09 November 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001141-001141 / 2007
Diary number: 15236 / 2007
Advocates: S. R. SETIA Vs C. D. SINGH


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1. This appeal arises out of the judgment and order dated 19th March,

2007 passed by the High Court  of  Madhya Pradesh,  Bench at

Gwalior in Criminal Appeal No. 36 of 1996 whereby the High Court

has partly allowed the appeal preferred by the State by confirming

the judgment of the Trial Court for the offence under Section 148

of IPC and convicted the appellant herein for the offence under

Section 302, IPC and sentenced him to undergo imprisonment for


2. The brief  facts  of  the case as culled out  from the case of  the

prosecution are that on 26th December, 1987 at about 1 p.m. while

Gambhir Singh (PW 7) (brother of the deceased) was having lunch

at  his  home,  the  appellant  along  with  a  group  of  co-accused

persons, each armed with deadly weapons rushed to his house

hurling  abusive  filthy  words  and  picked  up  a  quarrel  with  his

brother Jagannath Singh (deceased) who was sitting outside on a

platform (Chabutara)  along with his nephew Bir  Singh (PW 11).

When  Jagannath  Singh  (deceased)  raised  objection  to  their

behavior,  the  appellant  fired  a  gunshot  in  the  abdomen  of  the

deceased as a result  of which he fell  down on the ground and

succumbed to the injuries.


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3. Gambhir Singh (P.W. 7) carried the body of the deceased to the

police  station,  Lahar  on  a  bullock  cart  and  lodged  the  FIR

(Annexure P-1) at 4.15 PM on the same day. Dilip Singh Yadav

(PW-13) prepared inquest memo and Dr. A. K. Upadhyay (P.W. 12)

conducted autopsy on the dead body.  On the next day, Dilip Singh

Yadav (PW 13) seized blood stained soil and plain soil from the

place of occurrence, as per seizure memo. He also seized a gun,

12 live cartridges and 9 empty cartridges from the possession of

appellant Mahavir Singh, an axe from Sobaran (co-accused) and a

lathi  from Kanched  Singh  (another  co-accused)  as  per  seizure

memo and sent them to the Forensic Science Laboratory at Sagar.

Consequently,  statements  of  witnesses  were  recorded  under

section 161 of Cr.P.C., spot map was prepared and Charge-sheet

was filed against the appellant under sections 302, 147, 148 and

149 of  the  IPC in  the  Court  of  Judicial  Magistrate  First  Class,

Lahar who committed the case to Court of Sessions for Trial. The

Trial Court framed charges u/s 302 and 148 of IPC against the

appellant  and  under  sections  148,  302/149  of  IPC  against

co-accused. All the accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be

tried.  To prove  the  guilt  of  the  accused,  the  prosecution  has


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examined  13  witnesses  and  marked  several  Exhibits  while  the

accused examined none in defence and no exhibits were marked

on his behalf.

4. The Trial Court by its judgment and order dated 30 th November,

1994 acquitted the appellant from the alleged offences mainly on

the  ground  that  there  are  contradictions  in  the  evidence  of

eyewitnesses to that of medical evidence, prosecution has failed to

prove beyond reasonable doubt  formation of  unlawful  assembly

with  a  motive  of  committing  murder  of  the  deceased  and  also

failed to establish that the bullet had been fired with the firearm

seized from the appellant.

5. Dissatisfied  with  the  Judgment  of  the  Trial  Court,  the  State

preferred  an  appeal  before  the  High  Court  claiming  that  the

judgment of the Trial Court is perverse and illegal inasmuch as it

did not appreciate the prosecution evidence in right  perspective

and ignored the evidence of the eyewitnesses. The High Court, on

a  reanalysis  of  evidence  of  prosecution  witnesses  and  other

material available on record came to the conclusion that the Trial


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Court  was right  in  acquitting  the other  co-accused persons but

found fault with the acquittal of the appellant under Section 302

IPC.  The  High  Court,  therefore,  partly  allowed  the  appeal  by

confirming the judgment of the Trial Court in respect of the charge

under  Section  148  and  convicted  the  appellant  herein  for  the

offence under  Section 302,  IPC and sentenced him to undergo

imprisonment  for  life.  Aggrieved  by  the  Judgment  of  the  High

Court, the appellant approached this Court in appeal.  

6. Learned counsel for the appellant submitted that the Trial Court

rightly  acquitted  the  appellant,  after  elaborately  considering  the

evidence on record, upon coming to the conclusion that there is

lack of  credibility  in the testimony of  the prosecution witnesses,

and,  in  particular,  the  medical  and  ocular  testimonies  are

conflicting;  there  was  considerable  delay  on  the  part  of

Investigating  Officer  in  recording  the  evidences  of  alleged

eyewitnesses  inasmuch  as  statements  by  none  of  the

eyewitnesses  were  recorded  on  the  day  of  occurrence  of  the



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7. In the background of this factual matrix, learned counsel for the

appellant  has advanced his  arguments  that  since the  appellant

and victim parties have prior enmity over some pending criminal

cases, the family members of the deceased, i.e., Gambhir Singh

(PW 7), Shanti Devi (PW 8), Bir Singh (PW 11) in connivance and

with the help of a pocket witness Madho Singh (PW 9) concocted

the  story,  by  projecting  himself  as  an  eyewitness,  and  falsely

implicated  the  appellant.  According  to  him,  this  fact  is  clearly

established with the contradictions in the medical evidence and the

unreliable  evidence  of  the  alleged  interested  eyewitness.  The

presence of Gambhir Singh (PW 7), at the time of occurrence, as

heavily relied upon by the prosecution, proves to be false in the

light  of  evidence  of  Bir  Singh  (PW  11)  who  nowhere  in  his

testimony mentioned that Gambhir Singh (PW 7) alone came out

of the house and witnessed the incident and Madho Singh (PW 9)

claimed that soon after the shooting, Gambhir Singh (PW 7), Bir

Singh (PW 11) and Shanti Devi (PW 8) came out of the house and

therefore the accused fled away from the spot. It is also contended

that the alleged eyewitnesses Gambhir Singh (PW 7), Bir Singh

(PW 11) and Shanti Devi (PW 8) made material improvements in

their testimonies before the Court in order to connect the case of


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prosecution  with  the  medical  report.  Thus,  the  presence of  the

eyewitnesses at the place of occurrence is doubtful.

8. Learned counsel further urged that as per the site plan prepared

by the Investigation Officer and also as per the medical evidence,

the deceased Jagannath Singh was standing when he was shot.

According  to  the  medical  report,  the  injuries  sustained  by  the

deceased are possible only when the assaulter stands at a height

above  the  victim.  Contrary  to  this,  the  case  advanced  by  the

prosecution, coupled with the evidence of alleged eyewitness, is

that the appellant was standing on a lower level and the deceased

was  standing  on  a  higher  level  i.e.  on  the  platform.  In  his

statement Madho Singh (PW 9) categorically mentioned that the

deceased  was  sitting  on  the  platform  (Chabutara)  and  the

appellant was standing on the ground, when he was shot. While

the medical report indicated that the margins of the wounds were

inverted and the bullet must have been fired from a distance of

within  6  feet,  and  as  per  the  testimonies  of  the  direct

eyewitnesses, the said distance varied between 12 to 22.5 feet.

The absence of human blood at the alleged place of incident i.e.

on the platform and presence of blood on the ground in front of the


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platform  further  renders  the  prosecution’s  case  even  more

doubtful.  This blood also could not  be matched with that of  the

deceased and therefore, recovery of weapons is of no relevance.

Simply for the reason that the post-mortem report indicated that

the  deceased  had  died  due  to  one  single  gunshot,  and  mere

recovery of nine empty cartridges from the appellant does not in

any way connect him with the crime, when the empty cartridges

were  not  recovered  from the  place  of  incident  and  also  in  the

absence  of  authenticated  proof  that  the  bullet  shot  at  the

deceased was fired from the gun owned by the appellant. Learned

counsel thus submits that the statements of eyewitness are not

trustworthy. Considering the facts in their entirety, such as delayed

recording of statements of the eyewitnesses and an unsuccessful

attempt to reveal as to where the bullet had struck the victim and

the unmatched statements by prosecution witnesses with that of

the medical expert, the learned Trial Court was pleased to record

the order of acquittal of the appellant.

9. The learned counsel finally submitted that the High Court, on the

other  hand,  failed  to  appreciate  the  evidence  in  true  legal

perspective  and  wrongly  interfered  with  the  well  reasoned


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judgment of acquittal passed by the Trial Court based on a cogent

and detailed reasoning and that the High Court committed a grave

error by convicting the accused for the offence under Section 302

IPC.  The  impugned  judgment  is  contrary  to  the  settled  legal

principles as it did not give due weightage to the medical evidence

and  rejected  the  same  without  ascribing  any  reason.  Thus,

interference  by  the  High  Court  with  the  reasoned  judgment  of

acquittal  passed  by  the  Trial  Court  is  unwarranted.  Learned

counsel  submits  that  in  the  light  of  settled  legal  principles,  the

conviction  of  the  appellant  by  the  High  Court  is  vague  and

uncalled for and the same requires to be set aside by this Court.   

10. On  the  other  hand,  learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  State,

argued that the judgment of the Trial Court acquitting the appellant

was wholly erroneous as it was passed without taking into account

the prosecution evidence in its  right  perspective.  There was no

inconsistency  in  the  evidence  of  eyewitnesses  who  were  very

much present at the scene of offence and the Trial Court was not

justified  in  ignoring  their  evidences.  The  High  Court,  after

re-appreciating  the  entire  evidence  on  record,  took  a  justifiable

stand in convicting the accused under Section 302 of the IPC by a


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well reasoned judgment and that there is no illegality or perversity

in the conviction of the accused calling interference by this Court.  

11. We have heard the learned counsel on either side at length and

perused the material available on record. Now it is imperative to

look into the scope of interference by the appellate Court in an

appeal against acquittal and whether the High Court was justified

in convicting the accused under Section 302, IPC by reversing the

order of acquittal passed by the Trial Court.

12. In  the  criminal  jurisprudence,  an  accused  is  presumed  to  be

innocent  till  he  is  convicted  by  a  competent  Court  after  a

full-fledged trial,  and  once  the  Trial  Court  by  cogent  reasoning

acquits the accused, then the reaffirmation of his innocence places

more burden on the appellate Court while dealing with the appeal.

No doubt, it is settled law that there are no fetters on the power of

the  appellate  Court  to  review,  reappreciate  and  reconsider  the

evidence both on facts and law upon which the order of acquittal is

passed. But the court has to be very cautious in interfering with an

appeal  unless  there  are  compelling  and  substantial  grounds  to

interfere  with  the  order  of  acquittal.  The  appellate  Court  while


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passing  an  order  has  to  give  clear  reasoning  for  such  a



13. It is no doubt true that there cannot be any strait jacket formula as

to under what circumstances appellate Court can interfere with the

order  of  acquittal,  but  the  same  depends  on  facts  and

circumstances of  each case.  In  the case on hand,  we have to

examine the rationale behind the conclusion of the High Court in

convicting the accused and the compelling reasons to deviate from

the order of acquittal passed by the Trial Court.

14. On a thorough analysis of the judgment impugned, it is evident

that the High Court has not recorded any reasons for partly setting

aside the judgment of the Trial Court which has acquitted all the

accused persons from the same set of facts before it. The High

Court which has set aside the acquittal order of the Trial Court has

observed that the Trial Court has based its reasoning on guess

work. We find it that even the High Court has committed the same

mistake and basing on the same facts and guess work has arrived

at the conclusion that the appellant is guilty.


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15. It is specifically urged by the learned counsel for the appellant that

as  per  the  medical  evidence,  the  injuries  sustained  by  the

deceased are possible only when the assaulter stands at a height

above  the  victim.  In  this  process,  the  court  has  guessed  that

Mahavir  Singh  (accused-appellant)  and  Jagannath  (deceased)

were of similar height which is nobody’s case and no evidence is

available on record to come to a conclusion that the height of the

two is same. The evidence available on record in this regard is a

statement of Dr. A.K. Upadhyay (PW 12) that the deceased was of

average Height. Now in order to establish that the bullet traveled in

a downward direction, they have explained that the position of the

gun usually kept in a downward position resting on the chest. Now

the logical fallacy is to have assumed the height of the platform

whose height has not been recorded due to sloppy investigation

by  the  Investigating  Officers.  There  exists  a  reasonable  doubt

because  of  the  fact  that  the  height  of  the  platform  was  not

recorded and the same cannot be guessed at this point of time.

Further, the deposition of the Doctor is very clear that the shooter

might have been at a lower level. While some of the witnesses

have suggested that the deceased was on the ground while others


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have pointed out to the fact that he was standing on the platform.

Therefore, from the same set of facts, the Trial Court as well as

the  High  Court  have  arrived  at  different  conclusions,  such  an

exercise cannot be undertaken by the High Court  in an Appeal

unless  the  conclusion  drawn  by  the  Trial  Court  cannot  be

sustained based on the facts and circumstances and when two

conclusions  are  possible  based  on  the  evidence  available  on

record,  the  appellate  court  should  be  all  the  more  reluctant  to

interfere with the findings recorded by the Trial Court.

16. It appears to us that the difference of opinion between the Courts

below in deciding whether or not the appellant has committed the

offence  with  which  he  is  charged,  mainly  revolves  around  the

presence of alleged direct eyewitnesses at the spot, possibility of

appellant’s inflicting firearm injury to the deceased in view of the

positioning of the injury sustained by the deceased, the material

infirmity,  if  any,  and  contradiction  in  the  ocular  and  medical

evidence.  It  is,  however,  clear  that  though,  at  the  outset,  the

accused/appellant absolutely rejected the allegation and pleaded

not  guilty  by  taking  the  defence  of  alibi  that,  on  the  date  of

incident,  he was irrigating his  field,  but  his  claim has not  been

supported by any evidence.


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17. Undoubtedly, Gambhir  Singh (PW 7—brother  of  the deceased)

has  accepted  that  certain  criminal  proceedings  were  pending

between the accused and his family members. He also admits that

one  case  had  already  been  filed  by  the  accused  prior  to  the

incident.  Admittedly, Shanti  Devi  (PW 8—wife  of  the deceased)

also has deposed that there was an altercation between her son

Vijender and Dhullu, on which they killed her husband. Thus, the

parties are admittedly in hostile terms and the incident in question

occurred in a broad day light at the residence of the deceased by

doing away his  precious life.  The prosecution,  in  support  of  its

version, has heavily relied upon the statements of eyewitnesses

Gambhir  Singh  (PW  7-complainant  and  also  brother  of  the

deceased),  Shanti  Devi  (PW  8-wife  of  the  deceased),  Madho

Singh (PW 9) and Bir  Singh (PW 11-nephew of the deceased).

The learned Trial Judge disbelieved the presence of eyewitnesses

on the spot in view of delayed recording of their statements by the

Investigating Officer (PW 13) and also they remained unsuccessful

in  revealing  exactly  as  to  where  the  bullet  had  struck  the

deceased.  We  also  find  that  nowhere  in  the  First  Information


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Report, the name or presence of eyewitness Shanti Devi (PW 8)

was mentioned as a witness to the incident.   

18. The High Court has attached a lot of weight to the evidence of the

said Madho Singh (PW 9) as he is an independent witness. On

perusal of the record, it appears that the said person already had

deposed for the victim family on a number of previous occasions,

that  too  against  the  same  accused.  This  being  the  fact,  it  is

important to analyze the jurisprudence on interested witness. It is

a settled principle that the evidence of interested witness needs to

be scrutinized with utmost care. It can only be relied upon if the

evidence  has  a  ring  of  truth  to  it,  is  cogent,  credible  and

trustworthy. Here we may refer to chance witness also. It is to be

seen that although the evidence of a chance witness is acceptable

in  India,  yet  the chance witness has  to  reasonably  explain  the

presence at that particular point more so when his deposition is

being assailed as being tainted.

19. A  contradicted  testimony  of  an  interested  witness  cannot  be

usually treated as conclusive. The said Madho Singh (PW 9) has


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admitted that he has been a witness in another case against the

accused for the deceased.  Here it is to be seen that the said

Madho Singh (PW 9) has been acting as a pocket witness for

the family. Further, the credibility of this independent witness

can be challenged on the fact that the commotion was only

heard by the said Madho Singh (PW 9) whereas the rest of the

members  of  the  locality  did  not  come for  help.   As  Madho

Singh (PW 9) is a chance witness as well as an interested witness

herein,  causes suspicion and does not  inspire confidence.  This

admission by Madho Singh (PW 9) not only forces us to doubt the

veracity of his own deposition but also has created doubts on the

version of Gambhir Singh (PW 7).

20. We have thoroughly examined the evidence of expert witnesses

as  well  as  other  ocular  witnesses.  The  evidence  of  Dr.  A.K.

Upadhyay  (PW 12)  reveals  that  when  the  deceased  sustained

bullet injury, he might have been in a standing position and the

bullet would have entered from left side and exited from right side

of the body. This fact, however, corroborated with the evidences of

PW  7  (Gambhir  Singh)  and  PW  8  (Shanti  Devi),  but  the

statements of PW 9 (Madho Singh) and PW 11 (Bir Singh) do not


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support  it.  Similarly,  there  were  contradictions  between  the

statements of Dr. Upadhyay (PW 12) and that of the eyewitnesses

as to the distance and height of the assaulter while inflicting the

grievous injury to the deceased and whether the deceased was

standing on the platform (Chabutara)  or came down from it while

receiving  the  bullet  injury.  We  find  from  the  statement  of  Dr.

Upadhyay  (PW  12)  that  he  was  not  clear  and  definite  to  say

exactly from what position and distance the assaulter could have

fired the gun.

21. Going by the seizure memo (Ex.P/3) apparently one gun, 12 live

and 9 empty cartridges were recovered from the appellant.  The

evidences of eyewitnesses support this fact and no question was

put to the I.O. after the recovery of the gun and cartridges, that

whether he himself shot from the seized gun to create evidence.

The prosecution’s story is somewhat strengthened by the ballistic

expert’s report (Ex. P/12) which affirms that the gun seized from

the appellant was in perfect order, the empty cartridges bore the

same impression on pin as seized from the accused and the live

cartridges were actually fired by the gun seized from the appellant.

But  nowhere  it  was  mentioned  that  the  death  of  the  victim


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occurred by the bullet released from the seized gun. Merely the

seizure  of  gun  and  cartridges  from  the  appellant,  the  ongoing

enmity  between  the  parties  on  account  of  various  criminal

litigations  and  the  altercation  and  exchange  of  heated  words

between the rival groups on the morning of the same day, cannot

establish the guilt of accused beyond reasonable doubt.

22. The  position  of  law  in  cases  where  there  is  a  contradiction

between medical evidence and ocular evidence can be crystallized

to the effect  that  though the ocular  testimony of  a witness has

greater  evidentiary  value  vis-à-vis  medical  evidence,  when

medical  evidence  makes  the  ocular  testimony  improbable,  that

becomes  a  relevant  factor  in  the  process  of  the  evaluation  of

evidence. However, where the medical evidence goes far that it

completely  rules out  all  possibility  of  the ocular  evidence being

true,  the  ocular  evidence  may  be  disbelieved  [See  : Abdul

Sayeed v . State of M.P., (2010) 10 SCC 259]

23. In view of contradictory statements by the prosecution witnesses

coupled with the unmatched medical evidence, delay in recording


Page 19


of statements of witnesses by the I.O., non-availability of proper

site plan and in the absence of authenticated ballistic expert report

that the bullet had been fired with the seized gun of the appellant,

the Trial Court had to decide the case against the prosecution and

discharge the appellant from the charges. The High Court, upon

carrying  the exercise of  reappreciation  of  evidence,  formed the

view that  the  reasons  for  delay  in  recording  the  statements  of

witnesses have been properly explained; that as soon as the bullet

struck on the abdomen of the deceased, he immediately fell down

from the  platform.  It  further  observed  that  though the  name of

Shanti Devi (PW 8) was not mentioned in the FIR, there is positive

evidence  on  record  to  establish  her  presence  at  the  time  of

incident  along  with  other  eyewitnesses  and  this  fact  has  been

established  by  their  corroborative  statements  and  there  is  no

reason  to  disbelieve  their  statements.  Here  it  is  worthwhile  to

mention that both the Courts below formed a common opinion that

the prosecution has failed to prove the charges under Sections

148 and 302/149 of IPC against the co-accused and discharged

them from those  charges.  The  disagreement  between the  Trial

Court and the High Court is only in respect of the charge under

Section 302, IPC against the appellant.


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24. It is the duty of the Apex Court to separate chaff from the husk and

to dredge the truth from the pandemonium of Statements. It is but

natural for human beings to state variant statements due to time

gap but if such statements go to defeat the core of the prosecution

then  such  contradictions  are  material  and  the  Court  has  to  be

mindful of such statements [See :  Tahsildhar Singh v. State of

UP,  AIR 1959 SC 1012; Pudhu Raja v. State, (2012) 11 SCC

196; State of UP v. Naresh, (2011) 4 SCC 324]. The case in hand

is  a  fit  case,  wherein  there  are  material  exaggerations  and

contradictions, which inevitably raises doubt which is reasonable

in normal circumstances and keeping in view the substratum of the

prosecution case, we cannot infer beyond reasonable doubt that

the appellant caused the death of the deceased.   

25. Normally, when a culprit perpetrates a heinous crime of murder

and  takes  away  the  life  of  a  human  being,  if  appropriate

punishment is not awarded to that offender, the Court will be failing

in its duty. Such crime, when indulged by a criminal blatantly, is not

committed against  an individual  alone, but is committed against


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the society as well to which the criminal and victim are a part. It

needs  no  emphasis  from this  Court  that  the  punishment  to  be

awarded for such a crime must be relevant and it should conform

to and be consistent with the atrocity and brutality with which the

crime has been carried out.

26. Here in the instant case, no doubt, an innocent man has lost his

life at the hands of another man, and looking at the way in which

the investigation was handled, we are sure to observe that it was

carried  out  in  a  lackluster  manner.  The  approach  of  the

Investigating  Officer  in  recording  the  statements  of  witnesses,

collecting the evidence and preparation of site map has remained

unmindful. The Investigating Officer, dealing with a murder case, is

expected to be diligent, truthful and fair in his approach and his

performance  should  always  be  in  conformity  with  the  police

manual  and a default  or  breach of  duty may prove fatal  to the

prosecution’s case. We may hasten to add that in the present case

the investigation was carried out with unconcerned and uninspiring

performance. There was no firm and sincere effort with the needed

zeal and spirit to bring home the guilt of the accused. We feel that

there are no compelling and substantial reasons for the High Court


Page 22


to interfere with the order of acquittal when the prosecution has

miserably failed to establish the guilt of the accused. Added to this,

the accused has already undergone nine years’ of imprisonment

and we feel that it is a fit case inviting interference by this Court.

27. Resultantly, the appeal is allowed and the judgment of conviction

and order  of  sentence  passed by  the  High  Court  is  set  aside.

Consequently, the appellant shall be set at liberty forthwith if not

required in any other case.

……………………………..J. (A.K. SIKRI)

…………………………….J. (N.V. RAMANA)


Page 23



NOVEMBER 09, 2016


Page 24












Page 25


28. This appeal arises out of the judgment and order dated 19th March,

2007 passed by the High Court  of  Madhya Pradesh,  Bench at

Gwalior in Criminal Appeal No. 36 of 1996 whereby the High Court

has partly allowed the appeal preferred by the State by confirming

the judgment of the Trial Court for the offence under Section 148

of IPC and convicted the appellant herein for the offence under

Section 302, IPC and sentenced him to undergo imprisonment for


29. The brief  facts  of  the case as culled out  from the case of  the

prosecution are that on 26th December, 1987 at about 1 p.m. while

Gambhir Singh (PW 7) (brother of the deceased) was having lunch

at  his  home,  the  appellant  along  with  a  group  of  co-accused

persons, each armed with deadly weapons rushed to his house

hurling  abusive  filthy  words  and  picked  up  a  quarrel  with  his

brother Jagannath Singh (deceased) who was sitting outside on a

platform (Chabutara)  along with his nephew Bir  Singh (PW 11).

When  Jagannath  Singh  (deceased)  raised  objection  to  their

behavior,  the  appellant  fired  a  gunshot  in  the  abdomen  of  the

deceased as a result  of which he fell  down on the ground and

succumbed to the injuries.


Page 26


30. Gambhir Singh (P.W. 7) carried the body of the deceased to the

police  station,  Lahar  on  a  bullock  cart  and  lodged  the  FIR

(Annexure P-1) at 4.15 PM on the same day. Dilip Singh Yadav

(PW-13) prepared inquest memo and Dr. A. K. Upadhyay (P.W. 12)

conducted autopsy on the dead body.  On the next day, Dilip Singh

Yadav (PW 13) seized blood stained soil and plain soil from the

place of occurrence, as per seizure memo. He also seized a gun,

12 live cartridges and 9 empty cartridges from the possession of

appellant Mahavir Singh, an axe from Sobaran (co-accused) and a

lathi  from Kanched  Singh  (another  co-accused)  as  per  seizure

memo and sent them to the Forensic Science Laboratory at Sagar.

Consequently,  statements  of  witnesses  were  recorded  under

section 161 of Cr.P.C., spot map was prepared and Charge-sheet

was filed against the appellant under sections 302, 147, 148 and

149 of  the  IPC in  the  Court  of  Judicial  Magistrate  First  Class,

Lahar who committed the case to Court of Sessions for Trial. The

Trial Court framed charges u/s 302 and 148 of IPC against the

appellant  and  under  sections  148,  302/149  of  IPC  against

co-accused. All the accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be

tried.  To prove  the  guilt  of  the  accused,  the  prosecution  has


Page 27


examined  13  witnesses  and  marked  several  Exhibits  while  the

accused examined none in defence and no exhibits were marked

on his behalf.

31. The Trial Court by its judgment and order dated 30 th November,

1994 acquitted the appellant from the alleged offences mainly on

the  ground  that  there  are  contradictions  in  the  evidence  of

eyewitnesses to that of medical evidence, prosecution has failed to

prove beyond reasonable doubt  formation of  unlawful  assembly

with  a  motive  of  committing  murder  of  the  deceased  and  also

failed to establish that the bullet had been fired with the firearm

seized from the appellant.

32. Dissatisfied  with  the  Judgment  of  the  Trial  Court,  the  State

preferred  an  appeal  before  the  High  Court  claiming  that  the

judgment of the Trial Court is perverse and illegal inasmuch as it

did not appreciate the prosecution evidence in right  perspective

and ignored the evidence of the eyewitnesses. The High Court, on

a  reanalysis  of  evidence  of  prosecution  witnesses  and  other

material available on record came to the conclusion that the Trial


Page 28


Court  was right  in  acquitting  the other  co-accused persons but

found fault with the acquittal of the appellant under Section 302

IPC.  The  High  Court,  therefore,  partly  allowed  the  appeal  by

confirming the judgment of the Trial Court in respect of the charge

under  Section  148  and  convicted  the  appellant  herein  for  the

offence under  Section 302,  IPC and sentenced him to undergo

imprisonment  for  life.  Aggrieved  by  the  Judgment  of  the  High

Court, the appellant approached this Court in appeal.  

33. Learned counsel for the appellant submitted that the Trial Court

rightly  acquitted  the  appellant,  after  elaborately  considering  the

evidence on record, upon coming to the conclusion that there is

lack of  credibility  in the testimony of  the prosecution witnesses,

and,  in  particular,  the  medical  and  ocular  testimonies  are

conflicting;  there  was  considerable  delay  on  the  part  of

Investigating  Officer  in  recording  the  evidences  of  alleged

eyewitnesses  inasmuch  as  statements  by  none  of  the

eyewitnesses  were  recorded  on  the  day  of  occurrence  of  the



Page 29


34. In the background of this factual matrix, learned counsel for the

appellant  has advanced his  arguments  that  since the  appellant

and victim parties have prior enmity over some pending criminal

cases, the family members of the deceased, i.e., Gambhir Singh

(PW 7), Shanti Devi (PW 8), Bir Singh (PW 11) in connivance and

with the help of a pocket witness Madho Singh (PW 9) concocted

the  story,  by  projecting  himself  as  an  eyewitness,  and  falsely

implicated  the  appellant.  According  to  him,  this  fact  is  clearly

established with the contradictions in the medical evidence and the

unreliable  evidence  of  the  alleged  interested  eyewitness.  The

presence of Gambhir Singh (PW 7), at the time of occurrence, as

heavily relied upon by the prosecution, proves to be false in the

light  of  evidence  of  Bir  Singh  (PW  11)  who  nowhere  in  his

testimony mentioned that Gambhir Singh (PW 7) alone came out

of the house and witnessed the incident and Madho Singh (PW 9)

claimed that soon after the shooting, Gambhir Singh (PW 7), Bir

Singh (PW 11) and Shanti Devi (PW 8) came out of the house and

therefore the accused fled away from the spot. It is also contended

that the alleged eyewitnesses Gambhir Singh (PW 7), Bir Singh

(PW 11) and Shanti Devi (PW 8) made material improvements in

their testimonies before the Court in order to connect the case of


Page 30


prosecution  with  the  medical  report.  Thus,  the  presence of  the

eyewitnesses at the place of occurrence is doubtful.

35. Learned counsel further urged that as per the site plan prepared

by the Investigation Officer and also as per the medical evidence,

the deceased Jagannath Singh was standing when he was shot.

According  to  the  medical  report,  the  injuries  sustained  by  the

deceased are possible only when the assaulter stands at a height

above  the  victim.  Contrary  to  this,  the  case  advanced  by  the

prosecution, coupled with the evidence of alleged eyewitness, is

that the appellant was standing on a lower level and the deceased

was  standing  on  a  higher  level  i.e.  on  the  platform.  In  his

statement Madho Singh (PW 9) categorically mentioned that the

deceased  was  sitting  on  the  platform  (Chabutara)  and  the

appellant was standing on the ground, when he was shot. While

the medical report indicated that the margins of the wounds were

inverted and the bullet must have been fired from a distance of

within  6  feet,  and  as  per  the  testimonies  of  the  direct

eyewitnesses, the said distance varied between 12 to 22.5 feet.

The absence of human blood at the alleged place of incident i.e.

on the platform and presence of blood on the ground in front of the


Page 31


platform  further  renders  the  prosecution’s  case  even  more

doubtful.  This blood also could not  be matched with that of  the

deceased and therefore, recovery of weapons is of no relevance.

Simply for the reason that the post-mortem report indicated that

the  deceased  had  died  due  to  one  single  gunshot,  and  mere

recovery of nine empty cartridges from the appellant does not in

any way connect him with the crime, when the empty cartridges

were  not  recovered  from the  place  of  incident  and  also  in  the

absence  of  authenticated  proof  that  the  bullet  shot  at  the

deceased was fired from the gun owned by the appellant. Learned

counsel thus submits that the statements of eyewitness are not

trustworthy. Considering the facts in their entirety, such as delayed

recording of statements of the eyewitnesses and an unsuccessful

attempt to reveal as to where the bullet had struck the victim and

the unmatched statements by prosecution witnesses with that of

the medical expert, the learned Trial Court was pleased to record

the order of acquittal of the appellant.

36. The learned counsel finally submitted that the High Court, on the

other  hand,  failed  to  appreciate  the  evidence  in  true  legal

perspective  and  wrongly  interfered  with  the  well  reasoned


Page 32


judgment of acquittal passed by the Trial Court based on a cogent

and detailed reasoning and that the High Court committed a grave

error by acquitting the accused for the offence under Section 302

IPC.  The  impugned  judgment  is  contrary  to  the  settled  legal

principles as it did not give due weightage to the medical evidence

and  rejected  the  same  without  ascribing  any  reason.  Thus,

interference  by  the  High  Court  with  the  reasoned  judgment  of

acquittal  passed  by  the  Trial  Court  is  unwarranted.  Learned

counsel  submits  that  in  the  light  of  settled  legal  principles,  the

conviction  of  the  appellant  by  the  High  Court  is  vague  and

uncalled for and the same requires to be set aside by this Court.   

37. On  the  other  hand,  learned  counsel  appearing  for  the  State,

argued that the judgment of the Trial Court acquitting the appellant

was wholly erroneous as it was passed without taking into account

the prosecution evidence in its  right  perspective.  There was no

inconsistency  in  the  evidence  of  eyewitnesses  who  were  very

much present at the scene of offence and the Trial Court was not

justified  in  ignoring  their  evidences.  The  High  Court,  after

re-appreciating  the  entire  evidence  on  record,  took  a  justifiable

stand in convicting the accused under Section 302 of the IPC by a


Page 33


well reasoned judgment and that there is no illegality or perversity

in the conviction of the accused calling interference by this Court.  

38. We have heard the learned counsel on either side at length and

perused the material available on record. Now it is imperative to

look into the scope of interference by the appellate Court in an

appeal against acquittal and whether the High Court was justified

in convicting the accused under Section 302, IPC by reversing the

order of acquittal passed by the Trial Court.

39. In  the  criminal  jurisprudence,  an  accused  is  presumed  to  be

innocent  till  he  is  convicted  by  a  competent  Court  after  a

full-fledged trial,  and  once  the  Trial  Court  by  cogent  reasoning

acquits the accused, then the reaffirmation of his innocence places

more burden on the appellate Court while dealing with the appeal.

No doubt, it is settled law that there are no fetters on the power of

the  appellate  Court  to  review,  reappreciate  and  reconsider  the

evidence both on facts and law upon which the order of acquittal is

passed. But the court has to be very cautious in interfering with an

appeal  unless  there  are  compelling  and  substantial  grounds  to

interfere  with  the  order  of  acquittal.  The  appellate  Court  while


Page 34


passing  an  order  has  to  give  clear  reasoning  for  such  a



40. It is no doubt true that there cannot be any strait jacket formula as

to under what circumstances appellate Court can interfere with the

order  of  acquittal,  but  the  same  depends  on  facts  and

circumstances of  each case.  In  the case on hand,  we have to

examine the rationale behind the conclusion of the High Court in

convicting the accused and the compelling reasons to deviate from

the order of acquittal passed by the Trial Court.

41. On a thorough analysis of the judgment impugned, it is evident

that the High Court has not recorded any reasons for partly setting

aside the judgment of the Trial Court which has acquitted all the

accused persons from the same set of facts before it. The High

Court which has set aside the acquittal order of the Trial Court has

observed that the Trial Court has based its reasoning on guess

work. We find it that even the High Court has committed the same

mistake and basing on the same facts and guess work has arrived

at the conclusion that the appellant is guilty.


Page 35


42. It is specifically urged by the learned counsel for the appellant that

as  per  the  medical  evidence,  the  injuries  sustained  by  the

deceased are possible only when the assaulter stands at a height

above  the  victim.  In  this  process,  the  court  has  guessed  that

Mahavir  Singh  (accused-appellant)  and  Jagannath  (deceased)

were of similar height which is nobody’s case and no evidence is

available on record to come to a conclusion that the height of the

two is same. The evidence available on record in this regard is a

statement of Dr. A.K. Upadhyay (PW 12) that the deceased was of

average Height. Now in order to establish that the bullet traveled in

a downward direction, they have explained that the position of the

gun usually kept in a downward position resting on the chest. Now

the logical fallacy is to have assumed the height of the platform

whose height has not been recorded due to sloppy investigation

by  the  Investigating  Officers.  There  exists  a  reasonable  doubt

because  of  the  fact  that  the  height  of  the  platform  was  not

recorded and the same cannot be guessed at this point of time.

Further, the deposition of the Doctor is very clear that the shooter

might have been at a lower level. While some of the witnesses

have suggested that the deceased was on the ground while others


Page 36


have pointed out to the fact that he was standing on the platform.

Therefore, from the same set of facts, the Trial Court as well as

the  High  Court  have  arrived  at  different  conclusions,  such  an

exercise cannot be undertaken by the High Court  in an Appeal

unless  the  conclusion  drawn  by  the  Trial  Court  cannot  be

sustained based on the facts and circumstances and when two

conclusions  are  possible  based  on  the  evidence  available  on

record,  the  appellate  court  should  be  all  the  more  reluctant  to

interfere with the findings recorded by the Trial Court.

43. It appears to us that the difference of opinion between the Courts

below in deciding whether or not the appellant has committed the

offence  with  which  he  is  charged,  mainly  revolves  around  the

presence of alleged direct eyewitnesses at the spot, possibility of

appellant’s inflicting firearm injury to the deceased in view of the

positioning of the injury sustained by the deceased, the material

infirmity,  if  any,  and  contradiction  in  the  ocular  and  medical

evidence.  It  is,  however,  clear  that  though,  at  the  outset,  the

accused/appellant absolutely rejected the allegation and pleaded

not  guilty  by  taking  the  defence  of  alibi  that,  on  the  date  of

incident,  he was irrigating his  field,  but  his  claim has not  been

supported by any evidence.


Page 37


44. Undoubtedly, Gambhir  Singh (PW 7—brother  of  the deceased)

has  accepted  that  certain  criminal  proceedings  were  pending

between the accused and his family members. He also admits that

one  case  had  already  been  filed  by  the  accused  prior  to  the

incident.  Admittedly, Shanti  Devi  (PW 8—wife  of  the deceased)

also has deposed that there was an altercation between her son

Vijender and Dhullu, on which they killed her husband. Thus, the

parties are admittedly in hostile terms and the incident in question

occurred in a broad day light at the residence of the deceased by

doing away his  precious life.  The prosecution,  in  support  of  its

version, has heavily relied upon the statements of eyewitnesses

Gambhir  Singh  (PW  7-complainant  and  also  brother  of  the

deceased),  Shanti  Devi  (PW  8-wife  of  the  deceased),  Madho

Singh (PW 9) and Bir  Singh (PW 11-nephew of the deceased).

The learned Trial Judge disbelieved the presence of eyewitnesses

on the spot in view of delayed recording of their statements by the

Investigating Officer (PW 13) and also they remained unsuccessful

in  revealing  exactly  as  to  where  the  bullet  had  struck  the

deceased.  We  also  find  that  nowhere  in  the  First  Information


Page 38


Report, the name or presence of eyewitness Shanti Devi (PW 8)

was mentioned as a witness to the incident.   

45. The High Court has attached a lot of weight to the evidence of the

said Madho Singh (PW 9) as he is an independent witness. On

perusal of the record, it appears that the said person already had

deposed for the victim family on a number of previous occasions,

that  too  against  the  same  accused.  This  being  the  fact,  it  is

important to analyze the jurisprudence on interested witness. It is

a settled principle that the evidence of interested witness needs to

be scrutinized with utmost care. It can only be relied upon if the

evidence  has  a  ring  of  truth  to  it,  is  cogent,  credible  and

trustworthy. Here we may refer to chance witness also. It is to be

seen that although the evidence of a chance witness is acceptable

in  India,  yet  the chance witness has  to  reasonably  explain  the

presence at that particular point more so when his deposition is

being assailed as being tainted.

46. A  contradicted  testimony  of  an  interested  witness  cannot  be

usually treated as conclusive. The said Madho Singh (PW 9) has


Page 39


admitted that he has been a witness in another case against the

accused for the deceased.  Here it is to be seen that the said

Madho Singh (PW 9) has been acting as a pocket witness for

the family. Further, the credibility of this independent witness

can be challenged on the fact that the commotion was only

heard by the said Madho Singh (PW 9) whereas the rest of the

members  of  the  locality  did  not  come for  help.   As  Madho

Singh (PW 9) is a chance witness as well as an interested witness

herein,  causes suspicion and does not  inspire confidence.  This

admission by Madho Singh (PW 9) not only forces us to doubt the

veracity of his own deposition but also has created doubts on the

version of Gambhir Singh (PW 7).

47. We have thoroughly examined the evidence of expert witnesses

as  well  as  other  ocular  witnesses.  The  evidence  of  Dr.  A.K.

Upadhyay  (PW 12)  reveals  that  when  the  deceased  sustained

bullet injury, he might have been in a standing position and the

bullet would have entered from left side and exited from right side

of the body. This fact, however, corroborated with the evidences of

PW  7  (Gambhir  Singh)  and  PW  8  (Shanti  Devi),  but  the

statements of PW 9 (Madho Singh) and PW 11 (Bir Singh) do not


Page 40


support  it.  Similarly,  there  were  contradictions  between  the

statements of Dr. Upadhyay (PW 12) and that of the eyewitnesses

as to the distance and height of the assaulter while inflicting the

grievous injury to the deceased and whether the deceased was

standing on the platform (Chabutara)  or came down from it while

receiving  the  bullet  injury.  We  find  from  the  statement  of  Dr.

Upadhyay  (PW  12)  that  he  was  not  clear  and  definite  to  say

exactly from what position and distance the assaulter could have

fired the gun.

48. Going by the seizure memo (Ex.P/3) apparently one gun, 12 live

and 9 empty cartridges were recovered from the appellant.  The

evidences of eyewitnesses support this fact and no question was

put to the I.O. after the recovery of the gun and cartridges, that

whether he himself shot from the seized gun to create evidence.

The prosecution’s story is somewhat strengthened by the ballistic

expert’s report (Ex. P/12) which affirms that the gun seized from

the appellant was in perfect order, the empty cartridges bore the

same impression on pin as seized from the accused and the live

cartridges were actually fired by the gun seized from the appellant.

But  nowhere  it  was  mentioned  that  the  death  of  the  victim


Page 41


occurred by the bullet released from the seized gun. Merely the

seizure  of  gun  and  cartridges  from  the  appellant,  the  ongoing

enmity  between  the  parties  on  account  of  various  criminal

litigations  and  the  altercation  and  exchange  of  heated  words

between the rival groups on the morning of the same day, cannot

establish the guilt of accused beyond reasonable doubt.

49. The  position  of  law  in  cases  where  there  is  a  contradiction

between medical evidence and ocular evidence can be crystallized

to the effect  that  though the ocular  testimony of  a witness has

greater  evidentiary  value  vis-à-vis  medical  evidence,  when

medical  evidence  makes  the  ocular  testimony  improbable,  that

becomes  a  relevant  factor  in  the  process  of  the  evaluation  of

evidence. However, where the medical evidence goes far that it

completely  rules out  all  possibility  of  the ocular  evidence being

true,  the  ocular  evidence  may  be  disbelieved  [See  : Abdul

Sayeed v . State of M.P., (2010) 10 SCC 259]

50. In view of contradictory statements by the prosecution witnesses

coupled with the unmatched medical evidence, delay in recording


Page 42


of statements of witnesses by the I.O., non-availability of proper

site plan and in the absence of authenticated ballistic expert report

that the bullet had been fired with the seized gun of the appellant,

the Trial Court had to decide the case against the prosecution and

discharge the appellant from the charges. The High Court, upon

carrying  the exercise of  reappreciation  of  evidence,  formed the

view that  the  reasons  for  delay  in  recording  the  statements  of

witnesses have been properly explained; that as soon as the bullet

struck on the abdomen of the deceased, he immediately fell down

from the  platform.  It  further  observed  that  though the  name of

Shanti Devi (PW 8) was not mentioned in the FIR, there is positive

evidence  on  record  to  establish  her  presence  at  the  time  of

incident  along  with  other  eyewitnesses  and  this  fact  has  been

established  by  their  corroborative  statements  and  there  is  no

reason  to  disbelieve  their  statements.  Here  it  is  worthwhile  to

mention that both the Courts below formed a common opinion that

the prosecution has failed to prove the charges under Sections

148 and 302/149 of IPC against the co-accused and discharged

them from those  charges.  The  disagreement  between the  Trial

Court and the High Court is only in respect of the charge under

Section 302, IPC against the appellant.


Page 43


51. It is the duty of the Apex Court to separate chaff from the husk and

to dredge the truth from the pandemonium of Statements. It is but

natural for human beings to state variant statements due to time

gap but if such statements go to defeat the core of the prosecution

then  such  contradictions  are  material  and  the  Court  has  to  be

mindful of such statements [See :  Tahsildhar Singh v. State of

UP,  AIR 1959 SC 1012; Pudhu Raja v. State, (2012) 11 SCC

196; State of UP v. Naresh, (2011) 9 SCC 698]. The case in hand

is  a  fit  case,  wherein  there  are  material  exaggerations  and

contradictions, which inevitably raises doubt which is reasonable

in normal circumstances and keeping in view the substratum of the

prosecution case, we cannot infer beyond reasonable doubt that

the appellant caused the death of the deceased.   

52. Normally, when a culprit perpetrates a heinous crime of murder

and  takes  away  the  life  of  a  human  being,  if  appropriate

punishment is not awarded to that offender, the Court will be failing

in its duty. Such crime, when indulged by a criminal blatantly, is not

committed against  an individual  alone, but is committed against


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the society as well to which the criminal and victim are a part. It

needs  no  emphasis  from this  Court  that  the  punishment  to  be

awarded for such a crime must be relevant and it should conform

to and be consistent with the atrocity and brutality with which the

crime has been carried out.

53. Here in the instant case, no doubt, an innocent man has lost his

life at the hands of another man, and looking at the way in which

the investigation was handled, we are sure to observe that it was

carried  out  in  a  lackluster  manner.  The  approach  of  the

Investigating  Officer  in  recording  the  statements  of  witnesses,

collecting the evidence and preparation of site map has remained

unmindful. The Investigating Officer, dealing with a murder case, is

expected to be diligent, truthful and fair in his approach and his

performance  should  always  be  in  conformity  with  the  police

manual  and a default  or  breach of  duty may prove fatal  to the

prosecution’s case. We may hasten to add that in the present case

the investigation was carried out with unconcerned and uninspiring

performance. There was no firm and sincere effort with the needed

zeal and spirit to bring home the guilt of the accused. We feel that

there are no compelling and substantial reasons for the High Court


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to interfere with the order of acquittal when the prosecution has

miserably failed to establish the guilt of the accused. Added to this,

the accused has already undergone nine years’ of imprisonment

and we feel that it is a fit case inviting interference by this Court.

54. Resultantly, the appeal is allowed and the judgment of conviction

and order  of  sentence  passed by  the  High  Court  is  set  aside.

Consequently, the appellant shall be set at liberty forthwith if not

required in any other case.

……………………………..J. (A.K. SIKRI)

…………………………….J. (N.V. RAMANA)


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NOVEMBER 09, 2016