh Mali (DB-9) and the accused No.2 Amit  

Ashok Shinde as his passengers.   

(b) PW-4 Smita is the wife of A-7.  She had testified that A-

1 had lived in her house since his childhood until  he  

moved  to  Mumbai  to  ply  auto-rickshaw.   Though  he  

would  visit  her  only  once  in  a  year  during  Ganpati  

Festival (usually held in the calendar month of August).  

A-1 had visited her in May, 2003 and stayed with her for  



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15 days.  Thereafter, again in September, 2003 A-1, A-2  

and A-3 stayed at her home for 10 days.  According to  

PW-4 during this visit she could notice that the three  

accused would go to the plateau (Nandos) ostensibly  

for hunting though they never returned with any prey.  

This  witness  had  further  deposed  that  A-1  and  A-3  

unexpectedly  arrived  at  her  house  on  24.9.2003  at  

about 1.30 a.m. and when A-7 (husband of PW-4) had  

asked them why they had come at such an odd hour A-

1 replied that they had some urgent work.  According to  

PW-4 at about 9.30 a.m. in the morning, A-1’s mobile  

phone started ringing and A-3 answered the same by  

saying “Bol Amit” (Amit speak).  Thereafter within half  

an hour A-1 and A-3 left for Katta in the Tata Sumo jeep  

by  which  they  had  come.   According  to  PW-4,  her  

daughter Deepika had informed her that she had seen  

A-3,  lurking  around  her  school,  which  is  near  the  

Nandos Village Panchayat. A-3, on being asked what he  

was doing in  the  vicinity  of  the school  had informed  

Deepika that she must have seen somebody else as he  



Page 18

had not gone near the school.  PW-4 further deposed  

that A-3 left  her house at about 6.00 p.m. on 24.9.2003  

followed by A-1  (around 7.00-7.15 pm) and they had  

returned   at   about  9.00  -9.30  p.m.   thoroughly  

drenched  though  it  was not   raining.    PW-4   had  

further   testified   that      the accused  had asked her  

to wash their clothes which she refused to do at night.   

PW-4 in her deposition had further stated that on  

22.10.2003,  A-1,  his  second  wife  Sonali,  A-3  and  a  

friend of A-1, one Jeetu, visited her and stayed for two  

days.  On both the dates A-1 and A-3 had visited Katta.  

According to this witness about 5 to 6 days thereafter  

and two days after Diwali day of Bhaubeej A-1, Sonali,  

A-3 and A-6 came to her house where they were joined  

by  A-2.   Next  day,  she  saw  A-1,  A-2,  A-3  and  A-6  

bathing near the well and in the rear side of her house.  

She has further testified that A-6 was suffering from a  

cut injury on his index finger for which he had to be  

taken to a doctor who had put a bandage on the injured  

index finger.  



Page 19

PW-4 has  further testified that  on  12.11.2003  A-

1, A-3, A-6   and    Sonali   had  come   to   her house.  

On the next day  the  accused  persons   left    her  

house in the  morning  for    Katta  and  returned  in  


evening.  On 14.11.2003 A-1, A-3, A-6 left her house at  

about 10.00-10.30 A.M. and returned around 3.00 P.M.  

with A2.  Before entering the house they had bathed  

near the well. Thereafter the accused left her house on  

different dates.

(c) PW-5 Sachin,  who is  the younger  brother  of  A-1 had  

testified that he had transported some of the victims in  

his auto-rickshaw at the request of A-1.  His testimony  

was,  however,  rejected by the learned Trial  Court on  

the ground that the same appeared to be incredible.   

(d) PW-8 Vinod Deorukhkar is an employee of Mayur Lodge,  

Malvan.  He had testified that on 14.11.2003, at about  

7.00-7.30 am, one man, aged about 40-45 years, one  

woman,  aged  about  30-35  years,  two  boys,  aged  



Page 20

between 8 to 10 years, and one man, aged about 28-30  

years, reached Mayur Lodge.  They were allotted room  

no.6.   When they  were  asked  their  names,  the  man  

aged  28-30  years  came  forward  and    introduced  

himself   as  Anil Jadhav; thus, the entry “Anil Jadhav  

and family” was made in the register.  They left their  

room at 9.00 am that day for a walk and returned at  

11.00 am.  Shortly thereafter, they informed that they  

would be leaving the hotel.  At that time, PW-8 noticed  

that  the  man,  aged  about  45  years,  was  carrying  a  

medium  sized,  grey  suitcase/briefcase.  He  identified  

Karubhai  Mali’s  briefcase  as  the  one  carried  by  the  

man, before the Court.  PW-8 also identified A2 as the  

man  who  disclosed  his  name  as  Anil  Jadhav.   He  

identified the Mali  family  from photographs shown to  

him in Court.

(e) PW-9  Appa   is   the   Manager  of  Pallavi   Lodge   at  

Kankavli.   The  lodge  register   which  was   exhibited  

(Exh.-89)  showed  that  on  29.10.2003   five   persons  

including one Amit Shenoy occupied room No. 5 of the  



Page 21

lodge.        This witness recognized A-2 as the person  

who called himself  as  Amit   Shenoy.   This  witness  

identified   the   other  four  persons   from   the  

photographs  shown  to  him   and  deposed  that  they  

had left the room on the next day i.e. 30.10.2003 at  

about 9.00 a.m.  The persons identified by him from the  

photographs are the deceased Vijaysinh Dudhe (DB-2),  

Dadasaheb Chavan (DB-3),  Sanjay Gavare (DB-4) and  

Bala Pisal (DB-5).  

(f) PW-10  Yogesh  Dhake  had  testified  that  deceased  

Dadasaheb  Chavan,  whose  diary  was  found  by  the  

police,  and  Vijaysinh  Dudhe  (DB-3  and  DB-2)  had  

insisted on their  being given a sum of Rs. 3,00,000/-  

promising  that  they  would  return  Rs.  6,00,000/-.  

According to this witness on 28.10.2003 he gave a  sum  

of  Rs. 3,10,000/- (which he had collected from another  

customer for investment purpose) to the aforesaid two  

persons and one Sanjay Gavare (DB-4)  who  was also  

known  to  him.  This witness has also testified that he  

was introduced  to  Vinayak  Pisal  (DB-5) and  Accused  



Page 22

No. 2.  All the aforesaid persons told him  that  they  

would   leave for  Kankavli  at  11.30 p.m.    According  

to   this    witness    on      the    next    day    deceased  

Dadasaheb Chavan called to inform him that they had  

reached Pallavi Lodge and that he could be reached on  

a different mobile number which turned out to be that  

of A-2.   

(g) PW-12 – Dipak Kumar who was working as a Booking  

Clerk of Sarvottam Tours and Travels had deposed that  

A-2 whom he knew by name had booked 5 tickets for  

the journey on 13.11.2003 from Borovili to Malwan and  

that at Varshi one male person, one female  and two  

children along with A-2 had boarded the bus.

(h) PW-14- Jagan  Patil,  was a  friend of Bala  @  Vinayak  

Pisal  (DB-5).  PW-14’s evidence shows how, under the  

guise of “money shower” he was duped Rs 3 lakhs.   He  

had  gone  with  another  sum  of  Rs.3 lakhs for ‘money  

shower’  for  the  second  time  but  he  was sent back  

by the accused.  This  was due to  the  fact  that he  



Page 23

had  gone  to  Nandos   in   a   private    vehicle instead  

of using public transport as advised by the accused.

(i) PW-15 Amit Patel is the son of the owner of the Konkan  

Plaza Hotel at Kankavli.   He testified that he used to  

maintain the hotel register.   The hotel  register which  

was  exhibited  (Exh-120)  indicated  that  deceased  

Shankar Sarage (DB-1) and Hemant Thakre (DB-10) and  

one  Samir  Sonavane  had  arrived  at  the  lodge  on  

25.09.2003 (1.00 A.M.) and stayed in room No. 5.  The  

evidence of PW-104 Dipak Wagle (handwriting expert)  

is to the effect that the handwriting in the register was  

in the hand of A-2.  (From the above it is evident that A-

2 had used a fake name i.e. Samir Sonavane to sign the  


(j) PW-17  Subhash  Chalke   testified  that   he   had  

given    Rs. 1,55,000/- to his friend deceased Shankar  

Sarage  (DB-1)  on   22.09.2003   for  the   purpose of  

money shower.     He   also   testified  that   he   had  

met   A-1,  A-2 and A-3 in  the presence of deceased  

Shankar Sarage a couple of days before the money was  



Page 24

handed over to the deceased.  He further stated that  

after he had handed over the money, the deceased had  

contacted A-1 from a PCO and informed him that the  

money had been arranged.  Further PW-17 had stated  

that on 23.09.2003 he received a phone call from the  

deceased that he along with deceased Hemant Thakre  

(DB-10) and  A-1 & A-3 were proceeding to Malwan.

(k) PW-22 Anil Kisan Garate, a gold smith, testified that on  

21.11.2003 a gold ring was sold to him by A-6 claiming  

the same to be of his grandmother.  The said ring has  

been  identified  by  PW-66,  Mohan  Dhoke,  brother  of  

deceased Anita Mali, to be belonging to his sister.   

(l) PW-18  –  Aijaz  had  deposed  as  to  how  he  had  been  

cheated  by  A-1  of  Rs.1,20,000/-  on  two  different  

occasions (Rs.60,000/- on each occasion) by promise of  

money shower.  

(m) PW-30  Dr.  Rajendra  Rane  had  testified  that  on  

30.10.2003 he treated A-6 for a cut injury on the right  



Page 25

index finger.  (knife was recovered at the instance of A-


(n) PW-34 Satish is elder brother of A-7 and another uncle  

of A-1.  He has deposed with regard to purchase of Tata  

Sumo vehicle by A-1 in the name of A-2 and payment of  

Rs.10,000/-  on  24.8.2003  and  thereafter  payment  of  

Rs.85,000/-  in  connection  with  the  aforesaid.   This  

witness  has  also  deposed  with  regard  to  the  

nervousness and apprehension shown by A-1 after the  

dead bodies were recovered.   

(o) PW-47 Chetan  Bhagwan Rawoot,  a  classmate  of  A-6,  

testified that on 6.12.2003 A-6 had handed over a Rado  

watch to him for safe keeping claiming that it belonged  

to one of his customers who had not paid his dues.  PW-

66 (brother of deceased Anita Mali) had identified the  

said watch as belonging to deceased Kerubhai Mali.

(p) PW-49 Hariram Patil had testified that he had agreed to  

sell his shop in Eksar, Borivali to the father of A-6, one  



Page 26

Dhanaji Shinde.  According to PW-49 he had received  

part payments in cash on 15.6.2003 and 25.8.2003 and  

on 1.12.2003 he had received a cheque for Rs. 50,000/-  

drawn  on  Maratha  Cooperative  Bank  from  A-6.   On  

30.12.2003, the police accompanied by A-6, arrived at  

his shop and he handed over Rs.50,000/- cash, which A-

6 had paid to him earlier.    

(q) PW-65 Vimal was engaged in the business of sale and  

purchase  of  second-hand  vehicles.   He  had  deposed  

regarding the sale of a Tata Sumo vehicle to A-1, in the  

name of A-2 and receipt of Rs.95,000/- in cash from A-1  

in two instalments.

(r) PW-70 – Harjeet Singh Kochar,  used to  run a  garage  

and  also  used  to  deal  with  sale   and   purchase  of  

second-hand   two   wheelers.     This  witness   has  

deposed  that  on  20.11.2003,    A-2   and A-3    (he  

had    identified  them)   had  visited  his  garage  for  

purchase of second-hand motor bikes.  PW-70 has also  

deposed  that  while  on  22.11.2003  he  sold  one  

motorcycle  to  A-2  who  paid  to  him  Rs.17,500/-,  on  



Page 27

25.11.2003 A-2 and A-3 visited his garage again and A-

3 purchased another motorcycle for Rs.20,500/-.  Both  

these  amounts  were  paid  to  him  by  the  accused  in  


(s) PW-75 Santosh Yadav is  another relative of  A-1.  This  

witness  has  corroborated  the  evidence  of  PW-4  with  

regard to the visit of A-1 to A-3 to the house of PW-4 on  

5 occasions between October and December, 2003 and  

that A-6 had accompanied the other accused persons  

on 2 or 3 occasions.  He had also testified that he had  

seen  the  accused  bringing  guns  and  swords  to  the  

house of PW-4 who was aware that the accused persons  

were in possession of fire arms and other weapons.

(t) PW-76  Dr.  Jinturkar  was  the  head  of  the  team  of  

Forensic Experts  of  Miraj  Medical  College,  Mumbai  

constituted    for   forensic   examination   of    the  

remains  of the deceased persons.   This witness had  

testified that DB-1 to DB-7 were received in the Medical  

College,  Miraj  on 23.12.2003  and DB-8 and DB-9 on  

26.12.2003 and DB-10 on 5.1.2004.  (The findings of  



Page 28

the  committee  proved  by  this  witness  have  already  

been extracted above.)

(u) PW-107 Dr. S. Pandurang Prasad was, at the relevant  

time,  working  as  a  Senior  Technical  Examiner  in  the  

laboratory of DNA and Finger Printing Services, CDFD,  

Hyderabad.   This  witness  has testified that  upon the  

workable bone and blood samples, he found that DB-1  

was the biological relative of Mr. D.B. Sarge, D-8 was  

biological father of DB-6 & DB-7 was biological mother  

of  DB-6.  DB-6  &  DB-9  were  also  found  biologically  

related.  DB-7 was found biological relative of Ratnakar  

& Mohan Tukaram Doke.    DB-8  was found biological  

son of   Mrs. Yamunabhai  Nanaji   Mali  and  biological  

father   of   DB-9.  DB-2   was   found   biological   son  

of    Mr. Vinayak Anandrao Dudhe, aged 80 years and  

biological  relative  of  Mr.  Ranjitsing  Vinayak  aged  40  


(v) PW-100, Babaji s/o Bhaskarrao Pavade, Branch Manager  

of Mahanagar Cooperative Bank, Turbhe Branch, New  

Mumbai,   PW-109,  Anand  Vishnu  Banodkar,  Officer  



Page 29

attached to Bank of Maharashtra, Dahisar Branch, PW-

110-Vijaykumar  Sangodkar,  Branch  Manager,  State  

Bank  of  India,  Dahisar  Branch,   PW-111,  Krishna  

Dattaram  Parab,  Branch  Manager  of  the  Greater  

Bombay Cooperative Bank, Borivali Branch and PW-112,  

Vidhyadhar  Rawool,  Branch  Manager  of  Maratha  

Sahakari  Bank  Ltd.,  Borivali  Branch  have  proved  the  

deposit of several cash amounts in the bank accounts  

of the accused, their wives or their immediate relatives.  

All such deposits were made in and around the relevant  


15. Ms. Aparna Jha,  learned counsel  has very elaborately  

argued the  case  of  the  appellants  contending  that  in  the  

absence of any direct evidence the prosecution not only has  

to  prove  that  circumstances  incriminating  to  the  accused  

had been laid before the Court but further that the sum total  

of such evidence unerringly points to the commission of the  

alleged  offence  by  the  accused  leaving  no  room  for  any  

other  view.   Learned  counsel  has  taken  us  through  the  

relevant parts of the evidence of the material witnesses to  



Page 30

contend  that  the  same  are  not  free  from  doubt  and  

ambiguity and are tainted on account of embellishments and  

improvements.   No  circumstance  that  implicates  the  

accused-appellants,  much  less  a  chain  of  circumstances  

which admits of no other possibility except the guilt of the  

accused,  has  been established  by  the  prosecution,  in  the  

present case, contends the learned counsel.  In particular,  

learned counsel has pointed out that the identity of the dead  

bodies recovered will always remain in doubt in view of the  

extreme decomposition of the dead bodies when recovered.  

It  is  urged  that  DNA matching  and  super-imposition  tests  

cannot  lead  to  firm  and  conclusive  results,  beyond  all  

reasonable doubt,  as  regards the identity  of  dead bodies.  

That apart, learned counsel has pointed out that some of the  

registers of the lodges and hotels where the victims were  

allegedly  put  up  by  the  accused  contain  over-writings,  

additions and deletions which would make the same highly  

unreliable and unsafe in order to arrive at any conclusion  

with regard to the involvement of the accused.   



Page 31

16. Shri Sushil Karanjakar, learned State counsel, in reply,  

has submitted that in a case of the present nature where  

events  had occurred as  a  result  of  a  meticulous planning  

made by the accused persons, absence of any eye witness  

or direct evidence is,  but,  natural.   Learned State counsel  

has  however  pointed  out  that  the  prosecution  has  

systematically  laid  before  the  Court  one  

adverse/incriminating  circumstance  after  the  other,  the  

cumulative  effect  of  which  satisfies  the  test  which  

circumstantial  evidence  has  to  pass  through  before  

acceptance by the Court.  According to learned counsel, in  

the present case, not only highly incriminating and material  

circumstances have been established beyond doubt by the  

prosecution,  the  cumulative  effect  of  such  circumstances  

points to only one conclusion i.e. that the accused and no  

one  else  who  had  committed  the  crime  alleged.   In  this  

regard learned State counsel has drawn the attention of the  

Court to paragraph 96 of the judgment of the High Court  

wherein  the  circumstances  held  to  be  proved  and  

established by the prosecution has been set out in seriatim.   



Page 32

17. We may now proceed to analyse the substratum of the  

evidence adduced by the prosecution as noted above.  As  

already held, the homicidal nature of death of the concerned  

persons and their identities (except DB-10 Hemant Thakre)  

has been conclusively established by the prosecution.  In so  

far as the alleged involvement of the accused in the crimes  

alleged against them is concerned, the evidence and other  

materials on record makes it clear that A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-6  

were known to each other and they were residing in Mumbai.  

It was deliberately circulated and spread by the accused that  

A-1 was gifted with super-natural powers of causing money  

showers i.e. multiplying money. The evidence on record also  

establishes that the accused had been persuading people,  

including the victims, to arrange for cash money and bring  

the same to them at Malvan or Kankavli so that the same  

can be multiplied.   Accordingly,  the victims,  including the  

deceased persons, after obtaining cash money from different  

sources, had come to Malvan or Kankavli and they were put  

up  in  different  lodges/hotels  by  the  accused.   The  

prosecution had also established that while staying in  the  



Page 33

hotels/lodges the victims and the accused did not use their  

real  names.   Specifically,  the  prosecution  evidence shows  

that A-2 arranged for  conveyance and stay of  the victims  

whereas A-3 had assisted A-2 in shifting the victims from the  

lodges to the place where the crimes were committed.  The  

evidence adduced also shows that the victims had left in the  

mornings  of  the  days  of  incident  for  the  Nandos  plateau  

alongwith  some  of  the  accused.     A-1  was  the  money  

spinner and A-6 was in the company of the other accused  

with full  knowledge of what was going on and with active  

participation therein. The victims were missing for days and  

their  relatives  had  lodged  complaints  in  different  police  

stations.  From the place of occurrence articles like wearing  

apparels, brief case, diaries etc. were recovered which have  

been  proved  to  be  belonging  to  some  of  the  deceased  

persons  whereas  articles  like  wrist  watch,  jewellery  items  

etc.  also  belonging  to  the  deceased  had  been  recovered  

from  persons  who  were  in  such  possession  through  the  

accused.  All such articles have been identified by the close  

relatives of the deceased to be belonging to the respective  



Page 34

deceased person(s).   Around the time of the incidents, the  

accused persons  had made unaccounted cash  deposits  in  

their Bank accounts or in the accounts of their close relatives  

and  A-1,  A-2  and  A-3  had  purchased  

automobiles/motorcycles on cash payment.  The sources of  

such  receipts  have  not  been  explained.   The  above  

conclusions  which  we  have  thought  proper  to  draw  on  a  

consideration of the evidence of the prosecution appears to  

be more or less in conformity with what has been found by  

the High Court to have been proved by the prosecution (para  

96 of the impugned judgment).   In the light of the above  

facts, we  do  not entertain any doubt, whatsoever, that in  

the present case the prosecution has succeeded in proving a  

series  of  highly  incriminating  circumstances  involving  the  

accused all  of which, if  pieced together,  can point only to  

one direction, namely, that it is the accused-appellants and  

nobody  else  who  had  committed  the  crimes  in  question.  

We, therefore, have no hesitation in affirming the impugned  

common judgment and order of the High Court holding the  

accused A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-6 in Sessions Case No. 3/2005  



Page 35

and  5/2005  guilty  of  commission  of  the  offences  alleged  

including  the  offence  under  Section  302  IPC  read  with  

Section 120-B IPC.   We also agree with the finding of the  

High Court that the accused A-1,  A-2 and A-3 in Sessions  

Case  No.  4/2005  are  guilty  of  commission  of  the  offence  

under Section 302 IPC read with Section 120-B IPC, insofar  

as the death of Shankar Sarage (DB-1) is concerned.

18. Having held that the accused-appellants are liable to be  

convicted  for  the  offences,  inter  alia,   under  Section  

302/120B IPC, the next question, and perhaps a question of  

equal  if  not  greater  significance,  that  would  require  

consideration is the measure of punishment that would be  

just, adequate and complete.  It has already been noted that  

in  two  of  the  cases  the  accused-appellants  have  been  

awarded  death  penalty  whereas  in  the  third  case  the  

sentence of life imprisonment has been imposed in reversal  

of  the  verdict  of  acquittal  rendered  by  the  learned  Trial  


19. Shri  Colin  Gonsalves,  who  has  argued  the  case  on  

behalf of the appellants in so far as sentence is concerned,  



Page 36

has submitted that all the accused persons are young and at  

the time of commission of the offence they were between  

23-29 years of age.  None of the accused-appellants have  

any previous criminal record; they have spent 10 years in jail  

custody and the jail record amply demonstrates that while in  

custody  they  have  been  educating  themselves  and  have  

passed or have partly completed the graduate course under  

the Yashahantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University. The  

accused-appellants  have  reformed  themselves  and,  if  

rehabilitated  in  society,  they  can  prove  to  be  assets  to  

Society, it is submitted.  The prospects of their committing  

any  further  crime,  according  to  the  learned  counsel,  is  

remote.  It has also been submitted by Shri Colin Gonsalves  

that the accused come from the lowest strata of society and  

had  committed  the  crime  due  to  poverty.   All  these,  

according  to  the  learned  counsel,  are  mitigating  

circumstances  which  if  balanced  against  the  incriminating  

circumstances of the case would tilt the scales in favour of  

commutation  of  the  sentences  of  death  into  that  of  life  

imprisonment.  Stressing the principle laid down in Bachan  



Page 37

Singh  Vs.  State  of  Punjab1,  Shri  Colin  Gonsalves  has  

submitted that  the  legislative  policy  under  Section  354(3)  

Cr.PC  is  that  life  imprisonment  is  the  rule  and  death  

sentence is an exception.  It is submitted by Shri Gonsalves  

that in the present case the option of life imprisonment does  

not stand “unquestionably foreclosed” so as to justify the  

death penalty imposed.   Reliance has been placed on the  

decision in  Santosh Kumar Satishbhushan Bariyar  Vs.  

State of Maharashtra2 to contend that the circumstances  

set out above are all mitigating circumstances that ought to  

be taken into account at  the time of  consideration of  the  

sentence to be imposed.  Particular stress has been laid on  

the observations  in  para 159 of  the report  that  emphasis  

that  must  be  laid  on  the  possibility  of  reform  and  

rehabilitation of the accused even to the extent of requiring  

the State to prove that the same would not be possible.  Shri  

Gonsalves  has  also  drawn  attention  of  this  Court  to  the  

decision of this Court in  Mulla & Anr.  Vs.  State of Uttar  

Pradesh3 (authored  by  the  learned  Chief  Justice).   In  

1 (1980) 2 SCC 684 2 (2009) 6 SCC 498 3 (2010) 3 SCC 508



Page 38

particular, the observations in para 81 of the report has been  

placed to show that the state of poverty of the accused is a  

mitigating circumstance that should be taken into account  

and that the initial shock of the circumstances in which the  

crime is committed needs to be balanced with the possibility  

of reform of the accused over a period of time.  We were also  

reminded  that  the  long  period  of  custody  that  a  death  

convict  has  endured  has  been  held  to  be  a  mitigating  

circumstance in  Ramesh & Ors. Vs.  State of Rajasthan4  

(Para 76). The decision of this Court in  Shankar Kisanrao  

Khade  Vs.  State  of  Maharashtra5 (para  52)  has  been  

relied upon to contend that “to award the death sentence,  

the “crime test” has to be fully satisfied, that is, 100% and  

“criminal  test”  0%,  that  is,  no  mitigating  circumstance  

favouring  the  accused.   If  there  is  any  circumstance  

favouring the accused, like lack of intention to commit the  

crime, possibility of reformation, young age of the accused,  

not a menace to the society, no previous track record, etc.  

the  “criminal  test”  may  favour  the  accused  to  avoid  the  

capital punishment ………”. 4 (2011) 3 SCC 685 5 (2013) 5 SCC 546



Page 39

20. On the other hand, learned counsel appearing for the  

State  has  submitted  that  the  accused-appellants  have  

committed not one but a series of heinous,  depraved and  

diabolical  crimes  resulting  in  the  death  of  innocent  and  

unsuspecting victims.  The crimes have been committed to  

satisfy the greed for money.  The criminal acts committed by  

the  accused  are  the  result  of  a  carefully  planned  and  

meticulously  executed  conspiracy.   Societal  needs  would  

justify the upholding of the sentence of death awarded in the  

present case to the accused-appellants.  The cry for justice  

by the families of the victims cannot fall on deaf ears, it is  


21. Death penalty jurisprudence in India has been widely  

debated  and  differently  perceived.   To  us,  the  essential  

principles in this sphere of jurisprudence has been laid down  

by  two  Constitution  Benches  of  this  Court  in  Jagmohan  

Singh Vs. The State of U.P.6 which dealt with the law after  

deletion of Section 367(5) of the old Code but prior to the  

enactment of Section 354(3) of the present Code and the  

decision in Bachan Singh (supra).  Subsequent opinions on  6 (1973) 1 SCC 20  



Page 40

the subject indicate attempts to elaborate the principles of  

law laid down in the aforesaid two decisions and to discern  

an objective basis  to  guide sentencing  decisions  so  as  to  

ensure that the same do not become judge centric.   

22. The  impossibility  of  laying  down  standards  to  

administer  the  sentencing  law  in  India  was  noted  in  

Jagmohan Singh (supra) in the following terms:  

“The impossibility of laying down standards is at  the very core of the criminal law as administered  in India which invests the judge with a very wide  discretion in  the manner of  fixing the degree of  punishment. … The exercise of judicial discretion  on  well-recognized  principles  is,  in  the  final  analysis,  the  safest  possible  safeguards  for  the  accused.”  (Para 26)

23. Bachan Singh (supra)  contained a reiteration of  the  

aforesaid principle which is to be found in para 197 of the  

report.   The same was made in  the context  of  the need,  

expressed  in  the  opinion  of  the  Constitution  Bench,  to  

balance the aggravating and mitigating circumstances in any  

given case, an illustrative reference of which circumstances  

are to be found in the report.  Bachan Singh (supra), it may  

be noted, saw a shift; from balancing the aggravating and  



Page 41

mitigating  circumstances  of  the  crime as  laid  down  in  

Jagmohan  Singh  (supra)  to  consideration  of  all  relevant  

circumstances relating  to the crime as well as the criminal.  

The expanse of the death penalty jurisprudence was clearly  

but firmly laid down in Bachan Singh (supra) which can be  

summarized by culling out the following which appear to be  

the core principles emerging therefrom.

(1) Life  imprisonment  is  the  rule  and  death  penalty is the exception. (para 209)

(2) Death sentence must be imposed only in the  gravest cases of extreme culpability, namely,  in the “rarest of rare” where the alternative  option  of  life  imprisonment  is  “unquestionably foreclosed”. (para 209)

(3) The sentence is a matter of judicial discretion  to be exercised by giving due consideration  to the circumstances of the crime as well as  the offender.  (para 197)

24. A reference to several other pronouncements made by  

this  Court  at  different  points  of  time with  regard to  what  

could  be  considered  as  mitigating  and  aggravating  

circumstances  and  how  they  are  to  be  reconciled  has  



Page 42

already  been  detailed  hereinabove.   All  that  would  be  

necessary to say is that the Constitution Bench in  Bachan  

Singh (supra)  had  sounded  a  note  of  caution  against  

treating  the  aggravating  and  mitigating  circumstances  in  

separate water-tight compartments as in many situations it  

may  be  impossible  to  isolate  them  and  both  sets  of  

circumstances  will  have  to  be  considered  to  cull  out  the  

cumulative effect thereof.  Viewed in the aforesaid context  

the observations contained in para 52 of Shankar Kisanrao  

Khade (supra) noted above, namely, 100% crime test and  

0% criminal test may create situations which may well  go  

beyond what was laid down in Bachan Singh (supra).

25. We may also take note of the separate but concurring  

judgment  in  Shankar  Kisanrao  Khade (supra)  

enumerating the circumstances that had weighed in favour  

of commutation (Para 106) as well as the principal reasons  

for confirming the death penalty (Para 122).   

In  para  123  of  the  aforesaid  concurring  opinion  the  

cases/instances where the principles earlier  applied to the  

sentencing  decision  have  been  departed  from  are  also  



Page 43

noticed.  Though such departures may appear to give the  

sentencing jurisprudence in the country a subjective colour it  

is  necessary to note that  standardisation of  cases for  the  

purposes  of  imposition  of  sentence  was  disapproved  in  

Bachan Singh (supra) holding that “it is neither practicable  

nor  desirable  to  imprison  the  sentencing  discretion  of  a  

judge  or  jury  in  the  strait-jacket  of  exhaustive  and  rigid  

standards”.(Para 195)  In this regard, the observations with  

regard  to  the  impossibility  of  laying  down  standards  to  

regulate the exercise of the very wide discretion in matters  

of sentencing made in  Jagmohan Singh  (supra), (Para 22  

hereinabove)  may  also  be  usefully  recalled.   In  fact,  the  

absence of any discretion in the matter of sentencing has  

been the prime reason for the indictment of Section 303 IPC  

in  Mithu  Vs.  State  of  Punjab7. The  view  of  Justice  

Chinnappa Reddy in para 25 of the report would be apt for  

reproduction hereinbelow:-

“25. Judged in the light shed by  Maneka Gandhi  and  Bachan  Singh,  it  is  impossible  to  uphold  Section 303 as valid. Section 303 excludes judicial  discretion. The scales of justice are removed from  

7 AIR 1983 SC 473



Page 44

the hands of the Judge so soon as he pronounces  the  accused  guilty  of  the  offence.  So  final,  so  irrevocable and so irrestitutable is the sentence of  death  that  no  law which  provides  for  it  without  involvement of the judicial mind can be said to be  fair,  just  and  reasonable.  Such  a  law  must  necessarily  be  stigmatised  as  arbitrary  and  oppressive. Section 303 is such a law and it must  go the way of all bad laws. I agree with my Lord  Chief Justice that Section 303, Indian Penal Code,  must be struck down as unconstitutional.”

26.  In a recent pronouncement in Sunil Dutt Sharma vs.  

State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi)8  it has been observed by  

this Court that the principles of sentencing in our country are  

fairly well  settled – the difficulty is  not in identifying such  

principles  but  lies  in  the  application  thereof.   Such  

application, we may respectfully add, is a matter of judicial  

expertise and experience where judicial wisdom must search  

for an answer to the vexed question —whether the option of  

life  sentence is  unquestionably  foreclosed?   The unbiased  

and trained judicial mind free from all prejudices and notions  

is the only asset which would guide the judge to reach the  


8 2013 (12) SCALE 473



Page 45

27. Before  proceeding  to  examine  the  relevant  

circumstances  for  adjudging  the  sentence  that  would  be  

proper in the facts of the present case, we may take notice  

of a recent pronouncement of this Court in Sushil Sharma  

Vs. The State of NCT of Delhi9  wherein in paras 79, 80,  

and  81  this  Court,  once  again,  had  the  occasion  to  take  

notice  of  the  circumstances  which  had  weighed  in  

commutation of the death sentence as well as those which  

have  formed  the  basis  for  upholding  such  sentences.  

Thereafter in para 81 of the report it has been held that the  

core of a criminal case lies in its facts and facts differ from  

case to  case.   The relevant  paragraphs  mentioned above  

may now be recalled.  

“79. We  notice  from  the  above  judgments  that  mere  brutality  of  the  murder  or  the  number  of  persons killed or the manner in which the body is  disposed of has not always persuaded this Court to  impose death penalty.  Similarly, at times, in the  peculiar factual matrix, this Court has not thought  it fit to award death penalty in cases, which rested  on circumstantial evidence or solely on approver’s  evidence.   Where  murder,  though  brutal,  is  committed  driven  by  extreme  emotional  disturbance  and  it  does  not  have  enormous  proportion,  the  option  of  life  imprisonment  has  been exercised in certain cases.  Extreme poverty  

9 2013 (12) SCALE 622



Page 46

and social status has also been taken into account  amongst  other  circumstances  for  not  awarding  death sentence.  In few cases, time spent by the  accused  in  death  cell  has  been  taken  into  consideration along with other  circumstances,  to  commute death sentence into life  imprisonment.  Where the accused had no criminal antecedents;  where the State had not led any evidence to show  that  the  accused  is  beyond  reformation  and  rehabilitation  or  that  he  would  revert  to  similar  crimes in future, this Court has leaned in favour of  life  imprisonment.   In  such  cases,  doctrine  of  proportionality and the theory of deterrence have  taken a back seat.  The theory of reformation and  rehabilitation  has  prevailed  over  the  idea  of  retribution.

80. On the other hand, rape followed by a cold- blooded  murder  of  a  minor  girl  and  further  followed by disrespect to the body of the victim  has been often held to  be an offence attracting  death  penalty.   At  times,  cases  exhibiting  premeditation  and  meticulous  execution  of  the  plan to murder by leveling a calculated attack on  the victim to annihilate him, have been held to be  fit  cases  for  imposing  death  penalty.   Where  innocent  minor  children,  unarmed  persons,  hapless women and old and infirm persons have  been  killed  in  a  brutal  manner  by  persons  in  dominating  position,  and  where  after  ghastly  murder  displaying  depraved  mentality,  the  accused have shown no  remorse,  death  penalty  has been imposed.  Where it  is established that  the  accused  is  a  confirmed  criminal  and  has  committed murder in a diabolic manner and where  it is felt that reformation and rehabilitation of such  a person is impossible and if let free, he would be  a  menace  to  the  society,  this  Court  has  not  hesitated  to  confirm  death  sentence.   Many  a  time,  in  cases  of  brutal  murder,  exhibiting  depravity  and  sick  mind,  this  Court  has  



Page 47

acknowledged  the  need  to  send  a  deterrent  message  to  those  who  may  embark  on  such  crimes in future.  In some cases involving brutal  murders, society’s cry for justice has been taken  note  of  by  this  court,  amongst  other  relevant  factors.   But,  one  thing  is  certain  that  while  deciding  whether  death  penalty  should  be  awarded  or  not,  this  Court  has  in  each  case  realizing the irreversible nature of  the sentence,  pondered over the issue many times over.   This  Court  has  always  kept  in  mind  the  caution  sounded  by  the  Constitution  Bench  in  Bachan  Singh that  judges  should  never  be  bloodthirsty  but  has  wherever  necessary  in  the  interest  of  society  located  the  rarest  of  rare  case  and  exercised the tougher option of death penalty.

81. In the nature of things, there can be no hard  and  fast  rules  which  the  court  can  follow  while  considering  whether  an  accused  should  be  awarded death  sentence or  not.   The core  of  a  criminal case is its facts and, the facts differ from  case to case.  Therefore, the various factors like  the  age  of  the  criminal,  his  social  status,  his  background, whether he is a confirmed criminal or  not,  whether  he  had  any  antecedents,  whether  there  is  any  possibility  of  his  reformation  and  rehabilitation  or  whether  it  is  a  case  where  the  reformation is impossible and the accused is likely  to revert to such crimes in future and become a  threat to the society are factors which the criminal  court will have to examine independently in each  case.  Decision whether to impose death penalty  or not must be taken in light of guiding principles  laid down in several authoritative pronouncements  of  this  Court  in  the  facts  and  attendant  circumstances of each case.”

(Underlining is ours)



Page 48

28. In the present case, there is no manner of doubt that  

the accused appellants have committed the murder  of  as  

many as 9 innocent and unsuspecting victims who were led  

to believe that A-1 had magical powers to multiply money.  

The deceased, after being killed, were robbed of the cash  

amounts that they had brought with them for the purpose of  

“money shower”.   The criminal  acts  of  the  accused were  

actuated by greed for money and such acts were the result  

of a carefully planned scheme.  The crimes were committed  

over  a  period  of  nearly  two  months  in  three  different  

episodes.   The  assaults  on  some  of  the  victims  were  

merciless and gruesome.  Some of the victims were young  

and hapless children i.e. Sanjay Mali and Rajesh Mali.

29. At the same time, all the four accused were young in  

age  at  the  time  of  commission  of  the  offence  i.e.  23-29  

years.    They  belong  to  the  economically,  socially  and  

educationally deprived section of the population.  They were  

living in acute poverty.  It is possible that, being young, they  

had  a  yearning  for  quick  money  and  it  is  these  

circumstances that had led to the commission of the crimes  



Page 49

in question.  Materials have been laid before this Court to  

show  that  while  in  custody  all  the  accused  had  enrolled  

themselves  in  Yashahantrao  Chavan  Maharashtra  Open  

University and had either completed the B.A. Examination or  

are on the verge of acquiring the degree.  At least three of  

the appellants (A-2, A-3 and A-6) have, at different points of  

time,  participated  in  different  programmes  of  Gandhian  

thoughts  and  have  been  awarded  certificates  of  such  

participation.   In  prison,  A-2  has  written  a  book  titled  

“Resheemganth” and A-3 has been associated with the said  

work.   There  is  no  material  or  information  to  show  any  

condemnable or reprehensible conduct on the part of any of  

the  appellants  during  their  period  of  custody.   All  the  

circumstances  point  to  the  possibility  of  the  accused-

appellants  being  reformed  and  living  a  meaningful  and  

constructive life if they are to be given a second chance.  In  

any case, it is not the stand of the State that the accused-

appellants,  are  beyond  reformation  or  are  not  capable  of  

living a changed life if they are to be rehabilitated in society.  

Each  of  the  accused  have  spent  over  10  years  in  



Page 50

incarceration.   Though  it  must  not  be  understood  in  any  

other manner the entire case against the accused is built on  

circumstantial evidence.   

30. Balancing  the  two  sets  of  circumstances  i.e.  one  

favouring commutation and the  other  favouring upholding  

the death penalty,  we are of the view that in the present  

case  the  option  of  life  sentence  is  not  “unquestionably  

foreclosed”.  Therefore, the sentence of death awarded to  

the accused should be commuted to life imprisonment.  We  

order,  accordingly,  and  direct  that  each  of  the  accused-

appellants,  namely, Santosh Manohar Chavan,  Amit  Ashok  

Shinde,  Yogesh  Madhukar  Chavan  and  Mahesh  Dhanaji  

Shinde shall undergo imprisonment for life for commission of  

the  offence  under  Section  302/120B  IPC.   The  sentences  

awarded  to  the  accused-appellants  by  the  High  Court  for  

commission of all other offences under the IPC and the Arms  

Act are affirmed to run concurrently.  We also make it clear  

that the custody of the appellants for the rest of their lives  

will  be  subject  to  remissions  if  any,  which  will  be  strictly  



Page 51

subject to the provisions of the Sections 432 and 433-A of  

the Cr.PC.

31. We  accordingly  dispose  of  all  the  appeals  with  the  

modification of the sentence as above.

.…………………………CJI. [P. SATHASIVAM]

.......………………………J. [RANJAN GOGOI]

..........……………………J. [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]

NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY    27, 2014.