08 April 2015
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-009049-009051 / 2003
Diary number: 15767 / 2003


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CIVIL APPEAL NOS.9049-9051 OF 2003





CIVIL APPEAL NOS.4645-4646 OF 2004

CIVIL APPEAL NOS.6166-6168 OF 2004


J U D G M E N T  

R.F. Nariman, J.

1. These  four  sets  of  appeals  relate  to  the  correct  

construction of Section 4(1)(a) proviso (iii) and Section 4(4)(c)  

of the Central Excise and Salt Act as they stood prior to the  

2000 amendment of Section 4.  In short, these appeals deal  



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with the definition of  “related person” and the price at  which  

valuation is to take place if sales are made to “related persons”  

in the course of wholesale trade.  

2.    It is important to note that the assessee, M/s Detergents  

India Limited, is the same in all the appeals, which arise out of  

different show cause notices for periods ranging from 1.3.1992  

to September 1997.  Detergents India Limited later changed its  

name to Henkel Marketing India Limited.  

3. The facts of Civil Appeal Nos.9049-9051 of 2003 are as  


A  show  cause  notice  dated  8.12.1995  was  issued  

demanding an amount of Rs.3,21,450/- for the period 20.7.1995  

to  30.7.1995.   The  demand  made  under  this  notice  was  

dropped  vide  order  dated  11.3.1997  by  the  Deputy  

Commissioner, Hyderabad.  An appeal against this order was  

dismissed by the Commissioner (Appeals), Hyderabad, by an  

order dated 5.1.2000.  The appeal filed before CEGAT was also  

dismissed by the impugned judgment dated 22.4.2003.



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4. By a separate show cause notice dated 26.3.1997 for the  

period 1.3.1992 to 31.3.1995, the Commissioner by an order  

dated 31.8.1999 confirmed a demand of Rs.1,12,42,499/- and  

also  confiscated  land,  building,  plant  and  machinery,  and  

further ordered redemption of  the same in lieu of confiscation  

on  payment  of  a  fine  of  Rs.5,00,000/-.   Penalties  of  

Rs.5,00,000/-  each  were  imposed on  the  assessee,  namely,  

DIL  and  on  its  holding  company  Shaw  Wallace  Company  

Limited.  An appeal was filed against the order dated 31.8.1999  

by the assessee and by its holding company Shaw Wallace.  

Three judgments  were delivered by CEGAT in  the aforesaid  

appeals.  The learned Technical Member on a consideration of  

the facts came to the conclusion that during search operations  

goods  from  the  subsidiary  company  were  cleared  from  the  

factory premises to the depot of Shaw Wallace at a much lower  

price as compared to the price at which these goods were sold  

by  the  assessee  in  the  market  to  wholesale  purchaser  

Hindustan  Lever  and  another.   The  Technical  Member,  

therefore,  remanded  the  matter  for  a  proper  adjudication  on  

facts.  The Legal Member, on the other hand, found in favour of  



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the assessee finding that the issue in the present appeals was  

covered by the judgment of  Union of India v. Atic,  (1984) 3  

SCC 575 and Raliwolf Limited v. Union of India, 59 ELT 220  

Bombay (1992).  In view of the difference of opinion between  

the members,  the  points  of  difference were  placed  before  a  

third Member, who then decided in favour of the assessee in  

the following terms:

“6. Having thoroughly compared the facts of the  present case with that of the above case, I am of  the view that the ratio of the Apex Court’s decision  can  squarely  be  followed  in  the  instant  case.  Accordingly, it has to be held that the price at which  the goods were sold by DIL to SWCL should be the  basis for determination of the assessable value of  the goods, and not the price charged by the latter to  their dealers.  SWCL cannot be said to be “related”  to  DIL  within  the  meaning  of  this  expression   as  used in Section 4(1)(a) as no “mutuality of interest”  between the two companies has been established  in  this  case.   None  of  the  “commonalities”  suggested by the Ld.  SDR in his  bid to set  up a  “relation”  between  the  two  companies  would,  individually or  collectively,  amount to  “mutuality of  interest”  expounded  by  the  Apex  Court.   The  decisions  cited  by  him  are  easily  distinguishable.  On  the  other  hand,  the  decisions  cited  by  the  counsel  are  largely  supportive  of  the  assessee’s  stand in this case.  I  do not think it  necessary to  elaborate this aspect as a detailed discussion has  already been made in this behalf by Ld. Member (J).  I am in full agreement with him on the issue.  



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7. As DIL and SWCL have already been found  not to be “related persons”, it  cannot be said that  the former suppressed (in their price lists filed with  the  department)  any  “relationship”  before  the  department with an intent to evade payment of duty.  The fact is that there was no mutuality of interest  between DIL and SWCL and hence they were not  “related persons” within the meaning of Section 4(1) (a) of the Act.  The fact alleged by the department in  the  show  cause  notice  did  not  exist  at  all  to  be  suppressed by the notice.  Therefore, the extended  period of limitation was not invocable in this case.  I  agree with Ld. Member (J) on this score also.  

8. In  the  result,  the  appeals  filed  by  DIL  and  SWCL  have  to  be  allowed  and  the  Revenue’s  appeal to be rejected.”

It is this impugned judgment that has merely been followed in  

the other appeals.

5. The facts further show that Detergents India Limited, now  

Henkel  Marketing  India  Limited,  was  at  the  relevant  time  a  

subsidiary of Shaw Wallace and Company Limited. Both were  

public  limited  companies.   Shaw  Wallace’s  subsidiary  

companies held 57% of the paid up share capital of Detergents  

India Limited, making Detergents India Limited a subsidiary of  

Shaw  Wallace  as  understood  by  the  definition  of  “holding  

company”  and  “subsidiary  company”  contained  in  the  



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Companies Act, 1956.  90% of the manufacturing capacity of  

Detergents India Limited was to manufacture various products  

for  Hindustan  Lever  Limited  which  were  then  branded  with  

Hindustan Lever names in small  packs. A processing charge  

was paid by Hindustan Lever Limited for this job work, and it is  

clear  that  different  processing  charges  were  paid  depending  

upon the size of the product and the product itself.  The excess  

10% capacity which was not mopped up by Hindustan Lever  

was sold to Shaw Wallace, its holding Company.  Various other  

manufacturers/sellers also sold the same and similar products  

to  Shaw  Wallace  and  Company.   A  large  number  of  these  

manufacturers were not subsidiary companies of Shaw Wallace  

and indeed had no business relationship with Shaw Wallace  

other than the sale of these products.  It was pleaded as a fact  

that  the  price  paid  by  Shaw Wallace  and  Company  for  the  

purchase  of  the  same/similar  products  from  the  other  

firms/companies  was  less  than  the  price  paid  to  Detergents  

India  Limited.   This  can  be  found  as  a  fact  in  the  

Commissioner’s  order  dated  7.11.2000  in  Civil  Appeal  



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Nos.6166-6168 of 2004 in which the following fact was pleaded  

before the learned Commissioner:-

“SWC procures only a part of its requirement from  DIL  and  there  are  various  other  independent  manufacturers like M/s Deepti  Chemicals, Kanpur,  M/s Geeta Chemicals, Unnao, M/s Kari Detergents,  Muzaffarnagar,  M/s Standard Surfactants,  Kanpur,  M/s  Jaina  detergents,  Kanpur,  M/s  Sara  Soaps,  Kanpur,  M/s  Venkteshwar  Detergents  (P)  Limited,  Hyderabad  and  M/s  Varuna  Detergents,  Kanpur.  There is no allegation that any of these companies  are related to SWC.  In fact, the price charged by  these independent manufacturers to SWC is lower  than the price charged by DIL.  As held in 1989 (43)  ELT 401 (Bom) in Dawn Apparels Limited, the price  charged by the subsidiary company to the holding  company is not rejectable merely on the ground of  such relationship of subsidiary and principal in the  absence of any evidence of low price having been  charged or any favourable treatment accorded.  In  the present case, the Department has not produced  any material to show that their price to SWC is not  the normal price.”  

6. It was also pleaded that processing charges of different  

products were different.  This is to be found in the very show  

cause notice dated 26.3.1997 with which we are concerned as  


“3.6 File bearing Nos. 45 and 71 seized from the  factory at Kodur on 16.5.1995 were shown to him  and  he  was  asked  to  explain  in  detail  about  the  



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audit reports of M/s. SWC available in that file.  He  explained that he had seen the internal audit report  of M/s. SWC dated 2.4.1993 from page No.37 to 58  in  file  No.45  and  added  that  M/s.  SWC  were  periodically conducting audit (M/s. SWC being the  holding  company)  of  the  functioning  of  M/s.  DIL,  Kodur  which  was  its  subsidiary  to  control  and  monitor  the  activities  of  its  subsidiaries.   When  enquired he stated that the processing charges paid  by M/s. HLL to M/s. DIL is Rs.1,200 per MT upto  1994  and  later  M/s.  HLL  reduced  the  processing  charges  to  Rs.1125  per  MT:  that  for  the  goods  supplied to M/s. SWC, M/s. DIL used to file the price  list  with  the  Central  Excise  Department  after  mutually  agreeing  with  M/s.  SWC  taking  into  account  the  raw  material  landed  cost  and  the  processing charges; that every month M/s. DIL were  sending  landed cost  of  raw material  and  packing  material  monthwise  to  M/s.  SWC;  that  the  processing  charges  was  mutually  agreed  to  be  Rs.800 per MT during 1992 and 1993 and it  was  Rs.900 per MT during 1994, Rs.950 per MT during  1995,  Rs.1125 per  MT during 1996 for  detergent  cakes;  that  the  processing  charges  for  Hand  Mix  Check Powder  to  M/s  SWC was Rs.400 per  MT,  Rs.1850  for  Spray  dried  powder  during  1992  to  1996; that the processing charges charged to M/s.  HLL for spray dried sunlight detergent powder was  Rs.2,100 per MT; that  the processing charges for  both Chek detergent powder and sunlight detergent  powder  are  similar;  that  the  packing  style  for  Sunlight  detergent  powder  varies  from packing of  Chek detergent powder, the difference being Chek  Powder was packed in bulk quantities more and in  the case of Sunlight powder the entire packing was  in 500 Gms. Only; that in respect of detergent cakes  made for M/s. SWC and M/s. HLL, the processing is  similar and the size of the cake was given according  to the requirement; that however, in the agreement  with  M/s.  HLL  for  processing  on  job  work  basis  



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there  was  no  mention  about  the  size  of  the  detergent cake or powder.”  

It is on these facts that the present appeals have to be decided.  

7. Learned counsel on behalf  of the Revenue argued that  

there can be no doubt,  in  view of  a  number  of  factors,  that  

Shaw Wallace and DIL are related persons within the meaning  

of  Section  4(4)(c)  of  the Act  and stated  that  some of  these  

factors  are  that  advertisement  expenses  of  DIL  brands  had  

been borne by the holding Company Shaw Wallace; processing  

charges paid by Shaw Wallace to DIL is less than processing  

charges paid to Hindustan Lever; employees of Shaw Wallace  

and its subsidiaries were freely transferred from one company  

to another; depots of Shaw Wallace and DIL were in the same  

premises;  DIL  sends  monthly  newsletters  to  Shaw  Wallace  

showing production, despatches, purpose, technical problems,  

quality problems, details of power consumption etc. - and Shaw  

Wallace fixes the price of DIL products; and unsecured loans of  

approximately Rs.55 lakhs were given by Shaw Wallace to its  

subsidiary DIL.  It is argued that all these facts would show that  

Shaw Wallace and DIL were related persons and that the price  



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paid by Shaw Wallace to DIL was a depressed price and would,  

therefore fall  within proviso (iii)  of  Section 4(1)(a) as it  stood  

prior to 2000.  Learned counsel for the Revenue also argued  

that  the  moment  there  is  a  holding/subsidiary  company  

relationship,  the  definition  of  “related  person”  under  Section  

4(4)(c) gets attracted and proviso (iii) to Section 4(1)(a) in turn  

gets  attracted  and  therefore  it  is  the  price  at  which  Shaw  

Wallace  and  Company  sells  the  self  same  goods  to  its  

customers that is the price that is to be taken into account on  

the facts of the present case.  

8. Shri Lakshmikumaran, learned counsel for the appellants  

has argued that even though Shaw Wallace and DIL may be  

holding and subsidiary companies, yet on a true construction of  

Section 4(4)(c) they are not related persons within the meaning  

of  the  definition  clause.   Further,  he  argued  that  on  a  true  

construction of  proviso (iii)  to Section 4(1)(a),  it  is  necessary  

that the assessee must first enter into an arrangement with the  

related  person,  which  arrangement  leads  to  a  price  being  

charged  which  is  lower  than  the  normal  price.   Further,  the  

proviso  only  gets  attracted  when  such  arrangement  is  



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predominantly a sale to or through a related person.  According  

to  him,  on  the  facts  of  the  present  case,  there  is  no  

arrangement between Shaw Wallace and DIL which has led to  

any depression in the normal price at  which such goods are  

sold.  Also, since only 10% of the production of DIL is sold to  

Shaw  Wallace,  the  goods  are  not  “generally”  sold  to  Shaw  


9. To appreciate the aforesaid controversy, it is necessary to  

set out Section 4 as it existed before its amendment in 1973.  

Section 4 then read:

“4. Determination of value for the purposes of duty. — Where, under this Act, any article is chargeable  with duty at a rate dependent on the value of the  article, such value shall be deemed to be— (a) the wholesale cash price for which an article of  the  like  kind  and  quality  is  sold  or  is  capable  of  being sold at the time of the removal of the article  chargeable with duty from the factory or any other  premises of manufacture or production for delivery  at  the place of  manufacture or production,  or  if  a  wholesale market does not exist for such article at  such place, at the nearest place where such market  exists, or (b) where such price is not ascertainable, the price  at which an article of the like kind and quality is sold  or is capable of being sold by the manufacturer or  producer, or his agent, at the time of the removal of  the article chargeable with duty from such factory or  



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other  premises  for  delivery  at  the  place  of  manufacture or production, or if such article is not  sold or is not capable of being sold at such place, at  any other place nearest thereto. Explanation.—In determining the price of any article  under this section, no abatement or deduction shall  be allowed except in respect of trade discount and  the  amount  of  duty  payable  at  the  time  of  the  removal of the article chargeable with duty from the  factory or other premises aforesaid.”

The period involved in the present appeals being 1992 to  

1997, we would have to advert to Section 4 as it stood after the  

Amendment  Act  of  1973  but  before  the  Amendment  Act  of  

2000.  Section 4 reads as follows:-

“4. Valuation  of  excisable  goods  for  purposes  of   charging of  duty of  excise.—(1)  Where under this  Act,  the  duty  of  excise  is  chargeable  on  any  excisable goods with reference to value, such value  shall, subject to the other provisions of this section,  be deemed to be— (a) the normal price thereof, that is to say, the price  at  which  such  goods  are  ordinarily  sold  by  the  assessee  to  a  buyer  in  the  course  of  wholesale  trade for delivery at the time and place of removal,  where  the  buyer  is  not  a  related  person  and the  price is the sole consideration for the sale: Provided that— (i) where, in accordance with the normal practice of  the wholesale trade in such goods, such goods are  sold by the assessee at different prices to different  classes of buyers (not being related persons) each  such  price  shall,  subject  to  the  existence  of  the  other  circumstances  specified  in  clause  (a),  be  



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deemed to  be the normal  price  of  such goods in  relation to each such class of buyers; (ii) where such goods are sold by the assessee in  the  course  of  wholesale  trade  for  delivery  at  the  time and place of removal at a price fixed under any  law for the time being in force or at a price, being  the  maximum,  fixed  under  any  such  law,  then,  notwithstanding anything contained in clause (iii) of  this proviso, the price or the maximum price, as the  case may be, so fixed, shall, in relation to the goods  so sold, be deemed to be the normal price thereof; (iii)where the assessee so arranges that the goods  are  generally  not  sold  by  him  in  the  course  of  wholesale  trade  except  to  or  through  a  related  person, the normal price of the goods sold by the  assessee to or through such related person shall be  deemed to be the price at which they are ordinarily  sold  by  the  related  person  in  the  course  of  wholesale trade at the time of removal, to dealers  (not  being related persons)  or  where such goods  are  not  sold  to  such  dealers,  to  dealers  (being  related persons) who sell such goods in retail; (b)  where  the  normal  price  of  such  goods is  not  ascertainable for the reason that such goods are not  sold  or  for  any  other  reason,  the  nearest  ascertainable equivalent thereof determined in such  manner as may be prescribed. (2)  Where,  in  relation to any excisable goods the  price thereof for delivery at the place of removal is  not known and the value thereof is determined with  reference to the price for delivery at a place other  than the place of removal, the cost of transportation  from the place of removal to the place of delivery  shall be excluded from such price. (3) The provisions of this section shall not apply in  respect  of  any  excisable  goods  for  which  a  tariff  value  has  been  fixed  under  sub-section  (2)  of  Section 3. (4) For the purposes of this section,—



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(a)  ‘assessee’  means the person who is  liable  to  pay the duty of excise under this Act and includes  his agent; (b) ‘place of removal’ means— (i)  a  factory  or  any  other  place  or  premises  of  production or manufacture of the excisable goods;  or (ii)  a  warehouse  or  any  other  place  or  premises  wherein the excisable goods have been permitted to  be deposited without payment of duty, from where such goods are removed; (c)  ‘related  person’  means  a  person  who  is  so  associated  with  the  assessee  that  they  have  interest,  directly  or  indirectly,  in  the  business  of  each  other  and  includes  a  holding  company,  a  subsidiary company, a relative and a distributor of  the  assessee,  and  any  sub-distributor  of  such  distributor. Explanation.—In  this  clause  ‘holding  company’,  ‘subsidiary company’ and ‘relative’  have the same  meanings as in the Companies Act, 1956; (d) ‘value’ in relation to any excisable goods,— (i)  where  the  goods  are  delivered  at  the  time  of  removal in a packed condition, includes the cost of  such packing except the cost of the packing which  is of a durable nature and is returnable by the buyer  to the assessee. Explanation.—In  this  sub-clause  “packing”  means  the wrapper, container, bobbin, pirn, spool, reel or  warp beam or any other thing in which or on which  the  excisable  goods  are  wrapped,  contained  or  wound; (ii)  does  not  include  the  amount  of  the  duty  of  excise, sales tax and other taxes, if any, payable on  such goods and, subject to such rules as may be  made, the trade discount (such discount not being  refundable on any account whatsoever) allowed in  accordance  with  the  normal  practice  of  the  



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wholesale trade at the time of removal in respect of  such goods sold or contracted for sale; (e)  ‘wholesale  trade’  means  sales  to  dealers,  industrial consumers. Government, local authorities  and  other  buyers,  who  or  which  purchase  their  requirements otherwise than in retail.”

The first thing that one notices on a reading of Section  

4(1)(a), as it then stood, is that a duty of excise is chargeable  

with reference to “normal price”, that is to say the price at which  

such goods are ordinarily sold by the assessee to a buyer in the  

course  of  wholesale  trade.   The  price  should  be  the  sole  

consideration for  the sale.   If  the buyer  is  a related person,  

there is a presumption that a sale to a related person would be  

at a price which is not the sole consideration for the sale.  

10. Proviso (iii) then deals with the price that is to be taken  

into consideration in case sales are made to related persons.  

Three basic ingredients are necessary before proviso (iii) gets  

attracted.   The  first  ingredient  is  that  the  assessee  must  

“arrange” that  goods are sold by him in a particular manner.  

The second ingredient is that such arrangement must be such  

that  the  goods  are  “generally”  sold  by  the  assessee  in  the  

course of wholesale trade to or through a related person.  And  



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thirdly, such sale need not be to the related person – it  can  

even be through the related person.   

11. We are of the view that the “arrangement” spoken of in  

the proviso must be something by which the assessee and the  

related person “arrange” that the goods are sold at something  

below the normal price, so that tax is either avoided or evaded  

by  such  arrangement.   Secondly,  the  expression  “generally”  

also shows that such goods must predominantly be sold by the  

assessee to or through the related person – in mathematical  

terms,  sales  that  are  to  or  through  a  related  person  must  

consist of at least 50% of the goods that are manufactured and  

sold.  The  expression  “to  or  through a  related  person”  again  

goes back to the “arrangement” and is another way of saying  

that such sale can be effected directly to or indirectly through  

such related person.  It is only when all three considerations are  

cumulatively met that proviso (iii) can be said to be attracted.  

12. When we come to the definition of “related person” the  

legislature has used a well known technique.  It first employs  

the  expression  “means”  and  states  that  persons  who  are  

associated  with  the  assessee  so  that  they  have  a  direct  or  16


Page 17

indirect  interest  in  the  business  of  each  other  would  get  

covered. The definition then goes on to use the expression “and  

includes”  thereby  indicating  that  the  legislature  intends  to  

extend the definition to also include various persons that would  

not otherwise have so been included. These include a holding  

company, a subsidiary company, a relative and a distributor of  

the assessee and any sub-distributor of such distributor.  The  

necessity  for  including  holding  and  subsidiary  companies  as  

defined under the Companies Act, 1956 is to lift the corporate  

veil in order to get to the economic realities of the transaction.   

13. Now to the case law.  In Union of India v. Bombay Tyre  

International Ltd., (1984) 1 SCC 467, Section 4 as amended  

by the 1973 Amendment Act was challenged before this Court.  

This  Court  repelled  the  challenge.   It  held  that  even  under  

Section 4 prior  to the 1973 Amendment,  the wholesale cash  

price would consist of a sale by a manufacturer in the course of  

wholesale trade to a wholesale dealer, which sale would have  

to be at arm’s length and in the usual course of business.  The  

court held:  



Page 18

“32. It  will  be  noticed  that  the  basic  scheme  for  determination of the price in the new Section 4 is  characterised  by  the  same  dichotomy  as  that  observable  in  the  old  Section  4.  It  was  not  the  intention  of  Parliament,  when  enacting  the  new  Section  4  to  create  a  scheme materially  different  from that  embodied in  the superseded Section 4.  The object and purpose remained the same, and so  did the central principle at the heart of the scheme.  The new scheme was merely more comprehensive  and  the  language  employed  more  precise  and  definite. As in the old Section 4, the terms in which  the value was defined remained the price charged  by the assessee in the course of wholesale trade for  delivery at the time and place of removal. Under the  new Section 4 the phrase “place of removal” was  defined by Section 4(b) not merely as “the factory or  any  other  place  or  premises  of  production  or  manufacture  of  the  excisable  goods”  from  where  such goods are removed but  was extended to “a  warehouse or  any place or  premises wherein  the  excisable  goods  have  been  permitted  to  be  deposited without payment of duty” and from where  such goods are removed. The judicial construction  of the provisions of the old Section 4 had already  declared that the price envisaged under clauses (a)  and (b) of that section was the price charged by the  manufacturer in a transaction at arm's length. After  referring  to  several  cases,  some  of  which  have  already  been  mentioned  here  earlier,  this  Court  pointed out  in Voltas Limited [(1973) 3 SCC 503 :  1973 SCC (Tax) 261 : AIR 1973 SC 225 : (1973) 2  SCR 1089] : (SCC p. 509 para 20) “the ‘wholesale  cash price’  has to  be ascertained  only on the basis of transactions at arm's length. If  there  is  a  special  or  favoured  buyer  to  whom  a  specially  low  price  is  charged  because  of  extra- commercial  considerations,  e.g.,  because he  is  a  relative of the manufacturer,  the price charged for  those sales would not be the ‘wholesale cash price’  



Page 19

for levying excise under Section 4 (a) of the Act. A  sole  distributor  might  or  might  not  be  a  favoured  buyer according as terms of the agreement with him  are  fair  and  reasonable  and  were  arrived  at  on  purely commercial basis.”   33. That was also the view taken in Atic Industries  Ltd. [(1975) 1 SCC 499 : 1975 SCC (Tax) 135 : AIR  1975 SC 960 : (1975) 3 SCR 563] The new Section  4 makes express provision in that behalf. Under the  new Section 4 also, it is necessary to take the price  charged  by  the  manufacturer  as  one  which  is  unaffected  by  any  concessional  or  manipulative  considerations,  and  therefore  the  “normal  price”  mentioned in the new Section 4(1)(a) speaks of a  price “where the buyer is not the related person and  the price is the sole consideration for the sale”. The  expression  “related  person”  has  been  specifically  defined in the new Section 4(4)(c), and transactions  in which a “related person” is involved are covered  by the third proviso of Section 4 (1)(a).”

14. These  observations  have  a  vital  bearing  on  the  

construction  of  Section  4(1)(a).  Section  4,  before  the  

amendment of 1973, did not contain the expression “where the  

buyer  is  not  a  related  person  and  the  price  is  the  sole  

consideration for the sale”.  The pre-amended Section 4 was  

understood  in  Voltas’s  case  by  this  Court  to  mean  that  the  

wholesale cash price can only be ascertained on the basis of  

arm’s length transactions. If there is a special or favoured buyer  

like a relative of the manufacturer to whom a specially low price  



Page 20

is charged because of extra commercial considerations, such  

price cannot be the price referred to in Section 4(1)(a).  Taking  

a cue from the fact that the post-amendment Section 4 makes  

no change in the law laid down in Voltas’s case, as far as arm’s  

length  transactions are  concerned,  it  is  clear  that  where the  

price is the sole consideration for the sale and is not a specially  

low  price  because  of  extra  commercial  considerations,  even  

where a buyer is a related person, the normal price mentioned  

in  Section  4(1)(a)  post  the  1973  amendment  would  apply.  

Read in accordance with the object of the pre-amended Section  

4 as explained in Voltas’s case it is clear that the expression  

“where the buyer is not a related person and the price is the  

sole consideration for the sale” is to be read conjunctively as  

meaning that because the buyer is a related person, the price  

usually ceases to be the sole consideration for the sale.  This  

merely raises a rebuttable presumption. Once the presumption  

is rebutted and it is shown that even in the case of a buyer who  

is a related person, the price is the sole consideration for the  

sale  and  is  not  a  specially  low  price  because  of  extra  

commercial considerations, such price would fall within Section  



Page 21

4(1)(a)  as  the  price  of  the  taxable  goods  to  be  taken  into  

consideration for  arriving at  “normal price”.  Of course,  where  

the  three  pre-requisites  for  the  application  of  proviso  (iii)  to  

Section 4(1)(a) all apply, an irrebuttable presumption is raised  

so that it is not necessary thereafter to go to any other facts.  

15. On a reading of the aforesaid judgment, it becomes clear  

that  the  object  of  enacting  Section  4  is  that  transactions  at  

arm’s length between manufacturer and wholesale purchaser  

which yield the price which is the sole consideration for the sale  

alone  is  contemplated.   Any  concessional  or  manipulative  

considerations which depress price below the normal price are,  

therefore, not to be taken into consideration.  Judged at from  

this premise, it is clear that arrangements with related persons  

which  yield  a  price  below  the  normal  price  because  of  

concessional  or  manipulative  considerations  cannot  ever  be  

equated  to  normal  price.   But  at  the  same time,  it  must  be  

remembered  that  absent  concessional  or  manipulative  

considerations, where a sale is between a manufacturer and a  

related person in the course of wholesale trade, the transaction  

being a transaction where it is proved by evidence that price is  



Page 22

the sole consideration for the sale, then such price must form  

the basis for valuation as the “normal price” of the goods.  A  

literal  reading  of  the  Section  would  otherwise  lead  to  an  

absurdity.  Where it  is proved that the same price is paid by  

related persons as well as arm’s length purchasers (who are  

unrelated) for the same goods, in the case of the former the  

higher price paid by purchasers from the related person would  

be the price on which excise duty would be calculated which  

would be more than the “normal price” under Section 4(1)(a).  

Such a result is not contemplated by the amended Section 4(1)

(a),  which  must  therefore  be  read  in  the  manner  indicated  


16. So far as “related persons” are concerned, the Court in  

the Bombay Tyre International Limited case stated:

“43. Learned  counsel  for  the  assessees  contends  that  the  provisions  regarding  related  persons  are  wholly unnecessary because to counteract evasion  or avoidance any artificially arranged price between  the manufacturer and his wholesale buyer can be  rejected in any case under Section 4, and we are  referred to the observations of this Court in Voltas  Limited [(1973) 3 SCC 503 : 1973 SCC (Tax) 261 :  AIR 1973 SC 225 : (1973) 2 SCR 1089] and Atic  Industries Ltd. [(1975) 1 SCC 499 : 1975 SCC (Tax)  135 : AIR 1975 SC 960 : (1975) 3 SCR 563] It is  



Page 23

true, we think, that the new Section 4(1) contains  inherently within it the power to determine the true  value  of  the  excisable  article,  after  taking  into  account  any  concession  shown  to  a  special  or  favoured  buyer  because  of  extra-commercial  considerations,  in  order  that  the  price  be  ascertained only on the basis that it is a transaction  at arm's length. That requirement is emphasised by  the  provision  in  the  new Section  4(1)(a)  that  the  price should be the sole consideration for the sale.  In  every such case,  it  will  be for  the Revenue to  determine  on  the  evidence  before  it  whether  the  transaction  is  one  where  extra-commercial  considerations have entered and, if so, what should  be  the  price  to  be  taken  as  the  value  of  the  excisable  article  for  the  purpose  of  excise  duty.  Nonetheless,  it  was  open  to  Parliament  to  incorporate provisions in the section declaring that  certain  specified  categories  of  transactions  fall  within  the  tainted  class,  in  which  case  an  irrebuttable presumption will arise that transactions  belonging  to  those  categories  are  transactions  which cannot be dealt with under the usual meaning  of the expression “normal price” set forth in the new  Section 4(1)(a). They are cases where it will not be  necessary  for  the Revenue to examine the entire  gamut  of  evidence in  order  to  determine whether  the  transaction  is  one  prompted  by  extra- commercial  considerations.  It  will  be  open  to  the  Revenue, on being satisfied that the third proviso to  the new Section 4(1)(a) read with the definition of  “related person”  in  Section 4(4)(c)  is  attracted,  to  proceed to determine the “value” in accordance with  the terms of the third proviso.

44. It  is  urged on behalf  of  the assessee that  the  provisions are whimsical and arbitrary, and cannot  be said to be reasonably calculated to deal with the  issue of evasion or avoidance of excise. It is said  that  the  assessment  on  the  manufacturer  by  



Page 24

reference to the sale price charged by his distributor  is  “wholly  incompatible with the nature of  excise”,  and we are referred to Atic Industries Ltd. [(1975) 1  SCC 499 :  1975 SCC (Tax)  135 :  AIR 1975 SC  960 : (1975) 3 SCR 563] Now, it  is a well  known  legislative  practice  to  enact  provisions  in  certain  limited cases where an assessee may be taxed in  respect of the income or property truly belonging to  another.  They  are  cases  where  the  Legislature  intervenes to prevent the circumvention of the tax  obligation by taxpayers seeking to avoid or reduce  their  tax  liability  through  modes  resulting  in  the  income  or  property  arising  to  another.  The  provisions of the law may indeed be so enacted that  the actual existence of such motive may be wholly  immaterial,  and  what  has  been  done  by  the  assessee may even proceed from wholly bona fide  intention. With the aid of legal fiction, the Legislature  fastens  the  liability  on  the  assessee.  When  the  Legislature employs such a device, and the liability  is attached without qualification, it is reasonable to  infer  that  an  irrebuttable  presumption  has  been  created by law. Such provisions have been held to  be  within  the  legislative  competence  of  the  Legislature  and  as  falling  within  its  power  of  taxation,  and  reference  may  be  made  to Balaji v. ITO [AIR 1962 SC 123 : (1962) 2 SCR  983  :  (1961)  43  ITR  393]  ; Navnitlal  C.   Javeri v. CIT [AIR 1965 SC 1375 :  (1965)  1  SCR  909  :  (1965)  56  ITR  198]  and Punjab  Distilling  Industries Ltd. v. CIT. [AIR 1965 SC 1862 : (1965) 3  SCR 1 : (1965) 57 ITR 1 : 35 Com Cas 541]

45. It  is  contended  for  the  assessees  that  the  definition of  the expression “related person”  is  so  arbitrary  that  it  includes  within  that  expression  a  distributor  of  the  assessee.  It  is  urged  that  the  provision falls outside the ambit of Entry 84 of List I  of  the  Seventh  Schedule  to  the  Constitution  inasmuch as it is wholly inconsistent with the levy of  



Page 25

excise, and if it is attempted to seek support for the  provision from the residuary Entry 97 of List I as a  non-descript tax the attempt must fail because there  is no charging section in the Central  Excises and  Salt Act empowering the levy of such non-descript  tax  nor  any  machinery  provision  in  the  Act  for  collecting such a tax.  The charging provision and  the machinery provisions of the Act, it is pointed out,  deal exclusively with excise duty and not with any  other tax.  The validity of  the provision is assailed  also on the ground that it violates Articles 14 and 19  of the Constitution. The challenge made on behalf  of the assessees is powerful and far-reaching. But it  seems to us unnecessary to enter into that question  because we are satisfied that the provision in the  definition of “related person” relating to a distributor  can be legitimately read down and its validity thus  upheld.  In  our  opinion,  the  definition  of  related  person should be so read that the words “a relative  and  a  distributor  of  the  assessee”  should  be  understood to mean a distributor who is a relative of  the assessee. It will be noticed that the Explanation  provides that the expression “relative” has the same  meaning as in the Companies Act, 1956. As regards  the  other  provisions  of  the  definition  of  “related  person”,  that  is  to  say,  “a  person  who  is  so  associated  with  the  assessee  that  they  have  interest,  directly  or  indirectly,  in  the  business  of  each  other  and  includes  a  holding  company,  a  subsidiary company. . .”, we think that the provision  shows a sufficiently  restricted basis for  employing  the legal fiction. Here again, regard must be had to  the Explanation which provides that the expression  “holding company and subsidiary”  have the same  meanings  as  in  the  Companies  Act,  1956.  Reference in this connection may be made to Tata  Engineering  and  Locomotive  Co.  Ltd. v. State  of   Bihar [AIR 1965 SC 40 :  (1964)  6 SCR 885 :  34  Com Cas 458] where the principle was approved by  this  Court  that  the  corporate  veil  could  be  lifted  



Page 26

where the companies shared the relationship of a  holding  company and a  subsidiary  company,  and  to Juggi Lal  Kamlapat v.C.I.T. [AIR 1969 SC 932 :  (1969) 1 SCR 988 : (1969) 73 ITR 702] where this  Court held that the veil of corporate entity could be  lifted to pay regard to the economic realities behind  the legal facade, for example, where the corporate  entity was used for tax evasion or to circumvent tax  obligation.”

17. On a reading of the aforesaid paragraphs, it is clear that  

proviso  (iii)  would  be  referable  only  to  tainted  transactions.  

Only such cases would raise an irrebuttable presumption which  

will then be governed by the said proviso. It is also interesting  

to note that the definition of “related person” was read down by  

this Court to make the distributor covered by it to be a relative  

of  the  assessee.   When  “holding  company”  and  “subsidiary  

company” was spoken of, the Court held again that the idea of  

including these two types of companies within the definition of  

related  person  is  only  so  that  the  corporate  veil  of  such  

companies can be lifted so that economic realities behind the  

legal  façade can  be  looked at  so  that  tax  is  not  evaded or  




Page 27

18. Some other decisions may be taken note of at this stage.  

In Flash Laboratories Limited v. Collector of Central Excise,  

New Delhi, (2003) 2 SCC 86, the appellant was a subsidiary  

company of  M/s  Parle  Products  Limited.   M/s  Parle  Biscuits  

Limited  is  also  a  subsidiary  company of  M/s  Parle  Products  

Limited.  What was in question in that case was the relationship  

between  two  subsidiary  companies.   It  is  clear  that  the  

relationship  between  a  subsidiary  company  and  another  

subsidiary company would not be governed by the second part  

of Section 4(4)(c).  In order that the second part of Section 4(4)

(c) be attracted, it must be shown that the related person must  

either be a holding company or a subsidiary company of the  

assessee. In the facts of that case, the related person, namely,  

M/s Parle Biscuits Limited was neither a holding company nor a  

subsidiary company of the assessee i.e. M/s Flash Laboratories  

Limited. This being the case, this Court held:

“7. Having  regard  to  the  above  decision  and  the  plain meaning of the definition of “related person”, it  is  to be noticed that  the appellant  is a subsidiary  company  of  Messrs  Parle  Products  Limited  and  Messrs Parle Biscuits Limited is also a subsidiary  company  of  Messrs  Parle  Products  Limited.  Therefore,  the  relationship  between  the  appellant  



Page 28

and Messrs Parle Biscuits Limited, though indirect,  they have mutual interest in the business of each  other.  The  facts  and  circumstances  of  the  case  show that there is mutuality of interest between the  three companies as sixty per cent of the products of  the  appellant  are  sold  to  Messrs  Parle  Products  Limited and the remaining forty per cent of the total  product of toothpaste is being sold to Messrs Parle  Biscuits Limited. Moreover, Messrs Parle Products  Limited  are  incurring  the  expenses  for  sales  promotion  and  advertisement  for  the  sale  of  the  appellant's product, namely, “Prudent toothpaste”.”

This  judgment,  therefore,  is  an  authority  only  for  the  

application of the first part of Section 4(4)(c).  It is in this context  

that the Court held in paragraph 5 that there must be mutuality  

of interest between two persons who are both subsidiaries of a  

particular holding company.  

19.  In  Commissioner  of  Central  Excise  Bombay  v.  

Universal  Luggage  Manufacturing  Company  Limited,  

(2005)190 ELT 3, this Court found as a matter of fact that the  

assessee (holding company) was selling its products through its  

wholly  owned  subsidiary  at  the  same  price  at  which  it  was  

selling the same goods to other buyers at arm’s length, in which  

the subsidiary company had no role to play.  This being the  

case, this Court agreed with the Tribunal that the price at which  



Page 29

sales have been effected through the subsidiary, not being a  

depressed price, would be the price that would be taken into  

consideration for valuation under Section 4(1)(a).  

20. Similarly, in  CCE, II, Chennai v. Beacon Neyrpic Ltd.,  

2006(193) ELT 16, this Court in a short two paragraph order  


“1. Assuming that  the assessee was related to its  subsidiary company i.e. M/s Best & Crompton Ltd.  (BCL), this by itself would not be sufficient for the  purpose of invoking the Central Excise (Valuation)  Rules, 1975 read with Section 4(1)(a) of the Central  Excise Act, 1944. The Department would have to go  further  and  show  that  the  relationship  has  introduced an element other than purely commercial  consideration in effecting the sale by the assessee  to BCL. No such evidence has been produced by  the Revenue.

2. In the circumstances, the appeal is dismissed.”

21. In  Commissioner Central  Excise, New Delhi v.  India  

Thervit  Corporation,  Ltd.,  (2008)  17  SCC  374,  ATL  a  

subsidiary of ITCL, sold all goods manufactured by it to ITCL.  

Despite the fact that on facts ATL and ITCL  may be taken to be  

related persons, (though this Court did not hold so), since there  

is  no under  valuation as the price  paid by the Railways (an  



Page 30

arm’s  length  purchaser)  was the same as the price  paid  by  

ITCL,  the price paid by the holding company to its subsidiary  

was  taken  to  be  a  price  on  which  excise  duty  would  be  


22. Since  the  Tribunal  in  the  judgment  under  appeal  has  

referred  to  and  relied  upon  Raliwolf  v.  UOI,  59  ELT  220  

Bombay (1992), we must refer to the same.  The Bombay High  

Court in that judgment construed Section 4(4)(c) as follows:

“31. We are not inclined to accept the contention of  the  Department  as  submitted  by  Mr.  Sethna,  the  learned counsel appearing for the respondents for  the following reasons :-

(a) that Section 4(4)(c) is a defining section of the  expression  "related  person"  and  the  said  section  must  be  read  and  seen  in  the  context  of  third  proviso to Section 4(1)(a). If  one, therefore, reads  the entire section, it is clear that three conditions are  required  to  be  satisfied  before  invoking  the  third  proviso :

Firstly, there should be mutuality of interest.

Secondly, the price charged should not be normal  price but  the price lower to the normal price,  and  that extra-commercial considerations have reduced  the normal price.

Thirdly, the alleged related person should be related  to the assessed as defined in Section 4(4)(c) of the  said Act. It is only if the above three conditions are  



Page 31

satisfied,  then  alone  it  can  be  said  that  the  third  proviso to Section 4(1)(a) is applicable.

(b) The first part of the definition of related person  as mentioned in Section 4(4)(c) of the said Act lays  down that a person who is sought to be branded as  a  related  person  must  be  a  person  who  is  so  associated  with  the  assessed,  that  they  have  interest directly or indirectly in the business of each  other. The inclusive part of the definition is merely  an extension of the first part. Both the parts must be  read conjunctively.  If  the argument of  the learned  counsel  for  the  respondent  is  accepted,  then  the  word "and" which joins the two parts of the definition  would  be  rendered  meaningless.  It  is  well-settled  rule  of  interpretation  that  the  Legislative  mandate  should  be  so  read  that  no  word  used  by  the  Parliament should be rendered nugatory.  Reading  the  section  as  a  whole  it  is  clear  that  merely  because  a  company  is  the  subsidiary  of  holding  company, ipso facto, it cannot attract Section 4(4) (c).  It  must  be  further  established  that  each  has  interest  in  the  business  of  the  other.  It  must  be  further established that the transaction in question is  not based on principal to principal and that extra- commercial considerations have lowered the normal  price. It is only then the third proviso to Section 4(1) (a) is attracted. The view which we have taken is  also  supported  by  the  judgment  of  the  Supreme  Court in the case of Atic Industries (supra) as well  as the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case  of Moped India Ltd. v. Collector of Central Excise  reported in1986(23)ELT8(SC) .”

23. We find it difficult to agree with some of the conclusions  

reached in the aforesaid paragraph. As has been stated by us  

above, “means” “and includes” is a legislative device by which  



Page 32

the “includes” part brings by way of extension various persons,  

categories,  or  things  which  would  not  otherwise  have  been  

included in the “means” part. If this is so, obviously both parts  

cannot be read conjunctively.  What is in the “includes” part is  

relatable  only  to  the subject  that  is  to  be defined and takes  

within  its  sweep  persons,  objects,  or  things  which  are  not  

included in the first part.  We have already pointed out that the  

reason for including holding and subsidiary companies in the  

“includes” part is so that the authorities may look behind the  

corporate  veil.   To  say  that  the  holding  and  subsidiary  

companies  must  in  addition  have  a  mutual  interest  in  the  

business of  each other is wholly  incorrect.  Further,  the word  

“and” which joins the two parts of the definition is not rendered  

meaningless.   It  is  necessary  because it  precedes the word  

“includes”  and  brings  in  to  the  definition  clause  persons,  

objects, or things that would not otherwise be included within  

the “means” part.  

24. The High Court is also wrong in saying that its view is  

supported by the judgment of this Court in  Union of India v.  

Atic Industries Ltd., (1984) 3 SCC 575.  On facts, Atic’s case  



Page 33

did  not  deal  with  holding  and  subsidiary  companies.   Atul  

Products  Limited  held  50%  of  the  share  capital  of  Atic  

Industries which would not enable Atul products to be called the  

holding company of Atic Industries.  Further, this Court held:-

“5. The  second  ground  on  which  the  assessee  assailed  the  validity  of  the  demand made by  the  Assistant Collector for differential duty related to the  applicability of  the definition of  “related person” in  clause  (c)  of  sub-section  (4)  of  Section  4  of  the  amended Act. The Assistant Collector took the view  that  the  assessee  on  the  one  hand  and  Atul  Products Limited and Crescent Dyes and Chemicals  Limited on the other were related persons within the  meaning of the first part of the definition of the term  “related  person”  and  the  assessable  value  of  the  dyes manufactured by the assessee for the purpose  of  excise  duty  was,  therefore,  liable  to  be  determined with reference to the price at which the  dyes were ordinarily sold by Atul Products Limited  and  Crescent  Dyes  and  Chemicals  Limited.  This  view taken by the Assistant Collector was set aside  by the High Court on the ground that the assessee  on  the  one  hand  and  Atul  Products  Limited  and  Crescent Dyes and Chemicals Limited on the other  were not ‘related persons’ and the wholesale cash  price  charged  by  the  assessee  to  Atul  Products  Limited and Crescent Dyes and Chemicals Limited  and not the price at which the latter sold the dyes to  the dealers or the consumers, represented the true  measure of the value of the dyes for the purpose of  chargeability  to  excise  duty.  This  conclusion  reached by the High Court was assailed before us  by  the  learned  Attorney-General  appearing  on  behalf of the Revenue. He fairly conceded that the  only  part  of  the  definition  of  “related  person”  in  



Page 34

clause (c) of sub-section (4) of Section 4 on which  he  could  rely  was  the  first  part  which  defines  “related  person”  to  mean  “a  person  who  is  so  associated with the assessee that they have interest  directly or indirectly in the business of each other”.  The  second  part  of  the  definition  which  adds  an  inclusive  clause  was  admittedly  not  applicable,  because neither Atul Products Limited nor Crescent  Dyes  and  Chemicals  Limited  was  a  holding  company or a subsidiary company nor was either of  them a relative of the assessee, so as to fall within  the second part of the definition.”  

25. It is clear therefore that the Bombay High Court judgment  

does  not  lay  down  the  law  correctly  insofar  as  the  correct  

construction of Section 4(4)(c) of the Act is concerned.  

26. Section 4(4)(c) is in two parts.  The first part requires the  

department to apply a de facto test, whereas the second part  

requires  the  application  of  a  de  jure  test.  “Relative”  in  the  

Companies Act, 1956 is defined as follows:-

“6. Meaning  of  “relative”.—A  person  shall  be  deemed to be a relative of another if, and only if,— (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family;  or (b) they are husband and wife; or (c)  the one is  related to  the other  in  the manner  indicated in Schedule I-A.” “Schedule I-A.



Page 35

[See Section 6(c)] LIST OF RELATIVES 1. Father. 2. Mother (including step-mother). 3. Son (including step-son). 4. Son's wife. 5. Daughter (including step-daughter). 6. Father's father. 7. Father's mother. 8. Mother's mother. 9. Mother's father. 10. Son's son. 11. Son's son's wife. 12. Son's daughter. 13. Son's daughter's husband. 14. Daughter's husband. 15. Daughter’s son 16. Daughter's son's wife. 17. Daughter's daughter. 18. Daughter's daughter's husband. 19. Brother (including step-brother). 20. Brother's wife. 21. Sister (including step-sister). 22. Sister's husband.”

A reading of the definition of “relative” would show that  

the relative need not be a person who is so associated with the  



Page 36

assessee  that  they  have  mutual  interest  in  each  other’s  

businesses.  If that were the case, the expression “relative” in  

the second part would be otiose inasmuch as a relative would  

be subsumed within “person” in the first part.  Thus, “relatives”  

would  also  be  “persons”  who  are  so  associated  with  the  

assessee  that  they  have  a  mutual  interest  in  each  other’s  

businesses.  The legislature by application of a de jure test has  

extended the meaning of “related persons” to include the entire  

list  of  relatives  per  se  without  more  as  related  persons.  

Similarly,  holding  companies  and  subsidiary  companies  by  

virtue of the exercise of control by a holding company over a  

subsidiary company are similarly included by application of a de  

jure test.  

27. We  have  indicated  that  the  assessee  argued  that  the  

price paid by Shaw Wallace and Company for the same/similar  

products as was sold by unrelated entities to it was even lower  

than the price paid by Shaw Wallace to Detergents India Ltd.  

This being the case, it is clear that on facts here there is no  

“arrangement”  between  Shaw  Wallace  and  Detergents  India  

Limited to depress a price which is otherwise at arm’s length.  



Page 37

Though this fact is pleaded expressly before the Commissioner  

as  pointed  out  above,  the  Commissioner’s  order  does  not  

contain any finding based on this fact.  On the other hand, there  

are copious findings as to how Shaw Wallace and Detergents  

India  Limited  are  related  persons  because of  a  multitude  of  

factors pointed out in the Commissioner’s order.  

28. That  Shaw  Wallace  and  Detergents  India  Limited  are  

“related  persons”  is  made  out  by  their  holding/subsidiary  

relationship.  However, from this, it does not follow that there is  

any arrangement of tax avoidance or tax evasion on the facts of  

this case.  This being the case, proviso (iii) to Section 4(1)(a)  

would  not  be  applicable.   Further,  it  would  also  not  be  

applicable for the reason that there is no predominance of sales  

by  Detergents  India  Limited  to  Shaw Wallace.  As  has  been  

pointed out above, only 10% of its manufacturing capacity has  

been sold to Shaw Wallace, 90% being sold to Hindustan Lever  

Limited.   For  this  reason  also,  proviso  (iii)  does  not  get  

attracted.  This being the case, on facts here Section 4(1)(a)  

and  not  proviso  (iii)  is  attracted  inasmuch  as  on  facts  the  

presumption of a transaction not being at arm’s length has been  



Page 38

rebutted.   Revenue’s comparison of  price  paid by Hindustan  

Lever  to  DIL  with  price  paid  by  Shaw  Wallace  to  DIL  is  

unwarranted as the products sold and processing charges are  

wholly different. The basis of the Commissioner’s orders thus  

goes.  Further, the single most relevant fact, namely, that Shaw  

Wallace paid for the same/similar goods to unrelated suppliers  

at a price lower than the price paid by Shaw Wallace to DIL,  

has not been adverted to at all by the Commissioner.  

29. Mr.  Bagaria,  learned  counsel  appearing  on  behalf  of  

Shaw Wallace,  is  aggrieved  by  penalties  levied  upon  Shaw  

Wallace by the orders of the Commissioner.  These penalties  

have been set aside by CEGAT.  He pointed out to us that the  

ingredients necessary to attract Rule 209A were not mentioned  

in any show cause notice against Shaw Wallace and that the  

Commissioner’s finding as a result  thereof would have to be  

held to be beyond the show cause notice.  He cited a number of  

judgments in support of this proposition. In view of the judgment  

delivered by us on merits, we do not think it necessary to go  

into the contention raised by Shri Bagaria. Suffice it to say that  

we  are  dismissing  Revenue’s  appeals.   CEGAT’s  judgment  



Page 39

itself set aside all penalties imposed on Shaw Wallace as well  

as  DIL.   That  part  of  CEGAT’s  judgment  will  remain  


30. The  appeals  by  Revenue  are  devoid  of  merit  and  are  

accordingly dismissed.  There shall be no order as to costs.   

               …...…………………...J.                 (A.K. Sikri)

               ………………………...J.                 (R.F. Nariman)

New Delhi, April 8, 2015