22 April 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001108-001108 / 2006
Diary number: 25537 / 2005


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Kanhaiya Lal & Ors.        ...……..Appellants


State of Rajasthan ………Respondent  



State of Rajasthan         …......Appellant


Mangi Lal ………Respondent  



State of Rajasthan         …......Appellant


Mohan Lal and others        ……… Respondents  



State of Rajasthan         …......Appellant


Babu Lal ………Respondent  



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State of Rajasthan         …......Appellant


Revdi Lal and others        ……… Respondents  


Dipak Misra, J.

The case of the prosecution depicts a macabre chain  

of events that occurred in the intervening night of 28th and  

29th June, 2001 which eventually led to the massacre of  

five  persons,  namely,  Purshottam,  Ram  Kumar  Dhaka,  

Kalu Lal Mali and Lokendra Sharma, all residents of village  

Railgaon, and  Heera Lal Meghwal, resident of Rampuria,  

Kota.  The extermination of five lives had its genesis in an  

incident that had occurred sometime prior to the date of  

occurrence  where  Kishan  Chand,  son  of  Ram  Narayan,  

Sarpanch  of  the  village,  was  murdered  and  the  father  

nurtured deep rooted suspicion that the deceased persons  



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had not only masterminded a well thought out plan but  

also executed the same and the seeds of the unquenched  

anger  gradually  got  inflamed  and  took  the  shape  of  

revenge ultimately resulting in the extinction of the life-

spark  of  five  persons.   From  the  uncurtaining  of  the  

gruesome events,  it  is manifest that on the date of the  

occurrence, the night slowly and intensely developed into  

real  darkness  of  revenge  that  reigned  with  avenge.  

Revenge, the pleasure of morbid minds, knows  no bounds  

and the accused persons, clinging to the fire of revenge,  

possibly thinking it to be sweetest thing to relish, marched  

ahead  on  the  escalator  of  bitterness  and  the  ultimate  

eventuate  was  five  deaths,  trial  of  29  persons  and  

conviction of 17 accused out of which six accused persons,  

namely,  Yuvraj,  Hemraj,  Hansraj,  Radhey  Shyam,  Modu  

Nath and Mohan were imposed death sentence and the  

rest 11 accused, namely, Lal Chand, Dhanpal, Kanyaiyalal,  

Naval,  Revdi  Lal,  Ram  Lal,  Babu  Lal,  Mangi  Lal,  

Ghanshyam,  Radhey  Shyam  s/0  Prahalad,  and  Radhey  

Shyam  s/o  Shankar  Lal,  were  sentenced  with  rigorous  

imprisonment  of  life  by  the  learned Additional  Sessions  



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Judge, Fast Track, in Sessions Case No. 27 of 2002.  Be it  

noted, the rest of the accused persons were acquitted of  

the charges.  

2. As is  demonstrable,  all  the accused persons  were  

sent  up  for  trial  for  offences  punishable  under  

Sections 147, 148, 302, 342, 427, 435 and 460 read  

with 149 IPC.  Filtering the unnecessary details, the  

facts which are necessitous to be stated for disposal  

of these appeals are that on 28.6.2001, about 5.00  

p.m.,  Purshottam,  brother  of  the  informant,  Ram  

Kumar Dhakad, Kalu Lal Mali, Lokendra Sharma, and  

Heera Lal Meghwal had come on two motorcycles to  

the  house  of  Purshottam and  no  sooner  had  they  

arrived in the village than Ram Narayan, Mohan Lal,  

Yuvraj,  Hansraj,  Lalchand,  Dhanpal,  Kanhaiya  Lal,  

Naval, Revdi Lal, Hemraj, Radhey Shyam s/o Gopal,  

Bhojraj, Ramesh Chand, Ram Singh, Babu Lal Meena,  

Mangilal,  Ghanshyam, Radhey Shyam s/o Prahalad,  

Modulal,  Radhey  Shyam  s/o  Shankar  Lal,  Jagdish,  

Shambhu Dayal, Amar Lal and Sita Ram along with  

15-20  others  came  being  armed  with  Gandasis,  



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Swords,  Sabals  and  sticks.   They  surrounded  the  

house  of  Purshottam who  was  in  the  house  along  

with children.  The accused persons scaled the house  

of  Purshottam  and  started  pelting  stones  as  a  

consequence of which the roof sheets and the tiles of  

the house of Purshottam were broken.  Purshottam  

and his four other companions jumped the common  

wall situate in between the houses of Purshottam and  

Radhey Shyam, brother of Purshottam, and stayed in  

one  room  of  the  informant.   As  the  evening  

progressed, the evil designs became more animated  

and  the  deadly  desires  sprang  into  action  and  at  

midnight,  the  accused persons  took  the  informant,  

his wife Badribai,  mother Panabai and Nirmala Bai,  

wife  of  Purshottam,  and  made  them  sit  in  the  

thatched roof of one Prabhulal Meena.  Almost after  

half  an hour,  the relatives  of  Ram Narayan Gujjar,  

Sarpanch of the said village,  came in a jeep along  

with  15-20  persons  in  front  of  the  house  of  the  

informant,  broke open the door,  entered the house  

and, in the house itself, inflicted blows with Swords,  



Page 6

Gandasis  and sticks,  as  a  result  of  which  Kalu  Lal  

Mali,  Lokendra  Sharma  and  Heera  Lal  Meghwal  

breathed their  last  inside the house.   The accused  

dragged  Purshottam  and  Ram  Kumar  outside  and  

assaulted them with Gandasis  and swords on their  

heads, faces, hands and feet and, eventually, those  

two succumbed to their injuries.  They took both the  

motorcycles in the passage and burnt the same and,  

after the inhumane and barbaric act, left the scene.  

3. The FIR, as is perceptible from the material brought  

on  record,  was  not  lodged  immediately  but  was  

lodged  at  6.45  a.m.  on  29.6.2001.   During  

investigation, the investigating agency prepared the  

site plan, got the autopsy done in respect of the dead  

bodies,  seized  the  blood  stained  clothes,  recorded  

the statements of the witnesses and, on the basis of  

the  information  furnished  by  the  accused  persons,  

while they were in custody, recovered the weapons  

used  in  the  commission  of  the  crime  and,  after  

following  the  other  formalities  of  investigation,  

submitted  the  charge-sheets  on  different  dates  



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before the Judicial  Magistrate,  Digod,  who,  in  turn,  

committed the matter to the Court of Session.  After  

committal  of  the case to the Court  of  Session,  the  

learned  trial  Judge,  on  3.4.2002,  framed  charges  

under Sections 147, 427, 435, 148, 302, 460 and 342  

IPC and in respect of  435/149 IPC against accused  

numbers 1, 5-9, 11, 12, 16, 21, 23, 24 and 26.  As far  

as  the  other  three  sets  of  accused  persons  are  

concerned,  almost  similar  charges  were  framed on  

21.09.2002.  The  accused  persons  denied  their  

involvement  in  the  crime,  pleaded  innocence  and  

claimed to be tried.

4. In  order  to  substantiate  the  offences  against  the  

accused  persons,  the  prosecution  examined  45  

witnesses, got number of documents exhibited and  

various  material  objects  marked.   The  accused  

persons in their defence examined 15 witnesses.

5. The  learned  trial  Judge  formulated  four  questions,  

namely, whether the accused in furtherance of the  

common object  caused the  death  of  the  deceased  

persons and assaulted the other persons; whether all  



Page 8

of  them  by  throwing  stones  on  the  house  of  

Purshottam  and  burning  the  Motorcycles  in  

possession  of  the  deceased  persons  committed  

mischief; whether the accused persons with common  

object  to  commit  murder  of  the  deceased persons  

committed lurking trespass into the house of Radhey  

Shyam in the night; and whether the offences were  

committed by all the accused persons.  The learned  

trial Judge addressed  the questions one to three, as  

formulated  by  him,  in  a  composite  manner  and,  

appreciating the evidence on record,  came to hold  

that the accused Mohan Lal, Yuvraj, Hansraj, Hemraj,  

Radhey Shyam s/o Gopal and Modu Nath were guilty  

of  the offences under Sections 148,  427,  342,  460  

and  302  IPC  and,  accordingly,  convicted  them  to  

undergo  three  years  rigorous  imprisonment  and  a  

fine of Rs.500/-, two years rigorous imprisonment and  

a  fine of  Rs.500/-,  one year  rigorous imprisonment  

and  a  fine  of  Rs.500/-,  ten  years  rigorous  

imprisonment  and  a  fine  of  Rs.2000/-  and  death  

sentence  respectively  with  further  stipulation  of  



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consequences  in  default  of  payment  of  fine  

respectively.   Accused  Lal  Chand,  Revdi  Lal,  

Ghanshyam and  Radhey  Shyam,  s/o  Prahlad,  were  

convicted  for  offences  punishable  under  Sections  

148, 427, 342, 460 and 302/149 IPC and sentenced  

to suffer rigorous imprisonment for three years and a  

fine of Rs.500/-, two years rigorous imprisonment and  

a  fine of  Rs.500/-,  one year  rigorous imprisonment  

and  a  fine  of  Rs.500/-,  ten  years  rigorous  

imprisonment  and  a  fine  of  Rs.2000/-  and  life  

imprisonment  and  a  fine  of  Rs.2000/-  respectively  

with the consequences enumerated in case of default  

of payment of fine respectively.   Accused Dhanpal,  

Kanhaiya Lal,  Naval,  Ram Lal,  Babu Lal,  Mangi Lal,  

Radheysham and four others were found guilty of the  

same offences and imposed various sentences with a  

default  clause.   The  maximum  sentence  was  

imprisonment for life and a fine of Rs.2000/- under  

Section 302/149 IPC.  The rest of the accused stood  




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6. At  this  juncture,  it  is  worth  mentioning  that  Ram  

Narayan, Sarpanch of the village Railgaon, who was  

sent up for trial, expired during the pendency of the  

trial  and,  accordingly,  the  trial  was  closed  against  


7. The  accused  appellants  preferred  seven  criminal  

appeals, namely, Criminal Appeal Nos. 464 of 2003,  

421 of 2003, 621 of 2003, 622 of 2003, 670 of 2003,  

474 of 2003 and 520 of 2003.  The State represented  

its case in Death Reference No. 1 of 2003, but did not  

question  the  defensibility  of  the  acquittal  recorded  

against  11  other  accused  persons.   The  accused-

appellants  before  the  High  Court  assailed  the  

conviction  in  respect  of  all  the  offences  and  the  

sentence  and  the  State  defended  the  judgment  

passed by the court below.

8. The Division Bench of the High Court dealt with all  

the appeals and disposed all of them by a singular  

judgment  dated  2.6.2005.   The  High  Court,  

appreciating the evidence, scrutinizing the material  

on record and bestowing anxious consideration while  



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dealing  with  the  submissions  canvassed  by  the  

learned  counsel  for  the  parties,  partly  allowed  the  

appeals preferred by Mohan Lal and others, who were  

convicted  under  Sections  302  and  460  IPC  and  

sentenced  to  death,  acquitted  Mohan  Lal  of  the  

charges framed against him under Sections 302 and  

460 IPC and as far as the other accused persons of  

the same category are concerned,  the sentence of  

death  was  converted  to  life  sentence  and,  

resultantly,  the death reference was declined.  The  

accused  persons,  namely,  Lal  Chand,  Revdi,  

Ghanshyam,  Radhey  Shyam,  Mangilal  and  Babulal  

were  given  benefit  of  doubt  and  acquitted  of  the  

charges framed against them under Sections 302 and  

460  IPC.   As  far  as  the  other  accused  persons,  

namely,  Kanhaiyalal,  Naval,  Ram  Lal  and  Radhey  

Shyam,  s/o  Shankar  Lal,  are  concerned,  the  

conviction and sentence imposed by the trial  court  

was maintained.   

9. The High Court,  on x-ray of the evidence, came to  

hold  that  all  the  deaths  were  homicidal;  that  



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imposition  of  death  sentence  by  the  learned  trial  

Judge  was  not  justified;   that  there  was  no  

unexplained  delay  in  lodging  the  FIR;  that  the  

provisions enshrined under Section 149 of IPC were  

clearly attracted to the case at hand; that the plea of  

the defence that the prosecution had chosen only the  

relatives  of  the  deceased  persons  who  are  highly  

interested witnesses and, hence, their version did not  

deserve acceptance was without any merit; that the  

whole crime was committed in a planned design; that  

the proponement that no independent witnesses had  

been  examined  was  bereft  of  any  substratum  

because  the  witnesses  could  not  have  dared  to  

depose  against  the  Sarpanch  who,  on  mere  

suspicion, had set himself on such a massacre and  

self-preservation being the  basic  instinct  in  such a  

situation had ruled supreme; that Dhanpal s/o Ram  

Pratap, accused no. 5 before the High Court, having  

expired,  appeal  at  his  instance  abated;  that  the  

involvement  of  Lalchand,  Revdi  Lal,  Ghanshyam,  

Radheyshyam s/o Prahlad, Mangi Lal, Babu Lal, and  



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Mohan was doubtful and,  accordingly, they deserved  

to be acquitted;  that the other accused-appellants  

were  involved  in  the  commission  of  crime  and,  

therefore, the conviction under Section 302 could not  

be interfered with.  As far as the death reference is  

concerned,  it  opined that  it  is  not  a rarest  of  rare  

case  warranting imposition of  death  sentence and,  

accordingly, modified it to rigorous life imprisonment.  

Recording such conclusions, the High Court disposed  

of the bunch of appeals.     

10. We  have  heard  Mr.  Sushil  Kumar  Jain,  learned  

counsel for the accused-appellants in Criminal Appeal  

No.  1108  of  2006,  and  Mr.  Imtiaz  Ahmed,  learned  

counsel for the State in all the appeals.  

11. The first submission of Mr. Jain is that the prosecution  

version deserves to be thrown overboard inasmuch  

there  is  delay  in  lodging  of  the  FIR  and  the  

explanation offered for  such delay is  unacceptable,  

regard being had to the duration of the occurrence,  

proximity of the police station and the implication of  

number  of  accused  persons  which  is  indicative  of  



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embellishment.   Learned  counsel  would  further  

contend  that  innocent  persons  were  dragged  into  

trial and suffered immensely and hence, such a story  

should not be given credence to.   

12. It is settled in law that mere delay in lodging the First  

Information Report  cannot be regarded by itself  as  

fatal to the case of the prosecution.  However, it is  

obligatory on the part of the court to take notice of  

the delay and examine, in the backdrop of the case,  

whether  any  acceptable  explanation  has  been  

offered,  by  the  prosecution  and  if  such  an  

explanation  has  been  offered  whether  the  same  

deserves acceptance being found to be satisfactory.  

In  this  regard,  we may refer  with profit  a  passage  

from  State  of  H.P.  v.  Gian  Chand1,  wherein  a  

three-Judge Bench of this Court has expressed thus: -

“Delay in lodging the FIR cannot be used  as  a  ritualistic  formula  for  doubting  the  prosecution case and discarding the same  solely on the ground of delay in lodging the  first  information  report.  Delay  has  the  effect of putting the court on its guard to  search if any explanation has been offered  for the delay, and if offered, whether it is  

1 (2001) 6 SCC 71



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satisfactory or not. If the prosecution fails  to  satisfactorily  explain  the  delay  and  there is  a  possibility  of  embellishment  in  the prosecution version on account of such  delay,  the  delay  would  be  fatal  to  the  prosecution.  However,  if  the  delay  is  explained to the satisfaction of the court,  the delay cannot by itself be a ground for  disbelieving  and  discarding  the  entire  prosecution case.”

13. In Ramdas and others v. State of Maharashtra2,  

this Court has observed that mere delay in lodging  

the first information report is not necessarily fatal to  

the case of the prosecution. However, the fact that  

the report was lodged belatedly is a relevant fact of  

which the court must take notice. This fact has to be  

considered  in  the  light  of  other  facts  and  

circumstances of the case, and, in a given case, the  

court may be satisfied that the delay in lodging the  

report has been sufficiently explained. In the light of  

the totality of the evidence, the court has to consider  

whether  the  delay  in  lodging  the  report  adversely  

affects the case of the prosecution. That is a matter  

of  appreciation  of  evidence.  There  may  be  cases  

where there is direct evidence to explain the delay.  

2 (2007) 2 SCC 170



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Even in the absence of direct explanation, there may  

be circumstances appearing on record which provide  

a  reasonable  explanation  for  the  delay.  There  are  

cases where much time is  consumed in taking the  

injured to the hospital for medical aid and, therefore,  

the  witnesses  find  no  time  to  lodge  the  report  

promptly. There may also be cases where on account  

of fear and threats, witnesses may avoid going to the  

police station immediately. The time of occurrence,  

the  distance  to  the  police  station,  mode  of  

conveyance available,  are all  factors  which have a  

bearing on the question of  delay in  lodging of  the  

report. It is also possible to conceive of cases where  

the  victim  and  the  members  of  his  or  her  family  

belong to such a strata of society that they may not  

even be aware of their right to report the matter to  

the police and seek legal action, nor was any such  

advice available to them.

14. In  Meharaj Singh  v.  State of U.P.3,  a two-Judge  

Bench  of  this  Court  has  observed  that  FIR  in  a  

3 (1994) 5 SCC 188



Page 17

criminal case and particularly in a murder case is a  

vital and valuable piece of evidence for the purpose  

of appreciating the evidence led at the trial and the  

object of insisting upon prompt lodging of the FIR is  

to  obtain  the  earliest  information  regarding  the  

circumstance  in  which  the  crime  was  committed,  

including the names of  the  actual  culprits  and the  

parts played by them, the weapons, if any, used, as  

also the names of the eyewitnesses, if any, for delay  

in lodgment of the FIR results in embellishment which  

is a creation of afterthought.  Emphasis was laid on  

the fact that on account of delay, the FIR not only  

gets bereft of the advantage of spontaneity but also  

danger  of  introduction  of  a  coloured  version  or  

exaggerated story.

15. Thus,  whether  the  delay  creates  a  dent  in  the  

prosecution story and ushers in suspicion has to be  

gathered by scrutinizing the explanation offered for  

the delay in the light of the totality of the facts and  

circumstances.  Greater degree of care and caution is  

required on the part of the court to appreciate the  



Page 18

evidence to satisfy itself relating to the explanation  

of the factum of delay.  In  Kilakkatha Parambath  

Sasi and others  v.  State of Kerala4, it has been  

observed  that  when  an  FIR  has  been  lodged  

belatedly,  an  inference  can  rightly  follow  that  the  

prosecution story may not be true but equally on the  

other side, if it is found that there is no delay in the  

recording  of  the  FIR,  it  does  not  mean  that  the  

prosecution  story  stands  immeasurably  


16. The present factual scenario is to be tested on the  

touchstone of the aforesaid principles.  On a careful  

perusal of the material on record, it is clear as crystal  

that the occurrence had taken place at night.  True it  

is,  the  house  of  Purshottam  was  surrounded  

sometime at  5.00 p.m.  on  28.6.2001,  but  the  real  

crime, the assault and the murder took place after  

midnight.   The  ghastly  and  gruesome  crime  must  

have sent  a shiver  in  the spine and shattered the  

brains and bones of the witnesses to the crime and  

4 AIR 2011 SC 1064



Page 19

shock,  panic  and inequilibrium would have reigned  

simultaneously to leave them totally confounded.  No  

one could have dared to move an inch towards the  

police station, for man’s basic instinct prompts him to  

survive first and then think about any other action.  

The informant, brother of the deceased, has clearly  

deposed that he and others were in a terrible state of  

trauma to proceed to the police station to lodge an  

FIR.  After the day broke, they mustered courage and  

proceeded towards the police station and lodged the  

FIR at 6.45 a.m. on 29.6.2001.  The learned counsel  

for  the  appellants  would  contend  that  they  could  

have lodged the FIR when the house was seized and  

not after the whole episode was over.  We are not  

impressed by the said submission and we think that  

the explanation offered, by no stretch of imagination,  

can be regarded implausible.   As noticed earlier,  a  

delayed FIR can usher in craftsmanship, manipulation  

and embellishment and may make the prosecution  

story  vulnerable,  but  when  the  delay  has  been  



Page 20

adequately  explained,  the  same  deserves  

acceptation and, accordingly, we do so.

17. The  next  limb  of  argument  of  Mr.  Jain,  learned  

counsel for the appellants, is that all the alleged eye  

witnesses  are  closely  related  to  the  deceased  

Purshottam and the prosecution has chosen not to  

examine any independent witness despite number of  

houses situate in the close vicinity of the house of  

Purshottam  and  that  itself  creates  a  dent  in  the  

version of the prosecution.  When relatives, who are  

alleged to be interested witnesses, are cited by the  

prosecution,  it  is  the  obligation  of  the  court  to  

scrutinize  their  evidence  with  care,  caution  and  

circumspection.   In  the  case  at  hand,  the  entire  

occurrence took place  in  and around the  house of  

Purshottam.  Five people had been done to death.  In  

such  a  circumstance,  it  is  totally  unexpected  that  

other  villagers  would  come  forward  to  give  their  

statements and depose in the court.  It is to be borne  

in mind that Ram Narayan, Sarpanch of the village,  

solely on the basis of suspicion, had seen to it that  



Page 21

five  persons  meet  their  end.   Such  a  situation  

compels one not to get oneself involved and common  

sense give consent  to  such  an attitude.   Thus,  no  

exception  can  be  taken  to  the  fact  that  no  

independent witness was examined.   As far  as the  

relatives are concerned, Radhey Shyam, PW-1, is the  

brother  of  the  deceased,  Ram  Lal,  PW-2,  is  the  

brother  of  Radhey Shyam, Panna Bai,  PW-3,  is  the  

mother of Purshottam and Nirmala Bai, PW-5, is his  

wife, and Anita, PW-5, Badribai, PW-8, Manisha, PW-9  

and Kaushalya, PW-10, are also close relatives and  

these witnesses have been cited as eye witnesses.  

18. In Hari Obula Reddy and others v. The State of  

Andhra Pradesh5, a three-Judge Bench has opined  

that it cannot be laid down as an invariable rule that  

interested  evidence  can  never  form  the  basis  of  

conviction unless corroborated to a material extent in  

material  particulars  by  independent  evidence.   All  

that  is  necessary  is  that  the  evidence  of  the  

interested witnesses should be subjected to careful  

5 (1981) 3 SCC 675



Page 22

scrutiny  and  accepted  with  caution.   If  on  such  

scrutiny,  the  interested  testimony  is  found  to  be  

intrinsically reliable or inherently probable, it may, by  

itself,  be  sufficient,  in  the  circumstances  of  the  

particular case, to base a conviction thereon.

19. In Kartik Malhar v. State of Bihar6, this Court has  

stated that a close relative who is a natural witness  

cannot be regarded as an interested witness, for the  

term “interested” postulates  that  the witness must  

have some interest in having the accused, somehow  

or the other, convicted for some animus or for some  

other reason.   

20. In  the  case  at  hand,  the witnesses  have lost  their  

father, husband and a relative.  There is no earthly  

reason  to  categorise  them as  interested  witnesses  

who would nurture an animus to see that the accused  

persons are convicted, though they are not involved  

in the crime.  On the contrary, they would like that  

the real culprits are prosecuted and convicted.  That  

is the normal phenomena of human nature and that  

6 (1996) 1 SCC 614



Page 23

is  the  expected  human  conduct  and  we  do  not  

perceive  that  these  witnesses  harboured  any  ill  

motive  against  the  accused  persons,  but  have  

deposed as witnesses to the brutal incident.  We may  

proceed to add, as stated earlier, that this court shall  

be  careful  and  cautious  while  scanning  their  

testimony and we proceed to do so.   

21. Radhey  Shyam,  the  informant,  has  deposed  with  

regard to the threat, climbing of some of the accused  

on  the  roof,  surrounding  of  the  house,  pelting  of  

stones,  carrying  of  lethal  weapons  like  swords,  

gandhasis, sabals and sticks, the assault inside the  

house, dragging of the two deceased persons and the  

ultimate death of the deceased.   The plea that  he  

could not have witnessed the incident as it was night  

and he was inside a thatched house (chhappar), has  

been disbelieved by the learned trial Judge as well as  

by the High Court.  Mr. Jain, learned counsel for the  

appellants, made a fragile attempt to highlight that  

he could not have seen the assault, but on a scrutiny  

of  the  evidence,  it  is  manifest  that  there  was  not  



Page 24

complete darkness, as an electric bulb was burning  

at  that  time  and  he  had  the  occasion  to  see  the  

incident.   Similar  is  the  evidence  of  the  other  

prosecution witnesses, which has been analysed with  

great anxiety by the High Court.  On a careful perusal  

of the same, we do not find any reason to differ with  

the said evaluation solely on the ground that they are  

related to the deceased persons or that they could  

not  have  seen  the  occurrence.   In  a  case  of  this  

nature, it is the relatives who would come forward to  

depose against the real culprits and would not like to  

falsely  implicate  others.   They  have witnessed the  

brutish  crime  committed  and  there  is  nothing  on  

record to discard their  testimony as untrustworthy.  

We find that their evidence is reliable and credible  

and it would not be inapposite not to act upon the  

same.   Nothing  has  been  elicited  in  the  cross-

examination to record a finding that the evidence is  

improbable  or  suspicious  and  deserves  to  be  

rejected.  They have no motive to falsely implicate  

the  accused  and,  that  apart,  their  testimony  have  



Page 25

withstood the rigorous cross-examination in material  

particulars  and  received  corroboration  from  the  

evidence  of  the  doctor.   That  apart,  the  weapons  

seized  lends  credence  to  the  prosecution  story.  

Quite  apart  from the above,  it  is  almost  well  nigh  

impossible to perceive that they have any animosity  

for some reason to see that the accused persons are  

convicted.  Their family members have been done to  

death in ghastly manner, and in these circumstances,  

it cannot be thought of that they would leave the real  

culprits and implicate the accused persons.

22. It  is next contended by Mr. Jain that the witnesses  

have  not  specifically  stated  about  the  exact  role  

played by each of the accused persons inasmuch as  

they  have  not  mentioned  who  assaulted  on  which  

part of the body and with what weapon.  On a perusal  

of the evidence, it transpires that the witnesses have  

mentioned  about  the  weapons  used,  the  assault  

made and the parts of the body where injuries were  

inflicted.  True it is, there are some discrepancies but  

they  are  absolutely  minor.   That  apart,  they  had  



Page 26

formed an unlawful assembly with a common object  

to put an end to the lives of the deceased persons.  

Their common object is writ large because they had  

the knowledge and they shared the common object  

from  the  beginning  to  the  end.   Applying  the  

principles laid down in  Masalti and others  v.  The  

State  of  Uttar  Pradesh7,  Lalji  and  others  v.  

State of U.P.8 and Ramachandran and others v.  

State of Kerala9, we conclude that all the accused  

persons were a part of the unlawful assembly with  

the  knowledge  of  the  common  object  and,  

accordingly, we unhesitatingly repel the contention of  

the learned counsel for the appellants.

23. Presently, we shall advert to the appeals wherein the  

High Court has acquitted the accused persons.  It is  

apt to mention here that the State had not preferred  

any  appeal  before  the  High  Court  assailing  the  

judgment of acquittal by the learned trial Judge.  As  

is seen, the High Court has acquitted seven accused,  

namely,  Mohan,  Lal  Chand,  Revdilal,  Babulal,  7 AIR 1965 SC 202 8 (1989) 1 SCC 437 9 (2011) 9 SCC 257



Page 27

Mangilal, Ghanshyam and Radhey Shyam, in various  

criminal  appeals.   Before  we  advert  to  the  

correctness of the view taken by the High Court, we  

would like to state the role of the court while dealing  

with a judgment of acquittal.

24. In Jadunath Singh and others v. State of U.P.10,  

a three-Judge  Bench,  while  dealing  with  an  appeal  

against acquittal, has held thus: -

“22. This Court has consistently taken the  view that an appeal against acquittal the  High  Court  has  full  power  to  review  at  large  all  the  evidence  and  to  reach  the  conclusion  that  upon  that  evidence  the  order of acquittal should be reversed.  This  power of the appellate court in an appeal  against  acquittal  was  formulated  by  the  Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in  Sheo Swarup v. King Emperor, 61 Ind App  398  =  (AIR  1934  PC  227  (2))  and  Nur  Mohammad v. Emperor, AIR 1945 PC 151.  These  two  decisions  have  been  consistently  referred  to  in  judgments  of  this Court as laying down the true scope of  the power of an appellate court in hearing  criminal  appeals:  see  Surajpal  Singh  v.  State, 1952 SCR 193 = (AIR 1952 SC 52)  and Sanwat  Singh  v.  State  of  Rajasthan,  (1961) 3 SCR 120 = (AIR 1961 SC 715).”

10 AIR 1972 SC 116



Page 28

25. In  Sohrab and another v.  The State of Madhya  

Pradesh11, this Court opined that under the Code of  

Criminal Procedure, the High Court has full power to  

review at large the evidence upon which the order of  

acquittal is founded and to reach the conclusion that  

on proper appreciation of the evidence, the order of  

acquittal should be reversed.  No limitation should be  

placed upon that power unless it is expressly stated  

in the Code.  After so stating, the two-Judge Bench  

expressed thus: -

“But in exercising the power conferred by  the  Code  and  before  reaching  its  conclusions  upon  fact,  the  High  Court,  should and will always give proper weight  and consideration to such matters as (1)  the  views  of  the  trial  Judge  as  to  the  credibility  of  the  witnesses;  (2)  the  presumption of innocence in favour of the  accused,  a  presumption  certainly  not  weakened  by  the  fact  that  he  has  been  acquitted at his trial;  (3)  the right of the  accused to the benefit  of any doubt; and  (4) the slowness of an appellate Court in  disturbing a finding of fact arrived at by a  Judge  who  had  the  advantage  of  seeing  the witnesses.”

26. In State of M.P. v. Bacchudas alias Balram and  

others12,  after  referring  to  Bhagwan  Singh  v.  11 AIR 1972 SC 2020 12 (2007) 9 SCC 135



Page 29

State of M.P.13 and other pronouncements,  it  has  

been stated that the principle to be followed by the  

appellate  court  considering  the  appeal  against  the  

judgment of acquittal is to interfere only when there  

are compelling and substantial reasons for doing so.  

If  the  impugned  judgment  is  clearly  unreasonable  

and  relevant  and  convincing  materials  have  been  

unjustifiably  eliminated  in  the  process,  it  is  a  

compelling reason for interference.   

27. In State of Rajasthan through Secretary, Home  

Department  v.  Abdul  Mannan14,  this  Court  has  

stated  that  when  an  accused  is  acquitted  of  a  

criminal  charge,  a  right  vests  in  him to  be  a  free  

citizen and this Court is very cautious in taking away  

that  right.   The  presumption  of  innocence  of  the  

accused  is  further  strengthened  by  the  fact  of  

acquittal  of  the  accused  under  our  criminal  

jurisprudence.  The courts have held that if two views  

are possible on the evidence adduced in  the case,  

then  the  one  favourable  to  the  accused,  may  be  

13 (2003) 3 SCC 21 14 (2011) 8 SCC 65



Page 30

adopted by the court.  However, this principle must  

be  applied  keeping  in  view  the  facts  and  

circumstances  of  the  case  and  the  thumb  rule  is  

whether the prosecution has proved its case beyond  

reasonable doubt.  If the prosecution has succeeded  

in discharging its onus, and the error in appreciation  

of the evidence is apparent on the face of the record,  

then  the  court  can  interfere  in  the  judgment  of  

acquittal to ensure that the ends of justice are met.  

This is the linchpin around which the administration  

of criminal justice revolves.

28. In State of Rajasthan v. Shera Ram alias Vishnu  

Dutta15, after survey of the earlier pronouncements,  

it has been observed that there is a very thin but a  

fine distinction between an appeal against conviction  

on the  one hand and acquittal  on  the  other.   The  

preponderance of judicial opinion of this Court is that  

there is no substantial difference between an appeal  

against  conviction  and  an  appeal  against  acquittal  

except  that  while  dealing  with  an  appeal  against  

15 (2012) 1 SCC 602



Page 31

acquittal,  the Court keeps in view the position that  

the  presumption  of  innocence  in  favour  of  the  

accused has been fortified by his acquittal and if the  

view adopted by the High Court is a reasonable one  

and the conclusion reached by it had its grounds well  

set out on the materials on record, the acquittal may  

not be interfered with.  Thus, this fine distinction has  

to be kept in mind by the Court while exercising its  

appellate  jurisdiction.   The  golden  rule  is  that  the  

Court  is  obliged  and  it  will  not  abjure  its  duty  to  

prevent miscarriage of justice where interference is  

imperative and the ends of justice so require and it is  

essential to appease the judicial conscience.

29. Keeping in view the aforesaid principles, we proceed  

to analyse the reasons ascribed by the High Court  

while  recording  the  acquittal.   In  the  case  of  Lal  

Chand @ Ram Niwas, the High Court has opined that  

though he was named along with other persons who  

constituted  a  group  of  25-26  persons  and  had  

surrounded the house of Purshottam, yet none of the  

witnesses had mentioned that he had gone on the  



Page 32

roof of the house or damaged the roof and, therefore,  

his participation in the crime appears to be doubtful.  

While addressing the conviction relating to Revdi Lal,  

the High Court  has  noticed that  the  only  evidence  

against  him  is  that  he  had  gone  to  the  house  of  

Purshottam and thrown stones, but no other witnesse  

has  named  him  barring  Ramlal,  PW-2.   The  High  

Court  has  found  that  in  all  possibility,  there  was  

exaggeration  or  embellishment  and,  accordingly,  

given  him  benefit  of  doubt.   Dwelling  upon  the  

conviction  of  Ghanshyam,  the  Division  Bench  has  

observed  that  the  allegations  against  him  are  

omnibus in nature and do not inspire confidence and,  

accordingly  extended benefit  of  doubt.   On similar  

analysis, Radhey Shyam s/o Prahlad, Mangi Lal and  

Babu Lal S/o Dev Lal have been extended the benefit  

of doubt.  As far as Mohan Lal is concerned, the High  

Court  perceived  that  there  are  material  

contradictions  in  the  evidence  of  the  witnesses  

pertaining  to  the  involvement  of  Mohan  Lal  and,  

hence, felt that it was not safe to convict him and,  



Page 33

accordingly, on proper scrutiny of the evidence, gave  

him the benefit of doubt.  Applying the principles laid  

down by this Court in the aforesaid authorities, it is  

very difficult to hold that there are ‘substantial and  

compelling  reasons’,  ‘good  and  sufficient  grounds’,  

‘very  strong  circumstances’,  ‘distorted  conclusions’  

or  ‘glaring  mistakes’,  and  the  prosecution  has  

discharged the  onus and,  therefore,  we are of  the  

considered opinion that  the view expressed by the  

High Court does not suffer from any such infirmity.  

We  are  inclined  to  think  that  the  approach  of  the  

High Court cannot be said to be totally implausible.  

It  has taken note of the involvement of number of  

persons and, after filtering the grain from the chaff  

and on due consideration of the material on record,  

has  extended the  benefit  of  doubt  to  the  accused  

persons who have been acquitted.  Thus, we are not  

disposed  to  dislodge  the  conclusions  arrived  at  by  

the High Court in recording the acquittal.   

30. The  next  issue  that  emerges  for  consideration  is  

whether  the  High  Court  has  fallen  into  error  by  



Page 34

commuting  the  death  sentence  to  that  of  life  

imprisonment.   The High  Court,  while  dealing  with  

the Death Reference, has opined that when specific  

overt  acts  have  not  been  attributed  and  similarly  

placed  accused  persons  have  been  given  life  

sentence and Ram Narayan, who had engineered the  

incident,  has  breathed  his  last,  it  would  not  be  

appropriate  to  impose  death  sentence.   The  High  

Court  has  observed  that  the  three  sons  of  Ram  

Narayan had been awarded death sentence and the  

other  two are villagers and in  the backdrop of  the  

situation,  there  were  mitigating  factors  for  

commutation of the sentence.   

31. Apart from the reasons ascribed by the High Court,  

we think it  apposite  to  consider  the  circumstances  

whether  in  the  present  case,  death  sentence  is  

warranted.  In Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab16,  

the Constitution Bench has held as follows: -

“A real and abiding concern for the dignity  of  human  life  postulates  resistance  to  taking a life through law's instrumentality.  That  ought  not  to  be  done  save  in  the  

16 (1980) 2 SCC 684



Page 35

rarest of rare cases when the alternative  option is unquestionably foreclosed.”

32. In  Machhi  Singh  and  Others  v.  State  of   

Punjab17, the Court, after stating the feeling of the  

community  and  its  desire  for  self  preservation,  

expressed that in every case,  the community does  

not  desire  to  withdraw  the  protection  of  self  

preservation  by  sanctioning  the  death  penalty.   It  

may  do  so  in  “rarest  of  rare  cases”  when  its  

collective  conscience  is  so  shocked  that  it  would  

expect  the  holders  of  the  judicial  power  centre  to  

inflict  death  penalty  irrespective  of  their  personal  

opinion  as  regards  the  desirability  or  otherwise  of  

retaining death penalty.  After so stating, the three-

Judge  Bench culled  out  the  propositions  envisaged  

from Bachan Singh’s case which are as follows: -

“(i) The extreme penalty of death need not  be  inflicted  except  in  gravest  cases  of  extreme culpability.

(ii) Before opting for the death penalty the  circumstances  of  the  ‘offender’  also  require  to  be  taken  into  consideration  along  with  the  circumstances  of  the  ‘crime’.

17  (1983) 3 SCC 470



Page 36

(iii) Life imprisonment is the rule and death  sentence is  an exception.  In  other  words  death  sentence  must  be  imposed  only  when life imprisonment appears to be an  altogether inadequate punishment having  regard  to  the  relevant  circumstances  of  the  crime,  and  provided,  and  only  provided, the option to impose sentence of  imprisonment  for  life  cannot  be  conscientiously exercised having regard to  the nature and circumstances of the crime  and all the relevant circumstances.

(iv)  A  balance  sheet  of  aggravating  and  mitigating circumstances has to be drawn  up  and  in  doing  so  the  mitigating  circumstances  have  to  be  accorded  full  weightage  and  a  just  balance  has  to  be  struck  between  the  aggravating  and  the  mitigating circumstances before the option  is exercised.”

33. In  Haresh  Mohandas  Rajput  v  State  of   

Maharshtra18,  the Bench referred to the principles  

in Bachan Singh (supra) and Machhi Singh (supra)  

and proceeded to state as follows:-

“  “The  rarest  of  the  rare  case”  comes  when  a  convict  would  be  a  menace  and  threat  to  the  harmonious  and  peaceful  coexistence of the society. The crime may  be heinous or brutal but may not be in the  category of “the rarest of the rare case”.  There must be no reason to believe that  the  accused  cannot  be  reformed  or  rehabilitated  and  that  he  is  likely  to  continue criminal acts of violence as would  

18 (2011) 12 SCC 56



Page 37

constitute  a  continuing  threat  to  the  society. The accused may be a menace to  the society and would continue to be so,  threatening  its  peaceful  and  harmonious  coexistence.  The  manner  in  which  the  crime is  committed must be such that  it  may  result  in  intense  and  extreme  indignation  of  the  community  and  shock  the  collective  conscience  of  the  society.  Where  an  accused  does  not  act  on  any  spur-of-the-moment  provocation  and  indulges himself in a deliberately planned  crime  and  meticulously  executes  it,  the  death  sentence  may  be  the  most  appropriate punishment for such a ghastly  crime.  The  death  sentence  may  be  warranted where the victims are innocent  children and helpless women. Thus, in case  the crime is committed in a most cruel and  inhuman  manner  which  is  an  extremely  brutal, grotesque, diabolical, revolting and  dastardly  manner,  where  his  act  affects  the entire  moral  fibre  of  the society  e.g.  crime  committed  for  power  or  political  ambition or indulging in organised criminal  activities,  death  sentence  should  be  awarded.  (See  C.  Muniappan v.  State  of  T.N.19,  Dara  Singh v.  Republic  of  India20,  Surendra  Koli v.  State  of  U.P.21,  Mohd.  Mannan v. State of Bihar22 and  Sudam v.  State of Maharashtra23.)”

34. In  Ram Pal  v.  State of U.P.24, a two-Judge Bench  

took note of the fact that there has been termination  

of  life  of  number  of  people  and  opined  that  the  

19 (2010) 9 SCC 567 20 (2011) 2 SCC 490  21 (2011) 4 SCC 80 22 (2011) 5 SCC 509 23 (2011) 7 SCC 125 24 (2003) 7 SCC 141



Page 38

number  of  deaths  cannot  be  the  sole  criterion  for  

awarding  the  maximum  punishment  of  death.   It  

further ruled that while in a given case, death penalty  

may be the appropriate sentence even for a single  

murder, it would not necessarily mean that in every  

case of multiple murders, death penalty has to be the  

normal rule.  The Court took note of the guidelines  

stated  by  the  Constitution  Bench  in  the  case  of  

Bachan  Singh  (supra),  the  aggravating  

circumstances  and  the  mitigating  circumstances  

postulated therein and opined that the incident had  

taken  place  as  a  sequel  to  the  murder  of  close  

relative  of  the  appellant  and  the  other  principal  

accused  which  was  suspected  to  have  been  

committed  by  the  members  of  the  victims’  family.  

The  two-Judge  Bench  expressed  the  view  that  the  

circumstance  could  be  treated  as  a  circumstance  

which  amounted  to  a  provocation  from  the  victim  

side.  That apart, the two-Judge Bench observed that  

the appellant  therein was similarly placed with the  

other  accused  persons  who  had  been  imposed  



Page 39

sentence for life imprisonment and further, they had  

spent nearly seventeen years in custody.

35. In the present case,  as we notice from the factual  

matrix,  the  crime  had  taken  place  because  Ram  

Narayan  had  suspected  that  the  accused  persons  

were responsible for  extinguishing the life spark of  

his son.  It is also seen that similarly placed persons  

have been imposed life sentence.  Quite apart from  

that,  all  the  accused  persons  have  almost  spent  

thirteen years in custody.  Regard being had to the  

totality of the circumstances, it cannot be said that  

imprisonment  for  life  is  inadequate  and  the  

circumstances are so grave that it calls for a death  

sentence.  When we adjudge the whole scenario in  

proper perspective, we are inclined to think that it is  

not  a  case  which  can  be  treated  to  be  a  case  of  

extreme culpability and there is no other option but  

to impose death penalty.  Thus, we do not find any  

error in the decision of the High Court by which it has  

commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment.



Page 40

36. Consequently,  the  appeal  filed  by  the  accused-

appellants  and  the  appeals  filed  by  the  State  for  

enhancement  of  penalty  and  reversal  of  the  

judgment  of  acquittal  rendered  in  favour  of  the  

accused persons are dismissed.

……………………………….J. [K. S. Radhakrishnan]

….………………………….J.                                            [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi; April 22, 2013.