05 July 2011
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-004561-004561 / 2008
Diary number: 16879 / 2008






ITC LTD. … Appellant


State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors. … Respondents

With  Civil  Appeal  Nos.4562/2008,  4563/2008,  4564/2008,  4565/2008,  4566/2008,  4567/2008,  4568/2008,  4569/2008,  4570/2008,  4571/2008,  4572/2008 and 4968/2008.



The appellants in these appeals are the lessees of plots allotted by the  

New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (for short ‘the Authority’ or  

‘NOIDA’)  for  construction  of  5  star,  4  star  and  3  star  hotels  in  Noida,  

District  Gautam  Budh  Nagar,  Uttar  Pradesh.  The  said  Authority  was  

constituted  under  the  provisions  of  the  U.P.Industrial  Area  Development


Act,  1976  (‘Act’  for  short)  for  development  of  an  Industrial  and  Urban  

Township of Noida in Uttar Pradesh, neighbouring Delhi.  

2. Tourism  was  granted  the  status  of  an  “industry”  by  the  state  

government during 1997-98, by extending certain concessions and facilities  

available to industries. However as tourism, in particular hotel industry, had  

not  received  the  required  encouragement,  the  state  government  with  the  

intention of attracting capital investment in tourism industry came up with a  

policy, as per its communication dated 22.5.2006 addressed to the Director  

General of Tourism, Uttar Pradesh. Relevant portions of the said policy are  

extracted below :

(1) Land should be earmarked for hotels by the concerned Development  Authorities while preparing the Master Plan with the cooperation of  the Tourism Department and such land should be provided for hotels.  Where the Master-Plan stands finalized, the said procedure has to be  followed  in  respect  of  surplus  land.  In  regard  to  Development  Authorities which have not finalised the Master Plan, steps may be  taken for reserving land for hotels to the extent possible, near tourist  spots/places  of  tourism  with  the  assistance  of  the  Tourism  Department. Whenever the Master Plans of Authorities are revised,  the land should be earmarked for hotels with the assistance of the  Tourism Department. The lands earmarked will be kept reserved for  tourism/hotels for five years from the date of publicizing the scheme.  If no hotel entrepreneur comes forward in five years,  the authority  shall be free to alter its land use.

(2) If change in land use by the Authority is necessary for giving the  earmarked plot to hotel industry, such change in land use shall be  done by the Authority in accordance with the rules and the prescribed  procedures on a ‘case to case’ basis by the competent authority.

(3) &



(4)      x x x x x

(5) Since Tourism including Hotels, has been given the status of Industry,  in  regard  to  hotels  also  plots  shall  be earmarked as  in  the  case  of  industries, and shall be allotted  at industrial rates as in the case of  industrial plots. This policy shall be implemented in every district of  the State.

(6) x x x x x

(7) They shall be given cent-percent rebate in Sukh Sadhan Tax for five  years from the date of starting of new hotels. Other concessions shall  be admissible as per industrial policy.

(8) The  earmarked  land  for  Hotel  industry,  shall  be  allotted  only  to  Tourism entrepreneurs.

 (10) Land shall be made available to hotel entrepreneurs by all Authorities  

including the Housing and Industrial Development Departments, at  industrial  rates.  To  ensure  that  hotel  entrepreneurs  may  get  the  benefit  of this provision, all  the above Authorities shall ensure the  necessary arrangements/amendment in their rules so that it may be  possible  to  make  available  the  land  to  hotel  entrepreneurs  on  industrial rates.

(11) Only in areas where there are Authorities, the estimation of category  wise requirement, determination of number of plots and star category  wise  determination  of  hotels  will  be  made  by  the  concerned  Authorities. In other areas the Tourism Department shall assist in this  exercise.  

x x x x x

(15) After earmarking the land for hotels, applications will have to be  invited for allotment  to hotel/tourist  entrepreneurs  on industrial  rates.  The  condition  of  eligibility  for  applicant  shall  be  as  follows:-  x x x  

(16) Where there is industrial lands, and more than one applicant, the  Development  Authorities  shall  allot  the  industrial  land on  the  basis of suitability of the applicants, in accordance with the current  procedure.”    

 (emphasis supplied)



3. At the 135th meeting of the Board of Directors/Members of NOIDA  

(for short ‘NOIDA Board’) held on 5.6.2006, the said State Policy dated  

22.5.2006 to attract more capital investment in tourism/hotel industry was  

considered. The NOIDA Board resolved to implement the said policy in the  

areas  falling  within  its  jurisdiction  and  apply  the  rates  applicable  to  its  

Industrial area (Phase I) to the plots to be allotted to the hotel industry. The  

rate  referred  was  the  reserve  rate  of  Rs.7400/-  per  sq.m.  applicable  to  

Industrial Area (Phase I) plots, fixed by the NOIDA Board at its meeting  

held on 20.3.2006. The resolution also mentioned that the implementation of  

the  said  policy  should ensure  construction of  sufficient  hotels  before the  

Commonwealth  Games  to  be  held  in  Delhi,  which  were  scheduled  to  

commence in October, 2010. Having regard to the importance of the matter,  

the Principal Secretary, Tourism, the Commissioner, Meerut Circle and the  

Director of Industries of the U.P. Government, attended the said meeting as  

special invitees.

4. At a meeting held by the Circle Commissioner, Meerut on 2.7.2006  

with officials of NOIDA, he communicated the direction that construction of  

Hotels  should  be  completed  before  the  commencement  of  the  

Commonwealth  Games.  At the said meeting the following 14 plots were  



identified as being suitable for allotment as hotels/plots:  (a) six plots each  

measuring 40000 sq.m. for 5 star hotels in Sectors 96, 97 and 98; (b) five  

plots each measuring 20000 sq.m. for 4 star hotels in Sectors 72, 101, 105,  

124 and 135; and (c) three plots for 3 star hotels (measuring 20000, 20000 &  

10000 sq.m.) in Sectors 62, 63, and 142. In view of the Government’s Policy  

dated  22.5.2006  and  the  decisions  taken  at  the  meeting  chaired  by  the  

Commissioner,  Meerut  Circle  on  6.7.2006,  the  NOIDA  Board  took  the  

following decisions at its 136th meeting held on 14.7.2006 : (i) It approved  

the proposal for making provision for hotels in reserved commercial area –  

Zone C 3 (as hotels had not been permitted in commercial areas C-1 and C-2  

of the master plan reserved for wholesale and retail activities and as there  

was demand for hotels due to Commonwealth Games 2010) and directed  

inclusion thereof in the approved proposed NOIDA Master Plan 2021 and  

reference to the State Government for its approval. (ii) It decided to launch  

the Hotel  Plot  Allotment Scheme and authorized the CEO to finalise the  

terms and conditions for allotment, so as to ensure construction of hotels by  

the allottees before the commencement  of the Commonwealth  Games.  In  

pursuance  of  the  said  decision,  NOIDA  sent  a  communication  dated  

20.7.2006 to the State Government seeking approval of its decision to make  

a provision for hotels in commercial areas under Zone 3 and inclusion of it  



in NOIDA Master Plan, 2021.

5. The Secretary,  Sports  & Youth Affairs,  Government  of India,  held  

meetings with NOIDA officials on 28.7.2006 and 22.8.2006 in connection  

with preparations for Commonwealth Games scheduled in October, 2010. At  

those  meetings,  the  Secretary,  Sports  &  Youth  Affairs  stressed  the  

Government of  India’s  request  for earmarking 25 hotel  plots  in NOIDA.  

Therefore it was decided to reduce the area of 5 star hotels to 24000 sq.m.  

(instead of 40,000 sq.m. earlier proposed), the area of 4 star hotels to 12500  

sq.m. (instead of 20000 sq.m.) and the area of 3 star Hotels to 7500 sq.m.  

(instead of 10000 sq.m.) and thereby convert the 14 plots into 25 plots made  

up of 10 plots for 5 star hotels, 5 plots for 4 star hotels and 10 plots for 3 star  

hotels.  At  the  meeting  held  on  28.8.2006 under  the  chairmanship  of  the  

Circle Commissioner, Meerut, the said decision to increase the number of  

plots for hotels from 14 to 25 by reducing the plot measurements,  in the  

following manner:  

(i) Ten plots for 3 star hotels – (area 7500 sq.m. each)

Plot Nos. SDC/H1 and SDC/H2 in sector 62, plot Nos.A-155/B and  A-155/C in sector 63, plot No. SDC/H 2 in sector 72, plot No.124A/2  in sector 124, plot No.SDC/H-2 in sector 103, plot No.SDC/H-2 in  sector 105, SDC/H-2 in sector 135 and plot No.14 in sector 142.  

(ii) Five plots for 4 star hotels : (area : 12,500 sq.m. each)



Plot No.SDC/H-1 in sectors 72, 103, 105 and 135 and plot No.124A/1  in sector 124.  

 (iii) Ten plots for 5 star hotels : (area 24,000 sq.m.)

Plot Nos.H-1 to H-10 in sectors 96, 97 and 98.

The proposal for approving the increase in number of plots and reductions in  

their  size  was  placed  before  the  NOIDA Board  at  the  137th meeting  on  

1.9.2006.  The  NOIDA  Board  approved  the  proposal.  The  terms  and  

conditions  for  allotment  drawn  by  the  CEO were  also  approved  with  a  

modification  that  they  should  provide  for  obtaining  Hotel  Completion  

Certificate by December 2009 (with authority to CEO to grant extension of  


6. In pursuance of the said decision, NOIDA published the Hotel Site  

Allotment Scheme on 17.10.2006, by advertisements in newspapers and by  

issue  of  information  brochures  containing  detailed  terms  and  conditions,  

inviting applications for allotment of plots for 5 star, 4 star and 3 star hotels  

in  NOIDA  on  90  years  lease  basis.  Applications  were  made  available  

between 17.10.2006 and 1.11.2006 (extended till  10.11.2006).  We extract  

below the relevant information from the Brochures. The following eligibility  

criteria were prescribed  :



Eligibility  criterion  for  selection (extracted  from  clauses  8  to  11  of  Brochures)

Minimum  experience  in  Hotel business

10 years for 5 star and 4 star; 5 years for 3  star

Average turnover during the  last three years

Rs.100  crores,  Rs.  75  crores  &  Rs.50  crores respectively for five star, four star  and three star,  

Net worth Positive

Allotment of hotel sites among the eligible applicants shall be done on the  basis of their experience, turnover and net worth. Allotment of hotel site to  the  eligible  applicants  shall  be  made  in  descending  order,  of  the  plot  applied  for,  on  the  basis  of  their  evaluation.  In  case  same  marks  are  obtained by more than one applicant, then allotment amongst them shall  be made on the basis of draw of lots.

For each hotel that has a tie up/collaboration with international chain of  hotels or in case the applicant company/institution is itself an international  chain, then three additional marks shall be awarded for each hotel in the  3/4/5  star  and above/equivalent  rating category  owned/managed  by the  applicant.  

“Rate  of  Allotment,  that  is  premium  payable  (Clause  13  of  the  Brochure)

a) The current rate of allotment is Rs.7,400/- (Rupees Seven Thousand  Four Hundred Only) per square metre.

b) Besides, Location benefit charges as stated below shall be charged in  addition to above allotment rate at the following rates :-

(i) 2.5% of above rate if plot is on 18 mtr. but less than 30 mtr.  wide road.

(ii) 5% of above rate if plot is on a road having width of 30  mtr. or above.

(iii) 2.5% of above rate if plot is facing/abutting green belt or  park.

(iv) 2.5% of above rate if plot is a corner plot.  

The maximum location charges would not exceed 10% of the total  allotment amount of the plot.



c) The land rate stated above is  subject  to change without  giving any  notice.  The  rate  prevailing  on  the  date  of  issue  of  allotment  letter  would be applicable.”

Payment of annual rent  : (extracted from clause E in the Brochures)

In addition to the amount paid/payable for the allotment of plot,  allottee shall  have to pay yearly  lease rent in  the manner given  below :

a) The lease rent will be 2.5% of the total amount paid for the plot  and will be payable annually.

b) On expiry of every ten years from the date of execution of the  lease deed, lease rent would be enhanced by 50% of the annual  rent payable at the time of such enhancement.

x x x x x x

e) Allottee has the option to pay lease rent equivalent to 11  years of the current lease rent as “One Time Lease Rent”  unless the Authority decides to withdraw this facility.  On  payment of One Time Lease Rent, no further annual lease  rent  would  be  required  to  be  paid  for  the  balance  lease  period. This option may be exercised at any time during the  lease period, provided the allottee has paid the earlier lease  rent due and lease rent already paid will not be considered  in One Time Lease Rent option.”     

Norms of development (extracted from Clause (I) in the Brochures):

(a) Ground coverage and floor area ratio is as under :

Maximum ground coverage : 25% [for 5/4 star]  30% [for 3 star]

Maximum FAR : 2 [for 5/4 star]  1.5 [for 3 star]

   Maximum height & set backs : as per building bye-laws

(b) Other norms:

i. 5% of the FAR can be used for Commercial space.



ii. Basement below the ground floor to the maximum extent of  ground coverage shall be allowed and if use for parking and  services would not be counted in the FAR. Basement used  for parking will be permitted upto the setback line of the  plot.”

“Transfer (Clause J of the Brochures)

1. The  allotted  plot  shall  not  be  transferred  before  the  allotted  premises  is  declared  functional  by  the  Authority.  In  case  the  allottee  wants  to  transfer  the  plot  after  the  hotel  is  declared  functional, the allottee will have to seek prior permission from the  Authority. Authority may refuse to allow transfer without giving  any reason.  However,  in  case  the  transfer  is  permitted,  transfer  charges  shall  be  payable  as  per  policy of  the Authority  and all  terms  and  conditions  of  transfer  memorandum shall  be  binding  jointly and severally on the transferee and transferor.

2. No  change  in  shareholding  pattern  of  the  members  in   the  Consortium shall  be  permitted  till  the  project  is  completed  and  functionality certificate is obtained from the Authority.

3. In no circumstances, the sub-division of plot will be allowed by the  Authority.

4. The allottee shall not be allowed to use any land other than allotted  premises  and  shall  also  ensure  to  keep  the  allotted  premises,  environment neat & clean.   

Cancellation (Clause (o) of the Brochures)

(i) If it is discovered that the allotment of the plot has been obtained  by suppression of any fact or misstatement or misrepresentation or  fraud the allotment  of the plot  shall  be cancelled and the entire  deposited amount shall be forfeited to the Authority.

(ii) If there is any breach in the terms of allotment, or if the allottee  does not abide the terms and conditions of the building rules or any  rules framed by NOIDA, the allotment may be cancelled by the  Authority  and  the  possession  of  the  demised  premises  shall  be  taken over by the Authority from the allottee.  In such an event,  allottee will not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever and  refund of any amount credited or is in arrears/overdue as Revenue  Receipt(s) if any, may be refunded after forfeiting the amount as  per rules. However, total forfeited amount would not exceed the  total deposits.  



7. The number of applications received under the said scheme published  

on 17.10.2006 and the allotments made after processing and evaluation, are  

as under :

Category  of  Hotel Plots

No.  of  plots  offered  for  allotment   

No.  of  applications  received  

Number  of  allotments made

5 star 10 15 9 4 star 5 5 2 3 star 10 11 3 Total 25 31 14

It  is  stated  by  NOIDA  that  the  evaluation  of  applications  and  

recommendations  for  allotment  were  made  by  an  independent  Screening  

Committee (U.P.Industrial Consultants Ltd.) and the recommendations for  

allotments  were  approved  by  the  CEO of  NOIDA.  The  allotments  were  

made on 12.1.2007 and the allottees were required to pay the premium for  

the leases at the rate of Rs.7400/- per sq.m. plus location charges. At the  

142nd meeting held on 9.2.2007, the Board of Directors of NOIDA approved  

the CEO’s acceptance of the recommendations of the Screening Committee  

relating to allotment and directed that the remaining 11 unallotted plots (7  

plots  in  3  star  category,  3  plots  in  4  star  category  and  1  plot  in  5  star  

category) be re-advertised.  



8. At the 143rd meeting held on 9.3.2007, the Board of NOIDA perused  

the  relevant  agenda  and  noted  the  allotments  made  to  the  allottees,  the  

payments received by way of premium from the allottees and the proposals  

for execution of lease deeds in favour of  the allottees  of the hotel  plots,  

under  the  government  scheme dated  22.5.2006 approved on 5.6.2006.  In  

pursuance of the above, lease deeds have been executed and presented for  

registration in March, April and May, 2007. In two cases the lease deeds  

have  been  registered.  In  other  cases,  it  is  stated  that  the  registration  is  

pending in view of proceedings for under-valuation on the ground that as  

against the circle rate of Rs.70,000 per sq.m., the premium for the lease was  

only Rs.7,400 per sq.m.  

9. At that stage, two writ petitions (Civil Misc. W.P. No.24917/2007 and  

PIL  W.P.  No.29252/2007)  were  filed  in  the  High  Court  of  Allahabad,  

challenging the allotment of the hotel sites by NOIDA on the ground that the  

allotment  was  at  a  very  low  price.  The  first  writ  petition  was  filed  on  

22.5.2007,  hardly  within  one  month  from date  of  execution  of  the  lease  

deeds. In the said writ petition, a division bench of the High Court made a  

reasoned  interim  order  on  22.5.2007  directing  the  state  government  to  

exercise  its  power  of  revision  under  section  41(3)  of  the  U.P.  Urban  



Planning & Development Act, 1973 (for short ‘1973 Act’) read with section  

12 of the Act and take a relook in regard to the allotments made in favour of  

the appellants by NOIDA and take an independent decision. In pursuance of  

the  said  application,  the  state  government  examined  the  matter  and  

concluded that the allotments made to the appellants were irregular on two  

grounds. Firstly allotments of commercial plots had been made for industrial  

purposes  at  industrial  rates  without  getting  the  land  use  changed  from  

commercial  to  industrial  in  accordance  with  the  regulations  and  without  

obtaining the consent of the state government. Secondly, the plots earmarked  

for commercial use in a commercial area were allotted at rates applicable to  

industrial plots, without calling for competitive bids/tenders and without the  

permission of the state government. It therefore directed NOIDA to cancel  

the allotments and initiate action against the officers of NOIDA responsible  

for the irregularities.  

10. NOIDA implemented the said direction dated 1.8.2007 issued by the  

State Government by issuing cancellation letters dated 3.8.2007 cancelling  

the allotments and consequential leases granted in favour of the appellants.  

NOIDA informed the allottees that action was being taken as per rules to  

refund the money being paid by them and called upon them to return the  



possession of the plots. Letters of cancellation stated that as per the NOIDA  

Development  Area  Building  Regulations  and  Directions,  1986  and  2006  

(published in the Gazettes dated 01.12.1986 and 05.12.2006 respectively),  

hotels fall under commercial category and therefore the Government Policy  

dated 22.05.2006 was null and void; and that even if the government policy  

dated 22.5.2006 was valid, the following mistakes in the allotment could not  

be legally rectified and therefore the allotments were being cancelled:  

(i) F.A.R. of the plots is fixed at 2.00 in the Brochure whereas F.A.R. of  industrial plots is 0.60.

(ii) The  Government  Order  dated  22.05.06  issued  by  the  Tourism  department does not refer to 5% of F.A.R. being used for commercial  activities.  But  NOIDA’s  hotel  scheme  contained  in  the  Brochures  shows that 5% of F.A.R. is fixed for commercial activities,

(iii) According to the Building byelaws of the Authority published in the  Gazette dated 16.12.2006, ‘hotel’ is kept in commercial category. All  the  allotted  plots  are  shown for  commercial  use  in  NOIDA Master  Plan. According to the current policy of the Authority, the disposal of  commercial plots has to be done by inviting bids/tenders. But the said  procedure was not adopted.

(iv) The allotment of plots is made at industrial rates. The then prevailing  reserved rates in Industrial Area Phase-I was Rs.7,400/- per sq.mt. And  its allotment should be made on the basis of bids/tenders. But in the  allotment  of  hotel,  the  bids/tender  procedure  along  with  the  above  rates were not followed.

(v) All the plots allotted in the cases in question are shown for commercial  purpose.  Before including these plots in hotel  scheme, according to  Para 2 of the Government Order dated 22.05.06 it was necessary to  change the use of the land from commercial to industrial, for which  permission from N.C.R. Planning Board was necessary which was not  complied with in the case at hand.”    



11. The state government also filed an affidavit before the High Court on  

2.8.2007,  in  the  writ  petitions  challenging the  allotments,  referring to  its  

aforesaid decision and the consequential direction issued to the NOIDA on  

1.8.2007. The relevant portions of the said affidavit are extracted below :

“3. That after receipt of the orders of this Hon’ble Court the matter was  examined  by  the  infrastructure  and  Development  committee  in  consultation with concerned Officers including chairman & CEO, NOIDA  and found that  without  changing the  land use  of  land in question,  the  commercial  land  was  given  for  industrial  purpose  and  opined  that  the  allotment of land by NOIDA does not appear to be justified and seems  liable for cancellation in accordance with law.”

“4.  That  the  recommendations  of  Infrastructure  and  Industrial  Development Commissioner was considered by the State Government and  a decision was taken in exercise of the power vested under section 41(1)  of the U.P.Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973 to direct NOIDA  Authority to take action in accordance with law. It was also decided to  direct the NOIDA Authority to identify the guilty officials and send the  recommendation to the Government.”  

In view of the affidavit filed by the State Government, and the cancellation  

of allotments by NOIDA, the writ petitioners sought leave to withdraw the  

writ  petitions.  The  High  Court  by  a  detailed  order  dated  10.8.2007,  

dismissed the writ  petitions as withdrawn,  as the reliefs  sought had been  


12. Thereafter  the appellants  filed writ  petitions before the High Court  

challenging  the  cancellation  of  allotment  of  plots  and  the  leases  by  

communications dated 3.8.2007. The said writ petitions were allowed by a  



Division  Bench  of  the  Allahabad  High  Court  by  a  common  order  dated  

13.5.2008. The High Court quashed the order dated 1.8.2007 of the State  

Government and the cancellation orders dated 3.8.2007 passed by NOIDA  

on the ground that they were opposed to principles of natural justice for want  

of opportunity of hearing as required under proviso to section 41(3) of 1973  

Act.  The  High  Court  therefore  remanded  the  matters  to  the  State  

Government for taking a fresh decision, after affording an opportunity of  

hearing to the writ petitioners, keeping in view the following observations of  

the High Court:

“The  question  as  to  whether  the  rates  were  fixed in  the  advertisement  whereas the same were meant to be only a reserved price, would lead to  the conclusion that a minimum price had been fixed and that offers for  higher amount could be made but at the same time, it is to be noted that in  spite of this price which was indicated in the advertisement, only 14 plots  could be settled as against the 25 plots which had been advertised. This  clearly indicates that in spite of adequate advertisement having been made,  the authority was unable to fetch investors for almost half of the plots.  This clearly reflects that the stringent conditions which had been imposed  in  the  advertisement,  detracted  prospective  investors  to  a  great  extent.  Even  before  this  Court,  there  is  no  challenge  by  way  of  any  such  prospective investor to the said advertisement or the procedure adopted by  the  authority  except  for  two  petitions  filed  as  a  PIL  which  were  also  ultimately  withdrawn  by  the  petitioners  therein.  Thus,  in  these  circumstances, it cannot be readily inferred that the deal was a mala fide   deal or was some sort of underhand dealing merely because plots had  been sold at much higher rates in the nearly commercial area. This, in our  opinion, would be comparing uncomparables inasmuch as the terms and  conditions in the present allotment are far more stringent and curtail much  of the rights as against those plots which have been settled by NOIDA at  higher  rates  on different  terms and conditions.  In  the instant  case,  the  authority  has  come  up  with  the  plea  that  there  was  a  mistake  in  the   implementation  of  the  policy  on account  of  an incorrect  interpretation   with regard to the industrial rates to be applied at the time of allotment. It  is  surprising  as  to  how the authority  has  termed it  as  a  mistake  when  



extensive deliberations had taken place and conscious decisions had been  implemented  followed  by  execution  of  lease  deeds  and  registration  thereof.

Admittedly  no misrepresentation  had been made by petitioners,  on the  contrary, it is a clear case of misrepresentation by the NOIDA that land  would be allotted at fixed price of Rs.7,400/- per sq. mtr. Not a single  person has come forward to offer any higher price for either of the plots.  No doubt, statutory rules have been violated but such violations appear to  be more technical than contrary to public interest.

It is not in dispute that once the NOIDA had adopted the policy decision  dated 22nd May, 2006 in toto, regulations could be amended and if same  had not been done, the State Government could have asked the NOIDA to  make the amendments for giving effect to the policy decision dated 22nd  May, 2006.

The question as to whether the rules and regulations require amendment  for  the  purposes  of  justifying  the  advertisement,  has  not  all  been  considered  by  the  State  Government  or  NOIDA  while  passing  the  impugned  order.  This  has  vitally  affected  the  rights  which  accrued  in  favour of the petitioners on account of the action of the parties in altering  their position after the allotment was made. Whether the implementation  of the policy without bringing an amendment in the rules and regulations  would be fatal, should have been the subject matter of deliberations by the  State Government while passing the impugned order inasmuch as we do  not  find  any  such  reason  reflected  therein.  Even  otherwise,  if  this  irregularity did exist,  then it was still  open to the State Government to  have considered the implementation of any such amendment looking to  the fact that the hotels were very much urgently required and the work was  required to be finished by 2009. It is nobody’s case that there was no fair  advertisement indicating the terms and conditions on which the allotment  was to be made. The policy to invoke the industrial rates for allotment was  only  to  promote  the  hotel  business  in  view  of  the  forthcoming  Commonwealth Games and, in the long run, to promote tourism. It is for   the State Government to decide as to whether the rates prescribed were   reasonable vis-à-vis the object sought to be achieved.  It  cannot be lost  sight of that there are many allotments made by the Government even free  of cost to exclusively charitable institutions or institutions which provide  services on ‘no profit no loss’ basis to the public at large. Can it be said  that the allotment of such plots have also to be tuned keeping in view the  high rate of revenue that can be collected from the land? Thus, the purpose  which has to be seen and the object which is sought to be achieved, in our  opinion,  is  in  the  realm  of  policy  decision  to  be  taken  by  the  State  Government founded on a reasonable basis and which has a rational nexus  with the object to be achieved.  The consideration for fixing appropriate   



rates may also be one of the factors but the same has to be concluded by  taking  an  appropriate  decision.  Thus,  the  decision  in  this  case  was  required to take after giving opportunity of hearing to the petitioners as the  petitioners had acquired valuable rights due to intervening events. This is  we are saying again keeping in view the undiluted facts that out of 25 plots  that  were offered,  only 14 prospective  allottees  have applied and were  allotted plots…..

In the absence of any kind of allegation of fraud or misrepresentation or   impression of bias or favouritism or nepotism or corruption, the decision   to cancel the allotment needs a fresh look by the State Government in the   back ground of the observations made.

In our opinion the law laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the  case of  Sachidanand Pandey.  (Supra) is appropriately applicable in the  facts  of  the  present  case  and  should  have  been  noticed  by  the  State  Government along with other aspect of the matter before taking a decision  in the matter.

The State Government has failed to take note of the fact that the price  fetched in respect of plots settled with the petitioners was considered again  by the Board of NOIDA in its 137th meeting dated 4th September, 2006 and  after noticing the settlement made, at a price of Rs.7,400/- per sq. mtr.  with the petitioners, the Board approved the same. Meaning thereby that  even if, there may have been some irregularity in the settlement of plots,  vis-à-vis policy guidelines stood condoned by the NOIDA itself. The State   Government  should  have  also  kept  in  mind  that  the  petitioners  had  already been put in actual possession over the land in question, the lease- deeds had already been executed and 11 cases also registered.

The issue so formulated by us need examination by the State Government  afresh  in  the  background  that  public  interest  must  prevail  in  all  circumstances and all statutory provisions and the power conferred upon  the State Government under Section 41 of Act, 1973 must have at its heart  larger public good.”  

                           (emphasis supplied)   

13. The appellants being aggrieved by the said common order of the High  

Court,  to the extent it  remanded the matters  to the State Government for  

fresh consideration, have filed these appeals by special leave. The appellants  



contended  that  the  High  Court,  having  quashed  the  order  of  the  State  

Government  dated  1.8.2007  and  the  consequential  orders  of  cancellation  

dated 3.8.2007 passed by NOIDA, ought to have upheld the allotments and  

leases and should not have remanded the matter to the state government for  

fresh  consideration.  On 9.7.2008 this  court  directed  status  quo regarding  

possession. On 18.7.2008 this court granted leave and issued the following  

directions :

“Interim stay of dispossession of the petitioners from the respective sites  allotted to them. The petitioners shall maintain status quo and shall not put  up any construction on the sites and shall not create any third party rights.  

The High Court while setting aside the cancellation of letters of allotment  has  directed  the  State  Government  to  give  a  hearing to  the  petitioners  individually  and  therefore  pass  a  reasoned  order,  in  the  light  of  its  observations, in regard to its proposal to cancel the allotment of sites.

We  direct  that  the  State  Government  (Principal  Secretary,  Industrial   Development Department, Uttar Pradesh Government) shall accordingly   give  a  hearing  and  pass  a  reasoned  order  in  accordance  with  law   uninfluenced by the observations made by the High Court in the impugned  judgment dated 13.5.2008.

All the petitioners agree to appear before the concerned Authority without  further notice on 11.08.2008 for such hearing. We make it clear that the  participation in such hearing by the petitioners and passing of orders by  Uttar  Pradesh  Government  will  be  without  prejudice  to  the  respective  contentions of parties.

List on 09.09.2008. The concerned Authority shall take its decision by that  date and submit its decision to this Court.”        

       (emphasis supplied)



14. In  pursuance  of  it,  the  state  government  (Principal  Secretary,  

Infrastructure and Industrial Development) gave a hearing to the appellants  

and  passed  individual  orders  dated  8.9.2008  in  the  case  of  each  of  the  

appellants, without reference to the observations or directions of the High  

Court.  The  state  government  has  held  that  the  allotment  of  plots  to  the  

appellants  was bad and cancelled the allotment and directed action to be  

taken against the erring officers of NOIDA. In the said orders dated 8.9.2008  

made under section 41(3) of the 1973 Act, the state government has held :  

(i) The  object  of  the  government  policy  dated  22.5.2006 was  to  treat  

hotels  as  ‘industry’,  and  make  allotment  of  land  in  favour  of  hotel  

entrepreneurs on industrial terms, subject to the statutory Regulations, 1996  

and  Building  Regulations,  2006  on  land  earmarked  for  industrial  use.  

Therefore  all  conditions  applicable  to  industrial  buildings  will  apply  to  

construction of hotels. NOIDA Master Plan had to be amended demarcating  

Sectors 96, 97, 98 (where five star Hotel Plots H-1 to H-10 are situated) and  

other commercial areas allotted for hotels, for industrial use.  

(ii)  Though NOIDA at its 135th meeting on 5.6.2006 while adopting the  

government policy dated 22.5.2006 resolved to change its rules, regulations  

and policy, it did not do so and consequently the allotments of plots were in  

violation of the statutory provisions, in particular Regulations 3(1)(b) and  

4(1)(b)(iii) read with Regulation 2(d) and (e) of the 1991 Regulations. The  



adoption of government policy dated 22.5.2006, did not result in automatic  

amendment or modification of the regulations of NOIDA.  

(iii) The allotments were made at the industrial rate of Rs.7400 per sq.m.  

The plots allotted were commercial plots, of which the prevailing circle rate  

was Rs.70,000 per sq.m. As a result, there was a loss of Rs.1643.77 crores to  

NOIDA in the premium charged for the 14 plots. If the rental income for 90  

years, with reference to a premium of Rs.70000/- per sq.m. is calculated, the  

loss on account of annual rent would be Rs.3077.37 crores. Thus the total  

loss of revenue by not inviting tenders was Rs.4721.14 crores.  

(iv) NOIDA could not  have allotted commercial  plots at  fixed rates,  in  

favour  of  the  appellants  without  public  auction  or  inviting  tenders.  If  it  

wanted to allot commercial plot at a fixed rate, it ought to have amended its  

regulations and policies, and that was not done.  

(v) The allotment of plots at Rs.7400 per sq.m. was illegal as the said  

price was not approved by the Board of NOIDA. The Board of Directors had  

directed at the 135th meeting on 5.6.2006 while deciding to implement the  

Government policy dated 22.5.2006, ‘to apply the rate of Industrial  Area  

Phase I’ for hotel industry. This meant that the reserve rate was to be fixed at  

Rs.7400/- per sq.m. for the plots and applications ought to have been invited  

by sealed tenders. But  the CEO of NOIDA had shown in the Brochures, a  

fixed allotment rate of Rs.7400/- per sq.m. contrary to the decision of the  

NOIDA Board. Secondly the reserve rate had to be fixed after ascertaining  

the market value which was also not done. The policy of NOIDA both in  

regard to allotment of both commercial plots and Industrial area – Phase I  



plots was on the basis of sealed tenders. That was violated by allotting plots  

at a fixed rate.  

(vi) The policy of the government dated 22.5.2006 adopted by NOIDA by  

resolution dated 5.6.2006 contemplated change of land use, amendment of  

regulations and policies of NOIDA, and following the prescribed procedure  

for  allotment  of  commercial  and  industrial  plots.  But  neither  the  

amendments were carried out, nor the prescribed procedures followed.

(vii) The  following violations make the allotments invalid : (a)  reserved  

price being treated as fixed price;  (b) procedure for allotment of plots in  

commercial areas and industrial areas (Phase I) which was by auction or by  

bids not being followed; (c) change of land use not being effected; and (d)  

regulations not being amended to give effect to the policy dated 22.5.2006.

15. As these revisional  orders dated 8.9.2008 were passed by the state  

government,  during  the  pendency  of  these  appeals,  in  pursuance  of  the  

directions  of  this  court  issued  on  18.7.2008,  this  court  permitted  the  

appellants  to  challenge the  said orders  of  cancellation  dated 8.9.2008 by  

filing additional grounds in order to avoid duplication of proceedings. The  

respondents were also permitted to file their additional counter affidavits.  

These appeals were therefore heard with reference to the challenge to the  

orders  of  cancellation  dated 8.9.2008,  in  addition to  the  challenge to the  

order of remand of the High Court dated 13.5.2008.  



16. We may first briefly deal with the challenge to the order of the High  

Court dated 13.5.2008. The High Court rightly set aside the orders dated  

1.8.2007  of  the  state  government,  because  no  hearing  was  given  to  the  

appellants as required under section 41(3) of the 1973 Act. Even otherwise,  

when  valuable  rights  had  vested  in  the  appellants,  by  reason  of  the  

allotments and grant of leases, such rights could not be interfered with or  

adversely affected,  without  a hearing to the affected parties.  Violation of  

principles  of  natural  justice  was  a  ground  to  set  aside  the  order  dated  

1.8.2007 and the  consequential  orders  dated  3.8.2007.  Several  objections  

were raised by appellants to the cancellation. These objections had not been  

considered by the state government. As the High Court was setting aside the  

orders dated 1.8.2007 and the consequential  order dated 3.8.2007, on the  

ground of  violation  of  principles  of  natural  justice,  necessarily  it  had  to  

direct the state government to reconsider the entire matter. The High Court  

therefore referred to the several issues which required to be considered and  

several admitted facts which will have a bearing thereon, and directed the  

state government to decide the matter  afresh after  hearing the appellants.  

This court reiterated the said direction in its interim order dated 18.7.2008.  

Therefore there is no need to interfere with the final order of the High Court.  



17. Therefore what in effect remains for our consideration is the validity  

of the orders of cancellation dated 8.9.2008 passed by the state government  

in exercise of its revisional jurisdiction. On the facts and circumstances and  

on the contentions urged, the questions that arise for consideration in these  

appeals broadly are :

I. Where allotment has been followed by grant of a lease (which is duly  

executed) and delivery of possession in favour of the lessee, whether the  

leases could be unilaterally cancelled by the lessor?

II. Whether the cancellations were on account of change in policy as a  

consequence of change of government, or on account of new government’s  

desire to nullify the actions of previous government?  

III. Whether  the  allotments  of  plots  to  appellants  suffer  from  any  

irregularity or illegality?  

(a) Whether  allotment  of  commercial  plots  for  hotels,  is  contrary to the government policy dated 22.5.2006, adopted by  NOIDA  on  5.6.2006,  or  the  regulations  and  policies  of  NOIDA?

(b) Whether allotment of hotel sites by NOIDA should have  been only on the basis of sealed tenders/public action?

(c) Whether the allotment rate is erroneous resulting in any  loss to NOIDA?

IV. If  there  is  any  violation  of  the  regulations/policies  of  NOIDA  in  

making the allotments, what is the consequence?  



(i) Who is responsible for the same?  

(ii) Whether  there  is  any  suppression,  misstatement  or  misrepresentation  of  facts,  or  fraud,  collusion  or  undue  influence on the part of any of the appellants in obtaining the  allotment/lease?

(iii) What should be the remedial action?  

I. Whether a completed lease can be cancelled?

18. The particulars of the lease deeds executed by NOIDA with regard to the  

hotel buildings allotted on 12.1.2007 to various allottees are as under:  

CA No. Name of  the  allottee/lessee   

Category Plot Number Date of  execution of  lease deed

Date of  delivery of  possession

4561/08 ITC Ltd. 5 star Plot No.H-5 Sector 97

11.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4562/08 Indian Hotels Ltd. 5 star Plot No.H-2 Sector 96

4.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4563/08 Bharat Hotels Ltd. 5 star Plot No.H-1 Sector 96

28.3.2007 (registered)


4564/08 Hampshire Hotels &  Resorts Pvt.Ltd.

5 star Plot No.H-3 Sector 96

28.3.2007 (registered)


4565/08 Arora Holdings Ltd.  (consortium)

5 star Plot No.H-6 Sector 97

18.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4566/08 Crimson Hotels Ltd.  through Clarkston Hotels  (P) Ltd.

5 star Plot No.H-7 Sector 97

11.7.2007 (pending  registration)  


4567/08 Mariada  Holdings Ltd. (consortium)

3 star Plot SDC-H-1 Sector 62

18.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4568/08 M/s Mast Craft Ltd. (consortium) through  M/s. NOIDA Luxury  Hotels & Resorts (P) Ltd.

3 star Plot SDC-H-2 Sector 105

18.4.2007 (pending  registration)  




4569/08 Swiss-Bell Hotels  International Ltd. (consortium)

5 star H - 9 Sector 98

18.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4570/08 Rendezvous Hotels  International Pvt.Ltd.  (Consortium) through  Somap Hotels (P) Ltd.

5 star H - 8 Sector 98

20.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4571/08 Royal Orchid Hotels Ltd. (consortium)

3 star 124 A/2 Sector 124

20.4.2007 (pending  registration)  


4572/08 Orchid Infrastructure  Developers Pvt. Ltd.

4 star 124 A/1 Sector 124

-- --

4968/08 Metrovino Management  Ltd. (Consortium)

4 star SDC/H-1 Sector 105

3.5.2007 (pending  registration)


-- Elbrus Builders (P) Ltd.  (Consortium)

5 star H-4  Sector 96

-- --

19. The  appellants  applied  for  allotment  in  pursuance  of  

advertisements/brochures  issued  in  October  1996  by  NOIDA  inviting  

applications from hotel entrepreneurs for allotment of plots for hotels. Each  

of the appellants fulfilled the elaborate eligibility criteria for allotment of  

respective  category  of  plot.  After  detailed  comparative  evaluation  of  the  

applications  through  an  independent  agency  NOIDA found  them fit  and  

eligible for allotment. Out of 25 plots, allotments were made only in respect  

of  14 plots.  NOIDA issued them letters  of  allotment  on 12.1.2007. Each  

appellant paid the lease premium ranging between Rs.17.76 crores (five star  

plots) to Rs.5.55 crores (three star plots) as premium plus location benefit  

charges. Many also exercised the option to pay 27.5% of the premium plus  

location benefit charges, as eleven years rent in advance in lump sum as ‘one  



time lease rent’ instead of paying yearly rent for 90 years.  On payment of  

premium and other dues by the allottes, in terms of the relevant regulations,  

lease deeds were executed in favour of the appellants, in the standard lease  

format of NOIDA in the months of March, April and May, 2007 and they  

were duly presented for registration. The appellants have also incurred stamp  

duty and registration charges ranging from about Rs.2 crores to Rs.62 lakhs.  

Two lease deeds (in favour of Bharat Hotels Ltd. and Hampshire Hotels &  

Resorts  Ltd.)  have  been  duly  registered.  In  regard  to  other  lease  deeds,  

though  presented  for  registration,  though  there  is  no  objection  for  

registration, registration formalities are kept pending in view of a demand by  

the registration authorities for deficit stamp duty and registration charges on  

the  basis  of  circle  rate  and  the  issue  is  pending  before  the  concerned  

registration officer or in court. As far as NOIDA is concerned, execution and  

registration of the leases were completed and consequently possession of the  

plots were delivered to the respective allottee/lessee in April and May, 2007.  

Each  appellant  has  also  incurred  considerable  amount  for  preliminary  

expenditure  for  the  hotel  project  (in  addition  to  the  premium,  location  

benefit  charges,  rent,  stamp  duty  and  registration  charges)  as  they  were  

expected to execute the projects in a time bound manner.  



20. In  the  aforesaid  factual  background,  the  first  contention  of  the  

appellants  is  that  when  the  leases  have  been  granted,  executed  and  

registered,  when  entire  premium  and  other  dues  have  been  paid  and  

possession  has  been  delivered,  the  lessor  (NOIDA)  cannot  unilaterally  

cancel the leases. The appellants do not challenge the power of NOIDA as  

lessor, to terminate the lease on the ground of fraud and misrepresentation  

under clause XIII(1) of the lease deed or on the ground of breach of the  

terms of the lease under clause XIV of the lease deed. What is challenged is  

the right to cancel a concluded lease itself, on the ground that allotment was  

not valid.  

21. A  lease  governed  exclusively  by  the  provisions  of  Transfer  of  

Property Act, 1882 (‘TP Act’ for short) could be cancelled only by filing a  

civil suit for its cancellation or for a declaration that it is illegal, null and  

void and for the consequential relief of delivery back of possession. Unless  

and until a court of competent jurisdiction grants such a decree, the lease  

will  continue  to  be  effective  and  binding.  Unilateral  cancellation  of  a  

registered lease deed by the lessor will neither terminate the lease nor entitle  

a lessor to seek possession. This is the position under private law.



22. But  where  the  grant  of  lease  is  governed  by a  statute  or  statutory  

regulations, and if such statute expressly reserves the power of cancellation  

or revocation to the lessor, it will be permissible for an Authority, as the  

lessor,  to  cancel  a  duly  executed  and  registered  lease  deed,  even  if  

possession  has  been  delivered,  on  the  specific  grounds  of  cancellation  

provided in the statute.  

23. NOIDA is an authority constituted for development of an industrial  

and  urban  township  (also  known  as  Noida)  in  Uttar  Pradesh  under  the  

provisions of the Act.  Section 7 empowers the authority  to sell,  lease or  

otherwise transfer whether by auction, allotment or otherwise, any land or  

building belonging to it in the industrial development area, on such terms  

and conditions as it may think fit to impose, on such terms and conditions  

and subject to any rules that may be made. Section 14 provides for forfeiture  

for breach of conditions of transfer. The said section empowers the Chief  

Executive Officer of the Authority to resume a site or building which had  

been transferred by the Authority and forfeit the whole or part of the money  

paid in regard to such transfer, in the following two circumstances : a) non-

payment by the lessee, of consideration money or any installment thereof  

due by the lessee on account of the transfer of any site or building by the  



Authority; or  b) breach of any condition of such transfer or breach of any  

rules  or  regulations  made  under  the  Act  by  the  lessee.  Sub-section  (2)  

provides that where the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority resumes  

any site or building under sub-section (1) of section 14, on his requisition,  

the  Collector  may  cause  the  possession  thereof  to  be  taken  from  the  

transferee by use of such force as may be necessary and deliver the same to  

the Authority. This makes it clear that if a lessee commits default in paying  

either the premium or the lease rent or other dues, or commits breach of any  

term of the lease deed or breach of any rules or regulations under the Act,  

the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  NOIDA  can  resume  the  leased  plot  or  

building in the manner provided in the statute, without filing a civil suit. The  

authority to resume implies and includes the authority to unilaterally cancel  

the lease.  

24. Clause XIV of the lease deeds executed by the NOIDA in favour of  

the  appellants  provides  that  “notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  

contained herein, in the event of breach of terms of lease, or if the lessee  

does not abide by the terms and conditions of the building regulations and  

directions or any rules framed by the lessor from time to time”, the lease  

may be cancelled by the lessor and the possession of the demised premises  

can be taken over by the lessor from the lessee. Clause XIII (i) provides that  



“if it is discovered that the allotment/lease of the demised premises has been  

obtained by suppression of any fact or misstatement or misrepresentation or  

fraud on the part of the lessee”, then the lease shall be cancelled and the  

entire  deposit  amount  shall  stand  forfeited.  Therefore  NOIDA  has  the  

authority,  having been empowered by the statute,  to cancel the lease and  

resume  possession,  without  recourse  to  a  civil  court  by  a  suit,  in  two  

circumstances (i) non-payment of the premium/rent/other dues; (ii) breach of  

conditions of transfer or breach of rules or regulations under the Act (the  

conditions referred would include any suppression of fact or misstatement or  

misrepresentation or fraud on the part of the lessee in obtaining the lease).

25. NOIDA has not alleged or made out any default in payment or breach  

of conditions of the lease or breach of rules and regulations. Nor is it the  

case of NOIDA that any of the appellants is guilty of any suppression or  

misstatement of fact, misrepresentation or fraud. Neither the cancellation of  

the  allotment  and the  lease by  NOIDA by letter  dated 3.8.2007,  nor  the  

orders dated 1.8.2007 or 8.9.2008 made by the state government refer to any  

of  these  grounds.  Therefore  the  cancellation  cannot  be  sustained  with  

reference to the grounds mentioned in section 14 of the Act. The grounds  

mentioned  for  cancellation  are  mistakes  committed  by  NOIDA  itself  in  

making allotments and fixing the premium, in violation of the Regulations  



and policies of NOIDA by officers of NOIDA. These are not grounds for  

cancellation under section 14 of the Act.  

26. The learned counsel for the respondents submitted that the lease was  

terminated  by  the  state  government,  in  exercise  of  revisional  jurisdiction  

under section 41 of the UP Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973 read  

with section 12 of the Act on the ground that there were irregularities and  

violations of regulations and policies of NOIDA in allotting the hotel plots  

to the appellants. It is submitted that the state government has such power to  

cancel the allotment and as a consequence the lease. Let us examine whether  

the state government has such power. Section 12 of the Act provides that the  

provisions of Chapter VII and sections 30, 32, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49,  

50, 51, 53 and 58 of the Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and Development  

Act, 1973 as re-enacted and modified by Uttar Pradesh President’s Acts (Re-

enactment with Modifications) Act, 1974 shall mutatis mutandis apply to the  

Authority with the adaptations mentioned in the said section. Section 41 of  

the 1973 Act, relating to control by State Government, is thus applicable to  

NOIDA. The said section with the adaptations mentioned in section 12 of  

the Act, reads as under:  



“41. Control by State Government – (1) The Authority, the Chairman or  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  shall  carry  out  such  directions  as  may  be  issued to it form time to time by the State Government for the efficient  administration of this Act.

(2) If in, or in connection with the exercise of its power and discharge of  its  functions  by  the  Authority,  the  Chairman  or  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  under  this  Act,  any  dispute  arises  between  the  Authority,  the  Chairman or the Chief Executive Officer and the State Government the  decision of the State Government on such dispute shall be final.  

(3) The State Government may, at any time, either on its own motion or an  application  made  to  it  in  this  behalf,  call  for  the  records  of  any  case  disposed  of  or  order  passed  by the  Authority  or  the  Chairman for  the  purpose of  satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any order  passed or direction issued and may pass such order or issue such direction  in relation thereto as it may think fit.

Provided that the State Government shall not pass on order prejudicial to  any  person  without  affording  such  person  a  reasonable  opportunity  of  being heard.

(4) Every order of the State Government made in exercise of the powers  conferred by this Act shall be final and shall not be called in question in  any court.”

27. Sub-section (3) enables the state government, either on its own motion  

or on an application made to it in this behalf, to call for the records of any  

case  disposed  of  or  order  passed  by  the  Authority  for  the  purpose  of  

satisfying  itself  as  to  the  legality  or  propriety  of  any  order  passed  or  

direction issued and may pass such order or issue such direction in relation  

thereto  as  it  may  think  fit. The  allotments  were  challenged  in  two  writ  

litigations before the Allahabad High Court (Civil Misc.WP 24917/2007 and  

PIL WP No. 29252/2007). A division bench of the High Court directed the  



state  government  to  exercise  its  power  of  revision  and have  a  relook in  

regard  to  the  allotments  made in  favour  of  the  appellants  by NOIDA in  

exercise of its power under section 41(3) of the 1973 Act (read with section  

12 of the Act). The order dated 1.8.2007 passed by the state government in  

pursuance of the said direction of the High Court was set aside by the High  

Court on the ground that the order violated section 41(3) of the 1973 Act and  

directed  fresh  consideration  after  hearing  the  parties.  This  Court  also  

directed the state government to pass a fresh order. Accordingly the state  

government  examined  the  matter  and  passed  the  impugned  orders  dated  

8.9.2008.  The  state  government  has  concluded  that  the  allotments  by  

NOIDA were in violation of  the regulations  and policies  of NOIDA and  

therefore  cancelled  the  allotments  and  consequential  leases.  The  State  

Government is empowered to issue such direction. (Whether the order of the  

State  Government  is  valid  on  merits  is  a  separate  issue).  The  limited  

question under consideration is whether the state government can cancel the  

allotments and consequently the leases. Section 41(3) shows that the state  

government, can examine the legality or propriety of any order of NOIDA  

and  pass  appropriate  orders.  If  the  state  government  in  exercise  of  its  

revisional jurisdiction finds the allotments were irregular or contrary to the  

regulations or policies of NOIDA and directs  cancellation,  the allotments  



become invalid and leases also become invalid. Consequently NOIDA can  

resume possession, without intervention of a civil court in a civil suit.    

II.  Whether  the  cancellation  was  on  account  of  the  change  in  government

28. The appellants submitted that the Hotel plot scheme was introduced  

and allotments were made in pursuance of a policy of the government that  

was  in  power  in  2006;  and  that  immediately  after  the  allotment  and  

execution  of  the  lease  deeds,  there  were  changes  in  government  on  

15.5.2007. The appellants contend that the direction to cancel the allotments  

(issued on 1.8.2007) and the orders of cancellation (issued on 8.9.2008) was  

apparently a consequence of the new government reviewing and changing  

the policies by the previous government or as a consequence of the new  

government’s intention to upset the decisions of the previous government. It  

is  submitted  that  the  successor  government  cannot  reopen  concluded  

transactions of the previous government on the ground of change in policy  

or by merely reconsidering them. Reliance is placed upon two decisions of  

this  Court  in  support  of  their  contention -  State  of  Haryana vs.  State  of   

Punjab –  2002  (2)  SCC  507  and  State  of  Karnataka  vs.  All  India   

Manufacturers Organisation – 2006 (4) SCC 683. In State of Haryana, this  

Court observed :  



“…..What really bothers us most is the functioning of the political parties,  who assume power to do whatever that suits and whatever would catch the  vote-bank. They forget for a moment that the constitution conceives of a  Government to be manned by the representatives of the people, who get  themselves elected in an election. The decisions taken at the governmental   level should not be so easily nullified by a change of government and by   some  other  political  party  assuming  power,  particularly  when  such  a  decision affects some other State and the interest of the nation as a whole.  It cannot be disputed that so far as policy is concerned, a political party  assuming power is entitled to engraft the political philosophy behind the  party,  since that  must be held to be the will  of  the people.  But in  the  matter of governance of a State or in the matter of execution of a decision  taken by a previous government, on the basis of a consensus arrived at,   which  does  not  involve  any  political  philosophy,  the  succeeding  government  must  be  held  duty  bound  to  continue  and  carry  on  the   unfinished job rather than putting a stop to the same.”

(emphasis supplied)

In  State  of  Karnataka,  (supra)  this Court  while  reiterating  the  above  

principle laid down in State of Haryana, added :  

Taking an overall view of the matter, it appears that there could hardly be  a dispute that the project is a mega project which is in the larger public  interest of the State of Karnataka and merely because there was a change  in  the  Government,  there  was  no necessity  for  reviewing  all  decisions  taken  by  the  previous  Government,  which  is  what  appears  to  have  happened.  That  such  an  action  cannot  be  taken  every  time  there  is  a  change of Government has been clearly laid down ……… “

29. On a careful consideration, we find that the contention has no merit.  

This is not a case where as a consequence of change in government, the new  

government  has  reviewed  the  decision  relating  to  hotel  site  allotment,  

merely because it was a decision of the previous government. Nor is it a case  

where any new policy of the new government, being at variance with the  



policy of  the previous government.  The principles  stated in  the  said two  

decisions will be relevant in such cases. In this case, the allotments of plots  

for hotel projects were challenged in two writ petitions – the first of which  

was filed on 22.5.2007. In the said writ petition, the High Court made an  

interim order dated 25.5.2007, directing the state government to have a re-

look of the entire matter in view of the serious allegations made in the writ  

petitions  about  allotment  at  throw  away  prices.  In  fact,  the  High  Court  

specifically directed the state government to exercise its power of revision  

under section 41(3) of 1973 Act and take an independent decision. It is in  

compliance with the said direction that the state government had a relook at  

the matter, found some irregularities in allotment and directed NOIDA to  

take action to remedy the irregularities found in the allotments, vide letter  

dated 1.8.2007. This was confirmed in the affidavit dated 2.8.2007 filed by  

the state government before the High Court. Therefore, the decision dated  

1.8.2007 was not a decision taken by a subsequent government in an attempt  

to find fault with the policies or actions of the previous government, but a  

decision taken in exercise of a  power under section 41 of the 1973 Act in  

the  normal  course  of  governmental  business,  in  pursuance  of  specific  

directions of the High Court. The orders dated 8.9.2008 were made in view  

of  the  final  order  of  the  High Court  and  the  interim order  of  this  court  



directing  reconsideration.  We  therefore,  reject  the  contention  that  the  

decisions  dated  1.8.2007 and 8.9.2008 of  the  state  government  were  the  

result of any ulterior motive to interfere with the policies or decisions of the  

earlier government. The decision of the state government in revision, is not  

based  on  any  different  policy,  but  based  on  its  finding  that  the  existing  

regulations and policies of NOIDA were violated.  

III. Whether the allotments violate the regulations/policies of NOIDA?

30.  The Central Government requested the governments of Uttar Pradesh  

and Haryana to encourage the high segment hotel industry and add to the  

available  room  capacity  in  areas  adjoining  Delhi,  in  time  to  meet  the  

increased demand expected during the Commonwealth Games scheduled to  

be  held  in  October,  2010.  The  Uttar  Pradesh  government  had  declared  

‘tourism’ to be an industry as far back as 1997-98 to encourage tourism in  

the State. It however found that the said incentive did not have any marked  

effect, as far as increasing the number of quality hotels, an integral part of  

tourism. To attract the twin objects, that is to comply with the request of the  

central government for creation of more star hotels, and also to attract capital  

investment in the hotel segment of tourism industry throughout the state, the  

state government came out with a policy on 22.5.2006 with the following  



two  new  hotel-specific  incentives,  in  addition  to  the  standard  incentives  

available to tourism industry : (i) allotment of plots for hotels at industrial  

plot prices; and (ii) 100% rebate in Sukh Sadan Tax for five years from start-

up. When the policy dated 22.5.2006 is read as a whole, the scheme that  

emerges  is  this:  The  development  authorities  were  expected  to  earmark  

specific areas for setting up hotels while preparing the Master Plan, with the  

assistance of  tourism department.  Where  the development  authorities  had  

already  finalized  the  master  plan,  they  were  required  to  earmark surplus  

lands  (that  is,  areas  not  reserved  for  any  identified  or  specific  use)  for  

allotment to hotels. If suitable surplus land was not available and it becomes  

necessary to allot plots earmarked for other use, for purposes of hotels, the  

development authorities were required to follow the rules and change the  

land use so that the land could be legitimately used for hotel industry. In  

areas  where  there  were  no  development  authorities,  suitable  lands  near  

tourist  spots were to be acquired/transferred to tourism department which  

would allot  the  land to  Hotels/tourism industry.  The plots  earmarked for  

hotels  had to be allotted to hotels/tourism entrepreneurs  at  industrial  plot  

rates, as was done in the case of allotments for industries. The policy was a  

general  policy intended to apply for the entire  state.  It  proceeded on the  

assumption  that  earmarking areas  for  hotels  and tourism for  allotment  at  



industrial rates, would be under a separate and distinct categorization of land  

use.  It  apparently  did  not  contemplate  high  value  commercial  plots  in  

NOIDA being earmarked for hotel industry and being allotted at industrial  


31. The state government on examination of all the facts in its revisional  

jurisdiction  found that  the  hotel  plots  allotted  to  appellants  were  part  of  

Sectors 96, 97 and 98 (for five star plots) and other sectors (for plots for 4  

star and 3 star hotels) which were earmarked for commercial use under the  

NOIDA Master Plan. It was of the view that in view of tourism/hotels being  

declared as an “industry” and the government policy requiring allotment of  

plots for tourism/hotels at industrial rates, if any plot had to be allotted for a  

hotel, the land use of the said plot had to be changed to industrial use in the  

Master  plan  by  adopting  the  prescribed  procedure  under  the  regulations,  

before making the allotment. It was also of the view that if the plots were  

allotted for hotel industry, then the construction should be as per the NOIDA  

building regulations and directions applicable to industries in regard to FAR,  

ground coverage, height, setbacks, construction of building etc. It was also  

of the view that if plots in commercial areas are to be allotted it could be  

only  in  accordance  with  the  NOIDA Commercial  Property  Management  



Policy which required all commercial plots to be allotted on sealed tender or  

public auction basis. As NOIDA did not alter the land use of the plots in  

question from commercial use to industrial use in the Master Plan nor amend  

the definitions of commercial use and industrial use in the 1991 Regulations  

so that hotels would no longer be a commercial use, but a industrial use, the  

state government held that statutory regulations and directives of NOIDA  

had been violated in making the hotel plot allotments.  

32. The state government contends that the allotment of commercial plots  

to appellants  for establishing hotels  without converting them to industrial  

use  violated  the  NOIDA  Regulations  and  therefore  impermissible  and  

illegal. The state government further contends that when hotels were given  

the status of ‘industry’, the use of land for hotels would be an industrial use  

and  therefore,  the  allotment  of  plots  by  NOIDA for  constructing  hotels  

should have been in areas earmarked as industrial area, and that if any area  

earmarked for commercial use is to be allotted to hotels, such allotment can  

be only after change of such land from commercial  use to industrial use.  

Alternatively,  it  is  submitted that even if  the plots in area earmarked for  

commercial  use  are  allotted  to  hotels  such  allotment  could  be  only  by  

adopting the procedure applicable to allotments of commercial plots that is  



by inviting tenders or bids and not by allotment at any fixed rate that too a  

fixed  rate  which  is  a  reserved  rate  for  an  industrial  plot.  Lastly,  it  is  

contended that if a commercial plot could be allotted to a hotel, it cannot be  

charged  the  industrial  plot  rate,  but  should  have  been  charged  as  a  

commercial  plot.  It  is  submitted  that  charging  14  commercial  plots  at  

industrial rates has resulted in a loss of Rs.4721.14 crores.  

33. On  the  other  hand,  the  appellants  contend  that  the  policy  dated  

22.5.2006 did not direct or require that allotment of plots for hotels should  

be  in  areas  earmarked  for  industrial  use.  They  point  out  that  the  hotel  

business  is  a  commercial  activity  and  under  the  1991  Regulations,  

commercial use includes use of land or building for a hotel, and use of land  

or building for locating an industry is an industrial use. It is submitted that  

allotment  of  plots  in  commercial  areas  to  hotels  was  justified  as  it  is  a  

commercial use. It is next submitted that the policy required only the rates  

applicable to industrial  plots,  to be applied to the plots allotted to hotels  

wherever they are situated, as an incentive for hotel and tourism industry,  

and that did not mean that the building regulations should be applied to hotel  

buildings.  The  allotment  of  hotel  plots  having  been  done  at  legitimately  

fixed allotment rates, there is no question of loss to NOIDA.  



These contentions give rise to three sub-issues and we will deal them  


(a) Whether plots earmarked for commercial use in commercial area,  could be allotted for hotels?

34. We will first examine the  question whether commercial plots could  

not  be  allotted  to  hotels,  without  changing the  earmarked land use  from  

‘commercial’  to  ‘industrial’  and  whether  the  FAR,  maximum height,  set  

backs, ground coverage etc. applicable to hotel plots should be as per the  

regulations  applicable  to  industrial  buildings  and  not  as  applicable  to  

commercial buildings.

34.1) Section 6 of the Act relates to the functions of the Authority. Sub-

section  (1)  specifies  the  object  of  the  Authority  is  to  secure  planned  

development of industrial development area. Sub-section (2) provides that  

the  functions  of  the  authority  include  preparation  of  a  plan  for  the  

development of the ‘industrial development area’ to demarcate and develop  

sites  for industrial,  commercial  and residential  purposes,  to lay down the  

purpose  for  which  a  particular  plot  shall  be  used  (that  is  industrial,  

commercial, residential or other specified purpose) in the development area.  

In exercise of its power under section 19 read with section 6 of the Act, the  



Authority  made  the  NOIDA  (Preparation  and  Finalisation  of  Plan)  

Regulations, 1991 (‘1991 Regulations’ for short).

34.2) Clauses (d), (e) and (f) of Regulation 2 of the said Regulations define  

commercial use, industrial use and institutional use as under:  

“(d)  ’Commercial  Use’  means  the  use  of  any land  or  building  or  part  thereof for carrying on any trade, business or profession, sale of goods of  any  type,  whatsoever  and  includes  private  hospitals,  nursing  homes,  hostels,  hotels,  restaurants,  boarding  houses  not  attached  to  any  educational institution, consultant offices in any field, cottage and service  industries;

(e) ‘Industrial Use’ means the use of any land or building or part thereof  mainly for location of industries and other uses incidental to industrial  use such as offices, eatable establishment etc.;

(f) ‘Institutional Use’ means the use of any land/building or part thereof  for carrying on activities like testing, research, demonstration etc.  for the  betterment of the society and it includes educational institutions;”

(emphasis supplied)

34.3) Regulation  4  provides  that  the  NOIDA  Master  Plan  may  include  

Sector Plans showing various sectors into which the development area or  

part thereof may be divided for the purpose of development. It requires the  

said Plan to show the various existing and proposed land uses indicating the  

most desirable utilization of land for (i) industrial use by allocating the area  

of land for various scales or types of industries or both; (ii) residential use by  

allocating the area of land for housing; (iii) commercial use by allocating the  

area of land for wholesale or retail markets, specialized markets, town level  



shops,  show-rooms  and  commercial  offices  and  such  allied  commercial  

activities;  (iv)  public  use  by  allocating  the  area  of  land  for  Government  

offices,  hospitals,  telephone  exchanges,  police  lines  etc;  (v)  organized  

recreational open spaces by allocating area of land for parks, stadium etc.;  

(vi) agricultural use by allocating the area of land for farming, horticulture,  

sericulture; (vii) such other purposes as the Authority may deem fit, in the  

course  of  proper  development  of  the  development  area.  The  said  1991  

Regulations also requires the Plan to include the systematic regulation of  

each land use area, allocation of heights, number of storeys, size and number  

of buildings, size of yards and other open spaces and the use of land and  


34.4) Regulation  9  provides  that  the  plan  finalized  and approved  by the  

Authority  shall  be  effective  for  such  period  as  may  be  specified  by  the  

Authority,  but  not  less  than  five  years.  Regulation  11  authorises  the  

Authority to make amendment to the Plan and requires the Authority, before  

making  any  amendment  to  the  Plan  to  publish  a  notice  at  least  in  one  

newspaper having circulation in the area inviting objections and suggestions  

and further requires every amendment made to the plan to be published. It  

provides that the amendment shall come into operation either on the date of  



the first publication or on such other date as the authority may fix. It is of  

relevance to note that in this case no amendment was made changing the  

land use of the plots in question from commercial to industrial.

35. The Authority made the NOIDA Building Regulations and Directions,  

2006 (for short  “2006 Building Regulations”),  with prior approval of  the  

state government and in exercise of its powers under sections 9(2) and 19 of  

the  Act.  The  said  Building  Regulations  replaced  the  NOIDA  Building  

Regulations and Directions 1986, with effect from 5.12.2006.  

35.1) Regulation 3.12 defines building as any structure or erection or part of  

a  structure  or  erection  which  is  intended  to  be  used  for  residential,  

commercial,  industrial  or  other  purposes.  Clause  (e)  thereof  defines  

‘industrial building’ as referring to a building in which products or materials  

of all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembled or processed, such as  

assembly  plants  laboratories,  power  plants,  smoke  houses,  refineries,  gas  

plants, mills, diaries or factories.  



35.2) Regulation 33.3 prescribes the maximum ground coverage, maximum  

FAR in percentage and maximum height for industrial building. The same is  

extracted below :

S.No. Plot Area Max. Ground  Coverage

Max. FAR in % Max. height (in mt.)

1. Upto 100 60 120 15

2. Above 100 upto 450 15

      a. First 100 Same as (1) above

      b. Next 350 or part thereof 60 100

3. Above 450 upto 2000 15

      a. First 450 Same as (2) above

      b. Next 1550 or part thereof 55 80

4. Above 2000 upto 12000 15

      a. First 2000 Same as (3) above

      b. Next  10000  or  part  thereof

55 70

5. Above  12000  upto  20000


      a. First 12000 Same as (4) above

      b. Next  8000  or  of  part  thereof

50 65

6. Above 20000 15

      a. First 20000 Same as (5) above

      b. Above 20000 50 60




The said regulation shows that no industrial building put up in an industrial  

plot can exceed a height of 15 mtrs. The permissible FAR for industrial use  

ranges between 1.2 to 0.6 depending upon the size of the plot. The FAR as  

per the above table would be 0.679 for a plot measuring 24000 sq.m., 0.72  

for a plot measuring 12500 sq.m. and 0.74 for a plot  measuring 7500 sq.m.

35.3) Regulation 33.4 divides the commercial buildings into two categories  

that  is  hotel  buildings  and  buildings  for  other  commercial  activities  and  

prescribes the maximum ground coverage, FAR and maximum height for  

both  types  of  commercial  buildings.  As  we  are  concerned  with  hotel  

buildings, the relevant portion of said regulation dealing with hotel building  

is extracted below :

Sl.  No.

Use Maximum ground  coverage  %

FAR Max.  height

1. Hotel Building (a) Below three star category (b) Three star category (c) Above three star category

30% 30% 25%

1.25 1.5 2.0

24.0 m No limit No limit


The  said  regulation  shows  that  for  hotel  buildings  there  is  no  height  

restriction at all and the FAR is 2 (for 4 star and 5 star categories) and 1.5  

(for 3 star category hotels).  



36. The  2006  Building  Regulations  make  it  clear  that  FAR  and  the  

permissible height of the building is far more advantageous in the case of  

commercial hotel buildings when compared to industrial buildings. It may  

be mentioned that even when the 1986 Building Regulations were in force  

till 4.12.2006, the provisions for FAR and height of building were far more  

advantageous  to  commercial  buildings,  when  compared  to  industrial  


37. Running a hotel or boarding house or a restaurant is a commercial  

activity.  By  no  stretch  of  imagination,  use  of  a  plot  for  a  hotel  can  be  

considered  as  use  of  such  land  for  an  industrial  purpose.  An  industrial  

building  is  defined  in  Regulation  3.12(e)  of  the  NOIDA  Building  

Regulations  and  Directions  of  2006  as  a  building  in  which  products  or  

materials of all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembled or processed.  

As  per  the  1991  Regulations,  use  for  a  hotel  is  a  commercial  use;  and  

‘industrial  use’  refers  to  manufacturing,  fabrication,  assembling  and  

processing activities. If the land allotted to a hotel is to be considered as an  

allotment for an industrial use and the building constructed in such plot is to  

be considered as an industrial building, the consequence will be that no five  

star, four star or three star hotel can be constructed in such plots. Further the  



restrictions for industrial buildings, relating to permissible FAR (less than  

0.75  as  against  2  for  hotels)  and  height  (maximum  of  15  M as  against  

absence of any height restriction for hotels) make industrial plots useless and  

unviable for a hotel. We note below the comparative table of FAR and the  

permissible height for industrial and commercial buildings, worked out from  

Regulations 33.3 and 33.4 of the 2006 Regulations :  

S.No. Plot Size Under permissible FAR Permissible Height

Industrial Commercial Industrial Commercial  1. 7500 sq.m

Three Star 0.74 1.5 15 mtr. No  height  

restriction  2. 12500 sq.m

Four Star 0.72 2 15 mtr. No  height  

restriction 3. 24000 sq.m

Five Star 0.679 2 15 mtr. No  height  


38. Having regard to the provisions of 1991 Regulations, use of land for  

hotel cannot be considered as an industrial use, but will continue to remain a  

commercial use. The policy of the state government dated 22.5.2006 cannot  

override the NOIDA Regulations. If any policy is made, intending to give  

different meaning to the words ‘commercial use’ and ‘industrial use’, that  

can be given effect only if the regulations are suitably amended. Be that as it  




39. When tourism is  given the  status  of  an industry,  it  does not  mean  

tourism involves manufacturing, fabrication, processing or assembling. The  

term ‘industry’ has different nuances. The traditional meaning of ‘industry’  

may be manufacture or production of goods. When used in the context of an  

‘industrial area’ or ‘a land for industrial use’ the word ‘industry’ will refer to  

use  for  manufacture,  production and allied  activities.  On the other  hand,  

when  the  word  ‘industry’  is  used  in  the  context  of  tourism/hotels,  

hospitals/nursing homes or banking, it  refers to a service industry, that is  

groups engaged in that particular organized activity, and does not refer to  

any manufacturing, processing, assembling etc. When the government policy  

gave tourism and hotels, the status of an industry, it did not require hotels to  

undertake manufacturing or  production activities.  By giving the status of  

‘industry’,  the  policy  enabled  a  particular  service  activity  (in  this  case  

tourism  and  hotels)  to  secure  certain  benefits  in  allotment  of  land  at  

concessional prices and certain tax exemptions. Therefore, the fact that the  

tourism or hotels have been given the status of ‘industry’ will not convert  

them into industries, for the purpose of allotment of plots, nor will the use of  

land by such tourism or hotel industry, will be an industrial use. It does not  

also  mean  that  all  the  hotels  and  tourist  offices  should  be  shifted  from  

commercial areas to industrial areas or that hotels or tourist offices cannot  



operate in commercial  areas, or that they cannot get allotment of land or  

building  earmarked  for  commercial  use.  Running  hotels,  to  repeat,  is  a  

commercial  activity  and  the  use  of  a  land  or  building  for  a  hotel  is  

commercial use and therefore, allotment of plots for hotels in a commercial  

area is wholly in consonance with the NOIDA Regulations and Master plan  

which  earmarks  areas  for  specific  land  uses  like  industrial,  residential,  

commercial, institutional, public, semi-public, etc.

40. We are therefore of the view that the allotment of plots situated in  

commercial areas earmarked for commercial  use, to hotels did not violate  

any provisions of the Act or the NOIDA Regulations. We are also of the  

view that it was not necessary for NOIDA to change the land use of plots to  

be allotted to hotels, from commercial to industrial use. The contentions of  

the respondents to the contrary are therefore, rejected.  

(b) Whether allotment of  hotel  sites by NOIDA should have been by  inviting tenders/holding auctions?

41. The learned counsel for appellants contended that whenever the State  

or its authorities decide to dispose of their properties, it need not always be  

by  public  auction  or  by  inviting  sealed  tenders,  involving  competitive  

bidding. It is submitted that if the object of a policy relating to allotment of  



plots is to promote hotel industry and not to earn revenue, it would be open  

to the state government and its authorities to dispose of their properties by  

other recognized methods, that is by allotment at fixed rates after inviting  

applications from eligible applicants, or by allotment after specific invitation  

and negotiations, depending upon the facts and circumstances. It is pointed  

out that in pursuing socio-economic goals, as for example when plots are  

allotted by development authorities  to persons belonging to economically  

weaker  sections  or  persons  belonging  to  middle  classes,  allotments  are  

always made at fixed rate by drawing lots and not by inviting tenders or by  

auctions. It is submitted that only a few plots as for example, the corner plots  

or plots of some special category are normally disposed of by either public  

auction or by inviting tenders. According to appellants, whether allotment  

should be by public auction or by inviting tenders or by inviting applications  

for  allotment  at  fixed  rate  is  a  decision  to  be  taken  by  the   authority  

concerned,  on  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  each  case;  and  therefore  

NOIDA  did  not  commit  any  irregularity,  by  adopting  the  method  of  

allotment of hotel plots at fixed rate applicable to industrial plots, to give a  

boost to tourism industry in the state,  in pursuance of government policy  

dated 22.5.2006.  



42. In support of their contention, the appellants relied upon the decisions  

of this Court in Brij Bhusan vs. State of Jammu & Kashmir – 1986 (2) SCC  

354, Sachidanand Pandey vs. State of West Bengal – 1987 (2) SCC 295, and  

MP Oil Extraction vs.  State of MP – 1997 (7) SCC 592. In  Brij  Bhusan  

(supra), this Court was considering a case where certain entrepreneurs had  

on their own had offered to set up the factories for manufacturing of resin  

and  turpentine  derivatives.  After  negotiations  the  state  government  gave  

licences to them to set up factories and assured supply of the required raw  

materials  (Oleo  Resin).  No  advertisements  were  issued  by  the  state  

government  inviting  tenders  for  setting  up  such  factories.  Other  

entrepreneurs  who were  interested  in  setting  up factories,  challenged  the  

grant of licences on the ground that due opportunity was not given to all the  

entrepreneurs  to  make  their  applications.  This  Court  rejected  the  writ  

petitions holding that in the absence of material to show that the State had  

acted mala fide or out of improper or corrupt motive or in order to promote  

the private interest of someone at the cost of the State, the decision to grant  

licences was not open to interference. It reiterated where State is allocating  

resources for the purpose of encouraging setting up of industries within the  

State, the State is not bound to advertise and tell the people that it wants a  



particular industry to be set up in the State or invite those interested to come  

up with proposals.  

In Sachidanand Pandey, this Court held :  

“State-owned  or  public-owned  property  is  not  to  be  dealt  with  at  the  absolute discretion of the executive. Certain precepts and principles have  to be observed. Public interest is the paramount consideration. One of the  methods of securing the public interest, when it is considered necessary to  dispose  of  a  property,  is  to  sell  the  property  by  public  auction  or  by  inviting tenders. Though that is the ordinary rule, it is not an invariable  rule.  There  may  be  situations  where  there  are  compelling  reasons  necessitating departure from the rule but then the reasons for the departure  must  be  rational  and  should  not  be  suggestive  of  discrimination.  Appearance  of  public  justice  is  as  important  as  doing justice.  Nothing  should be done which gives an appearance of bias, jobbery or nepotism.”

To the same effect is the decision in MP Oil Extraction. The appellants point  

out that their cases are much stronger than those considered in those cases,  

as their allotments were not made on any private negotiations, but after wide  

advertisement  in  newspapers  inviting  applications  from  all  persons  who  

fulfilled  the  eligibility  criteria;  and  that  all  applications  received  were  

evaluated through an independent agency and allotments were made as per  

their recommendation. They submit that the process of allotment was fair  

and normal. They contend that failure to invite tenders or hold public auction  

would not vitiate the allotments.  



43. But the issue in these cases is different. The principle laid down in the  

cases relied on by the appellants would be of some assistance in a situation  

where there are no specific rules, regulations or policy guidelines governing  

the procedure as to how allotments are to be made, or contracts are to be  

awarded, or licences are to be issued. Those decisions may also be of some  

assistance while dealing with a grievance that all persons interested or all  

eligible  persons  were  not  given  an  opportunity  to  apply.  The  state  

government has found that the NOIDA Commercial Property Management  

Policy required allotment of commercial properties only on sealed tenders or  

public auction basis; and if the said requirement was ignored and allotment  

is  made at  a  fixed rate,  contrary  to  the  specific  terms of  the  policies  of  

NOIDA;  and  that  allotment  at  fixed  rate  basis  had  resulted  in  a  huge  

financial loss to NOIDA.

44. Allotment of commercial  plots is governed by the NOIDA Policies  

and Procedures for Commercial Property Management, 2004. Under the said  

policy,  commercial  properties  of  NOIDA can be  allotted  only  on  sealed  

tender basis or by way of public auction. For this purpose NOIDA has to fix  

a  reserve  rate  and the  person who gives  the  highest  bid/offer  above  the  

reserve rate, who is otherwise eligible, is allotted the plot. The said policy in  

regard  to  the  procedure  for  allotment  of  commercial  properties  was  not  



amended or modified to provide for allotment of commercial properties for  

hotels at fixed prices. The allotment of commercial plots at fixed rate was  

therefore clearly contrary to the said regulations of NOIDA.

45. We  may  also  refer  to  the  NOIDA  Policies  and  Procedures  for  

Industrial Property Management, 2006 as amended on 20.3.2006 (“Industrial  

Property Management Policy”, for short) in this connection. It divides the  

industrial sectors in NOIDA into three industrial Phases as under :

(1) Phase I Sectors from 1 to 11 and 16

(2) Phase II Includes Phase-II, Phase-II Extension/Hosiery Complex, Sector-80, 81 and 83

(3) Phase III Includes Sector-57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64 and 65.

It provided that allotments of industrial plots in Phase I should be made on  

the basis of sealed tenders, the reserved rate being Rs.7400/- per sq.m. It  

further provided that allotments of plots in Phases II and III should be made  

at fixed prices of Rs.2100 and Rs.4000 per sq.m.  

46. The  appellants  submitted  that  the  said  NOIDA  Commercial  

Management  Policy  and  NOIDA  Industrial  Management  Policy  are  not  

statutory rules made by the state government under section 18 of the Act,  

nor are they statutory regulations made by NOIDA under section 19 of the  



Act.  It  is  submitted  that  the  NOIDA Commercial  Management  Policy  is  

merely a set of guidelines and directives prepared by NOIDA in regard to  

the terms and conditions for transfer of commercial  properties of NOIDA  

and such guidelines could be altered by NOIDA at any point of time. It is  

pointed  out  that  the  said  NOIDA Commercial  Management  Policy  itself  

stated that it could be amended/modified/altered without any notice. It was  

submitted  that  when  NOIDA adopted  the  state  government  policy  dated  

22.5.2006  for  allotment  of  plots  for  hotels  at  industrial  plot  rates,  the  

NOIDA  Commercial  Property  Management  Policy  stood  modified  by  

incorporating  an  exception  to  the  directive  requiring  allotment  of  

commercial  plots  only  by  sealed  tenders/auction,  that  allotment  for  hotel  

plots could be at fixed rate basis instead of tender basis or auction basis. It  

was  further  submitted  that  at  all  events,  when brochures  were  issued  on  

17.10.2006 containing the  “special  terms and conditions  for  allotment  of  

hotel plots” providing for allotment at the fixed rate of Rs.7400 per sq.m., it  

amounted to declaration of a separate policy for plots allotted or hotels and  

the guidelines contained in the NOIDA Commercial Property Policy ceased  

to apply to hotel plots.  



47. In  Sachidanand  Pandey (supra),  the  legal  position  as  to  the  need  

obeying  orders/instructions/procedures  was  succinctly  stated  by  Chinappa  

Reddy, J.

“statutes and statutory orders have, no doubt, to be obeyed.  It does not  mean  that  other  orders,  instructions  etc.  may  be  departed  from in  an   individual case, if applicable to the facts. They are not to be ignored until   amended. The government or the Board may have the power to amend  these orders and instructions, but nonetheless they must be obeyed so long   as they are in force and are applicable”

(emphasis supplied)

In Home Secretary v. Darshjit Singh Grewal – 1993 (4) SCC 25, the need to  

adhere to policy guidelines was emphasized:  

“It may be relevant to emphasize at this juncture that while the rules and  regulations  referred  to  above  are  statutory,  the  policy  guidelines  are  relatable to the executive powers of the Chandigarh Administration. It is  axiomatic  that  having  enunciated  a  policy  of  general  application  and  having  communicated  it  to  all  concerned  including  the  Chandigarh  Engineering College, the Administration is bound by it. It can, of course,   change the policy but until that is cone, it is bound to adhere to it.”

(emphasis supplied)

It is thus clear that where an Authority makes regulations and issues polices  

and procedures, they are intended to be followed and complied with. They  

cannot be ignored or avoided unless superseded or amended. The fact that  

Authority has the power to amend the regulations, policies and procedures,  

does not mean that they can be ignored. As long as they are in force, they are  

required to be obeyed by the Authority.  



48. The  state  government  policy  dated  22.5.2006  or  its  adoption  by  

NOIDA on 5.6.2006 did not amend to the regulations, instructions, policies  

and procedures of NOIDA. If the said Tourism/Hotels development policy  

dated 22.5.2006 contained any procedure which was at variance with the  

existing regulations or procedures of NOIDA, such procedures in the policy  

dated  22.5.2006  could  come  into  effect  only  by  NOIDA  amending  its  

regulations and Property Management Policies. As per the 1991 Regulations  

and 2006 Building Regulations,  hotel  buildings are commercial  buildings  

and use of land for hotels is commercial use and any plot allotted for hotels  

is a commercial property. Therefore any allotment of a plot for hotels should  

comply with the NOIDA Commercial Property Management Policy, 2004.  

Unless the NOIDA Commercial Property Management Policy was amended,  

providing  for  allotment  at  fixed  rates,  in  regard  to  any  sub-category  of  

commercial plots, allotment of a commercial property belonging to NOIDA  

otherwise than by sealed tender basis or auction basis will be an allotment in  

violation  of  and  contrary  to,  the  regulations  directives  and  policies  of  

NOIDA. The fact that NOIDA was acting in pursuance of the government  

policy dated 22.5.2006 would make no difference. The government policy  

itself very clearly stated that if the implementation of the policy required  



amendment  of  the  rules,  regulations  and  procedures  of  the  development  

authorities, the same had to be carried out.

49. The  failure  to  follow  the  procedure  prescribed  in  the  NOIDA  

Commercial  Property Management Policy is a violation of the policy and  

such violation has resulted in loss to the public exchequer. The allotment on  

sealed tender basis/auction basis is provided, only in regard to commercial  

properties  and  not  in  regard  to  properties  earmarked  for  residential  or  

institutional  uses.  It  is  also  not  provided  for  properties  earmarked  for  

industrial use (except in regard to plots situated in industrial areas in Phase I  

which  because  of  their  very  advantageous  locations  are  apparently  

considered to be very valuable). The properties are sold by tender/auction  

basis with a reserve rate, so as to secure a higher price/rate on account of the  

healthy competition among the applicants. The higher revenue would enable  

NOIDA to subsidize the price of plots for allotment to weaker sections of the  

society for residential use or for allotment of plots for institutional use or for  

various developmental activities. Therefore once a policy is made in regard  

to commercial properties, it has to be complied with.



50.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  scheme  of  allotment  contained  in  the  

NOIDA  Commercial  Property  Policy  could  be  altered  or  amended  by  

carving out a different procedure for hotel plots. But that should have been  

by placing the said Commercial Property Policy before the NOIDA Board  

for consideration and amendment with reference to hotel plots to be allotted  

as per government policy dated 22.5.2006. The policy was neither before the  

NOIDA Board for amendment,  nor was it  amended. The violation of the  

regulations  and policies  of  NOIDA may be unintentional  and a bonafide  

mistake on account of a mis-reading of the requirement of the policy dated  

22.5.2006.  Nevertheless  it  is  a  violation.  If  there  is  a  violation  of  the  

regulations  and  policies  of  NOIDA  in  making  allotments,  the  state  

government can certainly interfere under its revisional jurisdiction.  

(c) Whether the rate charged was erroneous and has led to any loss?  

51. The next question is whether the violation has resulted in any loss of  

revenue to NOIDA. This requires consideration of the question whether the  

allotment rate is correct. We have already held that allotment of commercial  

plots by NOIDA was possible only by inviting sealed tenders or by holding  

auction.  That  means  that  any allotment  at  a  fixed rate  (equivalent  to  the  



reserved  rate  for  industrial  plots)  is  irregular  and  in  violation  of  the  

regulations and policies of NOIDA.  

52. But  the  appellants  contend  that  there  was  no  irregularity  in  the  

allotment  rate  nor  any ‘loss’  to  NOIDA by allotting  plots  at  the  rate  of  

Rs.7400/- per sq.m. and that it was validly fixed. We may briefly refer to the  

reasons  given  in  support  of  their  contention  :  The  standard  methods  of  

attracting capital investment or to encourage a particular industry is to allot  

land at attractive terms or at concessional prices and give exemptions and  

rebates in regard to certain state taxes. Therefore, if the government took a  

conscious  policy decision to allot  plots  for  hotels  at  industrial  plot  rates,  

which is considerably lesser than the commercial plots rates, it is not to be  

considered as  a loss to the exchequer, but should be viewed as a part of its  

strategy to secure investment in hotel industry in the state. Allotment prices  

fixed by the Authority mainly depends upon the earmarked use of the land  

and incidentally upon the situation, proximity or physical advantages of a  

land. The same land may be allotted at different rates, depending upon its  

earmarked use. The policy of the government required allotment of plots to  

hotels at a fixed rate,  that is, the rates chargeable to industrial  plots.  The  

government  policy  did  not  contemplate  allotment  of  plots  for  hotels  by  



sealed tenders or by auction. NOIDA adopted the government policy and  

fixed the allotment rate equal to the reserve rate applicable to industrial plots  

in phase-I which was Rs.7400/-  per  sq.m. The allotment rate  by NOIDA  

primarily depends upon the earmarked use and secondarily the situation, as  

can be illustrated from the notified rates  of  NOIDA itself.   The NOIDA  

Board  resolution  dated  20.3.2006  shows  that  the  allotment  rate  varied  

between Rs.22100 to Rs.7500 in respect of residential plots depending upon  

the  sector.  If  the  same  plots  were  to  be  allotted  for  group  housing,  the  

allotment rate varied from Rs.31,000 to Rs.12,000 per sq.m. In and around  

the same area, if the allotment was for institutional use, the rate could vary  

between  Rs.5000  to  Rs.12700  per  sq.m  and  if  the  allotment  was  for  

industrial use depending upon whether the plots were situated in Phase-II  

and Phase-III, the rate would be either Rs.2100 or Rs.4000 per sq.m, The  

industrial  plots situated in Phase-I,  were to be allotted by inviting sealed  

tenders with the reserve rate being Rs.7400 per sq.m. Thus though the sector  

in which the property was situated had a bearing on the allotment rate, the  

main criterion for fixation of rate was the earmarked use, that is whether the  

land was earmarked for residential,  institutional,  industrial  or commercial  

use. If the land is earmarked for commercial use, NOIDA resolution dated  

20.3.2006 required the allotment to be by sealed tenders or by auction with  



the reserved rate being Rs.30000 per sq.m. If the very same plots were to be  

earmarked  for  institutional  use  (for  research/software/information  

technology services) the allotment rate would be only Rs.5000 per sq.m and  

if they were earmarked for industrial use, the allotment rate would be only  

Rs.2100 or Rs.4000 per sq.m. It is therefore contented that allotment at a  

fixed rate determined by NOIDA, does not involve any loss.  

53. It is true that allotment of plots at different rates for different purposes  

may not give rise to a ‘loss’ to NOIDA. For example, NOIDA at its 141st  

meeting dated 8.1.2007 fixed different allotment rates for different land uses  

in  a  multi-product  special  economic  zone:  (a)  Commercial  land  use:  

Rs.70000/- per sq.m. (b) Residential  land  use:  Rs.12000/-  per  sq.m.  (c)  

Institutional/recreational land use: Rs.5000 per sq.m. (d) Industrial land use:  

Rs.4000 per sq.m. All these lands are situated in a specific demarcated area  

(special economic zone). The above pricing by NOIDA did not depend upon  

the situational importance of the area or accessibility of the area or nearness  

to  any  landmarks  or  main  roads  nor  on  any  physical  advantages  or  

disadvantages  of  the  particular  lands.  The  prices  were  purely  dependent  

upon  the  earmarked  land  use.  The  same  land  if  it  was  earmarked  for  

commercial purpose would have fetched Rs.70,000 per sq.m. and if it was  



earmarked for residential use would have fetched Rs.12,000 per sq.m. and if  

earmarked for industrial  use, would have fetched only Rs.4000 per sq.m.  

Therefore, when NOIDA allotted plots for residential use at Rs.12,000 per  

sq.m. it could not be said that it lost Rs.58,000 per sq.m. on the ground that  

the land would have fetched Rs.70,000 if it had been allotted for commercial  

use. Similarly it cannot be said that NOIDA suffered a loss of Rs.66,000 per  

sq.m. if the land was allotted for industrial use for Rs.4000/- per sq.m on the  

ground that it would have fetched Rs.70,000 per sq.m. if it had been allotted  

for  commercial  use.  Therefore,  there  is  no concept  of  “loss”  to  NOIDA,  

when it takes a decision to earmark different parcels of land for different  

uses  and  fixes  different  rates  for  them.  Therefore  mere  earmarking  of  

particular  land  for  allotment  to  hotels  which  is  a  commercial  activity  at  

industrial plot prices, does not mean there is a loss in respect of an amount  

equal  to  the  difference between the rate  of  commercial  plots  and rate  of  

industrial plots. Any decision to allot plots to hotels at industrial rates, by  

itself,  did  not  cause  any loss,  as  such  a  decision  was  intended to  be an  

incentive to attract investment. But there will be a ‘loss’,  if a plot which is  

earmarked for commercial use, allotted for a commercial purpose, which is  

required  to  be  allotted  at  commercial  rates  by  tender  or  auction,  is  

erroneously charged either at a residential plot rate or an industrial plot rate.  



54. It is next submitted by the appellants that the state government being  

conscious of the fact that commercial plot prices was many time more than  

industrial  plot  prices,  and  that  it  will  not  be  possible  to  attract  capital  

investment in higher category hotels unless some substantive incentive was  

given, purposefully and deliberately directed that the plots for hotels even  

though for commercial use should be charged at industrial plot rates. The  

said  policy  was  accepted  and  implemented  by  NOIDA  by  fixing  the  

allotment rate at Rs.7400 sq.m. Therefore, in respect of commercial  plots  

allotted for hotels, the rates should be as applicable to industrial plots. In  

other words, among commercial plots, a sub-category of hotels was created  

entitling allotment at Rs.7400 in view of the policy of the government. It is  

pointed  out  that  such  sub-categorization  with  lesser  rates  is  a  standard  

practice with NOIDA with reference to allotment for different institutional  


55. The said submission no doubt, is persuasive and attractive. But they  

ignore the regulations and policies of NOIDA which require the allotment of  

commercial plots to be by sealed tender or by public auction. If any sub-

categorisation  was  to  be  made  in  regard  to  hotels,  it  could  be  only  by  

amendment  of  the  concerned  regulations  and  the  Commercial  Property  

Management Policy, to provide for allotment in regard to such sub-category  



at fixed industrial plot rates, instead of by inviting sealed tenders or holding  

auction. We have already noticed the scheme envisaged by the policy was to  

create a separate category of use in regard to hotels and allot surplus land  

which was not earmarked for any specific use, for the said purpose of hotels.  

As the allotment is of commercial plots governed by NOIDA Commercial  

Property Management Policy, and as the reserve rate itself was Rs.30000/-  

per sq.m. it has to be held that allotment at Rs.7,400 per sq.m. caused loss  

and violated the regulations and policy of NOIDA.   

56. The respondents have worked out the loss on account of allotments  

being made at a fixed rate of Rs.7400/- per sq.m. instead of Rs.70,000/- per  

sq.m, as Rs.4,721/14 crores, as detailed below :

A. The value of 14 plots (2,62,583    sq. m.) @ Rs.70,000/- per sq.m. Rs.1838.08 crores

B. Actual premium received from the appellants in regard to the 14 plots @  Rs. 7400/- per sq.m. Rs.194.31 crores

C. Loss of premium (B – A) Rs.1643.77 crores

D. Add: Loss of revenue by way of lease rent during  the lease period of 90 years as a consequence of lesser premium Rs.3077.37 crores

E. Total loss to public exchequer (C + D) Rs.4721.14 crores



57. We find that the calculational error in arriving at the total loss, even  

assuming  that  the  commercial  rate  is  Rs.70,000/-  per  sq.m.  The  loss  of  

Rs.4721/14 crores arrived at by the state government includes Rs.3077/37  

crores as loss of rental revenue during 90 years in future. If today’s value of  

tomorrow’s ‘loss’ income is to be calculated, that can not be done by simply  

taking the  aggregate  of  the  ‘loss’  over  the  future  period as  today’s  loss.  

There are well recognised actuarial methods to calculate the present value of  

a future loss. In fact,  this is clearly recognized by NOIDA by giving the  

option to the lessee to pay by way of a lump sum, an one time lease rent  

equal to the lease rent of 11 years of the lease instead of paying the annual  

rent for 90 years. In other words, NOIDA has itself calculated the present  

value of  the  future  rental  income for  90 years  as  being equivalent  to 11  

years’ current rent. As the rent per year is 2.5% of the total amount paid for  

the plot, the one time lease rent which is eleven times the present annual  

rental value, will be 27.5% of the amount paid as premium. On that basis the  

loss will be as under :

A. The area of 14 plots 2,63,500 sq.m.         

B. Value of 263500 sq.m. at Rs.70,000/- per sq.m. Rs.1844.50 crores

C. Value of 2,63,500 sq.m. at Rs.7400/- per sq.m. Rs.194.99 crores

D. Difference in premium (B – C) Rs.1649.51 crores



E. Add : One-time lease rent at 27.5% Rs.453.62 crores (equivalent to rental income over 90 years)

Total difference (D + E) Rs.2103.13 crores*  (*Plus stamp duty & registration charges on the increased premium/rent)

IV. What should be the consequence of the violation?  

58. Let  us sum up the position.  The allotment  of  commercial  plots  by  

NOIDA to the appellants for setting up hotels is valid. There is no violation  

of the regulations or policies of NOIDA in allotting commercial  plots for  

hotels.  Therefore  cancellation  of  allotment  is  unsustainable.  There  is  

however violation of the regulations and policies of NOIDA in making  such  

allotment on fixed rate basis, instead of inviting sealed tenders or holding  

public auction. This violation occurred on account of a mistake on the part  

of the officers of NOIDA in misinterpreting the government policy dated  

22.5.2006. The allottees were in no way to be blamed for the mistake. Nor  

were  the  allottees  guilty  of  any  suppression,  misstatement  or  

misrepresentation of facts, fraud, collusion or undue influence in obtaining  

the allotments at Rs.7400 per sq.m. The mistake was found out by the state  

government, in exercise of revisional jurisdiction. But by then the allotment  

was  followed by payment  of  premium,  execution  of  the  lease  deed,  and  

delivery of possession. By the time the state government decided that the  



allotment should be cancelled the transaction was complete in all respects.  

The fact that the registration of some of the leases was kept ‘pending’ in  

view  of  a  dispute  relating  to  valuation  would  not  be  relevant  for  this  

purpose. In the circumstances the High Court rightly felt that cancellation  

was  unwarranted  and  the  matter  required  reconsideration  by  the  State  

Government.  The  High Court  directed  reconsideration  in  the  light  of  its  

observations that the allotments of commercial plots for hotels were not in  

violation  of  any  regulations  and  the  allottees  were  not  guilty  of  any  

objectionable  conduct.  The  High  Court  therefore  wanted  to  save  the  

allotment  but  rectify  the  error  committed  in  regard  to  the  valuation  and  

remanded  the  matter  for  fresh  consideration.  However,  the  appellants  

challenged the judgment of the High Court and when this Court gave an  

opportunity to the State Government to pass fresh orders independent of the  

observations of the High Court, after hearing the parties, it has reiterated the  

cancellation, holding that the mistake has resulted in a lesser allotment price.  

According  to  respondents,  the  rate  of  premium  ought  to  have  been  

Rs.70,000/- per sq.m. being the market rate,  even though the reserve rate  

was  only  Rs.30,000/-  per  sq.m.  The  question  is,  on  the  facts  and  

circumstances,  when  the  allotments  are  valid  and  only  the  fixation  of  

premium  is  erroneous,  whether  cancellation  of  leases  is  warranted  or  



whether  charging  the  rate  claimed  by  the  respondents  (Rs.70,000/-  per  

sq.m.) would be the appropriate course.

(i) What is the cause for the violation?  

59. The NOIDA Board adopted the above policy dated 22.5.2006 at its  

meeting held on 5.6.2006 and directed implementation of the policy so as to  

ensure that construction of hotels in the allotted plots could be completed  

before the commencement of Commonwealth Games in 2010. Thus NOIDA  

Board was conscious that the policy dated 22.5.2006 had something to do  

with the time bound need to have several 5/4/3 Star hotels in a functional  

condition by the year 2010. Taking note of the direction in the government  

policy, that the allotment of plots for hotel industry should be at industrial  

rates, NOIDA decided to implement its scheme for allotment of hotel plots,  

by adopting the rates that were fixed by it as the reserve rate for plots in  

industrial area Phase I (Rs.7400/- per sq.m.) as the allotment rate. When the  

said allotment rate was fixed for hotel plots on 5.6.2006, the plots had not  

been identified for  allotment  of  hotels.  When NOIDA Board resolved to  

implement the policy dated 22.5.2006 and allot plots for hotels at ‘industrial  

rates’  that  is  rates  applicable  to  its  plots  in  industrial  area  (Phase  I),  

apparently  it  interpreted  the  policy  as  directing  that  all  plots  allotted  for  



hotels should be allotted at fixed industrial rate. It is also possible that when  

the rate was fixed, it assumed that some surplus land (not earmarked for any  

specific  purpose) or land earmarked for industrial  use,  will  be allotted to  

hotels;  and  when  the  plots  for  hotels  were  subsequently  identified  by  a  

Committee headed by the Circle Commissioner, Meerut, in areas earmarked  

for commercial use in the Master Plan, it was assumed by NOIDA officials  

that in view of the policy of the state government and in view of the NOIDA  

Board  resolution  dated  5.6.2006,  whatever  or  whichever  plots  were  

identified or earmarked as hotel plots should be charged at the industrial plot  

rate that had been already decided. The error was in assuming that any kind  

of plot (even commercial plots covered by a special policy requiring disposal  

by tenders/auctions) should be allotted at fixed industrial rate. The pressure  

from Central Government regarding need to have several star Hotels before  

the  commencement  of  Commonwealth  Games  and  the  terms  of  the  

Government Policy dated 22.5.2006, made them to proceed on that basis,  

without  further  verification.   That  is  how the Brochures  (advertisements)  

showed Rs.7400/- per sq.m as the allotment rate for hotel plots. Thus the  

charging of premium at a rate of Rs.7400/- per sq.m. in regard to hotel plots,  

is purely on account of the mistake on the part of the officers of NOIDA  

misreading  the  government  policy  dated  22.5.2006  and  assuming  that  it  



would  override  NOIDA’s  regulations  and  policy  regarding  commercial  


(ii) Whether allottees were guilty of fraud/objectionable conduct

60. The  next  question  that  arises  for  our  consideration  is  whether  the  

charging of a lesser rate for the allotment of plots or fixation of Rs.7400/-  

per sq.m. as the premium was a consequence of any misrepresentation, fraud  

or suppression of fact, or collusion on the part of the appellants. It has never  

been the  case  of  respondents  that  any of  the  appellants  had at  any  time  

misrepresented or suppressed any fact or had committed any fraud or had  

colluded with any officer of the State government or NOIDA or in any way  

influenced the officers of the state government or NOIDA in either obtaining  

the allotment or in the fixation of the allotment rate. Neither the direction  

dated 1.8.2007 of the state government under section 41 of the 1993 Act nor  

the letters  of cancellation  dated 3.8.2007 issued by NOIDA attribute  any  

such improper motive or conduct to any of the appellants.  

61. Before  the  High  Court,  the  respondents  clearly  admitted  that  they  

were not attributing any misrepresentation or fraud or other objectionable  

conduct,  to  the  appellants.  The  stand  of  the  respondents  was  that  the  



allotments at the rate of Rs.7400/- per sq.m. was due to a mistake on the part  

of  NOIDA officials.  The  High  Court  has  also  ruled  out  any  underhand  

dealing or malafides in regard to fixation of rate of premium at the rate of  

Rs.7400/- per sq.m. The said findings of High Court remain unchallenged.  

In fact the finding is sound and is not open to challenge. Further, when this  

Court directed the State Government to pass fresh reasoned revisional order,  

uninfluenced  by  the  reasoning  or  findings  of  the  High  Court,  the  State  

Government has passed  detailed orders dated 8.9.2008 for cancellation of  

plots.  Even in  these orders  dated 8.9.2008,  the state  government  has not  

imputed  any  mala  fides,  misrepresentation,  fraud  or  suppression  of  fact,  

collusion, undue influence or any other illegal act or improper conduct to  

any  of  the  appellants.  The  state  government  has  passed  the  order  of  

cancellation dated 8.9.2008 on the ground that NOIDA had itself violated  

the regulations and policies of NOIDA leading to loss to public exchequer.  

(iii)        What should be the remedial action?   

62. If after effecting a transfer, the transferor finds that he had stipulated a  

lesser consideration (sale price or lease premium) for the transfer, due to a  

mistake of fact or wrong understanding or misreading of any law (and such  

mistake  was  not  caused  on  account  of  any  fraud,  coercion  or  



misrepresentation by the transferee) what is the remedy of the transferor? In  

private law, the transferor may have no remedy, as completed transactions of  

transfers cannot be re-opened or cancelled.  A ‘transfer’  of property is  an  

executed contract. Section 4 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882 provides that  

the chapters and sections of that Act relating to contracts, shall be taken as  

part of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.  Section 20 of Contract Act provides  

that  where both the parties  to an agreement  are  under a  mistake  as  to  a  

matter  of  fact  essential  to the  agreement,  the  agreement  is  void.  But  the  

explanation thereto provides that an erroneous opinion as to the value of the  

thing which forms the subject matter of the agreement is not to be deemed a  

mistake as to a matter of fact. Section 21 of Contract Act provides that a  

contract is not voidable because it was caused by a mistake as to any law in  

force  in  India.  Therefore,  having  regard  to  the  provisions  of  Transfer  of  

Property Act and Contract Act, a transfer can not be cancelled on the ground  

that parties were mistaken about the consideration.  

63. The position is however different in public law. Breach of statutory  

provisions, procedural irregularities, arbitrariness and mala fides on the part  

of  the  Authority  (transferor)  will  furnish  grounds  to  cancel  or  annul  the  

transfer.  But  before  a  completed  transfer  is  interfered  on  the  ground  of  



violation of the regulations, it will be necessary to consider two questions.  

The  first  question  is  whether  the  transferee  had any  role  to  play  (fraud,  

misrepresentation, undue influence etc.) in such violation of the regulations,  

in which event cancellation of the transfer is inevitable.

63.1)  If the transferee had acted bona fide and was blameless, it may be  

possible to save the transfer but that again would depend upon the answer to  

the further question as to whether public interest has suffered or will suffer  

as a consequence of the violation of the regulations:

(i) If public interest has neither suffered, nor likely to suffer, on account  

of the violation, then the transfer may be allowed to stand as then the  

violation  will  be  a  mere  technical  procedural  irregularity  without  

adverse effects.  

(ii) On the other hand, if the violation of the regulations leaves or likely to  

leave  an  everlasting  adverse  effect  or  impact  on  public  interest  (as  for  

example when it  results in environmental  degradation or results  in a loss  

which is not reimbursable), public interest should prevail and the transfer  

should be rescinded or cancelled.  

(iii) But where the consequence of the violation is merely a short-recovery  

of the consideration, the transfer may be saved by giving the transferee an  

opportunity to make good the short-fall in consideration.  



63.2) The aforesaid exercise may seem to be cumbersome, but is absolutely  

necessary to protect the sanctity of contracts and transfers. If the government  

or its instrumentalities are seen to be frequently resiling from duly concluded  

solemn transfers, the confidence of the public and international community  

in the functioning of the government will be shaken. To save the credibility  

of the government and its instrumentalities, an effort should always be made  

to save the concluded transactions/transfers wherever possible, provided (i)  

that it will not prejudice the public interest, or cause loss to public exchequer  

or lead to public mischief, and (ii) that the transferee is blameless and had no  

part to play in the violation of the regulation.  

63.3)  If the concluded transfer cannot be saved and has to be cancelled, the  

innocent  and blameless  transferee  should be reimbursed all  the payments  

made by him and all expenditure incurred by him in regard to the transfer  

with appropriate interest.  If some other relief can be granted on grounds of  

equity without harming public interest and public exchequer, grant of such  

equitable relief should also be considered.  

64. We  may  give  an  example  from  service  jurisprudence,  where  a  

principle of equity is frequently invoked to give relief to an employee in  



somewhat similar circumstances. Where the pay or other emoluments due to  

an employee is determined and paid by the employer, and subsequently the  

employer  finds,  (usually  on  audit  verification)  that  on  account  of  wrong  

understanding of the applicable rules by the officers implementing the rules,  

excess payment is made,  courts have recognized the need to give limited  

relief in regard to recovery of past excess payments, to reduce hardship to  

the innocent employees, who benefited from such wrong interpretation. A  

three Judge bench of this Court in Syed Abdul Qadir vs. State of Bihar [2009  

(3) SCC 475] stated the principle thus :           

“This Court, in a catena of decisions, has granted relief against recovery of  excess payment of emoluments/allowances if (a)  the excess amount was  not paid on account of any misrepresentation or fraud on the part of the   employee and (b) if such excess payment was made by the employer by   applying a wrong principle for calculating the pay/allowance or on the  basis of a particular interpretation of rule/order, which is subsequently   found to be erroneous.

The relief against recovery is granted by courts not because of any right in  the employees, but in equity, exercising judicial discretion to relieve the  employees from the hardship that will be caused if recovery is ordered.  But, if in a given case, it is proved that the employee had knowledge that  the payment received was in excess of what was due or wrongly paid, or  in cases where the error is detected or corrected within a short time of  wrong payment, the matter being in the realm of judicial discretion, courts  may,  on  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  any  particular  case,  order  for  recovery of the amount paid in excess.”

(emphasis supplied)

65. In these cases the allotment of commercial plots to appellants is valid  

and legal. The violation is in making such allotment on fixed allotment rate  



which is less than the rate the plots would have fetched by calling for tenders  

or by holding auctions. Therefore the equitable solution in these cases is to  

give  an  opportunity  to  the  lessees  to  pay  the  difference  thereby  in  

consideration  which  arose  on  account  of  wrong  interpretation  instead  of  

cancelling the leases. According to the State Government, the commercial  

plots would have fetched a premium at rate of Rs.70,000 per sq.m at the  

relevant time (October 2006 to January 2007) and NOIDA had been denied  

the  benefit  of  that  allotment  rate,  by  reason  of  allotment  of  the  plots  at  

Rs.7400/- per sq.m. Therefore if the appellants are wiling to pay the balance  

of premium as claimed by respondents, the leases need not be interfered.  

66. In  this  case  the  violation  of  the  policies  of  NOIDA  in  making  

allotments has resulted in a lesser premium being charged than what would  

have  been  applied  for  commercial  plots.  According  to  respondents  the  

premium that would have been charged was Rs.70,000/- per sq.m as against  

Rs.7,400 per sq.m. Therefore, the violation of the guidelines in regard to  

disposal of commercial plots has resulted only in a loss of revenue by way of  

premium and if this could be made up, there is no reason why the leases  

should not be continued.



67. The appellants of course disputed the claim for a premium at the rate  

of Rs.70,000/- per sq.m on several grounds. They contended that Rs.70,000/-  

was only a circle rate for purposes of registration and was not the actual  

“market value”. It is also contended that even if Rs.70,000/- was the market  

value, it would represent the value of freehold land and not of a leasehold  

interest. It is submitted that on account of the following restrictive factors in  

regard to their leases, the value of the leasehold interest will be far less than  

the value of freehold property:  

(a) A transferee has absolute ownership in a freehold property, whereas in  

a leasehold for 90 years, the lessee has to surrender the property to the lessor  

at the end of 90 years.

(b) In regard to a freehold property, there is no liability to pay any rent.  

But in these leases, the lessees are liable to pay annual rent equivalent to  

2½% of the total amount paid for the plot as lease rent with an increase of  

50% in the annual  rent once every ten years. This is a continuing liability  

for ninety years, unless the lessee chooses to pay eleven years current lease  

rent as ‘one time lease rent’.  

(c) The  leases  are  subject  to  the  following  among  other  restrictive  

covenants: (i) they should commence construction within six months of the  

allotment and complete the Hotel Project by December, 2009, so as to make  

the hotel functional by June, 2010 with the threat of forfeiture if the lessee  



failed  to  complete  the  project;  (ii)  right  to  transfer  being  subject  to  

permission from NOIDA and subject to the claim of NOIDA for unearned  

increases; (iii) risk of termination for breach and resumption of possession;  

and (iv) the restriction regarding user, that is, the entire property having to  

be used only for a hotel with only 5% of the FAR being permitted to be used  

as  commercial  space.  It  is  submitted  that  freehold properties  will  not  be  

subject to any of these restrictions.  

68. The respondents admitted that a transfer by sale is more valuable than  

a transfer by way of lease, but contended that long term leases for 90 years  

fetch a premium on par with prevailing sale price. It is further submitted that  

as most of the properties in NOIDA are leasehold properties, the circle rate  

represents the premium for long leases and not freehold prices. It is pointed  

out  that  even  in  regard  to  any  sale  by  NOIDA,  restrictive  covenants  

regarding use could be imposed and enforced. The respondents also alleged  

that when NOIDA invited applications for the unallotted hotel plots, hardly a  

year later in March 2008, as against a reserved rate (premium) of Rs.77000/-  

per sq.m. fixed by NOIDA, prospective applicants were willing to pay more  

and that would show that their claim that prevailing premium rate in 2006-

2007  was  Rs.70,000/-  per  sq.m.  was  justified.  The  respondents  have  

produced copies of some of the tenders received in respect of the 2008 offer,  

in support of their contention.  



69. The appellants responded by pointing out that the terms of lease under  

the 2008 scheme of NOIDA offering hotel plots for allotment were far more  

favourable to the lessees, when compared to the terms on which plots were  

offered to them, and therefore neither the reserve rate for 2008 offer, nor the  

responses thereto will be a safe guide to determine the market value of the  

leasehold  interest  (premises)  in  2006-07.  They  referred  to  the  following  

significant differences in the lease conditions which made the offer under the  

2008 scheme far more attractive and valuable for a lessee, when compared to  

the terms of lease offered in 2006-2007 to the appellants:

S.No. Description  of the term

Position under 2006  allotment

Position under 2008 allotment

1. Purpose and  permitted  use

For setting up hotels with only  5%  of  FAR  permitted  to  be  used as commercial space  

For development of hotels with  commercial activities with 40%  of FAR permitted to be used as  commercial space

2. Payment  of  premium  

50% in 30 days 50% in 180 days

25% within 30 days Balance 75% in 16 half  yearly  instalments  (alongwith  interest  at  11% from date  of  allotment  compounded half yearly)

3. Transfer  of  rights

The  lessee  shall  not  transfer  the  plot  before  the  hotel  becomes  functional.  The  Authority  may  or  may  not  allow  transfer.  If  transfer  is  permitted,  transfer  charges  shall  be  payable  to  the  Authority.   

The lessee is entitled to transfer  after  obtaining  completion  certificate  and  no   transfer  charges will be applicable if the  built  up  commercial  space  is  transferred  within  two  years  from  the  date  of  issue  of  completion certificate  



Therefore  if  the  appellants  (2006-2007  allottees)  are  to  be  extended  the  

aforesaid benefits  offered to allottees  under the 2008 scheme,  the rate of  

Rs.70,000/-  per  sq.m.  (the  rate  of  2008  scheme  was  10%  more  than  

Rs.70,000/-  per  sq.m.)  claimed  by  the  respondents  becomes  logical  and  

reasonable. We therefore find no reason to reject the claim of respondents  

that the allotment rate should be Rs.70,000/- per sq.m. We accordingly grant  

the appellants an opportunity to save the leases by paying the difference in  

premium at Rs.62600/- per sq.m. to make it upto Rs.70,000/- per sq.m.  

70. In view of the above we dispose of these appeals as follows :  

(i) The order of the High Court setting aside the revisional order dated  

1.8.2007  of  the  State  Government  and  the  consequential  orders  of  

cancellation of allotment of plots dated 3.8.2007 by NOIDA, is affirmed.

(ii) The revisional orders dated 8.9.2008 passed by the State Government  

cancelling the allotments of plots to appellants, are set aside.

(iii) The appellants are given the option to continue their respective leases  

by  paying  the  premium  (allotment  rate)  at  Rs.70000/-  per  sq.m.  (with  

corresponding  increase  in  yearly  rent/one  time  lease  rent),  without  any  

location  benefit  charges.  The  appellants  shall  exercise  such  option  by  

30.9.2011. Such of those appellants exercising the option will be entitled to  



the following benefits which has been extended in regard to the allottees  

under 2008 allotment scheme of NOIDA :

(a) 40%  of FAR can be used by the allottee as commercial space  (as stipulated in the 2008 scheme).

(b) Permission to pay at its option, the balance to make up 25% of  the premium (after adjusting all amounts paid at Rs.7400/- per sq.m.  plus location benefit charges) on or before 30.9.2011 and the balance  75% of premium in sixteen half yearly instalments commencing from  1.1.2012 with interest at 11% per annum (as offered to the applicants  in 2008 scheme).

(c) The lessees will be entitled to transfer rights in accordance with  the 2008 scheme.  

On exercise of such option, the lease shall continue and the period between  

1.8.2007 to 31.7.2011 shall be excluded for calculating the lease period of  

90 years. Consequently the period of lease mentioned in the lease deed shall  

stand extended by a corresponding four years period, so that the lessee has  

the benefit of the lease  for 90 years. An amendment to the lease deed shall  

be  executed  between  NOIDA and  the  lessee  incorporating  the  aforesaid  


(iv) If any appellant is unwilling to continue the lease by paying the higher  

premium as aforesaid, or fails to exercise the option as per para (iii) above  

by 30.9.2011, the allotment and consequential lease in its favour shall stand  

cancelled.  In  that  event,  NOIDA  shall  return  all  amounts  paid  by  such  

appellant to NOIDA towards the allotment and the lease, and also reimburse  

the stamp duty and registration charges incurred by it, with interest at 18%  

per annum from the date of payment/incurring of such amounts to date of  



reimbursement by NOIDA. If NOIDA returns the amount to the appellant  

within 31.12.2011, the rate of interest payable by NOIDA shall be only 11%  

per annum instead of 18%  per annum.

(vi) Parties to bear their respective costs.  

…………………………..J. (R V Raveendran)

New Delhi; ………………………..J. July 5, 2011. (B Sudershan Reddy)