12 September 2017
Supreme Court


Case number: W.P.(C) No.-000674 / 2017
Diary number: 23957 / 2017








UNION OF INDIA AND ANR.             ..Respondents  



1 By an order dated 31 May 2017, the Union government has debarred the

petitioner from admitting 150 students for the MBBS course during academic years

2017-18 and 2018-19.  Besides challenging the order of debarment, the petitioner

seeks  a mandamus for  the  grant  of  recognition under  Section  11 of  the Indian

Medical Council Act, 1956 (‘IMC Act’ ). In consequence, the petitioner also seeks a

direction to permit it to participate in the process of counselling for admission to the




MBBS degree programme for the ensuing academic year.  Since a bank guarantee

of  Rs 2 crores furnished by the petitioner is to be invoked in pursuance of  the

impugned decision, relief against encashment of the guarantee has been sought.

2 The  petitioner  was  granted  recognition  in  2011-12  to  conduct  the  MBBS

degree course with an intake of 150 students.  The petitioner college is affiliated to

Dr M G R Medical University. The petitioner was granted renewal of permission to

admit  fresh batches of  MBBS students during the academic years 2012-13 and

2013-14.  The petitioner has not admitted students during 2014-15 and 2015-16.

For  the  purpose  of  admitting  students  in  2016-17,  assessment  of  the  physical

infrastructure and teaching facilities was carried out under Section 11(2) of the IMC

Act  on  18/19  March  2016.   The  assessment  reports  were  considered  by  the

Executive  Committee  of  the  Medical  Council  of  India  (‘MCI’)  which  noted  the

existence of as many as 39 deficiencies. Among the deficiencies noted were the

following :

“1. Deficiency of faculty is 52.2% as detailed in the report.  2. Shortage of Residents is 91.7 % as detailed in the report.

..  4. Bed occupancy is 54.76% on day of assessment.”

.. 25. Students’  Hostels  :  Available  accommodation is  365 against

requirement of 563.  It is not properly furnished, Toilet facilities are inadequate. Visitors’ room, A.C. Study room with Computer &  Internet  & Recreation  room are  not  available.  Hygiene is poor, Mess is not available.

.. 27. Residents’ Hostels : Available accommodation is 20 + 2 flats

against requirement of 85.  It is not properly furnished.  Toilet facilities are inadequate. Visitors’ room, A.C. Study room with Computer  &  Internet  &  Recreation  room are  not  available. Hygiene is poor. Mess is not available.



28. Nurses’ Hostel : It is not properly furnished.  Toilet facilities are inadequate.  Visitors’ room, A.C.Study room with Computer & Internet  &  Recreation  room  are  not  available.  Hygiene  is poor…”    

Having  regard  to  the  above  deficiencies,  the  Executive  Committee  decided  to

recommend to the Union government not to grant recognition to the petitioner for

the award of the MBBS degree.  This decision was communicated to the Union

government  on  22  March  2016.  The  college  was  called  upon  to  rectify  the

deficiencies within two weeks.   The college submitted its  compliance on 4 April

2016. This was verified in an assessment conducted on 22 April 2016.  

3 The  team  of  assessors  informed  MCI  that  the  petitioner  had  resisted

inspection on the ground that most of the residential and faculty were on leave after

the holiday for Mahavir Jayanti. According to the petitioner, the assessment was in

violation of the regulations which prohibit inspection within two days before or after

a religious or festival holiday declared by the Central/State government.  It has been

stated on behalf of MCI that the public holiday was on 19 April 2016 and hence the

assessment of 22 April 2016 could not have been denied, under Regulation 8(3)(1)

(d) of the Establishment of Medical Colleges Regulations, 1999.  

4 The Executive Committee of MCI held a meeting on 13 May 2016 and, having

regard  to  the  above  assessment  reports,  decided  to  recommend  to  the  Union

government  not  to  award  recognition  under  Section  11(2)  or  grant  renewal  of

permission for academic year 2016-17.  The Union government by its letter dated



10 June 2016 informed the petitioner not to admit  a fresh batch of  students for


5 Following the decision communicated by the Oversight Committee1 in a letter

dated 13 June 2016, the Union government forwarded the compliance submitted by

the petitioner on 17 June 2016 to MCI.  The Executive Committee of MCI noted that

the  letter  of  the  Oversight  Committee  covered  those  obligations  falling  under

Section 10 A of the IMC Act. Since the case of the petitioner pertained to the grant

of recognition under Section 11(2) it was according to the Executive Committee not

covered by the decision of the Oversight Committee.  This was communicated to

the Union government on 5 July 2016.

6 In the meantime, pursuant to MCI’s letter dated 15 May 2016, the petitioner

submitted its compliance on 9 June 2016. On 6 July 2016 the college was directed

to resubmit its compliance after rectifying deficiencies.  After the petitioner submitted

a letter of compliance dated 9 July 2016,  it was decided to verify this by a fresh


7 On 12 August 2016, the Oversight Committee, on the basis of the information

furnished by the medical colleges on their website and without conducting physical

assessment, approved the case of the petitioner for grant of conditional recognition

under Section 11(2) of the IMC Act in respect of the 150 students admitted in the

1 The Oversight Committee was appointed in pursuance of a judgment dated 2 May 2016 of this Court in Modern Dental College and Research Centre Vs. State of M.P., Civil Appeal 4060 of 2009 decided on 2 May 2016.  

(2016)7 SCC 353



medical college, subject to the college submitting, within 15 days from the date of

notification of the approval by the Central government, the following documents :

(i) An undertaking on affidavit from the Dean/Principal and the Chairman of the

Trust affirming that the deficiencies pointed out by the assessors of the Council in

the compliance verification assessment stand rectified;

(ii) A Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs 2 crores in favour of the Council which

shall be valid for a period of one year or till such time the first renewal inspection

takes place, whichever is later.

It was further directed by the then Oversight Committee that the inspection of the

medical colleges which have been recommended for grant of Conditional Letter of

Permission/Recognition under Section 11(2) of the IMC Act shall be conducted after

30 September 2016 and any college which is found to have not complied with the

deficiency as per their undertaking shall be debarred from admitting any students

for a period of two years i.e. 2017-18 & 2018-19.

8 On 8 September 2016 conditional recognition was granted to the petitioner for

academic year 2016-17, in terms of the decision of the Oversight Committee dated

12 August 2016.  The conditions imposed included the following :

“…2 The OC has also stipulated as follows :- a) OC may direct assessment to verify the compliance submitted by

the college and considered by OC, any time after 30 September, 2016.

b) In  default  of  conditions  (i)  &  (ii)  in  para  1  above  and  if  the compliances  are  found  incomplete  in  the  assessment  to  be conducted  after  30  September,  2016,  such  college  will  be debarred from fresh intake of students for 2 years commencing 2017-18…”



9 The  decision  of  the  Executive  Committee  to  recommend  to  the  Union

government not to grant recognition under Section 11(2) was considered by the

General body of MCI on 22 November 2016.  The minutes of the General body of

22  November  2016  were  forwarded  both  to  the  Union  government  and  the

Oversight Committee.   

10 A compliance  verification  assessment  of  the  infrastructure,  faculty, clinical

material and other physical facilities was carried out on 21 February 2017.  The

compliance verification assessment noted :

(i) a deficiency of 4.54 per cent in teaching faculty;  

(ii) a deficiency of 2.35 per cent of residents.   

This, according to the petitioner, was well within acceptable parameters.

11 However,  the  petitioner  has  a  serious  grievance  in  regard  to  a  second

inspection which was carried out on 22 March 2017.  The fresh inspection observed

a deficiency of 33.33 per cent in faculty (43 out of 129) and of 64.28 per cent in

residents (54  out of 84).

12 In the counter affidavit (which was filed by the MCI before the Madras High

Court), the circumstances in which a fresh inspection was conducted on 22 March

2017 have been adverted to.  It  has been stated that MCI received a complaint



dated 14 March 2016 from some students of the college stating that the college did

not have adequate infrastructure,  clinical  material  and teaching faculty/residents.

The complaint alleged that prior to the MCI assessment, “ghost faculty/residents”

and “fake patients” are portrayed. Specific examples of deficiencies were furnished

in the complaint. On 21 March 2017 the compliance assessment verification dated

21  February  2017  was  considered  by  the  Executive  Committee  of  MCI.

Consideration of the matter was deferred  inter alia  in view of the complaint which

had been received on 14 March 2017. It was in this background that an assessment

team carried out the second assessment on 22 March 2017.  Both the compliance

assessments of  21 February 2017 and 22 March 2017, together with the previous

assessments of March-April 2017 were considered by the Executive Committee on

28 March 2017. The following deficiencies were noted; among others:

“1. Deficiency of faculty is 33.33% as detailed in the report.  2. Shortage of Residents is 64.28% as detailed in the report.  3. Attendance registers of faculty and Residents of all departments were

not provided by the college in the requisite time as per OC guidelines. ..

5. Bed Occupancy was 6.76% in the earlier round and 8.53% in later round. Paediatric wards which were empty during earlier round had 50 children  from  nearby  school  playing  &  sitting  in  the  ward  in  their school uniform in the later round…”

13 The Executive Committee consequently decided to recommend to the Union

government not to grant recognition to the petitioner under Section 11(2) of the IMC

Act, 1956.  In view of the gross deficiencies, it recommended that the college be

debarred  from  admitting  students  for  2017-18  and  2018-19  and  that  the  bank

guarantee  that  it  had  furnished  be  encashed.   The  decision  of  MCI  was



communicated on 29 March 2017 to the Union government and to the Oversight

Committee.  The Union government after furnishing an opportunity of being heard to

the  petitioner,  by  its  decision  dated  31  May  2017  debarred  the  petitioner  from

admitting students for 2017-18 and 2018-19. The petitioner filed a writ petition under

Article 226 of the Constitution before the Madras High Court on 8 August 2017.  The

petitioner  sought  to  withdraw  the  writ  petition  to  enable  it  to  move this  Court.

Liberty was granted by the High Court following which the petition was disposed of

as  withdrawn.  Those  proceedings  have  been  instituted  under  Article  32  of  the


14 During  the  pendency of  these proceedings,  by  an  order  dated  11 August

2017, the Union government was directed to afford an opportunity of a hearing to

the  petitioner  and  to  take  the  assistance  of  the  newly  constituted  Oversight

Committee and to pass a reasoned order thereafter by the end of August 2017.

15 Following  the  above direction,  the  Union  government  has  passed a  fresh

order dated 31 August 2017 maintaining its earlier decision.  

16 While assailing the decision of the Union government, learned senior counsel

appearing on behalf of the petitioner has seriously questioned the conduct of MCI in

carrying out two inspections – the first on 21 February 2017 and the second on 22

March 2017 within a span of one month.  The communications dated 31 May 2017

and 31 August 2017 have been challenged on the ground that they do not reveal an



application of  mind and are unreasoned.  It  has been urged that the findings in

regard  to  deficiencies  of  faculty  and  residents  in  the  second  inspection  are  at

variance with the observations in the earlier inspection. It has been submitted that

the authorities ought to have considered the explanation of the petitioner that it was

conducting  health  camps  at  a  distance  of  more  than  8  Kms.  from  the  college

campus to which doctors and residents had been sent.   Moreover, it  has been

submitted that the petitioner produced salary slips of faculty and other staff.  As

regards bed occupancy, it has been urged that the first inspection team had found it

to be adequate.  As regards the presence of students from a nearby school, it has

been urged that this arose because of  an incident of food poisoning which was

reported in the school and the students were admitted ‘only’ for observation.

17 While considering the above submissions, we must make it clear at the outset

that we are not impressed with the argument that MCI is prohibited from conducting

a second or subsequent inspection.  The purpose of inspection by an expert team of

assessors is to verify whether a medical college has the requisite infrastructure and

facilities including faculty, residents as well as clinical and non-clinical material.  The

basic  purpose  of  inspection  is  to  verify  whether  the  college  possesses  the

wherewithal  and resources to provide quality legal  education consistent with the

statutory regulations which hold the field.  The powers of MCI cannot be constricted

by prohibiting it from carrying out another inspection, even it were to come close on

the heels of  an earlier  inspection.   As an expert  statutory body, MCI may have



legitimate reasons for seeking a reverification of the observations contained in a

prior inspection.  There may be reasons to doubt the genuineness of the picture

which has been made out by the college during the course of an inspection. MCI

may have prima facie reasons, to believe that the actual possession of resources

and  infrastructure  is  at  variance  with  what  was  portrayed  before  its  team  of

assessors.  MCI has been conferred with statutory powers to protect the cause of

medical education.  MCI is a custodian of public interest and acts in trust for the

welfare of society. Access to medical care requires the presence of qualified health

professionals.   Verification of  the conditions which prevail  in medical  colleges is

central to the role discharged by MCI. Hence, it  would be manifestly contrary to

public interest to restrict the powers of MCI to carry out a fresh inspection even

though in  its  considered  decision,  such an  inspection  is  necessary.  This  court

cannot sit in judgment over the wisdom of an expert body and we find no basis to

hold  in  law that  there is  a  prohibition  in  carrying  out  a  fresh inspection.  In  the

absence of a statutory interdict, the court will not read such a restriction into the

powers of MCI. In these circumstances, we find no merit in the submission.  

18 In taking this view, we are duly supported by a recent judgment rendered in

IQ City Foundation v Union of India2, by a bench of three learned Judges of this

Court.   Hon’ble Mr Justice Dipak Misra (as the learned Chief Justice then was),

speaking for the Court, held as follows :

“On a reading of Section 19-A of the Act, Rules and the Regulations, 2 Writ Petition (c) No.502 of 2017 decided on August 01, 2017



as has been referred to in  Manohar Lal Sharma3 (supra), and the view  expressed  in  Royal  Medical  Trust4 (supra),  it  would  be inapposite  to  restrict  the  power  of  the  MCI  by laying  down as  an absolute principle that once the Central Government sends back the matter to MCI for compliance verification and the Assessors visit the College they shall only verify the mentioned items and turn a Nelson’s eye  even  if  they  perceive  certain  other  deficiencies.   It  would  be playing  possum.   The  direction  of  the  Central  Government  for compliance verification report  should not be construed as a limited remand  as  is  understood  within  the  framework  of  Code  of  Civil Procedure or any other law…”

19 The facts  which have been placed on the record before this  Court  would

indicate that consistent opportunities have been granted to the petitioner to rectify

the deficiencies which have been found in its infrastructure, resources and facilities.

In  the  face  of  the  deficiencies  which  have  been  found  during  the  course  of

inspection,  the  petitioner  cannot  be  allowed  to  admit  students  for  the  ensuing

academic year. The court will lean against any interpretation which will result in the

foisting of under prepared medical professionals on society.  

20 At the same time, we are of the view that having regard to the facts which

have transpired, the petitioner should be permitted to establish before MCI that it

possesses the requisite infrastructure and has taken all necessary steps to remove

the deficiencies which have been noted to exist. Such an exercise cannot be carried

out  in  time  for  academic  year  2017-18  since  the  last  date  for  admissions  has

elapsed and the academic session commenced. Hence the petitioner cannot be

permitted to participate in the counselling process for the ensuing academic year

3 (2013) 10 SCC 60 4 (2015) 10 SCC 19



2017-18. Any such exercise would necessarily have to be for the academic year


21 Hence, we allow the petitioner an opportunity to remove the deficiencies upon

which MCI shall determine afresh as to whether it should be granted recognition in

time for  the commencement  of  academic year 2018-19.   In the event  that  MCI

comes to the conclusion that the petitioner has removed all deficiencies and meets

the  requirements  of  its  regulations,  MCI  shall  consider  afresh  the  issue  of

recognition and the grant of permission for the academic year 2018-19.  For that

purpose,  we  direct  that  the  bank  guarantee  of  Rs  2  crores  furnished  by  the

petitioner shall be kept alive in the meantime.    

22 We accordingly direct that :

(i) The case of the petitioner shall be duly considered by MCI and by the Union

government  in  accordance with  the  prevalent  regulations  for  academic  year


(ii) The bank guarantee which was furnished by the petitioner shall be kept live in

the meantime and shall not be encashed.   

(iii) MCI shall conduct a fresh inspection as per the Regulations within a period of

two  months.  It  shall  apprise  the  petitioner-institution  with  regard  to  the

deficiencies  and  afford  an  opportunity  to  rectify  the  same  and,  thereafter,

proceed to act as contemplated under the Act.

(iv) After MCI sends its recommendation to the Central government, it shall take a



final decision according to law after affording an opportunity of a hearing to the

petitioners.  MCI shall take the assistance of the Hearing Committee constituted

by the Constitution Bench decision in  Amma Chandravati  Educational and

Charitable  Trust  and  Others  v  Union  of  India  and  another5  or  other

directions given in the said decision.  

However, we expressly clarify that we find no reason to interfere at this stage either

with  the  decisions  dated  31  May  2017  and  31  August  2017  of  the  Union


 23 The petition is accordingly disposed of.  


.............................................CJI           [DIPAK MISRA]

….............................................J            [A M KHANWILKAR]


         [Dr  D Y  CHANDRACHUD] New Delhi;  September 12, 2017  

5 Writ Petition (Civil) No 408 of 2017