06 April 2017
Supreme Court


Case number: C.A. No.-008307-008307 / 2015
Diary number: 28496 / 2015
Advocates: ANUP KUMAR Vs


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Ajitsinh Arjunsinh Gohil ...   Appellant(s)


Bar Council of Gujarat and Anr.    ...  Respondent(s)


Dipak Misra, J.

The singular issue that is required to be addressed in

this  appeal  is  whether  after  transfer  of  a  disciplinary

proceeding,  as  per  the  mandate  enshrined  under  Section

36B(1) of the Advocates Act, 1961 (for brevity, “the Act”) to

the Bar Council of India (BCI) from the State Bar Council,

can the BCI,  instead of  enquiring into the complaint and

adjudicating thereon, send it back to the State Bar Council

with  the  direction  to  decide  the  controversy  within  a

stipulated time.  It is interesting to note that Mr. Preet Pal


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Singh, the learned counsel for BCI would concede that the

said statutory authority has no such power. Mr. D.N. Ray,

learned counsel appearing for the Gujarat State Bar Council

would propound with all  the thrust at his command that

BCI  has  unfettered  jurisdiction  to  pass  such  an  order

inasmuch as it is the apex statutory body under the Act and

it possesses plenary powers and, in any case, the language

of the statutory provision does not create any impediment

for  the  same.  Mr.  Anup  Kumar,  learned  counsel  for  the

appellant, as is expected, concurs with the proponement of

Mr. Singh and further submits that the time consumed in

disposal of the disciplinary authority has put the appellant

in a situation of misery and, therefore, this Court should

quash the initiation of the disciplinary proceedings so that

efflux of time can give the appellant a healing touch and put

an end to the agony he has already endured.

2. In  such  a  situation,  thinking  it  apposite,  the  Court

appointed Mr. M.L. Lahoty, learned counsel, as the friend of

the  Court,  who  submitted  with  immense  assurance  that

acceptance of the stand of the State Bar Council would not

only  run  counter  to  the  language  employed  by  the



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legislature but shall  cause immense violence to the same

and the duty of  this Court is to give full  meaning to the

legislative intendment.

3. We may, in brief, state the factual score. The appellant,

who was enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council  of

Gujarat, got elected to the post of Secretary of Gandhinagar

Bar Association in 2007 and subsequently he was elected as

the  President  of  the  Bar  Association  in  2008.   One

Mr.  P.D.  Kanani,  who  was  the  Secretary  of  the  Bar

Association due to differences leveled false allegations and

filed false civil and criminal cases against the appellant and

also wrote a letter dated 04.09.2008 in this regard to the

Secretary,  Bar  Council  of  Gujarat  alleging  that  he  was

denied access to certain records and the accounts and there

was  misappropriation  of  huge  amount  of  the  Bar

Association.   The  differences  and  the  misunderstanding

between the appellant and Mr. P.D. Kanani was resolved and

a  settlement  was  arrived  at  between  the  parties  on

18.09.2008 and the book of accounts and other records were

handed over by the appellant to Mr. Kanani.



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4.  When everything appeared to have been put to rest,

after expiry of one year and three months, Bar Council of

Gujarat  vide  its  B.C.  Resolution  No.  176  of  2009  dated

06.12.2009  resolved  to  call  for  an  explanation  from  the

appellant  with  regard to  complaint  preferred  by  Mr.  P.D.

Kanani and further putting forth an allegation that it had

received a letter dated 01.06.2010 from the Registrar, High

Court of Gujarat regarding complaint against the appellant.

On  the  basis  of  letter  dated  01.06.2010,  Bar  Council  of

Gujarat took suo motu cognizance against the appellant and

referred  the  matter  to  Disciplinary  Committee  III.   The

complaint was registered as DC Case No. 25/2010.   

5. It  is worthy to note that  the Bar Council  of  Gujarat

decided  to  conduct  trial  of  D.C.  case  No.  25/2010 along

with  D.C.  Case  No.  15/2010  before  the  Disciplinary

Committee  No.  I.   The  case  of  the  appellant  was  again

transferred to Disciplinary Committee No. XII and again to

Disciplinary Committee No. IX.   

6. As the factual matrix would depict, the appellant, upon

filing  of  application,  was  granted  time  to  file  his  written

arguments  but  without  waiting  for  the  reply  of  the



Page 5

appellant, the Bar Council of Gujarat vide its order dated

17.05.2011  decided  D.C.  Case  No.  15/2010  against  the

appellant and directed removal of the name of the appellant

from roll  of  Bar Council  of  Gujarat and imposed costs of

Rs.50,000/-.  However, as no order could be passed in D.C.

Case  No.  25/2010  during  the  statutory  period,

subsequently,  the  Disciplinary  Committee  of  the  Bar

Council of Gujarat vide letter dated 24.08.2011, transferred

the D.C. Case No. 25/2010 to the BCI which was registered

as BCI Tr. Case No. 197/2011.   

7. The  appellant  contended  before  the  Disciplinary

Committee of the BCI that there was no such letter dated

01.06.2010  purported  to  be  written  by  the  Registrar

(Inspection),  High Court of  Gujarat on the basis of  which

cognizance  against  appellant  had  been  taken.  The

Disciplinary  Committee,  after  hearing  the  appellant,  vide

order  dated  20.06.2015  remanded  the  matter  to  the  Bar

Council of Gujarat with a direction to dispose of the case

within a period of one year.   Being aggrieved, the appellant

has filed the present appeal.   



Page 6

8. As indicated earlier, Mr. Anup Kumar, learned counsel

for the appellant submitted that the Disciplinary Committee

of  the  BCI  could  not  have  remanded  the  matter  to  the

Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of Gujarat as the

same is not permissible in a case that has been transferred

to the BCI by operation of law under Section 36B(1) of the


9. Mr. Ray, learned counsel for the respondent No. 1, in

his turn, would contend that if the language employed in

Section 36B(1) and Section 36(2) are read in juxtaposition,

it  is  abundantly  clear  that  the  power  to  deal  with  the

proceedings upon transfer by the BCI is different, for the

statute confers plenary power on the BCI and such plenary

powers in its ambit and  sweep would include the power to

remand.  He would emphasise on the words “may dispose of

the same as if it were a proceeding withdrawn for inquiry

under  sub-section  (2)  of  section  36”  and  on  that  basis

propound that the said words confer wi8de jurisdiction on

the BCI and do not restrict its jurisdiction only to decide

the matter.  



Page 7

10. To appreciate the rival submissions raised at the Bar,

it is necessary to keenly scrutinize various provisions of the

Act and the rules framed by the BCI.  Prior to that, it has to

be  kept  in  mind  that  the  Act  was  brought  into  force  to

amend  and  consolidate  the  law  relating  to  legal

practitioners  and  to  provide  for  the  constitution  of  Bar

Councils  and an All-India Bar.  The statement of  objects

and reasons of the Act describes the main features, which

are as follows:-

“The main features of the Bill are, -

1. The establishment of an All India Bar Council and a common roll of advocates, and advocate on the common roll having a right to practice in any part of the country and in any Court, including the Supreme Court;

2. The integration of the bar into a single class of legal practitioners know as advocates;

3.  The prescription of a uniform qualification for the admission of persons to be advocates;

4.  The  division  of  advocates  into  senior advocates and other advocates based on merit;

5.  The creation of autonomous Bar Councils, one for the whole of India and on for each State.

Following the recommendations of  the All  India Bar Committee and the Law Commission, the Bill recognized the continued existence of the system known as the dual system now prevailing in the



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High Court of Calcutta and Bombay, by making suitable  provisions  in  that  behalf:  It  would, however, be open to t he two High Courts, if they so desire, to discontinue this system at any time.

The Bill, being a comprehensive measure, repeals the Indian Bar Council Act, 1926, and all other laws on the subject.”

11. Section 2(e) defines “Bar Council of India” as follows:-

“Bar  Council  of  India”  means  the  Bar  Council constituted under Section 4 for the territories to which this Act extends.”

12. Section 3 deals with State Bar Councils.   Section 4

provides that there shall be Bar Council for the territories to

which this Act extends to be known as the Bar Council of

India and stipulates who shall be the members of the said

Bar Council.   Section 6 enumerates the functions of  the

State Bar Councils.  Section 6(1)(c) empowers the State Bar

Councils  to entertain and determine cases of  misconduct

against  advocates  on  its  roll.  Section  7  engrafts  the

functions of the Bar Council of India.  Section 9 deals with

the  Disciplinary  Committees.  The  said  provisions  is

reproduced below:-

“Section 9. Disciplinary Committees. –



Page 9

(1)  A  Bar Council  shall  constitute  one or  more disciplinary  committees,  each  of  which  shall consist of three persons of whom two shall be a person co-opted by the Council from amongst its members  and  the  other  shall  be  a  person co-opted by the Council from amongst advocates who  possess  the  qualifications  specified  in  the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 3 and who are not members of the Council, and the senior- most  advocate  amongst  the  members  of  a disciplinary  committee  shall  be  the  Chairman thereof.

(2)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in sub-section  (1),  any  disciplinary  committee constituted  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the Advocates (Amendment ) Act, 1964, (21 of 1964) may dispose of the proceeding pending before it as if this section had not been amended by the said Act.”

13. Chapter  V  contains  the  heading  “Conduct  of

Advocates”.  Section 35 deals with punishment of advocates

for  misconduct.   Section  35(1)  lays  down that  where  on

receipt of a complaint or otherwise a State Bar Council has

reason to  believe  that  any  advocate  on its  roll  has  been

guilty of misconduct, it shall refer the case for disposal to

its  disciplinary  committee.   Section 35(1A)  empowers  the

State Bar Council  to may either of  its own motion or on

application made to it by any person interested, withdraw a

proceeding  pending before  its  disciplinary committee  and



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direct  the  inquiry  to  be  made  by  any  other  disciplinary

committee  of  that  State  Bar  Council.   Sub-section (3)  of

Section 35 provides for nature of orders to be passed by the

disciplinary committee of  a  State  Bar  Council.   The said

provisions reads as follows:-

“Section 35(3) ―The disciplinary committee of a State  Bar  Council  after  giving  the  advocate concerned  and  the  Advocate-  General  an opportunity of being heard, may make any of the following orders, namely:-

(a) dismiss  the  complaint  or,  where  the proceedings were initiated at the instance of the State Bar Council, direct that the proceedings be filed;

(b) reprimand the advocate;

(c) suspend the advocate from practice for such period as it may deem fit;

(d) remove the name of the advocate from the State roll of advocates.”

14. Section 36 deals with the disciplinary powers of Bar

Council of India.  The said provision is as follows:-

“Section  36.  Disciplinary  powers  of  Bar Council of India-

(1) Where on receipt of a complaint or otherwise the  Bar  Council  of  India  has  reason  to  believe that any advocate whose name is not entered on any State roll has been guilty of professional or



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other  misconduct,  it  shall  be refer  the case for disposal to its disciplinary committee.

(2)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  this Chapter,  the  disciplinary  committee  of  the  Bar Council of India may either of its own motion or on  a  report  by  any  State  Bar  Council  or  an application made to it by any person interested, withdraw for inquiry before itself any proceedings for  disciplinary  action  against  any  advocate pending before the disciplinary committee of any State Bar Council and dispose of the same.

(3) The disciplinary committee of the Bar Council of India disposing of any case under this section, shall  observe,  so far  as may be,  the  procedure laid  down in  Section  35,  the  references  to  the Advocate-General in that section being construed as references to the Attorney-General of India.

(4)  In  disposing  of  any  proceedings  under  this section  the  disciplinary  committee  of  the  Bar Council of India may make any order which the disciplinary committee of a State Bar Council can make  under  sub-section  (3)  of  section,  35  and where any proceedings have been withdrawn for inquiry before  the  disciplinary  committee  of  the Bar  Council  of  India]  the  State  Bar  Council concerned shall give effect to any such order.”

15. Section 36B that has come into force w.e.f. 31.01.1974

provides for disposal of disciplinary proceedings.  The said

provision is reproduced hereinbelow:-



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“Section  36B.  Disposal  of  disciplinary proceedings-

(1)  The  disciplinary  committee  of  a  State  Bar Council  shall  dispose of  the complaint  received by it under Section 35 expeditiously and in each cash the proceedings shall be concluded within a period of one year from the date of the receipt of the  complaint  or  the  date  of  initiation  of  the proceedings  at  the  instance  of  the  State  Bar Council, as the case may be, failing which such proceedings  shall  stand  transferred  to  the  Bar Council of India which may dispose of the same as if it were a proceeding withdrawn for inquiry under sub section (2) of section 36.

(2)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  sub section (1)  where on the commencement of  the Advocates  (Amendment)  Act,  1973,  any proceedings in respect of any disciplinary matter against  an  advocate  is  pending  before  the disciplinary  committee  of  a  State  Bar  Council, that  disciplinary  committee  of  the  State  Bar Council shall dispose of the same within a period of six months from the date of such complaint, or, as the case may be, the date of initiation of the proceedings at the instance of the State Bar Council,  whichever  is  later,  failing  which  such other  proceeding  shall  stand transferred to  the Bar  Council  of  India  for  disposal  under sub-section.”

16. Relying on the said provision, it is urged by learned

counsel for the appellant that if any disciplinary proceeding

against a delinquent advocate initiated under Section 35 of

the Act is  not concluded within a period of  one year,  by

operation of law, the same stands transferred to BCI and



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BCI is  authorized to  dispose of  the same as if  it  were a

proceeding withdrawn for inquiry under sub-section (2) of

Section 36 of the Act and, therefore, the State Bar Council

ceases to have jurisdiction.  Emphasis has also been laid on

the language employed in sub-section (2) of Section 36 that

the BCI has the authority either of its own or on a report by

any State Bar Council or an application made to it by the

Disciplinary  Committee  of  the  person  interested  to

withdraw  for  enquiry  before  itself  any  proceeding  for

disciplinary action against the advocate.  Stress is laid on

the  language  used  in  sub-section  (4)  of  Section  36  to

highlight  that  the  Disciplinary  Authority  of  the  BCI  is

entitled to make an order that the Disciplinary Committee

of a State Bar Council can make under sub-section (3) of

Section  35  and  further  where  any  proceeding  has  been

withdrawn for inquiry before the Disciplinary Committee of

the BCI, the State Bar Council concerned shall give effect to

any such order.  

17. Learned  counsel  would  further  urge  that  if  the

interpretation  sought  to  be  placed  by  the  appellant  is

accepted,  the  BCI  would  be  overburdened  with  original



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proceedings  from  various  State  Bar  Councils  and  the

mischief sought to be corrected under Section 36B(1) of the

Act, namely, timely disposal of the complaint, would defeat

the statutory purpose.    

18. Learned Amicus Curiae submits that once a case is

transferred by operation of law, it is obligatory on its part to

decide the same on its merits, for the language employed

under  sub-section  (1)  of  Section  36B  encapsulates  two

concepts, namely, (i)  transfer of  proceedings on failure to

conclude the same within one year, and (ii) the BCI is to

dispose of the same as if it were the proceedings withdrawn

for enquiry under sub-section (2) of Section 36.  Elaborating

further, he would urge that there is a transfer by operation

of  law  and  the  disposal  has  to  be  done  as  if  it  is  a

proceeding withdrawn for enquiry under sub-section (2) of

Section 36. According to learned counsel, once by operation

of law the case is transferred, it has to be disposed of by the

BCI and the manner of disposal will not confer jurisdiction

on it to send back the case to the State Bar Council.

19. In this context, it is appropriate to refer to Section 37

of the Act that provides for appeal to the BCI.  It stipulates



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that  any  person  aggrieved  by  an  order  passed  by  the

Disciplinary Committee of a State Bar Council may prefer

an  appeal  to  the  BCI  within  60  days  of  the  date  of

communication of the order to him and further such appeal

shall  be heard by the Disciplinary Committee of  the BCI

which  may  pass  such  other  order  including  the  order

varying  the  punishment  awarded  by  the  Disciplinary

Committee of the State Bar Council as it deems fit.  

20. Section 42 of the Act that deals with the power of the

Disciplinary Committee.  The Disciplinary Committee of a

Bar Council has the same powers as are vested in a civil

court under the Code of Civil Procedure in respect of certain

matters that pertain to enquiry.  It has been highlighted by

the  learned  counsel  for  the  respondent  No.  1  that  all

proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee of  the Bar

Council  shall  be deemed to be judicial  proceeding within

the meaning of Sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal

Code, 1860 and every such Disciplinary Committee shall be

deemed to be a civil court for the purposes of Sections 480,

482 and 485 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.  Learned



Page 16

counsel  has  drawn  our  attention  to  sub-section  (3)  of

Section 42 which reads as follows:-

“For the purposes of exercising any of the powers conferred  by  sub-section  (1),  a  disciplinary committee  may  send  to  any  civil  court  in  the territories  to  which  this  Act  extends,  any summons or other process, for the attendance of a  witness  or  the  production  of  a  document required  by  the  committee  or  any  commission which it desires to issue, and the civil court shall cause  such  process  to  be  served  or  such commission  to  be  issued,  as  the  case  may  be, and may enforce any such process as if it were a process  for  attendance  or  production  before itself.”

21. Relying on the said provisions, it is contended by the

learned  counsel  for  the  1st respondent  that  the  BCI  has

plenary powers to pass an order as it feels appropriate and

in  certain  cases  of  statutory  transfer  or  transferred  by

operation  of  law,  is  not  remanded,  there  would  be

enormous practical difficulties and injustice is likely to be

caused  and  sometimes  due  to  delinquent  advocate.   In

essence, the submission of the learned counsel for the said

respondent is that after transfer of inquiry, the BCI is not

mandatorily  commanded  by  law to  complete  the  enquiry

and pass an order as provided under Section 35(3) of the

Act.  He has also drawn inspiration from Section 49 that



Page 17

confers  power  on  the  BCI  for  discharging  the  functions

under the Act.  It is urged by him that Rule 18(5) of Part VII

of  the  Bar  Council  of  India  contemplates  an  order  of

remand if the language used is properly appreciated.  Rule

18(5) reads as follows:-

“Rule 18(5). On a consideration of the report of a State  Bar Council  or otherwise the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of India shall pass such orders as it considers proper.”

22. Thus,  the  question,  as  posed  earlier,  fundamentally

centres around the jurisdiction of the BCI.  As is discernible

from the language employed in Section 36B(1), the transfer

takes  place  by  operation  of   law.  There  is  a  further

command to BCI to dispose it off as if it were a proceeding

withdrawn for enquiry under sub-section (2) of Section 36.

Thus,  the  jurisdiction  for  conducting  the  enquiry  and

disposal  of  the complaint is  conferred on the BCI by the

mandate  of  the  Act.   The context,  the  intention and the

purpose is clear as crystal. The BCI is required to exercise

original jurisdiction that was to be exercised by the State

Bar Council.  



Page 18

23. To understand the language employed in a statutory

provision, one may recapitulate what Chinnappa Reddy, J.

had to say in Reserve Bank of India v. Peerless General

Finance and Investment Co. Ltd. and others1 :-  

“33. Interpretation must depend on the text and the context. They are the bases of interpretation. One  may  well  say  if  the  text  is  the  texture, context is what gives the colour. Neither can be ignored. Both are important. That interpretation is  best  which  makes  the  textual  interpretation match  the  contextual.  A  statute  is  best interpreted   when   we   know   why   it  was enacted. …”

24. Sabyasachi Mukharji, J. (as His Lordship then was) in

Atma Ram Mittal v. Ishwar Singh Punia2, emphasizing

on the intention of Parliament or, in other words, the will of

the people, observed:-  

“9.   … Blackstone tells  us that  the fairest and most rational method to interpret the will of the legislator  is  by  exploring  his  intentions  at  the time  when  the  law  was  made,  by  signs  most natural and probable. And these signs are either the  words,  the  context,  the  subject-matter,  the effects and consequence, or the spirit and reason of  the  law. (emphasis  by  the  court)  See Commentaries on the Laws of England (facsimile of 1st Edn. of 1765, University of Chicago Press, 1979, Vol. 1, p. 59). Mukherjea, J. as the learned Chief Justice then was, in Poppatlal Shah v. State

1 (1987) 1 SCC 424 2 (1988) 4 SCC 284



Page 19

of  Madras3 said  that  each  word,  phrase  or sentence  was  to  be  construed  in  the  light  of purpose  of  the  Act  itself.  But  words  must  be construed  with  imagination  of  purpose  behind them said Judge Learned Hand, a long time ago. It  appears,  therefore,  that  though  we  are concerned  with  seeking  of  intention,  we  are rather looking to the meaning of the words that the legislature has used and the true meaning of what  words  as  was  said  by  Lord  Reid  in Black-Clawson International  Ltd. v.  Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg  A.G.4.  We  are  clearly  of the opinion that having regard to the language we must find the reason and the spirit of the law. …”


25. In  S.  Gopal  Reddy  v.  State  of  A.P.5,  the  Court


“It  is  a  well-known  rule  of  interpretation  of statutes  that  the  text  and  the  context  of  the entire Act must be looked into while interpreting any  of  the  expressions  used  in  a  statute.  The courts must look to the object which the statute seeks  to  achieve  while  interpreting  any  of  the provisions of the Act. A purposive approach for interpreting the Act is necessary.”

26. In  High Court of Gujarat and another v. Gujarat

Kishan Mazdoor Panchayat and others6 while discussing

about the importance of the context, the Court stated thus:-

“38.  In  The  Interpretation  and  Application  of Statutes by Reed Dickerson, the author at p. 135 has discussed the subject while dealing with the

3 AIR 1953 SC 274 4 1975 AC 591 5 (1996) 4 SCC 596 6 (2003) 4 SCC 712



Page 20

importance  of  context  of  the  statute  in  the following terms:

“…  The essence of the language is to reflect, express,  and  perhaps  even  affect  the conceptual  matrix  of  established  ideas  and values that  identifies  the culture to which it belongs.  For  this  reason,  language  has  been called ‘conceptual map of human experience’.”

 27. The  aforesaid  authorities  give  stress  on  textual

interpretation  that  would  match  context  and  further  to

explore  the  intention  of  the  legislature.   The  authorities

further emphasise the words have to be understood regard

being had to the purpose behind it and hence, the concern

with the intention is basically to decipher the meaning of

the word that the legislature has placed on it.  When the

language employed under  Section 36B(1)  and Section 36

are  read  in  juxtaposition,  there  remains  no  scintilla  of

doubt  that  the  legislature  desired  that  the  disciplinary

proceedings are to be put an end to within a particular time

frame by the State Bar Council and if that is not done, the

whole thing gets transferred to the BCI, which is obliged to

cause an enquiry.  Thus understood, there can be no trace

of  doubt  that  the  original  jurisdiction  to  deal  with  the

complaint stands transferred to the BCI.  Once the original



Page 21

jurisdiction is transferred, to rely upon the language that

the  BCI  may  dispose  of  would  include  any  manner  of

disposal which would include a remand, cannot be thought

of.   That  is  neither  the  legislative  intendment  nor  the

legislative  purpose.   The  legislature,  as  we  find,  never

intended a complaint made against an Advocate either from

the perspective of the complainant or from the delinquent to

be transferred to BCI, again to be sent back.  

28. At  this  stage,  we  think  it  appropriate  to  state  that

there  is  a  distinction  between  an  appellate  jurisdiction

which the BCI exercises under Section 37 and the original

jurisdiction  under  Section  36B(1).   While  exercising  the

appellate jurisdiction, the BCI can remand the matter to the

State  Bar  Council.   In  this  context,  reference  to  a

three-Judge Bench in Narendra Singh v. Chhotey Singh

and another7, would be apt.  In the said case, the question

arose  with  regard  to  ambit  and  jurisdiction  of  the

Disciplinary  Committee  of  the  BCI  hearing  an  appeal

against an order of Disciplinary Committee of a State Bar

Council  made under Section 35.  Dealing with the same,

the Court held:-  7  (1983) 4 SCC 131



Page 22

“8.  …  appellate  body  enjoys  very  wide jurisdiction because it is competent to pass any order  as  it  may  deem  fit.  This  jurisdiction  of widest  amplitude  takes  within  its  sweep  the power  to  vary  the  punishment  which  would imply enhancement of punishment and the only obligation,  while  varying  or  enhancing  the punishment, on the appellate body is to hear the person who is likely to be prejudicially affected by such an order.”


29. The Court thereafter addressed the issue of scope and

ambit  of  jurisdiction  of  a  quasi-judicial  body  whose

jurisdiction  is  defined  in  such  as  “as  it  deems  fit”.   It

referred  to  the  authorities  in  Raja  Ram  Mahadev

Paranjype  v.  Aba  Maruti  Mali8 and  R v.  Boteler9 and

opined  that  the  discretionary  jurisdiction  has  to  be

exercised  keeping  in  view  the  purpose  for  which  it  is

conferred, the object sought to be achieved and the reasons

for granting such wide discretion.  A reference was made to

the decision in O.N. Mahindroo v. District Judge, Delhi10

wherein this  Court  has  held  that  dealing with an appeal

under  Section  38,  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Court  was  not

restricted, for the Court is dealing with an appeal not only

on law but also on appeal on facts.  In the said decision,

8 1962 Supp. 1 SCR 739; AIR 1962 SC 753 9 (1864) 33 LJMC 101 : 122 ER 718 10 (1971)  3 SCC 5  



Page 23

examining the amplitude of power including the power to

review, the Court observed:-  

“Such powers may be exercised in a suitable case for or against an advocate even after the matter has gone through the hands of the Disciplinary Committee  at  some stage  or  even through this Court.  These  matters  are  also  not  governed by the  analogy  of  autrefois  convict  or  autrefois acquit  in  the  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure. Disciplinary proceedings against a lawyer involve not  only  the  particular  lawyer  but  the  entire profession. The reputation of the legal profession is  the  sum  total  of  the  reputation  of  the practitioners. The honour of the lawyer and the purity  of  the  profession  are  the  primary considerations and they are intermixed.”


After so stating, the Court observed that a disciplinary

proceeding against a member of a profession whose services

are made available to society as a whole is to be involved as

between  the  profession  and  its  erring  manner  and  not

between  the  complainant  and  delinquent  advocate.

Emphasis has been laid on the said aspect to determine the

jurisdiction of the bodies set up to carry out the purposes of

the Act.  

30. Thereafter, the Court adverted to the facts of the case

and  found  that  the  Disciplinary  Committee  of  the  Bar

Council  of  India  was  not  satisfied  with  reference  to  the



Page 24

disposal  of  third  head  of  charge  by  the  Disciplinary

Committee of the State Bar Council, and merely remanded

the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of the State Bar

Council  to  assign  reasons  for  its  decision.  The  said

direction, as the Court held, was certainly within the powers

of  the  appellate  body  as  it  had  jurisdiction  to  decide  an

appeal ‘as it deems fit’,  and while so deciding, it was not

hedged in by the technical rule of appeal against acquittal.  

31. Learned counsel for the 1st respondent would submit

that  the  words  “pass  such  orders  as  it  considers

appropriate” would clothe the BCI with the jurisdiction to

remand  the  matter  to  the  State  Bar  Council.   We  have

already referred to the statutory scheme and the purposes

of the legislation.  As has been held in  Narendra Singh

(supra) the disciplinary authority can remand the matter in

exercise of appellate jurisdiction.  There can be no shadow

of doubt that the BCI, while exercising original jurisdiction

on transfer  of  a  complaint,  cannot  exercise  the  appellate

jurisdiction.  Therefore, the order passed by the disciplinary

authority  by  placing  reliance  on  its  rules  is  wholly




Page 25

32. Having  expressed  our  opinion,  ordinarily  we  would

have proceeded to record the formal part of the judgment.

But  a  significant  aspect  deserves  to  be  addressed.   It

pertains  to  the  nobility  of  legal  profession.   In  Sanjiv

Dutta,  Dy.  Secretary,  Ministry  of  Information  &

Broadcasting,  In re11,  the Court,  taking note  of  various

instances  which  deserve  to  be  described  as  unfortunate,

both  for  the  legal  profession  and  the  administration  of

justice, observed thus:-

“The  legal  profession  is  a  solemn  and  serious occupation. It is a noble calling and all those who belong  to  it  are  its  honourable  members. Although the entry to the profession can be had by acquiring merely the qualification of technical competence, the honour as a professional has to be maintained by its members by their exemplary conduct both in and outside the court. The legal profession is different from other professions in that  what  the  lawyers  do,  affects  not  only  an individual but the administration of justice which is the foundation of the civilised society. Both as a  leading  member  of  the  intelligentsia  of  the society and as a responsible citizen,  the lawyer has to conduct himself as a model for others both in his professional and in his private and public life. The society has a right to expect of him such ideal behaviour.”

33. The Court further stated:-

11  (1995) 3 SCC 619



Page 26

“If the profession is to survive, the judicial system has to be vitalised. No service will be too small in making  the  system  efficient,  effective  and credible.  The  casualness  and  indifference  with which some members practise the profession are certainly not calculated to achieve that purpose or to enhance the prestige either of the profession or  of  the  institution they are serving.  If  people lose confidence in the profession on account of the deviant ways of some of its members, it is not only the profession which will suffer but also the administration of justice as a whole. The present trend unless checked is likely to lead to a stage when  the  system  will  be  found  wrecked  from within before it is wrecked from outside.”  

34. With  the  aforesaid  observations,  the  Court  expected

that aberration will be less.  Though the said observations

had  its  impact,  the  misconduct  on  the  part  of  some

Advocates still continues.  

35. In  Sudha  v.  President,  Advocates  Association,

Chennai and others12,  the Court, while dealing with the

directions issued by the High Court of Madras regarding the

management of Madras High Court Advocates Association,

noted various facts, adverted to the resolutions passed by

the Tellers Committee, devices adopted by the Committee

constituted for peaceful meeting, and observed:-

“Many a time it is noticed that those who are not lawyers  get  entry  into  the  Association  room by

12  (2010) 14 SCC 114



Page 27

putting  on merely  black coat  as at  the  time of election  the  feelings  are  running  high.  Such elements take undue advantage of the situation and bring a bad name to the Association of the advocates. Therefore, to deter such elements the amendments  have  been  carried  out  in  the bye-laws. Those amendments carried out in the bye-laws  of  the  Association  can  hardly  be regarded as against the legal fraternity in general and  as  against  junior  members  of  the  Bar  in particular.”

36. In the context of the said case, the two-Judge Bench

felt obliged to say:-

“The  legal  profession  is  different  from  other professions in that what the lawyers do, affects not only an individual but the administration of justice  which  is  the  foundation  of  the  civilised society.  Both  as  a  leading  member  of  the intelligentsia of the society and as an intelligent citizen,  the lawyer has to conduct himself  as a model for others both in his professional and in his private and public life.”

37. The  aforesaid  expression  shows  nature  of  the

profession and the expectation from the society  from the

members of the legal profession.  

38. In  Dhanraj  Singh  Choudhary  v.  Nathulal

Vishwakarma13,  it has been observed that an Advocate’s

attitude  towards  dealing  with  his  client  has  to  be

scrupulously  honest  and  fair  and  the  punishment  for 13  (2012) 1 SCC 741



Page 28

professional  misconduct  has  twin  objectives  –  deterrence

and correction.   

39. Having noted these authorities,  we may recapitulate

what Krishna Iyer, J. had to say in V.C. Rangadurai v. D.

Gopalan and others14:-

“5.  Law’s  nobility  as  a profession lasts  only  so long as the members maintain their commitment to integrity and service to the community.”

40. In  this  regard,  a  speech  from  Eulogy  of  Judges by

Piero Calamandrei15 would be seemly:-

“The difference between the true lawyer and those men who consider the law merely a trade is that the latter seek to find ways to permit their clients to violate the moral standards of society without over-stepping  the  letter  of  the  law,  while  the former  look  for  principles  which  will  persuade their clients to keep within the limits of the spirit of the law in common moral standards.”

41. We  have  a  purpose  in  referring  to  the  aforesaid

pronouncements.  A lawyer is treated as a part of the noble

profession and expected as an elite member of the society,

to  be  professionally  responsible  and  constantly  remind

himself that his services are rendered to the consumers of

justice.   As  has  been  held  in  Pandurang  Dattatraya 14  (1979) 1 SCC 308 15  Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1946), p.45.



Page 29

Khandekar  v.  Bar  Council  of  Maharashtra,  Bombay

and ohters16, an advocate stands in a loco parentis towards

the litigants.  He has a paramount duty to his client and

client is entitled to receive disinterested, sincere and honest


42. Once a complaint is made by a litigant, it has to follow

a definite procedure and is required to be dealt with as per

the  command  of  the  Act  to  conclude  the  disciplinary

proceeding  within  a  period  of  one  year  from the  date  of

receipt  of  the  complaint  or  the  date  of  initiation  of  the

proceedings at the instance of the State Bar Council.  On

many an occasion, it has come to the notice of this Court

that disciplinary authority of the State Bar Council is not

disposing of the complaint within the stipulated period, as a

consequence of which the proceeding stands transferred to

the BCI.   The responsibility  to deal  with the disciplinary

proceedings  is  cast  on  the  State  Bar  Council  which

constitutes its disciplinary committee.  Every member of the

Disciplinary Committee is aware that the proceeding has to

be concluded within one year.   The complainant and the

16  (1984) 2 SCC 556



Page 30

delinquent  advocate  are  required to  cooperate.  Not  to  do

something  what  one  is  required  to  do,  tantamount  to

irresponsibility  and  the  prestige  of  an  institution  or  a

statutory  body inheres in carrying out  the  responsibility.

One may not be always right in the decision but that does

not mean to be shirking away from taking a decision and

allow the matter to be transferred by operation of law to the

BCI.  A statutory authority is obliged to constantly remind

itself that the mandate of the statute is expediency and the

stipulation of time is mandatory.  It will not be erroneous to

say that the Disciplinary Committee is expected to perform

its  duty  within  a  time  frame  and  not  to  create  a

blameworthy situation.  It is better to remember offering an

explanation  to  one’s  own  conscience  is  like  blaming

everything on “accident”.   When duties are given by law,

duties are required to be performed.  

43. In view of what we have stated above, we think it will

be advisable that the State Bar Councils take a periodical

stock of cases in each meeting with regard to the progress

of the Disciplinary Committee, find out the cause of delay

and guide themselves to act with expediency so that  the



Page 31

Council, as a statutory body, does its duty as commanded

under the Act.

44. In view of the aforesaid, we allow the appeal, set aside

the order passed by the Disciplinary Committee of the BCI

and remand the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of the

BCI to decide the same in accordance with law within a

period of three months from the date of receipt of copy of

this judgment.  Registry is directed to send a copy of this

judgment  to  all  the  Secretaries  of  each of  the  State  Bar

Council, who in turn can apprise the members of the State

Bar  Council  so  that  appropriate  steps  are  taken.   There

shall be no order as to costs.  

.............................J. [Dipak Misra]

............................ J.                                                              [A.M. Khanwilkar]

New Delhi April 06, 2017