10 January 2013
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-000078-000078 / 2013
Diary number: 6722 / 2011


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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.  78  OF 2013 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No. 2089 of 2011)

Arun Bhandari      ... Appellant


State of U.P. and others                              ...Respondents


Dipak Misra, J.

Leave granted.

2. Calling in question the legal pregnability of the order  

dated   29.1.2011  passed  by  the  High  Court  of  

Judicature at Allahabad in Criminal Misc. Writ Petition  

No. 69 of 2011 whereby the learned single Judge in  

exercise of jurisdiction under Articles 226 and 227 of  

the  Constitution  has  quashed  the  order  dated


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5.6.2010  passed  by  the  learned  Chief  Judicial  

Magistrate,  Gautam Budh Nagar,  taking cognizance  

under Sections 406 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code  

(for short “the IPC”) against the respondent No. 2 in  

exercise  of  power  under  Section  190(1)(b)  of  the  

Code of Criminal Procedure (for short “the CrPC”) and  

the  order  dated  4.12.2010  passed  by  the  learned  

Sessions  Judge,  Gautam Budh  Nagar  affirming  the  

said  order,  on  the  foundation  that  the  allegations  

made neither in the FIR nor in the protest petition  

constitute offences under the aforesaid sections, the  

present appeal by special leave has been preferred.

3. The factual score as depicted are that the appellant  

is a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) living in Germany and  

while  looking  for  a  property  in  Greater  Noida,  he  

came  in  contact  with  respondent  No.  2  and  her  

husband, Raghuvinder Singh, who claimed to be the  

owner of the property in question and offered to sell  

the  same.   On  24.3.2008,  as  alleged,  both  the  

husband and wife agreed to sell the residential plot  

bearing  No.  131,  Block  –  (Cassia-Fastula  Estate),  



Page 3

Sector CHI-4, Greater Noida, U.P. for a consideration  

of Rs.2,43,97,880/- and an agreement to that effect  

was  executed  by  the  respondent  No.  3,  both  the  

husband  and  wife  jointly  received  a  sum  of  

Rs.1,05,00,000/-  from  the  appellant  towards  part  

payment  of  the  sale  consideration.   It  was  further  

agreed  that  the  respondent  Nos.  2  and  3  would  

obtain  permission  from Greater  Noida  Authority  to  

transfer the property in his favour and execute the  

deed  of  transfer  within  45  days  from the grant  of  

such permission.   

4. As the factual antecedents would further reveal, the  

said  agreement  was  executed  on  the  basis  of  a  

registered  agreement  executed  in  favour  of  the  

respondent  No.  3  by  the  original  allottee,  Smt.  

Vandana Bhardwaj to sell the said plot.  After expiry  

of  a  month or so,  the appellant enquired from the  

respondent No. 3 about the progress of delivery of  

possession from the original allottee, but he received  

conflicting  and  contradictory  replies  which  created  

doubt in his mind and impelled him to rush to Noida  



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and find out the real  facts from the Greater Noida  

Authority.   On due enquiry,  he came to know that  

there was a registered agreement in favour of the 3rd  

respondent by Smt. Vandana Bhardwaj; that a power  

of  attorney  had  been  executed  by  the  original  

allottee in favour of the respondent No. 2, the wife of  

respondent No. 3; that the original allottee, to avoid  

any  kind  of  litigation,  had  also  executed  a  will  in  

favour  of  the  respondent  No.  3;  and  that  the  

respondent No. 2 by virtue of the power of attorney,  

executed in her favour by the original allottee, had  

transferred the said property in favour of one Monika  

Goel who had got her name mutated in the record of  

Greater Noida Authority.  Coming to know about the  

aforesaid factual score, he demanded refund of the  

money from the respondents, but a total indifferent  

attitude was exhibited, which compelled him to lodge  

an FIR at the Police Station, Kasna, which gave rise to  

the Criminal Case No. 563 of 2009.

5. The  Investigating  Officer,  after  completing  the  

investigation, submitted the final report stating that  



Page 5

the case was of a civil nature and no criminal offence  

had been made out.   The appellant  filed a protest  

petition before the learned Magistrate stating, inter  

alia, that the accused persons had colluded with the  

Investigating Officer and the Station House Officer as  

a  result  of  which  the  Investigation  Officer,  on  

22.10.2009,  had  concluded  the  investigation  

observing that the dispute was of the civil nature and  

intended to submit the final report before the court.  

The  appellant  coming  to  know  about  the  same  

submitted an application before the concerned Area  

Officer, who, taking note of the same, handed over  

the  investigation  to  another  S.S.I.  of  Police  on  

24.11.2009.  The said Investigating Officer recorded  

statements of the concerned Sub-Registrar, the Chief  

Executive  Officer  of  Greater  Noida  Authority,  from  

whose statements  it  was evident  that  the accused  

persons  were  never  the  owners  of  the  property  in  

question and the original allottee had not appeared  

in  the Greater  Noida Authority  and not  transferred  

any documents.  He also recorded the statement of  



Page 6

original  allottee  who  had  stated  that  the  property  

was allotted in her name in 2005 and on a proposal  

being made by Raghuvinder  Singh,  a  friend of  her  

husband,  to  sell  the  property  she  executed  an  

agreement to sell in his favour and a General Power  

of Attorney in the name of his wife, Savita Singh, at  

his instance but possession was not handed over to  

them.  He also examined one Sharad Kumar Sharma,  

who was a witness to the agreement to sell and the  

Power of Attorney executed by the original allottee,  

and said Sharma had stated that the General Power  

of  Attorney  was  executed  to  implement  the  

agreement to sell executed in favour of Raghuvinder  

Singh.  The Investigating Officer obtained an affidavit  

from the  complainant  which  was  kept  in  the  case  

diary, and on 25.2.2010 it was recorded in the case  

diary  that  a  criminal  offence  had  been  made  out  

against  the  accused persons.   The case diary  also  

evinced  that  there  was  an  effort  for  settlement  

between the informant and the accused persons and  

the  accused  persons  were  ready  to  return  the  



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amount  of  Rs.1,05,00,000/-  to  the  appellant.   On  

10.3.2010, he made an entry to file the charge-sheet  

against  the  respondents  under  Sections  420,  406,  

567,  468  and  479  of  the  IPC.   At  this  stage,  the  

accused  persons  again  colluded  with  the  previous  

Investigating  Officer  and  the  Station  House  Officer  

and got the investigation transferred to the previous  

Investigating Officer.  Coming to know about the said  

development,  the  appellant  submitted  a  petition  

before the Senior Superintendent of Police, Gautam  

Budh Nagar on 6.5.2010, but before any steps could  

be  taken  by  the  higher  authority,  the  said  

Investigating Officer submitted a final report stating  

that no offence under the IPC had been made out.  In  

the protest petition it was urged that the whole case  

diary should be perused and appropriate orders may  

be passed.

6. On  the  basis  of  the  aforesaid  protest  petition  the  

Chief  Judicial  Magistrate,  on  5.6.2010,  perused the  

final  report  submitted  by  the  Investigating  Officer,  

the  entire  case  diary,  the  protest  petition  and the  



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statements recorded under Section 161 of the CrPC  

by  the  previous  Investigating  Officer  and  came  to  

hold  that  even  if  a  suit  could  be  filed,  the  fact  

situation  prima  facie  revealed  criminal  culpability  

and,  accordingly,  took  cognizance  under  Sections  

420 and 406 of the IPC against the respondents and  

issued summons requiring them to appear before the  

court on 9.7.2010.

7. Being  dissatisfied  with  the  said  order,  the  

respondents preferred Criminal Revision No. 108 of  

2010 before the learned Sessions Judge contending,  

inter  alia,  that  the  FIR  had  been  lodged  with  an  

ulterior  motive  to  pressurize  the  respondents  to  

return the earnest money and  the complainant had,  

in  fact,  committed  breach  of  the  terms  of  the  

agreement;  that  the  allegations  made  in  the  FIR  

could only be ascertained on the basis of evidence  

and  documents  by  a  civil  court  of  competent  

jurisdiction  regard  being  had  to  the  nature  of  the  

dispute;  that  the  learned  Magistrate  had  taken  

cognizance without any material  in  the case diary;  



Page 9

and that the exercise of power under Section 190(1)

(b) of the CrPC was totally unwarranted in the case at  

hand.   The  revisional  court  scanned  the  material  

brought on record, perused the case diary in entirety,  

took note of the conduct of the Investigating Officer  

who had submitted the final report stating that the  

allegations  did  not  constitute  any  criminal  offence  

despite  the  material  brought  on  record  during  the  

course of investigation by the Investigating Officer,  

who  was  appointed  at  the  instance  of  the  Area  

Officer,  scrutinized  the  substance  of  material  

collected to the effect that Raghuvinder Singh had no  

right, title and interest in the property and a General  

Power of Attorney was executed in favour of his wife  

to  sell,  transfer  and  convey  all  rights,  title  and  

interest  in  the  plot  in  question  on  behalf  of  the  

original allottee and that the husband and wife had  

concealed the material factum of execution of Power  

of  Attorney  from the  complainant  and  opined  that  

both  the  accused  persons  had  fraudulent  and  

dishonest  intention  since  the  beginning  of  the  



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negotiation with the complainant and, therefore, the  

allegations prima facie constituted a criminal offence  

and it could not be said that it was a pure and simple  

dispute of civil nature.  Being of this view he gave the  

stamp of approval to the order passed by the learned  


8. The unsuccess in revision compelled the respondents  

to approach the High Court in a writ petition and the  

Writ  Court  came  to  hold  that  on  the  basis  of  the  

allegations  made  in  the  FIR  and  the  evidence  

collected  during  investigation  it  could  not  be  said  

that  the  instant  case  is  simpliciter  a  breach  of  

contract not attracting any criminal liability as far as  

the husband was concerned and there was a prima  

facie case triable for offences under Section 406 and  

420  of  the  IPC.   However,  while  dealing  with  the  

allegations  made  against  the  wife,  the  High  Court  

observed  that  there  being  no  entrustment  of  any  

property by the complainant to her and further there  

being no privity of contract between them, she was  

under  no  legal  obligation  to  disclose  to  the  



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complainant  that  she  held  a  registered  Power  of  

Attorney from the original allottee to sell and alienate  

the property in question and such non-disclosure of  

facts could not be said to have constituted offence  

either under Section 406 or Section 420 of the IPC.  

Being of this view the High Court partly allowed the  

writ  petition  and  quashed  the  order  taking  

cognizance  and  summoning  of  the  wife,  the  

respondent No. 2 herein.

9. We have heard Mr. Amit Khemka, learned counsel for  

the appellant, and Mr. Chetan Sharma, learned senior  

counsel appearing for the respondent Nos. 2 and 3.

10. It is submitted by Mr. Khemka learned counsel for the  

appellant  that  the  High  Court  could  not  have  

scrutinized the material brought on record as if it was  

sitting in appeal against the judgment of conviction  

and also committed error in ignoring certain material  

facts which make the order sensitively susceptible.  It  

is  his  further  submission that  the learned Sessions  

Judge had considered the entire gamut of facts and  

appositely  opined that  the order  taking cognizance  



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could not be flawed but the High Court by taking note  

of the fact that there was no privity of contract and  

the non-disclosure was not material has completely  

erred in its conclusion and, hence, the order deserves  

to be lancinated.

11. Mr. Chetan Sharma, learned senior counsel, resisting  

the  aforesaid  contentions,  canvassed  that  mere  

presence  of  the  respondent  No.  2  at  the  time  of  

signing of the agreement to sell does not amount to  

an offence under Section 420 of the IPC as she did  

not sign the document nor did she endorse the same  

as  a  witness.   It  is  urged by him that  no  criminal  

liability can be fastened on her, for the sine qua non  

for  attracting  criminality  is  to  show  dishonest  

intention right from the very inception which is non-

existent in the case at hand.  It is submitted by him  

that  if  the  criminal  action  is  allowed  to  continue  

against  her  that  would  put  a  premium  on  a  

commercial  strategy  adopted  by  the  appellant  in  

roping a lady only to have more bargaining power in  

the  matter  to  arrive  at  a  settlement  despite  the  



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breach  of  contract  by  him.   The  learned  senior  

counsel would further contend that the appellant has  

taken contradictory stands inasmuch as in one way  

he had demanded the forfeited amount and the other  

way lodged an FIR to set the criminal law in motion  

which  is  impermissible.   To  bolster  the  said  

contentions  reliance  has  been  placed  on  the  

judgments rendered in Hridya Rajan Pd. Verma &  

others  v.  State of Bihar and another1,  Murari  

Lal Gupta v. Gopi Singh2 and B. Suresh Yadav v.  

Sharifa Bee and another3.

12. At the very outset, it is necessary to state that on a  

perusal of the FIR, the protest petition and the order  

passed by the learned Magistrate, it is demonstrable  

that at various stages of the investigation different  

views were expressed by the Investigating Officers  

and the learned Magistrate has scrutinized the same  

and taking note of the allegations had exercised the  

power to reject the final report and take cognizance.  

The court taking cognizance and the revisional court  1 AIR 2000 SC 2341 2 (2006) 2 SCC (Cri) 430 3 (2007) 13 SCC 107



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have expressed the view that both the respondents  

had  nurtured  dishonest  intentions  from  the  very  

beginning  of  making  the  negotiation  with  the  

complainant and treated non-disclosure of execution  

of Power of Attorney in favour of the respondent No.  

2 herein by the original owner as a material omission  

as a consequence of which damage had been caused  

to  the  complainant.   The  learned  counsel  for  the  

appellant  would  submit  that  the  High  Court  has  

misguided  itself  by  observing  that  there  was  no  

entrustment of any property to the wife and further  

there was no privity of contract and non-disclosure  

on her part do not constitute an offence.  The learned  

senior counsel for the respondent has highlighted the  

factum  of  absence  of  privity  of  contract.   Regard  

being had to the allegations brought on record, the  

question that emerges for  consideration is  whether  

the  High  Court  is  justified  in  exercising  its  

extraordinary jurisdiction to quash the order taking  

cognizance against the respondent No. 2 herein.



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13. At  this  juncture,  we  may  note  that  Raghuvinder  

Singh, respondent No. 3, had filed SLP (Crl) No. 3894  

of 2011 which has been dismissed on 13.5.2011.

14. As advised at present we are inclined to discuss the  

decisions which have been commended to us by the  

learned senior counsel for the respondent.  In Hridya  

Rajan Pd. Verma (supra) a complaint was filed that  

the  accused  persons  therein  had  deliberately  and  

intentionally  diverted  and  induced  the  respondent  

society and the complainant by suppressing certain  

facts and giving false and concocted information and  

assurances to  the  complainant  so  as  to  make him  

believe that the deal was a fair  one and free from  

troubles.  The further allegation was that the accused  

person did so with the intention to acquire wrongful  

gain for themselves and to cause wrongful loss to the  

Society and the complainant and they had induced  

the  complainant  to  enter  into  negotiation  and  get  

advance  consideration  money  to  them.   The  two-

Judge Bench referred to the judgment in  State of  



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Haryana  v.  Bhajan  Lal4 wherein  this  Court  has  

enumerated certain  categories  of  cases  by  way of  

illustration  wherein  the  extraordinary  power  under  

Article 226 or the inherent powers under Section 482  

of  the  CrPC  could  be  exercised  either  to  prevent  

abuse  of  the  process  of  the  court  or  otherwise  to  

secure the ends of justice.  The Bench also referred  

to  the  decisions  in  Rupen  Deol  Bajaj  (Mrs.)  v.  

Kanwar  Pal  Singh Gill5,  Rajesh Bajaj  v.  State  

NCT of Delhi6 and State of Kerala v. O.C. Kuttan7  

wherein  the  principle  laid  down  in  Bhajan  Lal  

(supra) was reiterated.  The Court posed the question  

whether  the  case  of  the  appellants  therein  came  

under any of the categories enumerated in  Bhajan  

Lal (supra) and whether the allegations made in the  

FIR or the complaint if accepted in entirety did make  

out  a  case  against  the  accused-appellants  therein.  

For the aforesaid purpose advertence was made to  

offences  alleged  against  the  appellants,  the  

ingredients of the offences and the averments made  4 1992 Supp (1) SCC 335 5 AIR 1996 SC 309 6 (1999) 3 SCC 259 7 AIR 1999 SC 1044



Page 17

in the complaint.  The Court took the view that main  

offence  alleged  to  have  been  committed  by  the  

appellants is cheating punishable under Section 420  

of the IPC.  Scanning the definition of ‘cheating’ the  

Court opined that there are two separate classes of  

acts which the persons deceived may be induced to  

do.  In the first place he may be induced fraudulently  

or dishonestly to deliver any property to any person.  

The second class of acts set-forth in the section is the  

doing or  omitting to do anything which the person  

deceived would not do or omit to do if he were not so  

deceived.   In  the  first  class  of  cases  the  inducing  

must be fraudulent or dishonest.  In the second class  

of  acts,  the  inducing  must  be  intentional  but  not  

fraudulent  or  dishonest.   Thereafter,  the  Bench  

proceeded to state as follows: -

“16. In determining the question it has to  be  kept  in  mind  that  the  distinction  between mere breach of contract and the  offence  of  cheating  is  a  fine  one.   It  depends upon the intention of the accused  at the time of inducement which may be  judged by his subsequent conduct but for  this  subsequent  conduct  is  not  the  sole  test.  Mere breach of contract cannot give  rise  to  criminal  prosecution  for  cheating  



Page 18

unless fraudulent or dishonest intention is  shown  right  at  the  beginning  of  the  transaction,  that  is  the  time  when  the  offence  is  said  to  have been committed.  Therefore, it  is the intention which is the  gist of the offence.  To hold a person guilty  of cheating it is necessary to show that he  had  fraudulent  or  dishonest  intention  at  the time of making the promise.  From his  mere  failure  to  keep  up  promise  subsequently  such  a  culpable  intention  right  at  the  beginning,  that  is,  when  he  made the promise cannot be presumed.”

15. After laying down the principle the Bench referred to  

the complaint and opined that reading the averments  

in  the  complaint  in  entirety  and  accepting  the  

allegations to be true, the ingredients of intentional  

deception  on  the  part  of  the  accused  right  at  the  

beginning of the negotiations for the transaction had  

neither  been  expressly  stated  nor  indirectly  

suggested in the complaint.  All that the respondent  

No.  2  had alleged against  the  appellants  was  that  

they did not disclose to him that one of their brothers  

had filed  a  partition  suit  which was pending.   The  

requirement that the information was not disclosed  

by the appellants intentionally in order to make the  

respondent No. 2 part with property was not alleged  



Page 19

expressly  or  even  impliedly  in  the  complaint.  

Therefore, the core postulate of dishonest intention  

in order to deceive the complainant-respondent No. 2  

was not made out even accepting all the averments  

in the complaint on their face value and, accordingly,  

ruled that in such a situation continuing the criminal  

proceeding against the accused would be an abuse of  

process of the Court.

16. From the aforesaid decision it is quite clear that this  

Court recorded a finding that there was no averment  

in the complaint that intention to deceive on the part  

of the accused was absent right from the beginning  

of  the  negotiation  of  the  transaction  as  the  said  

allegation  had  neither  been  expressly  made  nor  

indirectly  suggested  in  the  complaint.   This  Court  

took  note  of  the  fact  that  only  non-disclosure  was  

that one of their  brothers had filed a partition suit  

which  was  pending and the allegation that  such  a  

disclosure was not made intentionally to deceive the  

complainant was absent.   It  is  worthy to note that  

this  Court  referred  to  certain  averments  in  the  



Page 20

complaint petition and scrutinized the allegations and  

recorded the aforesaid finding.  The present case, as  

we  perceive,  stands  on  a  different  factual  matrix  

altogether.  The learned Sessions Judge has returned  

a finding that there was intention to deceive from the  

very beginning,  namely,  at  the time of  negotiation  

but the High Court has dislodged the same on the  

foundation  that  the  respondent  No.  2  was  merely  

present and there was no privity of contract between  

the complainant and her.  We will advert to the said  

factual analysis at a later stage after discussing the  

other  authorities  which  have  been  placed  reliance  

upon  by  the  learned  senior  counsel  for  the  


17. In  Murari  Lal  Gupta  (supra)  a  two-Judge  Bench  

quashed  the  criminal  complaint  instituted  under  

Sections  406  and  420  of  the  IPC  on  the  following  

analysis: -

“The  complaint  does  not  make  any  averment so as to infer any fraudulent or  dishonest  inducement  having been made  by  the  petitioner  pursuant  to  which  the  respondent parted with the money.   It  is  



Page 21

not  the  case  of  the  respondent  that  the  petitioner  does  not  have the  property  or  that the petitioner was not competent to  enter  into  an agreement  to  sell  or  could  not have transferred title in the property to  the  respondent.   Merely  because  an  agreement to sell was entered into which  agreement the petitioner failed to honour,  it  cannot  be  said  that  the  petitioner  has  cheated  the  respondent.   No  case  for  prosecution under Section 420 or Section  406 IPC is made out even prima facie.  The  complaint filed by the respondent and that  too  at  Madhepura  against  the  petitioner,  who is a resident of Delhi, seems to be an  attempt  to  pressurize  the  petitioner  for  coming to terms with the respondent.”

In our considered opinion the factual position in the  

aforesaid case is demonstrably different and, hence, we  

have no hesitation in stating that the said decision is not  

applicable to the case at hand.

18. In  B. Suresh Yadav (supra) the complainant,  who  

was  defendant  in  the  suit,  had  filed  a  written  

statement from which it was manifest that she at all  

material  times  was  aware  of  the  purported  

demolition  of  the  rooms  standing  on  the  suit  

property.  It was contended in the written statement  

that  the  suit  properties  were  different  from  the  

subject-matter of the deed of sale.  After filing the  



Page 22

written  statement  the  respondent  had  filed  the  

complaint under Section 420 of the IPC.  The Court  

took note of the fact that there existed a dispute as  

to  whether  the  property  whereupon  the  said  two  

rooms were allegedly situated was the same property  

forming the subject-matter of the deed of sale or not  

and a civil suit had already been filed pertaining to  

the said dispute.  The Court also took note of the fact  

that at the time of execution of the sale deed the  

accused  had  not  made  any  false  or  misleading  

representation and there was no omission on his part  

to  do anything which  he could  have done.   Under  

these  circumstances,  the  Court  opined  that  the  

dispute  between  the  parties  was  basically  a  civil  

dispute.   It  is apt to note here that the Court also  

opined  that  when  a  stand  had  been  taken  in  a  

complaint petition which is contrary to or inconsistent  

with the stand taken by him in a civil suit, the same  

assumes  significance  and  had  there  been  an  

allegation that the accused got the said two rooms  

demolished and concealed the said fact at the time  



Page 23

of execution of the deed of sale,  the matter would  

have been different.  Being of this view, this Court  

quashed the criminal proceeding as that did amount  

to abuse of the process of the court.  On an x-ray of  

the factual score, it can safely be stated that the said  

pronouncement  renders  no  assistance to  the  lis  in  


19. Before we proceed to scan and analyse the material  

brought on record in the case at hand, it is seemly to  

refer to certain authorities wherein the ingredients of  

cheating have been highlighted.  In State of Kerala  

v.  A.  Pareed  Pillai  and  another8,  a  two-Judge  

Bench  ruled  that  to  hold  a  person  guilty  of  the  

offence  of  cheating,  it  has  to  be  shown  that  his  

intention was dishonest  at  the time of  making the  

promise  and  such  a  dishonest  intention  cannot  be  

inferred  from  a  mere  fact  that  he  could  not  

subsequently fulfil the promise.   

20. In  G.V.  Rao v.  L.H.V.  Prasad  and others9, this  

Court has held thus: -

8 AIR 1973 SC 326 9 (2000) 3 SCC 693



Page 24

“7. As mentioned above, Section 415 has  two  parts.  While  in  the  first  part,  the  person  must  “dishonestly”  or  “fraudulently”  induce  the  complainant  to  deliver  any property;  in  the second part,  the person should intentionally induce the  complainant to do or omit to do a thing.  That is to say, in the first part, inducement  must  be  dishonest  or  fraudulent.  In  the  second  part,  the  inducement  should  be  intentional.  As  observed  by  this  Court  in  Jaswantrai  Manilal  Akhaney v.  State  of  Bombay10 a guilty intention is an essential  ingredient  of  the  offence  of  cheating.  In  order, therefore, to secure conviction of a  person for the offence of cheating, “mens  rea” on the part of that person, must be  established.  It  was  also  observed  in  Mahadeo Prasad v.  State of W.B.11 that in  order to constitute the offence of cheating,  the  intention  to  deceive  should  be  in  existence  at  the  time  when  the  inducement was offered.”

21. In S.N. Palanitkar and others v. State of Bihar  

and another12,  it has been laid down that in order  

to constitute an offence of cheating, the intention to  

deceive should be in existence at the time when the  

inducement was made.  It is necessary to show that  

a person had fraudulent or dishonest intention at the  

time  of  making  the  promise,  to  say  that  he  

committed  an  act  of  cheating.   A  mere  failure  to  10 AIR 1956 SC 575 11 AIR 1954 SC 724 12 AIR 2001 SC 2960



Page 25

keep up promise subsequently cannot be presumed  

as an act leading to cheating.

22. In the said case while dealing with the ingredients of  

criminal breach of trust and cheating, the Bench observed  

thus: -

“9. The ingredients in order to constitute a  criminal breach of trust are: (i) entrusting a  person with property or with any dominion  over property (ii) that person entrusted (a)  dishonestly misappropriating or converting  that  property  to  his  own  use;  or  (b)  dishonestly  using  or  disposing  of  that  property  or  wilfully  suffering  any  other  person  so  to  do  in  violation  (i)  of  any  direction  of  law  prescribing  the  mode  in  which such trust is to be discharged, (ii) of  any  legal  contract  made,  touching  the  discharge of such trust.

10. The  ingredients  of  an  offence  of  cheating are: (i) there should be fraudulent  or  dishonest  inducement  of  a  person  by  deceiving  him,  (ii)(a)  the  person  so  deceived should be induced to deliver any  property to any person, or to consent that  any person shall retain any property; or (b)  the  person  so  deceived  should  be  intentionally induced to do or omit to do  anything which he would not do or omit if  he were not so deceived; and (iii) in cases  covered  by  (ii)(b),  the  act  of  omission  should be one which causes or is likely to  cause  damage  or  harm  to  the  person  induced  in  body,  mind,  reputation  or  property.”



Page 26

23. Coming  to  the  facts  of  the  present  case,  it  is  

luminicent from the FIR that the allegations against the  

respondent No. 2 do not only pertain to her presence  

but also about her total  silence and connivance with  

her husband and transfer of property using Power of  

Attorney in favour of Monika Goel.  It is also graphically  

clear that the complainant had made allegations that  

Raghuvinder Singh and his wife, Savita Singh, had met  

him at the site, showed the registered agreement and  

the cash and cheque were given to them at that time.  

It is also mentioned in the FIR that on 28.7.2008, Savita  

Singh had received the possession of the said plot and  

on  the  same day  it  was  transferred  in  the  name of  

Monika Goel.  It is also reflectible that on 28.2.2007,  

Raghuvinder Singh and Savita Singh had got prepared  

and registered two documents in the office of the Sub-

Registrar consisting one agreement to sell in favour of  

Raghuvinder  Singh  and  another  General  Power  of  

Attorney  in  favour  of  the  wife.   The  allegation  of  

collusion  by  the  husband  and  wife  has  clearly  been  

stated.  During the investigation, as has been stated  



Page 27

earlier,  many  a  fact  emerged  but  the  same  were  

ignored  and  a  final  report  was  submitted.   In  the  

protest  petition  the  complainant  had  asseverated  

everything  in  detail  about  what  emerged  during  the  

course  of  investigation.   The  learned  Chief  Judicial  

Magistrate after perusal of the case diary and the FIR  

has expressed the view that a case under Sections 406  

and 420 of the IPC had been made out against both the  

accused  persons.   The  learned  Sessions  Judge,  after  

referring  to  the  ingredients  and  the  role  ascribed,  

concurred with the same.  The High Court declined to  

accept the said analysis on the ground that it was mere  

presence and further there was no privity of contract  

between the complainant and the respondent No. 2.

24. At this stage, we may usefully note that some times  

a case may apparently look to be of civil nature or may  

involve  a  commercial  transaction  but  such  civil  

disputes  or  commercial  disputes  in  certain  

circumstances may also contain ingredients of criminal  

offences  and  such  disputes  have  to  be  entertained  

notwithstanding  they  are  also  civil  disputes.   In  this  



Page 28

context,  we  may  reproduce  a  passage  from  

Mohammed Ibrahim and others v. State of Bihar  

and another13: -

“8. This Court has time and again drawn  attention to the growing tendency of the  complainants attempting to give the cloak  of a criminal offence to matters which are  essentially  and  purely  civil  in  nature,  obviously either to apply pressure on the  accused,  or  out  of  enmity  towards  the  accused,  or  to  subject  the  accused  to  harassment.   Criminal  courts  should  ensure that proceedings before it are not  used  for  settling  scores  or  to  pressurize  parties to settle civil disputes.  But at the  same time, it should be noted that several  disputes of a civil nature may also contain  the ingredients of criminal offences and if  so,  will  have  to  be  tried  as  criminal  offences, even if they also amount to civil  disputes.  (See  G.  Sagar  Suri  v.  State  of  U.P.14 and  Indian Oil Corpn.  v.  NEPC India  Ltd.15)”

25. In this context we may usefully refer to a paragraph  

from  All  Cargo Movers (I)  Pvt.  Ltd.  V.  Dhanesh  

Badarmal Jain & Anr.16

“…..Where a civil  suit is pending and the  complaint petition has been filed one year  after filing of the civil suit, we may for the  purpose of finding out as to whether the  

13 (2009) 8 SCC 751 14 (2000) 2 SCC 636 15 (2006) 6 SCC 736 16 AIR 2008 SC 247



Page 29

said  allegations  are  prima  facie  cannot  notice the  correspondence exchanged by  the parties and other admitted documents.  It is one thing to say that the Court at this  juncture would not consider the defence of  the accused but it is another thing to say  that for exercising the inherent jurisdiction  of  this  Court,  it  is  impermissible  also  to  look to the admitted documents. Criminal  proceedings  should  not  be  encouraged,  when  it  is  found  to  be  mala  fide  or  otherwise an abuse of the process of the  court. Superior Courts while exercising this  power should also strive to serve the ends  of justice.”

26. In  Rajesh  Bajaj  v.  State  NCT  of  Delhi  and  

others17,  while  dealing  with  a  case  where  the  High  

Court had quashed an F.I.R., this Court opined that the  

facts narrated in the complaint petition may reveal a  

commercial  transaction  or  a  money  transaction,  but  

that is hardly a reason for holding that the offence of  

cheating  would  elude  from  such  a  transaction.  

Proceeding further, the Bench observed thus: -

“11. The  crux  of  the  postulate  is  the  intention  of  the  person  who  induces  the  victim  of  his  representation  and  not  the  nature  of  the  transaction  which  would  become  decisive  in  discerning  whether  there  was  commission  of  offence or  not.  The complainant has stated in the body of  the  complaint  that  he  was  induced  to  

17 AIR 1999 SC 1216



Page 30

believe that the respondent would honour  payment on receipt  of  invoices,  and that  the  complainant  realised  later  that  the  intentions  of  the  respondent  were  not  clear.  He  also  mentioned  that  the  respondent after receiving the goods had  sold them to others and still he did not pay  the money.  Such averments would prima  facie make out a case for investigation by  the authorities.”

27. We have referred to the aforesaid decisions in the  

field  to  highlight  about  the  role  of  the  Court  while  

dealing with such issues.  In our considered opinion the  

present  case  falls  in  the  category  which  cannot  be  

stated at this stage to be purely civil in nature on the  

basis  of  the  admitted  documents  or  the  allegations  

made  in  the  FIR  or  what  has  come  out  in  the  

investigation or for that matter what has been stated in  

the  protest  petition.   We  are  disposed  to  think  that  

prima facie there is allegation that there was a guilty  

intention  to  induce  the  complainant  to  part  with  

money.  We may hasten to clarify that it is not a case  

where a promise initially made could not lived up to  

subsequently.  It is not a case where it could be said  

that even if the allegations in entirety are accepted, no  

case is  made out.   Needless to  emphasise,  the High  



Page 31

Court, while exercising power under Article 226 of the  

Constitution or Section 482 of the CrPC, has to adopt a  

very  cautious  approach.   In  Central  Bureau  of  

Investigation v. Ravi Shankar Srivastava, IAS and  

another18, the Court, after referring to  Janata Dal  v.  

H.S.  Chowdhary19 and  Raghubir  Saran  (Dr.)  v.  

State  of  Bihar20,  has  observed  that  the  powers  

possessed by the High Court under Section 482 of the  

IPC are very wide and the very plentitude of the power  

requires great caution in its exercise.  The court must  

be careful to see that its decision in exercise of this  

power is based on sound principles and such inherent  

powers should not be exercised to stifle a legitimate  

prosecution.  This Court has further stated that it is not  

proper for the High Court to analyse the case of the  

complainant in the light of all probabilities in order to  

determine whether a conviction would be sustainable  

and on such premises arrive at a conclusion that the  

proceedings are to be quashed.   It  has been further  

pronounced that it would be erroneous to assess the  

18 (2006) 7 SCC 188 19 (1992) 4 SCC 305 20 AIR 1964 SC 1



Page 32

material  before  it  and  conclude  that  the  complaint  

could not be proceeded with.  The Bench has opined  

that  the  meticulous  analysis  of  the  case  is  not  

necessary and the complaint has to be read as a whole  

and  if  it  appears  that  on  consideration  of  the  

allegations in the light of the statement made on oath  

of the complainant that the ingredients of the offence  

or offences are disclosed and there is no material to  

show  that  the  complaint  is  mala  fide,  frivolous  or  

vexatious, in that event there would be no justification  

for interference by the High Court.

28. In  R. Kalyani  v.  Janak C.  Mehta and others21,  

after referring to the decisions in Hamida v. Rashid22  

and  State of Orissa  v.  Saroj Kumar Sahoo23,  this  

Court eventually culled out the following propositions: -

“15. Propositions  of  law  which  emerge  from the said decisions are:

a. The  High  Court  ordinarily  would  not  exercise  its  inherent  jurisdiction  to  quash  a  criminal  proceeding  and,  in  particular,  a  first  information  report  unless the allegations contained therein,  even if given face value and taken to be  

21 (2009) 1 SCC 516 22 (2008) 1 SCC 474 23 (2005) 13 SCC 540



Page 33

correct  in  their  entirety,  disclosed  no  cognizable offence.

b. For the said purpose the Court, save and  except  in  very  exceptional  circumstances,  would  not  look  to  any  document relied upon by the defence.

c. Such a power should be exercised very  sparingly.  If the allegations made in the  FIR disclose commission of an offence,  the Court shall not go beyond the same  and  pass  an  order  in  favour  of  the  accused to  hold  absence of  any  mens  rea or actus reus.

d. If the allegation discloses a civil dispute,  the same by itself may not be a ground  to  hold  that  the  criminal  proceedings  should not be allowed to continue.”

29. It is worth noting that it was observed therein that  

one of the paramount duties of the superior court is to  

see  that  person  who  is  absolutely  innocent  is  not  

subjected to prosecution and humiliation on the basis  

of a false and wholly untenable complaint.

30. Recently in  Gian Singh  v.  State of Punjab and  

another24 a three-Judge Bench has observed that: -

“55. In the very nature of its constitution,  it is the judicial obligation of the High Court  to  undo  a  wrong  in  course  of  administration  of  justice  or  to  prevent  continuation  of  unnecessary  judicial  

24 (2012) 10 SCC 303



Page 34

process.   This  is  founded  on  the  legal  maxim  quando lex aliquid alicui concedit,   conceditur et id sine qua res ipsa esse non   potest.   The  full  import  of  which  is  whenever  anything  is  authorised,  and  especially if, as a matter of duty, required  to be done by law, it is found impossible to  do  that  thing  unless  something  else  not  authorised in express terms be also done,  may  also  be  done,  then  that  something  else  will  be  supplied  by  necessary  intendment.  Ex debito justitiae is inbuilt in  such exercise; the whole idea is to do real,  complete and substantial justice for which  it exists.  The power possessed by the High  Court under Section 482 of the Code is of  wide amplitude but requires exercise with  great caution and circumspection.”

31. Applying  the  aforesaid  parameters  we  have  no  

hesitation in coming to hold that neither the FIR nor the  

protest petition was mala fide, frivolous or vexatious.  It  

is also not a case where there is no substance in the  

complaint.  The manner in which the investigation was  

conducted by the officer who eventually filed the final  

report and the transfer of the investigation earlier to  

another  officer  who  had  almost  completed  the  

investigation and the entire case diary which has been  

adverted to in detail in the protest petition prima facie  

makes out a case against  the husband and the wife  

regarding collusion and the intention to cheat from the  



Page 35

very beginning, inducing him to hand over a huge sum  

of money to both of them.  Their conduct of not stating  

so  many  aspects,  namely,  the  Power  of  Attorney  

executed by the original owner, the will and also the  

sale effected by the wife in the name of Monika Singh  

on 28.7.2008 cannot be brushed aside at this stage.  

Therefore,  we  are  disposed  to  think  that  the  High  

Court,  while  exercising  the  extraordinary  jurisdiction,  

had not proceeded on the sound principles of law for  

quashment of order taking cognizance.  The High Court  

and has been guided by the non-existence of privity of  

contract and without appreciating the factual scenario  

has observed that the wife was merely present.  Be it  

noted,  if  the wife had nothing to do with any of the  

transactions with the original owner and was not aware  

of the things, possibly the view of the High Court could  

have gained acceptation,  but when the wife had the  

Power  of  Attorney  in  her  favour  and  was  aware  of  

execution of the will,  had accepted the money along  

with her husband from the complainant, it is extremely  

difficulty to say that an innocent person is dragged to  



Page 36

face a vexatious litigation or humiliation.   The entire  

conduct of the respondent Nos. 2 and 3 would show  

that a prima facie case is made out and allegations are  

there  on  record  in  this  regard  that  they  had  the  

intention to cheat from the stage of negotiation.  That  

being the position, the decision in  Hridya Rajan Pd.  

Verma & others (supra) which is commended to us by  

Mr. Sharma, learned senior counsel, to which we have  

adverted  to  earlier,  does  not  really  assist  the  

respondents  and we say so after  making the factual  

analysis in detail.

32. In view of our aforesaid analysis we allow the appeal,  

set aside the order passed by the High Court and direct  

the  Magistrate  to  proceed  in  accordance  with  law.  

However,  we  may  clarify  that  we  may  not  be  

understood  to  have  expressed  any  opinion  on  the  

merits  of  the  case  one  way  or  the  other  and  our  

observations must be construed as limited to the order  

taking cognizance and nothing more than that.   The  

learned  Magistrate  shall  decide  the  case  on  its  own  

merit  without  being  influenced  by  any  of  our  



Page 37

observations as the same have been made only for the  

purpose  of  holding  that  the  order  of  cognizance  is  

prima facie valid and did not warrant interference by  

the High Court.

……………………………….J. [K. S. Radhakrishnan]

……………………………….J.                                            [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi; January 10, 2013