03 August 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000529-000529 / 2010
Diary number: 19786 / 2008


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NO.529     OF     2010   

Dayal Singh & Ors. … Appellants


State of Uttaranchal … Respondent

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T   

Swatanter     Kumar,     J  .

1. Settled canons of criminal jurisprudence when applied in their  

correct perspective, give rise to the following questions for  

consideration of the Court in the present appeal:

a) Where acts of omission and commission, deliberate or  

otherwise, are committed by the investigating agency or other  

significant witnesses instrumental in proving the offence,  

what approach, in appreciation of evidence, should be  



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b) Depending upon the answer to the above, what directions  

should be issued by the courts of competent jurisdiction?

c) Whenever there is some conflict in the eye-witness version of  

events and the medical evidence, what effect will it have on  

the case of the prosecution and what would be the manner in  

which the Court should appreciate such evidence?

2. The facts giving rise to the questions in the present appeal are  

that the fields of Gurumukh Singh and Dayal Singh were adjoining  

in the village Salwati within the limits of Police Station Sittarganj,  

district Udham Singh Nagar.  These fields were separated by a  

mend (boundary mound).  On 8th December, 1985, Gurumukh  

Singh, the complainant, who was examined as PW2, along with his  

father Pyara Singh, had gone to their fields.  At about 12 noon,  

Smt. Balwant Kaur, PW4, wife of Pyara Singh came to the fields to  

give meals to Pyara Singh and their son Gurumukh Singh.  At  

about 12.45 p.m, the accused persons, namely, Dayal Singh, Budh  

Singh & Resham Singh (both sons of Dayal Singh) and Pahalwan  

Singh came to the fields wielding lathis and started hurling abuses.  

They asked Pyara Singh and Gurumukh Singh as to why they were  



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placing earth on their mend, upon which they answered that mend  

was a joint property belonging to both the parties.  Without any  

provocation, all the accused persons started attacking Pyara Singh  

with lathis.  Gurumukh Singh, PW2, at that time, was at a little  

distance from his father and Smt. Balwant Kaur, PW4, was nearby.  

On seeing the occurrence, they raised an alarm and went to rescue  

Pyara Singh.  The accused, however, inflicted lathi injuries on both  

PW2 and PW4.  In the meanwhile, Satnam Singh, who was  

ploughing his fields, which were quite close to the fields of the  

parties and Uttam Singh (PW5) who was coming to his village from  

another village, saw the occurrence.  These two persons even  

challenged the accused persons upon which the accused persons  

ran away from the place of occurrence.  Pyara Singh, who had been  

attacked by all the accused persons with lathis fell down and  

succumbed to his injuries on the spot.  Few villagers also came to  

the spot.  According to the prosecution, pagri (Ex.1) of one of the  

accused, Budh Singh, had fallen on the spot which was  

subsequently taken into custody by the Police.  Gurumukh Singh,  

PW2, left the dead body of his deceased father in the custody of the  

villagers and went to the police station where he got the report,  



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Exhibit Ka-3, scribed by Kashmir Singh in relation to the  

occurrence.  The report was lodged at about 2.15 p.m. on 8th  

December, 1985 by PW2 in presence of SI Kartar Singh, PW6.  FIR  

(Exhibit Ka-4A) was registered and the investigating machinery was  

put into motion.  The two injured witnesses, namely, PW2 and PW4  

were examined by Dr. P.C. Pande, PW1, the medical officer at the  

Public Health Centre, Sittarganj on the date of occurrence.   At 4.00  

p.m., the doctor examined PW2 and noticed the following injuries  

on the person of the injured witness vide Injury Report, Ex. Ka-1.


“1. Lacerated wound of 5 cm X 1 cm and 1 cm  in depth.  Margins were lacerated.  Red  fresh blood was present over wound.  Wound was caused by hard and blunt  object.  Wound was at the junction of left  parietal and occipital bone 7 cm from upper  part of left ear caused by blunt object.  Advised X-ray.  Skull A.P. and lateral and  the injury was kept under observation.

2. Contusion of 6 cm X 2.5 cm on left side of  body 3 cm above the left ilic crest.  Simple  in nature caused by hard and blunt object.”

According to the Doctor, the injuries were caused by hard and  

blunt object and they were fresh in duration.



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On 8.12.1985 at 7.30 p.m. Dr. P.C. Pande (PW1) examined the  

injuries of Smt. Balwant Kaur PW4 and found the following injuries  

on her person vide injury report Ex.Ka.2:


1. Contusion 6 cm X 3 cm on left shoulder  caused by hard and blunt object.

2. Contusion of 5 cm X 2 cm on lateral side of  middle of left upper arm.  Bluish red in  colour caused by hard and blunt object.

3. Contusion of 4 cm X 2 cm on left parietal  bone 6 cm from left ear caused by hard and  blunt object.

According to Dr. Pande, these injuries were caused by hard  

and blunt object and the duration was within 12 hours and the  

nature of the injuries was simple.  According to Dr. Pande the  

injuries of both these injured persons could have been received on  

8.12.1985 at 12.45 p.m. by lathi.”

3. As noted above, according to Dr. Pande, the injuries were  

caused by a hard and blunt object and duration was within 12  

hours.  Thereafter, SI Kartar Singh, PW6, proceeded to the place of  

occurrence in village Salwati.  He found the dead body of Pyara  

Singh lying in the fields.  In the presence of panchas, including  



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Balwant Singh, PW8, he noticed that there were three injuries on  

the person of the deceased, Pyara Singh and prepared Inquest  

Report vide Ex. Ka-6 recording his opinion that the deceased died  

on account of the injuries found on his body.  After preparing the  

site plan, Ext. Ka-10, he also wrote a letter to the Superintendent,  

Civil Hospital, Haldwani for post mortem, being Exhibit Ka-9. The  

dead body was taken to the said hospital by Constable Chandrapal  

Singh, PW7.  Dr. C.N. Tewari, PW3, medical officer in the Civil  

Hospital, Haldwani, performed the post mortem upon the body of  

the deceased and did not find any ante-mortem or post-mortem  

injuries on the dead body.  On internal examination, he did not find  

any injuries and could not ascertain the cause of death.  Further,  

he preserved the viscera and gave the post-mortem report, Exhibit  

Ka-4.  After noticing that there was no injury or abnormality found  

upon external and internal examination of the dead body, the  

doctor in his report recorded as under:

“Viscera in sealed jars handed over to the  accompanying Constables.

Jar No.1 sample preservative saline water.

Jar No.2 Pieces of stomach



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Jar No.3 Pieces of liver, spleen and kidney.

Death occurred about one day back.

Cause of death could not be ascertained.  Hence, viscera preserved.”

4. It appears from the record that the deceased’s viscera,  which  

allegedly was handed over by doctor to the police, was either never  

sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (for short, the ‘FSL’) for  

chemical examination, or if sent, the report thereof was neither  

called for nor proved before the Court.  In fact, this has been left to  

the imagination of the Court.

5. The accused persons, at about 5.45 p.m. on the same day,  

lodged a written report at the same Police Station, which was  

received by Head Constable Inder Singh, who prepared the check  

report Exhibit C-1 and made appropriate entry.  The case was  

registered under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC)  

against PW2, Gurumukh Singh.  Dayal Singh was arrested in  

furtherance of the FIR, Exhibit Ka-4A.  He was also sent for medical  

examination and was examined by Dr. K.P.S. Chauhan, CW2.  After  

examining the said accused at about 7.45 p.m., the doctor found  

two injuries on his person and prepared the report (Exhibit C-4).  



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According to Dr. Chauhan, the injuries on the person of the  

accused could have been received by a firearm object and injuries  

were fresh within six hours.   

6. The investigating officer completed the investigation and filed  

charge sheet (Exhibit Ka-11) against the accused persons on 15th  

January, 1986.  It may be noticed that in furtherance to Exhibit C-

2, neither any case was registered nor any charge-sheet was  

presented before the Court of competent jurisdiction.  The accused  

also took no steps to prove that report in Court.  They also did not  

file any private complaint.   

7. Considering the ocular and other evidence produced by the  

prosecution, the learned Trial Court vide its judgment of conviction  

and order of sentence, both dated 29th June, 1990, found the  

accused persons guilty of offences under Section 302 read with  

Section 34 IPC as well as under Section 323 read with Section 34  

IPC.  The Trial Court, while dealing with the arguments of the  

accused for application of Section 34, as well as the submission  

that the witnesses had not attributed specific role to the respective  

accused persons, held as under:



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“The attack was premeditated and the  accused had come fully prepared to do the  overt act.  The injury was caused on the  head of the deceased which is a vital part of  the body at which it was aimed by employing  lathi, it was clear that the accused persons  had intended to cause death by giving blow  on vital part of the body of the deceased.  After receiving the injuries, the deceased fell  down and even thereafter he was attacked by  the accused persons and he died on the spot  immediately.  This all goes to show that the  accused persons who all were armed with  lathis and had attacked in furtherance of  their common intention by surrounding Sri  Pyara Singh.  At that juncture when the  occurrence took place suddenly and the  witnesses were at some distance it was quite  natural for the witnesses not to have noted  as to whose lathi blow caused the injuries on  Sri Pyara Singh and also on the injured  persons. It was thus quite natural in such  circumstances for the witnesses not to have  noted the minute details of the incident.  The  Hon’ble Supreme Court has held in 1971  Cri.L.J. 1135 Har Prasad vs.  State           of  Madhya Pradesh that in view of the large  number of accused involved in the  occurrence it is quite natural for the  prosecution witnesses to get a bit confused.  In fact, no cross-examination was made on  this respect of the case which has been  discussed by me above.  The fact that the  accused persons had gone to the place of  occurrence fully armed with lathis and  immediately on the basis of ‘mend’  started  attacking the deceased Sri Pyara Singh  indicates that they had gone there with  premeditation and prior concert.  All the four  



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accused were physically present at the time  of the commission of offence.  The criminal  act was done by the accused persons and  they all had shared the common intention by  engaging in that criminal enterprise for  which they had come fully prepared.  The  prosecution has succeeded in showing the  existence of common purpose or design.  All  the accused persons were confederates in  the commission of the offence and they had  participated in that common intention.  Each  of the accused person is liable for the fact  done in pursuance of that common purpose  of design.  The acts done by the accused  persons are similar as they all had come  prepared armed with lathis and lathi blows  were struck on the deceased Sri Pyara Singh  by the accused persons in furtherance of  their common intention.  Each of them is  liable for the blows struck with lathi on the  deceased and also on the injured persons.  It  is proved beyond all reasonable doubt that  lathi blow was struck on the head of Sri  Pyara Singh which was a vital part and he  died on the spot due to injuries.  Whoever  may have struck that lathi blow, each of the  accused person  is liable for the lathi blows  struck on the vital part of the deceased.  Since the ladhi blow was struck on the head  of the deceased which is a vital part, the  offence amounts to murder (See 1972 SCC  (Cri) 438 Gudar Dusadh Vs. State of Bihar).  The death of Sri Pyara Singh was caused in  the occurrence and it is proved to the hilt  and beyond all reasonable doubt that he  died on the spot on account of lathi blows  inflicted on him.  It is nobody’s case that he  died natural death.  The accused persons  have committed offence punishable under  



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Section 302/34 I.P.C. for committed offence  punishable under Section 323/34 I.P.C. for  causing voluntary hurt to Sri Gurumukh  Singh and Smt. Balwant Kaur.”  

8. The above judgment of the Trial Court was assailed by the  

accused persons in appeal before the High Court.  The High Court,  

vide its judgment dated 17th March, 2008, dismissed the appeal and  

affirmed the judgment of conviction and order of sentence passed  

by learned Trial Court giving rise to the present appeal.

9. From the narration of the above facts, brought on record by  

the prosecution and proved in accordance with law, it is clear that  

there are three eye-witnesses to the occurrence.  Out of them, two  

are injured witnesses, namely PW2 and PW4.  PW2 is the son of the  

deceased and PW4 is the wife.  Presence of these two witnesses at  

the place of occurrence is normal and natural.  According to PW4,  

she had gone to the place of occurrence to give food to her husband  

and son around 12 noon, which is the normal hour for lunch in the  

villages.  The son of the deceased had come to the field with his  

father to work.  They were putting earth on the mend which was  

objected to by the accused persons who had come there with lathis  



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and with a premeditated mind of causing harm to the deceased.  

Upon enquiry, the deceased informed the accused persons that the  

mend was a joint property of the parties.  Without provocation, the  

accused persons thereupon started hurling abuses upon Pyara  

Singh and his son, and assaulted the deceased with lathis.  PW2  

and PW4 intervened to protect their father and husband  

respectively, but to no consequence and in the process, they  

suffered injuries.  In the meanwhile, when the accused persons  

were challenged by PW5 and Satnam Singh, who were close to the  

place of occurrence, they ran away.  The presence of PW2, PW4 and  

PW5 cannot be doubted.  The statement made by them in the Court  

is natural, reliable and does not suffer from any serious  

contradictions.  Once the presence of eye-witnesses cannot be  

doubted and it has been established that their statement is reliable,  

there is no reason for the Court to not rely upon the statement of  

such eye witnesses in accepting the case of the prosecution.  The  

accused persons had come with pre-meditated mind, together with  

common intention, to assault the deceased and all of them kept on  

assaulting the deceased till the time he fell on the ground and  

became breathless.   



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10. This Court has repeatedly held that an eye-witness version  

cannot be discarded by the Court merely on the ground that such  

eye-witness happened to be a relation or friend of the deceased.  

The concept of interested witness essentially must carry with it the  

element of unfairness and undue intention to falsely implicate the  

accused.  It is only when these elements are present, and statement  

of the witness is unworthy of credence that the Court would  

examine the possibility of discarding such statements.  But where  

the presence of the eye-witnesses is proved to be natural and their  

statements are nothing but truthful disclosure of actual facts  

leading to the occurrence and the occurrence itself, it will not be  

permissible for the Court to discard the statements of such related  

or friendly witness.  The Court in the case of Dharnidhar v. State of  

Uttar Pradesh [(2010) 7 SCC 759] took the following view :

“12. There is no hard-and-fast rule that family  members can never be true witnesses to the  occurrence and that they will always depose  falsely before the court. It will always depend  upon the facts and circumstances of a given  case. In Jayabalan v. UT of Pondicherry (2010)  1 SCC 199, this Court had occasion to  consider whether the evidence of interested  witnesses can be relied upon. The Court took  the view that a pedantic approach cannot be  



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applied while dealing with the evidence of an  interested witness. Such evidence cannot be  ignored or thrown out solely because it comes  from a person closely related to the victim. The  Court held as under: (SCC p. 213, paras 23- 24)

“23. We are of the considered view that in  cases where the court is called upon to  deal with the evidence of the interested  witnesses, the approach of the court,  while appreciating the evidence of such  witnesses must not be pedantic. The  court must be cautious in appreciating  and accepting the evidence given by the  interested witnesses but the court must  not be suspicious of such evidence. The  primary endeavour of the court must be  to look for consistency. The evidence of a  witness cannot be ignored or thrown out  solely because it comes from the mouth  of a person who is closely related to the  victim.

24. From a perusal of the record, we find  that the evidence of PWs 1 to 4 is clear  and categorical in reference to the  frequent quarrels between the deceased  and the appellant. They have clearly and  consistently supported the prosecution  version with regard to the beating and the  ill-treatment meted out to the deceased  by the appellant on several occasions  which compelled the deceased to leave  the appellant's house and take shelter in  her parental house with an intention to  live there permanently. PWs 1 to 4 have  unequivocally stated that the deceased  feared threat to her life from the  



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appellant. The aforesaid version narrated  by the prosecution witnesses viz. PWs 1  to 4 also finds corroboration from the  facts stated in the complaint.”

13. Similar view was taken by this Court in  Ram Bharosey v. State of U.P. AIR 1954 SC  704, where the Court stated the dictum of law  that a close relative of the deceased does not,  per se, become an interested witness. An  interested witness is one who is interested in  securing the conviction of a person out of  vengeance or enmity or due to disputes and  deposes before the court only with that  intention and not to further the cause of  justice. The law relating to appreciation of  evidence of an interested witness is well  settled, according to which, the version of an  interested witness cannot be thrown  overboard, but has to be examined carefully  before accepting the same.”

11. Similar view was taken by this Court in the cases of Mano Dutt  

& Anr. v. State of UP [(2012 (3) SCALE 219] and Satbir Singh & Ors.  

v. State of Uttar Pradesh [(2009) 13 SCC 790].

12. With some vehemence, it has then been contended on behalf  

of the appellant that the post mortem report and the statement of  

PW3, Dr. C.N Tewari, specifically state that no external or internal  

injuries were found on the body of the deceased.  In other words, no  

injury was either inflicted by the accused or suffered by the  



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deceased.  In face of this expert medical evidence, the statement of  

the eye-witnesses cannot be believed.  The expert evidence should  

be given precedence and the accused persons are entitled to  

acquittal.  This argument is liable to be rejected at the very outset  

despite the fact that it sounds attractive at first blush.  No doubt  

the post mortem report (Exhibit Ka-4) and the statement of PW3 Dr.  

C.N. Tewari, does show/reflect that he had not noticed any injuries  

upon the person of the deceased externally or even after opening  

him up internally.  But the fact of the matter is that Pyara Singh  

died.  How he suffered death is explained by three witnesses, PW2,  

PW4 and PW5, respectively. Besides this, the statement of the  

investigating officer, PW6, also clearly shows that the body of the  

deceased contained three apparent injuries.  He recorded in his  

investigative proceedings that the accused had died of these injuries  

and was found lying dead at the place of occurrence.  It is not only  

the statement of PW-6, but also the Panchas in whose presence the  

body was recovered, who have endorsed this fact. The course of  

events as recorded in the investigation points more towards the  

correctness of the case of the prosecution than otherwise.  

Strangely, Dayal Singh and other accused persons not only took the  



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stand of complete denial in their statement under Section 313 of  

the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC) but even went to the  

extent of stating that they had no knowledge (pata nahin) when they  

were asked whether Pyara Singh had died as a result of injuries.   

13. We have already discussed above that the presence of PW2,  

PW4 and PW5 at the place of occurrence was in the normal course  

of business and cannot be doubted.  Their statements are reliable,  

cogent and consistent with the story of the prosecution. Merely  

because PW3 and PW6 have failed to perform their duties in  

accordance with the requirements of law, and there has been some  

defect in the investigation, it will not be to the benefit of the  

accused persons to the extent that they would be entitled to an  

order of acquittal on this ground.  Reference in this regard can  

usefully be made to the case of C. Muniappan v. State of Tamil Nadu  

{AIR 2010 SC 3718 : (2010) 9 SCC 567}.

14. Now, we will deal with the question of defective or improper  

investigation resulting from the acts of omission and/or  

commission, deliberate or otherwise, of the Investigating Officer or  

other material witnesses, who are obliged to perform certain duties  



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in discharge of their functions and then to examine its effects.  In  

order to examine this aspect in conformity with the rule of law and  

keeping in mind the basic principles of criminal jurisprudence, and  

the questions framed by us at the very outset of this judgment, the  

following points need consideration:  

(i) Whether there have been acts of omission and  commission which have resulted in improper or  defective investigation.  

(ii) Whether such default and/or acts of omission  and commission have adversely affected the case  of the prosecution.

(iii) Whether such default and acts were deliberate,  unintentional or resulted from unavoidable  circumstances of a given case.

(iv) If the dereliction of duty and omission to perform  was deliberate, then is it obligatory upon the  court to pass appropriate directions including  directions in regard to taking of penal or other  civil action against such officer/witness.

15. In order to answer these determinative parameters, the Courts  

would have to examine the prosecution evidence in its entirety,  

especially when a specific reference to the defective or irresponsible  



Page 19

investigation is noticed in light of the facts and circumstances of a  

given case.

16. The Investigating Officer, as well as the doctor who are dealing  

with the investigation of a criminal case, are obliged to act in  

accordance with the police manual and the known canons of  

medical practice, respectively.  They are both obliged to be diligent,  

truthful and fair in their approach and investigation.  A default or  

breach of duty, intentionally or otherwise, can sometimes prove  

fatal to the case of the prosecution.  An Investigating Officer is  

completely responsible and answerable for the manner and  

methodology adopted in completing his investigation.  Where the  

default and omission is so flagrant that it speaks volumes of a  

deliberate act or such irresponsible attitude of investigation, no  

court can afford to overlook it, whether it did or did not cause  

prejudice to the case of the prosecution.  It is possible that despite  

such default/omission, the prosecution may still prove its case  

beyond reasonable doubt and the court can so return its finding.  

But, at the same time, the default and omission would have a  

reasonable chance of defeating the case of the prosecution in some  



Page 20

events and the guilty could go scot-free.  We may illustrate such  

kind of investigation with an example where a huge recovery of  

opium or poppy husk is made from a vehicle and the Investigating  

Officer does not even investigate or make an attempt to find out as  

to who is the registered owner of the vehicle and whether such  

owner was involved in the commission of the crime or not.  Instead,  

he merely apprehends a cleaner and projects him as the principal  

offender without even reference to the registered owner.  

Apparently, it would prima facie be difficult to believe that a cleaner  

of a truck would have the capacity to buy and be the owner, in  

possession of such a huge quantity, i.e., hundreds of bags, of poppy  

husk.  The investigation projects the poor cleaner as the principal  

offender in the case without even reference to the registered owner.

17. Even the present case is a glaring example of irresponsible  

investigation.  It, in fact, smacks of intentional mischief to misdirect  

the investigation as well as to withhold material evidence from the  

Court.  It cannot be considered a case of bona fide or unintentional  

omission or commission.  It is not a case of faulty investigation  

simplicitor but is an investigation coloured with motivation or an  



Page 21

attempt to ensure that the suspect can go scot free.  This can safely  

be gathered from the following:

a) The entire investigation, including the statement of the  

investigating officer, does not show as to what happened to the  

viscera which was, as per the statement of PW3, handed over  

to the Constable, PW7, who, in turn, stated that the viscera  

had been deposited in the Police Station Malkhana.  In the  

entire statement of the Investigating Officer, there is no  

reference to viscera, its collection from the hospital, its deposit  

in the Malkhana and whether it was sent to the FSL at all or  

not.  If sent, what was the result and, if not, why?   

b) Conduct of the Investigating Officer is more than doubtful in  

the present case.  In his statement, he had stated that he  

noticed three injuries on the body of the deceased.  He also  

admitted that in the post mortem report, no internal or  

external injuries were shown on the body of the deceased.  

According to him, he had asked PW3 in that regard but the  

reply of the doctor was received late and the explanation  

rendered was satisfactory.  Firstly, this reply or explanation  



Page 22

does not find place on record.  There is no document to that  

effect and secondly, even in his oral evidence, he does not say  

as to what the explanation was.

c) In his statement, PW3, Dr. C.N. Tewari, stated that he did not  

find any external or internal injuries even after performing the  

post mortem on the body of the deceased.  This remark on the  

post mortem report apparently is falsified both by the eye-

witnesses as well as the Investigating Officer.  It will be beyond  

apprehension as to how a healthy person could die, if there  

were no injuries on his body and when, admittedly, it was not  

a case of cardiac arrest or death by poison etc., more so, when  

he was alleged to have been assaulted with dandas (lathi) by  

four persons simultaneously.  In any case, the doctor gave no  

cause for death of the deceased and prepared a post mortem  

report which ex facie was incorrect and tantamount to  

abrogation of duty.  The Trial Court while giving the judgment  

of conviction, noticed that medico-legal post mortem  

examination is a very important part of the prosecution  

evidence and, therefore, it is necessary that it be conducted by  



Page 23

a doctor fully competent and experienced. The Court also  

commented adversely upon the professional capabilities  

and/or misconduct of Dr. C.N. Tewari, as follows:

“Whatever may have been the reasons but it  is quite evident that Dr. C.N. Tewari failed in  his professional duty and he did not perform  post mortem examination properly after  considering the inquest report and the police  papers sent to him.  If his finding deferred  from the finding of the Panchas he should  have informed his superior officers in that  regard so that another opinion could have  been obtained before the disposal of the dead  body.  The evidence leaves no room for doubt  that Sri Pyara Singh was attacked with lathis  as alleged by the prosecution and he  received three injuries already referred to  above which were mentioned in the inquest  report (Ex.Ka-6)….

The case of the prosecution cannot be  thrown on account of the gross negligence  and apathy of the Medical Officer Dr. C.N.  Tewari who had performed autopsy on the  dead body of Sri Pyara Singh.  Since the  Medical Officer Dr. C.N. Tewari had  conducted in a manner not befitting the  medical profession and prepared post  mortem report against facts for reasons best  known to him and was negligent in his duty  in ascertaining the injuries on the body of  the deceased, hence it is just and proper  that the     Director     General,     Medical     health    U.P.     be     informed     in     this     regard     for     taking    



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necessary     action     and     for     eradicating     such    practices     in     future  .”

(Emphasis supplied)

18. From the record, it is evident that the learned counsel  

appearing for the State was also not aware if any action had been  

taken against Dr. C.N. Tewari.  On the contrary, Mr. Ratnakar  

Dash, learned senior counsel appearing for Dr. C.N. Tewari,  

informed us that no action was called for against Dr. C.N. Tewari as  

he had authored the post mortem report and given his evidence  

truthfully and without any dereliction of duty.  He also informed us  

that since Dr. C.N. Tewari is now retired and is not well, this Court  

need not pass any further directions.   

19. We are not impressed with this contention at all. We have  

already noticed that PW3, Dr. C.N. Tewari, certainly did not act with  

the requisite professionalism.  He even failed to truthfully record  

the post mortem report, Exhibit Ka-4.  At the cost of repetition, we  

may notice that his report is contradictory to the evidence of the  

three eye-witnesses who stood the test of cross-examination and  

gave the eye-version of the occurrence.  It is also in conflict with the  

statement of PW6 as well as the inquest report (Exhibit Ka-6)  



Page 25

prepared by him where he had noticed that there were three  

injuries on the body of the deceased.  It is clear that the post  

mortem report is silent and PW3 did not even notice the cause of  

death.  If he was not able to record a finding with regard to the  

cause of death, he was expected to record some reason in support  

thereof, particularly when it is conceded before us by the learned  

counsel for the parties, including the counsel for Dr. C.N. Tewari  

that it was not a case of death by administering poison.   

20. Similarly, the Investigating Officer has also failed in  

performing his duty in accordance with law.  Firstly, for not  

recording the reasons given by Dr. C.N. Tewari for non-mentioning  

of injuries on the post mortem report, Exhibit Ka-4, which had  

appeared satisfactory to him.  Secondly, for not sending to the FSL  

the viscera and other samples collected from the body of the  

deceased by Dr. C.N. Tewari, who allegedly handed over the same to  

the police, and their disappearance.  There is clear callousness and  

irresponsibility on their part and deliberate attempt to misdirect the  

investigation to favour the accused.



Page 26

21. This results in shifting of avoidable burden and exercise of  

higher degree of caution and care on the courts.  Dereliction of duty  

or carelessness is an abuse of discretion under a definite law and  

misconduct is a violation of indefinite law. Misconduct is a  

forbidden act whereas dereliction of duty is the forbidden quality of  

an act and is necessarily indefinite.  One is a transgression of some  

established and definite rule of action, with least element of  

discretion, while the other is primarily an abuse of discretion.  This  

Court in the case of State of Punjab & Ors. v. Ram Singh Ex.  

Constable [(1992) 4 SCC 54] stated that the ambit of these  

expressions had to be construed with reference to the subject  

matter and the context where the term occurs, regard being given to  

the scope of the statute and the public purpose it seeks to serve.  

The police service is a disciplined service and it requires  

maintenance of strict discipline.  The consequences of these  

defaults should normally be attributable to negligence.  Police  

officers and doctors, by their profession, are required to maintain  

duty decorum of high standards.  The standards of investigation  

and the prestige of the profession are dependent upon the action of  

such specialized persons.  The police manual and even the  



Page 27

provisions of the CrPC require the investigation to be conducted in  

a particular manner and method which, in our opinion, stands  

clearly violated in the present case.  Dr. C.N. Tewari, not only  

breached the requirement of adherence to professional standards  

but also became instrumental in preparing a document which, ex  

facie, was incorrect and stood falsified by the unimpeachable  

evidence of eye witnesses placed by the prosecution on record.  

Also, in the same case, the Court, while referring to the decision in  

Ram Bihari Yadav and Others v. State of Bihar & Ors. [(1995) 6 SCC  

31] noticed that if primacy is given to such designed or negligent  

investigation, to the omission or lapses by perfunctory investigation  

or omissions, the faith and confidence of the people would be  

shaken not only in the law enforcement agency but also in the  

administration of justice.   

22. Now, we may advert to the duty of the Court in such cases.  In  

the case of Sathi Prasad v. The State of U.P. [(1972) 3 SCC 613], this  

Court stated that it is well settled that if the police records become  

suspect and investigation perfunctory, it becomes the duty of the  

Court to see if the evidence given in Court should be relied upon  



Page 28

and such lapses ignored.  Noticing the possibility of investigation  

being designedly defective, this Court in the case of Dhanaj Singh @  

Shera & Ors. v. State of Punjab [(2004) 3 SCC 654], held, “in the  

case of a defective investigation the Court has to be circumspect in  

evaluating the evidence.  But it would not be right in acquitting an  

accused person solely on account of the defect; to do so would  

tantamount to playing into the hands of the investigating officer if  

the investigation is designedly defective.”

23. Dealing with the cases of omission and commission, the Court  

in the case of Paras Yadav v. State of Bihar [AIR 1999 SC 644],  

enunciated the principle, in conformity with the previous  

judgments, that if the lapse or omission is committed by the  

investigating agency, negligently or otherwise, the prosecution  

evidence is required to be examined de hors such omissions to find  

out whether the said evidence is reliable or not.  The contaminated  

conduct of officials should not stand in the way of evaluating the  

evidence by the courts, otherwise the designed mischief would be  

perpetuated and justice would be denied to the complainant party.  

In the case of Zahira Habibullah Sheikh & Anr. Vs. State of Gujarat  



Page 29

& Ors. [(2006) 3 SCC 374], the Court noticed the importance of the  

role of witnesses in a criminal trial.  The importance and primacy of  

the quality of trial process can be observed from the words of  

Bentham, who states that witnesses are the eyes and ears of justice.  

The Court issued a caution that in such situations, there is a  

greater responsibility of the court on the one hand and on the other  

the courts must seriously deal with persons who are involved in  

creating designed investigation.  The Court held that legislative  

measures to emphasize prohibition against tampering with witness,  

victim or informant have become the imminent and inevitable need  

of the day.  Conducts     which     illegitimately     affect     the     presentation     of    

evidence     in     proceedings     before     the     Courts     have     to     be     seriously     and    

sternly     dealt     with.      There     should     not     be     any     undue     anxiety     to     only    

protect     the     interest     of     the     accused.      That     would     be     unfair,     as     noted    

above,     to     the     needs     of     the     society.      On     the     contrary,     efforts     should    

be     to     ensure     fair     trial     where     the     accused     and     the     prosecution     both    

get     a     fair     deal.      Public     interest     in     proper     administration     of     justice    

must     be     given     as     much     importance     if     not     more,     as     the     interest     of    

the     individual     accused.      The     courts     have     a     vital     role     to     play  .  

(Emphasis supplied)



Page 30

24. With the passage of time, the law also developed and the  

dictum of the Court emphasized that in a criminal case, the fate of  

proceedings cannot always be left entirely in the hands of the  

parties. Crime is a public wrong, in breach and violation of public  

rights and duties, which affects the community as a whole and is  

harmful to the society in general.  

25. Reiterating the above principle, this Court in the case of  

National Human Rights Commission v. State of Gujarat [(2009) 6  

SCC 767], held as under:

“The concept of fair trial entails familiar  triangulation of interests of the accused, the  victim and the society and it is the  community that acts through the State and  prosecuting agencies. Interest of society is  not to be treated completely with disdain and  as persona non grata. The courts have  always been considered to have an overriding  duty to maintain public confidence in the  administration of justice—often referred to  as the duty to vindicate and uphold the  ‘majesty of the law’. Due administration of  justice has always been viewed as a  continuous process, not confined to  determination of the particular case,  protecting its ability to function as a court of  law in the future as in the case before it. If a  criminal court is to be an effective  instrument in dispensing justice, the  



Page 31

Presiding Judge must cease to be a spectator  and a mere recording machine by becoming  a participant in the trial evincing  intelligence, active interest and elicit all  relevant materials necessary for reaching the  correct conclusion, to find out the truth, and  administer justice with fairness and  impartiality both to the parties and to the  community it serves. The courts  administering criminal justice cannot turn a  blind eye to vexatious or oppressive conduct  that has occurred in relation to proceedings,  even if a fair trial is still possible, except at  the risk of undermining the fair name and  standing of the judges as impartial and  independent adjudicators.”

26. In the case of State of Karnataka v. K. Yarappa Reddy [2000  

SCC (Crl.) 61], this Court occasioned to consider the similar  

question of defective investigation as to whether any manipulation  

in the station house diary by the Investigating Officer could be put  

against the prosecution case. This Court, in Paragraph 19, held as  


“19. But can the above finding (that the  station house diary is not genuine) have  any inevitable bearing on the other  evidence in this case? If the other  evidence, on scrutiny, is found credible  and acceptable, should the Court be  influenced by the machinations  demonstrated by the Investigating  



Page 32

Officer in conducting investigation or in  preparing the records so  unscrupulously? It can be a guiding  principle that as investigation is not the  solitary area for judicial scrutiny in a  criminal trial, the conclusion of the  Court in the case cannot be allowed to  depend solely on the probity of  investigation. It is well-nigh settled that  even if the investigation is illegal or  even suspicious the rest of the evidence  must be scrutinised independently of  the impact of it. Otherwise the criminal  trial will plummet to the level of the  investigating officers ruling the roost.  The court must have predominance and  pre-eminence in criminal trials over the  action taken by the investigation  officers. Criminal Justice should not be  made a casualty for the wrongs  committed by the investigating officers  in the case. In other words, if the court  is convinced that the testimony of a  witness to the occurrence is true the  court is free to act on it albeit the  investigating officer's suspicious role in  the case.”

27. In Ram Bali v. State of Uttar Pradesh [(2004) 10 SCC 598], the  

judgment in Karnel Singh v. State of M.P. [(1995) 5 SCC 518] was  

reiterated and this Court had observed that ‘in case of defective  

investigation the court has to be circumspect while evaluating the  

evidence. But it would not be right in acquitting an accused person  



Page 33

solely on account of the defect; to do so would tantamount to  

playing into the hands of the investigation officer if the investigation  

is designedly defective’.

28. Where our criminal justice system provides safeguards of fair  

trial and innocent till proven guilty to an accused, there it also  

contemplates that a criminal trial is meant for doing justice to all,  

the accused, the society and a fair chance to prove to the  

prosecution.  Then alone can law and order be maintained.  The  

Courts do not merely discharge the function to ensure that no  

innocent man is punished, but also that a guilty man does not  

escape.  Both are public duties of the judge.  During the course of  

the trial, the learned Presiding Judge is expected to work objectively  

and in a correct perspective.  Where the prosecution attempts to  

misdirect the trial on the basis of a perfunctory or designedly  

defective investigation, there the Court is to be deeply cautious and  

ensure that despite such an attempt, the determinative process is  

not sub-served.  For truly attaining this object of a ‘fair trial’, the  

Court should leave no stone unturned to do justice and protect the  

interest of the society as well.



Page 34

29. This brings us to an ancillary issue as to how the Court would  

appreciate the evidence in such cases.  The possibility of some  

variations in the exhibits, medical and ocular evidence cannot be  

ruled out.  But it is not that every minor variation or inconsistency  

would tilt the balance of justice in favour the accused.  Of course,  

where contradictions and variations are of a serious nature, which  

apparently or impliedly are destructive of the substantive case  

sought to be proved by the prosecution, they may provide an  

advantage to the accused.  The Courts, normally, look at expert  

evidence with a greater sense of acceptability, but it is equally true  

that the courts are not absolutely guided by the report of the  

experts, especially if such reports are perfunctory, unsustainable  

and are the result of a deliberate attempt to misdirect the  

prosecution.  In Kamaljit Singh v. State of Punjab [2004 Cri.LJ 28],  

the Court, while dealing with discrepancies between ocular and  

medical evidence, held, “It is trite law that minor variations between  

medical evidence and ocular evidence do not take away the primacy  

of the latter.  Unless medical evidence in its term goes so far as to  

completely rule out all possibilities whatsoever of injuries taking  



Page 35

place in the manner stated by the eyewitnesses, the testimony of  

the eyewitnesses cannot be thrown out.”

30. Where the eye witness account is found credible and  

trustworthy, medical opinion pointing to alternative possibilities  

may not be accepted as conclusive.  The expert witness is expected  

to put before the Court all materials inclusive of the data which  

induced him to come to the conclusion and enlighten the court on  

the technical aspect of the case by examining the terms of science,  

so that the court, although not an expert, may form its own  

judgment on those materials after giving due regard to the expert’s  

opinion, because once the expert opinion is accepted, it is not the  

opinion of the medical officer but that of the Court. {Plz. See Madan  

Gopal Kakad v. Naval Dubey & Anr. [(1992) 2 SCR 921 : (1992) 3  

SCC 204]}.

31. Profitably, reference to the value of an expert in the eye of law  

can be assimilated as follows:

“The essential principle governing expert  evidence is that the expert is not only to  provide reasons to support his opinion but the  result should be directly demonstrable.  The  court is not to surrender its own judgment to  



Page 36

that of the expert or delegate its authority to a  third party, but should assess his evidence like  any other evidence.  If the report of an expert  is slipshod, inadequate or cryptic and the  information of similarities or dissimilarities is  not available in his report and his evidence in  the case, then his opinion is of no use.  It is  required of an expert whether a government  expert or private, if he expects, his opinion to  be accepted to put before the court the  material which induces him to come to his  conclusion so that the court though not an  expert, may form its own judgment on that  material.  If the expert in his evidence as a  witness does not place the whole lot of  similarities or dissimilarities, etc., which  influence his mind to lead him to a particular  conclusion which he states in the court then  he fails in his duty to take the court into  confidence.  The court is not to believe the ipse  dixit of an expert.  Indeed the value of the  expert evidence consists mainly on the ability  of the witness by reason of his special training  and experience to point out the court such  important facts as it otherwise might fail to  observe and in so doing the court is enabled to  exercise its own view or judgment respecting  the cogency of reasons and the consequent  value of the conclusions formed thereon.  The  opinion is required to be presented in a  convenient manner and the reasons for a  conclusion based on certain visible evidence,  properly placed before the Court.  In other  words the value of expert evidence depends  largely on the cogency of reasons on which it is  based.”

[See: Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation  & Trial (Fourth Edition) by B.R. Sharma]



Page 37

32. The purpose of expert testimony is to provide the trier of fact  

with useful, relevant information. The overwhelming majority rule  

in the United States, is that an expert need not be a member of a  

learned profession.  Rather, experts in the United States have a  

wide range of credentials and testify regarding a tremendous variety  

of subjects based on their skills, training, education or experience.  

The role of the expert is to apply or supply specialized, valuable  

knowledge that lay jurors would not be expected to possess.  An  

expert may present the information in a manner that would be  

unacceptable with an ordinary witness.  The common law tried to  

strike a balance between the benefits and dangers of expert  

testimony by allowing expert testimony to be admitted only if the  

testimony were particularly important to aiding the trier of fact.  

Even in United States, if the helpfulness of expert testimony is  

substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair prejudice, confusion  

or waste of time, then the testimony should be excluded under the  

relevant Rules, and State equally balanced.  Expert testimony on  

any issue of fact and significance of its application has been  

doubted by the scholars in the United States.  Even under the law  



Page 38

prevalent in that country, the opinion of an expert has to be  

scientific, specific and experience based.  Conflict in expert opinions  

is a well prevalent practice there.  While referring to such incidence  

David H. Kaye and other authors in ‘The New Wigmore A Treatise on  

Evidence – Expert Evidence’ (2004 Edition) opined as under :

“The district court opinion reveals that one  pharmacologist asserted “that Danocrine  more probably than not caused plaintiff’s  death from pulmonary hypertension,”  but it  describes the reasoning behind this opinion  in the vaguest of terms, referring only to  “extensive education and training in  pharmacology” and an unspecified “scientific  technique” that “relied upon epidemiological,  clinical and animal studies, as well as  plaintiff’s medical records and medical  history…”  The nature of these studies and  their relationship to the patient’s records is  left unstated.  The district court incanted the  same mantra to justify admitting the  remaining testimony.  It asserted that the  other experts “similarly base their testimony  upon a careful review of medical literature  concerning Danocrine and pulmonary  hypertension, and plaintiff’s medical records  and medical history.”

The court of appeals elaborated on the  testimony of two of the experts.  The  physician “was confident to a reasonable  medical certainty that the Danocrine caused  Mrs. Zuchowicz’s PPH”  because of “the  temporal relationship between the overdose  



Page 39

and the start of the disease and the  differential etiology method of excluding  other possible causes.”  Yet the “differential  etiology”  here was barely more than a  differential diagnosis of PPH.  The causes of  PPH are generally unknown and it appears  that the only other putative alternative  causes considered were drugs other than  Danocrine.  It is not at all clear that such a  “differential etiology”  is adequate to support  a conclusion of causation to any kind of a  “medical certainty.”  The pharmacologist, not  being a medical doctor, testified “to a  reasonable degree of scientific certainty . . .  [that] the overdose of Danocrine, more likely  than not, caused PPH. . . .”  He postulated a  mechanism by which this might have  occurred: “I) a decrease in estrogen; 2)  hyperinsulinemia, in which abnormally high  levels of insulin circulate in the body; and 3)  increase in free testosterone and  progesterone . . . that . . . taken together,  likely caused a dysfunction of the  endothelium leading to PPH.”

In sum, plaintiff’s experts did not know what  else might have caused the hypertension,  and they offered a conjecture as to a causal  chain leading from the drug to the  hypertension.  This logic would be more than  enough to justify certain clinical  recommendations—the advice to Mrs.  Zuchowicz to discontinue the medication, for  example.  But is it enough to allow an expert  not merely to testify to a reasonable  diagnosis of PPH, or “unexplained pulmonary  hypertension,”  as the condition also is  known, but also be able to propound a novel  



Page 40

explanation that has yet to be verified, even  in an animal model?”

33.   The Indian law on Expert Evidence does not proceed on any  

significantly different footing.  The skill and experience of an expert  

is the ethos of his opinion, which itself should be reasoned and  

convincing.  Not to say that no other view would be possible, but if  

the view of the expert has to find due weightage in the mind of the  

Court, it has to be well authored and convincing.  Dr. C.N. Tewari  

was expected to prepare the post mortem report with appropriate  

reasoning and not leave everything to the imagination of the Court.  

He created a serious doubt as to the very cause of death of the  

deceased.  His report apparently shows an absence of skill and  

experience and was, in fact, a deliberate attempt to disguise the  


34. We really need not reiterate various judgments which have  

taken the view that the purpose of an expert opinion is primarily to  

assist the Court in arriving at a final conclusion.  Such report is not  

binding upon the Court.  The Court is expected to analyse the  

report, read it in conjunction with the other evidence on record and  



Page 41

then form its final opinion as to whether such report is worthy of  

reliance or not.  Just to illustrate this point of view, in a given case,  

there may be two diametrically contradictory opinions of  

handwriting experts and both the opinions may be well reasoned. In  

such case, the Court has to critically examine the basis, reasoning,  

approach and experience of the expert to come to a conclusion as to  

which of the two reports can be safely relied upon by the Court.  

The assistance and value of expert opinion is indisputable, but  

there can be reports which are, ex facie, incorrect or deliberately so  

distorted as to render the entire prosecution case unbelievable.  But  

if such eye-witnesses and other prosecution evidence are  

trustworthy, have credence and are consistent with the eye version  

given by the eye-witnesses, the Court will be well within its  

jurisdiction to discard the expert opinion.  An expert report, duly  

proved, has its evidentiary value but such appreciation has to be  

within the limitations prescribed and with careful examination by  

the Court. A complete contradiction or inconsistency between the  

medical evidence and the ocular evidence on the one hand and the  

statement of the prosecution witnesses between themselves on the  



Page 42

other, may result in seriously denting the case of the prosecution in  

its entirety but not otherwise.   

35. Reverting to the case in hand, the Trial Court has rightly  

ignored the deliberate lapses of the investigating officer as well as  

the post mortem report prepared by Dr. C.N. Tewari.  The  

consistent statement of the eye-witnesses which were fully  

supported and corroborated by other witnesses, and the  

investigation of the crime, including recovery of lathis, inquest  

report, recovery of the pagri of one of the accused from the place of  

occurrence, immediate lodging of FIR and the deceased succumbing  

to his injuries within a very short time, establish the case of the  

prosecution beyond reasonable doubt.  These lapses on the part of  

PW3 and PW6 are a deliberate attempt on their part to prepare  

reports and documents in a designedly defective manner which  

would have prejudiced the case of the prosecution and resulted in  

the acquittal of the accused, but for the correct approach of the trial  

court to do justice and ensure that the guilty did not go scot-free.  

The evidence of the eye-witness which was reliable and worthy of  

credence has justifiably been relied upon by the court.



Page 43

36. Despite clear observations of the Trial Court, no action has  

been taken by the Director General, Medical Health, Uttar Pradesh.  

We do not see any justification for these lapses on the part of the  

higher authority.  Thus, it is a fit case where this Court should  

issue notice to show cause why action in accordance with the  

provisions of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 be not initiated  

against him and he be not directed to conduct an enquiry  

personally and pass appropriate orders involving Dr. C.N. Tewari  

and if found guilty, to impose punishment upon him including  

deduction of pension.  Admittedly, this direction was passed when  

Dr. C.N. Tewari was in service.  His retirement, therefore, will be  

inconsequential to the imposing of punishment and the limitation of  

period indicated in the service regulations would not apply in face of  

the order of this Court.

37. Similarly, the Director General of Police UP/Uttarakhand also  

be issued notice to take appropriate action in accordance with the  

service rules against PW6, SI Kartar Singh, irrespective of the fact  

whether he is in service or has since retired.  If retired, then  



Page 44

authorities should take action for withdrawal or partial deduction in  

the pension, and in accordance with law.   

38. Lastly, the learned counsel for the appellant had, of course,  

with some vehemence, argued that the offence even if committed by  

the appellant, would not attract the provisions of Section 302 IPC  

and would squarely fall within the ambit of Part II of Section 304  

IPC.  In other words, he prays for alteration of the offence to an  

offence punishable under Part II of Section 304 IPC.  We are  

concerned with a case where four persons armed with lathis had  

gone to the fields of the deceased.  They first hurled abuses at him  

and without any provocation started assaulting him with the dang  

(lathi) that they were carrying.  Despite efforts to stop them by the  

the wife and son of the deceased, PW4 and PW2, they did not stop  

assaulting him and assaulted both these witnesses also.  

Thereupon, they kept on assaulting the deceased until he fell down  

dead on the ground.  Three injuries were noticed by the Police on  

the body of the deceased including a protuberant injury on the  

head, which the Court is only left to presume has resulted in his  

death.  In the absence of an authentic and correct post-mortem  



Page 45

report (Exhibit Ka-4), the truthfulness of the prosecution eye-

witnesses cannot be doubted.  In addition thereto, the stand taken  

by the accused that they had suffered injuries was a false defence.  

Firstly, according to the doctor, CW2, it was injuries of a firearm,  

while even according to the defence, the deceased or his son were  

not carrying any gun at the time of occurrence.  Secondly, they did  

not choose to pursue their report with the police at the time of  

investigation or even when the trial was on before the Trial Court.  

The accused persons had gone together armed with lathis with a  

common intention to kill the deceased and they brought their  

intention into effect by simultaneously assaulting the deceased.  

They had no provocation.  Thus, the intention to kill is apparent.  It  

is not a case which would squarely fall under Part II of Section 304  

IPC.  Thus, the cumulative effect of appreciation of evidence, as  

afore-discussed, is that we find no merit in the present appeal.

39. Having analyzed and discussed in some elaboration various  

aspects of this case, we pass the following orders:

A) The appeal is dismissed both on merits and on quantum of  




Page 46

B) The Director Generals, Health Services of UP/Uttarakhand are  

hereby issued notice under the provisions of the Contempt of  

Courts Act, 1971 as to why appropriate action be not initiated  

against them for not complying with the directions contained  

in the judgment of the Trial Court dated 29th June, 1990.

C) The above-said officials are hereby directed to take disciplinary  

action against Dr. C.N. Tewari, PW3, whether he is in service  

or has since retired, for deliberate dereliction of duty,  

preparing a report which ex facie was incorrect and was in  

conflict with the inquest report (Exhibits Ka-6 and Ka-7) and  

statement of PW6.  The bar on limitation, if any, under the  

Rules will not come into play because they were directed by  

the order dated 29th June, 1990 of the Court to do so.  The  

action even for stoppage/reduction in pension can  

appropriately be taken by the said authorities against Dr. C.N.  


D) Director Generals of Police UP/Uttarakhand are hereby  

directed to initiate, and expeditiously complete, disciplinary  

proceedings against PW6, SI Kartar Singh, whether he is in  



Page 47

service or has since retired, for the acts of omission and  

commission, deliberate dereliction of duty in not mentioning  

reasons for non-disclosure of cause of death as explained by  

the doctor, not sending the viscera to the FSL and for  

conducting the investigation of this case in a most callous and  

irresponsible manner.  The question of limitation, if any,  

under the Rules, would not apply as it is by direction of the  

Court that such enquiry shall be conducted.

E) We hold, declare and direct that it shall be appropriate  

exercise of jurisdiction as well as ensuring just and fair  

investigation and trial that courts return a specific finding in  

such cases, upon recording of reasons as to deliberate  

dereliction of duty, designedly defective investigation,  

intentional acts of omission and commission prejudicial to the  

case of the prosecution, in breach of professional standards  

and investigative requirements of law, during the course of the  

investigation by the investigating agency, expert witnesses and  

even the witnesses cited by the prosecution.  Further, the  

Courts would be fully justified in directing the disciplinary  



Page 48

authorities to take appropriate disciplinary or other action in  

accordance with law, whether such officer, expert or employee  

witness, is in service or has since retired.

40. The appeal is accordingly dismissed.

………...….…………......................J.                                                   (Swatanter Kumar)

………...….…………......................J.                                          (Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla)

New Delhi, August 3, 2012  



Page 49




CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NO.529     OF     2010   

Dayal Singh & Ors. … Appellants


State of Uttaranchal          …  Respondent

  O     R     D     E     R   

Today, by a separate judgment, we have directed that action  

be taken against PW 3 Dr. C.N. Tewari and PW 6 SI Kartar Singh.  

The Director General of Police and Director General, Health of State  

of Uttar Pradesh and/or Uttarakhand whoever is the appropriate  

authority, to take action within three months from today and report  

the matter to this Court.  List for limited purpose on 15th October,  





Page 50

                                                             (Swatanter Kumar)

………...….…………......................J.                                          (Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla)

New Delhi, August 3, 2012