15 November 2016
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-010860-010860 / 2016
Diary number: 33244 / 2015





CIVIL APPEAL NO._10860_ of 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NO.31439 OF 2015)





R.F. Nariman, J.

1. Leave granted.

2.  The  present  appeal  arises  out  of  a  Summons  for

Judgment  No.  39  of  2013  in  a  Summary  Suit  filed  on  the

original  side  of  the  Bombay  High  Court,  by  the

Appellant-plaintiff,  a  debenture  trustee,  to  enforce  rights  that

arise  out  of  a  Corporate  Guarantee  executed  by  the

Respondent-defendant. The necessary averments made in the



plaint would disclose the cause of action of the suit as well as

the facts necessary to decide this appeal. They are as follows:

“3. In  2009  and  2010,  Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij  voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (hereinafter referred to as “FMO”)  invested  in  certain  equity  shares  and compulsorily  convertible  debentures  (hereinafter referred  to  as  the  “CCDs”)  of  Vinca  Developer Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Vinca”). As a result  of the said investment, FMO currently holds (i) 10% of the equity of Vinca through Class A shares and is entitled to 10% of the voting rights and  economic  interest  in  Vinca  by  virtue  thereof; and (ii) 3 CCDs in Vinca. Further, as on date, the Defendant owns 49% of the equity of Vinca through Class A shares and is entitled to 49% of the voting rights  and  economic  interest  in  Vinca  by  virtue thereof.  The remaining 41% Class A equity shares in Vinca are owned by the individual promoters of the Defendant, being Hemant Shah and Vyomesh Shah,  which  entitles  them  to  41%  of  the  voting rights  and  economic  interest  in  Vinca.   Hemant Shah and Vyomesh Shah together also own 100% of Class B equity shares of Vinca, which carry with them  collective  voting  rights  and  dividend entitlement not exceeding 0.01%.  Upon conversion, the 3 CCDs in Vinca will entitle FMO to 99% of the equity of Vinca (by allotment of additional Class A shares), thereby entitling it to 99% of the voting and economic rights of Vinca.  The said monies invested by  FMO  into  Vinca  were  then  used  by  Vinca  to subscribe to  certain optionally  partially  convertible debentures (hereinafter referred to as “OPCDs”), as specified below.   

4. The  Plaintiff  is  India’s  largest  Trusteeship Company  and  provides  a  wide  spectrum  of Trusteeship  Services.   The  Plaintiff  has  been



appointed as the Debenture Trustee under  (i)  the Debenture Subscription and Debenture Trust Deed dated  1st December,  2009  executed  by  Amazia Developers Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as  “Amazia”),  Vinca,  Brainpoint  Infotech  Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Brainpoint”), the Defendant and the Plaintiff;  and (ii)  the Debenture Subscription  and  Debenture  Trust  Deed  dated  1st December, 2009 executed by Rubix Trading Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Rubix”), Vinca, the  Defendant  and  the  Plaintiff  as  amended  by OPCD Amendment Agreement dated 8th September, 2010;  (hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the “Debenture  Trust  Deeds”)  in  relation  to  Vinca’s investment in OPCDs issued by Amazia and Rubix. A copy of  the Debenture Trust  Deeds is annexed hereto and marked as  Exhibits “A-1”, “A-2” and “A-3”.  

5. Pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of  the  Debenture  Trust  Deeds,  Vinca  has subscribed to:

i. certain secured, non marketable, transferable, OPCDs of Rubix, of a face value of Rs.10,00,000 each aggregating to INR 1,285,000,000 in tranche 1;

ii. additional  secured,  non  marketable, transferable, OPCDs of Rubix, of a face value of Rs. 10,00,000 each, aggregating to INR 1,395,000,000 in tranche 2;

iii. certain secured, non marketable, transferable, OPCDs of Amazia, of a face value of Rs.10,00,000 each, aggregating to INR 1,500,000,000.

6. The OPCDs carry a variable running coupon and a back ended coupon to ensure an internal rate of return of 14.75% per annum.



7. The Plaintiff states that the proceeds obtained by Amazia and Rubix from the issue of the OPCD’s to  Vinca  were  to  be  applied  towards  inter  alia projects  which  are  compliant  with  Indian  foreign direct  investment  law as  applicable  to  townships, housing,  built-up  infrastructure  and  construction development projects, as provided more particularly under clause I, Part C, Schedule 7 of the Debenture Trust Deeds.

8. The Plaintiff states that in order to secure the said OPCDs, and to ensure the due and punctual payment by Amazia and Rubix of all dues to Vinca under  the  Debenture  Guarantee  Deeds,  the Defendant  has,  inter  alia vide  the  Corporate Guarantee Deed, dated 9th December, 2009, issued an  unconditional,  absolute  and  irrevocable corporate guarantee in favour of the Plaintiff,  inter alia for the benefit of Vinca (hereinafter referred to as  the  “Guarantee”).  A copy  of  the  Guarantee  is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “B”.  

9. The  Plaintiff  submits  that  inter  alia the following defaults  were committed by Amazia and Rubix,  inter  alia under  the  said  Debenture  Trust Deeds:

i. Defaults by Amazia and Rubix in payment of interest  on  the  OPCDs,  as  contemplated under  Condition  7  of  Schedule  3  of  the Debenture  Trust  Deeds,  which  default  has been subsisting since 15th June, 2011, on the interest  accrued  on  the  OPCDs  since  16th March, 2011;

ii. Defaults by Amazia and Rubix in payment of default interest accrued on the OPCDs since 16th June, 2011;

iii. The occurrence of an event of default (cross default) specified in Clause 21(a) of Schedule 14 of the Debenture Trust Deeds, arising inter alia out of a default by Vinca under the CCDs;



iv. Failure on the part of Rubix, Amazia and the Defendant  in  providing  the  financial statements  required  to  be  provided  as  per Entry  I  (Financial  Statements)  of  Part  A of Schedule  7  (Covenants  of  the Obligors  and Security  Providers)  of  the  Debenture  Trust Deeds;

v. Failure  on  the  part  of  the  Defendant  in maintaining the Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio, the Debt  Service  Cover  Ratio  and  the  Interest Coverage Ratio as per the provisions of Part B of Schedule 7 (Covenants of the Obligors and Security Providers) of the Debenture Trust Deeds, for the Ratio period from 1st April, 2011 to 30th September, 2011;

vi. Failure on the part of Rubix, Amazia and the Defendant in complying with a number of the Positive Covenants which were required to be fulfilled by them as per the provisions of Part C of Schedule 7 (Covenants of the Obligors and  Security  Providers)  of  the  Debenture Trust Deeds, including the failure to apply the proceeds  from  the  issue  of  OPCD’s  in  the manner contemplated in the abovementioned Schedule  i.e.  towards  projects  that  are compliant  with  the  Indian  foreign  direct investment  law;

vii. Failure on the part of Rubix, Amazia and the Defendant in complying with a number of the Negative Covenants as per the provisions of Part  D  of  Schedule  7  (Covenants  of  the Obligors  and  Security  Providers)  of  the Debenture Trust Deeds.  

10. In view of the aforesaid defaults, the Plaintiff was  constrained  to  issue  notices  dated  2nd May, 2012  to  Amazia  and  Rubix  respectively,  under Clause  33.1  of  the  Debenture  Trust  Deeds,  for subsisting  payment  of  interest  on  OPCDs  as contemplated under  Condition 7 of  Schedule 3 of



the Debenture Trust Deeds, setting out inter alia (i) the payment defaults subsisting as on the said date; (ii) the default by Amazia and Rubix in crediting the designated account with lease rental proceeds; and (iii) the failure to provide information, and breach of certain identified covenants.  However, no response was forthcoming from Amazia and/or Rubix.  A copy of  the  notices  dated  2nd May,  2012  is  annexed hereto and marked Exhibits “C-1” and “C-2”.

11. Consequently,  and  further  to  the  Plaintiff’s letters dated 2nd May, 2012, and in view of the fact that the said defaults were not rectified by Amazia and Rubix as required under the said letters dated 2nd May, 2012, the Plaintiff, in exercise of its right of early  redemption  under  Condition  12.1(a)  and Condition 12.2 of Schedule 3 of the Debenture Trust Deeds,  has  issued  redemption  notices  to  both Amazia and Rubix on 27th June, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the “Redemption Notices”)  for  the reasons and on the grounds contained therein, inter alia calling upon Amazia and Rubix to fully redeem all  the  OPCDs  at  par  value  on  3rd July,  2012 (hereinafter referred to as the “Early Redemption Date”)  and  to  credit  the  Principal  Redemption Amount  alongwith  interest  accrued  and   unpaid thereon, aggregating to Rs.4,843,299,862.97/- into A/c. no.: 00600350098359 held in the name of the Plaintiff  at  HDFC Bank,  on the Early  Redemption Date.  A copy of the Redemption Notices is annexed hereto and marked Exhibits “D-1” and “D-2”.

12. However,  despite  repeated  reminders  to rectify  their  various  defaults  under  the  Debenture Trust  Deeds,  and various attempts  to  resolve the issues amicably, Amazia and Rubix have failed and neglected to pay the amounts due and payable in terms of the Debenture Trust Deeds.  Consequently, the  Plaintiff  was  constrained  to  issue  a  Demand Certificate for the enforcement of the Guarantee, in terms of the said Guarantee, to the Defendant on 3rd



August, 2012.   A copy of the Demand Certificate dated  3rd August,  2012  is  annexed  hereto  and marked Exhibit “E”.

13. No  reply  has  been  received  to  the aforementioned  Demand  Certificate  from  the Defendant till  date. The Defendant therefore failed and neglected to make payment of the amounts due to the Plaintiff under the Guarantee.  

33. The Plaintiff therefore prays:

this Hon’ble Court be pleased to order and decree the  Defendant  to  pay  to  the  Plaintiff  a  sum  of Rs.532,11,29,364.05/-  (Rupees  Five  Hundred  and Thirty  Two  Crores  Eleven  Lakhs  Twenty  Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Four and Five Paisa  Only)  as  on  May  6,  2013,  being  (i)  Rs. 477,51,90,932.97/- (Rupees Four Hundred Seventy Seven  Crores  Fifty  One  Lakhs  Ninety  Thousand Nine  Hundred  and  Thirty  Two  and  Ninety  Seven Paisa only) as the revised principal amount, being Rs.484,32,99,862.97/-  (Rupees Four Hundred and Eighty Four  Crores Thirty  Two Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two and Ninety Seven  Paise  only)  (hereinafter  referred  to  as “Principal  Amount”),  less  an  amount  of Rs.6,81,08,930/-  (Rupees  Six  Crores  Eighty  One Lakhs  Eight  Thousand  Nine  Hundred  and  Thirty Only) received on March 4, 2013 under the Amazia TRA Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Revised Principal  Amount”);  (ii)  Rs.42,26,78,815.12/- (Rupees  Forty  Two  Crores  Twenty  Six  Lakhs Seventy Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen and Twelve Paisa only)  as the default  interest  on the  Principal  Amount,  at  the  rate  of  14.75%  per annum from August 11, 2012 till March 4, 2013 as per  Clause  3  of  the  Guarantee;  and  (iii) Rs.12,32,59,615.96/- (Rupees Twelve Crores Thirty Two Lakhs Fifty Nine Thousand Six Hundred and Fifteen and Ninety  Six  Paise only)  as  the default



interest on the Revised Principal Amount, at the rate of 14.75% per annum from March 5, 2013 till May 6, 2013,  as  per  Clause  3  of  the  Guarantee  and thereafter,  such  further  interest  @  14.75%  per annum on the Revised Principal Amount being Rs. 477,51,90,932.97/- (Rupees Four Hundred Seventy Seven  Crores  Fifty  One  Lakhs  Ninety  Thousand Nine  Hundred  and  Thirty  Two  and  Ninety  Seven Paise  only),  till  the  date  of  actual  payment  or realization.”

3. The  affidavit-in-reply  to  the  aforesaid  Summons  for

Judgment raised the following defence, as recorded by the Ld.

Single Judge in the impugned judgment dated 8th May, 2015.  

“16.  Since according to the Defendant,  the above submission is their main submission in the present matter, the same is elaborated as follows:

16.1 That  the FDI Policy and the statutory FEMA Regulations (which incorporate the FDI Policy as a Schedule  thereto),  permit  FDI  in  townships, construction  of  houses,  only  by  way  of  equity investments  (which  is  defined  to  also  include debentures which are compulsorily  required to be converted into equity: CCDs). The FDI Policy and the  FEMA Regulations  prohibit  any  other  form of investment (non equity) in the said sector with an assured return/rate of return.

16.2 That FMO, a foreign entity wanted to invest a substantial  sum  by  way  of  FDI  in  a  slum rehabilitation  project  being  undertaken  in  Mumbai by Rubix and an Industrial Park being undertaken/ owned by Amazia. FMO was however only willing to



invest  in  the  said  projects  on  the  basis  of  an assured/fixed  return,  which  was  and  is  not permissible  under  the  FEMA  Regulations/FDI Policy.  To enable  FMO  to  bypass/circumvent  the said FEMA/FDI prohibitions and get a fixed return of 14.5%  per  annum  on  its  investment  of  Rs.  418 crores, the investment structure (i.e investment by way of CCDs in Vinca and Vinca purporting to invest the said amounts in OPCDs of Amazia and Rubix) was devised/adopted as follows:

i) Vinca was interposed as the Holding Company of Amazia  and  Rubix  and  Vinca  was  the  nominal recipient of the FDI of Rs. 418 crores from FMO by way of  equity  investment  and  CCDs (in  apparent compliance with the FDI/FEMA Regulations).

ii) The documents executed for the FDI investment (Subscription Agreement and Debenture Trust Deed annexed  as  Schedule  13  thereto),  however establish that the FDI received from FMO, was not intended  for/could  not  be  used  by  Vinca  for  any project of its own but was specifically required to be immediately invested by/through Vinca in OPCDs of Rubix & Amazia,  bearing a fixed rate of  return of 13.5%.

iii)  Under  the  FEMA/FDI  regulations/policy  FMO could not have invested the said amounts in Amazia and Rubix through OPCDs bearing a fixed rate of return.  By interposing Vinca (an Indian Company) the amounts received from FMO were invested in OPCDs  of  Amazia  and  Rubix  bearing  the  fixed 14.5% rate of return.

iv)  At  the  same time  it  was  provided  (a)  that  on conversion of the CCDs FMO would own 99% of the equity of Vinca and further that (b)  the Articles of Vinca were amended to provide that any decision regarding  the  OPCDs/investment  could  only  be



taken by FMO nominees on the Board of Vinca. (c) the  DTDs  for  the  Amazia  and  Rubix  OPCDs provided that the Debenture Trustee/the Petitioner would only act on the instructions of the Nominee Directors of FMO.

v)  Accordingly  though  Vinca  was  an  “Indian Company” and the nominal recipient of the FDI, the transaction was so structured that:

(a) the FDI amount would be immediately routed by Vinca to Amazia & Rubix against issue by them of OPCDs bearing a return of 14.5%.

(b)  FMO/its  Nominee  Directors  could  exclusively deal  with  the  OPCDs  and  the  Debenture Trustee/IDBI.

(c) after receipt by Vinca of the fixed rate of return (14.5 per cent per annum) from Amazia and Rubix under the OPCDs, FMO would on conversion of the CCDs,  become  the  owner  of  Vinca  and  thereby receive/become entitled to the amounts received by Vinca by way of the fixed rate of return from Amazia and Rubix.

vi) The Deed of Guarantee was contemporaneously executed  by  the  Respondents  on  9th  December, 2009  in  favour  of  the  Debenture  Trustee  (the Petitioner herein) for securing the “due and punctual payment” of the principal and the interest by Amazia and Rubix to Vinca, actually to FMO and was part of the structure devised to ensure the receipt by FMO at the fixed rate of return of 14.5%.  

16.3 That, if the entire transaction is looked at as a whole, it is clear that the interposing of Vinca as the nominal  recipient  of  the  FDI  (against  issuance  of equity  shares  and  CCDs)  was  a  colourable  and artificially  structured  transaction,  the  object  and



purpose of which was to enable FMO to secure a fixed  rate  of  return  on  its  FDI  investments  in townships/construction of  housing,  notwithstanding the FEMA Regulations/FDI Policy which permit only an equity investment without any fixed/agreed rate of return in the said sector. The said structure was and is not lawful and was and is opposed to public policy as it was designed to defeat and would defeat the provisions of law, the FEMA Regulations read with the FDI Policy.

16.4  That,  the  present  Petition  has  been  filed  to effectuate the said illegal object of securing the said fixed  rate  of  return  for  FMO.  Although  IDBI,  the Petitioner, claims to be nominally acting on behalf of Vinca,  it  is  in  fact  admittedly  acting  only  at  the instance of FMO/FMO's Nominee Directors on the Board of Vinca. FMO through its Nominee Directors on  the  Board  of  Vinca  has  instructed  IDBI  to demand the said sums (principal and agreed rate of return)  from  Amazia  and  Rubix  and  has  further instructed/required  IDBI  to  invoke  the  said Guarantee  and  file  the  present  Petition.  (sic  – actually,  Plaint).  This  is  apparent  from  the correspondence annexed as Exhibits-C to V to the Petition.


16.6  That,  by  the  present  Petition,  the  Petitioner, acting at the instance of FMO, is seeking to utilise the process of this Court to secure for FMO a 14.5 per cent fixed rate of return on its FDI investment, contrary  to  the  statutory  stipulation/prohibition contained  in  the  FEMA  Regulations  (which incorporate/embody the FDI Policy),  which require FDI in townships/housing/construction development projects  to  be  made  only  by  equity  participation (including compulsorily convertible debentures) and prohibits/precludes  any  assured  return/rate  of



return. It is submitted that this would be contrary to law, public policy and public interest.”

4. Based  on  this  defence,  the  Ld.  Single  Judge  in  the

impugned judgment arrived at the following conclusions:

“31. According to the Plaintiff,  the doctrine of Pari Delicto is not applicable, that IDBI is not a party to the conspiracy and IDBI is not acting on behalf of FMO. Even if IDBI is acting on behalf of FMO, the doctrine of Pari Delicto would not be applicable as the  Defendant  had  induced  FMO  to  make  the FDI/Investment by representing that the transaction was FDI/FEMA complaint.    

31.1   The above submission of the Plaintiff cannot be accepted. The conduct of FMO in routing its FDI nominally  through  Vinca  to  Amazia  and  Rubix against  issuance  by  them  of  OPCDs  and  the amendments/provisions made in Vinca’s Articles of Association, establishes that FMO was fully aware that  it  could  not  under  the  FDI  policy  and FEMA Regulations directly invest in the OPCDs, or require that its FDI amount/investment   be   returned   back to   it   with   a   fixed   rate   of   return   after a stipulated period i.e. without   bearing   an   equity investment   risk.   The   complex structure devised for  FMO’s  FDI  investment  establishes  that  all parties  (including  FMO)  were  aware  that  the transaction which was premised on return back of the  FDI  amount  along  with  a  fixed  rate  of  return thereon,  was  not  permissible  under/in  violation  of the FDI policy and the FEMA Regulations.  It is clear that in claiming the amount and initiating the present proceedings, the Plaintiff is acting at the instance of FMO/FMO nominees on the Board of Directors of Vinca. This is the stipulation in Vinca’s articles and under the   DTD.     In any event, inasmuch as the



transaction  (based  on  return  of  the  FDI/principal amount  invested along with  a  fixed rate of  return thereon) is not permissible/prohibited under the FDI policy and the FEMA Regulations,   neither   IDBI nor   FMO     can seek the assistance of the Court to  effectuate/implement/enforce  such  a prohibited/illegal transaction.  

32.  The  Plaintiff  has  lastly  contended  that  the alleged illegal purpose of securing a fixed return has not been carried out and that if the proceedings are allowed, the money will go to Vinca and not to FMO. It has been contended that FMO cannot receive the sums without  complying with  the FDI  Regulations for sale of shares and repatriation.     

32.1 This submission too of the Plaintiff cannot be accepted.   The present claim has been made and the present  proceeding has been initiated/filed  by the Plaintiff at the instance of FMO/FMO nominees on Vinca’s  Board of  Directors,  in  order  to  secure repayment/return of the FDI amount invested along with a fixed rate of return   thereon   i.e. for   seeking the   active   assistance   of    this    Court    to implement/effectuate/enforce  a  transaction prohibited  by  the  FDI  policy  and  the  FEMA Regulations.   The  contractual  documents  (SSA & DTD)  establish  that  it  was  always  agreed  and understood  that  Vinca  was  only  the  nominal recipient of the FDI amount received from FMO and was  also  only  nominally  the  recipient  of  the  FDI amount  and interest  thereon at  14.5 per  cent  per annum to be received back from Amazia and Rubix. On receipt  back by Vinca of  the FDI amount and 14.5 per cent interest thereon, FMO can and will by conversion  of  the  three  CCDs  become  the  99% shareholder of Vinca.   Under the FDI policy/FEMA Regulations, FMO can thereafter sell the shares of Vinca at the fair value, which will necessarily include



the value/benefit of the FDI amount and interest at 14.5 per cent thereon.

33.  However, I  must  also state  that  I  do not  find substance qua the following defences raised by the Defendant:   

33.1 That the Suit deserves to be dismissed on the ground that the guarantee as well as trusteeship of IDBI has been discharged/terminated;  

33.2 That under the provisions of the FDI Policy, an Indian Company which has received foreign direct investment can utilise its funds downstream only for making  investment  by  way  of  equity  instruments (i.e. in the form  of equity capital or compulsorily and mandatorily  convertible  preference  shares  or debentures);  

33.3  That  Investment  by  an  Indian  Company  in OPCDs  issued  by  subsidiary  (also  an  Indian Company) would amount to an external commercial borrowing.


37.2  In the case in hand, I am prima facie of the view that the structure/device of routing FMO's FDI amount  of  Rs.  418  crores  to  Amazia  and  Rubix through the newly interposed Vinca (as the nominal recipient  of  the  FDI)  was  a  colourable  device structured only to enable FMO to secure repayment (through  Vinca)  of  its  FDI  amount  and  interest thereon at 14.75%, contrary to the statutory FEMA Regulations and   the   FDI   policy   embodied therein,   which   only   permit   FDI   investment   in townships/real   estate   development   sector   to be   made   in   the   form   of   equity (including Compulsorily Convertible Debentures) and preclude any assured  return.  I  am also  prima facie  of  the



view that the Defendant's guarantee (which is the basis of  the Company Petition No.  644 of  2013) though  ostensibly  in  favour  of  Vinca,  an  Indian Company,  was  part  of  the  aforesaid  illegal structure/scheme  and  was  given  to  ensure  that FMO received back its FDI amount with interest as aforesaid  through  Vinca.  The  Guarantee  was therefore  part  of  the  aforesaid  illegal structures/scheme and therefore prima facie illegal and unenforceable.     

37.3    Further  the question of  the Defendant  not being allowed to  plead its own wrong also does not arise in the facts of the present case.   Through the present  Petition,  the  Plaintiff  (who  is  admittedly acting at the instance   of FMO/FMO's nominees) is in  effect  seeking  the  assistance  of  this  Court  to enable/enforce recovery by FMO of its FDI amount and interest thereon (through Vinca), contrary to the provisions of the FEMA Regulations and FDI policy embodied therein. As has been held by the Hon'ble Supreme   Court in the case of Immami Appa Rao vs.  G.  Ramalingamurthi  (supra),  the  Plaintiff  who wants orders in his favour, is actually seeking the active assistance of the Court to achieve what the law prohibits/declares illegal and that is clearly and patently  inconsistent  with  public  interest. Moreover, as has been held by the Supreme Court i n the above case, in such a case there can be no question  of  estoppel  and  the  paramount consideration  of  public  interest  requires  that  the plea be allowed to be raised and tried.”


40.2  In  my  view,  the  Plaintiff  is  also  not  correct when they state/submit that the judgment supports the Plaintiff  in  contending that  the Defendant  had not “brought on record a shred of material to show how the facts of the present dispute would mandate



lifting of the corporate veil...” Even if it is assumed that the corporate veil is not to be lifted or Vinca, Amazia  and  Rubix  are  to  be  treated  as  one Company,  as  has  been  mentioned  hereinabove, Vinca  interposed  as  the  holding  Company  of Amazia  and  Rubix  only  for  the  purpose  of structuring FMO's FDI investment into Amazia and Rubix, through Vinca   as the nominal   recipient. The SSA and the annexed Debenture Trust Deed, specifically  provided  that  the  FDI  amount  to  be received  by  Vinca  from FMO against  issuance of CCDs and equity shares by Vinca, was not to be retained  by  Vinca  or  used  by  Vinca  in  its  own projects. The SSA and Trust Deed in fact expressly stipulated that  the FDI  amount  received by Vinca from FMO,  was to  be  immediately  passed on  by Vinca to Amazia and Rubix, against issuance   by them   of   OPCDs.   Accordingly   the   SSA   and the   Trust   Deed   itself established that Vinca had been  interposed   only  to  provide  a  facade  of compliance with the FEMA Regulations/FDI policy and was only a nominal recipient of the FDI and that Vinca was immediately required to route the entire amount received from FMO  to Amazia and Rubix, against issuance by them of OPCDs.”


42. In the circumstances I am of the view that the Defendant  has raised triable issues which require adjudication on further evidence at the time of final disposal of the suit.  Hence the following order:  (i) Unconditional leave is granted to the Defendant to defend the above suit;  

(ii) The suit is transferred to the list of commercial causes  and  the  Defendant  is  directed  to  file  its written statement on or before 15th June, 2015;



(iii)   The hearing of  the suit  is  expedited and the Court will endeavour to dispose of the suit within a period of one year from the date of this order.  It is clarified that the Suit shall be decided without being influenced by any of the observations made in the present order.   

(iv)  Place  the  suit  for  framing  of  issues  on  29th June, 2015.”

5. Since  the  summary  suit  is  filed  on  a  Corporate

Guarantee,  and since this  document  has been heavily  relied

upon by Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi,  Ld.  Senior  Counsel  on

behalf of the appellant, it is necessary to set out some of the

clauses of this Guarantee. It may first be noticed that the deed

of  Corporate Guarantee cum Mortgage,  dated 9th December,

2009, was made by Ackruti City Ltd. as guarantor. Ackruti City

Ltd.  has  since  become  Hubtown  Ltd.,  the

Respondent-defendant.  IDBI  Trusteeship  Services  Ltd.  is

described  as  the  debenture  trustee  for  the  benefit  of  Vinca

Developer  Pvt.  Ltd.,  for  the  Amazia  Optional  Partially

Convertible  Debentures  (hereinafter  referred to  as  “OPCDs”)

and the Rubix OPCDs, and appointed pursuant to the Amazia

OPCD subscription and debenture  trust  deed and the Rubix



OPCD subscription and debenture trust deed. The very opening

clause of the Deed of Corporate Guarantee states as follows:


In consideration of the premises, the Surety hereby unconditionally,  absolutely  and  irrevocably guarantees  to  and  agrees  with  the  Debenture Trustee for the benefit of the Debenture Holder and the Security Trustee, for the benefit of the Lender, respectively, that:

1. It  shall  ensure  that  Amazia  shall  duly  and punctually  pay  or  repay  the  Amazia  Secured Obligations and Rubix shall duly and punctually pay or repay the Rubix Secured Obligations and Rubix Facility  Secured  Obligations,  including  but  not limited to  the Principal  Amount  under  the Amazia OPCD Subscription and Debenture Trust Deed and the Rubix OPCD Subscription and Debenture Trust Deed, respectively and the Facility, together with all interest, liquidated damages, commitment charges, premia  on  prepayment  or  on  redemption,  costs, expenses,  and  other  monies  due  to  (i)  the Debenture Holder and the Debenture Trustee and any  remuneration  and  charges  that  and  (ii)  the Lender  and  the  Security  Trustee  and  any remuneration and charges that might be payable to the Security Trustee, in accordance with the Facility Agreement  and  perform  and  comply  with  all  the other terms, conditions and covenants contained in the OPCD Subscription and Debenture Trust Deeds and the Facility Agreement.  

2. The  Surety  guarantees  to  the  Debenture Trustee  acting  for  the  benefit  of  the  Debenture



Holder  and  the  Security  Trustee  acting  for  the benefit of the Lender, jointly and severally, the due and  punctual  payment  by  Amazia  of  the  Amaxia Secured  Obligations  and  by  Rubix  of  the  Rubix Secured  Obligation  and  Rubix  Facility  Secured Obligations,  which  are  due  but  unpaid,  and irrevocably  and  unconditionally  agrees  and undertakes (as primary obligor and not only as (sic.) to pay to the Debenture Trustee and/or the Security Trustee forthwith on demand (which demand shall be made in terms of the Transaction Documents) as stated in Clause 31 herein (and in any event within five  (5)  Business  Days  of  the  demand)  and indemnify  and  keep  indemnified  the  Debenture Trustee  acting  for  the  benefit  of  the  Debenture Holder  and  the  Security  Trustee  acting  for  the benefit of the Lender against all losses, damages, claims,  charges,  fees  and  expenses  whatsoever which the Debenture Trustee/Security Trustee may incur by reason of or in connection with any default on the part of the Guarantor or on the part of the Issuers  in  making such payment  and including in connection with legal proceedings taken against the Issuers  and/or  the  Guarantor  for  recovery  of  the moneys referred to in this Guarantee.  In this regard the  Debenture  Trustee’s  and/or  the  Security Trustee’s  independent  opinion  of  default  of  the Issuers  and  the  amounts  comprising  shortfall amounts, as indicated in the Demand Certificate (as defined hereinafter in Clause 31) shall be final and binding on the Guarantor and the Guarantor shall not  dispute  the  same.   This  Guarantee  shall  be continuing and shall remain in full force and effect until  all  the  Secured  Obligations  have  been discharged  in  full  to  the  satisfaction  of  the



Debenture Approved Instructions) and the Security Trustee certify the same in writing.  

3. If the Guarantor delays in making payments in full pursuant to the demand being made on it, then it shall pay interest at the rate of 14.75% per annum (“Default Interest Rate”) on the outstanding amount, till the same is discharged in full to the satisfaction of  the  Debenture  Trustee  (acting  on  Approved Instructions)  or  the  Security  Trustee  and  the Guarantor  agrees  that  the  Default  Interest  Rate agreed, is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by the Debenture Holder, Debenture Trustees,  Security  Trustee  and/or  the  Lender  on account  of  any  default  by  the  Guarantor  in discharging its obligations as agreed herein.

14. Notwithstanding  the  Debenture  Holder’s/the Debenture  Trustee’s  and  the  Security  Trustee’s/ Lender’s  rights  under  any  security  which  the Debenture Holder/ the Trustee (acting on Approved Instructions)  and  the  Security  Trustee,  jointly  and severally, shall have the fullest liberty to call upon the Guarantor to pay all or part of the monies for the time  being  due  to  the  Debenture  Holder/  the debenture Trustee and/or the Security Trustee/ the Lender  (as  the  case  may  be)  in  respect  of  the Secured  Obligations  without  requiring  the Debenture Trustee/ the debenture Holder and/or the Security  Trustee/  the  Lender  to  realize  from  the Issuers  the  amount  outstanding  to  the  Debenture Holder/ the Debenture Trustee and/or the Security Trustee/  the  Lender  pursuant  to  the  Debentures/ Facility and/or requiring the Debenture Trustee/ the Debenture Holder and/or the Security Trustee/ the Lender  to  enforce  any  remedies  or  securities



available to the Debenture Trustee/ the Debenture Holder and/or the Security Trustee/ the Lender.

31. The Guarantor agrees that the amount hereby guaranteed  shall  be  payable  to  the  Debenture Trustee  and/or  the  Security  Trustee  immediately upon  the  Debenture  Trustee  and/or  the  Security Trustee/ Lender serving the Guarantor with a notice requiring payment of the amount due (the “Demand Certificate”),  in  the  form  and  manner  set  out  in Schedule  I  hereto,  at  the  address  and  details specified in Clause 34 below.  Save and except as provided  above,  prior  to  making  any  demand hereunder, the  Debenture  Trustee/  the  Debenture Holder and/or the Security Trustee/ the Lender shall not be required to take any step, make any demand upon,  exercise  any  remedies  or  obtain  any judgment against any of the Obligors, give notice to the  Obligors  or  any  other  person  under  the Transaction  Documents  or  otherwise  and howsoever  arising,  or  make  or  file  any  claim  or proof in the dissolution or winding-up of any of the Obligors or enforce or seek to enforce any Security now  or  hereafter  held  by  any  of  the  Debenture Trustee/Debenture  Holder  and/or  the  Security Trustee/ Lender in respect of the when sent (with the  correct  answerback),  (ii)  if  sent  by  fax,  when sent (on receipt of a confirmation to the correct fax number), (iii) if sent by person, when delivered, (iv) if  sent  by  courier,  one  (1)  Business  Day  after deposit with an overnight courier, and (v) if sent by registered letter, when the registered letter would, in the ordinary course of  post,  be delivered whether actually delivered or not.  An original of each notice and communication sent by telex or telecopy shall



be dispatched by person or overnight courier and, if such person or courier service is not available, by registered  first  class  mail  with  postage  prepaid, provided  that the effective date of any such notice shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs (i)  or  (ii)  of  this  Clause 31,  as the case may be, without regard to the dispatch of such original.



To: Ackruti City Limited [as “Guarantor”]  

From: [.] [as “Debenture Trustee”/ Security Trustee”]

Dated: [.]

Dear Sirs,  

Ref: Deed of Corporate Guarantee cum Mortgage dated [.] (the “Deed”) executed by the Guarantor in favour  of  the Debenture Trustee and the Security Trustee.  

[Amazia Developers Private Limited/Rubix Trading Private Limited] has not fulfilled its obligations under [the  Amazia  OPCD  Subscription  and  Debenture Trust  Deed  dated  [.]  and/or  the  Rubix  OPCD Subscription  and  Debenture  Trust  Deed  dated  [.] and/or the Facility Agreement] and an amount of Rs. [.] (Rupees [.] only) is due and payable by [Amazia Developers  Private  Limited/Rubix  Trading  Private Limited].  Accordingly,  we  hereby  give  you  notice pursuant to Clause 2 and Clause 31 of  the Deed that we require you to pay such amount.  

All  amounts  due  should  be  paid  to  the  account [details  of  account]  entitled  [.]  under  the  [.]



immediately and in no event later than 5 Business Days from the date hereof.

Capitalised  terms  used  herein  shall  have  the meaning given to them in the Guarantee.  

Yours faithfully

[Debenture Trustee]/

[Security Trustee]”

6. It is on this Corporate Guarantee that the Summary Suit is

based. Dr. Singhvi has argued before us that there has been no

violation of the FEMA Regulations, 1999, as observed by the

Ld. Single Judge. In particular, he referred to and relied upon

Regulations 4 and 5 of the FEMA Regulations, which are set

out as follows:

“Restriction on an Indian entity to issue security to a person resident outside India or to record a transfer of security from or to such a person in its books :-

4. Save as otherwise provided in the Act or Rules  or  Regulations  made  thereunder,  an Indian entity shall not issue any security to a person  resident  outside  India  or  shall  not record  in  its  books  any  transfer  of  security from or to such person:-



Provided that the Reserve Bank may, on an application  made  to  it  and  for  sufficient reasons, permit an entity to issue any security to a person resident outside India or to record in its books transfer of security from or to such person, subject to such conditions as may be considered necessary.

Permission  for  purchase  of  shares  by  certain persons resident outside India :-

5. (1) (i) A person resident outside India (other than a citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan) or an  entity  incorporated   outside  India  (other than  an  entity  in  Bangladesh  or  Pakistan), may  purchase  shares  or  convertible debentures or warrants of an Indian company under  Foreign  Direct  Investment  Scheme, subject to the terms and conditions specified in Schedule 1.  

Explanation.---  Shares  or  convertible debentures  containing  an  optionality  clause but  without  any  option/right  to  exit  at  an assured price shall be reckoned   as eligible instruments to be issued to a person resident outside India by an Indian company subject to the  terms  and  conditions  as  specified  in Schedule 1.”

7. Dr. Singhvi argued that there is no breach whatsoever of

the Regulations inasmuch as the suit, based upon a Corporate

Guarantee to enforce its terms, is filed by an Indian company,

namely,  the  debenture  trustee  IDBI  Trusteeship  Pvt.  Ltd.,

against  another  Indian  company  namely  Hubtown  Ltd,  the



beneficiary being a subsidiary of Hubtown namely Vinca, which

is also an Indian company. There is therefore no question of

any funds going out of the country in violation of any FEMA

Regulation,  the  ultimate  repose  of  the  funds  being  for  the

benefit of Vinca which is an Indian company. He argued before

us  that  admittedly  418 crores were paid  by  FMO, a  Dutch₹

company,  and  have  been  swallowed  by  the  development

project  that  has been set  up by Amazia and Rubix.  He also

argued that there is no question of any infraction of the FEMA

Regulations for the reason that these funds went to purchase

equity  shares  of  Vinca  in  the  form  of  fully  convertible

debentures,  such  debentures  having  to  be  converted  into

shares after a certain period, and that, therefore, there was no

question  of  any  illegality  in  the  said  transaction.  He  further

submitted  that  it  is  only  in  2011 that  defaults  were  made in

payment,  as a result  of  which the Corporate Guarantee was

invoked.  The said  Corporate  Guarantee is  unconditional  and

not a word has been stated against its invocation, namely, that

it  has  not  been  alleged  to  have  been  invoked  wrongly.

According  to  him,  there  is no   defence   whatsoever   to   the



suit,   and   the   defence  being  entirely    frivolous   and

vexatious,   leave   to    defend   ought  to  have been   refused

altogether.   But, he stated as an alternative argument, that in

any case the Appellant-plaintiff should be fully secured for the

amount claimed in the plaint. He also submitted before us that

the test laid down in Mechelec Engineers & Manufacturers v.

Basic Equipment Corporation, (1976) 4 SCC 687 is no longer

good law in view of the fact that O.XXXVII of the Code of Civil

Procedure, 1908 (“CPC”) was amended in 1976, and it is the

amended provision that has to be looked at. He cited certain

judgments before us to show that this court has taken the view

that the amended provision makes a sea change in the law, as

a result of which it is open to the court, even if it thinks that a

triable  issue is  made out,  to  secure the plaintiff  in  monetary

terms as a condition for leave to defend the suit.  

8. Shri Aspi Chinoy, Ld. senior counsel appearing on behalf

of  the  Respondent,  has  reiterated  the  submissions  of  his

predecessor in the Bombay High Court. According to him there

is a clear breach of the FEMA Regulations and this being so,



the Ld. Single Judge was correct in referring to the judgment in

Immami Appa Rao vs. G. Ramalingamurthi,  (1962) 3 SCR

739, and stating that where two persons may be party to an

illegality,  the  court  would  be  justified,  in  the  larger  public

interest, in not lending the court’s aid to a person who comes to

court to enforce such illegality. That this may incidentally benefit

the defendant is of no moment, and therefore the Ld. Single

Judge was correct in prima facie coming to the conclusion that

the  suit  was  to  lend  assistance  to  the  plaintiff  in  enforcing

something illegal,  the Corporate Guarantee being part  of  the

larger illegal transaction. According to ld. senior counsel, there

is in fact no change made by the amendment of 1976, save and

except in one area – that where the defendant admits that a

certain  amount  is  due  from him,  then  even  though  leave  to

defend  may  be  granted,  the  admitted  amount  ought  to  be

deposited or secured. Short of this change, the law continues to

be the same, and therefore,  according to  him,  triable issues

having been raised in the present case, it is clear that clause

(e) of the propositions laid down in paragraph 8 of Mechelec’s

case alone would entitle the Plaintiff to an order for deposit into



court or security, and sub-clause (e) not being attracted, the Ld.

Single  Judge  was  absolutely  right  in  the  conclusion  that  he

reached. He also asked us not to interfere with the Ld. Single

Judge’s  judgment  under  Article  136  as  there  was  nothing

perverse in the Single Judge's conclusions.  

9. This  case  therefore  raises  a  larger  and  very  important

question:  namely, whether  the judgment  in  Mechelec’s case

continues to be the law even after the amendment of O.XXXVII

in 1976. To appreciate the respective submissions of counsel, it

is  necessary  to  set  out  O.XXXVII  Rule  3  as  it  stood

pre-amendment and as it now stands.

O.XXXVII, Rule 3 (pre-amendment)

“3.  Defendant  showing  defence  on  merits  to have leave to appear. (1) The Court shall, upon an application by the defendant, give leave to appear and  to  defend  the  suit,  upon  affidavits  which disclose such facts as would make it incumbent on the  holder  to  prove  consideration,  or  such  other facts as the Court may deem sufficient  to support the application.  

(2) Leave to defend may be given unconditionally or subject  to  such  terms  as  to  payment  into  Court, giving  security,  framing  and  recording  issues  or otherwise as the Court thinks fit.”



O.XXXVII, Rule 3 (post amendment)  

“3. Procedure for the appearance of defendant. —(1)  In  a  suit  to  which  this  Order  applies,  the plaintiff  shall,  together  with  the  summons  under Rule 2, serve on the defendant a copy of the plaint and annexures thereto and the defendant may, at any time within ten days of such service, enter an appearance either in person or by pleader and, in either  case,  he  shall  file  in  Court  an  address  for service of notices on him.

(2)  Unless  otherwise  ordered,  all  summonses, notices and other judicial processes, required to be served on the defendant, shall be deemed to have been  duly  served  on  him  if  they  are  left  at  the address given by him for such service.

(3) On the day of entering the appearance, notice of such appearance shall be given by the defendant to the  plaintiff's  pleader,  or,  if  the  plaintiff  sues  in person,  to  the  plaintiff  himself,  either  by  notice delivered at or sent by a prepaid letter directed to the  address  of  the  plaintiff's  pleader  or  of  the plaintiff, as the case may be.

(4)  If  the  defendant  enters  an  appearance,  the plaintiff  shall  thereafter  serve  on  the  defendant  a summons for judgment in Form 4-A in Appendix B or such other Form as may be prescribed from time to time, returnable not less than ten days from the date of  service supported by an affidavit  verifying the cause of  action and the amount  claimed and stating that in his belief there is no defence to the suit.

(5) The defendant may, at any time within ten days from the service of such summons for judgment, by affidavit or otherwise disclosing such facts as may be deemed sufficient to entitle him to defend, apply



on such summons for leave to defend such suit, and leave  to  defend  may  be  granted  to  him unconditionally or upon such terms as may appear to the Court or Judge to be just:

Provided that leave to defend shall not be refused unless the Court is satisfied that the facts disclosed by  the  defendant  do  not  indicate  that  he  has  a substantial  defence  to  raise  or  that  the  defence intended to be put up by the defendant is frivolous or vexatious:

Provided further that,  where a part of  the amount claimed by the plaintiff is admitted by the defendant to be due from him, leave to defend the suit shall not be granted unless the amount so admitted to be due is deposited by the defendant in Court.

(6) At the hearing of such summons for judgment,— (a)  if  the  defendant  has  not  applied  for  leave  to defend, or if such application has been made and is refused,  the  plaintiff  shall  be  entitled  to  judgment forthwith; or (b) if the defendant is permitted to defend as to the whole or any part of the claim, the Court or Judge may direct him to give such security and within such time as may be fixed by the Court  or  Judge and that, on failure to give such security within the time specified by the Court or Judge or to carry out such other  directions  as  may  have  been  given  by  the Court  or  Judge,  the  plaintiff  shall  be  entitled  to judgment forthwith.

(7)  The  Court  or  Judge  may, for  sufficient  cause shown by the defendant,  excuse the delay of  the defendant in entering an appearance or in applying for leave to defend the suit.”



10. The 3 judge bench in Mechelec’s case heard an appeal

from a judgment of the Delhi High Court. In paragraph 2 of the

judgment,  the unamended O.XXXVII  Rule  3  is  set  out,  after

which, in paragraph 4, the Court stated that the only question

which arose before them in that appeal by special leave was

whether the High Court could, in exercise of its powers under

Section  115  of  the  CPC,  interfere  with  the  discretion  of  the

district  court  in granting unconditional  leave to defend to the

defendant-respondent, upon grounds which even a perusal of

the  impugned  judgment  of  the  High  Court  showed  to  be

reasonable. The answer to the question thus posed was in the

question itself, and this Court had no doubt that the High Court

judgment, in interfering with the trial court’s judgment under its

revisional jurisdiction, was wrong. Paragraphs 6 and 7, which

constitute  the  ratio  of  the  judgment,  went  into  the

well-established principles  repeatedly laid  down by this  court

which govern the jurisdiction of the High Courts under Section

115 of the CPC. This Court held that such principles had been

ignored in the judgment under appeal. However, in paragraph

8, the judges set out the 5 propositions governing O.XXXVII laid



down in Kiranmoyee Dassi Smt v. Dr J. Chatterjee, AIR 1949

Cal 479, as follows:

“In Kiranmoyee  Dassi  Smt v. Dr  J.  Chatterjee [AIR 1949 Cal 479 : 49 CWN 246, 253 : ILR (1945) 2 Cal 145.]  Das,  J.,  after  a  comprehensive  review  of authorities  on  the  subject,  stated  the  principles applicable to cases covered by Order 37 CPC in the form of the following propositions (at p. 253): “(a) If the defendant satisfies the court that he has a good defence to the claim on its merits the plaintiff is  not  entitled  to  leave  to  sign  judgment  and  the defendant  is  entitled  to  unconditional  leave  to defend.

(b) If the defendant raises a triable issue indicating that  he  has  a  fair  or  bona  fide  or  reasonable defence although not a positively good defence the plaintiff  is  not  entitled  to  sign  judgment  and  the defendant  is  entitled  to  unconditional  leave  to defend.

(c) If the defendant discloses such facts as may be deemed sufficient to entitle him to defend, that is to say, although the affidavit  does not  positively  and immediately make it  clear that  he has a defence, yet,  shews such  a  state  of  facts  as  leads  to  the inference that at the trial of the action he may be able to establish a defence to the plaintiff's claim the plaintiff  is  not  entitled  to  judgment  and  the defendant is entitled to leave to defend but in such a case  the  court  may  in  its  discretion  impose conditions as to the time or mode of trial but not as to payment into court or furnishing security.

(d) If the defendant has no defence or the defence set-up is illusory or sham or practically moonshine then ordinarily the plaintiff is entitled to leave to sign



judgment and the defendant is not entitled to leave to defend.

(e) If the defendant has no defence or the defence is  illusory  or  sham or  practically  moonshine  then although ordinarily the plaintiff is entitled to leave to sign judgment, the court may protect the plaintiff by only allowing the defence to proceed if the amount claimed is paid into court or otherwise secured and give leave to the defendant on such condition, and thereby show mercy to the defendant by enabling him to try to prove a defence.” [para 8]

11. As the case before the court did not fall within clause (e),

this  Court  held  that  imposition  of  a  condition  to  deposit  an

amount in court would not be possible, and allowed the appeal

as aforesaid. It is interesting to note that a binding four judge

bench decision on order  37 in  Milkhiram (India)  (P)  Ltd.  v.

Chamanlal Bros.,  AIR 1965 SC 1698, was bunched together

with several other judgments that were relied upon in paragraph

6, as judgments relating to the exercise of jurisdiction of High

Courts under section 115 of the CPC.

12. We find  that  Milkhiram’s case is  in  fact  an  important

judgment on the scope of O.XXXVII of the CPC, and is not a

judgment on principles to be applied under Section 115. This



judgment, being a judgment of four learned judges of this court,

set out, in paragraph 1, O.XXXVII, Rule 3 sub-rules (2) and (3)

as amended by the Bombay High Court at the relevant time, as


“(2)  If  the  defendant  enters  an  appearance,  the plaintiff  shall  thereafter  serve  on  the  defendant  a summons for judgment returnable not less than ten clear days from the date of service supported by an affidavit  verifying  the  cause  of  action  and  the amount claimed and stating that in his belief there is no defence to the suit.

(3) The defendant may at any time within ten days from the service of such summons for judgment by affidavit or otherwise disclosing such facts as may be deemed sufficient to entitle him to defend, apply on  such  summons  for  leave  to  defend  the  suit. Leave  to  defend  may  be  granted  to  him unconditionally or upon such terms as to the Judge appear just.”  

13. The trial  court  found that  the defence disclosed by the

affidavit required by sub-rule (3) was sufficient to grant leave to

defend the suit, but as against a claim of 4,05,434.38/-, the₹

Court ordered the appellant to deposit security worth 70,000/-.₹

A first appeal having been dismissed, the Supreme Court had

to decide whether it was incumbent upon the trial court to grant

unconditional leave to defend, having found that a triable issue



exists. Since this judgment is of seminal importance in deciding

the issue raised before us, it is necessary for us to quote parts

of this judgment, as follows:  

“Learned  counsel  relied  upon  a  decision  of  this court in Santosh Kumar v. Bhai Mool Singh [ (1958) SCR 1211] and particularly  upon a passage at  p. 1216.  That  was  a  case  in  which  the  Court  of Commercial  Subordinate  Judge,  Delhi,  had  held that  the  defence  raised  a  triable  issue  but  that defence was vague and was not bona fide because the defendant had produced no evidence to prove his assertion. For these reasons the court granted leave  to  defend  the  suit  on  the  condition  of  the defendant giving security for the entire claim in the suit and costs thereon. This court held that the test is to see whether the defence raises a real  issue and not a sham one, in the sense that, if the facts alleged  by  the  defendant  are  established,  there would be a good, or even a plausible defence on those facts. If the court is satisfied about that, leave must  be  given  unconditionally.  This  Court  further held that  the trial  court  was wrong in  imposing a condition about giving security on the ground that documentary  evidence  had not  been adduced  by the defendant. This Court pointed out that the stage of  proof  can only arise  after  leave to  defend has been  granted  and  that  the  omission  to  adduce documentary  evidence  would  not  justify  the inference  the  defence  sought  to  be  raised  was vague  and  not  bona  fide.  While  dealing  with  the matter Bose, J., who spoke for the Court observed (p. 1216):

“Taken by and large, the object is to see that the defendant  does  not  unnecessarily  prolong  the litigation and prevent the plaintiff from obtaining an early  decree  by  raising  untenable  and  frivolous



defences  in  a  class  of  cases  where  speedy decisions are desirable in the interests of trade and commerce. In general, therefore, the test is to see whether the defence raises a real issue and not a sham one, in the sense that, if the facts alleged by the  defendant  are  established,  there  would  be  a good, or even a plausible, defence on those facts.”

The latter  part  of  the observations of  the learned Judge have to be under-stood in the background of the facts of the case this Court was called upon to consider. The trial Judge being already satisfied that the defence raised a triable issue was not justified in imposing a condition to the effect that the defendant must deposit security because he had not adduced any  documentary  evidence  in  support  of  the defence.  The  stage  for  evidence  had  not  been reached. Whether the defence raises a triable issue or not has to be ascertained by the court from the pleadings before it and the affidavits of parties and it is not open to it to call for evidence at that stage. If upon consideration of material placed before it the court comes to the conclusion that the defence is a sham  one  or  is  fantastic  or  highly  improbable  it would  be  justified  in  putting  the  defendant  upon terms before granting leave to defend. Even when a defence  is  plausible  but  is  improbable  the  court would be justified in coming to the conclusion that the issue is not a triable issue and put the defendant on terms while  granting leave to  defend.  To hold otherwise would make it impossible to give effect to the  provisions  of  Order  37  which  have  been enacted,  as  rightly  pointed  out  by  Bose,  J.,  to ensure speedy decision in cases of certain types. It will  be seen that Order 37 Rule 2 is applicable to what  may  be  compendiously  described  as commercial  causes.  Trading  and  commercial operations are liable to be seriously impeded if, in particular, money disputes between the parties are not  adjudicated  upon  expeditiously.  It  is  these



considerations which have to be borne in mind for the  purpose  of  deciding  whether  leave  to  defend should be given or withheld and if given should be subjected to a condition.

It may be mentioned that this Court relied upon the decision  in Jacobs v. Booth's  Distillery  Co. [(1901) 85 LT 262] in which the House of Lords held that whenever  a  defence  raises  a  triable  issue  leave must be given and also referred to two subsequent decisions where it was held that when such is the case  leave  must  be  given  unconditionally.  In  this connection  we  may  refer  to  the  following observations  of  Devlin,  L.J.  in Fieldrank Ltd. v. Stein [ (1961) 3 AELR 681 at pp 682-3] : “The  broad  principle,  which  is  founded on Jacob v.Booth's Distillery Co. is  summarised on p.  266  of  the  Annual  Practice (1962  Edn.)  in  the following terms: ‘The principle on which the court acts is that where the defendant can show by affidavit that there is a bona fide triable issue, he is to be allowed to defend as to that issue without condition.'”

If  that  principle  were  mandatory,  then  the concession by counsel for the plaintiffs that there is here a triable issue would mean at  once that  the appeal  ought  to  be  allowed;  but  counsel  for  the plaintiffs has drawn our attention to some comments that have been made on Jacobs v. Booth's Distillery Co. [(1901) 85 LT 262] They will be found at pp. 251 and  267  of  the  Annual  Practice,  1962.  It  is suggested (see p. 251) that possibly the case, if it is closely  examined,  does  not  go  as  far  as  it  has hitherto been thought to go; and on the top of p. 267 the learned editors of the Annual Practice have this note: “The condition of payment into court, or giving security,  is  nowadays  more  often  imposed  than formerly,  and  not  only  where  the  defendant consents but also where there is a good ground in



the evidence for believing that the defence set up is a sham defence and the master ‘is prepared very nearly to give judgment for the plaintiff.”

It  is  worth  noting  also  that  in Lloyd's  Banking Co. v.Ogle 1 Ex. D. at p. 264 in a dictum which was said  to  have  been  overruled  or  qualified by Jacob v. Booth's Distillery Co.[ (1901) 85 LT 262] Bramwell, B., had said that “....those conditions (of bringing money into court or giving security) should only be applied when there is something  suspicious  in  the  defendant's  mode  of presenting his case.” I should be very glad to see some relaxation of the strict  rule  in Jacob v. Booth's  Distillery  Co. I  think that any Judge who has sat in chambers in RSC, Order 14 summonses has had the experience of a case in which, although he cannot say for certain that there is not a triable issue, nevertheless he is left  with  a  real  doubt  about  the defendant's  good faith,  and  would  like  to  protect  the  plaintiff, especially  if  there  is  not  grave  hardship  on  the defendant in being made to pay money into court. I should be prepared to accept that there has been a tendency in the last few years to use this condition more often than it has been used in the past, and I think that that is a good tendency;”

These observations as well  as some observations of  Chagla,  C.J.,  in Rawalpindi  Theatres  Private Ltd. v. Film Group Bombay [ (1958) BLR 1373 at p 1374] may well be borne in mind by the court sitting in appeal upon the order of the trial Judge granting conditional leave to defend. It is indeed not easy to say  in  many  cases  whether  the  defence  is  a genuine one or not and therefore it should be left to the discretion of the trial Judge who has experience of such matters both at the bar and the bench to form his own tentative conclusion about the quality or  nature  of  the  defence  and  determine  the



conditions  upon  which  leave  to  defend  may  be granted.  If  the  Judge  is  of  opinion  that  the  case raises a triable issue, then leave should ordinarily be granted unconditionally. On the other hand, if he is of opinion that the defence raised is frivolous, or false,  or  sham,  he should  refuse leave to defend altogether. Unfortunately, however, the  majority  of cases cannot be dealt with in a clear cut way like this and the judge may entertain a genuine doubt on the question as to whether the defence is genuine or sham or in other words whether it raises a triable issue  or  not.  It  is  to  meet  such  cases  that  the amendment  to  Order  37  Rule  2  made  by  the Bombay  High  Court  contemplates  that  even  in cases where an apparently  triable  issue is  raised the Judge may impose conditions in granting leave to defend. Thus this is a matter in the discretion of the trial  Judge and in dealing with it,  he ought to exercise  his  discretion  judiciously.  Care  must  be taken to see that the object of the rule to assist the expeditious disposal of commercial causes to which the Order applies, is not defeated. Care must also be taken to see that real and genuine triable issues are  not  shut  out  by  unduly  severe  orders  as  to deposit.  In  a  matter  of  this  kind,  it  would  be undesirable and inexpedient to lay down any rule of general application.” [paras 7 – 12]

14. We may hasten to add that  Mechelec’s case has since

been followed in a series of judgments of this court – Municipal

Corpn. of Delhi v. Suresh Chandra Jaipuria, (1976) 4 SCC

719  at  para  11;  Sunil  Enterprises  v.  SBI  Commercial  &

International Bank Ltd., (1998) 5 SCC 354 at para 4;  State

Bank  of  Saurashtra  v.  Ashit  Shipping  Services  (P)  Ltd.,



(2002) 4 SCC 736 at para 10; Uma Shankar Kamal Narain v.

M.D. Overseas Ltd., (2007) 4 SCC 133 at paras 8 and 9; SIFY

Ltd. v. First Flight Couriers Ltd., (2008) 4 SCC 246 at para

10; Wada Arun Asbestos (P) Ltd. v. Gujarat Water Supply &

Sewerage Board, (2009) 2 SCC 432 at para 19; R. Saravana

Prabhu  v.  Videocon  Leasing  &  Industrial  Finance  Ltd.,

(2013) 14 SCC 606 at para 4; and State Bank of Hyderabad v.

Rabo Bank, (2015) 10 SCC 521 at para 16.

15. However, there  are  two judgments  of  this  Court  which

directly deal with the amendment made to O.XXXVII  and the

effect  thereof  on the ratio  contained in  Mechelec’s case.  In

Defiance Knitting Industries (P) Ltd. v. Jay Arts,  (2006) 8

SCC 25, this Court,  after  setting out  the amended O.XXXVII

and after referring to Mechelec’s case, laid down the following

principles –  

“While giving leave to defend the suit the court shall observe the following principles: (a) If the court is of the opinion that the case raises a triable issue then leave to defend should ordinarily be  granted  unconditionally.  See Milkhiram  (India) (P) Ltd. v.Chamanlal Bros. [AIR 1965 SC 1698 : 68 Bom  LR  36]  The  question  whether  the  defence raises a triable issue or not has to be ascertained by



the  court  from  the  pleadings  before  it  and  the affidavits of parties.

(b) If the court is satisfied that the facts disclosed by the  defendant  do  not  indicate  that  he  has  a substantial  defence  to  raise  or  that  the  defence intended to be put up by the defendant is frivolous or  vexatious  it  may  refuse  leave  to  defend altogether. Kiranmoyee  Dassi v. Dr.  J. Chatterjee [AIR 1949 Cal 479 : 49 CWN 246] (noted and  approved  in Mechelec  case [(1976)  4  SCC 687 : AIR 1977 SC 577] ).

(c) In cases where the court entertains a genuine doubt on the question as to whether the defence is genuine or sham or whether it raises a triable issue or not, the court may impose conditions in granting leave to defend.” [para 13]

16. In Southern Sales & Services v. Sauermilch Design &

Handels GMBH, (2008) 14 SCC 457, this Court was squarely

asked  to  render  its  decision  on  whether  the  judgment  in

Mechelec’s case was to a large extent rendered ineffective in

view of the amended O.XXXVII. This Court found:

“Having  considered  the  submissions  made  on behalf  of  the respective parties and the decisions cited,  there  appears  to  be  force  in  Mr  Sharma's submissions  regarding  the  object  intended  to  be achieved  by  the  introduction  of  sub-rules  (4),  (5) and (6) in Rule 3, Order 37 of the Code. Whereas in the unamended provisions of Rule 3, there was no compulsion for making any deposit  as a condition precedent to grant of leave to defend a suit by virtue



of  the  second  proviso  to  sub-rule  (5),  the  said provision was altered to the extent that the deposit of  any  admitted  amount  is  now  a  condition precedent for grant of leave to defend a suit  filed under Order 37 of the Code. A distinction has been made in respect of any part of the claim, which is admitted. The second proviso to sub-rule (5) of Rule 3 makes it  very  clear  that  leave to defend a suit shall not be granted unless the amount as admitted to be due by the defendant is deposited in court.” [para 15]

17. It  is thus clear that O.XXXVII  has suffered a change in

1976, and that change has made a difference in the law laid

down.  First  and  foremost,  it  is  important  to  remember  that

Milkhiram’s  case is  a  direct  authority  on  the  amended

O.XXXVII  provision,  as  the  amended  provision  in  O.XXXVII

Rule 3 is the same as the Bombay amendment which this Court

was considering in the aforesaid judgment. We must hasten to

add that  the two provisos to sub-rule (3)  were not,  however,

there in the Bombay amendment. These are new, and the effect

to be given to them is something that we will have to decide.

The position in law now is that the trial Judge is vested with a

discretion which has to result in justice being done on the facts

of  each  case.   But  Justice,  like  Equality,  another  cardinal

constitutional value, on the one hand, and arbitrariness on the



other,  are  sworn  enemies.  The  discretion  that  a  Judge

exercises under Order XXXVII to refuse leave to defend or to

grant conditional or unconditional leave to defend is a discretion

akin  to  Joseph’s  multi-coloured  coat  –  a  large  number  of

baffling alternatives   present themselves.  The life of the law

not being logic but the experience of the trial  Judge, is what

comes  to  the  rescue  in  these  cases;  but  at  the  same  time

informed  by  guidelines  or  principles  that  we  propose  to  lay

down to obviate exercise of  judicial  discretion in  an arbitrary

manner.  At one end of the spectrum is unconditional leave to

defend,  granted  in  all  cases  which  present  a  substantial

defence.   At  the  other  end  of  the  spectrum are  frivolous  or

vexatious defences,  leading to refusal  of  leave to defend.  In

between  these  two  extremes  are  various  kinds  of  defences

raised which yield conditional leave to defend in most cases.  It

is these defences that have to be guided by broad principles

which are ultimately applied by the trial Judge so that justice is

done on the facts of each given case.   



18. Accordingly,  the  principles  stated  in  paragraph  8  of

Mechelec’s  case  will  now  stand  superseded,  given  the

amendment of O.XXXVII R.3, and the binding decision of four

judges in Milkhiram’s case, as follows:

a. If  the  defendant  satisfies  the  Court  that  he  has  a

substantial defence, that is, a defence that is likely to succeed,

the plaintiff  is not entitled to leave to sign judgment, and the

defendant is entitled to unconditional leave to defend the suit;

b. if the defendant raises triable issues indicating that he has

a fair  or  reasonable defence,  although not  a positively  good

defence, the plaintiff is not entitled to sign judgment, and the

defendant is ordinarily entitled to unconditional leave to defend;

c. even if the defendant raises triable issues, if a doubt is left

with  the  trial  judge  about  the  defendant’s  good  faith,  or  the

genuineness of the triable issues, the trial judge may impose

conditions both as to time or mode of trial, as well as payment

into court or furnishing security. Care must be taken to see that

the object  of  the provisions to  assist  expeditious disposal  of

commercial causes is not defeated. Care must also be taken to



see that such triable issues are not shut out by unduly severe

orders as to deposit or security;

d. if the Defendant raises a defence which is plausible but

improbable, the trial Judge may impose conditions as to time or

mode  of  trial,  as  well  as  payment  into  court,  or  furnishing

security.   As  such  a  defence  does  not  raise  triable  issues,

conditions as to deposit or security or both can extend to the

entire  principal  sum together  with  such  interest  as  the court

feels the justice of the case requires.     

e. if the Defendant has no substantial defence and/or raises

no genuine triable issues, and the court finds such defence to

be frivolous or vexatious, then leave to defend the suit shall be

refused, and the plaintiff is entitled to judgment forthwith;

f.  if  any  part  of  the  amount  claimed  by  the  plaintiff  is

admitted by the defendant to be due from him, leave to defend

the  suit,  (even  if  triable  issues  or  a  substantial  defence  is

raised), shall not be granted unless the amount so admitted to

be due is deposited by the defendant in court.



19. Coming to the facts of the present case:

a. It  is clear that a sum of 418 crores has been paid by₹

FMO, the Dutch company, to Vinca for purchase of shares as

well as compulsorily convertible debentures. This transaction by

itself is not alleged to be violative of the FEMA regulations.

b. The  suit  is  filed  only  on  invocation  of  the  Corporate

Guarantee which on its terms is unconditional. It may be added

that  it  is  not  the  defendant's  case  that  the  said  Corporate

Guarantee is wrongly invoked.

c. Payment under the said Guarantee is to the debenture

trustee, an Indian company, for and on behalf of Vinca, another

Indian company, so that prima facie again there is no infraction

of the FEMA Regulations.

d. Since  FMO becomes  a  99% holder  of  Vinca  after  the

requisite time period has elapsed, FMO may at that stage utilise

the funds received pursuant to the overall structure agreements

in India. If  this is so, again  prima facie there is no breach of

FEMA Regulations.

e. At the stage that FMO wishes to repatriate such funds,

RBI permission would be necessary. If  RBI permission is not



granted,  then  again  there  would  be  no  infraction  of  FEMA


f. The  judgment  in  Immami  Appa Rao’s case would  be

attracted only if the illegal purpose is fully carried out, and not


20. Based  on  the  aforesaid,  it  cannot  be  said  that  the

defendant has raised a substantial defence to the claim made

in  the  suit.  Arguably  at  the  highest,  as  held  by  the  learned

Single Judge, even if a triable issue may be said to arise on the

application of the FEMA Regulations, nevertheless, we are left

with  a  real  doubt  about  the  Defendant’s  good  faith  and  the

genuineness  of  such  a  triable  issue.  418  crores  has  been₹

stated to be utilized and submerged in a building construction

project,  with  payments  under  the  structured  arrangement

mentioned  above  admittedly  being  made  by  the  concerned

parties until 2011, after which payments stopped being made by

them. The defence thus raised appears to us to be in the realm

of  being ‘plausible but  improbable’.  This  being the case,  the

plaintiff needs to be protected. In our opinion, the defendant will



be granted leave to defend the suit  only if  it  deposits in the

Bombay High Court the principal sum of 418 crores invested₹

by FMO, or gives security for the said amount of 418 crores,₹

to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Prothonotary  and  Senior  Master,

Bombay High Court within a period of three months from today.

The appeal  is  accordingly  allowed,  and  the  judgment  of  the

Bombay High Court is set aside.  

21. We  further  direct  that  the  suit  be  tried  expeditiously,

preferably  within  a  period  of  one  year  from the  date  of  this

judgment,  uninfluenced  by  any  observations  made  by  us


……………………J. (Kurian Joseph)

……………………J. New Delhi; (R.F. Nariman) November 15, 2016