13 September 2012
Supreme Court


Case number: Crl.A. No.-001407-001407 / 2012
Diary number: 35252 / 2009


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CRIMINAL     APPEAL     NO.       1407         OF     2012   (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.1516 of 2010)

Amit Kapoor ... Appellant


Ramesh Chander & Anr. ... Respondents

J     U     D     G     M     E     N     T   

Swatanter     Kumar,     J  .

1. Leave granted.

2. A question of law that arises more often than not in criminal  

cases is that of the extent and scope of the powers exercisable by  

the High Court under Section 397 independently or read with  

Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short,  

the ‘Code’).    

3. The facts as they emerge from the record fall within a very  

narrow compass.  On 4th December, 2007, the Rajouri Garden  

Police Station received information that a woman had committed  



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suicide at C-224, Tagore Garden Extension, Delhi.  Upon making  

entry under DD No.16A of that date, Sub Inspector O.P. Mandal  

commenced investigation and reached the place of occurrence.  

The deceased was identified as Komal Kapoor.  Her body was sent  

for post mortem.  The Investigating Officer recorded the statement  

of her son Amit Kapoor and on 5.12.2007 at about 12.15 p.m. an  

FIR was registered on the complaint filed by him.  This FIR was  

registered against Ramesh Chander Sibbal (the accused) and  

another, on the basis of the statement of Amit Kapoor and the  

suicide note.  According to Amit Kapoor, he knew Ramesh  

Chander Sibbal for the last 10 years.  Father of Amit Kapoor was  

running a paint brush business and had purchased property  

No.C-225, Tagore Garden, Delhi through the said Ramesh  

Chander Sibbal.  Since the father of Amit Kapoor had fallen ill,  

his mother was also looking after the business.  However, the  

family business suffered acute losses.  The family discussed the  

possibility of selling their moveable and immoveable property  

situated at Rohini.  The accused persons are stated to have  

fraudulently obtained signatures of the deceased in this  

connection.  In order to get over the financial crises and to meet  

their liabilities, the deceased had also discussed the possibility of  

selling another plot owned by the family situated in Bawana  

Industrial Area.  At that time also, the accused told the deceased  



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that certain documents have to be executed before the plot is  

sold.  On this pretext, he again got some papers signed by them.  

The accused paid a sum of Rs.5,00,000/- to the deceased at the  

first instance and thereafter a sum of Rs.3,00,000/- for the plot  

situated in Bawana as against the market value of  

Rs.28,00,000/-, with an assurance that the rest of the amount  

will be paid after execution of the sale deed.   

4. Around the time of Dussehra in 2007, the accused  

approached the deceased claiming that he be given  

accommodation on a temporary basis for a period of ten to twelve  

days on the ground floor of her house situated at C-224, Tagore  

Garden, Delhi on the pretext that his own house was under  

renovation.  The deceased believing him and keeping the  

relationship in mind, agreed and allowed him to occupy two  

rooms on the ground floor.  It is alleged that while the deceased  

was away at Haridwar, just before the festival of Diwali, the  

accused encroached upon one more room in the said house.  

When the deceased asked the accused to vacate the said  

premises, he refused and, on the contrary, stated that he had  

paid a sum of Rs.24,00,000/- and that it was his house.  Not only  

this, the accused as well as his son threatened the deceased and  

her family to vacate the house or else they would ruin them.  It is  



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also alleged that when the deceased asked the accused as to when  

she will get rid of this problem, he is said to have replied that she  

could get rid of this only after her death.  This was followed by the  

accused sending a legal notice dated 1st December, 2007 to the  

deceased which was received on 3rd December, 2007 in which  

similar claim was made by the accused against the deceased.  The  

trust that she had placed upon the accused was totally betrayed  

by him.  This led to the deceased slipping into depression.  In face  

of all these circumstances, coupled with the threats extended by  

the accused persons, the deceased committed suicide on  

4.12.2007 at about 7.30 a.m. by hanging herself from a ceiling  

fan, using a scarf (chunni).  It may be noticed at this stage, that  

the deceased had left a suicide note which can appropriately be  

reproduced at this stage as under :

“This Ramesh Sibbal, his wife Suman and his  son Gaurav.

I am committing suicide for the reason that  the aforesaid persons who are residing in our  house forcefully, used to say that he was to  do white wash so please allow him to keep  some of his articles.  But after some time,  when I came, I saw that the aforesaid person  has completely occupied my house as his  own house.  When my children objected to  his aforesaid act, he said that he was to stay  there only for a period of 04 days and that he  would perform Diwali worship pooja  ceremony at his own house but he did not  



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vacate the house.  When I had gone to  Haridwar, he occupied front room of my  house as well after giving beatings to my  children.  I know this person since that day  when he had got my plot of Rohini disposed  off.  As we both (husband and wife) had not  read those papers (relating to disposal of our  Rohini plot) so this person kept on obtaining  our signatures on the stamp papers relating  to our House No. C-224 on the pretext that  these papers were required to execute the  lease.  My husband was ill and I used to  remain busy in looking after him.  Whenever,  he came to us he used to show urgency in  taking our signature by stating that the sale  proceed of our plot would be given to us that  day itself.  He kept on giving payment time to  time to us and we kept on receiving the  same.

Written on the top of page 411

This man gave me only a sum of Rs 05 lacs of  my plot situated in Bawana, but he obtained  my signature on Rs 15 lacs as I did not read  the contents thereof.

When this man got our Bawana a plot sold,  he took the file from us but I do not know as  to what he had done with that amount.  He  used to say that he had given us the entire  amount.  Whatever amount he gave to us he  used to take in writing on a paper.  After  giving his amount, when I asked for the file,  he demanded Rs.05 lacs otherwise, he would  reveal it to my daughter that the file was  lying with him.  He also threatened me to  sign the paper without raising any objection  otherwise, he would get our children  grandson and granddaughter kidnapped.  On  this, I used to scare and this man used to  succeed in getting the stamp papers signed  by me.  When he got our plot of Rohini sold,  he started obtaining my signatures.  But at  



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the time when the plot of Rohini was sold, he  told me that the plot situated in Bawana has  been sold and he asked us to accompany him  to sign the papers.  Thereafter, he said that  the person with whom he has kept the file  was saying to him that he could take away  the file from that person but only in lieu of  keeping papers of some other house with that  person.  When this man (suggested) me to  keep other file (of property) in lieu of taking  the said file from that person and this man  (also assured me) that he would return those  papers of property to me as and when the  plot of Bawana would be sold.  On this, I  handed over the file of property No. C-225 to  this man.  After that, he told that the plot  was not getting higher price and so he offered  us to take some amount, if required by us  urgently whereupon , this man gave us a  sum of Rs. 3 lacs but he kept on taking an  interest at the rate of 10%.  This man gave  us Rs.5 lacs earlier and Rs.3 lacs later so he  kept on taking an interest on Rs. 8 lacs.  Before Diwali, I gave him a cheque of  Rs.2,50,000/- and also gave a sum of Rs.3  lacs in cash to his son.  Thereafter, I gave a  sum of Rs.2 lacs in cash and his son knows  the account of it whose name is Gaurav.  When I gave money, I asked him to give me  the written paper as I have returned the as I  have returned the money whereupon, he  (Gaurav) said that since he had no paper  with him that time so the same would be  returned to her by his father.  This man’s son  Gaurav and wife Suman are together involved  (in this conspiracy).  His son also used to do  my fake signatures.  Whenever, I demanded  my file back from him, he used to ask me to  return Rs.15 lacs first.  On this, when I  asked him as to how the amount of Rs.5 lacs  became to Rs.15 lacs?  He replied that it had  become Rs.15 lacs including interest thereon.  I kept on giving him interest because of the  fear of my family.  He has also grabbed my  entire money which I had taken on loan basis  



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from somewhere.  I kept on giving him  interest only for the reason that since he  used to promise me to return the papers that  day itself or on the next day.

Written on top of page no.415

He said that the money of Bawana’s (plot) has  been sent by his father and he asked me to  write down a receipt of Rs.04 lacs and when I  wrote a receipt of it, he said that the money  was kept in the motorcycle and he was first  giving me the cash but this man’s son did not  give me the said cash.  He asked me to sign  the papers related to Bawana’s (plot) first and  then he would return the paper as well as the  money to me.  On reaching the house, I  demanded the money and paper from him  whereupon he said that he had the paper  written by me and that he would show that  paper to my son and when my son asked him  to return the paper, he replied that he would  not return the paper as his mother had taken  a sum of Rs.15 lacs from him.  Kindly take it  guaranteed that out of aforesaid Rs.15 lacs I  have returned a sum of Rs. of Seven and a  half lacs to him.  After that, this man’s son  came to me and said that his father was  saying to give papers of property No.C-225 to  you and in lieu thereof he asked me to show  him the file of lease.  On this, when I started  to show him the said file to him then, this  man’s son Gaurav said that he was just  giving me the said paper and saying this he  took away the lease file from me and since  then, he had not returned me the said paper.  Kindly save my house.  Please save my  children from this person.  I have not visited  any court to sign.  One day these persons  crossed all the limits when his wife said that  she was agreed to return all the papers in  lieu of giving a receipt of the same in writing.  After that, they gave me the amount of sale  proceeds of Rohini and Bawana’s properties.  



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She brought fake papers which were related  to some other person’s property, to me.  I saw  that those papers were fake papers and were  in English language and when I showed those  papers to someone, it was found that those  papers were not related to my plot.  When I  went to this man’s house to show him that  those papers were not related to my plot, his  wife said that since there was no electricity in  her house that time so they had given some  others property paper to her mistakenly and  that they were just sending their son Gaurav  to give me the correct papers but Gaurav did  not come to me till today.  Thereafter, we  started receiving threats from Gunda  elements that they would harm us in  different ways.  I have no proof of the money  returned by me.  This man used to say to my  female friends that he would show them after  purchasing my house by hook and crook.  He  used to spread rumour in the street that I,  Komal have sold out my house to him and  that there were several cases pending related  to that house.

I pray, with folded hands, that keeping in  view the illness of my husband, my house  and the papers related thereto may please be  restored to me.  This man’s wife Suman and  their son Gaurav are most dishonest persons.  His wife Suman used to talk in such an  artificial way as she was telling a truth. One  of my sons had died due to cancer and if I  am dishonest to anyone, my rest of both  children may also die from cancer.  You can  verify these facts from the residents of the  street as to how many houses (families) has  been ruined by this person.  This man is  supported by some reputed persons who use  to give him money but he did not return their  money.  He kept on keeping papers of our  property with him and used to lend our  money on interest to other persons.  This  man intends to grab my house.  My matter  may please be decided.  This man Ramesh  



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Sibbal, his wife Suman and son Gaurav may  be punished so that they may not commit  such an act with anyone in future.  He kept  on threatening me while involving my  daughter-in-law that he would do this and  that.  Since the day this man entered my  house, everything has been ruined by him.  I  may please be imparted justice.

Sd/- Komal Kapur

(In English)”

5. The Investigating Officer prepared the site plan, effected  

recoveries of the articles from the place of occurrence and  

thereafter recorded the statements of the witnesses.  Upon  

completion of the investigation, a charge sheet was filed in terms  

of Section 173(2) of the Code wherein Ramesh Chander Sibbal  

was stated as the accused and names of his wife, Suman Sibbal  

and son Gaurav Sibbal were shown in Column No.2.  Upon  

committal, the learned Additional Sessions Judge framed charges  

against the accused under Sections 306 and 448 of the Indian  

Penal Code, 1860 (IPC).

6. The accused filed a criminal revision being Criminal Revision  

No.227 of 2009 in the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi  

challenging the order of the trial Court dated 2nd April, 2009,  

framing the charge.  The High Court vide its judgment dated 13th  

August, 2009 quashed the charge framed under Section 306 IPC,  



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while permitting the Trial Court to continue the trial in relation to  

the offence under Section 448 IPC.  It will be useful to refer to  

certain findings recorded by the High Court in its judgment dated  

13th August, 2009 :

“3. In the background of the aforesaid case  set up by the prosecution the learned  counsel for the petitioner submitted  that the ingredients of an offence under  Section 306 of the IPC were not present  in the instant case.  As a matter of fact  the learned counsel for the petitioner  went further to say that this is not a  case of suicide, rather is, a case of  homicide.  For this purpose he took me  through the post mortem report and  also the literature (Pathology of Neck  Injury by Peter Venezis).  On being told  that since the trial was on and hence,  the learned counsel decided to give up  the arguments initially advanced on  this aspect of the matter.

3.1 As regards whether a charge could be  framed under Section 306 of the IPC,  the upshot of his submissions was that  even if the entire material/evidence  placed on record by the prosecution is  fully accepted to be correct, no offence  under Section 306 of the IPC is made  out against the petitioner accused.  For  this purpose the learned counsel for  the petitioner took me through the  suicide note dated 04.12.2007, the  statement of the sons of the deceased  Amit Kapoor (the complainant) and  Sumit Kapoor, as well as, the report of  the Forensic Science Laboratory.  It  was his submission that merely  because the petitioner-accused is  



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named in the suicide note and has  been referred to as the reason which  propelled the deceased to take the  extreme step of suicide, it would still  not fall within the realm of Section 306  of the IPC.   


g. a perusal of the suicide note brings to  fore the fact the petitioner-accused is  not only named but his illegal  occupation of the house of the  deceased is stated to be one of the  primary reasons for Kamol Kapoor, to  have committed suicide.  The  statement of the sons of the deceased,  Amit Kapoor and Sumit Kapoor, is  primarily on the same lines.  The issue  for consideration is that, even if it is  assumed at this stage, that the suicide  note was written in the hand writing of  the deceased and the statement of Amit  Kapoor is believed to be true in its  entirety would it be sufficient to charge  the petitioner-accused with the offence  of abetment of suicide by Komal  Kapoor.  In my view the answer is in  the negative.  The mere fact that the  actions of the petitioner-accused, that  is, forcible occupation of the portion of  the house of the deceased, led her to  take the extreme step of committing  suicide would not bring his act within  the definition of abetment as there is  no material or evidence placed by the  prosecution on record to show that he  intended or had the necessary mens  rea that the Komal Kapoor should take  the extreme step of committing suicide.  As long as there is absence of material  and/or evidence on record to show that  the abettor had intended to aid or  encourage the commission of the  



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principal offence, the accused cannot  be charged with the offence of  abetment and, therefore, in the present  case, abetment to commit suicide.  Nor  I am persuaded by the submission that  because the name of the petioner- accused appears in the suicide note it  would be sufficient to charge him with  an offence under Section 306 of the  IPC.  In this context see observation in  Sanju @ Sanjay Singh Senger (supra)  and Mahender Singh (supra).  In both  the cases not ony was the accused  named in the suicide note but they  were also cited as the reason for  committing suicide by the deceased.  The learned APP may perhaps be  correct in his submission that the  agreement to sell dated 30.06.2007  was executed by the petitioner- accused, only to grab the property of  the deceased after a receipt had been  executed by the deceased  acknowledging that she had taken a  loan from the petitioner-accused in the  first instance in the sum of Rs.15 lacs  and thereafter, another sum of Rs. 1  lac, but then, this aspect of the matter  will get unravelled only after a full- fledged trial.  I do not wish to comment  any further on this aspect of the matter  as it could impact both, the case of the  prosecution as well as that of the  defence, and perhaps wisely, therefore,  even the learned counsel or the  petitioner-accused has not assailed the  charge framed under Section 448 of  the IPC.


12. For the aforementioned reasons, I am  of the opinion that it is a fit case in  which this Court should exercise its  



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revisional and inherent powers to  quash the charge framed against the  petitioner accused under Section 306  of the IPC.  The revision petition is thus  partially allowed.  The charge framed  against the petitioner-accused under  Section 306 of the IPC shall be  dropped.  The trial court will continue  with the trial of the petitioner-accused  in respect of the remaining charge  framed against him.”

7. Aggrieved from the judgment of the High Court, in the  

present appeal, the appellant impugnes the same primarily on the  

ground that the High Court had exceeded and not appropriately  

exercised its jurisdiction under Sections 397 and 482 of the Code  

in quashing the charge framed against the respondent under  

Section 306 IPC.

8. Before examining the merits of the present case, we must  

advert to the discussion as to the ambit and scope of the power  

which the courts including the High Court can exercise under  

Section 397 and Section 482 of the Code.  Section 397 of the Code  

vests the court with the power to call for and examine the records  

of an inferior court for the purposes of satisfying itself as to the  

legality and regularity of any proceedings or order made in a case.  

The object of this provision is to set right a patent defect or an  

error of jurisdiction or law.  There has to be a well-founded error  

and it may not be appropriate for the court to scrutinize the  



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orders, which upon the face of it bears a token of careful  

consideration and appear to be in accordance with law.  If one  

looks into the various judgments of this Court, it emerges that the  

revisional jurisdiction can be invoked where the decisions under  

challenge are grossly erroneous, there is no compliance with the  

provisions of law, the finding recorded is based on no evidence,  

material evidence is ignored or judicial discretion is exercised  

arbitrarily or perversely.  These are not exhaustive classes, but  

are merely indicative.  Each case would have to be determined on  

its own merits.   

9. Another well-accepted norm is that the revisional jurisdiction  

of the higher court is a very limited one and cannot be exercised  

in a routine manner.  One of the inbuilt restrictions is that it  

should not be against an interim or interlocutory order.  The  

Court has to keep in mind that the exercise of revisional  

jurisdiction itself should not lead to injustice ex facie.  Where the  

Court is dealing with the question as to whether the charge has  

been framed properly and in accordance with law in a given case,  

it may be reluctant to interfere in exercise of its revisional  

jurisdiction unless the case substantially falls within the  

categories aforestated.  Even framing of charge is a much  

advanced stage in the proceedings under the Cr.P.C.  Right from  

the case of State of West Bengal & Ors. v.  Swapan Kumar Guha &  



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Ors. [(1982) 1 SCC 561], which was reiterated with approval in  

the case of State of Haryana & Ors. v. Bhajan Lal & Ors. [1992  

Supp. (1) SCC 335], the courts have stated the principle that if  

the FIR does not disclose the commission of a cognizable offence,  

the Court would be justified in quashing the investigation on the  

basis of the information as laid or received.  It is further stated  

that the legal position appears to be that if an offence is disclosed,  

the court will not normally interfere with an investigation into the  

case and will permit investigation into the offence alleged to have  

been committed; if, however, the materials do not disclose an  

offence, no investigation should normally be permitted.  Whether  

an offence has been disclosed or not, must necessarily depend on  

the facts and circumstances of each case.  If on consideration of  

the relevant materials, the Court is satisfied that an offence is  

disclosed, it will normally not interfere with the investigation into  

the offence and will generally allow the investigation into the  

offence to be completed in order to collect materials for proving  

the offence.  In Bhajan Lal’s case (supra), the Court also stated  

that though it may not be possible to lay down any precise, clearly  

defined, sufficiently channelized and inflexible guidelines or rigid  

formulae or to give an exhaustive list of myriad kinds of cases  

wherein power under Section 482 of the Code for quashing of an  

FIR should be exercised, there are circumstances where the Court  



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may be justified in exercising such jurisdiction.  These are, where  

the FIR does not prima facie constitute any offence, does not  

disclose a cognizable offence justifying investigation by the police;  

where the allegations are so absurd and inherently improbable on  

the basis of which no prudent person can ever reach a just  

conclusion that there is sufficient ground for proceeding against  

the accused; where there is an expressed legal bar engrafted in  

any of the provisions of the Code; and where a criminal  

proceeding is manifestly attended with mala fide and/or where the  

proceeding is maliciously instituted with an ulterior motive for  

wreaking vengeance on the accused and with a view to spite him  

due to private and personal grudge.  Despite stating these  

grounds, the Court unambiguously uttered a note of caution to  

the effect that power of quashing a criminal proceeding should be  

exercised very sparingly and with circumspection and that too, in  

the rarest of rare cases;  the Court also warned that the Court  

would not be justified in embarking upon an enquiry as to the  

reliability or genuineness or otherwise of the allegations made in  

the FIR or the complaint and that the extraordinary or inherent  

powers do not confer an arbitrary jurisdiction on the Court to act  

according to its whims or caprice.   

10. The above-stated principles clearly show that inherent as  

well as revisional jurisdiction should be exercised cautiously.  If  



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the jurisdiction under Section 482 of the Code in relation to  

quashing of an FIR is circumscribed by the factum and caution  

afore-noticed, in that event, the revisional jurisdiction,  

particularly while dealing with framing of a charge, has to be even  

more limited.  Framing of a charge is an exercise of jurisdiction by  

the trial court in terms of Section 228 of the Code, unless the  

accused is discharged under Section 227 of the Code.  Under both  

these provisions, the court is required to consider the ‘record of  

the case’  and documents submitted therewith and, after hearing  

the parties, may either discharge the accused or where it appears  

to the court and in its opinion there is ground for presuming     that    

the     accused     has     committed     an     offence  , it shall frame the charge.  

Once the facts and ingredients of the Section exists, then the  

Court would be right in presuming that there is ground to proceed  

against the accused and frame the charge accordingly.  This  

presumption is not a presumption of law as such.  The  

satisfaction of the court in relation to the existence of constituents  

of an offence and the facts leading to that offence is a sine qua  

non for exercise of such jurisdiction.  It may even be weaker than  

a prima facie case.  There is a fine distinction between the  

language of Sections 227 and 228 of the Code.  Section 227 is  

expression of a definite opinion and judgment of the Court while  

Section 228 is tentative.  Thus, to say that at the stage of framing  



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of charge, the Court should form an opinion that the accused is  

certainly guilty of committing an offence, is an approach which is  

impermissible in terms of Section 228 of the Code.  It may also be  

noticed that the revisional jurisdiction exercised by the High  

Court is in a way final and no inter court remedy is available in  

such cases.  Of course, it may be subject to jurisdiction of this  

court under Article 136 of the Constitution of India.  Normally, a  

revisional jurisdiction should be exercised on a question of law.  

However, when factual appreciation is involved, then it must find  

place in the class of cases resulting in a perverse finding.  

Basically, the power is required to be exercised so that justice is  

done and there is no abuse of power by the court.  Merely an  

apprehension or suspicion of the same would not be a sufficient  

ground for interference in such cases.

11. At the initial stage of framing of a charge, the court is  

concerned not with proof but with a strong suspicion that the  

accused has committed an offence, which, if put to trial, could  

prove him guilty.  All that the court has to see is that the material  

on record and the facts would be compatible with the innocence of  

the accused or not.  The final test of guilt is not to be applied at  

that stage.  We may refer to the well settled law laid down by this  

Court in the case of State of Bihar v. Ramesh Singh  (1977) 4 SCC  




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“4. Under Section 226 of the Code while  opening the case for the prosecution the  Prosecutor has got to describe the charge  against the accused and state by what  evidence he proposes to prove the guilt of  the accused. Thereafter comes at the initial  stage the duty of the Court to consider the  record of the case and the documents  submitted therewith and to hear the  submissions of the accused and the  prosecution in that behalf. The Judge has to  pass thereafter an order either under  Section 227 or Section 228 of the Code. If  “the Judge considers that there is no  sufficient ground for proceeding against the  accused, he shall discharge the accused and  record his reasons for so doing”, as enjoined  by Section 227. If, on the other hand, “the  Judge is of opinion that there is ground for  presuming that the accused has committed  an offence which—  …  (b) is exclusively  triable by the Court, he shall frame in  writing a charge against the accused”, as  provided in Section 228. Reading the two  provisions together in juxtaposition, as they  have got to be, it would be clear that at the  beginning and the initial stage of the trial  the truth, veracity and effect of the evidence  which the Prosecutor proposes to adduce  are not to be meticulously judged. Nor is any  weight to be attached to the probable  defence of the accused. It is not obligatory  for the Judge at that stage of the trial to  consider in any detail and weigh in a  sensitive balance whether the facts, if  proved, would be incompatible with the  innocence of the accused or not. The  standard of test and judgment which is to be  finally applied before recording a finding  regarding the guilt or otherwise of the  accused is not exactly to be applied at the  stage of deciding the matter under Section  227 or Section 228 of the Code. At that  stage the Court is not to see whether there is  sufficient ground for conviction of the  



Page 20

accused or whether the trial is sure to end  in his conviction. Strong suspicion against  the accused, if the matter remains in the  region of suspicion, cannot take the place of  proof of his guilt at the conclusion of the  trial. But at the initial stage if there is a  strong suspicion which leads the Court to  think that there is ground for presuming  that the accused has committed an offence  then it is not open to the Court to say that  there is no sufficient ground for proceeding  against the accused. The presumption of the  guilt of the accused which is to be drawn at  the initial stage is not in the sense of the law  governing the trial of criminal cases in  France where the accused is presumed to be  guilty unless the contrary is proved. But it is  only for the purpose of deciding prima facie  whether the Court should proceed with the  trial or not. It the evidence which the  Prosecutor proposes to adduce to prove the  guilt of the accused even if fully accepted  before it is challenged in cross-examination  or rebutted by the defence evidence, if any,  cannot show that the accused committed  the offence, then there will be no sufficient  ground for proceeding with the trial. An  exhaustive list of the circumstances to  indicate as to what will lead to one  conclusion or the other is neither possible  nor advisable. We may just illustrate the  difference of the law by one more example. If  the scales of pan as to the guilt or innocence  of the accused are something like even, at  the conclusion of the trial, then, on the  theory of benefit of doubt the case is to end  in his acquittal. But if, on the other hand, it  is so at the initial stage of making an order  under Section 227 or Section 228, then in  such a situation ordinarily and generally the  order which will have to be made will be one  under Section 228 and not under Section  227.”



Page 21

12. The jurisdiction of the Court under Section 397 can be  

exercised so as to examine the correctness, legality or proprietary  

of an order passed by the trial court or the inferior court, as the  

case may be.  Though the section does not specifically use the  

expression ‘prevent abuse of process of any court or otherwise to  

secure the ends of justice’, the jurisdiction under Section 397 is a  

very limited one.  The legality, proprietary or correctness of an  

order passed by a court is the very foundation of exercise of  

jurisdiction under Section 397 but ultimately it also requires  

justice to be done.  The jurisdiction could be exercised where  

there is palpable error, non-compliance with the provisions of law,  

the decision is completely erroneous or where the judicial  

discretion is exercised arbitrarily.  On the other hand, Section 482  

is based upon the maxim quando lex liquid alicuiconcedit, conceder  

videtur id quo res ipsa esse non protest, i.e., when the law gives  

anything to anyone, it also gives all those things without which  

the thing itself would be unavoidable.  The Section confers very  

wide power on the Court to do justice and to ensure that the  

process of the Court is not permitted to be abused.  

13. It may be somewhat necessary to have a comparative  

examination of the powers exercisable by the Court under these  

two provisions.  There may be some overlapping between these  



Page 22

two powers because both are aimed at securing the ends of justice  

and both have an element of discretion.  But, at the same time,  

inherent power under Section 482 of the Code being an  

extraordinary and residuary power, it is inapplicable in regard to  

matters which are specifically provided for under other provisions  

of the Code.  To put it simply, normally the court may not invoke  

its power under Section 482 of the Code where a party could have  

availed of the remedy available under Section 397 of the Code  

itself.  The inherent powers under Section 482 of the Code are of a  

wide magnitude and are not as limited as the power under Section  

397.  Section 482 can be invoked where the order in question is  

neither an interlocutory order within the meaning of Section  

397(2) nor a final order in the strict sense.  Reference in this  

regard can be made to Raj Kapoor & Ors. v. State of Punjab & Ors.  

[AIR 1980 SC 258 : (1980) 1 SCC 43]}.  In this very case, this  

Court has observed that inherent power under Section 482 may  

not be exercised if the bar under Sections 397(2) and 397(3)  

applies, except in extraordinary situations, to prevent abuse of  

the process of the Court.  This itself shows the fine distinction  

between the powers exercisable by the Court under these two  

provisions.  In this very case, the Court also considered as to  

whether the inherent powers of the High Court under Section 482  

stand repelled when the revisional power under Section 397  



Page 23

overlaps.  Rejecting the argument, the Court said that the opening  

words of Section 482 contradict this contention because nothing  

in the Code, not even Section 397, can affect the amplitude of the  

inherent powers preserved in so many terms by the language of  

Section 482.  There is no total ban on the exercise of inherent  

powers where abuse of the process of the Court or any other  

extraordinary situation invites the court’s jurisdiction.  The  

limitation is self-restraint, nothing more.  The distinction between  

a final and interlocutory order is well known in law.  The orders  

which will be free from the bar of Section 397(2) would be the  

orders which are not purely interlocutory but, at the same time,  

are less than a final disposal.  They should be the orders which do  

determine some right and still are not finally rendering the Court  

functus officio of the lis.  The provisions of Section 482 are  

pervasive.  It should not subvert legal interdicts written into the  

same Code but, however, inherent powers of the Court  

unquestionably have to be read and construed as free of  


14. In Dinesh Dutt Joshi v. State of Rajasthan & Anr. [(2001) 8  

SCC 570], the Court held that Section 482 does not confer any  

power but only declares that the High Court possesses inherent  

powers for the purposes specified in the Section.  As lacunae are  



Page 24

sometimes found in procedural law, the Section has been  

embodied to cover such lacunae wherever they are discovered.  

The use of extraordinary powers conferred upon the High Court  

under this section are, however, required to be reserved as far as  

possible for extraordinary cases.   

15. In Janata Dal v. H.S. Chowdhary & Ors. [(1992) 4 SCC 305],  

the Court, while referring to the inherent powers to make orders  

as may be necessary for the ends of justice, clarified that such  

power has to be exercise in appropriate cases ex debito justitiae,  

i.e. to do real and substantial justice for administration of which  

alone, the courts exist.  The powers possessed by the High Court  

under Section 482 of the Code are very wide and the very  

plenitude of the powers requires a great caution in its exercise.  

The High Court, as the highest court exercising criminal  

jurisdiction in a State, has inherent powers to make any order for  

the purposes of securing the ends of justice.  Being an extra  

ordinary power, it will, however, not be pressed in aid except for  

remedying a flagrant abuse by a subordinate court of its powers.

16. If one looks at the development of law in relation to exercise  

of inherent powers under the Code, it will be useful to refer to the  

following details :



Page 25

As far back as in 1926, a Division bench of this Court In Re:  

Llewelyn Evans, took the view that the provisions of Section 561A  

(equivalent to present Section 482) extend to cases not only of a  

person accused of an offence in a criminal court, but to the cases  

of any person against whom proceedings are instituted under the  

Code in any Court.  Explaining the word “process”, the Court said  

that it was a general word, meaning in effect anything done by the  

Court.  Explaining the limitations and scope of Section 561A, the  

Court referred to “inherent jurisdiction”, “to prevent abuse of  

process”  and “to secure the ends of justice”  which are terms  

incapable of having a precise definition or enumeration, and  

capable, at the most, of test, according to well-established  

principles of criminal jurisprudence.  The ends of justice are to be  

understood by ascertainment of the truth as to the facts on  

balance of evidence on each side.  With reference to the facts of  

the case, the Court held that in the absence of any other method,  

it has no choice left in the application of the Section except, such  

tests subject to the caution to be exercised in the use of inherent  

jurisdiction and the avoidance of interference in details and  

directed providing of a legal practitioner.   

17. Having examined the inter-relationship of these two very  

significant provisions of the Code, let us now examine the scope of  



Page 26

interference under any of these provisions in relation to quashing  

the charge.  We have already indicated above that framing of  

charge is the first major step in a criminal trial where the Court is  

expected to apply its mind to the entire record and documents  

placed therewith before the Court.  Taking cognizance of an  

offence has been stated to necessitate an application of mind by  

the Court but framing of charge is a major event where the Court  

considers the possibility of discharging the accused of the offence  

with which he is charged or requiring the accused to face trial.  

There are different categories of cases where the Court may not  

proceed with the trial and may discharge the accused or pass  

such other orders as may be necessary keeping in view the facts  

of a given case.  In a case where, upon considering the record of  

the case and documents submitted before it, the Court finds that  

no offence is made out or there is a legal bar to such prosecution  

under the provisions of the Code or any other law for the time  

being in force and there is a bar and there exists no ground to  

proceed against the accused, the Court may discharge the  

accused.    There  can  be  cases  where  such  record  reveals  the  

matter    to    be    so  predominantly  of  a  civil  nature  that  it  

neither leaves any scope for an element of criminality nor does it  

satisfy the ingredients of a criminal offence with which the  

accused is charged. In such cases, the Court may discharge him  



Page 27

or quash the proceedings in exercise of its powers under these two  


18. This further raises a question as to the wrongs which  

become actionable in accordance with law.  It may be purely a  

civil wrong or purely a criminal offence or a civil wrong as also a  

criminal offence constituting both on the same set of facts.  But if  

the records disclose commission of a criminal offence and the  

ingredients of the offence are satisfied, then such criminal  

proceedings cannot be quashed merely because a civil wrong has  

also been committed.  The power cannot be invoked to stifle or  

scuttle a legitimate prosecution.  The factual foundation and  

ingredients of an offence being satisfied, the Court will not either  

dismiss a complaint or quash such proceedings in exercise of its  

inherent or original jurisdiction.  In the case of Indian Oil  

Corporation v. NEPC India Ltd. & Ors. [(2006) 6 SCC 736], this  

Court took the similar view and upheld the order of the High  

Court declining to quash the criminal proceedings because a civil  

contract between the parties was pending.

19. Having discussed the scope of jurisdiction under these two  

provisions, i.e., Section 397 and Section 482 of the Code and the  

fine line of jurisdictional distinction, now it will be appropriate for  

us to enlist the principles with reference to which the courts  



Page 28

should exercise such jurisdiction.  However, it is not only difficult  

but is inherently impossible to state with precision such  

principles.  At best and upon objective analysis of various  

judgments of this Court, we are able to cull out some of the  

principles to be considered for proper exercise of jurisdiction,  

particularly, with regard to quashing of charge either in exercise  

of jurisdiction under Section 397 or Section 482 of the Code or  

together, as the case may be :

1) Though there are no limits of the powers of the Court under  

Section 482 of the Code but the more the power, the more  

due care and caution is to be exercised in invoking these  

powers.  The power of quashing criminal proceedings,  

particularly, the charge framed in terms of Section 228 of  

the Code should be exercised very sparingly and with  

circumspection and that too in the rarest of rare cases.

2) The Court should apply the test as to whether the  

uncontroverted allegations as made from the record of the  

case and the documents submitted therewith prima facie  

establish the offence or not.  If the allegations are so  

patently absurd and inherently improbable that no prudent  

person can ever reach such a conclusion and where the  



Page 29

basic ingredients of a criminal offence are not satisfied then  

the Court may interfere.

3) The High Court should not unduly interfere.  No meticulous  

examination of the evidence is needed for considering  

whether the case would end in conviction or not at the  

stage of framing of charge or quashing of charge.

4) Where the exercise of such power is absolutely essential to  

prevent patent miscarriage of justice and for correcting  

some grave error that might be committed by the  

subordinate courts even in such cases, the High Court  

should be loathe to interfere, at the threshold, to throttle  

the prosecution in exercise of its inherent powers.

5) Where there is an express legal bar enacted in any of the  

provisions of the Code or any specific law in force to the  

very initiation or institution and continuance of such  

criminal proceedings, such a bar is intended to provide  

specific protection to an accused.

6) The Court has a duty to balance the freedom of a person  

and the right of the complainant or prosecution to  

investigate and prosecute the offender.



Page 30

7) The process of the Court cannot be permitted to be used for  

an oblique or ultimate/ulterior purpose.   

8) Where the allegations made and as they appeared from the  

record and documents annexed therewith to predominantly  

give rise and constitute a ‘civil wrong’  with no ‘element of  

criminality’  and does not satisfy the basic ingredients of a  

criminal offence, the Court may be justified in quashing the  

charge.  Even in such cases, the Court would not embark  

upon the critical analysis of the evidence.

9) Another very significant caution that the courts have to  

observe is that it cannot examine the facts, evidence and  

materials on record to determine whether there is sufficient  

material on the basis of which the case would end in a  

conviction, the Court is concerned primarily with the  

allegations taken as a whole whether they will constitute an  

offence and, if so, is it an abuse of the process of court  

leading to injustice.   

10) It is neither necessary nor is the court called upon to hold a  

full-fledged enquiry or to appreciate evidence collected by  

the investigating agencies to find out whether it is a case of  

acquittal or conviction.



Page 31

11) Where allegations give rise to a civil claim and also amount  

to an offence, merely because a civil claim is maintainable,  

does not mean that a criminal complaint cannot be  


12) In exercise of its jurisdiction under Section 228 and/or  

under Section 482, the Court cannot take into  

consideration external materials given by an accused for  

reaching the conclusion that no offence was disclosed or  

that there was possibility of his acquittal.  The Court has to  

consider the record and documents annexed with by the  


13) Quashing of a charge is an exception to the rule of  

continuous prosecution.  Where the offence is even broadly  

satisfied, the Court should be more inclined to permit  

continuation of prosecution rather than its quashing at that  

initial stage.  The Court is not expected to marshal the  

records with a view to decide admissibility and reliability of  

the documents or records but is an opinion formed prima  


14) Where the charge-sheet, report under Section 173(2) of the  

Code, suffers from fundamental legal defects, the Court  

may be well within its jurisdiction to frame a charge.



Page 32

15) Coupled with any or all of the above, where the Court finds  

that it would amount to abuse of process of the Code or  

that interest of justice favours, otherwise it may quash the  

charge.  The power is to be exercised ex debito justitiae, i.e.  

to do real and substantial justice for administration of  

which alone, the courts exist.   

{Ref. State of West Bengal & Ors. v. Swapan Kumar Guha &  Ors. [AIR 1982 SC 949]; Madhavrao Jiwaji Rao Scindia &  Anr. v. Sambhajirao Chandrojirao Angre & Ors. [AIR 1988 SC  709]; Janata Dal v. H.S. Chowdhary & Ors. [AIR 1993 SC  892]; Mrs. Rupan Deol Bajaj & Anr. v. Kanwar Pal Singh Gill  & Ors. [AIR 1996 SC 309; G. Sagar Suri & Anr. v. State of  U.P. & Ors. [AIR 2000 SC 754]; Ajay Mitra v. State of M.P.  [AIR 2003 SC 1069]; M/s. Pepsi Foods Ltd. & Anr. v. Special  Judicial Magistrate & Ors. [AIR 1988 SC 128]; State of U.P. v.  O.P. Sharma [(1996) 7 SCC 705]; Ganesh Narayan Hegde v.  s. Bangarappa & Ors. [(1995) 4 SCC 41]; Zundu  Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. v. Mohd. Sharaful Haque & Ors.  [AIR 2005 SC 9]; M/s. Medchl Chemicals & Pharma (P) Ltd. v.  M/s. Biological E. Ltd. & Ors. [AIR 2000 SC 1869]; Shakson  Belthissor v. State of Kerala & Anr. [(2009) 14 SCC 466];  V.V.S. Rama Sharma & Ors. v. State of U.P. & Ors. [(2009) 7  SCC 234]; Chunduru Siva Ram Krishna & Anr. v. Peddi  Ravindra Babu & Anr. [(2009) 11 SCC 203]; Sheo Nandan  Paswan v. State of Bihar & Ors. [AIR 1987 SC 877]; State of  Bihar & Anr. v. P.P. Sharma & Anr. [AIR 1991 SC 1260];  Lalmuni Devi (Smt.) v. State of Bihar & Ors. [(2001) 2 SCC 17];  M. Krishnan v. Vijay Singh & Anr. [(2001) 8 SCC 645]; Savita  v. State of Rajasthan [(2005) 12 SCC 338]; and S.M. Datta v.  State of Gujarat & Anr. [(2001) 7 SCC 659]}.  

20. These are the principles which individually and preferably  

cumulatively (one or more) be taken into consideration as  

precepts to exercise of extraordinary and wide plenitude and  

jurisdiction under Section 482 of the Code by the High Court.  



Page 33

Where the factual foundation for an offence has been laid down,  

the courts should be reluctant and should not hasten to quash  

the proceedings even on the premise that one or two ingredients  

have not been stated or do not appear to be satisfied if there is  

substantial compliance to the requirements of the offence.  At this  

stage, we may also notice that the principle stated by this Court  

in the case of Madhavrao Jiwaji Rao Scindia (supra) was  

reconsidered and explained in two subsequent judgments of this  

Court in the cases of State of Bihar & Anr. v. Shri P.P. Sharma &  

Anr. [AIR 1991 SC 1260] and M.N. Damani v. S.K. Sinha & Ors.  

[AIR 2001 SC 2037].  In the subsequent judgment, the Court held  

that, that judgment did not declare a law of universal application  

and what was the principle relating to disputes involving cases of  

a predominantly civil nature with or without criminal intent.   

21. In light of the above principles, now if we examine the  

findings recorded by the High Court, then it is evident that what  

weighed with the High Court was that firstly it was an abuse of  

the process of court and, secondly, it was a case of civil nature  

and that the facts, as stated, would not constitute an offence  

under Section 306 read with Section 107 IPC.  Interestingly and  

as is evident from the findings recorded by the High Court  

reproduced supra that ‘this aspect of the matter will get  



Page 34

unravelled only after a full-fledged trial’, once the High Court itself  

was of the opinion that clear facts and correctness of the  

allegations made can be examined only upon full trial, where was  

the need for the Court to quash the charge under Section 306 at  

that stage.  Framing of charge is a kind of tentative view that the  

trial court forms in terms of Section 228 which is subject to final  

culmination of the proceedings.   

22. We have already noticed that the legislature in its wisdom  

has used the expression ‘there is ground for presuming that the  

accused has committed an offence’.  This has an inbuilt element  

of presumption once the ingredients of an offence with reference  

to the allegations made are satisfied, the Court would not doubt  

the case of the prosecution unduly and extend its jurisdiction to  

quash the charge in haste.  A Bench of this Court in the case of  

State of Maharashtra v. Som Nath Thapa & Ors. [(1996) 4 SCC 659]  

referred to the meaning of the word ‘presume’ while relying upon  

the Black’s Law Dictionary.  It was defined to mean ‘to believe or  

accept upon probable evidence’; ‘to take as proved until evidence  

to the contrary is forthcoming’.  In other words, the truth of the  

matter has to come out when the prosecution evidence is led, the  

witnesses are cross-examined by the defence, the incriminating  

material and evidence is put to the accused in terms of Section  



Page 35

313 of the Code and then the accused is provided an opportunity  

to lead defence, if any.  It is only upon completion of such steps  

that the trial concludes with the court forming its final opinion  

and delivering its judgment.  Merely because there was civil  

transaction between the parties would not by itself alter the  

status of the allegations constituting the criminal offence.  This  

was not a case where the allegations were so predominately of a  

civil nature that it would have eliminated criminal intent and  

liability.  On the contrary, it is a fact and, in fact, is not even  

disputed that the deceased committed suicide and left a suicide  

note.  May be, the accused are able to prove their non-

involvement in inducing or creating circumstances which  

compelled the deceased to commit suicide but that again is a  

matter of trial.  The ingredients of Section 306 are that a person  

commits suicide and somebody alone abets commission of such  

suicide which renders him liable for punishment.  Both these  

ingredients appear to exist in the present case in terms of the  

language of Section 228 of the Code, subject to trial.  The  

deceased committed suicide and as per the suicide note left by  

her and the statement of her son, the abetment by the accused  

cannot be ruled out at this stage, but is obviously subject to the  

final view that the court may take upon trial.  One very serious  

averment that was made in the suicide note was that the  



Page 36

deceased was totally frustrated when the accused persons took  

possession of the ground floor of her property, C-224, Tagore  

Garden, Delhi and refused to vacate the same.  It is possible and  

if the Court believes the version given by the prosecution and  

finds that there was actual sale of property in favour of the  

accused, as alleged by him, in that event, the Court may acquit  

them of not only the offence under Section 306 IPC but under  

Section 107 IPC also.  There appears to be some contradiction in  

the judgment of the High Court primarily for the reason that if  

charge under Section 306 is to be quashed and the accused is not  

to be put to trial for this offence, then where would be the  

question of trying them for an offence of criminal trespass in  

terms of Section 448 IPC based on some facts, which has been  

permitted by the High Court.   

23. The High Court could not have appreciated or evaluated the  

record and documents filed with it.  It was not the stage.  The  

Court ought to have examined if the case falls in any of the above-

stated categories.  

24. The High Court has also noticed that perusal of the suicide  

note brings to fore the fact that the petitioner-accused is not only  

named but his illegal occupation of the house of the deceased is  

stated to be one of the primary reasons for Komal Kapoor in  



Page 37

committing the suicide.  The statement of the son of the deceased  

is also on the same line.  Then the High Court proceeds further to  

notice that even if it is assumed at this stage that the suicide note  

and statement were correct, the action of the petitioner-accused  

in forcibly occupying the portion of the house of the deceased and  

the deceased taking the extreme step would not bring his act  

within the definition of abetment, as there is no material or  

evidence placed by the prosecution on record.  This finding could  

hardly be recorded without travelling into the merits of the case  

and appreciating the evidence.  The Court could pronounce  

whether the offence falls within the ambit and scope of Section  

306 IPC or not.  These documents clearly show that the accused  

persons had brought in existence the circumstances which, as  

claimed by the prosecution, led to the extreme step of suicide  

being taken by the deceased.  It cannot be equated to inflictment  

of cruelty as discussed by the High Court in its judgment.  Once  

Sections 107 and 306 IPC are read together, then the Court has  

to merely examine as to whether apparently the person could be  

termed as causing abetment of a thing.  An abetter under Section  

108 is a person who abets an offence.  It includes both the person  

who abets either the commission of an offence or the commission  

of an act which would be an offence.  In terms of Section 107 IPC,  

Explanation (1) to Section 107 has been worded very widely.  We  



Page 38

may refer to the judgment of this Court in the case of Goura  

Venkata Reddy v. State of A.P. [(2003) 12 SCC 469], wherein this  

Court held as under :

“8. Section 107 IPC defines abetment of a  thing. The offence of abetment is a separate  and distinct offence provided in the Act as an  offence. A person abets the doing of a thing  when (1) he instigates any person to do that  thing; or (2) engages with one or more other  persons in any conspiracy for the doing of  that thing; or (3) intentionally aids, by act or  illegal omission, the doing of that thing.  These things are essential to complete  abetment as a crime. The word “instigate”  literally means to provoke, incite, urge on or  bring about by persuasion to do any thing.  The abetment may be by instigation,  conspiracy or intentional aid, as provided in  the three clauses of Section 107. Section 109  provides that if the act abetted is committed  in consequence of abetment and there is no  provision for the punishment of such  abetment then the offender is to be punished  with the punishment provided for the original  offence. “Act abetted”  in Section 109 means  the specific offence abetted. Therefore, the  offence for the abetment of which a person is  charged with the abetment is normally linked  with the proved offence. In the instant case,  the abetted persons have been convicted for  commission of offence punishable under  Section 304. So in the case of A-1 it is  Section 304 read with Section 109 IPC, that  is attracted.”

25. A wilful misrepresentation or wilful concealment of material  

fact and such person voluntarily causing or procuring or  

attempting to cause or procure a thing to be done is said to  



Page 39

instigate the doing of that thing. According to the record, the  

accused had made a wrong statement that he had paid a sum of  

Rs.24,00,000/- for purchase of the property C-224, Tagore  

Garden, Delhi and the property belonged to him.  Whether it was  

a misrepresentation of the accused and was an attempt to harass  

the deceased and her family which ultimately led to her suicide is  

a question to be examined by the Court.  The allegations as made  

in the afore-stated documents clearly reflects that blank  

documents were got signed, but the purpose, the consideration  

and complete facts relating to the transaction were not disclosed  

to the deceased or the family.  This would, at least at this stage,  

not be a case for examining the correctness or otherwise of these  

statements as these allegations cannot be said to be ex facie  

perverse, untenable or malicious.  It would have been more  

appropriate exercise of jurisdiction by the High Court, if it would  

have left the matter to be determined by the Court upon complete  

trial.  May be the accused would be entitled to get some benefits,  

but this is not the stage.  These are matters, though of some civil  

nature, but are so intricately connected with criminal nature and  

have elements of criminality that they cannot fall in the kind of  

cases which have been stated by us above.  There, the case has to  

be entirely of a civil nature involving no element of criminality.



Page 40

26. The learned counsel appearing for the appellant has relied  

upon the judgment of this Court in the case of Chitresh Kumar  

Chopra v. State (Government of NCT of Delhi) [(2009) 16 SCC 605]  

to contend that the offence under Section 306 read with Section  

107 IPC is completely made out against the accused.  It is not the  

stage for us to consider or evaluate or marshal the records for the  

purposes of determining whether offence under these provisions  

has been committed or not.  It is a tentative view that the Court  

forms on the basis of record and documents annexed therewith.  

No doubt that the word ‘instigate’ used in Section 107 of the IPC  

has been explained by this Court in the case of Ramesh Kumar v.  

State of Chhattisgarh [(2001) 9 SCC 618] to say that where the  

accused had, by his acts or omissions or by a continued course of  

conduct, created such circumstances that the deceased was left  

with no other option except to commit suicide, an instigation may  

have to be inferred.  In other words, instigation has to be gathered  

from the circumstances of the case.  All cases may not be of direct  

evidence in regard to instigation having a direct nexus to the  

suicide.  There could be cases where the circumstances created  

by the accused are such that a person feels totally frustrated and  

finds it difficult to continue existence.  Husband of the deceased  

was a paralysed person.  They were in financial crises.  They had  

sold their property.  They had great faith in the accused and were  



Page 41

heavily relying on him as their property transactions were  

transacted through the accused itself.  Grabbing of the property,  

as alleged in the suicide note and the statement made by the son  

of the deceased as well as getting blank papers signed and not  

giving monies due to them are the circumstances stated to have  

led to the suicide of the deceased.  The Court is not expected to  

form even a firm opinion at this stage but a tentative view that  

would evoke the presumption referred to under Section 228 of the  


27. Thus, we are of the considered view that the finding returned  

by the High Court suffers from an error of law.  It has delved into  

the field of appreciation and evaluation of the evidence which is  

beyond the jurisdiction, either revisional or inherent, of the High  

Court under Sections 397 and 482 of the Code.

28. For the reasons afore-recorded, this appeal is allowed.  The  

order of the High Court is set aside.  The trial Court shall proceed  

with the trial in accordance with law, uninfluenced in any way  

whatsoever from what has been recorded in this judgment.  

Charge against the accused under Section 306 read with Section  

107 and Section 448 IPC are found to be in order.   




Page 42

(A.K. Patnaik)

...….…………................J.  (Swatanter Kumar)

New Delhi; September 13, 2012.