10 May 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-004561-004561 / 2013
Diary number: 33119 / 2010
Advocates: Vs FOX MANDAL & CO.


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CIVIL APPEAL NO.  4561   OF 2013 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO.31593 OF 2010)





CIVIL APPEAL NO.  4562     OF 2013 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO.31957 OF 2010)





CIVIL APPEAL NO.  4563    OF 2013 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO.32040 OF 2010)






Leave granted.    



Page 2

2. These appeals by special leave have been  

preferred against the order of Division Bench of  

Orissa High Court, Cuttack dated 14th  July, 2010 in  

W.P. (C) No.23 of 2009 whereby the writ petition  

preferred by Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.  

was allowed and the recommendation made by the State  

Government dated 9th January, 2009 in favour of POSCO  

India (P) Ltd. was set aside with a direction to the  

State Government to take a fresh decision in terms of  

order dated 27th  September, 2007 passed by the  

Revisional Authority in Revision Application File  

No.22 (41)/2007­RC­1 by giving the Geomin Minerals &  

Marketing (P) Ltd. the preferential right of  

consideration.   The Division Bench further observed  

that in the event the State Government decides to  

invoke the provisions of Section 11(5) of the Mines  

and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957  

(hereinafter referred to as the “MM(D&R) Act”) ,  

“special reasons” for the same in terms of guidelines  

dated 24th  June, 2009 issued by the Ministry of  

Mines, Government of India be recorded in writing.  

The State Government was directed to complete the  

entire exercise within specified period.   



Page 3

3. The factual matrix of the case is as follows:

The availability of two sets of land for fresh  

grant of lease was notified by the State of Orissa  

vide Notification dated 20th  August, 1991 issued  

under Rule 59(1) of the Mineral Concession Rules,  

1960.   The first set comprised of 85.60 acres plus  

94.47 acres of land in Village Kansar and Village  

Gokhurang of Balangir District which had earlier been  

granted on lease in favour of Shri S.K. Padhi and  

Shri B.K. Agarwal.   These leases were subsequently  

surrendered to the State Government and were,  

therefore, available for re­grant. The State  

Government vide notification dated 20th  August, 1991  

notified the availability w.e.f. 24th  October,1991.  

The second set of land comprised of 283.06 square  

miles in Horomoto Guali Block, Malangtoli Block,  

Khandhdhar­Pahar in Block Keonjhar and Sundargarh  

districts, Taldihi Toda Block, Sundargarh District  

and Dubna Block I and III which was declared to be  

reserved for public sector corporations vide  

Notification dated 05.06.1962 and 06.12.1962.   The  

State Government decided to de­reserve the said  

mineral bearing areas and the availability of the  



Page 4

said area was notified vide Notification dated 23rd  

August,1991.  The date of availability for re­grant  

was on and from 29th  October,1991.   The dispute in  

the case of Geomin’s SLP No. 31593/2010 is regarding  

186 hectares of land located in village Rantha  

District Sundergarh. Although, the recommendation  

made in favour of POSCO covers an area of 2500  

hectares, thus Geomin’s interest is limited to a  

fraction of the land recommended for POSCO.   

4. POSCO had made an application for prospecting  

licence for an area of 6828.54 hectares.  Initially a  

recommendation was made to the Central Government in  

favour of POSCO for an area of 6204.352 hectares by  

the State Government on 19.12.2006. The  

recommendation was challenged by Kudremukh Iron Ore  

Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Kudremukh  

Company”) by means of a writ petition being W.P. No.  

1775 of 2007.   The High Court refrained from  

exercising its discretion since the matter was  

pending before the Central Government and directed  

that representation of Kudremukh Company may be  

treated as revisional application.   The  

recommendation of the State Government was set aside  



Page 5

vide order dated 27th  September,2007 by the  

Revisional Authority as all mineral concession  

applications were not considered simultaneously and  

no orders were passed on those applications.  It was  

directed that all pending applications be considered  

simultaneously and inter se merit be examined and  

then order be passed as per law after affording an  

opportunity of hearing to all the applicants.  

Earlier the Central Government by its letter dated  

16.7.2007 had informed the State Government that the  

recommendation in favour of POSCO could not be  

processed as the process of hearing in respect of 203  

applicants was still not complete.  It was noted that  

the recommendation in favour of POSCO was for an area  

which was partially notified and partially non­

notified and, hence, the applications should be  

considered accordingly as per law.   

5. The order passed by the Revisional Authority  

dated 27th  September, 2007 was challenged by one  

‘Dhananjay Kumar Dagara’ before the Orissa High Court  

in a Writ Petition being W.P(C) No. 15315 of 2007. It  

was challenged on the ground that the directions for  

simultaneous consideration of all applications  



Page 6

affects the preferential rights of the first day  

applicants under Section 11(2) of the MM(D&R) Act.  

In the said Writ Petition No. 15315 of 2007, Geomin  

Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. filed an application  

for intervention.   The intervention application was  

dismissed by the Orissa High Court on 22nd February,  

2008 with the observation that Geomin Minerals &  

Marketing (P) Ltd. may take independent steps in  

respect of its grievance. On 2nd May, 2008 the Orissa  

High Court by judgment in W.P(C) No.15315 of 2007  

held that there was no preferential right for the  

applicant. The High Court thus dismissed the writ  

petition and upheld the order of the Revisional  

Authority dated 27th September, 2007.   

6. Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. filed  

another Writ Petition being W.P(C) No.6484 of 2008  

praying expeditious disposal of all pending  

applications for mineral concessions filed by it,  

based on its right arising from Rule 63­A of the MC  

Rules.   The said writ petition was disposed of on  

14th July, 2008 by the Orissa High Court with a  

direction to the State Government to consider the  

pending PL/RP applications of Geomin Minerals &  



Page 7

Marketing (P) Ltd. preferably within a period of six  

months without discrimination and in accordance with  


7. In the meantime, during the pendency of the  

applications preferred by different persons including  

Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. for Preferential  

Licence (‘PL’ for short) and Mining Licence (‘ML’ for  

short), on 20th December, 1999 amendments carried out  

in Section 11 of MM(D&R) Act became effective.   By  

the amending Act, the first proviso to Section 11(2)  

of MM(D&R) Act was inserted as under:

“11.  Preferential right of certain persons.

(2)..... Provided that where an area is available  for grant of reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence or mining lease, as  the case may be, and the State  Government has invited applications by  notification in the Official Gazette for  grant of such permit, licence or lease,  all the applications received during the  period specified in such notification  and the applications which had been  received prior to the publication of  such notification in respect of the  lands within such area and had not been  disposed of, shall be deemed to have  been received on the same day for the  purposes of assigning priority under  this sub­section.”

The non obstante clause i.e. Sub­section (4) of  

Section 11 was re­numbered as Sub­section (5), and a  



Page 8

new Sub­section (4) was introduced, which reads as  


“11.  (4)  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  sub­section (1), where the State  Government notifies in the Official  Gazette an area for grant of  reconnaissance permit, prospecting  licence or mining lease, as the case may  be, all the applications received during  the period as specified in such  notification, which shall not be less  than thirty days, shall be considered  simultaneously as if all such  applications have been received on the  same day and the State Government, after  taking into consideration the matters  specified in sub­section (3), may grant  the reconnaissance permit, prospecting  licence or mining lease, as the case may  be, to such one of the applicants as it  may deem fit.”

8. Pursuant to the order of the Revisional  

Authority dated 27th  September, 2007   passed in the  

case of Kudremukh Company, the State Government  

issued a notice to Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P)  

Ltd. under Rule 12(1) of the MC Rules giving them  

opportunity of being heard.   The officials of the  

Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. attended the  

hearing.   Thereafter, by a minutes of the meeting,  

inter se merits of all applicants was prepared by the  

State of Orissa on 17th  October, 2008, but no  

recommendation was made.  Therefore, Geomin Minerals  



Page 9

& Marketing (P) Ltd. filed a Writ Petition being  

W.P(C) No.23 of 2009 inter alia with the following  


“Order the opposite parties to dispose of  all pending applications for Mineral  Concessions filed by the petitioner and set  out in the petition in accordance with its  vested right to preferential consideration  in view of the fact that the petitioner’s  applications have been filed on the first  date of availability and eligibility.  

Issue a writ of prohibition or any other  appropriate writ, order or direction  restraining the opposite parties from  considering applications for Mineral  Concessions of later applicants to the  petitioner until the applications of the  petitioner are first considered and  disposed of by according priority or  preferential right based on the petitioner  being a first day applicant having applied  for the concerned Mineral Concessions set  out in the petition on the first date of  availability and eligibility.”

The Writ Petition was filed on 5th January, 2009  

by Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. and just  

after few days on 9th  January, 2009, the State  

Government made impugned recommendation to the  

Central Government in favour of  POSCO under Section  

11(3) and (5) of the MM(D&R) Act.   The said  

recommendation was challenged by Geomin Minerals &  



Page 10

Marketing (P) Ltd. by filing a petition for  


9. On hearing the parties, the High Court framed  

the following issues for consideration:  

1.Whether the writ petition is  maintainable due to availability of  alternative remedy ?

2. Whether the writ petition is premature  ?

3. Whether the writ petition is  maintainable due to delay and laches ?

4. Whether the writ petition is barred by  res­judicata ?

5. Whether the area in question was  earlier reserved or it is a non­reserved  area?

6. Whether the petitioner has any  preferential right under Section­11 of  the M.M. (D&R) Act ?

7. Whether recommendation made by the  State Government under section 11 (5) of  the M.M.(D&R) Act in favour of POSCO is  valid ?

10. In the present case, the second issue is  

important as the respondents to the writ petitions  

raised the question of maintainability on one of the  

grounds that the application was pre­mature.   The  

said issue was answered by the High Court in a  



Page 11

cryptic manner without any reason, as apparent from  

its finding which is produced below.

“Issue no.2,      Whether the writ petition is  premature ?

This issue is answered in favour of the  petitioner as the petitioner has approached  this Court at a time when its right to be  considered along with POSCO has been  threatened to be infringed by the action of  the State, which, according to the  petitioner, is illegal and contrary to the  statutory provision. So the petitioner  prayed for preferential right under Article  226 of the Constitution of India.  

Hence the writ petition cannot be said  to be premature as the petitioner could not  have waited till the harm is caused to him  (See Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd., v. State of  Bihar and others, AIR 1955 SC­661).”

Issue Nos. 6 and 7 relate to preferential right  

of Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.   under  

Section 11 of the MM (D&R) Act and validity of  

recommendation made by the State Government under  

Section 11(5) of the said Act in favour of POSCO.  

Both the issues were determined by the High Court in  

favour of Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd., and  

against the POSCO. Referring to Section 11(2), (3)  

and (4) the High Court held that the Geomin Minerals  

& Marketing (P) Ltd. has preferential right for grant  

of licence and lease and that the recommendation made  



Page 12

by the State Government under Section 11 (5) in  

favour of POSCO is invalid.   

11. The judgment aforesaid has been challenged by  

Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd. by filing an  

appeal as no specific direction has been given for  

issuance of licence in its favour. The POSCO and the  

Government of Orissa have also challenged the  

judgment by filing their respective appeals.   No  

separate appeal has been preferred by Kudremukh  

Company or Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. or any other,  

but some of them have filed intervention applications  

and petitions for impleadment.  Accordingly, at the  

time of hearing of the appeals, respondents and  

interveners were heard and, therefore, we allow the  

applications for intervention and impleadment.  

12. The learned counsel for the parties argued in  

detail for few days but in view of the nature of  

order we intend to pass it is not necessary to  

discuss each and every submission except the relevant  

one, as recorded hereunder:

Stand of POSCO India Pvt. Ltd.



Page 13

13. Learned counsel Mr. K.K.Venugopal appearing on  

behalf of POSCO India Pvt. Ltd. made the following  


13.1 The recommendation in favour of POSCO India has  

been made in accordance with the provisions contained  

in Section 11 (2), (3) and (5) of MM(D&R) Act and  

other relevant provisions of Mineral Concession  

Rules, 1960.   

13.2 The POSCO was found to be the most meritorious  

applicant and “hence the State Government by  

exercising its power under Section 11(5) of MM(D&R)  

Act, 1957 has decided to recommend an extent of 2500  

Hectares to Government of India for prior approval  

for grant of PL in their favour.

13.3 In the present case, there are at least two  

reasons as to why there cannot be any claim of  

priority on the part of Geomin.   When the area in  

question was released from reservation and de­

notified on 23.8.1991,  no outside date before which  

applications had to be made had been fixed. The  

Government of India (Revisional Authority),   in  



Page 14

exercise of its  revisional  jurisdiction, vide order  

27.9.2007, had directed the State Government to  

consider all the pending applications simultaneously.  

This order was challenged by one Dhananjay Kumar  

Dagara, and the Writ Petition was dismissed by the  

High Court.   The decision of the Central Government  

thus became final.   If the applications were to be  

considered simultaneously,   which means as if they  

were received on the same day,   the proviso to  

Section11(2) of the Act would apply.   Indubitably,  

in any comparison based on the factors set out in the  

tabulated statements,   POSCO would be far ahead of  

the other applicants,   based on its experience,  

investment, technology used, integrated project,  

captive use of the iron ore, total employment (direct  

and indirect) and, above all, public interest.  

Thus, Section 11(3) of the Act wholly applies in  

POSCO’s favour.

13.4 Apart from Section 11(3), the State Government  

has made the recommendation also under Section 11(5)  

for the simple reason that POSCO stood head and  

shoulders above the other applicants, in respect of  



Page 15

public interest.   If the gap between POSCO and the  

other applicants, even in regard to the very  

considerations specified in Section 11(3)   is so  

vast, then, in such a case, the very same factors,  

qualitatively and quantitatively,   would   attract  

Section 11(5) as well.   In any event, in this case,  

there is one factor which beyond doubt attracts  

Section 11(5), and that is the sophisticated and  

advanced finex technology, which not only reduces  

pollution but is also able to utilize low grade ore  

to make   steel.   Section 11(5) would clearly be  

attracted on this ground alone, and, in whatever  

manner one approaches the issue,  POSCO has rightly  

been recommended by the State Government for grant of  

the Prospecting Licence.

13.5 The recommendation dated 9.1.2009 made in  

favour of POSCO falls within the parameters of  

Sections 11(3) and 11(5) of the MM(D&R) Act.   The  

State Government followed the direction of the  

Revisional Authority (Central Government ) dated  

27.9.2007,   which was upheld by the High Court and  

had become final,   and   simultaneously considered  



Page 16

the inter se merits of all the applicants whose PL  

applications were pending disposal before the State  

Government.   It was after   a rigorous exercise of  

calling all the applicants for personal hearing and  

to make a presentation that the State Government took  

the considered view to hold that POSCO was the most  

meritorious applicant.  

13.6 Once there was a direction of the Revisional  

Authority,   which was affirmed by the Orissa High  

Court in the Dagara case (which order attained  

finality), that the State Government was required to  

consider all pending applications simultaneously and  

come to a decision after evaluating the inter se  

merits of all the applicants.  An inter se comparison  

of multiple applicants for grant   of a mineral  

concession is envisaged only under Section 11(3) of  

the MM(D&R) Act.   This being so, in any inter se  

comparison (whether pursuant to Section 11(2) or  

not), the criteria on the basis of which a decision  

must be taken by the State Government is what is  

specified in Section 11(3).   



Page 17

13.7 The High Court has failed to point out as to  

what would amount to   “special reasons”.   The  

Impugned Judgment also does not appreciate that the  

recommendation in favour of POSCO has been made by  

the State Government keeping in mind the larger  

interests of the State and its citizens.  The basis  

of this decision was the economic and environmental  

benefit accruing to the State from POSCO’s mining  


13.8 POSCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of M/s  

POSCO,  which is a Korean compay having more than 25  

years experience in developing minerals in various  

countries in the world and is the world’s second  

largest steel maker by market value and  Asia’s most  

profitable steel maker.  M/s POSCO’s operating profit  

margin is the top in the World Steel Industry,  and  

it is the most competitive steel maker as per 2010  

World Steel Dynamics.   According to 2010 World  

Economic Forum M/s POSCO is one among the 100  

companies to last the next 100 years.   Geomin is a  

company which was incorporated in September, 1991,  

with an authorised share capital of Rs.1,00,000/­  



Page 18

(Rupees one lakh), obviously only with a view to take  

advantage of the notification dated 23.8.1991 issued  

by the State Government.   Geomin did not have any  

experience of having undertaken any mining  

activities, and, therefore, cannot be said to have  

possessed any special knowledge or experience in  

mining operations.   Further,   sometime in the year  

2007, control of Geomin, through acquisition of a  

majority of  the share of the company, was taken over  

by one ‘Navayuga Steel Limited’.  In the  submission  

of the appellant,   the experience and/or  

qualifications of ‘Navayuga Steel Limited’ cannot be  

used in support of Geomin’s application made in the  

year 1991,   since the merit of an applicant for a  

prospecting license/mining lease would have to be  

judged as on the date of the application itself, as  

otherwise the process of selection would be rendered  

arbitrary if an applicant is permitted to add to its  

qualifications after knowing the relative  

qualifications of other applicants.   If this is  

permitted, such   a process of adding to one’s  

qualifications would become never­ending.   In any  

event, if in substance and in effect a totally new  



Page 19

entity has been permitted to be brought into  

existence,   by transfer of substantial shares to  

another company,  the original applicant can no more  

claim priority o its application as its character has  

undergone a substantial transformation.

13.9 The reliance by Kudremukh Company on Section  

11(1) of the Act is wholly erroneous, as (admittedly)  

no reconnaissance permit was ever granted in its  

favour.   Under Section 11(1) of the MM(D&R) Act,  

preference can be claimed if an applicant for the  

grant of a PL has already been granted a  

reconnaissance permit qua the said area; and the  

conditions prescribed in the first proviso to Section  

11(1) are met.   The reconnaissance work stated to  

have been carried out by the Department of Geology of  

the State Government, at Kudremukh’s expense, also  

cannot attract Section 11(1)   of the Act in its  

favour.  Further, in any event,  Kudremukh Company is  

bound by the aforementioned direction for  

simultaneous consideration of  all applications given  

by the Central Government, as per the decision of  



Page 20

Revisional Authority, which was upheld by the High  



Stand of Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.   

14. Learned counsel for the Geomin  Minerals &  

Marketing (P) Ltd.  made the following submissions:

14.1 A preferential right in the field of mining is  

an important right. The preferential right conferred  

under un­amended Section 11 upto 1999 cannot be  

curtailed under amended Section 11.   Since Geomin  

Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.   applied on 29th  

October, 1991 the law that was applicable on the said  

date of application i.e. an amended Section 11 shall  

be applicable for consideration of application filed  

by Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.   

14.2 On the other hand if the amended Section 11 is  

applied, in that event the judgment of this Court in  

Sandur Manganese  & Iron  Ores Limited v.  State of  

Karnataka (2010) 13 SCC 1  will apply.   The  

consequence will be as follows:­



Page 21

(a) Section 11(4) of the amended Section will  


(b) Section 11(5) will not be available.

(c) If amended Section 11(4) applies, then all  

persons applied on 29th October, 1991 will be  

treated as first applicants.   The choice  

between them will be governed by Section  


(d) Even if Section 11(5) is applied, special  

reasons referred to in Section 11(5) cannot be  

same that of the reasons to be recorded for  

the purpose of Section 11(3).  

In the present case, the exercise which State  

Government has done mixes up the matter under Section  

11(3) and 11(5) for recommending the name of M/s  

POSCO India Pvt. Ltd., therefore it is contrary to  

the provisions of Section 11 and recommendation in  

favour of the POSCO India Pvt. Ltd. is not bona fide.  

14.3 Amended Section 11 is prospective in nature.  It  

is the Rule on the date of application that would be  

applicable and not the Rule on the date of  



Page 22

consideration.   In view of Rule 8(C) of Mineral  

Concession Rules it cannot be said that Section 11  

will be applicable from the date of consideration.  

As per the ratio of the judgement in  Sandur  

Manganese & Iron Ores Limited v. State of Karnataka  

(2010) 13 SCC 1  if amended Section 11 is applied  

then Geomin Minerals & Marketing (P) Ltd.   is  

entitled for benefit of the aforesaid judgment.    

14.4 Memorandum of Understanding or the arrangements  

outside the provisions of the MM(D&R) Act cannot be  

used to trample on the rights of prior or same day  

applicants.   This principle is to be followed  

irrespective of whether the unamended or amended  

Section 11 is applied.  

14.5 First Day Applicant enjoys and is entitled to  

priority over all subsequent days applications  

including the POSCO application which was made on  

27th  September, 2005 i.e. after about 14 years from  

the date of the Geomin applications.   

Stand of the State of Orissa:



Page 23

15. Mr. Rakesh Dwivedi, learned senior counsel for  

the State of Orissa to the facts as noticed above  

contended as follows:

15.1 Initially a recommendation was made to the  

Central Government in favour of POSCO for an area of  

6204.352 hectares by the State Government on 19th  

December, 2006. Pursuant to which the Revisional  

Authority after hearing the matter set aside the  

recommendation made in favour of POSCO and the State  

Government was directed vide order dated 27th  

September, 2007 to consider all pending applications  

simultaneously and to decide inter se merit and then  

pass an order as per law after affording an  

opportunity to all the applicants.   Earlier the  

recommendation in favour of POSCO was made for an  

area which was partially notified and partially non­

notified and other applications were not considered  

and hence the matter was remitted back by the  

Revisional Authority to the State Government.  

15.2 The State Government had thereafter granted  

hearing to all the applicants and had considered the  



Page 24

inter se merit of the applicants.   An overall  

holistic consideration and record shows that the  

Government had an inter se comparison of the  

applicants as directed by the Central Government and  

had also made recommendation in favour of POSCO by  

invoking Section 11(5) of the MM(DR) Act, 1957.

15.3 The case of Geomin had been considered.  During  

the hearing, Geomin stated that it is a joint venture  

between Navyuga Group and T.P. Minerals Group and it  

wanted to set up one ore based steel complex of 12  

MTPA capacity but at that time their project was  

under consideration by the High level clearance  

authority. The case of Kudremukh Company based on PL  

No.1991 dated 17/2/2002 was considered. This company  

proposed to invest Rs.100 Crores in mines and  

Rs.5,000 Crores in industry and its plant was in  

Mangalore, State of Karnataka.  It was proposing some  

plants in Sundergarh District but there was no  

definite proposal received by the State.   Jindal  

Steel and Power Limited (hereinafter referred to as  

the ‘JSPL’) had submitted four PL and one ML  

applications. The PL applications are dated  



Page 25

22/2/2007. They did not submit sufficient documents  

as required under Rule 22(3)(i) of MC Rules and  

legally accepted Geological Prospecting Report for  

their ML application.  This company is part of Jindal  

Group and was operating a steel plant at Raigarh,  

Chhattisgarh.   It was considered to be a serious  

contender for the applied area.  There applied area  

was 4930.57 hectares after clubbing the four PL  

applications.   Out of this only 90 hectares are  

overlapping with the PL application of POSCO.  Thus,  

their PL applications cover an area which is  

overwhelmingly distinct from the area recommended for  

POSCO. Consequently, JSPL had not filed any Writ  

Petition nor had applied for impleadment before the  

High Court. It has chosen to move an intervention  

application belatedly in the SLP filed by Geomin.  

This application has not been allowed and it is  

liable to be rejected.  The PL Application No. 2122  

dated 27/9/2005 for 6828.54 hectares filed by POSCO  

India was considered and they were considered to be a  

front runner and possessing outstanding merit in  

comparison to all other applicants.  They proposed to  

set up a World's first steel plant project using  



Page 26

FINEX technology which was a next generation eco­

friendly process which allows direct use of cheap  

iron ores fines and non­coking coal as feed stock and  

has consequently lower emissions as compared to blast  

furnace.  They had assured captive consumption of the  

mineral at their plant at Paradip which was to be a  

port based steel plant.  It was likely to create huge  

employment and generate huge revenue.   

15.4 In Part­F, Summary, it has been noted that  only  

two companies i.e. POSCO India Ltd. and Jindal  

Stripes have achieved the miles stones or the  

eligibility criteria laid down in the MOU for  

recommendation of raw­material linkage to their  

proposed steel plant. It mentions "as far as relevant  

merits are concerned in terms of proposed investment,  

financial resources capability for scientific mining  

and exploration of ore, it could be safely concluded  

that M/s. POSCO India (P) Ltd. stands out as the most  

meritorious among all the MOU signed applicants and  

as well as other applicants as narrated above, it  

mentions that application of Jindal Stainless was  

being considered for other areas.  The "conclusion"  



Page 27

has been drawn and it has been specifically stated in  

sub­para (c) that Geomin Minerals and Marketing has  

some merit but they cannot be considered at par with  

POSCO India.   Kudremukh Company was found to be  

highly meritorious but its merit was not comparitable  

with M/s. POSCO India taking into account the  

comprehensive advantage of POSCO in terms of revenue  

and employment generation.   In sub­para (f) it was  

concluded that on account of the ability to carry out  

scientific exploration and mining, capability to  

mobilize adequate financial resources for investment,  

setting up of value addition facilities including 12  

MTPA steel plant based on eco­friendly and resource  

use efficient technology which will generate huge  

revenue and employment, the POSCO India deserves  

precedence over all other applicants and it stands  

out as the most meritorious.   

15.5. While considering the extent of area to be  

recommended, it was noted that POSCO had applied for  

6828.24 hectares in Kandhar region.  Considering all  

relevant aspects the State Government decided to  

recommend an area of 4050 hectares only in favour of  



Page 28

POSCO to the Government of India for prior approval  

for grant of PL.  Expressly invoking Section 11(5) of  

MMDR Act, 1957 in addition to the inter se comparison  

of merits, the comparative statement table prepared  

with the parameters under Section 11(3) in view and  

with table forms parts of the minutes.  The minutes  

recorded that applications are to be disposed of in  

accordance with Section 11(2) & (3) and relevant  

provisions of Mineral Concession Rules.   The State  

Government has complied with the directions of the  

Central Government and has applied its mind to all  

relevant factors and material produced by the various  

applicants and after making inter se comparison of  

minutes arrived at a conclusion that POSCO was more  

meritorious from the point of scientific exploration  

and mining, mobilization of financial resources, use  

of eco­friendly and resources – use efficient  

technology investments including the steel plant  

project and general of employment and revenue. In  

addition, the State Government has also invoked the  

provisions of Section 11(5) of the Act.  



Page 29

15.6 Further stand of the State of Orissa is that:  

Geomin's   application PL No.1334 dated 29/10/1991  

cannot be considered to be a prior application in  

view of the following facts:

Geomin had made 7 PL applications for different  

areas to the State Government of Orissa.  An area of  

186 hectares in Village Rantha, District Sundergarh  

applied vide application No.1334 dated 29.10.1991 is  

overlapping. Thus, the area recommended for POSCO  

includes about 186 hectares of area applied for by  


15.7 The order of the High Court dated 14th July, 2008  

had been passed in the context of PL Application  

No.1338 in Malantoli Block.  This has nothing to do  

with the area recommended for POSCO.

After the above High Court order, Geomin made a  

representation with respect to PL Application  


15.8 Geomin's applications, in particular PL No.1334,  

all dated 29th  October, 1991 were made on an  

individual basis as a Private Ltd. Company. The  

nature of business indicated was mining, processing  



Page 30

and sale of minerals and mineral products.   The  

affidavit mentions that it is a new company and  

therefore there are no income tax/sales tax returns  

or clearance certificates. As regards financial  

resources the application simply says "sound" and  

refers to Articles of Association.  In the experience  

column Geomin shows no experience and refers to  

qualified and experienced "people" in the company.  

No name or details are given.  Geomin does not hold  

any PL or ML. There is no claim that any Director has  

any such experience.   The application is highly  

deficient and there is no proposal for setting up any  

industry based on minerals. After 14 years from the  

notification under Rule 59 a letter dated 7.09.2004  

for sympathetic consideration was made and order  

dated 15.7.2003 passed by the Central Government  

(Tribunal) was referred to Geomin,   also wrote a  

letter dated 27.12.2005 requesting that they should  

be allowed to submit fresh proposal. Earlier on  

20.12.2004 AXL also submitted a letter. Thereafter  

another letter dated 30.12.2006 was written. In this  

letter for the first time it was proposed that a 0.5  

MTPA capacity steel plant in the State of Orissa  



Page 31

would be set up through our group company AXL  

Industries and PLs were required for that purpose.  

In the aforesaid letters, there is no claim for any  

preference under Section 11(2).   The third letter  

dated 7.6.2007 refers to the proposal to set up 0.5  

MTPA capacity steel plant in Orissa and also offers  

to consider setting up of the project through Geomin  

itself or to consider amalgamation of the two  

companies.   Then by letter dated 6.10.2007 it  

informed that Geomin has now entered into a  

partnership with the Navyuga Group of companies who  

are a large conglomerate with interests in  

engineering, exports, mining, ports, power, real  

estate, I.T., etc.  It further informed that Navyuga  

Group is planning to set up steel plant in Orissa  

with 12 MTPA capacity.   By letter it was also  

informed that Navyuga has already acquired 50% equity  

stake in Geomin.  Therefore the request was made to  

consider its application "keeping the above in mind'.  

By the fifth letter dated 13.11.2007 they wished to  

know the status of Geomin's applications regarding  

the process of evaluation of applications over  

Khandhar Block. District Sundargarh.   



Page 32

15.9 If the provisions operating at the time of the  

applications are to be considered then Geomin's  

application would stand rejected in terms of Rule  

24(3) of Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 which was  

omitted on 7.01.1993. Secondly, the Geomin's  

application was highly deficient and the deficiencies  

were partially removed which were provided after the  

notice issued. Moreover, Geomin first placed reliance  

on 0.5 MTPA steel plant being set up by its group  

company AXL Industries then offered to set up the  

said project by itself. Thereafter relied upon 12  

MTPA steel plant being set up by Navyuga Group which  

acquired 50% equity stake was later increased to 70%  

of the equity share.   Application was sought to be  

considered on this basis. Therefore, Geomin's  

application is effectively and substantively of  

October/December, 2007.

15.10 Section  11  as  amended  by  Act 38  of  1999  

w.e.f. 18th  December, 1999, would apply. The  

contention of Geomin that the old provisions would  

apply is incorrect. This matter is not res integra.  



Page 33

In the case of  State of Tamil Nadu vs. Hind Stone,  

(1981) 2 SCC 205,  this Court has decided that the  

provisions of the Act and Rules as operating at the  

time of consideration would be applicable.   

Stand taken by Kudremukh Company:

16. Learned senior counsel appearing on behalf the  

Kudremukh Company submitted as follows:

16.1 That the State Government vide letter dated  

25.04.2009 has communicated the rejection of the  

applications of the Company, to the extent of an area  

of 2130 hectares, which was within the recommended  

area of POSCO of 2500 hectares. The applications of  

the Company were rejected on the ground that the M/s.  

POSCO was the most meritorious of all the  

applications.  The rejection of the Companys’ ML/PL  

application had been challenged before the Ld.  

Central Mines Tribunal by filing Revision Application  

No.22(6)/2009­RC­I & Revision Application  

No.22(7)/2009­RC­I respectively.   The Revisional  

Authority vide final orders dated 23.8.2011, has been  

pleased to allow the revision applications and set  



Page 34

aside the orders dated 25.4.2009 passed by the State  

Government rejecting the ML and PL applications of  

the Company.

16.2. The State of Orissa has filed two Writ  

Petitions being W.P.(C) No.6429 of 2012 and W.P.(C)  

No.6431 of 2012 against the Final Order No.550/2011 &  

549/11 dated 23.09.2011 passed by Government of India  

in Revision Application No.22(6)/2009­RC­I & Revision  

Application No.22(7)/2009­RC­I respectively.   The  

same is pending adjudication before the Orissa High  

Court. The Company is not aware if M/s. POSCO has  

challenged the said order passed by the Ld.  

Revisional Authority.  

16.3 The recommendation in favour of POSCO  

purportedly under Section 11(5) is not a valid  

recommendation as per the provisions of the Act.  

Section 11(5) would have no application in the  

present case where the applicants were being  

considered simultaneously and the same has to be  

granted to the applicant who satisfies the criteria  

under Section 11(3) when compared with the others.  



Page 35

The Revisional Authority vide order dated 27.09.2007  

had directed to consider all applications  

‘simultaneously'. Therefore, all the applications had  

to be considered taking into consideration the  

parameters of Section 11(3).   The State Government  

itself in its recommendation dated 9.01.2009 had  

stated that the applicants were evaluated and taken  

up for disposal in accordance with Section 11(2) and  

(3) of the Act.   But ultimately made the purported  

recommendation in favour of POSCO under Section 11(5)  

of the Act, which is not applicable.   

16.4 Section 11(5) would be applicable only if the  

area is ‘non­notified’ and the State Government has  

for 'special reasons' wants to give preference to a  

later applicant to an application which was received  

earlier.   The 'special reasons' need not be other  

than what has been mentioned in Section 11(3) but may  

be over and above the reasons mentioned in Section  

11(3).  Section 11(5) will have no application where  

applications are considered simultaneously for areas  

which are notified, which is the present case.  The  



Page 36

recommendation dated 9.01.2009 made by the State  

Government is not sustainable.  

17. As far as the contentions raised by Geomin  

Mienrals claiming priority by virtue of being an  

earlier applicant, it was submitted that the said  

contention no longer holds force after the amendment  

of Section 11(2) of the Act. As per the amended  

Section 11(2), all applications which were made  

during the period of notification and all  

applications received prior to the publication and  

had not been disposed of shall be deemed to have been  

received on the same day for the purpose of assigning  

priority.   Therefore, a prior applicant has no  

preferential right to be considered over a later  

applicant. It is submitted that the right, if any,  

under the pre­amended provisions stands obliterated  

after the amendment came into force and cannot be  

construed as a 'vested' right.  

18. It was further contended that the Court, if it  

so deems fit may direct the Central Government to  

consider all applications while deciding grant of  



Page 37

prior approval under Section 5(1) of the Act, after  

giving the parties a right to represent and decide  

the same taking all factors into consideration that  

Kudremukh Company is a public sector undertaking and  

the substantial area of the proposed recommended area  

was prospected at the cost of Kudremukh Company. The  

same may be decided uninfluenced by any observations  

made in the impugned judgment and the recommendation  

made under Section 11(5).

19. The contentions of the Kudremukh Company was  

summarised as follows:

(i) The Kudremukh Company is a public sector  undertaking which is best suited to protect  national resources of the country.

(ii) The Company may be allotted at least the  portion of the area which was prospected by  the Department of Geology at the cost of  more than 1 crore;

(iii) Based   on the assurances of the State  Government at the highest level, the  Company has altered its position to its  detriment and the Government ought to have  granted the Pl/ML to the petitioner;

(iv) The Company is more meritorious as compared  to others, as it has special knowledge in  mining operations, the nature and quality  of the technical staff and adequate  financial resources, which are the  



Page 38

prescribed considerations in Section 11(3)  of the Act.   As far as the so­called  proposed investment in Industry based on  mines by POSCO is concerned, it is still  illusory and nothing tangible has been  invested on the ground.   The Company’s  merit has also been recognised by the State  Government, but it erroneously claimed that  POSCO is more meritorious on the ground of  the so­called proposed steel plant which is  yet to take off and the work on the plant  has not yet commenced.

20. In the aforesaid factual background and rival  

contentions made in the appeals, intervention  

petitions as well as counter affidavits, the main  

issue emerges for consideration is whether the writ  

petition was premature and in the case of applicants  

whether pre amended Section 11 or amended Section 11  

of the MM(D&R) Act is applicable.   

21. Before deciding the aforesaid issues it is  

relevant to note that the issue relating to  

competence of the State Government to make  

reservation and the 1962 notification issued by the  

State Government reserving certain areas fell for  

consideration before this Court in Monnet Ispat and  

Energy Limited v. Union of India & Ors. (2012) 11  



Page 39

SCC 1.   In the said case, this Court held that the  

authority of the State Government to make reservation  

of a particular mining area  within its territory for  

its own use is the offspring of ownership, and it is  

inseparable therefrom unless denied to it expressly  

by an appropriate law. By MM(D&R) Act that has not  

been done by Parliament.  Setting aside by a State of  

land owned by it for its exclusive use and under its  

dominance control, is an incident of sovereignty and  


In the light of aforesaid observation made by  

this Court in Monnet Ispat Energy v. Union of India  

& Ors. (2012) 11 SCC 1 and in view of the relevant  

facts of the present case, it is to be determined as  

to whether the writ petition preferred by Geomin was  


22. Under Section 5 of the MM(D&R) Act, the State  

Government cannot grant a reconnaissance permit,  

prospective licence or mining lease to any person  

unless previous approval of the Central Government  

has been obtained.   The proviso to Section 5(1)  

expressly prohibits grant of PL except with previous  

approval of Central Government as quoted hereunder:



Page 40

Further, where Section 11(5) is  invoked, there  

also prior approval of the Central Government is also  

required.   The proviso to Section 11(5) prescribes  

that prior approval of Central Government shall be  

obtained "before passing any order under the sub­

section".  In the present case the State Government  

has only   made recommendations and has sought  

approval of Central Government under proviso to  

Section 5(1)   and proviso to Section 11(5) but no  

final decision has been taken. The State Government  

can pass final order granting mining licence only if  

approval is granted by the Central Government under  

Section 5(1) or Section 11(5) which reads as follows:

“5(1). A State Government shall not grant a  reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence  or mining lease to any person unless such  person— (a) is an Indian national, or a  

company as defined in sub­section (1) of  section 3 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1  of 1956); and

(b) satisfies such conditions as may  be prescribed:

Provided that   in respect of any mineral  specified in the First Schedule, no  reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence  or mining   lease shall be granted except  with the previous approval of the Central  Government.



Page 41

11(5).   Notwithstanding anything contained  in sub­section (2), but subject to the  provisions of sub­section (1), the State  Government may, for any special reasons to  be recorded, grant a reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence or a mining lease, as  the case may be, to an applicant whose  application was received later in  preference to an applicant whose  application was received earlier:

Provided that in respect of minerals  specified in the First Schedule, prior  approval of the Central Government shall be  obtained before passing any order under  this sub­section.”

23. Iron ore is a major mineral specified in Para C  

of the First Schedule. In matters of such major  

mineral, even State Government itself cannot  

undertake prospective or mining operations without  

having prior consultation with the Central Government  

as per Section 4(3) of the Act, and if prospecting  

licence or mining lease is to be granted to any other  

person, then previous approval of Central Government  

is to be obtained under proviso to Section 5(1).  The  

consideration of recommendation made by the Central  

Government for grant of prior approval is an  

exclusive jurisdiction of the Central Government  

under the MM(D&R) Act, 1957 and there is no good  



Page 42

reason for pre­empting the Central Government from  

considering the merits of the recommendation.

24. Until the Central Government has passed an order  

either granting or refusing approval under Section  

5(1) and Section 11(5) of the Act, it would not be  

permissible for any person to file a writ petition  

under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and  

any such petition if filed would be premature.   In  

the instant case, the High Court committed a grave  

error of law in proceeding to observe that 'special  

reasons' did not exist on invoking Section 11(5) and  

that there was no comparison of merits in the record.  

The record has been shown to this Court and it is  

apparent that the State Government has tabulated and  

evaluated the inter se merits and has concluded that  

POSCO is more meritorious.   All applications were  

given a hearing.   In the circumstances, the High  

Court's observations are not justified and in fact  

the High Court appears to have usurped the  

jurisdiction of the Central Government in proceeding  

to make these remarks.   The scrutiny of the merits  

was premature and the High Court should have  

refrained from entering into the merits.  



Page 43

25. The second proviso to Rule 63A also provides  

that the disposal of the applications by the State  

Government in case of minerals listed in the First  

Schedule to the Act shall mean either recommendation  

to the Central Government for grant of mineral  

concession, and in all other cases disposal shall  

mean refusal to grant the mineral concession. This is  

also an indication that the recommendation made by  

the State Government does not constitute an order as  

envisaged by Section 30 of the Act.   

26. The next issue relates to application of Section  

11 i.e. whether pre­amended Section 11 or post  

amended Section 11 shall apply.

We have noticed that by amending Act, First  

Proviso to Section 11(2) was inserted.  Pre­amended  

non obsente clause i.e. sub Section 4 of Section 11  

was re­numbered as sub Section 5 to Section 11 and a  

new sub Section 4 to Section 11 was introduced by  

amending Act.

The pre amended provisions of Section 11(2), (3)  

and (4) and the post amended provisions of Section  

11(2), (3), (4) and (5) read as follows:  



Page 44

Pre­amended provisions of Section 11(2),  (3) and (4) are as follows:­

“11(2).  Subject to the provisions of sub­ section (1), where two or more persons have  applied for a prospecting licence or a  mining lease in respect of the same land,  the applicant whose application was  received earlier shall have a preferential  right for the grant of the licence or  lease, as the case may be, over an  applicant whose application was received later:

Provided that where any such applications  are received on the same day, the State  Government,after taking into consideration  the matters specified in sub­section (3),  may grant the prospecting licence on mining  lease, as the case may be, to such one of  the applicants as it may deem fit.

11(3).  The matters referred to in sub­ section (2) are the following:­ (a) any special knowledge of, or experience  in, prospecting operations or mining  operations, as the case may be, possessed  by the applicant; (b) the financial resources of the  applicant; (c) the nature and quality of the technical  staff employed or to be employed by the  applicant; (d) such other matters as may be  considered.

11(4).  Notwithstanding anything contained  in subsection (2) but subject to the  provisions of sub­section (1), the State  Government may for any special reasons to  be recorded and with the previous approval  of the Central Government, grant a  prospecting licence or a mining lease to an  applicant whose application was received  later in preference to an applicant whose  application was received earlier.



Page 45

Post amended provisions of Section 11(2),  (3), (4) and (5) are as follows:

11(2).  Subject  to the  provisions of sub­ section(1), where the State Government has  not notified  in the  Official Gazette the  area for grant of reconnaissance permit or  prospecting licence or mining lease, as the  case may be, and two or more persons have  applied for a reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence  or a  mining lease in  respect of any land in such area, the  applicant whose application was received  earlier, shall have the preferential right  to be considered for grant of  reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence  or mining lease, as the case may be, over  the applicant whose application was  received later:

Provided that  where an  area is available  for grant of reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence or mining lease, as the  case may be, and the State Government has  invited applications by notification in the  Official Gazette for grant of such permit,  licence or lease, all the applications  received during the period specified in  such notification and the applications  which had been received prior to the  publication of such notification in respect  of the lands within such area and had not  been disposed of, shall be deemed to have  been received on the same day, for the  purposes of assigning priority under this  sub section.

Provided further that where any such  application are received on the same day,  the State Government, after taking into  consideration the matter specified in sub­ section(3), may grant the reconnaissance  permit, prospecting licence or mining  lease, as the case may be, to such one of  the applicants as it may deem fit.



Page 46

11(3).  The matters referred to in sub­ section (2) are the following: ­

(a)any special knowledge of, or experience  in, reconnaissance operations, prospecting  operations or mining operations, as the  case may be, possessed by the applicant; (b) the financial resources of the  applicant; (c) the nature and quality of the technical  staff employed or to be employed by the  applicant; (d) the investment which the applicant  proposes to make in the mines and in the  industry based on the minerals; (e) such other matters as may be  prescribed.

11(4).  Subject  to the  provisions of sub­ section (1), where the State Government  notifies in  the Official  Gazette an area  for grant of reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence or mining lease, as the  case may be, all the applications received  during the period as specified in such  notification, which shall not be less than  thirty days, shall be considered  simultaneously as if all such applications  have been received on the same day and the  State Government, after taking into  consideration the matters specified in sub­ section (3), may grant the reconnaissance  permit, prospecting licence or mining  lease, as the case may be, to such one of  the applicants as it may deem fit.

11(5).   Notwithstanding anything contained  in sub­section (2), but subject to the  provisions of sub­section (1), the State  Government may, for any special reasons to  be recorded, grant a reconnaissance permit,  prospecting licence or a mining lease, as  the case may be, to an applicant whose  application was received later in  



Page 47

preference to an applicant whose  application was received earlier:

Provided that in respect of minerals  specified in the First Schedule, prior  approval of the Central Government shall be  obtained before passing any order under  this sub­section.”

27. The State of Orissa and some others have taken  

plea that amended Section 11, as amended by Act 38 of  

1999 w.e.f. 20th December, 1999, would apply.   

28. According to the State of Orissa the  

preferential right envisaged in Section 11(1) is  

considerably distinct from the preference envisaged  

by Section 11(2).  It is only in the case of Section  

11(1) where a person has already held a  

reconnaissance permit or a prospective licence that  

he gets a preferential right for obtaining a  

prospecting licence or mining lease.  It may be seen  

that Section 11(5) is subject to the provisions of  

sub­section (1) and, therefore, the State Government  

has no authority to give special reasons for  

overriding the preference.  Further, Section 11(5) is  

notwithstanding Section 11(2), thus the preference  

under Section 11(2) can be overridden by special  




Page 48

29. Another distinction is that while Section 11(1)  

uses the expression "shall have a preferential right  

for obtaining", Section 11(2) uses the expression  

"shall have the preferential right to be considered  

for grant".   Thus, under Section 11(2), the  

preferential right is only in relation to  

consideration. The preference envisaged under Section  

11(2) does not mean that the other applicants are not  

to be considered.  It could only mean that if on an  

inter se consideration, the applicants are at par,  

then the prior application may be given a preference.  

30. On the other hand learned counsel for the Geomin  

has submitted that pre­amended Section 11(2) shall be  


31. In State of Tamil Nadu v. M/s Hind Stone, (1981)  

2 SCC 205  similar question fell for consideration  

before this Court.   That was a case relating to  

renewal of lease for mining minerals.  The argument  

was that Rule 9 itself laid down the criteria for  

grant of renewal of lease and therefore, Rule 8­C  

should be confined, in considering applications for  

grant of leases in the first instance. This Court  



Page 49

held that an application for the renewal of a lease  

is, in essence an application for the grant of a  

lease for a fresh period and, therefore, the  

Rule 8C is attracted.

32. Amended Section 11(2) is applicable where the  

State Government has not notified in the Official  

Gazette the area for grant of reconnaissance permit  

or prospective licence or mining lease and two or  

more persons have applied for reconnaissance permit,  

prospective licence or mining lease in respect of any  

land in such area, the applicant whose application  

was received earlier, shall have the preferential  

right to be considered for grant of reconnaissance  

permit, prospective licence or mining lease, over the  

applicant whose application was received later.   

However, as per First proviso to Section 11(2)  

where an area is available for grant of  

reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence or mining  

licence, and the State Government has invited  

applications by notification in the Official Gazette  

for grant of such permit, licence or lease, all the  

applications received during the period specified in  

such notification and the applications which had been  



Page 50

received prior to the publication of such  

notification in respect of the lands within such area  

and had not been disposed of, shall be deemed to have  

been received on the same day for the purposes of  

assigning priority under said sub­section.   Thus  

under amended Proviso to Section 11(2), even those  

applications received prior to the publication but  

had not been disposed of, shall be deemed to have  

been received on the same day for the purpose of  

assigning priority under the said sub Section.   

33. According to us, this is not the stage to decide  

as to whether in the present case the pre­amended or  

amended Section 11(2) shall be applicable and thereby  

priority should be assigned under pre­amended or  

amended Section 11(2) as the matter has already been  

considered by the State Government and recommendation  

is required to be considered by the Central  

Government under Section 5(1) of the Act.  

The Central Government is required to go through  

the relevant facts of each case to determine whether  

the recommendation is to be approved or not. While  

deciding the question the Central Government will  



Page 51

keep in mind the order which was passed by the  

Revisional Authority(Central Government) in the case  

of  Dagara  on 2nd May, 2008.

34. It is well settled that no applicant has  

statutory or fundamental right to obtain prospecting  

licence or   a mining lease. In this connection one  

may refer  to this  Court decision in  Monnet Ispat  

(supra). Therefore, the High Court before interfering  

with the recommendation, ought to have looked into  

the nature of recommendation.  

35. In view of the finding as recorded above, we are  

of the view that the High Court committed a grave  

error of law in deciding the case on merits and  

deciding the question of legality of the  

recommendation made by the State Government. In fact  

they should have left the matter to the Central  

Government to pass an appropriate order in accordance  

with law instead of entertaining a pre­mature writ  

petition. The State Government by its recommendation  

having forwarded the tabulated chart showing inter se  

merit of each applicant,   it was not for the High  

Court to sit in  appeal to decide who amongst all is  



Page 52

more meritorious and is entitled for preferential  


36. We, accordingly, set aside the impugned  

judgment dated 14th July, 2010 passed by the Division  

Bench of the Orissa High Court and remit the matter  

to the Central Government to consider the question of  

approval under Section 5(1) taking into consideration  

the recommendations made by the State Government.  

While deciding the question it will keep in mind the  

objections raised by the parties as noticed in the  

preceding paragraphs.   It is expected that the  

decision will be taken on an early date and shall be  

communicated to the State Government.   The appeals  

are allowed with the aforesaid observation and  

direction, but there shall be no order as to costs.  


……………………………………………….J.      ( R.M. LODHA )

……………………………………………….J.                ( SUDHANSU JYOTI  


NEW DELHI, MAY 10, 2013.